
Few are blessed for greatness, if we were all great…we’d all be doomed to be normal and then who’d be dumb enough to fight evil.

You have all reached a level of power where you are now far beyond the reach of the average mortal. Sure their are bigger fish out there more powerful than you but you are about to embark on the journey they took to get where they are now. You must follow their path.

Path’s are essentially free prestige classes that you earn alongside your main class. Each with 5 levels to them that you gain over time. Paths require time to get and you as a player will need to achieve certain milestones to unlock the features. Throughout playing the game you’ll get something called a ‘Path Point.’ This allows you to advance to the next level of your chosen Path. It is important to understand having a Path Point does not give you the features of the Path rather allows you to begin training for it.

Milestones are unique to your character and their their chosen path. Training and milestones for Paths are done in session, using through Social encounters, roleplay, exploration and combat. In short, at the very least a month in game is required to achieve many of the features of the Paths.

There are a total of 13 Paths to follow, however, if one of the ones listed doesn’t fit your character. Feel free to make your own. However do speak to the DM first.

Path Structure
Level Feature
1 Prerequsites, Trainer, One social ability, One combat ability
2 One utility or combat ability
3 Self buff
4 One utility or combat ability
5 A spell with a unique twist to make it special to the Path

Now the mechanics are done. The bit you probably want to read. The Paths breakdown

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Technomancers know machines and magic better than themselves. Crafting deadly traps and marvels of engineering turned to deadly purpose.


Arana Proficency, One of Tinker tools, Mechanics Tools, Engeering Kit


In order to learn this you must seek a grandmaster artificer such as Minverva of the Black Armoury or a Sacred Splicer.

Level Feature
1 Mehcanical Polymath, Overload Rounds
2 Spark of Artifice
3 Fallback Plan
4 Tricks of the Trade
5 Suprise

Technomancer Saves

All your Technomancer abilities are based on your intelligence. Anytime an ability refers to a save or an ability you must use your intelligence to use them.
Technomancer Save DC = 8 + profiency + intelligence modifier

Mechanical Polymath

You are an expert in all things mechanical. Whenever you make a skill check or saving throw involving Vehicles, Traps, Firearms or Computers you can add your intelligence to the roll.
Furthermore whenever you make a tool check involving machines you can add half your proficiency to the check.

Overload Rounds

You learn to create special neon cover ammunition that are devastating to shields and non-organic life. As a bonus action you can choose to grant your firearm or another creature’s firearm within 30ft an Overload Infusion. For the next minute the weapon ignores the resistances of Energy shields, treating them as vulnerable to your damage. Further more when targeting a construct or synthetic creature the weapons an additional damage die.

Once you use this feature you must complete a short rest before you can use it again.

Spark of Artifice

You learn to combine magic and technology whether this is through the mysteries of Neon or new wonders created by you, who knows. From second level you learn 2 Artificer infusions from the Artificer class. When you reach 4th level in this specialisation you learn an additional 2 more. Any level prerequisite for an infusion, you treat as your orginal class level.

Fallback plan

You learn to plan for every situation, even the slighest chance of your untimely demise. From 3rd level, you gain access to the Theives Lantern a magical lantern that you can craft during a long rest.

As an action you can place down the lantern. If you are within 100ft of the lantern, when you are reduced to 0 hit points you immediately are teleported to the lantern and stabilised on 1 hit point. Alternatively, when you see another creature within distance of the lantern be reduced to 0, you can use your reaction to teleport them instead. The latern lasts for 1 hour or until a creature is stabilised by it. Once you have used this feature, you must finish a long rest before using it again.

Tricks of the trade

Your seeking of opportunities has rubbed off on your allies, from 4th level, you produce a 10ft aura. Whenever you or an allied creature is subject to an effect that causes them to repeat the save at the end of their turn, whilst in the aura they may repeat the save at the start of their turn instead.


You learn the Fabricate spell, for you casting the spell has no material component cost and you can cast the spell as an action instead of over 10 minutes.

Once you cast this spell using this feature, you must complete a long rest before using it again.

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Many warriors foolishly believe that they can control the tide of a battle on their own, but a vanguard realizes that an ally’s survival is as important as an enemy’s death. Vanguard’s prefer to protect party members directly, but if necessary, they are prepared to make personal sacrifices to ensure that their companions live.


16 str or 16 con, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Medium armour proficiency


In order to learn this you must seek a champion of battle such as Major Hjalmar or The Saint.

Level Feature
1 Defenders Presence, Selfless
2 Line in the Sand
3 Adamant
4 Living Fortress
5 Unyielding

Defender’s Presence

Your presence provides an affirmation of safety for your allies and fear to your foes. From 1st level, you can add your strength or constitution bonus (your choice) to any charisma check you make.


You value your allies and the lives of innocents above all, and will do anything to make sure that they don’t get hurt, even at the cost your own health. Whenever a creature is targeted by an attack roll within 30ft of you that you can see, you can use your reaction to move up to step inbetween the attack and the creature. You reduce the damage by reduced by 1d10 + your Consitution or Strength modifier (your choice) + your half your level. Any damage left over after the reduction, you are dealt instead of the creature.

Line in the Sand

When you enter combat, your presence is like a line in the sand, those on your side are shielded and those who would dare cross the line will find there is hell to pay. From second level, creatures you choose within 5ft of you gain +2 to their AC. Whenever a hostile creature enters your range they provoke an opportunity attack with a melee weapon. If the attack hits a large or smaller creature, it is pushed back 10ft.


From 3rd level, your duty has left you with many wounds and scars but in the end it has left you stronger for it. When you use the selfless reaction, you are now resistant to the damage dealt.

Furthermore your battlefield understanding has allowed you anaylise weapons and armour. If you spend 10 minutes observing or handling armour or weapons, you gain the benefits of the Identify spell on the observed item.

Living Fortress

You act as a living fortress, impossible to besiege. From 4th level, whilst you grant a creature your Line in The Sand feature, no creature can gain any flanking benefits against you or be given advantage from features such as pack tactics. Finally no can creature knock your prone or move you against your will whilst using Line in the Sand.


Nothing can stop you from your goal even if it means pushing yourself to the brink of death. Whenever you finish a long rest you gain the benefits of the Deathward spell. The first time you would drop to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage, you instead drops to a number of hit points equal to your level and the spell ends. Once you have used this feature you must complete a long rest before using it again.

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Elementalist’s draw their power from the Elemental Chaos, channelling the raw power of the elements.


