
Size Species, Alignment

  • Armor Class 10 (Add further armor + dex)
  • Hit Points add
  • Speed 30ft.

big (+small) big (+small) big (+small) big (+small) big (+small) big (+small)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages
  • Challenge



Name Ranged Weapon Attack: +X to hit, Range x/yft., one target, Hit x (xdx + x) x damage

Name Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit x (xdx + x) x damage



Adeptus Administratum

The Adeptus Administratum, often referred to simply as the Administratum, is the administrative and bureaucratic division of the Adeptus Terra, the heart of the gigantic bureaucracy that controls the government of the Imperium of Man, consisting of untold billions of clerks, scribes and administrative staff constantly working to manage the Imperium at every level, from assembling war fleets to levying taxes.

It is the largest of the departments comprising the Adeptus Terra, and ten billion Administratum adepts work in the Imperial Palace on Terra alone.

Its billions of officials on Holy Terra and throughout the galaxy are constantly carrying out population censuses, working out Imperial Tithes, recording and archiving information, and the million other things that are necessary for the running of the Imperium.

Such is its immense size, that whole departments of the Administratum have been submerged by a sea of complex bureaucracy, becoming lost in loops of paper trails.

Other departments have continued to dogmatically operate and carry out their founding function, even if the intent and requirement behind them no longer even exists.



Administratum Adept

Medium Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 12 (Heavy Robes)
  • Hit Points 4 (1d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic
  • Challenge

Archivator A Scholastic Lore or Forbidden Lore test utilising sources of recorded information of any sort can re-roll with -2.

Master of Paperwork An Administratum Adept can increase or reduce the Availability of a particular kind of equipment (such as tools or drugs), ranged weapons, melee weapons or armor.

Proficiencies in any One (1) Trade, Common Lore (Imperium), Scholastic Lore (Bureacracy)

Cybernetics (Choose One)

Calculus Logi Upgrade This implant grants the user a +2 bonus to Linguistics, Logic, and Scholastic Lore Tests.

Memorance Implant It provides a +2 bonus to Trade (Remembrancer) tests or other tests in social situations where the recorded information provides leverage or value as well as the Total Recall Talent.

Administratum Ordinate

Medium Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 12 (Heavy Robes)
  • Hit Points 4 (1d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic
  • Challenge

Archivator A Scholastic Lore or Forbidden Lore test utilising sources of recorded information of any sort can re-roll with -2.

Talented (Logic, Scholastic Lore Bureacracy) Choose any one of your Skills. You gain a +2 bonus to Tests when using this Skill.

Constant Vigilance (Int) Can use Per or Int instead of Ag for Initiative rolls, and rolls two dice (picking higher) for the result.

Mastery (Logic, Scholastic Lore (Bureacracy) May spend Fate point to succeed on test if the final modifier to his skill test is Challenging (+0) or better, score a number of degrees of success equal to the characteristic bonus.

Frozen Assets An Ordinate has the ability to freeze assets and limit a target’s purchasing power. Once per week, An Ordinate may make a Challenging (+0) Opposed Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy) Test versus a target’s Influence. If he succeeds, he temporarily reduces the target’s Influence by 1 per Degree of Success. These assets are not lost, and the target may recover Influence if the Ordinate (or another Administratum official) gives the order to lift the freeze. Otherwise, the target recovers Influence lost this way automatically, at a rate of 1 per month (as he slowly regains access to his assets).

Peer (Administratum) (3) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X. Additionally, when the character acquires his talent, also increases his Influence by 1.

Calculus Logi Upgrade This implant grants the user a +2 bonus to Linguistics, Logic, and Scholastic Lore Tests.

Memorance Implant It provides a +2 bonus to Trade (Remembrancer) tests or other tests in social situations where the recorded information provides leverage or value as well as the Total Recall Talent.

Scribe Tines This implant gives the user a +2 bonus to all Lore Skill Tests.

Proficiencies in any One (1) Trade, Common Lore (Administratum, Arbites, Navis Nobilite, Rogue Traders, Imperium), Scholastic Lore (Bureacracy), Scrutiny, Commerce




Medium Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 13 (Imperial Robes)
  • Hit Points 9 (2d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 13 (+1)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic
  • Challenge 2 (140 XP)

Disarm As a Full Action, may make an Opposed Weapon Skill test and force opponent to drop weapon. If 3 or more DoS, can steal weapon.

Iron Jaw Test Challenging (+0) Toughness Test to overcome Stunning.

Keen Intuition Can retry Awareness test once with -2 modifier.

Takedown Make special attack to stun opponent.

