


“The child’s memory holds a mystery to unravel—one concerning the battle we seek between light and darkness.”

Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people’s hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived… in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It’s the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps deep within the darkness. That’s why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open. And the true light will return. So listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away.

This was the story of a young boy, his two childhood friends, and the allies and enemies they made along the way. And it all centered around a single tool; A weapon to some, a curse to others, and the guiding light yet for those who seek it: The Keyblade. No matter how you see it, it’s time to see it’s might for yourself.

By finding and reading this report, the one I gave out only to my dearest and most loyal allies, you shall read not just my research, but the important notes and teachings I was given access to by the countless keyblade masters I have had the priviledge of meeting, as well as my knowledge of everything revolving aorund the heart, the heartless, and those that should not exist. You, my new, budding keyblade wielder, it is time for you to discover the truth behind all worlds, and make of it what you will.

Do not be afraid to fall in your new quest, Just let your heart be your guide. The heart has always been quick to grow. Each exposure to light, to the natural world, to other people, shapes this most malleable part inside of us. That is a statement to the love we have in our hearts for other people, and the bonds that tie them together. Our most precious treasures – even an empty puppet – the trees of the forest, and the petals on the wind – there are hearts around us everywhere we look. And it does not take superhuman powers to see them. The rest is in your hands. Simply embrace the abilities you were given, the strength and weaknesses you have gained from coming here, and take a step forward. May your heart be your guiding key.

-Sincerely, Ansem the Wise





New Base Class: Keyblade Master

“A Scattered Dream That’s Like A Far-Off Memory, A Far-Off Memory That’s Like A Scattered Dream, I Want To Line The Pieces Up, Yours And Mine.”

-Keyblade Master Sora



PART 1 | Classes



The Keyblade Master

Wielder of one of the greatest tools of all time, the Keyblade Master is considered the greatest saviour and harshest destroyer of all who seek the eternal light that is Kingdom Hearts.

Keyblade masters take many shapes and forms, but the one thing that connects them all is the strength of their heart: Be it light or dark, or the road that leads between.

Class Features

As a Kayblade Master, you gain the following class features:

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d8 per Keyblade Master level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d8 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Keyblade Master level after 1st level


Light armor, Medium armor, Heavy armor
Simple, Martial
Saving Throws:
Dexerity, Charisma
Choose two from Persuasion, Deception, Acrobatics, or Arcana

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
  • (a) a suit of Leather Armor or (b) a suit of Chainmail
  • 1 Good luck charm from the world/realm you originate from.

Passed down from generations

Wielders of the keyblades have many ways to wield their weapon: The strength of their heart, the power of their magic potential, any number of things. The most common denominator, however, is that a Keyblade Master perfroms the Rite of Mastery, sharing the power of the keyblade with another by letting them grasp their keyblade, and take the light within them.

Magic and Abilities

The blade alone is not the only strength of the Keyblade Master. Many wielders of the Keyblade are capable of using the power of magic to amplify or cover bases that the keyblade alone cannot handle. Some even use the keyblade as less a weapon and more of a special wand, channeling their magic through it.

Making a Keyblade Master

When making a keyblade master, it’s important to think about how they will fit into your DM’s world.

After all, a wielder of a magic key may or may not actually fit in with any campaign! That being said, there are a number of ways to help your character fit in as a Keyblade Master:

  • As a keyblade master, it is your duty to protect the light or harvest the darkness of worlds. As such, a realm such as the one you enter in-game could be such a location a keyblade master would visit.
  • This could be your Mark of Mastery exam; solving a world’s problems to prove you are a master of the keyblade.
  • Nobody at your table brings it up. At all. Like, don’t mention it ever in-game. Sometimes suspending your disbelief in a game of make believe is healthy if everyone is okay with it.

Even if it never ends up being possible in your DM’s world, try talking to them and using this as some reflavoring of the Eldritch Knight. You never know until you ask, after all!

Kingdom Hearts Symbol

Symbol of

Kingdom Hearts


PART 1 | Classes



The Keyblade Master Table
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known Spells Known — Spell Slots Per Spell Level —
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Inheritance Ceremony 2 1 2
2nd +2 Keyblade Path 2 2 2
3rd +2 Sleight Points, Weapon Style 2 2 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 3 3 2
5th +3 Extra Attack 3 3 3 2 -
6th +3 Improved Spellcasting, Critical+ 3 3 3 2 -
7th +3 Keyblade Path Feature 4 4 3 3 -
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 4 3 -
9th +4 Keyblade Path Feature 4 5 4 3 2
10th +4 Keyblade Vehicle 4 5 4 3 2
11th +4 5 5 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 6 4 3 3
13th +5 5 7 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Keyblade Path Feature 5 8 4 3 3 2
15th +5 6 8 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 9 4 3 3 3
17th +6 Mark of Mastery 6 9 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 6 10 4 3 3 3 2
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 11 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Keyblade Path Feature 6 11 4 3 3 3 3


After inheriting the Keyblade from another Keyblade Master, you have gained a way to access the magic that exists within you, and learn how to control it, even if you aren’t wielding the weapon when you cast a spell.


At 1st level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the keyblade master spell list. At higher levels, you learn additional keyblade master cantrips of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the keyblade master table.

When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the keyblade master cantrips you know with another cantrip from the keyblade master spell list.

Spell Slots

The Keyblade Master table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your Keyblade Masrwe spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these keyblade master spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell burning hands and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast burning hands using either slot.

Spellcasting Focus

Your keyblade acts as your spellcasting focus. While you are attuned to a keyblade, you cannot use another weapon as your Magic focus.

Inheritance Ceremony

Starting at level 1, you are finally able to awaken your keyblade, and bring it forth. Remember that during this time, you are still considered under training to become a fully fledged master. As such, while you may wield your keyblade, it is also important to recognize the usage of other weapons.

wielding the keyblade

While wielding the keyblade as a Keyblade Master, you are automatically attuned to the Keyblade. This does not take up one of your attunements slots.

Creatures other than you may wield the keyblade, but you have the ability to create and dissipate it with your willpower. As a Bonus Action, if you are not wielding your keyblade, you may summon it to your hands.


PART 1 | Classes




Kingdom Key

Sora’s Keyblade

Keyblade Path

Starting at level 2, Keyblade Wielders are able to choose the path they wish to take as aprt of their training. Like the wielders of blades and magic in the Forgotten Realms, wielders of the Keyblades follow many disciples. Keyblade Masters come in many shapes and forms, with the most common being Masters of Light, Dark, and Twilight.

Path of light

Keyblade masters who wield Keyblades of light. They are often seen as enemies to the Darkness, who defend people and worlds alike from the forces of the Heartless and Nobodies who seek to steal their hearts for themselves. The keyblades they wield, born from the light within the worlds themselves, are one of the few weapons capable of permenantly destroying a heartless. They have a natural urge to destroy evil and hatred wherever they go, and can be used to seal away the Door to Kingdom Hearts from the Realm of Light if paired with the Keyblades of the Dark Realm.

Path of Darkness

Keyblade Masters who wield the power of Darkness with their abilities. Most people see them as those who wield the power of darkness to try and release the hidden energy within their hearts, turning them into heartless. That being said, this view is not always the truth: Keyblade masters who wield darkness are part of the important balance of the world, for there cannot be light if there is no darkness for it to shine in, nor can there be any darkness without the light to cast shadows. In a sense, Keyblade Masters of the Dark act not so much as destroyers of worlds, but rather as keepers of the Dark, the same way Masters of the light perform their duties. The keyblades they wield are formed from the Hearts of those that walk it’s path, and are capable of unlocking the inner chambers of one’s heart, and can be used to seal away the Door to Kingdom Hearts from the Realm of Darkness, if paired with the Keyblades of the Light Realm.