Casting stat of 16 or higher, ability to cast 3rd level spells or higher


To learn this, you must seek a master of the elements or a sage such as Gywindion of the Fathaghn or Melinoë.

Elemental Chaos
Level Feature
1 Magic of the Ancients, Elemental Attunement
2 Elemental Surge
3 Shield of the Ancients
4 Elemental Mastery
5 Pandæmonium

Magic of the Ancients

The Magic of the Ancients flows through you. You gain the following effects:

  • You can as an action create harmless effects related to the elements such as creating sprarks, a gust of wind, a small flame or send vibrations through rock
  • Chill or warm up to 1 pound of organic material up to 35 degrees Celsius or - 10 degrees Celsius for 1 hour
  • Shape up to 1ft cube of smoke, mist, fog into a crude shape
  • You can no longer use Neon to fuel your spells, relying on traditional spell casting materials

Elemental Attunement

You learn to attune to the primal elements that fuel spells. From 1st level, when you cast a spell and the spell deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder damage, you can substitute that damage to one of the of the damage types on the list. You can change the damage type once per casting of the spell. If a spell allows you recast it such as Call Lightning it cannot change damage type multiple times whilst you concentrate on it.

Elemental Surge

Some elements can be combined to create a powerful surge of magic that causes unique effects. From 2nd level. When you cast a spell with a spell slot and the spell deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder damage and targets one creature, you leave the creature primed until the end of your next turn. If you then cast a spell with a spell slot that is the opposite element to the one primed on the creature before the end of your next turn, the spell deals additional damage die equal to your proficiency score, the damage being either one of the elements effecting the creature of your choice.

Element Opposite
Acid Poison
Cold Fire
Lightning Thunder
Radiant Necrotic

Shield of the Ancients

Your attunment to the elements has altered your very being, granting you resistances to chaos. From 3rd level you gain resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder damage from spells.

Elemental Mastery

You have come to favour a certain elemental type over others, aligning your magic with it more. Starting from 4th level, over a long rest, choose one from acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder. Until your next long rest you whenever you cast a spell or use a magical effect that deals damage with that damage type, it ignores resistance to damage of the chosen type. In addition, you can apply Elemental surge to spells that target multiple creatures such as Fireball.


For a brief moment you are able to channel all the elements at once, drawing on the power of the Elemental chaos. You can cast Prismatic Spray once per long rest. When you do so, you require no components to cast the spell.

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Also known as oneiroscopy; oneriomancy is a powerful skill that allows a mage to look into the past, present or future via special rituals. The more powerful Oneiromancers have been to be able to read the deeper thoughts of people around them.


16 wisdom, can sleep or trance


To learn this, you must seek a powerful oneiromancer such as any of the monks at House Serenity.

Level Feature
1 Onerioscopy, Astral Strike
2 Whispers in the dark
3 Mental Ward
4 Sleeping Thoughts
5 Dream Scape

Oneiromancy Saves

All your Oneiromancy abilities are based on your Wisdom. Anytime an ability refers to a save or an ability you must use your Oneiromancy to use them.
Oneiromancy Save DC = 8 + profiency + wisdom modifier


You begin to learn the ritual behind dreaming magic. From 1st level, instead of sleeping during a rest you can choose to ritually sleep. When you do this, you can ask questions about the world, as if you were casting the Divination spell. You can ask as many questions during this time equal to your proficiency modifier. During this time, your awnsers take form of dreams.

Astral Strike

You are capable of briefly seperating the conscious of a creature from their self. As an action, you make a melee attack against a creature you can see within 10ft. You use your wisdom modifier for the attack roll. On hit, the creature must succeed a charisma saving throw against your Oneiromancy save. On a fail, the creature is incpaciated for 1 minute. It can attempt to repeat the save at the end of its turn, the effect ends if it takes damage.

While incapaciated in this way the creature is unable to speak a deliberate lie, and all Charisma checks directed at the creature are made with advantage. A creature who does not have a soul, stores their soul in something like a phylactery, or is under a spell such as Mindblank is immune to this effect.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Whispers in the dark

Everything has a tale to tell, and you learn to access them with ease. From 2nd level, any time you touch an object, as an action youu begin to perform a minute ritual to gain the effects of the Legend Lore spell. You can trigger this effect an amount of times as equal to your wisdom modifier per long rest.

Mental Ward

From your practices of Onieromancy you have learnt the ins and outs of your mind and how to protect your own thoughts from others. From 3rd level onwwards you gain the following benefits:

  • You cannot be put to sleep by magical means
  • You are always aware if a creature has attempted to read your mind or scry on you.
  • Whenever you are unconscious, you remain completely aware of your surroundings and when you are unconcious, it is not an automatic critical hit when a creature hits you within 5ft.

Sleeping Thoughts

You have mastered reading the subconcious. From 4th level, you are always under the effects of Detect thoughts spell.


You are able to create a dreamscape for others to enter, allowing you and others to experience memories and visions. You can cast the Dream spell once per long rest on a willing creature or yourself. When you do so, you can contact creatures who dont sleep such as Elves. When you appear monstrous to other creatures in the dream, they gain a level of Dread with you as the source. Otherwise you can choose give the creature temporary hit points equal to your level.

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Phobian Magic

Also known as ‘Terror Magic’ Phobian magic is one of the oldest magics that is widly known, often being associated with the Dark Power, Phobos. This archaic magic binds and twists the perception of others to drawn out their greatest fears whether that is to use it against them or cure them of it, is entirely up to the will of the caster.


Ability to cast spells of 3rd level or higher
Casting stat of 16 or higher


To learn this, you must learn from a master of Phobian Magic such as Kas the Destroyer or Dante Zaheem.

Level Feature
1 Horror, Mark of Pavor
2 Blinding Terror
3 Dreadguard
4 Horror’s Least
5 Dread


You imbue aspects of fear into your spell casting that terrify your enemies. From 1st level whenever you expend a spell slot to cast a spell that has a Wisdom or charisma saving throw, you can choose one creature affected by the spell and change the saving throw to wisdom or charisma, if the creature fails, they take the normal effects of the spell and they are frightened of you as well. It can repeat the save at the end of its turns.
You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your spell casting modifier per long rest.

Mark of Pavor

Your voice can be seen as either a beacon of hope or of doom. From 1st level, whenever you make a charimsa (persuasion) or charimsa (Intimidation) check you gain a bonus equal to your spell casting modifier.

Blinding Terror

Your Horror that unleash shakes the very being of a creature. From 2nd level, whenever you inflict the frightened condition, you also turn the creature as per turn undead. A creature who is immune to the frightened condition still needs the make the save against being turned, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action. A creature immune to Dread is uneffected by this.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your spell casting modifier per long rest.