Proficiencies in Awareness, Scrutiny


Autogun Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, Range 90/270ft., one target, Hit 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage

Side Handle Baton Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage


Medium Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 12 (Heavy Robes)
  • Hit Points 4 (1d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic
  • Challenge

Archivator A Scholastic Lore or Forbidden Lore test utilising sources of recorded information of any sort can re-roll with -2.

Total Recall The character can automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information the character might feasibly have picked up in the past. When dealing with more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a defence network, the GM may require a successful Intelligence Test to recall the information.

Mindtrap Maze The character may add twice his Intelligence Bonus to any Opposed Willpower Test that he must make because of another creature’s psychic power. If he wins this Opposed Test, the psyker attempting to tamper with his mind gains one level of Fatigue for every 2 Degrees of Disparity.

Talented (Trade (Remembrancer)) You gain a +2 bonus to Tests when using this Skill.

Orthoproxy The character receives a +4 bonus to Wisdom Tests made to resist mind control or interrogation. However, he tends not to get jokes.

Proficiencies in Trade (Remembrancer)



Adeptys Astra Telepathica

The Adeptus Astra Telepathica, known simply as the Astra Telepathica before the Horus Heresy, is an adepta of the Adeptus Terra responsible for the recruitment and training of psykers in the service of the Imperium of Man.

In the time before the reformation of the Imperium after the Horus Heresy, the Astra Telepathica was responsible for overseeing the psychic beacon of the Astronomican and for administering the communications duties of astrotelepaths.

The former duty was eventually handed over to a new organisation, the Adeptus Astronomica, after the end of the Heresy. The Adeptus Astra Telepathica is currently headquartered in a vast palace complex on Terra called the Obsidian Keep.

The Adeptus Astra Telepathica finds, recruits and trains the majority of Imperial psykers, who become known as Sanctioned Psykers. Most die during testing, but those who survive might become sanctioned into duty with the Astra Militarum or become Astropaths of the Adeptus Astronomica.

Some very few might even take up service with the Inquisition, rising to become psychically-potent Inquisitors themselves.

Though never fully trusted, the Adeptus Astra Telepathica-trained Primaris Psykers or formations of Wyrdvane Psykers are valuable assets to any Imperial military commander, even if they are deeply feared by their superstitious comrades.




Medium Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 12 (Robes)
  • Hit Points 9 (2d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
  • Challenge

Peer (Adeptus Astra Telepathica) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X.

Resistance (Psychic Powers) Gain +2 bonus to a particular resistance test.

Strong Minded May reroll failed WP tests to resist psychic powers.

Total Recall The character can automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information the character might feasibly have picked up in the past. When dealing with more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a defence network, the GM may require a successful Intelligence Test to recall the information.

Warp Sense Allows Psyniscience test as Free Action. He can also passively detect psychic effects and entities without the need to actively seek them out. Whenever the character could detect such a Warp signature or a creature, the GM can allow him to make a Psyniscience Skill Test to detect it, in the same way he could use Awareness to spot an ambush without knowing it is there.

Additionally a character with this Talent may ignore the effects of being Blinded, as their transcendent understanding of the material universe is superior to any bafflement that could normally be caused.

Psyker (PR3) Broadcast Thoughts, Erasure, Psychic Shriek, Telepathic Link, Astral Telepathy

Soul Bound A soul bound psyker rolls an extra die when forced to roll on Perils of the Warp, then replaces either the ones die or the tens die with the extra die he rolled to determine the final result.

Unnatural Senses (50) The creature can perceive its surroundings using senses other than sight or hearing, such as special organs, fine hairs, or some other disturbing ability. This trait always includes a range in metres indicated by the number in parentheses (X).

Psy Conductor his implant can only be taken by characters with the Psyker Trait. It allows them to use Psychic Actions in Voidship Combat and to use the Astral Telepathy Special use of Thought Sending.

Proficiencies in Psyniscience, Forbidden Lore (Astra Telepathica, Warp)


Staff Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit x (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage



Black Sentinel

Medium Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 15 (Flak Armor)
  • Hit Points 18 (4d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

13 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic
  • Challenge

Peer (Adeptus Astra Telepathica) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X.

Bodyguard After an enemy makes a successful attack against an ally, the character may use a Reaction to move up to his Half Move distance in order to interpose himself between the attacker and target. The attack is then resolved against the character instead of the original target. In the case of a melee attack, the character may also attempt to Parry the attack as part of his Reaction.

Double Team Gain an additional +2 for outnumbering the opponent.

Rapid Reload Reduce reload time by half time

Disarm As a Full Action, may make an Opposed Weapon Skill test and force the opponent to drop the weapon. If 3 or more DoS, can steal weapons.

