Welcome to Gallur

BLUE LIGHT SEEPS FROM FLORESCENT stripes, illuminating the towering buildings as people walk hurriedly on. The night buzzes with life even in the cerulean glow of twilight. Outside the city walls, creatures lurk in the cavern. Their movements reverberate off of the ceiling, mixing with the sound of dripping water in an eerie symphony. Beyond a spacious lake, trees dripping with vines and mud grow from the ceiling and the floor, entwining in a bizarre marsh.

The Underground Metropolis

Life as you know it is lived underground. Only mad fanatics believe in a surface, claiming it to be some glorious utopia. Sure, things may not be perfect here in Gallur, but they're good enough and that's the way it's always been.

With enough hard work, a bit of luck, and a good sword arm, you can make it to a life of luxury in the Upper Cities. Those who aren't as lucky find it hard to escape the slums they were born in. But what's wrong with trying, right?



Chapter 1: Character Changes

DUE TO THE NATURE OF THIS WORLD, NOT all races and classes in the 5th Edition Players Handbook will be unchanged or allowed as playable. As well, a few new race and class options are included. The following are the races and classes found commonly in Gallur.

Gallur Races


Dwarves are hardy and fairly common, loyal workers. They prefer to stay in their home cities, large towns lacking in diversity, but those who do go adventuring do their jobs thoroughly and are reliable hires. Like their classic counterparts, the dwarves of Gallur are slow to trust but make lifelong companions once befriended.


Elves in Gallur are masters of magic and by extension technology. They are often higher members of society and highly intelligent. Due to this, they are seen as snotty jerks by the lower classes. Not all of them are, but the stereotype exists for a reason.

The wood elf subrace does not exist in Gallur and will not be allowed as a playable race.


Although rare in Gallur, humans are adaptable and thrive wherever they find themselves. They are sought after mercenaries and being human can sometimes boost someone’s opinion of you subconsciously. Humans who waste their talents or lives are considered disgraces.

Variant human will be allowed.


Gnomes are great inventors and creators and are generally respected and revered. They have no typical social standing ranging from starving inventors to influential political figures. They are eccentric and fairly wild, but society allows it due to the great good they’ve created.

The forest gnome subrace does not exist in Gallur and will not be allowed as a playable race.

Segragated Society

By and large, civilized society in Gallur is segregated heavily by class and race. Unfortunately, race is often the cause of your class. It is rare to find an elf in poverty or a genasi noble by birth. A kender as anything above a traveler would likely cause outrage in the citizens.



New Race: Genasi

Originally, genasi were rare -- the offspring of genies and mortals. Then, in the early days of Gallurian history on the solstice, four small colonies of settlers, deep underground were simultaneously destroyed by bursts of elemental energy. While the buildings were decimated, the settlers survived, changed into genasi. Through the years, the genasi has become a self sustaining race like any other.

Heirs to Elemental Power

Genasi inherit something from both sides of their dual nature. They resemble humans or elves but have unusual skin color (red, green, blue, or gray) and there is something odd about them. The elemental blood flowing through their veins manifests differently in each genasi, often as magical power.

Seen in silhouette, a genasi can usually pass for human. Those of earth or water descent tend to be heavier, while those of air or fire tend to be lighter. A given genasi might have some features reminiscent of the mortal ancestor or parent (pointed ears from an elf, a stockier frame and thick hair from a dwarf, small hands and feet from a kender, exceedingly large eyes from a gnome, and so on).

As if by some sad twist of fate, probably originating from their strange appearance, genasi naturally sank to the lower classes of society. Despite this, genasi rarely lack confidence, seeing themselves as equal to almost any challenge in their path. This certainty might manifest as graceful self-assurance in one genasi and as arrogance in other. Such self-confidence can sometimes blind genasi to risk, and their great plans often gets them and others into trouble.

Too much failure can chip away at even a genasi's sense of self, so they constantly push themselves to improve, honing their talents and perfecting their craft.