Dread Guard

Your use of Phobian magic has now lead to you being able to protect yourself from the many horrors of existience. From 3rd level you are immune to being frightened, and when another creature attempts to frighten you, you can use your reaction to attempt to turn the effect back on that creature. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frigtened by you for 1 minute, repeating the save at the start of each of its turns.

Horror’s Least

Phobian magic can also be used to cure terror. From 4th level, whenever an ally creature is affected by an effect that causes Frightened, Dread or Short term madness that is not permenant. You can target them with a spell of 1st level or higher, or 6th level or higher for Dread, they can immedately reroll the saving throw adding your spell casting modifier to the roll. A creature can only benefit from this effect once per long rest.


You unleash a terrfying onslaught on your foes. From 5th level you can cast the Mental Prison spell on a creature once per long rest. When cast using this feature, the spell does not require concentration.

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Soul Engineer

Soul Engineers dabble in the dark murky waters of Artificial intelligence without making a true AI by creating machines connected to their souls.


Spell casting stat of 16, Tinker tools or Engineering tools


To learn this, you must learn from a master in engram technology such as Eugene or Willa Bray.

Soul Engineer
Level Feature
1 Drone
2 Syste Upgrade
3 The Bridge Between
4 Invasion
5 AI Overload


You have created a shackled AI bound to your soul and concious. From 1st level, you lose your bound familiar and instead gain a Drone. You learn the Find Familiar spell and it does not count against your spells known or prepared. When you cast the spell, the drone appears as a hard light copy of an animal. You may choose which type of spirit it is from the following:

Research Drone
  • Its Intelligence or Wisdom score increases to 20, and is proficient in a Intelligence or Wisdom skill of your choice.
  • The Drone knows the Guidance cantrip and can cast it with a range of 20ft instead of touch.
  • The Drone can accurately recall anything that it has seen.

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Combat Drone
  • Its Strength score increases to 20, its weapon attacks become d6’s if they werent already
  • You can command the Drone to cast Shocking Grasp cantrip using your spell casting modifier as a bonus action on your turn.
Repair Drone
  • Its charisma score increases to 20, it learns the Mending cantrip
  • Any healing spell cast through the drone can target creatures of the construct and synthetic creature type.
  • If you drop to 0 hit points, the Drone can as a reaction can instead drop to 0 hit points and bringing you up to 1 hit point.

No matter what spirit type you choose, your Drone gains the following benefits:

  • It shares your proficiency bonus
  • Its hit points equal three times your level plus your spell casting modifier
  • The Drone gains additional boons at certain levels. At first level you may choose 2 lesser boons. At 3rd level you may choose 2 more.
  • For the purposes of ressurection, your Drone functions as your bound familiar
  • Your Drone cannot be dismissed and stays by your side or within 100ft of you until it is reduced to 0 hit points. It regains hit points as per normal from healing spells.

System Upgrade

You have upgraded your Drones capabilties and cognative understanding. From 2nd level you may choose 2 major boons. At 4th, you may choose 2 more major boons.



The Bridge Between

The line between your AI’s own mind and yours begin to blur as you become almost symbiotic. From 3rd level you gain the following benefits:

  • When you cast spells through your familiar it no longer requires its reaction
  • When a spell would heal you, your Drone is granted half of the healing you would receive.


You understanding of AI has grown through your working experience with your drone. As an action, you can choose one Construct or Synthetic that you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, you can’t use this feature on it again. If it fails, it becomes friendly to you and obeys your commands until you use this feature again.

Intelligent Constructs or Synthetics are harder to control in this way. If the target has an Intelligence of 8 or higher, it has advantage on the saving throw. If it fails the saving throw and has an Intelligence of 12 or higher, it can repeat the saving throw at the end of every hour until it succeeds and breaks free.

AI Overload

You learn how to Overload systems with your AI. From 5th level, you learn the Hold Person spell, you can target Constructs or Synthetics with the spell with this feature and they have disadvantage on the saving throw. Once you have cast it with this feature, you cannot again until you complete a long rest.


Lesser Boons

Unity. Any living creature of your choice within 20ft of your Drone has advantage on death saving throws.
Overlock. Anytime a creature ritually casts a spell within 15ft of your Drone, the casting time is halved.
Alert Module. Whilst your Drone is alive, you cannot be suprised.
Linked Senses. Whilst your Drone is alive, you can always perceive through its senses as long as it is on the same plane as you.
Expertise Subroutine. You may choose a skill of your choice and gain expertise in it.
Hardlight Shielding. You choose from acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage. You and your Drone become resistant to that damage type; as long as your Drone is alive.

Greater Boons

Refacting casting. When you cast a single target spell, you may use your reaction to have your Drone cast the spell from the location of the Drone.
LED Incapacitator. Whilst your Drone is alive, it can use its reaction when a creature within 20ft of it that you can see makes an attack roll to unleash a blinding burst of light. The creature subtracts your spell casting modifier from their roll.
Adreno Aroma. You may use your bonus action to disengage. Additonally when you disengage, any creature within 5ft of your Drone may use its reaction to also disengage up to its movement speed.
Energy Shift. Whenever you see a creature within 20ft of your Drone casting spell that deals deal acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage, your Drone may use its reaction to change the type of damage to another type from that list.
Synthetic Invocation. You learn one Eldritch Invocation option of your choice from the warlock class. If the invocation has a prerequisite, you can choose that invocation only if you’re a warlock and only if you meet the prerequisite.
Whenever you gain a level, you can replace the invocation with another one from the warlock class.
Hardlight Immunity. You may choose from acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage. As long as your Drone is alive, you gain immunity to that damage type.

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Anyone can kill for money, but those who follow the Assassin Path know how to do so with style. While every Assassin is different, some favoring up close and personal kills and others striking at range, they are all deadly predators and skilled at exploiting their foe’s weaknesses.


16 Dex or Str, Stealth or Perfomance proficiency


To learn this, you must seek a world famous assassin such as The Crow, Morin Tacita or someone infamous like Marchosis.