Takedown As a Half Action, or when making a Charge Action, the character may declare that he is attempting a takedown against an opponent in melee combat.

He then rolls to hit (using his Weapon Skill) as normal, using any modifiers for weapons and Talents (or the +4 bonus from Charging). If the character hits and would have done at least 1 point of Damage (after reduction for Armour and Toughness), no Wounds are caused, but the character’s opponent must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or be stunned for 1 Round and knocked prone. In addition, when performing a Stun Action, the character does not suffer a –4 penalty to his Weapon Skill.

Resistance (Psychic Powers) Gain +2 bonus to a particular resistance test.

Strong Minded May reroll failed WIS tests to resist psychic powers.

Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) Attacks with two weapons count as being part of the same Half Action, and both tests made to attack with the weapons suffer a -4 penalty.

Ambidextrous The character may use either hand equally well for any task, and does not suffer the –4 penalty for actions using their off hand. When combined with Two-Weapon Wielder, the penalty for attacks with both weapons in the same turn drops to -2.

Armor of Contempt Whenever the character gains Corruption Points, reduce the total by 1, to a minimum of 0. With a successful Willpower Test, taken as an any-time Free Action, he may ignore the effects of accumulated Corruption Points for 1 Round.

Meditation Success on a Wisdom Test and ten minutes without interruptions removes one level of Fatigue.

Blademaster When attacking with any bladed weapon, can re-roll one missed attack per round.

The Constant Threat When the character or an ally within 10 metres triggers a roll on Psychic Phenomenon, the Adeptus Astra Telepathica character can increase or decrease the result by amount equal to his Willpower bonus.

Proficiencies in Athletics


M36 Lasgun Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, Range 100/300ft., one target, Hit 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage

2x Short Swords Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage



Astropathicus Envoy

Medium Human, Neutral Evil

  • Armor Class 15 (Concealed Mesh Vest)
  • Hit Points 9 (2d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

13 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages
  • Challenge

Peer (Adeptus Astra Telepathica) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X.

Accustomed to Crowds The character’s movement is not hindered when moving through packed crowds. Additionally, when leaving melee without performing a Disengage Action, the character may perform an Awareness Test to prevent enemies from making free attacks against him.

Air of Authority On a successful Command Test, you may affect a number of targets equal to 1d10 plus your Charisma Bonus. Such is the authority in your voice that even those who are not in your service jump to attention when you speak. You may attempt to get non-servants to follow your commands by making a Command Test with a –2 penalty.

Clues from the Crowd Once per day, he can re-roll a test made to gather information from a group of people.

Cold Reading Prior to making a Commerce or Charm Test, the character may make a Deceive Test opposed by the target’s Wisdom or Scrutiny. If the Deceive Test is a success, the character has hooked the target into giving up some vital information and the character may then make a Challenging (+0) Scrutiny Test to assess the importance of the information gained.

Contact Network Use a willing contacts’ Influence for Requisition tests.

Ears to the Ground The character gains +4 to Commerce Tests when trading or selling goods. Furthermore, the character has learned to avoid official attention from the Arbites and other disciplinary bodies, and gains +2 to Deceive Tests to avoid or deflect such notices about these dealings.

Archivator A Scholastic Lore or Forbidden Lore test utilising sources of recorded information of any sort can re-roll with -2.

Talented (Logic, Scholastic Lore (Bureacracy), Perception) Choose any one of your Skills. You gain a +2 bonus to Tests when using this Skill.

Constant Vigilance (WIS) Can use Per or Int instead of Ag for Initiative rolls, and rolls two dice (picking higher) for the result.

Proficiencies in Deception, Persuasion, Perception


Laspistol Ranged Weapon Attack: +1to hit, Range 30/90ft., one target, Hit 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage




Medium Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 12 (Robes)
  • Hit Points 9 (2d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
  • Challenge

Peer (Adeptus Astra Telepathica) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X.

Resistance (Psychic Powers) Gain +2 bonus to a particular resistance test.

Strong Minded May reroll failed WP tests to resist psychic powers.

Total Recall The character can automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information the character might feasibly have picked up in the past. When dealing with more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a defence network, the GM may require a successful Intelligence Test to recall the information.

Warp Sense Allows Psyniscience test as Free Action. He can also passively detect psychic effects and entities without the need to actively seek them out. Whenever the character could detect such a Warp signature or a creature, the GM can allow him to make a Psyniscience Skill Test to detect it, in the same way he could use Awareness to spot an ambush without knowing it is there.

Additionally a character with this Talent may ignore the effects of being Blinded, as their transcendent understanding of the material universe is superior to any bafflement that could normally be caused.