Genasi Names

Genasi use the naming conventions of the people among whom they were raised. They might later assume distinctive names to capture their heritage, such as Gust, Ember, Wave or Onyx.

Genasi Traits

Your genasi character has certain characteristics in common with all other genasi.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Age. Genasi mature at about the same rate as humans and reach adulthood in their late teens. They live somewhat longer than humans do, up to 120 years.

Alignment. Independent and self-reliant, genasi tend toward a neutral alignment.

Size. Genasi are as varied as their mortal ancestors but are generally built like humans, standing anywhere from 5 feet to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial. Primordial is a guttural language, filled with harsh syllables and hard consonants.

Subraces. Four major subraces of genasi are found in Gallur: air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, and water genasi. Choose one of thes subraces.

Air Genasi

As an air genasi, you are decended from the djinn. As changable as the weather, your moods shift from calm to wild and violent with little warning, but these storms rarely last long.

Air genasi typically have light blue skin, hair, and eyes. A faint but constant breeze accompanies them, tousling hte hair and stirring the clothing. Some air genasi speak with breathy voices, marked by a faint echo. A few display odd patterns in their flesh or grow crystals from their scalps.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Unending Breath. You can hold your breath indefinitely while you're not incapacitated.

Mingle with the Wind. You can cast the levitate spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Earth Genasi

As an earth genasi, you are descended from the cruel and greedy dao, though you are not necessarily evil. You have inherited some measure of control over earth, reveling in superior strength and solid power. You tend to avoid rash decisions, pausing long enough to consider your options before taking action.

Elemental earth manifests differently from one individual to the next. Some earth genasi always have bits of dust falling from their bodies and mud clinging to their clothes, never



getting clean no matter how often they bathe. Others are as shiny and polished as gemstones, with skin tones of deep brown or black, eyes sparkling like agates. Earth genasi can also have smooth metallic flesh, dull iron skin spotted with rust, a pebbled and rough hide, or even a coating of tiny embedded crystals. The most arresting have fissures in their flesh, from which faint light shines.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.

Earth Walk. You can move across difficult terrain made of earth or stone without expending extra movement.

Merge with Stone. You can cast the pass without a trace spell once with this trait, requiring no material components, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Fire Genasi

As a fire genasi, you have inherited by the volatile mood and keen mind of the efreet. You tend toward impatience and making snap judgement. Rather than hide your distinctive appearance, you exult in it.

Nearly all fire genasi are feverishly hot as if burning inside, an impression reinforced by flaming red, coal black, or ash-grey skin tones. The more human-looking have fiery red hair that writhes under extreme emotion, while more exotic specimens sport actual flames dancing on their heads. Fire genasi voices might sound like crackling flames, and their eyes flare when angered. Some are accompanied by the faint scent of brimstone.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light wihtin 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Your ties to the Elemental Plane of Fire make your darkvision unusual: everything you see in darkness is in a shade of red.

Fire Resistance You have resistance to fire damage.

Reach to the Blaze. You know the produce flame cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the burning hands spell once with this trait as a 1st level spell, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Water Genasi

The lapping of waves, the spray of sea foam on the wind, the ocean depths -- all of these things call to your heart. You wander freely and take pride in your independence, though others might consider you selfish.

Most water genasi look as if they just finished bathing, with beads of moisture collecting on their skin and hair. They smell of fresh rain and clean water. Blue or green skin is common, and most have somewhat overlarge eyes, blue-black in color. A water genasi's hair might float freely, swaying and waving as if underwater. Some have voices with undertones reminiscent of whale song or trickling streams.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Acid Resistance. You have resistance to acid damage.

Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.

Swim. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet.

Call to the Wave. You know the shape water cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the creat or destroy water spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.



New Race: Kender

TASSLEHOFF WAS SITTING NEAR THE FIRE, sorting through his "acquired" objects. He sat cross-legged, the treasures on the cave floor in front of him. Tanis could make out glittering rings, a few unusual coins, a feather from the goatsucker bird, pieces of twine, a bead necklace, a soap doll, and a whistle. One of the rings looked familiar. It was a ring of elven make, given Tanis a long time ago by someone he kept on the borders of his mind. It was finely carved , delicate ring of golden, clinging ivy leaves

Tanis crept over to the kender, walking softly to keep from waking the others. "Tas..." He tapped the kender on the shoulder and pointed. "My ring..."

