the Delian Tomb

a 1st-Level Adventure


First-Time Players


Beginner Dungeon Masters

This adventure was crafted from the Running the Game series on YouTube by Matt Colville.

This adventure is intended as a supplement to Matt’s series,
so please take the time to watch his videos before you read and run this.

Illustrated DM and Player maps of the tomb by Kyle Capps

Printable and VTT battle maps for the tomb were created using Dungeon Fog

Re-edit of the adventure, Compilation of Resources and Creation of VTT Maps by DLtheDM



What Do I Need?

If this is your first foray into what is referred to as the world’s greatest role-playing game, you may be asking, “Ok, so I have some friends that want to play, what else do I need?” Well not much really: A copy of the rules (link below), at least 1 set of polyhedral dice (shown below) which you can get at your Friendly Local Game Store (or Amazon if you prefer), pencils and paper or a blank character record sheet (or pre-made character) for each player.

The following links will give you and your future players enough information about the game that you can reasonably play through this adventure without much effort.
Basic Rules - PDF
Basic Rules (SRD) - D&D Beyond
Character Record Sheets
Printable & VTT Maps

dice set

Using this Adventure

This adventure assumes that you have at least read through the Introduction of the Basic Rules and your players have created characters for themselves using the guide in the Basic Rules (Step-by-Step Character Creation) or with the Online Character creator on D&D Beyond.

Alternatively, if your players are unable to make their own character, you simply want to get the game going quickly, you can provide them with a Pre-generated Character of their choice.

Boxed Text

Throughout this adventure module you may see various special boxed text. There are 2 different variations: Read-Aloud text, and Running-the-Game

This frame indicates Read-Aloud text. Anything written in this frame should be freely shared to your players. Feel free to add any information you wish, change names, words, phrases, etc. so that it better suits your game and the world you are trying to portray.

This boxed text is what we have dubbed Running-the-Game information. The information contained within these borders is simply here to help guide new DMs to run a smooth and fun session without needing to stop the game to look up how something needs to be adjudicated in the Player’s Handbook or Dungeon Master’s Guide. Note, some material in these is not 100% rules as written within the core rulebooks, but rather simplified rulings that can be used until the DM decides to change it.

Adventure Overview

Set in the out-of-the-way village of Vallane, the PCs find respite and a warm meal as they make their way through to the main city to make a name for themselves as adventurers and heroes.

Recently, there has been an influx of goblins in the region and some of the foul creatures have even begun attacking the farms in the outskirts of the village.

It isn’t long before they find themselves mixed up in the pursuit of Goblinse daughter of the Blacksmith into the depths of a long forgotten tomb. This is their opportunity to prove themselves, and to rescue someone in need, if they can survive the perils of the Delian Tomb!



The Green Dragon Inn

When the Player Characters arrive in Villane, the villagers recognize them as adventurers — Ratcatchers — the sort of people who will fight just about anything for a bit of coin. Just the sort of people Villane is in need of.

At this point, all the Players have their Character Sheets, and you’re ready to start playing.

With the day slowly turning to dusk, several travelers come to the Green Dragon Inn for food, warmth, and a place to rest.

A handful of villagers are here, eating, drinking, and talking about their day. One day is much the same as another in the hamlet of Villane. But, looking at you, something tells these villagers something will be different today.

Now would be a great time for you to ask the Players to describe their Characters. It’s good for everyone to get an idea of who they are and who their party is made up of, it will help you all get a bit more immersed in the story.

Once everyone has shared their Player Character (PC), you can get the ball rolling again by introducing the first Non-Player Character (NPC): Matt, the Serving Boy.

Can I get you anything to eat or drink? Where are you from, where are you going? Not many ratcatchers come through Villane these days.

Green Dragon Inn - Menu


Leg of Mutton with turnip greens 3 silver
Boar Stew with bread & butter 3 silver
Apple tart with berries and cream 2 silver


Wine, pitcher 2 silver
Fine Wine, glass 20 silver
Ale or Mead, pitcher 2 silver
Dark Ale or Liquor 3 silver

This is your opportunity to help the players get immersed in the world, feel free to embellish Matt with personality! Take a moment to describe what he looks like, how he moves, what he’s doing as he approaches.

While Matt is off fixing whatever the PCs have ordered, and the characters have had a chance to get to know each other and the NPCs, something has to happen…

A large man, wearing a leather apron over a wool shirt and pants bursts in the door. He smells of sulfur and his face is smudged with soot and blood.

“They got Bess”, he says. “Goblins took my girl!”

Goblins have kidnapped the Blacksmith’s daughter! That’s right, time to bring in the second key NPC: Lars, The Blacksmith.