Level Feature
1 Hunter, Mark of Death
2 Lacerate
3 Master Assassin
4 Pinpoint strikes
5 Feast of the Fallen


You learn to observe your quarry first before striking. If you spend 1 minute observing a creature, you have advantage on checks to track the creature and you can learn one of the following features:

  • Armor Class
  • Current Hit points
  • Highest ability score
  • If it can cast spells and the heighest it can cast
  • If it has a multi-attack and how many attacks it can make
  • Passive perception

Mark of Death

You single out a target, revealing weaknesses that others can exploit, from 1st level as a bonus action you can mark a target that you hit with an attack within 30ft of you. The first time you hit a creature on your turn with a weapon attack, the creature is dealt 1d6 + half your level. The mark lasts for 1 minute, until the creature is reduced to 0 or you are incapacitated. If a creature is reduced under the mark, you can use your reaction to switch it to another creature within 30ft.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifer per long rest.

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Your strikes leave your enemeies riddled with debilitating wounds. From 2nd level whenever you roll a 15 or higher on the d20 when hitting the creature marked for death, you reduce the creatures movement speed by 10ft until the end of its next turn. The creature cannot dash nor can it take the dodge action.

A creature who does not have blood such as a construct cannot be dealt the effects of Lacerate.

Master Assassin

You are well versed in the art of death and skills required to carry it out as if were second nature. You gain the following benefits at 3rd level:

  • You movement speed is not reduced when you take the hide action
  • If you handle a potion, poison or an item for 1 minute you gain the benefits of the Detect Poison and Disease spell.

Pinpoint Strikes

You learn to exploit enemy weaknesses with deadly accuracy. From 4th level, creatures who are under your Mark of Death gain no benefits from effects that grant a bonus to their armour class such as the Shield spell or Evasive Footwork.

Feast of the Fallen

Leaving your foes dead invigorates you in ways that many cannot simply understand. from 5th level, you can cast the Haste spell. Additionally, if you reduce a creature 0 that was under your Mark of Death, you can use your reaction to cast Haste on yourself. Once you have cast the spell through this feature, you must wait to you complete a long rest before casting it again.




Infiltrator’s combine martial training and technology to become perfect sleeper agents, spies and assassins. They can live years behind enemies lines without ever being caught and strike at any moment.


Proficiency in Stealth and Deception, Nanite Weave Augment


To learn this, you must learn froma trained Infiltrator such as The Director or Aurae Siopil.

Level Feature
1 Master Ruse, Cloak
2 Sabotage
3 Hard to Get
4 Drop Dead
5 Imposter

Master Ruse

You are exceptional at digusing yourself and passing yourself of as others. From 1st level whenever you make a disguise tools check or a Deception check and roll below 9 on the d20, you treat the roll as if it were a 10. Furthermore you become proficient in Hacking tool and are able to create false profiles and documents to disguise yourself or others flawlessly.


Your combine stealth techniques along with the use of endodermic nanites that reflect magic. As a bonus action you can activate your cloak, making a steath check as you do. For the next 10 minutes, in order for a creature to see you it’s passive perception must be higher than your stealth check or it must make a perception check higher than your stealth check to see you. The nanites in your blood shield you divination, for the duration you are under the effects of Non detection.

Any time you take an action, interaction or bonus action that affects another creature or you cast a spell with material or verbal components, you can make a stealth check contested by their perception check. If you succeed, you remain under the effects of cover up to them. If they succeed, you become visible to them and they can’t be effected for 24 hours. Attacking a creature automatically ends this feature.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifer per long rest.


Your nanites are able to sabotage neon based magic. From 3rd level, you gain advantage on all Intelligence checks using hacking tools to break software encryption or online security when using a foreign system.
This feature also allows you to break 5th level and lower protective spells such as arcane lock or glyph of warding by making an Intelligence check using hacking tools against the spell save DC of the spell’scaster.

Hard to Get

You have improved your techniques and have upgraded your nanites to futher protect you. You gain the following benefits:

  • You gain a second reaction.
  • Any time you are affected by a poison, an that would alter your mind such as the charmed condition or Indoctrination, you can add your constitution modifier to the save.

Drop Dead

Your cloak enables your strikes to be deadly and to weaker foes, kill them instantly. From 4th level, if you are using Cloak and end it by making attack, if the attack hits the creature takes additional damage equal to 1d10 + your level. If you strike a creature whose cr is lower than your level with this, they are dealt damage equal to 2d10 + twice your level.


Your nanites have been programmed to create a illusionary copy of yourself, allowing for the greatest escapes. From 5th level, you can cast Mislead and as long as you are within 20ft of the illusionary copy, you can use your bonus action to teleport to it. Once use this feature, you must complete a long rest before using it again.

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Often called ‘Cursebreakers’ or ‘Binders,’ Invokers dance with spirits, otherwordly powers and break pacts. They embrace the dangers of taking on pacts from others to save them, drawing on eldritch powers knowing that any moment that they too could fall victim to the curses they relieve.


Proficiency in Religion and one charisma skill, Vloeken Grafts


To learn this, you must seek a classically trained Invoker such as D’artagnan Dubois or Abby Vous-Dubois.

Level Feature Hex count
1 Witch Tongue, Invoke Hex 2
2 Break the Chains 3
3 Pact Breaker 4
4 Greater Hex 5
5 Vloeken Ward 6

Invoker Saves

All your Invoker abilities are based on your Wisdom or Charisma (your choice). Anytime an ability refers to a save or an ability you must use your Invoker to use them.
Invoker Save DC = 8 + profiency + wisdom or charisma (your choice) modifier.

Witch Tongue

Being an Inokver, you know that you must learn to negotiate with other powerful creatures. From 1st level, whenever you speak to creature that is not a humanoid in its native language, you can treat any charisma (Persuasion), charisma (Deception) or charisma (Intimidation) check roll of a 9 or lower on a d20 as a 10.

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Invoke Hex

You learn the most basic forms Invoker Hexes, powerful invocations. From 1st level, you learn 2 Hex’s of your choice (detailed at the end), you gain additional Hex’s as displayed on the table. You can switch your hex’s out whenever you gain a level. You can use these abilities a combined number of times equal to your Invoker modifer per short rest.

Break the Chains

An Invoker draws on esoteric magics to bind harmful forces affecting others to themselves. From 2nd level whenever you place a hex on a allied creature, and they have a negative condition on them or a curse, you can choose to supress the effect on them and you instead take on the effect or curse for its duration. If the effect or curse requires a saving throw, you can add your proficency bonus to the save.

Pact Breaker

You excel in breaking curses and pacts with otherworldly entities. From 3rd level you gain the following benefits:

  • When you read a contract, you always know if there is any hidden loopholes, monkey paw effects and if it has been altered.
  • After 1 minute of observing a creature or object with a curse you know all its features, how to end it and who placed the curse.