"Is it?" asked Tasslehoff with wide-eyed innocence. "Is this yours? I'm glad I found it. You must have dropped it at the Inn."

-- Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman,

Dragons of Autumn Twilight


Kender are child-like and innocent beings, dancing from adventure to adventure. Their light fingers slip almost unconsciously into purses and pockets as they trot happily through the crowd of glaring and disdainful faces.

Small but Fearless

Kender as a race are immune to fear. One might sneak into a dragon's den with no other reason than she's never seen a dragon before. This doesn't mean that they're stupid. On the contrary, they're quite perceptive and although they aren't afraid for themselves, they can definitely fear for their loved ones. That being said, they see everything as one big adventure, including death, and often join adventuring parties in search of thrills.

Innocent Pests

Kender are the most despised and ostracized race in Gallur. Their curiosity and inability to feel fear often get them into trouble, whether that be with the giant they just awoke or the passerby who caught the kender's hand in his pocket.

They tend to have a talent for annoying people and unconsciously pick up trinkets from people’s pockets. If asked, they return them without protest, saying “Oh! You must have dropped it! Good thing I found it, huh?” Their pick pocketing habits aren't malicious, but seemingly uncontrollable. If you want to offend a kender, simply call him a thief.

Childlike Wanderers

Childlike in personality as well as appearance, Kender stand at about 4 feet tall and lightly built. Their faces are youthful in appearance and always plastered with a cheery smile. Their eyes shine with enthusiasm and they stay young in appearance even through their elder years.

Kender's skin is usually fair with a ruddy cast although some may be more tan. Their hair is usually brown or sandy brown. They have blue, brown or hazel eyes. Kender are unable to grow facial hair.

They love trinkets and shiny bits, not caring about how much it's worth to anyone but themselves. They often wear satchels and patches galore and sew extra pockets into their gaudy and colorful clothing. At night, they sit down and go through they're belongings, taking in the old ones and the new ones they unknowingly picked up during the day.

Kender Names

A kender has a given name, usually something their parents thought sounded interesting, and a surname. The surname comes from a memorable or humorous incident in their youth.

Male Names: Acorn, Baxter, Bender, Felix, Soren, Spike, Tasselhoff, Wolf

Female Names: Ala, Bauble, Dagger, Jynx, Kelly, Mel, Nattie, Wendy

Surnames: Bearchase, Burrfoot, Puddlefall, Quickcatch, Roperpoke, Snapbranch

Kender Traits

Your kender character has certain characteristics in common with all other kender.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2 and Charisma score increases by 1.

Alignment. Due to their curiosity and kindness, kender are Chaotic Good.



Age. Kender reach maturity at the same rate as humans and live to about 100 years. They remain childlike even when their bodies slow down. Kender view death as the next great adventure, and do not linger long in sadness after the passing of a loved one.

Size. Kender average at 4 feet and 40 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Curiosity. The curiosity of the kender knows no bounds. As a result, kender often “acquire” objects that are not theirs. You gain proficiency with Sleight of Hand checks and begin the game with five trinkets. In addition, once per day, you may search through your belongings to find 1d4 items worth 2 GP or less and weighing 2 lbs or less, which you reasonably could have picked up in your travels at the Dungeon Master's discretion.

Taunt. Kender are naturally skilled at exploiting the psychological weaknesses of their enemies. As an Action, you can force a target who can hear you and understand your language to make a Charisma saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the target gains disadvantage on the next attack roll or ability check they make before the end of their next turn. A creature who fails their save gains advantage on subsequent saves against this ability.

Brave. Kender are immune to the frightened condition.

Innocence. A kender’s natural innocence make them terrible liars, so they make Deception checks at a disadvantage. Similarly, their size invokes more laughter than fear, so they make Intimidation checks at disadvantage.