The villagers all know Lars, he’s well-loved, but none of them are equipped to face the challenge of hunting down goblins.

Lars will recognize a band of adventurers as quickly as anyone, and he won’t hesitate to approach the PCs to ask for their help. Pleading on their sense of the preservation of life and doing the right thing.

Motivation & Adventure Hooks

If your players aren’t motivated, simply by their sense of justice and duty, you can have Lars point out that there is a standing bounty of 5 gp for each goblin ear, by order of the Duke.

Alternatively, you could point out that Lars will be in their debt and could be persuaded to provide free equipment repairs or discounts on goods he sells.

Alternatively, you can simply use one of your best moves as a Dungeon Master: Simply ask the players, “What do you do?”

Once Lars has convinced the adventurers to help, you can continue.

Goblin Tracks

The Smithy

Lars doesn’t know where the goblins took his daughter, but he’s confident that a competent adventurer can find tracks in the area around his house.

While Lars can offer this information to the players if they seem to be feeling stuck, you should give them the chance to propose searching the crime scene on their own.

You can simply narrate the journey from the Green Dragon Inn to Lars’ Smithy, describing the dirt road and the trees that dot the path.

Once you arrive at the Smithy, use your classic DM move and ask the players, “What do you do?”.



If your players seem stumped, you can even have Lars nudge them and ask, “do you see any clues? Like tracks?”.

Here is your first opportunity to ask a player searching for clues to make an Ability Check.

Ability Checks

When you ask a player to make an ability check, they roll a d20 and add the relevant ability modifier.

In the above instance, a character searching for tracks would roll a Wisdom (Survival) check set to a Difficulty Class of your choosing.

If the total equals or exceeds the DC, the ability check is a success — the creature overcomes the challenge at hand. Otherwise, it’s a failure, which means the character or monster makes no progress toward the objective or makes progress combined with a setback determined by the DM.

Remember these common DCs as a rule of thumb, you can choose any number for your challenge.

DC Difficulty
5 Very Easy
10 Easy
15 Moderate
20 Hard
25 Very Hard

The tracks are plentiful, and easy to spot, a character who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check recognizes that at least two goblins dragged something North, into the forest known to the locals as “The Boar Wood”.

The Boar Wood

The Boar Wood is a large expanse of forest. The locals hunt boar here frequently, and - until recently - has been free of goblins. If the goblins went this way, they must have a hideout somewhere beyond the Boar Wood.

The journey to the other side of the forest is going to take a bit longer than what they can cover in a single day, the adventurers will be required to make camp and wait out the night.

You have traveled deep into the Boar Wood, tracking the trail left by the goblins long into dusk. The darkness has become too great to navigate the forest or follow the goblin tracks, any further.

This is a great opportunity to remind the players that the wilderness is a dangerous place, your goal here is to cause the players to make camp in the middle of the forest and feel wary, wondering if something is going to attack them in the middle of the night!

Random Encounters

The world of Dungeons & Dragons is bursting with monsters and villains!

Whenever an adventurer sets out from an area of civilization, they risk being set upon by some sort of danger. Any time the players stop to rest outside of a civilized area, you can use a Random Encounter table to keep them on their toes. If the players feel like they can stop and rest any time they’re wounded, or low on spell slots - they will. This behavior will grind everything to a halt, and one of your main jobs as a DM is to keep the game moving!

Ask the players to decide who will take first watch, and ask that player to roll a d12. On a 1 to 11 nothing happens, however on a 12 a wild non-hostile boar comes to inspect the campsite and the strange new creatures within it. While you could choose to throw something hostile at the players, the goal here is to get them to the tomb as quickly as possible, but rolling dice is fun and it tells the players that something could happen. So, except for the curious boar, the evening passes uneventfully.

You break camp and continue your journey, a few hours after dawn you break through the treeline. Briefly you spot a small form moving about the hilltop ahead of you.

As the players emerge from the Boar Wood, they spot the movement of a goblin patrol. It’s time to ask them once again, “What do you do?”.

Out of the Woods

The adventurers have tracked the goblins through the forest and discovered their hideout. The hideout appears to be an ancient ruin, an old structure infested by the goblins recently.

Goblin Patrol

Just beyond the reach of the Boar Wood, a clearing stretches out before low sprawling hills. In the distance the stonework of the tomb is just barely visible between the sparse trees and rolling hills.

Any players who decide to monitor the hilltop before approaching will spot 2 Goblins patrolling the area.



This is a good time to check if the Player Characters are sneaking as they make their approach.

Feel free to ask your players a leading question like, “Are you trying to avoid being seen?”, to which they will almost always say, “Yes!”. Reminding the players to be cautious this way will help reinforce the verisimilitude of the game world.