Greater Hex

You are able to create more powerful hexes. From 4th level, you learn 2 Greater hexes of your choice (detailed at the end). Whenever you gain a level, you can change one out. You can use these abilities a combined number of times equal to your Invoker modifer half (rounded up) per long rest.

Vloeken Ward

You create a powerful ward that both protects your allies and hinders your foes. From 5th level, you learn the Magic Circle spell. For you the duration is 8 hours. Creatures of your choice who spend a short rest in the cirlce cannot have their abilties scores reduced by any means or their maixmum hit points and they cannot be possessed for the next hour after leaving the circle. A creature can only benefit from the effect once per casting. After you have cast the spell using this feature, you cannot cast it again until you complete a long rest.





  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S,
  • Duration: 8 hours

You touch a willing creature and choose poisoned, petrfied, paralazyed, or stunned. If the target is or later becomes afflicted with the chosen condition, that condition is suppressed for a number of rounds equal to Invoker modifier. Alternatively, you can grant the target advantage on saving throws against effects that cause any two of the listed conditions (which condition is always the your choice) for 24 hours. Once a creature has benefited from this hex, it cannot benefit from the hex again for 24 hours.

Beast of Ill Omen

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (your familiar)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You imbue your familiar with strange magic, putting a minor curse upon the next enemy to see it. When a creature moves within 30ft of your familiar, it must make a charisma save against your Invoker save or be affected by the Bane spell. Whether or not the target’s save is successful, the creature cannot be the target of this hex effect again for 24 hours.


  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 10ft
  • Components: S, M (at least 500ml of a liquid)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You make liquid in a 10-foot radius around you to become sludgy and viscous for 1 minute, causing it to function as difficult terrain for all creatures except yourself. This also provides half cover against physical effects that pass through the affected area.

Curse Wounds

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: S, V, M (blood from the creature)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You curse a living creature, preventing it from healing completely. A creature you can see within 60ft must succeed a wisdom save against your Invoker Save. On a fail, whenever the creature is healed by a evocation healing spell, the caster of the healing effect must succeed a spell casting check (DC = 11 + your Invoker modifier) to end the hex. If the check fails, the healing effect functions as normal, except it cannot remove the last 10 points of damage the victim suffered.

Disrupt Connection

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: S, V
  • Duration: Special

You disrupt the connection between a summoned creature within 30 feet and its master. The summoned creature must succeed at a Wisdom save or be under the effects of the confusion spell for 1d4 rounds. Once a creature has been the target of this hex, that creature is immune to this hex for 24 hours.

Enemy Ground

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute

You curse a target with clumsiness. The creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against your Invoker DC or suffer -5 to all dexterity checks and the targets fly speed is reduced to 0 for the duration. It can attempt to repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn.

Evil Eye

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute

You can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that you can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (your choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. A creature can make a wisdom save at the end of its turn to end the effect. Creatures who cannot be frightened are immune to this hex.


  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 round

You grant a creature exceptional luck, The target can call upon this good luck once per round, allowing them to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result. They must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made.



Gift of Consumption

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Special

Whenever you you are forced to make a constitutio save by a spell, as a reaction you can curse a creature within 30 feet to share the effect. The hexed creature makes a constition save against your Invoker save, and on a failure it is subject to the same effects as you. Regardless of the outcome of the saving throw, the creature can’t be targeted by this hex again for 24 hours. This hex does not function with spells that require additional saves, such as Moonbeam.

Harrowing Curse

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, M (A Harrow Deck)
  • Duration: Concentration up to 1 minute

You can curse a target creature by touching it with a card randomly drawn from a harrow deck you own. The creaute must succeed a wisdom saving throw against your Invoker say. On a fail, the target suffers -2 to all rolls associated with the ability score that corresponds to the suit of the card drawn. A creature can repeat the save at the end of its turn. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be targeted by this hex more than once in 24 hours.


  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 round

You can cause a creature within 30 feet to suffer grave misfortune for 1 round. The creature makes a wisdom save again your Invoker save. On a fail, anytime the creature makes an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, it must roll twice and take the worse result.


  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V
  • Duration: 10 minutes

You can see through natural fog, mist, and rain as if it was a clear day. If the effect is created by magic, you can see up to 15 feet without penalty, with normal penalties and effects applying beyond that distance. This ability functions underwater as well, allowing you to see in murky water as though it were clear. This does not allow you to see hidden objects such as an invisible creature.

Steal Voice

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 hour

You steal the voice of one creature within 30 feet, causing it to lose. The creature must suceed a charisma save against your Invoker save or be unable to speak or cast spells with verbal components. You can change your voice to match that of any creature whose voice you has stolen with this hex. A creature can repeat the save at the end of its turn.


  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

You can use this hex to place a protective ward over one creature. The warded creature receives a +2 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus on saving throws. This ward lasts until the warded creature is hit or fails a saving throw. You know when a warded creature is no longer protected. You can have only one ward active at a time. If you use this ability again, the previous ward immediately ends. You cannot use this ability on yourself.

Witch Bottle

  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, M (a flask worth at least 100 gd, which is consumed)
  • Duration: 8 hours

Once per day, you can perform a 10-minute ritual to create a potion of Rare rarity or lower. A creature can consume this potion as a bonus action after which it becomes inert. The potion loses its potency after 8 hours.

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Greater Hexes


  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: S, V
  • Duration: 1 round

You curse a hostile creature that you can see within 30ft. The creature must make a wisdom save against your Invoker Save or be under the effects of the polymorph spell until the end of your next turn. The creature can be of any type except a construct or synthetic. Whether or not its save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours.


  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

With a quick incantation, you can place this hex on one creature within 30 feet, causing them to suffer intense pain. The creature must succeed a constitution save against your Invoker save. On a fail, the creature is incapacitated for a minute, as it reels in pain. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of its turn. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours. Constructs and undead cannot be targeted by this hex.

Delicious Fright

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: S, V
  • Duration: 1 minute

You feed on the fear of the hexed. You target a creature you can see within 30ft who must make a wisdom save against your Invoker save. On a fail it is frightened of you. As long as you remain within 30ft of the creature and can see it, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws. The creature can repeat the save at the end of its turn. Regardless of whether it suceeds or not, the creature cannot be targeted by this hex again for 24 hours.

Curse of Nonviolence

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: concentration, up to 1 minute

You curse a creature to prevent it from attacking innocents. The target makes a wisdom save against your Invoker save. On a fail it cannot take violent actions or do anything destructive against any creature with fewer Hit Dice than itself. If another creature takes hostile action against the cursed creature, the cursed creature can take hostile actions against the creature who was hostile to them. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 24 hours.