Path of Balance

Those that walk the thin line between both sides of the coin, who choose neither the powers of light and dark, and instead wield them both as equals, wield the keyblade that rides the dying light of twilight to embrace the warmth found on the road to dawn. A rarity for certain, those that walk the Path of Duality control Light and Dark in equal measure, seeking a balance between the two. They are the ones who seek to maintain good and evil within the world, to protect darkness and light eternal. Their keyblades, born from the fusion of hearts of light and dark, often appear twisted and contorted, appearing like swords that are made from bat or dragon winds, with angelic feathers tying them together.

Sleight Points

At level 3, you learn how to wield magic-like abilities innate to your keyblade, rather than the magic you wield naturally. The abilities offered differ depending on the wielder’s capabilities and style. You can replace one of these Sleights with a different one whenever you level up. Sleights will be listed below in the Sleights Pages. You start with 4, and gain 1 additional sleight at levels 5, 7, 11, 15, and 18.

Fighting Style

Also at level 3, you learn how to fight using the power of the Keyblade to best suite your style. The style chooses various abilities, giving you access to unique sleights, as well as giving you special armor dedicated to your style. This armor is automatically attuned to you, and does not count towards your attunement slots. These armors can be upgraded using Sleights, and gives them resistance to Necrotic Damage.


Wielders of the Keyblade who focus on unleashing their attacks with their innate strength and brute force, rather than their obtained power.

*Their AC while wearing their armor is 16.

*They gain an addition HP point when they level up.


Wielders of the Keyblade who focus on being fast, striking fast, and dodging. Quick strikes are their forte, as is being nimble on their feet.

*Their AC while wearing their armor is 11 + DEX.

*Their Keyblades gain the Thrown property.


Wielders of the Keyblade who use it’s power to amplify their magical properties, rather than use it to strike. They are gifted mages by nature.

*Their AC while wearing their armor is 14 + DEX (Max of 2)

*Their Keyblades give them +1 to spell save dc. 5 PART 1 | Classes




PART 1 | Classes

Extra Attack

Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.

Improved Spellcasting

Starting at level 6, whenever you deal damage with a Melee magic spell, you can add your Charisma modifier to the damage.


Starting al level 6, your chances of critting on an attack roll increase. You now crit on 19’s and 20’s.

Keyblade Vehicle

Starting at level 10, you gain access to a unique ability: creating a vehicle with your weapon. This vehicle can take on various forms, though the most common forms include Boards, Wave Racers, and Gliders. This vehicle lasts 10 minutes and can be used once per long rest. You can use an action to transform your keyblade, and while utilizing this vehicle form, you gain the following benefits:

*Your movement speed becomes 50 feet, and you take no fall damage.

*While using the Vehicle, you are immune to rough terrain, and don’t sink in water.

*You gain a climbing speed of 50 feet, and a flying speed of 50 feet if used while within a plane of Darkness (IE: The Astral Plane, the Lanes Between, the Elemental Plane of Darkness, etc.).

*You gain a weapon attack depending on your Weapon style. This attack cannot benefit form the Extra Attack feature.

Striker Body Slam: +(Str or Dex) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d8 + Str or Dex) slashing damage.

Quickster Quick Launcher: +(Str or Dex) to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d6 + Str or Dex) Bludgeoning damage.

Magister Spectral Blaster: +(Cha) to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (2d4 + Cha) Peircing damage.

Mark of Mastery

After a lengthy training process, and many dventures under your belt, you have officially been given the true sign of being a Keyblade Master: The Mark of Mastery.

Those who have been given the clearance of Keyblade Master are given the strength to control the worlds themselves. These are usually given out after the end of some sort of test or adventure, or after another Keyblade Master recognizes their power.

Keyblade Masters may choose this power in several ways, including:

–Passing their Keyblade down to others through the Inheritance Ceremony.

–Temporarily attuning a Keyblade to another Keyblade Master, allowing them to use it to it’s full abilities.

– Once per Combat, can activate one of their combat sleights without scoring a critical hit.




PART 1 | Spell List

The Keyblade Master Spell List

Cantrips (0 Level)
  • Blade Ward
  • Blizzard (KH)
  • Booming Blade
  • Chill Touch
  • Eldritch Blast
  • Firebolt
  • Fire
  • Green Flame Blade
  • Guidance
  • Light
  • Mending
  • Prestidigitation
  • Sacred Flame
  • Sword Burst
  • Thunder
  • True Strike
  • Thaumaturgy
  • Vicious Mockery
  • Word of Radiance
1st Level
  • Aero
  • Animal Friendship
  • Arms of Hadar
  • Bane
  • Bless
  • Cause Fear
  • Cure Wounds
  • Earth Tremor
  • Faerie Fire
  • False Life
  • Find Familiar
  • Guiding Bolt
  • Jump
  • Mage Armor
  • Magnify Gravity
  • Protection from Evil and Good
  • Searing Smite
  • Sleep
  • Wrathful Smite
2nd Level
  • Aganazzar’s Scorcher
  • Alter Self
  • Balloon
  • Blindness/Deafness
  • Cure
  • Darkness
  • Earthbind
  • Enlarge/Reduce
  • Flame Blade
  • Flock of Familiars
  • Gust of Wind
  • Knock
  • Levitate
  • Magnet
  • Mental Barrier
  • Scorching Blade
  • Shadow Blade
  • Spiritual Weapon
  • Stop
  • Warding Wind
3rd Level
  • Blizzara
  • Call Lightning
  • Circle of Power
  • Crusader’s Mantle
  • Conjure Animals
  • Dispel Magic
  • Elemental Weapon
  • Fear
  • Fira
  • Fly
  • Life Transference
  • Mass Healing Word
  • Thundara
  • Revivify
  • Slow
  • Spirit Gaurdian
  • Water Breathing
4th Level
  • Aura of Life
  • Aura of Purity
  • Balloonra
  • Banishment
  • Confusion
  • Conjure Minor Elemental
  • Dimension Door
  • Fire Shield
  • Gravity Sinkhole
  • Ice Storm
  • Storm Shield
  • Summon Elemental
  • Wall of Fire
  • Watery Sphere
  • Magnara
5th Level
  • Aeroga
  • Balloonga
  • Blizzaga
  • Curaga
  • Firaga
  • Magnaga
  • Reflaga
  • Stopaga
  • Thundaga



New Subclasses: Keyblade Paths

“I remember my first time here. I was so scared. But now, my doubts and fears are gone. If anything, I feel exhilarated. And it’s not because there’s darkness in me—I know too well what that rush is like. This is different.”

-Keyblade Master Riku



PART 2 | Subclasses




PART 2 | Subclasses

Path of Light

A tool to destroy the shadows of darkness, to open the gates between worlds, and to shine forth and show all worlds the truth, the Keyblade of Light is a powerful tool that many use as means to shine forth, and strike down darkness wherever it may loom, be it in the hearts of man, or within the hidden emotions of a creature’s mind. Darkness looms everywhere, and it is your job to find and destroy it when it attempts to overflow, and destroy a realm from within.

Keyblade of Light

Starting at level 2, when you take this subclass, your heart has formed the power to wield the keyblade to it’s full potential. As a bonus action, you can imbue your keyblade with the power of Light. For one minuet, whenever you attack a foe with your keyblade, your weapon will deal an extra 1d4 Radiant damage that ignores resistances. You can do this an amount of times equal to your Prof. + CHA modifier, resetting on a long rest. This damage increases to a d6 at level7, and to a d8 at level 15.