Determining Surprise

Before you begin a combat encounter, you must first determine who, if anyone, is Surprised.

If anyone was attempting to be sneaky, prior to the encounter, have them roll a Dexterity (Stealth) ability check against a DC set by Passive Perception (10 + Wisdom (Perception) skill bonus) each creature on the opposing side.

A creature actively searching for another creature will roll a Wisdom (Perception) check against the Dexterity (Stealth) roll of the other creature.

If neither side attempts to be stealthy, they notice each other at the same time.

A surprised creature cannot take an action or move on their first turn. They cannot take a reaction until after their first turn ends.

For complete details regarding the ins and outs of combat, refer to Chapter 9 of the Player’s Handbook or Basic Rules.

If any of the adventurers are spotted, the goblins will ready their bows and will not be surprised when the combat begins.

After the first round, every time a goblin takes a turn, check to see if they have taken any damage. If they have taken damage, or their buddy was slain, the

goblin will retreat to warn its brethren inside the tomb.

Until the goblin is either dead, or inside, they will spend their movement retreating and their action firing arrows back at the adventurers.

If the goblin patrol survives long enough, you might have him shout a warning to the goblins guarding the entrance of the tomb. If this happens, the Player Characters are in range to see that the guards leave their posts to retreat into the tomb. The guards have gone to alert the others of the danger coming their way.

The Delian Tomb

Long ago, a knight by the name of Lord Delius founded the Delian Order, a sect of knights that devoted their lives to the fight against Maglubiyet - the chief deity of goblin-kind. This is their long forgotten resting place.

Today, the goblins who have infested the tomb are preparing to desecrate the site with a human sacrifice. It is their intent to consecrate the tomb in the name of their cruel god, Maglubiyet.

1. Entrance

Unless a member of the patrol has warned them, 2 Goblins stand guard before the sundered stone doors of the tomb. The red circles on the DM Map below indicate possible positions of the goblins.

As the PCs approach the guards, it would be a good idea to ask them once again if they are attempting to be sneaky. If they are, ask them to roll a Dexterity (Stealth) ability check against the goblin guards’ Passive Perception.


delian tomb



It’s also possible for the Player Characters to simply use the geometry of the ruins to sneak up on the unwitting guards, easily gaining a Surprise Round when they initiate the combat.

On the goblins’ first turn of combat, they will both attempt to retreat inside. The presence of the adventurers tells them that the patrol was killed, and they aren’t going to stand around waiting that same fate!

2. Offering Room

After the adventurers have dispatched the goblin guards, they descend into the tomb itself. Remember to describe the tomb using as many senses as seem reasonable to you.

It’s very dark as you move down the steps and into the tomb, the musty air cools by the step. You can hear faint, rhythmic chatter echoing up from the heart of the structure.

The goblins have begun their ritual, the distant chatter is the chanting of a goblin shaman.

At the bottom of the stairs, a dim light illuminates a large room littered with moldy bedrolls and inhabited by more goblins.

The number of goblins in this room should be equal to 1 + the number of PCs. Additionally, if the PCs managed to sneak past the goblin patrol without ever alerting them, they are included in the total number of goblins and will join the fight after the first round of combat.

If the players have managed to deal with both the patrol and the guards, without allowing them to retreat into the tomb to warn the others — the players have the opportunity to catch these goblins by surprise.

If, on the other hand, both sides are aware of the other, be prepared for the players to try some out of the box thinking. They may not want to venture into a den of goblins, they may instead try to flush them out. Be prepared for anything. Let the players experiment. In fact, encourage it!

Once the goblins are dealt with, take a moment to describe the room.

The sputtering brazier at the center of this room gently illuminates the walls. On one side, a detailed carving depicts a company of knights fighting back a horde of monsters, perhaps even goblins.

On the other wall, there is an inscription, it reads:

“I swear to fight chaos in all of its forms, to uphold order, by honor of my given word”

The next room lies beyond a corridor that fades into darkness beyond the light of the brazier. Halfway down the corridor, just before the turn, and after a short descent of steps, there lies a pressure plate trap.

3. Pressure Plate Trap

A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check will notice the trap, the faint light of the brazier just barely catching the raised bit of floor. If a character then succeeds on a DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, they can disable the trap without triggering it. This can also be attempted with any bladed weapon, but the check is made at disadvantage.


delian tomb



Alternatively, PCs with Strength scores of 12 or higher, or succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check, can jump over the pressure plate. Any Small sized PCs (Halfings, Gnomes, Goblins, etc.) will not trigger the trap.