Psychic Communion The Psyker is trained in the skill of combining his power with others. Only Psykers with this Talent may act as a focus or lend their own psychic power to an attempt to Combine Powers.

Psyker (PR3)

Soul Bound A soul bound psyker rolls an extra die when forced to roll on Perils of the Warp, then replaces either the ones die or the tens die with the extra die he rolled to determine the final result.

Psy Conductor his implant can only be taken by characters with the Psyker Trait. It allows them to use Psychic Actions in Voidship Combat and to use the Astral Telepathy Special use of Thought Sending.

Choose one of the following Disciplines

Biomancy Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Manipulation Techniques Influence, Cloud Senses, Enfeeble, Life Leech, Choke, Truth Seeker

Metamorphosis Techniques Invigorate, Cellular Control, Bio Lightning, Smite, Warp Speed, Chitin Shell

Medicae Techniques Staunch Bleeding, Seal Wounds, Endurance, Dull Pain, Regenerate, Toxic Siphon

Divination Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Manipulation Techniques Warp Perception, Glimpse, Precognitive Strike, In Harms Way, Prescience, Scriers Gaze,

Extrasensory Perception Techniques Aura Reading, Personal Augury, Psychometry, Auto-Seance, Divining The Future

Pyromancy Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Control Techniques Douse Flames, Endure Flames, Ferrous Manipulation, Molten Fist, Hoar Frost, Firewalk

Precision Techniques Call Flame, Cauterize, Spontaneous Combustion, Fire Bolt, Blinding Flash, Flashbang

Manipulation Techniques Manipulate Flame, Flame Breath, Inferno, Fire Shield, Sunburst, Wall of Fire

Telekinesis Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Control Techniques Telekinetic Controls, Assail, Crush, Precision Telekinesis, Entangle, Levitation

Force Techniques Mind over Matter, Telekine Dome, Shockwave, Psycho-Kinetic Spikes, Force Bolt, Telekine Shield

Technopath Techniques Fragment Image, White Noise, Weapon Jinx, Repair Machine, Haywire, Objuration Mechanicum

Telepathy Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Domnation Techniques Broadcast Thoughts, Psychic Shriek, Dominate, Seed Mind, See me Not, Puppet Master

Communication Techniques Telepathic Link, Short Range Telepathy, Psi-Track, Spiked Mind, , Mind Link, Mind Probe

Psychosomatic Illusion Techniques Inspire, Deja Vu, Fearful Aura, Hallucination, Terrify, Distort Vision

Enunciator Powers: Overload, Manifest Guilt, Speak Truth, Detect Lie, Demoralize, Punish Mind

Psi Marshal Powers: Overload, Litany of Penitence, Distraction, Embolden, Cipher Seed, Sensory Tracking

Proficiencies in Psyniscience, Forbidden Lore (Astra Telepathica, Warp)


Staff Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit x (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage



Templar Calix

Medium Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 16 (Mesh Cloak)
  • Hit Points 44 (8d8+8)
  • Speed 30ft.

16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
  • Challenge

Ambidextrous The character may use either hand equally well for any task, and does not suffer the –4 penalty for actions using their off hand. When combined with Two-Weapon Wielder, the penalty for attacks with both weapons in the same turn drops to -2.

Armor of Contempt Whenever the character gains Corruption Points, reduce the total by 1, to a minimum of 0. With a successful Willpower Test, taken as an any-time Free Action, he may ignore the effects of accumulated Corruption Points for 1 Round.

Bodyguard After an enemy makes a successful attack against an ally, the character may use a Reaction to move up to his Half Move distance in order to interpose himself between the attacker and target. The attack is then resolved against the character instead of the original target. In the case of a melee attack, the character may also attempt to Parry the attack as part of his Reaction.

Meditation Success on a Wisdom Test and ten minutes without interruptions removes one level of Fatigue.

Blademaster When attacking with any bladed weapon, can re-roll one missed attack per round.

Blind Fighting Ignores all penalties for fighting with a melee weapon while suffering from obscured vision

Disarm As a Full Action, may make an Opposed Weapon Skill test and force the opponent to drop the weapon. If 3 or more DoS, can steal weapons.

Precise Blow When making a Called Shot melee attack, the character reduces the penalty by 2 (so a –4 becomes a –2 instead). If combined with Sure Strike, this reduces the penalty to 0.

Lightning Reflexes When making an Initiative Roll, the character may roll twice and add the highest of the two dice results to his Dexterity Bonus. When the character is maintaining Overwatch, they may reroll a failed Opposed Dexterity Test to determine if they or the character triggering the Overwatch act first. Additionally, when surprised or ambushed, a successful Agility Test allows the character to act normally.

Combat Master Opponents get no bonus for outnumbering the character.