Bane of the Darkness

Starting at 7th level, your heart shines stronger than before, giving you the power to access the light from within. Whenever you deal Fire or Radiant damage, you can add your Charisma Modifier to your damage rolls.

Additionally, whenever you deal Radiant damage to an Undead creature with a melee or thrown Keyblade Attack, the Radiant Damage dealt automatically deals max damage.

Sealing Radiance

At 14th level, your vow to strike down those who seek to consume the light withe verlasting darkness has increased your strength. You gain the Sleight “Ragnarok.” This sleight doesn’t count towards your maximum sleight slots.

Trinity: Limit Form

At 20th Level, the darkness in your heart, while present, is not but a shiver in the corner of your soul.

Whenever you perform a Damaging Sleight, you regain HP equal to your 1d8 + Your Keyblade Master level. (1d8+20)

Additionally, whenever you perform a non-damaging sleight, you can choose up to 5 allies that are conscious within 20 feet of you. They heal your CHA modifier in HP. You can do this an equal amount of times to your Prof. Modifier per day, regaining all uses at dawn.

Path of Darkness

A tool to consume the light of the worlds, to open the paths between worlds, and to fuel those who’s hearts have been lost to the denizens of darkness, the Keyblade of Darkness is a powerful tool that many use as means to charge forth, and strike down light wherever it may shine, be it in the hearts of man, or within the very world you walk upon. Light looms everywhere, and it is your job to find and destroy it when it attempts to overflow, and corrupt the minds of man with the essence that is Kingdom Hearts.

Keyblade of Darkness

Starting at level 2, when you take this subclass, your heart has formed the power to wield the keyblade to it’s full potential. As a bonus action, you can imbue your keyblade with the power of Darkness. For one minute, whenever you attack a foe with your keyblade, your weapon will deal an extra 1d4 Necrotic damage that ignores resistances. You can do this an amount of times equal to your Prof. + CHA modifier, resetting on a long rest. This damage increases to a d6 at level7, and to a d8 at level 15.

Bane of the Light

Starting at 7th level, your heart beats stronger than before, giving you the power to access the darkness from within. Whenever you slay a humanoid enemy with your keyblade that is up to 1 size larger than you, you can transform them into a Heartless/ An undead creature, CR equal to 1/4th your total Keyblade Master level.

In combat, the undead’s turn comes immediately after yours. It obeys your mental commands, and the only action it can take is the Attack or Dodge action, making either a physical attack or using one of it’s abilities/spells.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your CHA modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Eternal Darkness

At 14th level, your vow to strike down those who seek to destroy the darkness within the hearts of all has increased your strength. You gain the Sleight “Dark Aura.” This sleight doesn’t count towards your maximum sleight slots.



Seeker of Darkness

At 20th Level, the Light in your heart, while present, is not but a mote in the sea of darkness within your soul.

You gain the ability to create and maintain a Heartless/Undead gaurdian. You can summon this undead by performing a 10 minuet ritual, or by using a 5th level spellslot to summon it as an action. The gaurdian stays behind you, moves as you moves, and is controlled by you. While summoned, the gaurdian gives you several new abilities:

  • You can use your gaurdian for physical activities, replacing either your Strength or Dexterity bonus with your Charisma Bonus.
  • You can use your reaction to increase your AC by 4.
  • You gain an unarmed attack using the gaurdian that deals 1d6+CHA damage, and has a range of 10 feet.
  • You can perform somatic components for spells while grappling a foe, at the cost of not being able to use the other features of the Gaurdian.

You can create this gaurdian once per day, and it lasts for an hour.

Path of Twilight

A tool of balance and unity, to open the minds of hearts of the worlds, and to shine forth and show all worlds and it’s inhabitants what lies between the twilight and dusk, the Keyblade of Heart is a powerful tool that many use as means to unlock the hearts of those you meet, and to open the path the the truest light within the eternal darkness: Kingdom Hearts. Darkness and Light must be balanced, and it is your job to find and destroy the Light or Darkness whenever one seeks to overcome the other.

Keyblade of Hearts

Starting at level 2, when you take this subclass, your heart has formed the power to wield the keyblade to it’s full potential. As a bonus action, you can imbue your keyblade with the power of your Mind, Body, and Heart. Whenever you attack a foe with your keyblade, your weapon will deal an extra 1d4 Force damage that ignores resistances. You can do this an amount of times equal to your Prof. + CHA modifier, resetting on a long rest. This damage increases to a d6 at level7, and to a d8 at level 15.

Bane of Disorder

Starting at 7th level, your heart beats stronger than before, giving you the power to unleash it’s hidden powers. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you takes Necrotic or Radiant damage, you can direct the damage towards yourself instead.

Additionally, you gain resistance to both Necrotic and Radiant damage.

Twilit Nights

At 14th level, your vow to strike down those who seek to destroy the balance of Light and Dark increases your strength.

Attacks you make that inflict Necrotic or Radiant damage bypass damage Resistances. If a creature heals itself from Necrotic or Radiant damage, it instead takes Force Damage equal to the amount of damage it would normally heal.

Hero of Dawn

At 20th Level, the darkness and light have found balance, coexisting within your heart, filling your soul with equity.

Whenever you cast a spell, you can expend an extra spell slot of the same level to perform a Damaging Sleight, if a creature is within range to attack with your sleight.



New Subclasses: Non-Keyblade Masters

“Not on your life! But I’m not gonna betray Sora, either, ‘cause he’s become one of my best buddies after all we’ve been through together! See ya later, Donald. Could ya tell the king I’m really sorry?”

“Hold on, Goofy! We’ll tell him together.”

-Royal Knight Goofy, and Court Wizard Donald, conversing while aiding Keyblade Master Sora.

homebrew mug


PART 2 | Subclasses




PART 2 | Subclasses

Fighter Subclass: Royal Knight

A stalwart companion in the dark, A royal gaurdian for a kingdom, or just a really good friend, the Royal Knight is capable of being your shield, or your shield… quite literally, as their main feature is their incredible abilities utilizing a shield to both attack and defend at the same time! Of course, your major abilities focus on more than just fighting with a shield: You can help maintain your allies abilities and health as well. After all, what would you have to defend if your friends fall before you can aid them?

Shield Knight

When you pick this subclass at level 3, you abandon your weapon in favor of wielding your shield as your offence and your defence. While you are wielding a shield and have no weapon equipped, you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain proficency in attacking with your shield.
  • Unarmed attacks with your shield deal 1d8+STR Bludgeoning damage.
  • Shields gain the Thrown property.
  • Shields thrown return to the user, just like a Boomerang would.
  • Shield with magical properies -Such as a Setinel Shield- count as Magical weapons for the purposes of damage calculation.

Wild Charge

At 3rd level, your lack of weapon means in order to perform certain actions for your allies. You learn how to use your shield to perform various attacks, most stemming from your ability to charge at foes, shield first.

Whenever you prepare to make an attack-including attacks taken through the Extra Attack Feature, but not through an oppurtunity of attack- against an enemy creature, you can choose to move up to half your movement speed in a straight line before you make your attack roll. This ability does not activate when using your normal movement speed, focusing entirely on your extra movement speed using your Charge feature. You cannot move around corners or obstacles with this moovement. If you use this feature, you must move the full speed, unless you would collide into an object or if it would send you into imminent danger, such as sending you off a cliff.

Wild Rocket

Also at 3rd level, whenever you attack using your shield, you can perform an uppercut attack with your shield once per round to send foes flying. Doing so causes your target to make a DEX Saving throw, or take your melee damage and be knocked back (STR modifier x 5) feet.