Kender Weapon. You own and are proficient in the hoopak, a simple, but versatile martial weapon is the favored weapon of the kender and can be used as a staff, spear or sling. Damage is 1d4 bludgeoning or piercing (melee) or 1d4 bludgeoning (range). As well, when swung in the air, it makes an eerie howling noise that is naturally unsettling.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and two languages of your choice.

A Tricky Race to Play

Kender are an amazing race and can bring a new level of intrigue and roleplay opportunities to a party, but they can also be a source of frustration and conflict if played incorrectly.

When playing a kender, do not seek out trouble or attempt to troll the party. Deliberately causing conflict to annoy your fellow players is not okay. As well, remember that kender are naive, not stupid. They may take risks if there's even a slight chance they can make it, but they don't go into situations they know will get them killed.

Kender do not actively steal and hate being called thieves. They have a different sense of ownership but they aren't inherently greedy and don't outright steal things for their own gain.

Please talk with your DM if you are considering playing a kender. Make sure you understand what that means and how to play one without being annoying.



Classes in Gallur

Gallur is a very different world from typical fantasy settings and therefore, the way people live their lives is different. Because of this, several classes are different or rarer than usual. As well, some new classes or tweaks to old favorites are listed below.


The Gods don’t play nearly as big a part in this world and thus, Clerics are much rarer. They are often highly respected for their healing powers or judged skeptically. Consider your patron deity carefully and how it affects your character.


The world in the ground is much different from the surface, meaning that if you choose Circle of the Land at 2nd level, the options Arctic, Grassland, and Desert are unavailable. Likewise, druids in this world are much more secluded and often live lives as hermits. Think about why your character is an adventurer and why you decided to join a party instead of live alone.


Monks in this world are considered old style fighters with an outdated belief system by the majority of the public. On the other hand, monks are a classic part of genasi culture and are favored Take into consideration how this affects your character.


Just like the druid, certain terrains aren't found in Gallur. When choosing your favorite terrain, the options Arctic, Grassland, and Desert are not available. Contemplate why you're a ranger and what that's done to you.


In Gallur, magic is often wild and unpredictable. Because of this, Wild Magic sorcerers are very common. Some cultures see this as a curse, some see it as a blessing. If you would like to play a Draconic Bloodline sorcerer, you would most likely be related to an important noble family. Consider how this affects you.

What does your class say about you?

Gallur has a very polarized social class system, the Upper Class and the Slummers. The few in between are refered to as Middle Class. There's not a lot of in between with the social classes. You're either Upper Class or you're a Slummer in most circumstances.

Think about how this affects your character. Most adventurers or fighting types are considered Slummers and those who aren't worked their way up through years of hard work and adventuring. There may be nobles who learned the elegant trade of magic or there may be children of those successful adventurers ready to follow in their fathers' footsteps and make their own way in the world.

Which are you? Why do you adventure? Is it out of a wish to be an Upper? Were you raised in a border town where monster attacks are a serious threat? Do you fight out of necessity to eek out a living? This will affect your character and should be taken into serious consideration.

Additional Class Options

Class options may be found in Gallur that aren't found in the Player's Handbook. These may be from support books such as Unearthed Arcana, or they may be homebrewed. Either way they are available for use in any Gallur campaign.



Custom Subclass

Arcane Tradition: School of Artificery

Artificers specialize in the construction of items, both magical and mundane. They are sought by nobles and commoners alike for their comprehensive understanding of magic, technology, and everything in between.

Artificer Savant

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to craft an item is halved. Additionally, you become proficient in one artisans tool of your choice.


When you select this school at 2nd level, you gain the ability to imbue spells into held objects. On your turn, you may choose to imbue a held item as a bonus action. The corresponding spell slot is expended and the item temporarily becomes a magic item capable of casting the chosen spell 1 time.