Assassin Strike After making an attack (ranged or melee), a successful Challenging (+0) Acrobatics Skill Test allows the character to make a Half Action Move as an in-turn Free Action. He may only make this move once per round, and the character’s opponent does not receive a free attack resulting from the character leaving melee range without Disengaging.

Counter Attack May make a Standard Attack after successful Parry with -4 to Weapon Skill.

Lightning Attack The character can make the Lightning Attack Action.

Step Aside The character may make an additional Dodge once per Round. In effect this gives him a second Reaction that may only be used to Dodge, allowing two Dodges in a Turn. However, he may still only attempt a single Dodge against one attack.

Peer (Adeptus Astra Telepathica) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X.

Resistance (Psychic Powers) Gain +2 bonus to a particular resistance test.

Strong Minded May reroll failed WP tests to resist psychic powers.

Total Recall The character can automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information the character might feasibly have picked up in the past. When dealing with more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a defence network, the GM may require a successful Intelligence Test to recall the information.

Warp Sense Allows Psyniscience test as Free Action. He can also passively detect psychic effects and entities without the need to actively seek them out. Whenever the character could detect such a Warp signature or a creature, the GM can allow him to make a Psyniscience Skill Test to detect it, in the same way he could use Awareness to spot an ambush without knowing it is there.

Additionally a character with this Talent may ignore the effects of being Blinded, as their transcendent understanding of the material universe is superior to any bafflement that could normally be caused.

Psyker (PR4)

Soul Bound A soul bound psyker rolls an extra die when forced to roll on Perils of the Warp, then replaces either the ones die or the tens die with the extra die he rolled to determine the final result.

Psy Conductor his implant can only be taken by characters with the Psyker Trait. It allows them to use Psychic Actions in Voidship Combat and to use the Astral Telepathy Special use of Thought Sending.

Choose one of the following Disciplines

Biomancy Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Manipulation Techniques Influence, Cloud Senses, Enfeeble, Life Leech, Choke, Truth Seeker

Metamorphosis Techniques Invigorate, Cellular Control, Bio Lightning, Smite, Warp Speed, Chitin Shell

Medicae Techniques Staunch Bleeding, Seal Wounds, Endurance, Dull Pain, Regenerate, Toxic Siphon

Divination Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Manipulation Techniques Warp Perception, Glimpse, Precognitive Strike, In Harms Way, Prescience, Scriers Gaze,

Extrasensory Perception Techniques Aura Reading, Personal Augury, Psychometry, Auto-Seance, Divining The Future

Pyromancy Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Control Techniques Douse Flames, Endure Flames, Ferrous Manipulation, Molten Fist, Hoar Frost, Firewalk

Precision Techniques Call Flame, Cauterize, Spontaneous Combustion, Fire Bolt, Blinding Flash, Flashbang

Manipulation Techniques Manipulate Flame, Flame Breath, Inferno, Fire Shield, Sunburst, Wall of Fire

Telekinesis Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Control Techniques Telekinetic Controls, Assail, Crush, Precision Telekinesis, Entangle, Levitation

Force Techniques Mind over Matter, Telekine Dome, Shockwave, Psycho-Kinetic Spikes, Force Bolt, Telekine Shield

Technopath Techniques Fragment Image, White Noise, Weapon Jinx, Repair Machine, Haywire, Objuration Mechanicum



Telepathy Powers: The below techniques or 6 other Powers

Domnation Techniques Broadcast Thoughts, Psychic Shriek, Dominate, Seed Mind, See me Not, Puppet Master

Communication Techniques Telepathic Link, Short Range Telepathy, Psi-Track, Spiked Mind, , Mind Link, Mind Probe

Psychosomatic Illusion Techniques Inspire, Deja Vu, Fearful Aura, Hallucination, Terrify, Distort Vision

Enunciator Powers: Overload, Manifest Guilt, Speak Truth, Detect Lie, Demoralize, Punish Mind

Psi Marshal Powers: Overload, Litany of Penitence, Distraction, Embolden, Cipher Seed, Sensory Tracking

The Constant Threat When the character or an ally within 10 metres triggers a roll on Psychic Phenomenon, the Adeptus Astra Telepathica character can increase or decrease the result by amount equal to his Willpower bonus.

Proficiencies in Psyniscience, Forbidden Lore (Astra Telepathica, Warp), Dodge, Acrobatics,


Force Staff Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit x (1d10 + 3) bludgeoning damage

cat warrior



Primaris Psyker

Medium Human, Lawful Neutral

  • Armor Class 17 (Carapace Chestplate w/ Hex Warding, Robes)
  • Hit Points 18 (4d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

13 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
  • Challenge

Peer (Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Imperial Guard) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X.