Wild Smash

After reaching level 7, your charging improves greatly, as you figure out how to move past and strike with wild abandon. Once per round, whenever you perform your Charge and land your attack, you can choose move an additional 10 feet past your foe without invoking an oppurtunity of attack. If any enemies are in the path of this charge, you immediately perform a melee attack at disadvantage.


When you reach level 10, your abilities to fight not only improve, but your capabilities to support your allies as well, as you learn the important lesson of sharing- be it through magic, or careful rationing. Whenever you use a healing potion on yourself, you can use your reaction to split the healing you recieve in half, and give one of these halves to an ally within 30 feet.

Alternatively, whenever you use the Second Wind feature, you can use your Bonus Action to heal up to 2 allies within 30 feet the same amount. You can use this part of the ability once per day, resetting at dawn.

MP Gift

At level 15, your supportive abilities greatly increase to match your offensive capabilities. Instead of making an attack, you can use your action to give your energy to an ally, restoring a spell slot less than or equal to 1/4th of your Fighter Level. You can perform this action once per long rest.

Wild Tornado.

At level 18, your charging skills have increased twofold. Whenever you perform a wild charge, you can perform a Wild Tornado attack, spinning your shield around as you strike foes down. You may make a free weapon attack against all targets within 5 feet of your charging path.

After your Wild Tornado is done, you must make a DC15 + (Number of enemies you hit with Wild Tornado attacks.) Con saving throw, or become dizzy, acting as if under the Confusion spell, repeating the save at the end of your turn until you pass, after which the effect ends.



Wizard Subclass: Court Wizard

What is a king without his kingdom? And what is a court without their Wizard? The answer to both; a great deal of nothing. After all, both have their titles in their name!

A Court Wizard finds themselves in duty of protecting and serving their designated ruler, keeping them alive and smiting their enemeies with explosive power. However, what makes them different from other wizardry domains is their capabilities with magic outside fo their usual arsenal, and their commitment to getting back into the field no matter what happens, resulting in them learning how to restore their stamina quickly.

Magic Maestro

Starting when you pick this subclass at 2nd level, you learn how to manipulate spells from outside your normal paramaeters. Whenever you find a magic scroll containing magic from another class that you normally do not have access to (EX: A scroll of Healing Word, or a Scroll of Chaos Bolt.), they can add that spell to their Wizard Book for twice the required material components. The spells added count as Wizard spells for the purpose of abilities and feats, and use your Intellegence modifier for damage, healing, and spell save dc calculation. You can have up to (Int/ modifier + Prof. Modifier) saved in your spellbook at any time, prepared or not prepared.

Royal Gaurdian

You know that traveling through the lands leads you into dangerous areas, and need access to spells even if you can’t afford to bring your spellbook.

Starting at level 3, pick 1 spell from your spellbook that is written and prepared. You can perform one ritual per day that lasts 1 hour, using 50 x spell level gold worth of gold dust, which the ritual consumes, to attune the spells to yourself. As long as you are wielding an arcane focus, you can perform that spell even if your spellbook is destroyed. You can unattune to 1 of these spells every time you take a long rest. Attuning spells to yourself does not take up attunement slots. Performing this ritual destroys the spell scroll, if obtained in such a way, and unattuning it does not restore the scroll.

You can add 1 additional spell attunement slot at levels 5, 7, 11, 15, and 18.

MP Haste

Starting at level 6, your arcane recovery increases in effectiveness. Whenever you take a short rest and use the Arcane Recovery feature, you gain an additional +1 to the spell limit you recover. (EX: A 7th level wizard can recover a 3rd and 4th level spell slot, while a Court Wizard can recover 2 4th level slots.)

Additionally, whenever you take a short rest, you regain an additional amount of hp equal to your Proficency Modifier.

MP Rage

When you reach level 10, your magical recovery allows you to absorb the energy from your battle experiences and convert it into magical energy. Whenever you take damage equal to or more than half of your maximum hp, you regain 1 spell slot equal to or less than your Intellegence Modifier that has been expended.


When you reach level 18, your Arcane mastery has increased trifold, allowing you to propel yourself to new heights. Whenever you cast a spell using your highest level spell slot, you can immediately cast a spell using a spell slot equal to your Intellegence modifier or lower as a free action. Doing so will cause you to gain 1 point of exhaustion.


PART 2 | Subclasses




“They’ll come at you out of nowhere. And they’ll keep on coming at you, as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade. The Heartless have great fear of the Keyblade. That’s why they’ll keep coming after you no matter what.”

-Leon, Flaming Champion of Traverse Town, leade of the Hollow Bastion Restoration Commitee.



PART 3 | Sleights




PART 3 | Sleights

About Sleights:

Sleights are the keyblade master’s main drive for dealing with heartless in more ways than just swinging around a keyblade or casting spells. There are many kinds of sleights, all with unique abilities. How a wielder wishes to use them is up to them, as they can build themselves to be anything they wish, thanks to these strange abilities.

Activating sleights

Sleights are activated in numerous ways, but they usually follow 3 Guidelines, unless specifically stated: Damaging, support, and Reactionary.
Damaging sleights are activated by scoring a critical hit, and choosing them instead of normally dealing critical damage. Only one can be used per turn.
Support Sleights are always active, and upgrade or enhance your abilites based on their effects.
Reactionary Sleights utilize your Reaction, as the name implies.

Sleight Costs:

Sleights have costs, known as AP, or Ability Points. Most cost between 1-3 AP, and may have a prerequisite, such as needing a certain level or subclass.

Ars Arcanum

Support Sleight
Requirements: level 11
AP Cost: 3

Whenever you make a melee weapon attack and score a critical hit, you can roll 1 additional damage die.


Support Sleight
Requirements: Magister Fighting Style, level 5
AP Cost: 1

You learn the spell Shield and can cast it once per day without using a spell slot. This spell doesn’t count to your maximum known spells.

Barrier Shatter

Support Sleight
Requirements: Barrier Sleight
AP Cost: 1

After you use the spell Shield, if the attack against you misses because of the spell, you can shatter the shield, sending out shards of magic, dealing 1d6+CHA damage to all foes of your choice within 5 feet.


Support Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

When you have less than one-fourth your maximum HP, you double your maximum Strength or Dexterity modifier for Damage rolls.


Support Sleight
Requirements: Striker Fighting Style, Level 5
AP Cost: 1

When you have less than one-fourth your maximum HP, your proficency bonus to hit rolls doubles.


Reactionary Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

After you take damage, you can move 5 feet away from your attacker without provoking an Oppurtunity of Attack.




PART 3 | Sleights


Reactionary Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

Whenever an opponent makes a weapon attack against you and misses, you can use your reaction to make an Opportunity of Attack against them with your weapon. Critical weapon attack with this ability don’t activate Sleights.

Combo ++

Support Sleight
Requirements: Striker Fighting Style, Level 11
AP Cost: 2

You can attack 3 Times, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.

Critical ++

Support Sleight
Requirements: Striker Fighting Style
AP Cost: 2

Whenever you deal critical damage, you triple instead of double your STR/DEX modifier for your Damage bonus.

Dark Aura

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: Level 14 Path of Darkness Feature
AP Cost: 0

You teleport up to 20 feet to an empty space of your choice, and unleash a dark magic attack against all foes in a 10 foot cone in front of you. All within this cone must make a DEX Save against your Spell Save DC, or take 3d6 Necrotic Damage, and are immediately under the effects of the Confusion Spell until the end of their next turn. Targets who save take half damage, and are not confused.

