
An elf rides upon a golden dragon through the skies, barely a streak to people on the ground, on the way to an important battle. A man laying in wait for his prey, with his mount ready to join the ambush. The Dragon-Rider works both on and with their mount, ensuring neither is ever alone.

Source of Power

The Dragon-Rider gets its power from its bond with its mount, drawing on the natural magic of its draconic heritage.t


Long have men ridden beasts into battle, with a few having the bravery to use the kind that takes them into the skies. Even fewer had the bravery it took to tame, or perhaps even befriend, a dragon to the point that it would carry them into the fray. Over time, it has been clear that using force to break a dragon is not nearly as effective as bonding of them. Only a chosen few can utilize this bond effectively, thus these Dragon-Riders are rare and rightly so.

Creating a Dragon-Rider

A Dragon-Rider is a being of any alignment, but usually feels strongly in anything they do. They may have gotten an egg and hand raised it, or perhaps been gifted a whelp by a dragon they are deemed worthy by. Either way, they've gotten their hands on a dragon that can augment their prowess, whether physical or magical.

Quick Build

The Dragon-Rider prioritizes Constitution, followed by Strength and Charisma, depending on whether the character is meant to be more physical or arcane based.

Level Proficiency
Features 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Born Rider, Dragon Bond
2nd +2 Spellcasting 2
3rd +2 Draconic Specialization, Magical Life 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3
5th +3 Spontaneous Aging 4 2
6th +3 Deepened Bond 4 2
7th +3 Draconic Specialization Feature 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 3
9th +4 - 4 3 2
10th +4 Experienced Mount 4 3 2
11th +4 Outside of Time 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3
13th +5 - 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Draconic Specialization Feature 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Fully Grown 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 2
17th +6 - 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Death On Wings 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Draconic Specialization Feature 4 3 3 3 2

Class Features

As a Dragon-Rider, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (6) + your Constitution modifier per Dragon-Rider level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light, Medium, and Shields
  • Weapons: All simple weapons, lance, longbow
  • Tools: Leatherworking Tools

  • Saving Throws: Strength and Constitution
  • Skills: Animal Handling and two of the following: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A lance or (b) Any two simple weapons
  • (a) A longbow with 20 arrows or (b) armor for build #2
  • (a) A suit of studded leather (b) A suit of scale mail
  • (a) Leatherworker's Tools (b) an explorer's pack
  • A saddle made for a horse
  • Starting wealth of 4d4x10gp

Born Rider

At 1st level, a Dragon-Rider is already destined to be bonded with a mount, and as such finds themselves unexpectedly comfortable atop one. The Dragon-Rider can cast Find Steed once a day, summoning a horse or similarly sized creature to act as their mount. At 5th level, Find Steed can also be used to summon your dragon as you would any other mount in the spells text. The dragon is still the same being when summoned this way, and is a physical body, not a spirit. The number of uses per day goes up to 2 at 10th level, 3 at 15th, and 4 at 20th. This skill also grants advantage on any Animal Handling checks to calm or mount a beast or dragon. This also allows riding without a saddle without any disadvantages on normal mounts. Dragons still require a special saddle.

