Path of the Gladiator

Whether behind the local pub in front of your mates, or in the royal coliseum before an audiance of thousands, a gladiator is perpetually drawn to glorious combat. Those that embark upon the path of the gladiator seek to test their metal against the greatest men, women, and beasts the realms have to offer. Such a pursuit claims many in their fledgling years, but those that rise above the common rabble-rouser will surely find fame, fandom, and fortune abound.

As a gladiator you are a glory hound and entertainer by nature, you always know how to have a good time, and how to pick a good fight, regardless of your other more subtle dispositions.

Gladiatorial Dice

When you choose this path at 3rd level you gain access to a number of gladiatorial dice equal to 1 + your strength modifier (minimum of 1) to spend on various actions, you regain 1d4 of your gladiatorial dice on a short rest, and all of your dice on a long rest. These dice begin as a 1d4 and scale up with your barbarian level as dictated by the table below. Gladiatorial dice also dictate the scaling of your inspiration.

Barbarian Level Gladiatorial Dice
3rd 1d4
6th 1d6
10th 1d8
14th 1d10

Champion of the Arena

When you choose this path at 3rd level, activation of your rage allows you to choose one enemy you can currently perceive and challenge them to single combat. This enemy is considered your challenger.

For the duration of your rage, or until either you or your challenger dies or falls unconscious. You deal an additional gladiatorial die worth of damage when you attack your challenger.

If you are engaged in melee combat with your Challenger when they die or fall unconscious you can choose to expend one of your gladiatorial dice to grant yourself or one allied creature within 60ft a point of inspiration equal to your gladiatorial die.

You can spend your bonus action on a subsequent turn to choose a new Challenger.

Opportunistic Duelist

Starting at 6th level, When engaged in melee with your challenger, you can spend your reaction and one gladiatorial die to make a melee attack against them if they attack any creature that isn’t you or miss an attack against you.

Additionally, if your challenger attacks you, you can spend a gladiatorial die rolling it and adding your roll to your AC against the chosen attack.

Showman’s Audacity

Starting at 10th level, once per turn, when you make a reckless attack, you can instead spend a gladiatorial die, imposing disadvantage on your own attack and choosing a maneuver from the battle master Maneuvers list to attempt to perform in the most flamboyant manner possible.

If this maneuver succeeds you gain the effect of the chosen maneuver and can choose to spend an additional Gladiatorial Die to grant an allied creature of your choice within 30ft a point of inspiration.

When you use the attack action you can instead sacrifice attacks to show off or gloat, spending a gladiatorial die and inspiring one creature of your choice per attack lost. when you spend an attack in this manner you gain resistance against damage dealt by your challenger until the start of your next turn.

The Roar of the Crowd

Staring at 14th level, When you enter your rage, you can choose a number of other willing creatures you can see within 30 feet of you equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of one creature). Until the start of your next turn, the chosen creatures deal bonus damage to your chalanger equal to your gladiatorial die.

Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend a gladiatorial die to use this feature again during your rage as a bonus action.