Resistance (Psychic Powers) Gain +2 bonus to a particular resistance test.

Strong Minded May reroll failed WP tests to resist psychic powers.

Total Recall The character can automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information the character might feasibly have picked up in the past. When dealing with more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a defence network, the GM may require a successful Intelligence Test to recall the information.

Warp Sense Allows Psyniscience test as Free Action. He can also passively detect psychic effects and entities without the need to actively seek them out. Whenever the character could detect such a Warp signature or a creature, the GM can allow him to make a Psyniscience Skill Test to detect it, in the same way he could use Awareness to spot an ambush without knowing it is there.

Additionally a character with this Talent may ignore the effects of being Blinded, as their transcendent understanding of the material universe is superior to any bafflement that could normally be caused.

Aether Shield The character may make an additional psychic Reaction once per Round. In effect this gives him a second Reaction that may only be used to use a Psychic Power that requires a Reaction to activate, allowing two psychic Reactions in a Turn. He may also instead use this to activate a Psychic Hood’s Reaction function. However, he may still only attempt a single Reaction against one attack.

Meditation Success on a Wisdom Test and ten minutes without interruptions removes one level of Fatigue.

Mental Fortitude The character gains a +4 bonus on all Tests to resist gaining Corruption or Insanity Points, and on all Tests to resist any mind-influencing effects (including but not limited to psychic powers) that would subvert, cloud, alter, or control his mind.

Psy-Warder When the psyker or an ally within 10 metres becomes the target of a psychic power, the psyker may voluntarily suffer any number of levels of Fatigue. Each level of Fatigue suffered grants the target a +2 bonus on any Opposed test to resist the power or Evasion test to avoid its effects. If the target’s test to resist or avoid the power results in a roll of doubles, the psyker generates Psychic Phenomena, just as if he had used the Focus Power action.

Warp Lock Ignore Psychic Phenomenon once per session. Suffers 1d4 Energy damage to the Head location (not reduced by Armour or Toughness) as a result, and cannot make any Focus Power tests or sustain other psychic powers until the beginning of his next turn.

Psyker (PR6)

Soul Bound A soul bound psyker rolls an extra die when forced to roll on Perils of the Warp, then replaces either the ones die or the tens die with the extra die he rolled to determine the final result.

Psy Conductor his implant can only be taken by characters with the Psyker Trait. It allows them to use Psychic Actions in Voidship Combat and to use the Astral Telepathy Special use of Thought Sending.

Psychic Powers: All from any one discipline

Proficiencies in Psyniscience, Forbidden Lore (Astra Telepathica, Warp, Psykers), Scholastic Lore (Cryptology)


Force Staff Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit x (1d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage



Merchant Fleets

The Chartist Captains are the commanders of the state-owned merchant starships that are the primary commercial vessels of the Imperium of Man and belong to the Imperial Merchant Fleets. They are called Chartists because every captain and his voidship must have a Merchant Charter granted by the Administratum in the Segmentum of the galaxy that their route takes them through.

The space lanes of the Imperium are plied by huge, often ancient, merchant starships commanded by the Chartist Captains. Lacking Navigators and sometimes even Astropaths to guide them through the Warp or maintain communication with the rest of the Imperium, these civilian voidcraft take Terran years to travel their pre-planned, circuitous routes between the stars, trading and bringing supplies to worlds which need them.

The starships of the Chartist Captains are the only contact many worlds have with the galaxy at large, and to some primitive worlds their arrivals are long-prophesied events of great spiritual significance. Similarly, the reports of Chartist Captains are the only evidence that many human-settled worlds still exist at all.

The route of each starship, set down in its charter written up by the Adeptus Terra, can take generations to complete and a Chartist starship is home to a spacefaring community of “Void Born” souls who can live and die without ever setting foot on the surface of a planet.

Chartist Captains are not Rogue Traders, and are not given the nearly limitless power of a Warrant of Trade. However, unlike Rogue Traders, they sometimes garner enough political power to be represented on the Senatorum Imperialis of the High Lords of Terra. Chartist Captains are also ensured a level of financial security unknown to Rogue Traders by virtue of their route being approved and made stable by a Segmentum Lord or equally powerful individual within a Segmentum government.

It is not unknown for Chartist ships to follow the path of an Imperial Crusade or other warfleet, delivering supplies to Imperial forces left behind on conquered worlds, though their lack of Navigators means they cannot hope to maintain pace with the galaxy-crossing warships of the Imperial Navy.



Free Trade Captain

Medium Human, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 12 (Reinforced Uniform)
  • Hit Points 9 (2d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

13 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages
  • Challenge

Peer (Voidborn) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X.