Dire Prophecy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S, M (a marble worth 200 gold which the hex consumes)
  • Duration: concentration, up to 1 minute

You curse a creature so they are doomed to die. The creature makes a wisdom save against your Invoker Save. On a fail the creature has -2 to all saves and to their armour class. As a reaction, you can choose to end the effect, causing the creature to have -5 instead until the start of their next turn. The creature can repeat the save at the end of its turn. Whether or not the target’s save against the hex is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex for 24 hours.

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  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a small doll, a needle encrusted with black diamonds worth 200 gold )
  • Duration: special

You cause a creature within 60 feet to be shunned by its allies, the target must succeed a charisma saving throw against your Invoker save or be cursed for a number of rounds equal Invoker modifier. Any other creature attempting to directly assist the target with a harmless spell or aid another action must make a wisdom save. If the save succeeds, the aiding creature is unaffected by this hex. If the save fails, the aiding creature can’t follow through, the action is lost, and the aiding creature can’t directly aid the target for the duration of this hex. This hex does not prevent the target from benefiting from area of effect spells.


  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V, S, M (An emerald worth 150 gold)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You place a retribution hex on a creature within 30 feet, it must succeed a charisma save against your Invoker save. On a fail terrible wounds to open across the target’s flesh whenever it deals damage to another creature in melee, the hexed creature deals damage in melee, it takes half that damage (rounded down). The creature can repeat the save whenever it takes damage from this hex.

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Marksman are capable of making impossible shots. They know their weapons like the back of their hands and often treat them like an extension of themselves.


16 Dex or Str, Proficency in firearms


To learn this, you must learn from seasoned marksman such as Kay Itrolkros or Avvernucus Clover.

Level Feature
1 Pistolero’s Dance, Ammo mod
2 Ricochet
3 Disciple’s Discipline
4 Righteous Chain
5 Bullet storm

Pistolero’s Dance

Its one thing to be good at shooting, its another to do with style. You are able to add your profiency to skill checks involving your firearms such as making an intimdation check with them or twirling them around.

Ammo mod

You know how to treat your fireams well and by that you mean giving them special ammo to chew on. You learn to create 2 types of ammunition for your fire arms. You learn a further 2 more at 3rd level. You active your ammo mod as an object interaction action and the mod remains active until the start of your next turn. You can active this ability a number of times equal to your proficency modifer per long rest.

Cryo Ammo. The weapons damage becomes cold damage and you reduce a creatures movement, a creature hit by one of your attacks has its movement speed reduced by 10ft, the reduction does not stack.
Explosive Ammo. The weapons damage becomes thunder damage and whenever you hit a creature, all creatures within 5ft of it take 1d8 thunder damage as well.

Incendiary Ammo. The weapons damage becomes fire damage, whenever you deal damage with the weapon it deals an additional 1d4 fire damage to creatures with flesh.
Phasic Ammo. The weapon damage becomes psychic damage. The weapon suffers a -2 to damage rolls but ignores biotic barriers and spells or effects like Shield
Warp Ammo. The weapon damage becomes force damage. Creatures dealt damage by this ammo cannot regain hit points until the end of their next turn.


When you miss, its usually for a good reason. From second level, when you miss with an attack using a firearm and you do not have disadvantage on the roll, you can use your reaction to reroll the attack roll and you must use the new roll. If this causes the attack to hit, the attack only deals only half damage

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Disciple’s Discipline

Your weapon is an extension of yourself and in that you are disciple of its trigger edict. From 3rd level you gain the following benefits:

  • Whilst holding a firearm, you cannot be disarmed of it
  • After studying a firearm that you are holding for 10 minutes, you learn everything about it
  • You have advantage on any charisma (perfomance) or dexterity (sleight of hand) checks to do tricks with your firearm

Righteous Chain

Your shots are unrelenting and wittle down your enemies. From 4th level you mark a creature for your Righteous Chain for 1 minute as a bonus action.

If your first attack that hits on your turn is not a critical hit against a hostile creature, you deal an additional d4 damage. For each turn that you do not score a critical hit as your first attack that hits, you gain additional d4 damage on your first attack. This lasts until you score a critical hit. You can have a maximum of d4s equal to your proficency modifier.
Upon scoring a critical hit, your chain resets to 0. You do not double the Right Chain die for the critical hit as the d4s are maximised. After a minute the bonus is reduced to 0.

Bullet storm

Some times one shot isn’t enough and you just need to keep firing. From 5th level, you learn the Swift Quiver spell, which works with your firearms. When you cast this spell, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.

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Neon Hunter

Neon Hunters mystical warriors who have undergone the Neon Rite, a process that is highly protected. They carrying on with their ancient purpose as guardians of the realms, to protect man from monster and monster from man.


16 Con, The Neon Rite


To learn this, you must learn from a Neon hunter like Moses Slade or Kismet.

Neon Hunter
Level Feature
1 Augmentor, Neon Burn
2 Overcome
3 Man-Monster-Machine
4 Diehard
5 Neon Over-Drive


A part of being a blood hunter is enhancing your body with augments. For you the maximum amount of augments you can have installed in your body is increased and the activation cost of augments is decreased by your proficiency modifier.

If you observe a creature for 1 minute, you learn how many augments it has, their quality and what they are.

Neon Burn

As part of undergoing the Neon Rite, your blood has been turned into an alchemical cocktail with the mysterious powers of Neon. From 1st level, you can draw on your blood to enchance your weapons, this is called Neon Burning as you radiate the Neon from your blood. As a bonus action you can expend a hit die to active your Neon Burn for 1 minute.

Whenever you hit with a weapon that you have got your Neon Burn on, the weapon deals 1d6 extra radiant, fire, lightning or poison. You choose the damage type when you active the Neon Burn.

At 3rd level the damage die increases to 1d8 and then at 5th it further increases to 1d10.


Learning from your past encounters is the only way to continue improving yourself. From 2nd level, you can spend 10 minutes analysing the creatures corpse if it is whole that you have slain within the last hour. You learn 2 of the following:

  • Its Hit point total
  • Its ability scores
  • Its immunities and resistances
  • Its unique features (such as zombie’s undead fortitude)

Once you have learned 2 features from a creature, you cannot learn anymore until you slay another creature of the same name and you have taken a long rest to medidate on your findings.


The lines begin to blur on where the man, the monster and the machine lie with in you. As a result you gain the following benefits:

  • You can add your constitution modifier to any charisma or strength skill check when dealing with any creature that is not an aberration.
  • Your body begins to age at a reduced rate. For a number of years equal to how many augments you have, your body ages only 1.