Bonded Dragon

At 1st level, a wyrmling has bonded with you for one reason or another. This could be a whelp given by an older dragon that the rider has gained the favor of, or perhaps an egg, hand raised as if it was one’s own child. Due to the bond, this dragon grows with its rider, starting out weaker than its kin, but potentially growing faster than the years would normally allow. The dragon must be within one alignment state of its rider. It has the same hit dice as the rider, rolling for max hp at level up, starting with 1d10+constitution. It has an AC of 10+Dex+Rider's proficiency bonus. Due to domestication, the dragon is naturally weaker, but more intelligent than others. It starts with standard Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, but has 14 Strenth, Dex, and Con. It can speak and understand Draconic at this point, learning Common at level 5, and gains a new language for every two points in intelligence above 10. The dragon starts with its claw attack, using strength plus the Rider's proficiency bonus to hit, dealing 1d6+Strength(1d8 at 5th and 1d10 at 15th) slashing damage. It can also use its breath weapon once a day (+1 use at 5th, 10th, and 15th level), requiring a DC13 (+2 to the DC at 5th, 10th, and 15th level.) Dex save and causing 3d6 energy damage (Up to 5d6 at 5th and 7d6 at 15th) on a failed save, half as much on a successful one. At this point, the bond is still forming, so too much damage will cause it to become shaken. If either dragon or rider take damage that takes them below half health, or while already below half health, the one taking the damage must make a concentration check (as if trying to keep concentration on a spell) or have the bond break, leaving the dragon to do whatever it desires, and to act in its own interest, whether this be self preservation, or aggressiveness. The one who failed the save can remake the save at the end of their turn to reestablish the bond.

Death of the Dragon

If the dragon dies, the dragon rider loses any abilities gained from the bond, and also takes a -4 penalty to Strength and Constitution until the dragon is revived. The only way to revive the dragon is through standard resurrection means, or through an 8 hour ritual (not compatible with a long rest) using the dying or recently dead corpse of a true dragon. At the end of the ritual, the bonded dragon’s spirit inhabits the body of the now deceased body, which takes the form of the bonded dragon, being the same being for all intents and purposes.


At 2nd level the Dragon-Rider gains some of the magic abilities from its bonded dragon, becoming a half-spellcaster, drawing from a set of spells on the Sorcerer and Bard spell lists. Charisma is your spellcasting attribute.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Dragon-Rider table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells. To cast one of your Dragon-Rider spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. You prepare the list of Dragon-Rider spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the Dragon-Rider spell list. When you do so, choose a number of Dragon-Rider spells equal to your CHA modifier + half your Dragon Rider level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest.

Spellcasting Ability

CHA is your spellcasting ability for your Dragon-Rider spells. You use your CHA whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your CHA modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Dragon Rider spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your CHA modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your CHA modifier

Spellcasting Focus

The Dragon-Rider's spellcasting focus is actually their mount itself. It acts as a focus when within 60 feet of the rider.

Draconic Specialization

At 3rd level the dragon rider chooses what path it wishes to go down in regards to its bond with its dragon and how it grows. There’s Dragon Knight, taking a mainly physical approach to mounted combat, gaining the ability for impressive maneuvers and devastating attacks with weapon and claw. There is also the Dragon Mage, with feeds more on the magical energy of the bond, becoming a full spellcaster, gaining access to more spells, and being able to augment them in unique ways. The final option is Dragonkin, where the rider focuses purely on the bond between itself and the dragon, taking on aspects of its mount to where the two eventually become nigh indistinguishable. Features are gained for each sub class at 3rd, 7th, 14th, and 20th level.

Magical Life

At 3rd level, the bond has began to have effects on the rider’s body, giving it some of the dragon’s longevity. The rider now ages at half speed and their natural lifespan is doubled. If the dragon dies, this effect is lost, causing time to pass normally. If the rider is past their normal lifespan when this happens, then they have one year before time fully catches up to them and they die of old age. They will appear to age rapidly during this time, but resurrecting the bonded dragon will revert them to their age before its death. Also, the dragon deals 1d4 energy damage on its claw attack. (Energy type depends on the dragon)

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat. This increase is also applied to your bonded dragon, adding either 2 to one ability score of your choice, 1 to two ability scores of your choice.