Hotshot Laspistol Ranged Weapon Attack: +X to hit, Range 20/60ft., one target, Hit 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage




To enforce every mandate within the Lex Imperialis is a nearly impossible task; even the truncated Dictates Imperialis is a daunting endeavor. These codices of law are so enormous and erudite that few individuals can claim to know all of their secrets or loopholes. Even the Judges of the Arbites must regularly confer with archive-savants and librarium cogitation engines in order to make their rulings. Working for the Enforcers or powerful Nobles during the all-too-rare trials, the legal experts, known to the people of the Imperium as the magistratum, make up a group of rare legal minds. These steadfast scholars spend decades poring over their sector’s local Dictates Imperialis, learning its every nuance and interpretation. Magistrates of each sub-sector are tasked with mastering not only the greater Lex Imperialis, but also their own planet’s specific laws as well. As such, the Magistrates stationed on any given sector’s central world may aid Nobles and Governors across the Sector. They are the undisputed experts of Sector law.

Simply knowing the Lex Imperialis is not all that the Magistratum are tasked with by their lords. Every world in the Imperium is governed by its own set of laws. As long as the Imperial tithe flows, and they do not fall into heresy, these worlds are left to their own devices. These local traditions and practices may have been enshrined into planetary law for hundreds of years. Nobles (and Inquisitors) often need this information, so that they may interact with the world in an official capacity without raising eyebrows or resorting to more aggressive tactics. Many a law-wright or magistrate, calmly at study within massive libraries have found themselves rounded up to accompany a cell of Acolytes, a Rogue Trader, or a Noble to some far off world that they have only studied in dusty tomes.




Medium Human, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 12 (Good Robes (+1 CHA)
  • Hit Points 9 (2d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages
  • Challenge

Air of Authority On a successful Command Test, you may affect a number of targets equal to 1d10 plus your Fellowship Bonus. Such is the authority in your voice that even those who are not in your service jump to attention when you speak. You may attempt to get non-servants to follow your commands by making a Command Test with a –2 penalty.

Disturbing Voice The character gains a +2 bonus to all Intimidate Skill Tests, but suffers a -2 penalty to Fellowship Tests when dealing with others in a non-threatening manner, such as animals, children or the easily startled. In addition, the character is more adept at instilling fear in his followers and when using the Special Skill Use Terrify, and adds +2 to his Command Skill Test to counter the effects of Fear.

Foresight By spending ten minutes studying or analysing a problem, the character gains a +2 bonus to his next Intelligence Test or a Skill Test based on Intelligence.

Nerves of Steel The character may re-roll failed Wisdom Tests to avoid or recover from Pinning. In addition, he is seldom impressed by the aggressive displays of his enemies and gains a +2 to Wisdom Tests when resisting the effects of enemy Intimidation Skill attempts

Proficiencies in Intimidation


Ornate Laspistol (Good) Ranged Weapon Attack: +X to hit, Range 30/90ft., one target, Hit 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage

Ceremonial Sword (Good) Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit x (1d8 + 1) slashing damage


Medium Human, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 12 (Robes)
  • Hit Points 4 (1d8)
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages
  • Challenge

Archivator A Scholastic Lore or Forbidden Lore test utilising sources of recorded information of any sort can re-roll with -2.

Coordinated Interrogation Has a +2 bonus to all Interrogate tests, additional +1 for others who also have Coordinated Interrogation

Contact Network Use a willing contacts’ Influence for Requisition tests.

Cover-Up Can reduce Influence by 1 to gain 1d5 Subtlety.

Foresight By spending ten minutes studying or analysing a problem, the character gains a +2 bonus to his next Intelligence Test or a Skill Test based on Intelligence.

Keen Intuition Can retry Awareness tests once with a -2 modifier.

Infused Knowledge counts as having all Common Lore and Scholastic Lore skills as Known. He also adds one degree of success to any successful Common or Scholastic Lore tests, due to his ingrained training

Talented (SLore (Judgement, Bureaucracy), CLore (Arbites, Administratum, Imperium)) You gain a +2 bonus to Tests when using this Skill.

Total Recall The character can automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information the character might feasibly have picked up in the past. When dealing with more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a defence network, the GM may require a successful Intelligence Test to recall the information.

Unparalleled Proficiency So skilled is the character at memorization of facts that he adds half his unaugmented Intelligence Bonus (rounding up) to the Degrees of Success of any successful Scholastic Lore or Linguistics Test.