Through experience and augmentation you have made yourself extremely hard to kill. From 4th level you gain a bonus to all saving throws and damage rolls equal to half the amount of augments you have installed in your body.

Neon Over-Drive

You are able to channel the Neon in your blood to apply a temporary Neon Burn to your body through your augments. From 5th level, you can cast Ahardalon’s Stride at 6th level, choosing cold, fire or lightning for the spells damage. Creatures who take damage from this spell become frozen, scorched, or jolted (respectively) until the start of their next turn.

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Keeper of The Cerulean

The Ancient order of The Keepers of The Cerulean Sign exist to protect the world from Far Realm threats at any cost. They undergo a joining process that allows them to withstand the completely alien nature of aberrations without going mad.


Proficiency in Religion and Arcana, Surving the Joining


To learn this, you must first survive the Joining and seek a Cerulean Lord such as The Green Knight.

Keeper of The Cerulean
Level Feature
1 Keeper’s Knowledge, Aberrant Banemagic
2 Portal Warding
3 Mental Backlash
4 Greater Bane Magic
5 Cleanse Aberration

Keeper Saves

All your Keeper abilities are based on your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma (your choice). Anytime an ability refers to a save or an ability you must use your Invoker to use them.
Invoker Save DC = 8 + profiency + Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma (your choice) modifier.

Keeper’s Knowledge

The joining has has altered your mind in impossible ways. From 1st level, you can read, write and speak Deep speech and you can add your Keeper modifier to any skill check that involves an aberration.

Abertrant Banemagic

Your abilities are infused with potent magic that is toxic to aberrations. From 1st level whenever you hit an aberration or a creature who has indoctrination levels with an attack or deal damage with a spell, you deal an extra 2d6 points of damage.

A single spell can never gain this extra damage more than once per casting. For instance, a fireball deals the extra damage to all aberrations in the area it affects. However, if a 3rd-level wizard casts magic missile and produces two missiles, only one of them (of the wizard’s choice) gains the extra damage whether if both missiles are directed at the same aberration. If a spell deals damage for more than 1 round, it deals this extra damage in each round.

Portal Warding

You invoke the cerulean sign to ward areas from aberrations. From 2nd level, you can place a potent warding effect on any doorway or magic portal once per day. An aberration can pass through a warded doorway or magic portal only if it makes a successful wisdom save against your Keeper save. On a fail otherwise it cannot use the doorway or portal and takes 3d10 force damage.

An attempt to destroy the door or magic portal counts as an attempt to pass through it. You know whenever an aberration attempts to pass through the door or portal, and you also know if the aberration is successful or not, provided you are on the same plane as the warding. You can maintain this effect indefinitely, but you can sustain only one warded portal at any time.

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Mental Backlash

From 3rd level, you can reflexively lash out at any aberration or a creature who has indoctrination levels that targets a mind affecting spell or ability at you. When this power is activated, the athe target must make a Constitution save against your keep save. On a fail 1d6 points of damage per your level and become incapaciated for 1d4 rounds.

Greater Banemagic

The magic that flows through you becomes more toxic to aberrant creatures. From 4th level, whenever you make an attack or spell attack that qualifiies for Abertrant Banemagic, the attack duplicates the effect of dispel magic at 3rd level that targets all spells or effects from the school of illusion that were originally cast by an aberration. If the spell is of 4th level or higher, you add your Keeper modifer to the d20 rolled for the attack, treating that as your spell check. This effect can only happen once per casting or spell and per turn.

Cleanse Aberration

You have learn to invoke the Cerulean sign in such a way that it has a chance to not only banish aberrations but utterly destroy them. From 5th level, you learn the Banishment spell. When you cast it with this feature on an aberration and it fails, it must succeed a constitution save against your Keeper Save or be slain instantly. You regain a number of hit points equal half the aberrations hit points it had when it died. Once you have used this feature, you cannot again until you complete a long rest.

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Medics deploy advanced neon based tech, nanites and their own medical training to heal the wounded as well as supporting vast utility with their omni-tool implant.


Omni-Tool implant, Medicine Proficiency


To learn this, you must need to seek a trained medic such as Darci.

Level Feature
1 Medical Savant, Medi-gel
2 Omni-gel additives
3 Vitality
4 Improved additives
5 Swarm of Refusal

Medic Saves

All your Medic abilities are based on your Intelligence, Wisdom (your choice). Anytime an ability refers to a save or an ability you must use your Medic to use them.
Medic Save DC = 8 + profiency + Intelligence, Wisdom (your choice) modifier.

Medical Savant

Your training has gifted you with a profound insight into health and wellbeing. From 1st level, if you spend at least 1 minute examining a creature, you can identify any disease, poison, or curse affecting it. Further more you can use your intelligence or wisdom to any medicine check you make.


You have upgraded your omni-tool to be able dispense Medi-gel, an all-purpose medicinal salve combining an anaesthetic and clotting agent that instantly sealing injuries against infection and allowing for rapid healing. From 1st level, as a bonus action, you can deliver a dose of Medi-gel to a creature that you can see within 30ft. The creature regains 2d6 + your Medic ability in hit points.

At later levels this dose increases in size. At 2nd (3d6), 3rd (4d6), 4th (5d6) and 5th (6d6).

You can use your Medi-gel a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Omni-gel additives

Your Omni-tool is capable of dispersing Medi-gel with powerful additives allowing for a wider range of utility. From 2nd level over a short rest, you can prepare a number of additives (listed at the end of the path) equal to your proficiency modifer. Whenever you use your medi-gel you can choose one of the additives to give to the creature as well. A creature can only benefit from one additive at a time.


The nanites in your blood combined with your own medical training have greatly improved your own physical wellbeing. From 3rd level you gain the following benefits:

  • Whenever you roll hit die on a short rest, you gain the maximum number from them.
  • You regain half your medi-gel (rounded up) on a short rest

Improved additives

You have greatly improved the delivery of your Medi-gel as well as the mixtures that create the additives. From 4th level, you chan now choose two additives to affect a creature with when you restore hit points to them with Medi-gel.

Swarm of Refusal

You are able to overclock your Omni-tool to produce a swarm of healing nanites From 5th level, you learn the Aura of Life spell. For you, it no longer requires concentration and only ends if you are reduced to 0 hit points or 10 minutes have passed. Once you use this feature, you can’t again until you complete a long rest.