Any other creature who steps on the pressure plate will trigger the trap, causing a scythe to sweep down from the ceiling. A character that triggers the trap must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or suffer 4 (1d8) slashing damage.

Once the trap has been disabled, or triggered an amount of times equal to 1 less than the number of players it malfunctions and will not trigger again.

4. Hall of the Oathkeeper

What was once the sacred chamber consecrated by the Delian Order on behalf of Lord Delius has been desecrated by the goblins.

Along with Breeyak, the goblin shaman (who is sitting at the circled X) the leader of this band of goblin raiders resides here, a bugbear named Grush.

This 20-foot tall room is dominated by a giant stone statue of a knight, raised up on a dais, standing tall with their sword pointed down between their feet.

A thick haze billows up from a makeshift altar in the center of the room, where a goblin, adorned with jewelry and warpaint, chants rhythmically while they rock back and forth.

Behind the goblin, a young girl quietly whimpers, head in her hands, from a small cage near the foot of the statue.

This is the first time the players have encountered a clever enemy, the bugbear Grush is not driven by fear like his goblin toadies. Grush will fight tactically, and if alerted will attempt to hide in the shadows beside the Hall’s entrance.

Once the monsters have been slain, and Bess has been helped out from the cage, the players will likely wish to search the room. The makeshift altar is covered with bits of charcoal, incense, sulfur, and other spellcasting materials. Amidst these is a potion of healing as well as jewelry and gemstones worth 2d12 + 10 gp in total.

The statue, depicting one of the knights has an inscription at the base, it reads:

If you are to Keep it

You must first Give it

If any character speaks the Delian Oath from the Offering Room states “I give my word” or anything in the spirit of that, the secret door leading to the tomb will open.

Near the cage where Bess was being held, there is a large nest of blankets where the bugbear slept. Within the nest is a sack of copper, silver and gold pieces, toalling 4d8 gp in assorted coins.

5. Tomb of the Delian Order

The true resting place of the Delian Order, hidden away behind the Hall of the Oathkeeper. Inside, there are six sarcophagi bearing the resemblances of their knights they hold. As well as a much larger, more elaborately carved sarcophagus at the center, bearing the form of Lord Delius.

Each of the sarcophagi have the names of their occupants etched at their feet. There is a journal, mostly rotted away, laying atop Delius’ sarcophagus. It is written in Common, and what can be read explains the origin of the Delian Order and their purpose (noted at the beginning of this section).

There are also a number of potions of healing scattered about the tomb, left as offerings to the Order long ago.

If any character attempts to open a sarcophagi, they will disturb the spirits of the Delian Order. The entombed Knights of the Delian Order rise as skeletons from the sarcophagi, eager to expel the desecrators from their tomb.

In the event that the character who attempts to open a sarcophagi speaks the Delian Oath, the knights do not rise, for the character is considered a member of the Delian Order, and the treasures are rightly theirs.

Each sarcophagi holds chainmail, as well as a longsword, and a shield bearing the Coat of Arms of the Delian Order. In Lord Delius’ sarcophagus, is an elaborate magical longsword - Oath Sworn.

Master of the Dungeon

Remember that the world your players are exploring is ultimately crafted by you. If you feel that things are going too easy, or too difficult, you can add or remove enemies, or tweak them - like raising or lowering their total hit points - to better fit the tone and pace you’re aiming for.

Perhaps the party has been lucky, or smart, and they are entering the final room with plenty of health and spell slots, you can throw an extra goblin lackey into the Hall of the Oathkeeper!

Maybe they’ve had a rough time, it’s perfectly alright for you to suggest they take a short rest in one of the rooms they’ve already cleared.



Ending the Adventure

With the goblins dispatched, Bess rescued and the tomb guardians either turned to piles of bone or appeased with the promise of one of their own, the adventure is complete. All that is left is to have the players collect the treasures they may have missed, and return to Vallaine.

Consider describing the trek back as more of a cut-scene, with the PCs returning as triumphant heroes and not the Ratcatchers the villagers saw them as before.

Further Adventures

If a character decides to keep and use the armor and shield obtained from the Delian Knights, they may encounter a scholar, sage - or worse another goblinoid shaman - that recognizes the emblems and iconography etched into the metal.

This could open up another adventure based on the recreation of the order, connecting with other members of the knights in other kingdoms, or, in the case of the goblinoids, cause a sect of goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears to hunt down these would-be knights.

Magical Items

The magical items appearing in the adventure are listed here.

Potion of Healing

Potion, common
When you drink this potion, you regain 2d4 + 2 hit points.

Oath Sworn

Weapon, rare
This is the weapon of Lord Delius, and has the Delian Oath engraved into the length of its blade.