Spontaneous Aging

At 5th level, the bonded dragon is now equivalent to a young dragon in size. It is large enough to carry its rider as a proper mount now, though it is only able to fly 10 feet off the ground at most due to being inexperienced in carrying so much weight. It can also only fly at its normal walking speed, and cannot dash. It gains an extra use of its breath weapon, and the damage raises to 5d6. The damage dice on its claw attacks increases to d8. Due to the size of the dragon, trying to attack a medium sized creature or smaller while mounted with a weapon without the reach property will be done at disadvantage. A rider attempting to cast spells while mounted at this point will have difficulty performing the actions necessary, doubling the time needed to cast spells. A cast time of 1 bonus action becomes 1 action, 1 action becomes a full round action, and anything measured in rounds is simply doubled. The Dragon-Rider must make their own saddle as a rite of passage to take the dragon officially as their mount. This takes 1d4 days, and 20 gp worth of leather to create, requiring leatherworking tools.

Deepened Bond

At 6th level, the bond between rider and dragon has deepened, allowing the two to speak telepathically at any distance less than 200 feet. They both also now have advantage on concentration checks to maintain their bond when under half health.

Experienced Mount

At 10th level, the dragon has become accustomed to being ridden, and has also gained the strength to properly handle their rider, though there are still limitations. The dragon can now fly at full speed, but still cannot dash. It can also go 60 feet up in the air before it reaches its limit. It has not yet grown enough to go up a size category, but it is a bit stronger, its energy damage die on its claw attack going up to d6. Its breath weapon is the same strength, but can be used a third time due to higher control. It also has learned to help keep its rider on its back, using its reaction to give its rider advantage to any checks to resist being dismounted, if possible.


At 11th level, the rider has become enough like a dragon, that their lifetimes are intricately linked. The rider stops visually aging, and its lifespan becomes nearly equal to the dragon’s, well beyond the lifespan of any mortal race. If the dragon reaches an age that would put it in an age category beyond what it has gained from levels, it grows to that age category, and gains the bonuses described of that age category for the dragon rider. If it grows to ancient, it becomes gargantuan, it gains +2 to all stats, and its damage die becomes 2d10, along with a d12 for energy damage.


At level 15, the dragon has finally grown to adulthood. It becomes a huge creature, and its breath attack becomes usable 4 times a day for 7d6 damage. Their damage dice on attacks becomes d10, energy damage die is d8. Its flight becomes is no longer limited, able to fly at the height any proper dragon should, but going too high can hurt the rider. Flying above 200 feet up requires a dc 10 constitution check or the rider will take 1d6 cold damage per round. Their bond will also never break due to damage now.

Death on Wings

At level 18, the duo have become an unparalleled force of destruction in the air and on the ground, striking fear into any who hear their roar. While mounted, the dragon is able to use bite attacks with the reach quality against other flying combatants. This has a damage die of d12. The dragon and rider also have advantage on attacks made against other enemies in the air, AND until the end of their turn when landing and engaging enemies on the ground. The dragon must land to get the bonus against ground enemies.

My Dragon-Rider

The Dragon-Rider may choose between three specializations, Dragon Knight, specializing in armor and weaponry, becoming a true mounted combatant. Dragon Mage, utilizing the natural arcane power in the blood of dragons to cast spells most Dragon Riders only dream of. Dragonkin, riders who focus on thier bond rather than pure destructive power, becoming closer to their dragons than they likely intended.

Dragon Knight

The Dragon Knight is dedicated to the martial aspects of his bond, preferring brawn and overwhelming power over cunning and symbiosis. It is said that a master Dragon Knight will never be unseated from his mount in battle, unless one of the duo dies. And even if he is… The fury behind this behemoth will likely match that of the dragon he rides.

Ancient Strength

At 3rd level, upon taking the Dragon Knight sub class, the Dragon-Rider becomes proficient in heavy armor, and is able to wear it while riding their mount with no penalty, as well as all martial weapons. They also become resistant to the energy type of their dragon. The dragon can be dressed in barding to increase its AC. The options are chainmail, scalemail, or plate armor, all with the same AC as their armor counterparts. The cost for this is doubled for each size above medium the dragon is. Large barding would be twice the cost, huge four times the cost, and gargantuan eight times the cost. This can also be enchanted as per the usual armor, but as such, will incur the same cost per size category as the base armor.