When you imbue the item, you must set a specific trigger to the spell (making a successful melee attack, touching the item to water, etc.) The imbued item loses all magical properties gained from imbuing when it is used, when you imbue another item, or when you finish a long rest.


Beginning at 6th level, you learn to customize weapons and armor to suit your particular needs. You become proficient in light armor and 1 one handed melee weapon of your choice.

You also become proficient in smith's tools. if you were already proficient in smiths tools, you become proficient in a different artisans tool of your choice.

Reverse Engineering

Beginning at 10th level, you learn to quantify, analyze, and recreate magic items. You may spend 8 hours to destroy a magic item, and add any spells the item can cast to your spellbook. You may only learn spells in this way of a level which you can cast. Additionally, you learn how to rebuild the magic item. The first time you rebuild the item, you must only pay 1/10 the standard crafting cost by scavenging parts from the old.

To help in the deconstruction and recreation of magic items, you also become proficient in one artisan's tool of your choice.

Master Artificer

Beginning at 14th level, you may apply your proficiency bonus to any skill check made to identify or use an item made using only artisan's tools you are proficient in. If you would already have proficiency in this check from any other source, you may apply double your proficiency bonus instead.



Custom Background


You worked, or still work, in the field of enforcing rules - either the laws of society or the secret codes of behavior of an organization. Bounty hunters, city guards, inquisitors, thief-takers, vigilantes, leg-breakers... any of them might belong to this background. Their skills and motivations are strikingly similar, and the most cynical of them often note that legal codes are little more than a dividing line between teams. Discerning infractions requires more careful thought and evidence collection than most realize. If the enforcer is sufficiently feared, there are a lot fewer infractions in the first place.

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Investigation

Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, vehicles (land)

Equipment: Club, a badge or token of office, a letter with orders from your employer or a bounty for a target, a set of bone dice or a deck of cards, hooded lantern, traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 15 gp


Someone hired you as an enforcer. If you still work for them, maybe they're a continuing source of adventure hooks. Or did you burn bridges escaping your employer's service? Roll a d6 or choose from the options in the table below to determine your employer, current or previous.

d6 Employer
1 Bounty Hunter's Guild (Bounty Hunter)
2 Church (inquisitor)
3 Artisan Guild (caravan guard)
4 Local Noble (private bodyguard)
5 Chief of Police (law enforcement)
6 Thieves' Guild or Criminal Family (leg-breaker)

Feature: Order of Law

You have knowledge and contacts in a system of law - not necessarily the same as one that you previously served. For example, a criminal who turned Crown's Evidence might have contacts among the city guard. You have an easier time getting that legal system to hold prisoners for a few days for later questioning, possibly bending regulations to do so. It may be necessary to put some effort into maintaining these relationships, of course. Open violations of the rules of that organization may sour your connections as well, though your knowledge of the system is unchanged.

Suggested Characteristics

Enforcers are often thuggish in nature, though the best and most famous are noted for their genteel manners. Some play fast and loose with the rules, while others are insufferably strict. Good or bad, enforcers are defined by the culture of the city streets where they do the majority of their work.

d8 Personality Trait
1 You can never plan for too many contingencies.
2 Once I'm on a case, I can't think of anything else until it's resolved.
3 I like to sound clever, so I use a lot of big words... incorrectly, as often as not.
4 My manners are abrasive enough that I do not make many friends.
5 I love to quote legal principles in conversation.
6 My first resort in conflict is browbeating my opponents with threats of legal retribution.
7 I am stoic in the face of every kind of hardship.
8 Gallows humor? Bit redundant, wouldn't you say?
d6 Ideal
1 Hidebound. If you can't adhere to our laws and traditions, you must suffer the consequences. (Lawful)
2 "Efficient." There's a point, far out there when the structures fail you, and the rules aren't weapons anymore, they're shackles letting the bad guy get ahead. (Chaotic)
3 Mercy. Mercy and severity are a sacred balance. (Good)
4 Power. When all you have is the law, everyone looks like a criminal. Everyone is guilty of something.(Evil)
5 Justice. The rules apply equally to all, from the highest to the lowest. (Lawful)
6 Loyalty. With my help, the people I serve will rise above all other competitors. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I carry a tome of laws and precedents to remind me of my duty.
2 Need for an intellectual challenge draws me on.
3 A criminal escaped me once, and I have hunted him across the years.
4 The law - and I - exist to protect the weak from the strong.
5 I do terrible things so that others do not have to.
6 I accused a powerful person of a crime, and I've been dodging assassins ever since.
d6 Flaw
1 I obey any legitimate authority, even when they might be wrong.
2 When I don't have a puzzle to occupy my thoughts, my boredom turns dangerous.
3 I'm open to bribes and will work for the highest bidder.
4 I've seen the worst that my city or my race has to offer - only the bottle keeps the demons at bay.
5 Damsels, gentlemen, or other romantic interests in distress cloud my judgment.
6 I never forgive, nor forget.