Dark Firaga

Special Sleight
Requirements: Must have the spell Firaga, Cannot be Path of Light Subclass
AP Cost: 1

Whenever you cast Firaga, you can change the damage type to Necrotic. When you do, instead of lighting foes on fire, they are considered Blinded and take 1d6 necrotic damage for 1d4 turns instead.

Defence Boost

Support Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

You gain 1 Additional AC while wearing your keyblade armor.


Support Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

You gain the spell “Mage Hand” as a cantrip. This spell doesn’t count as one of your naturally learned cantrips. If you have multiple abilities giving the Draw effect, the range of your Mage Hand increases by 10 feet.

Dodge Roll

Support Sleight
Requirements: Level 7, Quickster Fighting Style.
AP Cost: 2

You gain access to the “Evasion” class feature.

Dodging Slash

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

Your target takes normal weapon damage, and their next attack against you is at disadvantage.

Flaming Cartwheel

Reactionary Sleight
Requirements: Cartwheel
AP Cost: 1

After you take damage, you can move 5 feet away from your attacker without provoking an Oppurtunity of Attack, dealing fire damage equal to your CHA. Modifier

Fire Dash

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

You can move up to your maximum movement speed towards a new enemy without provoking an oppurtunity of Attack, and make a Melee weapon attack against them. This weapon attack deals fire damage.




PART 3 | Sleights


Support Sleight
Requirements: Level 7
AP Cost: 1

You can cast Levitate on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Gravity Break

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 2

You can unleash a powerful warping attack to crush a foe under a sphere of magical gravity, dealing (Current total level/2 + Prof. Modifier) Force damage to one foe.

High Jump

Support Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

You can cast Jump on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

High Jump+

Support Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

You perpetually are under the effects of the Jump spekk unless specifically deciding not to use it.

Hurricane Blast

Reactionary Sleight
Requirements: Quickster Fighting Style
AP Cost: 2

Whenever you take damage, you can force your foes to make a Dex Save against your Spell Save DC. If failed, they are knocked back 10 feet by strong winds, and take Bludgeoning damage equal to your CHA modifier.

Magic Hour

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: Magister Fighting Style
AP Cost: 1

You can make all foes of your choice within 30 feet make a Dex save against your spell save DC, or be forced to move 5 feet closer to you, if possible, and take 1d6 force Damage.

Magnet Burst

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: Magister Fighting Style, level 7
AP Cost: 1

You can make all foes of your choice make a Dex save against your spell save DC, or be forced to move 5 feet closer to you, if possible, and take 2d6 force Damage.

Magic Galvanizer

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: Magister Fighting Style
AP Cost: 2

Your critical Melee Weapon attack is replaced by a critical hit Cantrip against the same target.

Mermaid Kick

Support Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

You gain a swimming speed equal to your maximum movement speed. Whenever you take the dash action underwater, you can add (5X STR modifier) to the distance you can move.

Meteor Crash

Attacking Sleight
Requirements: Striker Fighting style, Level 18
AP Cost: 2

All targets within 10 feet of you must make a Dex. Saving throw agains tyour spell save DC, or take 4d12 Fire Damage and be pushed back 20 feet. Targets take half damage and aren’t pushed back on saves. Objects not being worn or carried are lit on fire. The explosion radius of the blast reaches around corners.

Mystic Arcanum

Support Sleight
Requirements: Level 11
AP Cost: 2

You learn 1 6th spell of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You can cast them 1 time each per day, recovering them on a Long Rest.




PART 3 | Sleights

Mystic Arcanum +

Support Sleight
Requirements: Mystic Arcanum, Level 13
AP Cost: 2

You learn 1 7th spell of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You can cast them 1 time each per day, recovering them on a Long Rest.

Mystic Arcanum ++

Support Sleight
Requirements: Mystic Arcanum+, Level 15
AP Cost: 2

You learn 1 8th spell of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You can cast them 1 time each per day, recovering them on a Long Rest.

Mystic Arcanum +++

Support Sleight
Requirements: Mystic Arcanum++, Level 18
AP Cost: 3

You learn 1 9th spell of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You can cast them 1 time per day, recovering them on a Long Rest.

Poison Edge

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

Your target takes normal weapon damage, and is poisoned for 1d4 rounds.


Damaging Sleight
Requirements:Striker Fighting Style, Level 15
AP Cost: 2

All creatures in a 10 foot cone must make a DEX save against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, they take 3d10 Bludgeoning Damage and fall prone. On a successful save, they take half damage and aren’t knocked down.


Support Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

You can use your reaction to outmaneuver a foe when they make an attack against you, moving to flanking position.


Support Sleight
Requirements: Path of Light Feature
AP Cost: 0

You learn the spell “Magic Missle.” This spell doesn’t count as one of your learned spells. Once per day, you can cast this spell as a 5th level spell without using a spell slot. Casting this spell this way makes it deal Radiant Damage instead of Force Damage.

Second Chance

Reactionary Sleight
Requirements: Level 11
AP Cost: 2

Once per day, when you would normally fall to 0 HP, you can use your reaction to survive with 1 hp.

Second Wind

Support Sleight
Requirements: Level 5
AP Cost: 1

Once per day, when you would normally fall to 0 HP, you automatically succeed your death saving throws, and are instead stabilized and knocked out.


Damaging Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

The opponent takes your normal weapon damage, and are pushed back 10 feet.

At level 11, the distance is increased to 10 feet.

Slide Dash

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: None
AP Cost: 1

You can move up to your maximum movement speed towards a new enemy without provoking an oppurtunity of Attack, and make a Melee weapon attack against them.




PART 3 | Sleights

Sonic Blade

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: Quickster Fighting Style, Level 5
AP Cost: 2

You can make 1 Extra attack against a target of your choice, Dashing 20 feet to do so without provoking an oppurtunity of attack. This dash is not protected from abilities like Sentinel, however.

You can make an additional attack with this sleight at level 11 and 18. These extra attacks must be against a different opponent than the ones you hit.

Spark Raid

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: Path of Light Subclass
AP Cost: 1

You hurl your weapon at a foe, laced with Light magic, dealing Radiant weapon damage if hit. Upon impact, you can target one additional foe within 20 feet, including the origional target.. They will take a single beam from Magic Missle.

You can shoot an additional beam out at levels 11 and 17.

Strike Raid

Support Sleight
Requirements: Quickster Fighting Style
AP Cost: 2

You can make an extra attack by throwing your weapon at a target up to 30 feet away.

Stun Impact

Support Sleight
Requirements: Level 11
AP Cost: 1

Instead of taking damage, you can force all creatures within 5 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw, or be stunned until the end of their next turn.

Super Glide

Support Sleight
Requirements: Level 11
AP Cost: 1

You can cast Fly on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Synch Blade

Support Sleight
Requirements: Quickster Fighting style
AP Cost: 1

You gain the following abilties:

  • You can wield a second keyblade, using the properites of Dual Wielding.
  • You gain a +1 to Saving Throws while you wield a second keyblade.


Support Sleight
Requirements: Level 5
AP Cost: 1

You learn the spell Misty Step, and can cast it for free once per day.

Tornado Raid

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: Level 7, Quickster Fighting Style
AP Cost: 1

You hurl your weapon at a foe, laced with wind magic, dealing weapon damage. Make a ranged weapon attack against a foe if it’s not against the origional target. If it hits, the foe must make a strength saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be pulled 15 feet towards you. If they cannot get closer to you, they instead are shot 15 feet into the air.

Thunder Surge

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: Level 7, Quickster Fighting Style
AP Cost: 1

You surround yourself with lightning, and surge forward. You teleport up to 30 feet away into an unoccupied space. When you land, any creatures within 5 feet of you take 2d6 Lightning Damage.