Proficiencies in SLore (Judgement, Bureaucracy, Archaic, Heraldry, Imperial Creed, Imperial Warrants), CLore (Arbites, Administratum, Chartist Captains, Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed, Imperium)




Medium Human, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 18 (Best Craftsmanship Flak Greatcoat, Refractor Field (PR30 OL10)
  • Hit Points 32 (5d8+10)
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages Low Gothic, High Gothic
  • Challenge

Legalese The character may use Scholastic Lore (Judgement) as if it were Deceive or Intimidate. This ability only works on targets for whom the laws of the Imperium hold at least a modicum of fear. A ganger or Imperial citizen is very wary of the law, a Chaos Legionnaire, however, is probably not. At the GM’s discretion, some targets (usually those not a part of the Imperium of Mankind) may not be affected by this Talent.

Peer (Arbites, Administratum) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X

Total Recall The character can automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information the character might feasibly have picked up in the past. When dealing with more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a defence network, the GM may require a successful Intelligence Test to recall the information.

Halo of Command Affect NPCs within 100xChaB metres with Social skills.

Cold Hearted Seduction attempts against him automatically fail and Charm Tests increase their Difficulty by one level. Taking this talent causes one Insanity Point.

Foresight By spending ten minutes studying or analysing a problem, the character gains a +2 bonus to his next Intelligence Test or a Skill Test based on Intelligence.

Flash of Insight Spend 1 Fate point to reveal a clue.

Air of Authority On a successful Command Test, you may affect a number of targets equal to 1d10 plus your Fellowship Bonus. Such is the authority in your voice that even those who are not in your service jump to attention when you speak. You may attempt to get non-servants to follow your commands by making a Command Test with a –2 penalty.

Resistance (Fear, Psychic Powers) Gain +2 bonus to a particular resistance test.

Strong Minded May reroll failed WP tests to resist psychic powers.

Clues from the Crowd Once per day, he can re-roll a test made to gather information from a group of people.

Coordinated Interrogation Has a +2 bonus to all Interrogate tests, additional +1 for others who also have Coordinated Interrogation

Touched by the Fates (1) The NPC has a number of Fate points shown in parentheses (X).

Proficiencies in Common Lore (Administratum, Arbites), Scholastic Lore (Judgement, Bureaucracy), Scrutiny


Best Craftsmanship Bolt Pistol Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, Range 30/90ft., one target, Hit 9 (1d8 + 5) force damage

Best Craftsmanship Power Sword Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 11 (1d10 + 7) slashing damage

Sentencing Lord

Medium Human, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 13 (Best Robes (+1 CHA), Refractor Field (PR30, OL10)
  • Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)

  • Condition Immunities None
  • Senses passive Perception X
  • Languages
  • Challenge

Air of Authority On a successful Command Test, you may affect a number of targets equal to 1d10 plus your Fellowship Bonus. Such is the authority in your voice that even those who are not in your service jump to attention when you speak. You may attempt to get non-servants to follow your commands by making a Command Test with a –2 penalty.

Flash of Insight Spend 1 Fate point to reveal a clue.

Foresight By spending ten minutes studying or analysing a problem, the character gains a +2 bonus to his next Intelligence Test or a Skill Test based on Intelligence.

Halo of Command Affect NPCs within 100xChaB metres with Social skills.

Infused Knowledge counts as having all Common Lore and Scholastic Lore skills as Known. He also adds one degree of success to any successful Common or Scholastic Lore tests, due to his ingrained training

Legalese The character may use Scholastic Lore (Judgement) as if it were Deceive or Intimidate. This ability only works on targets for whom the laws of the Imperium hold at least a modicum of fear. A ganger or Imperial citizen is very wary of the law, a Chaos Legionnaire, however, is probably not. At the GM’s discretion, some targets (usually those not a part of the Imperium of Mankind) may not be affected by this Talent.

Peer (Arbites, Administratum, Nobility, Planetary Governors) Character has good reputation amongst chosen group with bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +2 times X

Talented (SLore (Judgement, Bureaucracy), CLore (Arbites, Administratum, Imperium)) You gain a +2 bonus to Tests when using this Skill.

Total Recall The character can automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information the character might feasibly have picked up in the past. When dealing with more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a defence network, the GM may require a successful Intelligence Test to recall the information.

Touched by the Fates (1) The NPC has a number of Fate points shown in parentheses (X).

Planetary Authority Sentencing Lords gain +2 to Persuade and Intimidate Skill tests regarding matters of the law and their own authority. Even against individuals who don’t acknowledge their code of laws, the sentencing lord’s fervor still grants these bonuses.

Calculus Logi Upgrade This implant grants the user a +2 bonus to Linguistics, Logic, and Scholastic Lore Tests.

Proficiencies in (SLore (Judgement, Bureaucracy), CLore (Arbites, Administratum, Imperium), Scrutiny