Smoldering Fury

At 7th level, the Dragon Knight is now well versed in combat and has the ability to attack twice with each use of the Attack action. They have also gained the ability to use a lance one handed while unmounted. Attacks while mounted now do an extra 1d6 of the weapon’s damage type, as the rider and mount have learned to put more weight into their strikes when working together.

Daring Maneuvers

At 13th level, the rider and mount have learned to be confident in every move in the air they make together. Using an action, they may dive while in the air, doubling the dragon’s fly speed, and if they move at least 20 feet in a straight line (This may be diagonal) into an enemy, they may both make an attack against the enemy. If one attack lands, the enemy takes 1d6 damage per 10 feet of downwards movement the duo took to reach it, (Essentially the enemy takes the fall damage that would normally be taken by the player) and must make a strength save versus the rider’s spell save DC or be knocked prone. If both attacks land, the strength save is at disadvantage. This can be done a number of times per day up to the rider’s constitution mod. (Minimum once) While the rider and mount are in the air, if they are targeted for a ranged or spell attack, they may use BOTH of their reactions to take evasive maneuvers, gaining a +4 to AC versus ranged and spell attacks, and advantage on Dex saves until the end of their next turn, but losing half their movement until the end of the next turn as well.


At 20th level, the rider and mount have become paragons of fury and martial prowess. The dragon may now make two claw attacks per action, and if both land, it may also make a bite attack, doing 1d10 piercing damage and 1d10 damage of the dragon’s energy type. If rider and dragon target the same target WHILE UNMOUNTED, they get advantage on their attacks due to their coordination.


Dragon Mage

The Dragon Mage is a being who focuses on the arcane aspects of the bond between them and their dragon, able to mold those arcane energies into spells. A dragon mage mounted is a force to be reckoned with, slinging spells while out of reach of most combatants, raining hellfire and destruction upon them without hesitation.


At 3rd level, the Dragon Mage learns to tap into the full latent power in their mount, allowing them to become truly attuned to the arcane. The Dragon Mage becomes a full spellcaster, gaining all the spell slots and available spells that comes with that, as well as three cantrips.


At 7th level, the Dragon Mage learns how to transfer all manner of spells along the invisible bit of weave that makes the bond between rider and mount. Any spells with a range of “Self” can also affect the dragon, as long as the dragon is within 60 feet of the rider. The rider also no longer suffers the casting time penalty while mounted.


At 13th level, the dragon mage has learned to draw from the energies that are specifically attuned to their dragon. When casting spells that deal damage of the dragon’s energy type, the dragon mage may augment the spell in one of a few ways. The mage can double the range, add an additional target, or add an additional 2d6 damage of the associated type. The rider may also use the dragon as the origination point of spells, using distance from the dragon as the range. These (besides using the dragon as the origin point of the spell) can be done a number of times per day equal to half the Dragon-Rider's level, rounded down.


At level 20, the Dragon Mage has become completely attuned to the dragon’s flow of energy. The dragon and rider are now able to shape change, as per the usual effect on dragons. When casting spells that use the dragon’s energy type, the level of the spell slot used is reduced by 2, meaning a spell of level 2 or lower that uses that energy type is now considered a cantrip.


The Dragonkin is a being who has reciprocated the bond unlike any other rider, feeding into it with their own energy, as if trying to become one with their mount. They are often shunned from their communities as their bond is seen as unnatural, and they take on features that would look grotesque to those who don’t understand. But they are empowered by it, and see this symbiosis as beautiful. Less a duo now than two halves of a whole, both bodies will defend the other to the death.


At 3rd level, the Dragonkin is not only accepted as a rider, but an honorary dragon by their mount, sharing in some of its Draconic features. The dragon rider gains natural armor and unarmored defense, making their base AC 13+con mod+dex mod when not wearing armor. They also gain access to the Dragon’s breath attack, though the rider must wait three rounds between uses, as well as having the same number of uses per day as the mount. This is in addition to any similar effects gained through racial traits.


