Edak's Repeating Wand

Wand, Legendary (requires attunement)

Credit: Viktor Solovyov Link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/5REbE

Any oddly shaped wand crafted of iron and oak with a small lever on the underside of the wand. The wand features an open chamber where a magically imbued crystal can be placed. When the lever is compressed, the magic held within the crystal is suffused and expelled from the wand in the direction the user has it pointed.

As an action, the lever can be compressed a number of times to expend a charge of the crystal within the wand. Ejecting an empty crystal requires a bonus action. Placing a new crystal within the wand requires an action. The number of times the lever can be compressed by a single action depends on the spell held within the crystal. All spells cast using this wand have a maximum range of 60 feet, no matter the spell used.