
Often, kitsune are thought of as tricksters, yet kind and compassionate ones, treating those under their care with kindness. Yet the truth is far different - kitsune are reluctant to interact with those outside their own people.

“Be wary of them - those fox-people. They aren’t evil; they’re something worse. At least with demons and the like, you know what you’re getting into. But kitsune - oh, they’re as clever as the devil, and they’re twice as pretty.”

-Tiun Shao, a Shou Human cryptzoologist

Elegant Introverts

Kitsune are humanoid beings that fall under the classification of youkai, just as do many other races. A kitsune could pass for a regular human - save for their impossible beauty, their innate illusions, and most glaring, their furry tails and ears. While they can disguise themselves to fit in better, they usually choose not to, remaining happy with their vulpine attributes. Besides; very few kitsune choose to connect with other races, even other youkai.

In fact, aside from tengu, kitsune are by far the most reserved race of sentient youkai. They remain, unflinchingly, in their villages, refusing to interact with any others; adventurer kitsune are not simply a rarity, but an outlier. While they are not shunned, nor are they seen as particularly bad for associating with other races, they are a curiosity to other, less daring kitsune - and perhaps, an object of envy for them.

Prismatic Allure

So legends tell, kitsune are attuned to the fantasies of the world. Among the youkai, few remain truer to their fanciful origins than the kitsune. They have a natural ability to cast illusions, and they even integrate these abilities into their native language. In particular, kitsune adore colors, and some kitsune villages hold contests for who can make the most colorful displays of illusions. In this way, more colorful illusions are prized and esteemed among kitsune.

A kitsune’s illusions, though, are alluring to more than just the kitsune themselves. Other youkai are charmed by the illusions of kitsune, as are other people. While kitsune are not particularly aggressive towards others, they still do not take kindly to intruders - the more hostile kitsune may attack any non-kitsune, and some may even kill. Of course, such kitsune are the minority, and are most definitely the exception, and certainly not the rule.



Tales and Tails

Aside from their illusions and beauty, kitsune are known for one thing in particular - their tails. Kitsune have anywhere from one to nine tails, and the number is decided by how long the kitsune has lived - kitsune are formed with one tail, and grow another after every 100 years. While 800 years is a long time to live for most youkai, kitsune are powerful enough that what is considered dangerous to most is nothing more than a nuisance to them.

With how long-lived kitsune are, it is expected that they are an especially ancient race - and they are. Kitsune are one of the oldest of the youkai, preceded only by ryuu, oni, and tennin, and many stories have been written about them. Most are mere myth; nothing more than oral legends given form. A few, however, are most definitely true, speaking of specific kitsune whose tales have been given form, and passed down through the generations.

Kitsune Names

As kitsune hold the colors of the world in high regard, they tend to name themselves after the many colors of the rainbow. Their names are scarcely ever in Common, however, and instead follow the conventions of Kusiro, the kitsunes’ language.

Kitsune Names: Aka (Red), Daidairo (Orange), Kiiro (Yellow), Midori (Green), Mizuiro (Blue), Aiiro (Indigo), Sumireiro (Violet)



Kitsune - Ancestries

Archives of Nethys



Kitsune Religion

Kitsune are unique in their religion in that, no matter where they live, they all nearly universally intrinsically worship a single goddess, known as Kokonotsu. It seems to be something ingrained into kitsune as a whole.

Kokonotsu is, in truth, a kitsune like any other, albiet a very long-lived one. It is said that she has lived long enough to have seen some of the most primordial sights, and has thus ascended to the level of a god without truly being one herself.

Dragon Ancestry

Wallpaper Up




Kitsune Traits

As a kitsune, you have the following traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores each increase by 1.

Age. Like most other youkai, kitsune are formed, not born. However, unlike many others, they do show signs of aging. When they form, a kitsune has a single tail and a childish body. As they age, they grow in size, shape, and gain another tail for every 100 years they live, up to 9 tails. Kitsune only take on a truly adult face and shape after their fourth tail takes form.

Alignment. Kitsune crave freedom, but they will not strike down their morals to achieve it; as a result, most kitsune take on a chaotic good alignment. Neutral kitsune are possible, but rare. Lawful or evil kitsune are entirely nonexistent.

Size. Kitsune grow as they age, based on the number of tails they have. Kitsune with four or fewer tails are usually shorter than kitsune with five or more tails. Regardless, your size is Medium.

Speed. Kitsune move slowly, but with elegance. Your speed is 25 feet.

Darkvision. Your vision works wonderfully, even in the night. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Unlike other forms of darkvision, you can discern color.

Vulpine Eyes. Your magical nature allows you to perfectly detect illusions. You have advantage on ability checks made to see through illusion magic.

Illusionary Dominance. You have an innate affinity for illusions, and can create them at your leisure. You know an illusion cantrip of your choice and can cast it at will. You also know the disguise self spell, and can cast it a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. In addition, when you reach 5th level, you learn a 1st level illusion spell of your choice and can cast it twice, regaining the ability to do so after a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Youkai Demise. As a youkai, your body is made up of magical matter. For you, death is nigh-irreversible. When you die, your body disintegrates into a fine dust, leaving behind only equipment you were wearing or carrying. You can be revived only by means of a resurrection spell or similar magic, and only if the spell is cast within 1 day of your death. Otherwise, you can’t be revived.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Kusiro, and another language of your choice. Kusiro is the language of kitsune. It is a quiet language that uses soft noises and colored illusions to communicate - some kitsune can even learn to use it silently.