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this longsword. Additionally, when used against goblinoids (bugbears, hobgoblins and goblins) attacks deal an extra 1d6 radiant damage on a hit.


The statistics for any mundane equipment the PCs find, either scavenged weapons from the goblins, or the arms and armor of the Delian Knights, can be found in the Equipment section of the Player’s Handbook. Any item the PCs take can be brought back to town and sold or traded for goods and services. Use the prices set within the Player’s Handbook when selling these, or the ones suggested below.

Goblin Equipment

The gear and supplies that the goblins use is in massive disrepair. The blades are dented and marred with scratches, and spots of rust. The armor they use is little more than scavenged scraps of leather and hide from other adventurers they have encountered or animals they have hunted. The gear is sold at half market value or less.

  • Bugbear’s Hide armor (3 gp)
  • Bugbear’s Morningstar (7 gp)
  • Goblin’s Leather Armor (5 gp
  • Goblin’s Scimitar (12 gp)
  • Goblin’s Short bow (12 gp)
  • Goblin’s Shield (2 gp)
  • Shaman’s Dagger (5 sp)

Arms & Armor of the Delian Knights

The items found within the sarcophagi though dusty and aged were relatively protected from the elements and are in good repair. The flourishes and decoration that were added to the equipment, as well as the quality of them allows for fair market value if sold.

  • Chain mail armor (75 gp)
  • Longsword (15 gp)
  • Shield (10 gp)



Monster Stat Blocks

We suggest reading over the Monster Statistics section in the Basic rules to help understand the following stat blocks.


Small humanoid, neutral evil

Armor Class (AC)
13 (Leather Armor, +2 if using a shield)
Hit Points (HP)
30 ft.
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)
Stealth +6
darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 9
Common, Goblin
Challenge Rating (CR)
1/4 (50 XP)

Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.


Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: 1d20+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: 1d20+4 to hit, range 80ft./320 ft., one targe. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage

Grush, the Bugbear

Medium humanoid, chaotic evil

Armor Class (AC)
16 (Hide Armor, Shield)
Hit Points (HP)
30 ft.
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
Stealth +6, Survival +2
darkvision, Passive Perception 10
Common, Goblin
Challenge Rating (CR)
1 (200 XP)

Brute. When the bugbear hits with a melee weapon attack, the attack deals one extra die of the weapon’s damage to the target (included below).

Surprise Attack. If the bugbear surprises a creature and hits it with an attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.


Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: 1d20+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8+2) piercing damage.

Healing Potion. The bugbear regains 2d4+2 hit points.

Breeyak, Goblin Shaman

Small humanoid, neutral evil

Armor Class (AC)
13 (Leather Armor)
Hit Points (HP)
30 ft.
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
Stealth +6
darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11
Common, Goblin
Challenge Rating (CR)
1/4 (50 XP)

Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.

Spellcasting. The Goblin Shaman is a 1st level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom.

Cantrips (at-will):
dancing lights, thaumaturgy
1st level (2 slots):
healing word, shield of faith


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: 1d20+4 to hit, one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) slashing damage

Sacred Flame. cantrip (range 60 ft.) Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that the goblin can see within range. The target must succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or take 4 (1d8) radiant damage. The target gains no benefit from cover for this saving throw.

Delian Knight Skeleton

Medium undead, lawful neutral

Armor Class (AC)
15 (Chain Mail, Shield)
Hit Points (HP)
30 ft.
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
Damage Vulnerabilities
Damage Immunities
Condition Immunities
exhaustion, poisoned
darkvision 60 ft.
understands common but cannot speak
Challenge Rating (CR)
1/4 (50 XP)


Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: 1d20+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage.




homebrew mug

delian tomb


delian tomb



Other Resources


While the simplest iteration of the game is free, you can purchase digital or physical copies of the game as well for more content to expand your character options and adventures.


  • Lost Mine of Phandelver - D&D Beyond - Free. This is the original 5E Starting Adventure and is free to use on D&D Beyond.
  • Dragon of Icespire Peak - D&D Beyond - This is the second starter adventure, released as part of the D&D Essentials Kit - included in this is guidelines and rules for using Sidekick characters, so that play can reasonably happen with only 1-2 players without need to scale-down an adventure.
  • Frozen Sick - D&D Beyond - Free. This is another free adventure available for use on D&D Beyond
  • More adventures can be found at the DMs Guild, purchased on D&D Beyond, or found at your Friendly Local Gaming Store (FLGS)


Virtual Table-tops (VTT) are a thing, and make play via the internet a viable option. These are normally paired with Discord for voice/video chat.


Looking to join or start a group to play D&D?


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