Wishing Edge

Damaging Sleight
Requirements: Magister Fighting Style
AP Cost: 1

You deal normal weapon damage, and up to 2 enemies within 5 feet of the foe take up 1/2 damage dealt to your target, rounded up.




PART 4 | Spells

New spells

“Oh, my. No. My name is Merlin. As you can see, I am a sorcerer. I spend much of my time traveling. It’s good to be home. Your king has requested my help. You see, your king asked me to train you in the art of magic. We can start anytime you like. Let me know when you’re ready to begin the training.”

-Merlin, Sorcerer Supreme.





PART 4 | Spells

Blizzard (KH)

Evocation Cantrip

Casting Time:
1 action
120 feet
V, S
Wizard, Sorcerer, Keyblade Master, Druid

You hurl a chunk of ice at a creature or object within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 cold damage. A wet object gets covered in frost, and shooting it into a body of water causes a small ice patch to form. This spell’s damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).


Evocation Cantrip

Casting Time:
1 action
5 foot sphere, centered around you.
V, S
Wizard, Sorcerer, Keyblade Master

You strike the floor with magic, causing a pair of spinning fireballs to surround you. All foes within 5 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take 1d6 fire damage. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn’t being worn or carried. This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).


Evocation Cantrip

Casting Time:
1 action
100 feet
V, S
Wizard, Sorcerer, Keyblade Master, Druid

You call for a wild spark of energy, sending a bolt of lightning downward on the foe. On hit, the target takes 1d8 Lightning damage. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn’t being worn or carried. This spell ignores cover, unless there is something above the target. This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).


1st level Abjuration Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
V, M, S(A feather, or a Fan)
1 Minuet, Concentration
Keyblade Master, Druid, Sorcerer

You summon a shield of spinning wind around you or an ally. Whenever an enemy attacks the target of your Aero with a ranged weapon, you can subtract (Spellcasting Modifier + Prof.) from the damage roll.


2nd Level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
5 feet surrounding you.
V, M, S (A chunk of rubber.)
1 Minute


Wizard, Keyblade Master, Artificer

You summon a series of balloons around you that are packed with magical power. You summon 4 spheres around you. Whenever a creature other than you enters the same space as one of these spheres, they need to make a Dexterity saving throw. If they fail, they take 1d4+ (Spellcasting modifier) Force Damage and the sphere vanishes. On success, they do not take damage, but the sphere does not disappear. Targets cannot hit more than 1 ballon per turn, but can hit more than 1 per round.


2nd level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
20 feet
V, S
Keyblade Master, Bard, Cleric, Druid

Choose up to 3 creatures that you can see within range. A surge of light magic washes through the creature, causing it to regain (Proficency + Spellcasting Modifier) hit points. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the amount of Healing increases cumulativly by your Spellcasting Modifier for each slot level above 6th.




PART 4 | Spells


2nd level Conjuration Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, S
Keyblade Master, Wizard, Sorcerer, Walrock

Choose a point within 30 feet of you. You create a swirling pool of energy that grabs and pulls up to 3 targets of your choice with 15 feet of the energy pool like a magnet. Targets must make a Constitution saving through or be pulled 10 feet closer to the Pool. Targets that are Undead or Constructs have disadvantage against the attack.


2nd level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
20 feet
V, S, M (A stopwatch)
Keyblade Master

Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target on additional humanoid for each slot level above 2nd. The humanoids must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.


3rd level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
20 feet
V, M, S (A feather, or a Fan.)
Keyblade Master, Cleric, Druid

You create a swirling ball of spinning air that trails across the ground. It automatically moves up to 10 feet towards the closest creature you identify as a foe in any direction except for up. Targets that start their turn or share a space with the Aerora spell after it’s done moving must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 Bludgeoning damage and must roll a 1d8. (1 beint north, 5 being south, etc.) The target is sent 10 feet in that direction, and 10 feet into the air.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th or higher, the damage increases by 1d6.


3rd level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet cone
V, S
Keyblade Master, Wizard,Sorcerer

You create a ball of ice that fires out and shatters, covering an area infront of you. Make an attack roll against up to 3 targets within a 30 foot cone. You cannot target the same creature with each Ice blast. On hit, targets you hit take 3d6 Cold Damage.

At Higher Levels: For each level above 3rd, your ice shards deal an additional 1d6 damage.


3rd level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
80 feet
V, S
Keyblade Master, Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid

You fire a ball of fire that is strong enough to shatter through defences, and vanishes through barriers. On hit, this spell deals 4d6 Fire damage, hits foes in a straight line, and ignores cover.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, this spell’s damage increases by 1d6.


3rd level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
5 feet
V, M, S (A sprig of Wood.)
Keyblade Master, Druid, Warlock, Wizard

Filling the air around you with magic, you call down large bolts of lightning to strike your foes down. Choose one target within a 10 foot cube. They must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take 5d6 Lightning damage. On save, they take half damage. A second bolt of lightning strike down at the exact opposite side of you at the same time, and creatures in that square must make the same saving throw.

At higher levels: For every spell slot 4th or above used to cast this spell, icnrease the damage by 1d6.




PART 4 | Spells


4th level Abjuration Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
Self, 60 feet
V, M, S (A pinch of salt, and a peice of rubber.)


Keyblade Master, Bard, Cleric, Wizard

You channel your magic into a series of 6 magical orbs that surround your body, and can be fired off as missles. While these orbs are on your body, you gain a +1 to your AC Bonus. As a bonus action, you can fire these orbs off as an attack. On hit, your foes takes 2d4 + (Spellcasting Modifier) damage.


4th level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
30 foot sphere centered on you.
V, S
Keyblade Master, Cleric, Wizard

You center yourself with a magical pool of energy. All creatures within a 30 foot sphere, centered on yourself, must make a constitution saving throw or take 3d6 force damage, are dragged 5 feet towards you, and have disadvantage on their next attack against you. On a save, nothing happens.

At higher levels: For every spell slot 5th or above used to cast this spell, icnrease the damage by 1d6 for each slot level above 4th.


5th level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
V, M, S (A fan made of feathers, or an ostrich feather.)
1 Minuet
Keyblade Master, Sorcerer, Druid

You surround yourself in a gust of wind, making it far more difficult to be affected by physical threats. While you are envoloped in your whirlwind, Ranged weapon attacks made by or made against you have disadvantage, and all areas within 5 feet of you become rough terrain for everyone except you. Creatures who try to get within 5 ffeet of you must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed back 5 feet, and take 2d6 Bludgeoning Damage. Effects that react with the air, including Gaseous Form, Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud, ETC. do not affect you, nor can you benefit from their effects.


5th level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, M, S (A rubber balloon.)
5 Turns
Keyblade Master, Sorcerer, Bard, Wizard

You create a massive ball of energy in front of you, and lob it outward. On hit, a creature takes 5d8 Bludgeoning damage, and is surrounded by 8 balls of energy. Whenever a creature other than you enters the same space as one of these spheres, they need to make a Dexterity saving throw. If they fail, they take 1d4+ (Spellcasting modifier) Force Damage and the sphere vanishes. On success, they do not take damage, but the sphere does not disappear. Targets cannot hit more than 1 ballon per turn, but can hit more than 1 per round.


5th level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
30 foot cone
V, M, S (A pile of snow that never melts.)
1 Minute
Keyblade Master, Sorcerer, Druid, Wizard

You launch a freezing blast of Ice that can entomb a foe. All creatures of your choice within a 30 foot cone must make a Dexterity saving through, or take 5d6 Cold Damage and be considered Grappled by the Ice freezing their bodies. On save, your foes take half damage and are not restrained. Foes that are covered in water or any other liquid that is not hot automatically fail the save. Creatures that are on fire or have Cold resistance have advantage on the save. While grappled, your foes can attempt to make a DC 15 Athletics Check to try and break out fo the Ice, or attack the ice to shatter it. The ice has an AC of 15, and 10 HP. They can also be freed from the ice if they take more than 5 Fire damage.