Everybody needs something and someone has to make that something. You are were that someone. Gallur's economy relies heavily on assembly line workers or farm hands. You were most likely born into this life although it is sometiems a refuge for those who fall down on their luck. Whatever it is, you've left it to adventure and make a place for yourself in the world.

Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Survival

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools or a farmer's tools

Equipment: A token of something important to you, the tools of your occupation (one type of artisan's tools or a farming implement), a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp.


You worked at a mundane, monotonous job. All laborer's jobs are hard, but you might have enjoyed yours, who knows. Choose an occupation of roll from the table below.

d6 Occupation
1 Farmer (farmer's tools)
2 Weaopon Maker (smith's tools)
3 Clothing Manufacturer (cobbler's, Leatherworker's or Weaver's tools)
4 Rations Producer (cook's utensils)
5 Stone Cutter (mason's tools)
6 Creator of Domestic Items (potter's tools)

Feature: One of the People

You know what it's like to be down trodden and misused as do the rest of the Slummers. When talking to other laborers, you gain their trust quicker. You know how to find gossip and rumors among the Slummers and make all Intelligence (Investigation) checks for rumors at advantage.

Suggested Characteristics

Laborers come from all different backgrounds. Some suffer quietly, some can't shut up, and some spend their time dreaming of things bigger and better. Whatever way they choose, they still better keep those fingers working or they're out on the street.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I'm not the smartest knife in the tool box and sometimes metephors or big words are hard.
2 I love a good bit of gossip.
3 I'm convinced a good pair of clothes will make others think I'm the coolest adventurer out there.
4 I geek out when I meet a real adventurer. They're so cool!
5 I constantly spout my mother's sage advice.
6 My culture is very important to me and gosh dang it, it'll be important to my friends too if it kills me.
7 I try to be the strong silent type, but its harder than it looks.
8 "Well when I was growing up, we didn't have..."
d6 Ideal
1 Family. My family means everything to me and I would do anything to keep them fed. (Any)
2 Share the Wealth. People like me deserve money much more than the wealthy do and its up to me to do something about it. (Chaotic)
3 Hard Work. My joy in life is a job well done. And well, done! (Lawful)
4 Self Improvement. I'm here for a reason. To better my standing I must first better myself. (Good)
5 Philanthropy. If I become wealthy, I should use that wealth to better society and the people who were once my peers. (Good)
6 Their Own Medicine. The Upper Class steps on me? Let's see how they like it. (Evil)
d6 Bond
1 I send a percentage of my earnings back home every month.
2 I used to be a noble and want to regain my old fortune.
3 An adventurer once spoke with me and I want find them again.
4 I have a sweetheart who's parents won't let them marry a Slummer.
5 There's a place or sight I've always wanted to see but never had the chance until now.
6 I once disrespected a noble and now they despise me.
d6 Flaw
1 I can't help but steal interesting bits from the factory.
2 I don't know how to budget my money and spend it on whatever looks good. I never haggle.
3 I refuse to work with anyone of noble blood. Filthy Uppers.
4 I tend to let people walk all over me.
5 My over-confidence in my abilities gets me into trouble.
6 I'd do anything for money, including betraying my party.