At 7th level, the Dragonkin learns how to use its draconic aspects as weapons in an effective manner. The Dragonrider gets claws as a natural attack, acting as finesse weapons, and dealing 1d8 slashing damage on a successful strike. If both hands are free, both claws can be used with one attack action. The Dragonkin also gains immunity to the awe and fear abilities of dragons from their continued assimilation with their dragon brethren.


At 13th level, the rider has taken on many more aspects of its mount, becoming draconic in appearance. The rider now has an awe/fear ability (depending on whether the mount is metallic/chromatic) using their spell save DC, lasting for a minute per use, and is able to be done a number of times a day equal to their Con mod. As well, due to the freely flowing magic between the two, both the rider and dragon’s natural weapon attacks are considered magical.


At 20th level, dragon and rider are now one. They can hardly be seen as two separate beings anymore, but two halves of the same whole. Due to this, the dragon no longer requires a bonus action to use any abilities, and can move completely freely as a second entity on the rider’s initiative. As well, the rider can manifest wings of their own while using their awe/fear ability, gaining a fly speed equal to one and a half times their walk speed.

Dragon-Rider List

1st Level


Cure Wounds

Detect Magic

Feather Fall

Burning hands

Speak With Animals

Chromatic Orb

Expeditious Retreat

Ice Knife

Witch Bolt



Fog Cloud

2nd Level


Heat Metal

See Invisibility



Dragon's Breath

Misty Step

Rime's Binding Ice

Calm Emotions


Lesser Restoration

3rd Level

Dispel Magic



Protection From Energy

Lightning Bolt





Water Breathing

Stinking Cloud

Sleet Storm


4th Level



Ice Storm

Wall of Fire

Dominate Beast

Fire Shield


5th Level

Raise Dead (Only for Dragon)


Cone of Cold


Dominate Person

Summon Draconic Spirit


Legend Lore

Greater Restoration


Dragon Mage List (In addition to Dragon-Rider list)


Fire Bolt

Booming Blade

Acid Splash

Chill Touch

Control Flames

Thunder Clap

Ray of Frost

Poison Spray



6th Level

Chain Lightning

True Seeing


Investiture of Fire

Investiture of Ice

Heroe's Feast

Mass Suggestion

7th Level

Delayed Blast Fireball

Draconic Transformation

Fire Storm

Prismatic Spray

Plane Shift


8th Level


Incendiary Cloud


Dominate Monster



9th Level

True Polymorph


Meteor Swarm

Power Word Kill

Power Word Heal


Bonded Dragon Stat Block

Bonded Dragon

Variable Dragon, Same as base monster

  • Armor Class 10+Dex+Rider's proficiency bonus (Increased by barding through Dragon Knight)
  • Hit Points 1d10+con per Dragon-Rider level
  • Speed 30ft. fly 30ft at level 5, 60ft at level 10

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14* (+2) 12 (+1) 11* (0) 15* (+2)

  • Damage Immunities Dragon's energy type
  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Languages Draconic +Common at level 5. 1 additional language per 2 points in intelligence past 10
  • Actions

    Claw Strength mod+Rider's proficiency bonus to hit. 1d6 (1d8 at level 5 1d10 at level 15)+Strengh mod (+6 at level 10 +8 at level 15) slashing damage. (Plus 1d4 damage of the energy type of the dragon at level 3 d6 at level 10 and d8 at level 15)
  • Bite Same as Claw, but doing 1d12 piercing damage instead of slashing. Has the Reach quality and advantage against flying targets
  • Breath Weapon Once Per Day (Twice at level 5, Three times at level 10, and Four times at level 15) 15ft cone (20 at level 15) DC 13 (+2 every 5 levels) Dex save or take 3d6 energy damage (5d6 at level 5, 7d6 at level 15)
  • *Indicates variable stats based on base dragon species. Red dragon whelpling used for this base.