At higher levels: For every spell slot 6th or above used to cast this spell, iThe DC to Escape and AC of the ice increase by 1, and the Ice’s HP increaases by 5 for each slot level above 5th.




PART 4 | Spells


5th level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, M, S (A pinch of sulfer, or a few drops of Bat Guano.)
Keyblade Master, Druid, Cleric

A wave of healing energy washes out from a point of your choice within range. Choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on that point. Each target regains hit points equal to 3d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.


5th level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, M, S (A pinch of sulfer, or a few drops of Bat Guano.)
Keyblade Master, Sorcerer, Wizard

You lob a ball of fire that seeks out a foe, and burns them up. On hit, a target takes 6d6 Fire Damage, and they must make a Constitution saving through, or they are set on fire. A creature on fire takes 1d10 fire damage at the start of their turn for 1d4 rounds. A creature can end this effect early by using their action to do a DC15 Sleight of Hand check to extinguish the flame, coating themselves in water, or by taking 5 points or more of Cold Damage.

At higher levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 5th.


5th level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
V, M, S (A magnet.)


Keyblade Master, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bard

You push a mote of magic into a foe, turning them into a living magnet. A creature afflicted with a mote must make a Wisdom saving throw, or be magnetized. All creatures within 10 feet of the chosen creature must make a Strength savign throw against your Spell Save DC, or be pulled into eachother, with both taking 1d6 Force damage. Metallic objects not worn or bolted down flies towards your target whent heya re within 10 feet of him, dealing 2d6 Bludgeoning damage. (Or Slashing/PEircing if approapriate ((IE: A spear flies into you.)))

At higher levels: For every spell slot 6th or above used to cast this spell, the range of the Magnetic Aura increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 5th.


5th level Abjuration Spell

Casting Time:
1 Reaction
10 feet
V, M, S (A mirror.)
Keyblade Master, Cleric

You surround yourself with a magical aura, deflecting attacks, and punishing foes. Whenever you take damage from anotehr creature, you can reduce the damage taken by 3d10. If you reduce the damage to 0, then as part of your reaction, you can shatter your shield, dealing 3d10 damage to your foe.

At higher levels: For every spell slot 6th or above used to cast this spell, the damage you reduce and deal increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.


5th level Abjuration Spell

Casting Time:
1 Reaction
40 feet
V, M, S (A stopwatch.)
Keyblade Master, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Choose a creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. This spell has no effect on undead. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 5th. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.




PART 4 | Spells


5th level Evocation Spell

Casting Time:
1 Action
120 feet
V, M, S (A magnetic stone, or a singed oaken rod.)
Keyblade Master, Cleric, Sorcerer, Druid, Wizard

You summon a bolt of magical lightning from the air, striking down a foe of your choice, electrecuting them. On hit, A foe of your choice takes 5d10 Lightning damage. Regardless of if it hits or not, all creatures within 5 feet of the target, including the initial target of the spell, must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take an additional 5d10 Lightning Damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you increase the damage of the initial lightning bolt by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.

The importance and potential of the Keyblade in casting spells.

Keyblade wielders, as shown, are capable of using their magic with their keyblade. This makes for many potential ways to utilize their Somnatic Compotnents. Get creative when you cast your spells, because you have a lot to work with!


Fire: Use magic to swing your keyblade around your body, acting as the starting point for your spinning flame.

Blizzard: Yell “Deep Freeze” while you point outward, sending your ice shot out.

Balloonga: Summon the balloon infront of you, and smack it with your keyblade to send it flying at your foe like you’re hitting a baseball.



The Keyblade

“The Heartless are darkness made real—and darkness lingers yet in every heart. The Heartless are fewer. But while darkness exists in a single heart, it will be difficult to eliminate them. If one such as you, Donald, yields to the darkness in their heart, they too will become a Heartless. But you know this. The Heartless are always lurking and ever seeking to capture new hearts. Never let your guard down! Remember, the Keyblade will serve as your guide. Let your heart be your Guiding Key.”

-Yen Sid, Retired Keyblade Master

Yen Sid


PART 5 | Keyblades




PART 5 | Keyblades

About Keyblades:

Keyblades are weapons forged from the X-Blade’s remains- featuring the Reclusive Sigil in it’s name to signify it’s importance. They exist in many shapes, styles, and forms. The power they hold is great, as are the abilities of their wielders.

Common Keyblade Traits

While all keyblades are unique, they all share a few common traits.

1: All keyblades are sentient weapons. While can recieved the Inheritance Ceremony, only those who show their true potential will be capable of forming their own keyblade. If their needs are not maintained- say, if a wielder of a Keyblade of Light falls to their inner darkness, they will lose access to their keyblade.
2: Keyblades all start with a base form. This form can be changed through the use of magical keychains.
3: Keyblades are capable of affecting the heart in many way, and are in turn a reflection of the wielder’s heart, or the hearts of those they have met on their journey.
4: All keyblades are considered magical weapons, and follow the stats of the weapon type they are categorized in.
5: Wielders of Keyblades cannot attune to staves and other magical weapons.

Additionally, depending on the weapon, they might have some bonus abilities. These abilities are active whenever you are wielding

Base Level Keyblades

Kingdom Key

Longsword, Uncommon

A simple looking weapon, this keyblade was used by a great Keyblade Master who saved the world multiple times.


Defender : I you are at 1/4 or less hp, whenever you take nonmagical Peircing, Bludgeoning, or Slashing damage, you can reduce the amount of damage you take by your Charisma Modifier.

Kingdom Key

Way to Dawn

Longsword, Uncommon

A wicked looking keyblade, used by a Keyblade Master who wielded the darkness to defend the light.


Dark Impetus : Whenever you cast a Fire-based Cantrip, you can change the damage to Necrotic.

Way to Dawn




PART 5 | Keyblades


Shortsword, Uncommon

A keyblade brimming by magic, it helped it’s wielder cast incredible magics.


Miracle Magic : Whenever you cast a ranged spell attack, you gain a +1 to hit.



Longsword, Uncommon

A keyblade that is quite heavy, used by a Keyblade wielder who used his brawn over his brain.


Heavy Striker : Whenever you make a melee weapon attack, you gain a +1 to hit.


Wayward Wind

Scimitar, Uncommon

A backhanded keyblade, used by a keyblade wielder who relied on his speed and dexterity to fight.


Swiftfoot : Whenever you make a ranged weapon attack with this keyblade, you gain a +1 to hit.

Wayward Wind

Kingdom Key D

Longsword, Uncommon

A keyblade from the realm of darkness, wielded by the King of Disney Castle.


Acrobatic King : Whenever you make an Acrobatic’s check, you can use your Charisma modifier instead of your Dexterity.

Kingdom Key D




PART 5 | Keyblades

Upgraded Keyblades

Jungle King

Glaive, Uncommon

A keyblade found in the deep jungles. Despite it’s scrappy appearance, this weapon’s long reach makes it a potent weapon.


Enchanted Power : This weapon has a +1 to hit with melee attack.

Reach : This weapon increases your range to 10 feet when making a melee weapon attack.

Jungle King

Follow the Wind

Weapon, Uncommon

A keyblade found within the chest of a pirate. It’s sleek design resembles the cursed treasure of the land it comes from.