Chapter 2: The World

ACCORDING TO LEGEND, ALL LIFE ON Gallur lies deep in the heart of the planet, the rock forming a cocoon in which to swaddle civilization. The stone stretches on for eternity, and if one were to somehow reach the edge, they would find themselves in the realm of the gods. Most believe this to be myth but some devote their lives to pushing beyond eternity.

The rest of Gallur is more practical in their thinking. Life is about the here and now, and Gallurian society values industry and invention.

Fading Gods

Long ago, Gallur's gods were universally worshiped and integral to daily life but with the advancement of technology and society, diety worship is becoming a thing of the past. Popular theory states that Divine magic is simply Arcane magic in a different form accessed with sheer belief instead of years of study, inborn intuition or creating, an otherworldly pact. Some believe it is a mix between Arcane magic and Druidic magic. Those who still believe in the Gods as real beings work tirelessly to help others see the truth.

The Abiding Five

It was once believed that the gods lived far above the known caverns, thus the direction of up was called Godwards. Some believe that the gods live on the surface while some who don’t believe in a surface, believe they live in a glowing white cavern of perfect crystal called the Crystal Caves or Vysaidel. Vysaidel is also known as The Afterlife, the Gods residing with the dead there in paradise.

Ehr, Goddess of Life and Earth

Mother, Stone Mother, Strength Giver


Life, Nature

Generally considered the Leader of the Abiding Five, Ehr is the mother of all existence as we know it. She is firm and strong but kind as well. She loves all her creations but doesn’t like whiners. Ehr is depicted as a muscular black woman, nine feet tall and draped in golden fabric. Her hobbies include blacksmithing, although she forges things such as relics and planes of existence instead of simple weapons and armor. She crafted Sar’s warhammer herself.

Vor, God of Wisdom and the Afterlife

Old Friend, Waiting One, Old Wise One


Knowledge, Arcane

Vor is the keeper of the dead and balancing point to Ehr, Goddess of Life. He is wise and intelligent, a seeker of knowledge and advancement. He encourages self improvement in order to achieve the highest tier of The Afterlife. He is depicted as an eight foot tall, wizard like fellow with a well trimmed beard and long robes made from purple crystal. He has a giant Guardian Naga named Scientia Quaesitor who protects the spirit realm from intruders.

Rel, Goddess of Children and the Unfortunate

Giving Sister, The Uplifter, Eternal Child


Light, Life

Rel is depicted as a young girl, almost six feet tall, with flowing golden brown hair. She wears a simple cream dress with a brown apron. She is the most compassionate of the gods and strives to help those who are unfortunate and the children of the world. Unfortunately, these days those two often overlap. She has been said to have walked among the children in the early days.

Iis, God of Light and Water

Glowing One, Laughing One, Life Giver


Light, Trickery

Underground, light and water are necessities. Iis provides both and is also associated with air and mushrooms, other life giving things. Like all these things however, he can be helpful or he can be impish. If you find fresh water or clean air while travelling, you might say, “Iis is feeling truthful today!” Or if you mistake a psychedelic mushroom for an edible one or see a mirage, someone might comment, “Well, Iis must have been in quite the joking mood.” Iis is depicted as a lanky man with shaggy white hair, about nine feet tall. He wears a pair of simple, loose pants, glowing blue tattoos visible striping across his torso and down his arms. He is a wanderer and loves to meddle in the affairs of mortals.

Sar, God of Glory and Civilization

Glorious One, The Battle God, God of Order


Common Domains: War, Tempest

Sar is the God who has kept the most influence these days, being the God of civilization and the glory of battle. Traditionally, he supports all things good and just but as values have shifted recently, he is interpreted as a calculating businessman or a brave adventurer. He defends the material plane from demons and dark spirits with his giant golden wolf steed. Sar is depicted as an eight foot tall man with shining golden hair and bronzey skin. He wears golden plate armor and a shimmering, translucent gold cape, wielding a huge warhammer made from Vysaidel’s crystal.