Draw : This weapon gives you an extra ‘Draw’ Sleight.

Jungle King

Follow the Wind

Keyblade from Port Royal


Weapon, Uncommon

A keyblade found within the a small emporium dedicated to the surface. Obtain from the great abyss of the ocean.


Finny Fun : Whenever you cast a 1st level spell, roll a d20. On a 20, you do not use that spell slot



Weapon, Uncommon

A strange keyblade that looks like the whistle to a steamboat. It comes from the past… somehow?


Item Boost : You can use a bonus action to consume a potion in combat.





PART 5 | Keyblades


Weapon, Uncommon

A magical keyblade that looks like it’s flowing to the brim with energy. Obtained by showing a mark of elemental mastery.


Prosperous Magic : You have a +2 to hit and damage rolls with ranged magic attacks.



Weapon, Uncommon

A magical keyblade that looks like it’s flowing to the brim with energy. Obtained by showing a mark of elemental mastery.


Supreme Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls.

Reach : This weapon increases your range by 5 feet when making a melee weapon attack.

Metal Chocobo

Powerful Keyblades

Photon Debugger

Quarterstaff, rare

A keyblade that looks high-tech. It was obtained from another reality.


Versatile Power : This weapon has a +1 to hit and damage rolls for melee and magic attacks.

Thunder Boost : Whenever you make a weapon attack, nstead of doing bludgeoning damage, you can choose to do Lightning damage instead.

Photon Debugger

Mysterious Abyss

Mace, rare

A moist looking keyblade that radiates cold magic. Obtained from the lair of a sea witch.


Versatile Power : This weapon has a +1 to hit and damage rolls for melee and magic attacks.

Blizzard Boost : Whenever you make a weapon attack, nstead of doing bludgeoning damage, you can choose to do Cold damage instead.

Mysterious Abyss

Mysterious Abyss

Keyblade from Atlantica



Bonds of Flame

Shortsword, rare

A keyblade created from the division of two best friends. It’s strange design almost makes you want to throw it.


Versatile Power : This weapon has a +1 to hit and damage rolls for melee and magic attacks.

Fire Boost : Whenever you make a weapon attack, nstead of doing bludgeoning damage, you can choose to do Fire damage instead.

Bond of Flame


Longsword, rare

A keyblade created from the the love founded by two childhood friends. It’s seems to be radiating a nostalgic energy.


Versatile Power : This weapon has a +1 to hit and damage rolls for melee and magic attacks.

Sanctuary : Whenever you make a weapon attack, nstead of doing bludgeoning damage, you can choose to do Radiant Damage damage instead.



Longsword, rare

A keyblade created from the the rivalry founded by two childhood friends. It’s seems to be radiating a dark aura.


Versatile Power : This weapon has a +1 to hit and damage rolls for melee and magic attacks.

Simple and Clean : Whenever you make a weapon attack, nstead of doing bludgeoning damage, you can choose to do Necrotic Damage damage instead.



Longsword, rare

A keyblade created from the the rivalry founded by two childhood friends. It’s seems to be radiating a dark aura.


Versatile Power : This weapon has a +1 to hit and damage rolls for melee and magic attacks.

Simple and Clean : Whenever you make a weapon attack, nstead of doing bludgeoning damage, you can choose to do Necrotic Damage damage instead.



PART 5 | Keyblades




PART 5 | Keyblades

Superior Keyblades

Diamond Dust

Sickle, Very rare

A keyblade that is cold to the touch. It was ripped from the hands of a deity made from ice.


Majestic Power : This weapon has a +1 to hit and damage rolls for melee and magic attacks.

Shiva’s Blessing : Whenever you cast a 3rd level or less, roll a d20. On a success, you do not use that spell slot. The threshold is (18 + spell level)

Diamond Dust

Gaurdian Soul

Greatsword, Very rare

A keyblade earned from having the heart of a protector. It fills you with the courage to protect those closest to you.


Shattering Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls for melee attacks.

Reaction Boost : While wielding this keyblade, you have a +3 to damage and hit rolls whenever you make an oppurtunity of attack.

Gaurdian Soul

Fairy Harp

Dagger, Very rare

A keyblade that is incredibly small, and light. It jingles like a bell, which is strange since there is no bell.


Mystic Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls for ranged spell attacks.

Swordbill : While wielding this keyblade, you can use a bonus action to make an extra attack. This attack cannot benefit from a sleight effect.

Fairy Harp

Pumpkin King

Glaive, Very rare

A keyblade earned from having the heart of a hero. It fills you with the courage to protect those closest to you.


Shattering Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls with melee attacks.

Reach : This weapon increases your range to 10 feet when making a melee weapon attack.

Halloween Town




PART 5 | Keyblades

Ends of the Earth

Morning Star, Very rare

A keyblade wielded by the forgotten armor of a misguided soul. It’s sheer power makes the world quake around it.


Shattering Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls with melee attacks.

Earth Crush : While using this weapon, you can use a bonus action to create a tremor. All creatures must made a DC17 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.

Ends of the Earth

Lost Memory

Long sword, Very rare

A keyblade wielded by a boy who lost his past, and reclaimed it. It is held backhand, despite the average appearance.


Shattering Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls with melee attacks.

Ventic Slayer : While using this weapon, you can use a bonus action to move up to half your movement speed to approach a foe of your choice.

Lost Memory


Longsword, Very rare

A keyblade wielded by a woman who lost her friends. The weight comes not from the blade, but from the responsibility.


Mystic Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls with ranged magic attacks.

Magic Whirl : While using this weapon, you can use a bonus action to surround yourself with magic orbs. All creatures within 5 feet must make a DC17 Dexterity saving throw, or take 1d6 force damage and be pushed 6 feet back.


Master’s Keeper

Longsword, Very rare

A keyblade wielded by a Keyblade Master. He was blinded by the light, unable to see the darkness around him.


Balanced Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls with Weapon and magic attacks.

Sealing Light : This weapon deals an additional 1d6 Radiant Damage.





PART 5 | Keyblades

Superior Keyblades

One Winged Angel

Longsword, Legendary

A keyblade obtained by besting a legendary swordsman. It wields unspeakable amounts of power.


Balanced Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls with Weapon and magic attacks.

Reach : This weapon increases your range to 10 feet when making a melee weapon attack.

Blazing Pinion : This weapon deals an additional 2d6 Fire Damage with melee attacks.

One Winged Angel

Ultima Weapon

Longsword, Legendary

A keyblade formed using rare materials. It’s legendary power is impossibly potent.


Balanced Power : This weapon has a +2 to hit and damage rolls with Weapon and magic attacks.

Reach : This weapon increases your range to 10 feet when making a melee weapon attack.

MP Hastaga : Whenever you cast a 2nd level or less, roll a d20. On a success, you do not use that spell slot. The threshold is (18 + spell level)

Ultima Weapon

Chaos Ripper

Greatsword, Legendary

A keyblade formed from a heart of light, tainted by darkness. It’s said to be able to rip worlds asunder.


Unending Power : This weapon has a +3 to hit and damage rolls with Weapon attacks.

Reach : This weapon increases your range to 10 feet when making a melee weapon attack.

Dark Touch : This weapon deals an extra 1d6 Necrotic damage on melee attacks

Chaos Ripper

Bright Crest

Short Sword, Legendary

A keyblade formed from a heart of light given purpose. It’s magic is washes over it’s blade like an ocean wave.


Sacrificial Power : This weapon has a +3 to hit and damage rolls with ranged Magic attacks.

Magical Dance : This weapon does an extra 2d6 force damage on hit with a melee weapon attack.

Bright Crest