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Anaesthetic nanites. The creature gains resistance to a damage type of your choice for the next minute.
Cognative stimulant. The creature gains the benefits of the Guidance spell until the start of next turn.
Jolt. An unconcious creature regains a number of additional hit points equal to your medicine skill.
Mechanical Mending. The Medi-gel can restore hit points to a construct.
Clearance. A creature can reroll a save to end a non-permenant effect on them.
Androgen boost. The creature gains a bonus to its next damage roll equal to your Medic ability.
Restoration (10th level). The creature gains the benefits of the Lesser Restoration spell.

Hardened weave (10th level). Until the start of your next turn, the creature gains a bonus to their armour class equal to your Medic ability.
Resuscitation (14th level). For the next minute, the creature gains the benefits of the Deathward spell.
Androgen overload (14th level). The creature gains a bonus to their next attack roll equal half your proficiency modifer (rounded down).
Adreno stim (17th level). Until the start of your next turn the creature gains the benefits of the Haste spell, a creature can only be effected by this once per long rest.
T-cell stim (17th level). The creature gains the benefits of the Greater restoration spell.

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Sorrow Bearer


Arana Proficency, Soul touched by The Crown of Sorrows, 18 wisdom


In order to learn this you must seek someone who is an expert in sorrow magic such as Kia Snowdon, Šimmumah ur-Nokru or Shar

Sorrow Bearer
Level Feature
1 Cognitohazard, Anima Anathema
2 Interrogate the Departed
3 Inviolable Essence
4 Oubliette of Spirits
5 Decrepify

Sorrow Bearer saves

All your Sorrow Bearer abilities are based on your Wisdom or charisma (your choice). Anytime an ability refers to a save or an ability you must use your Sorrow Bearer ability to use them.
Sorrow Bearer Save DC = 8 + profiency + Wisdom or Charisma (your choice) modifier.


Due to the Crown of Sorrows cognitohazard like nature; your proximity has infected you. Whenever you make a wisdom (insight) or charimsa (Intimidation) check you gain a bonus equal to your profiency modifier. You have advantage on either of these checks if you have been speaking to the target of these checks for more than a minute.

Anima Anathema

The Crown of Sorrows’s aberrant magic infects those around you, leaching at their very essence. From 1st level whenever you deal damage to a creature, you can infect them with ephemeral virus. When you do the creatures takes additional damage equal to your proficiency modifier. Additionally the creature cannot regain hit points anyway until the start of your next turn.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifer per long rest.

Interrogate the Departed

You are embued with the essenence of the Crown and can commune with the phantasms drawn to it. From 2nd level, if you touch a dead creature for a minute you can cast speak with dead on the target. When you cast the spell using this feature, the creature is bound by a single aspect of their former self and anwsers the questions in such a way. The spell does not fails if the corpse was the target of this spell within the last 10 days.

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Aspect table
D6 Aspect
1 Aspect of Regret (Hellish Rebuke)
2 Aspect of Despair (Phantasmal Force)
3 Aspect of Rage (Antagonize)
4 Aspect of Pride (Borrowed Knowledge)
5 Aspect of Greed (Incite Greed)
6 Aspect of Fear (Fear)

Inviolable Essence

The echoes of the Crown’s magic ripple across the surface of your mind. From 3rd level, you gain the following effects:

  • Your wisdom and charisma scores cannot be reduced by magial means.
  • Whenever you succeed a wisdom or charisma save, you gain temporary hit points equal to your 3+ proficiency modifer.

Oubliette of Spirits

Your constant exposure to the crown of sorrows has expanded your mastery of phantasms and souls. At 4th level you produce a 10ft aura, and any time a creature attempts to possess or charm a creature in the aura, it is directed at you. If you succeed on the save, you trap the creature inside of you. Roll on the aspect table, until the next long rest you trap that aspect inside of you and can cast the spell associated with the aspect once per aspect.


For a brief moment you are able to unleash a phantasmal blast of sorrow magic upon the world, forcing creatures around you to be inflcited with an tormenting aspect of their path. From 5th level, if you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can force it and every creature within 20ft of your choice to make a charisma save, the spell DC being the number rolled on your attack roll. On a fail, each creature is affected by the slow spell. If the attack roll is a 20 on the 20, the affected creatures also reduce all their out going damage by your proficiency modifer. A creature can repeat the save at the end of their turn.

Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before using it again.

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Spirit Warrior

Also known in the gith tongue as tl’a’ikith, Spirit warriors are magic uses that flirt with inhabitants of the TorNav’roc - The Silver Memories of the astral sea. The memories agree to augment mortal abilities in exchange for a glimpse of the physical world, to be remebered again.


Religion Proficency, Kalach-Cha, 18 charisma


In order to learn this you must seek someone who has umitl’a’ikith - The touch of the spirit sword. People such as Zetch’r’r of The House of Judgement or Nessa, The Purest Light, The Darkest Hour.

Spirit Warrior
Level Feature
1 Beyond the Veil, Soul brand
2 Breath of TorNav’roc
3 Silver blessings
4 Draa’zvir
5 Spirit Jez’rathki

Spirit Warrior saves

All your Spirit Warrior abilities are based on your Wisdom or charisma (your choice). Anytime an ability refers to a save or an ability you must use your Spirit Warrior ability to use them.
Spirit Warrior Save DC = 8 + profiency + Wisdom or Charisma (your choice) modifier.

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Beyond the Veil

From 1st level, you gain proficiency in one skill of your choice and expertise with one skill or tool of your choice. You magically acquire these proficiencies by drawing them from shared memory and the experiences of entities on the Astral Plane, and you retain them until you finish your next long rest.

Soul brand

You channel the spirital memories of the astral sea and call them forth to brand the very essence of a living creature. From 1st level, as a bonus action you wreath your weapon in silvery green flame. The next time you hit a living creature, the creature becomes branded for a minute. Once per turn when you hit the branded creature it takes additional radiant damage equal to your Spirit Warrior ability. Additionally, a branded creature cannot hide from you, as you can see its body lit up by fire.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifer per long rest.

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Breath of TorNav’roc

Your attachment to the Astral Sea has grown to the point where you can psychic winds from the Astral Sea. From 2nd level, as a bonus action you can erupt in psychic winds within a 15ft radius. Each creature of your choice in the area must succeed an intelligence save against your Spirit Warrior Save. Creatures marked by your Soul Brand do so at disadvantage. On a fail, the creature takes psychic damage equal to your character level. On a success they take half the damage.

Additionally, you gain 3 temporary hit points for every creature that hurt with this ability.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifer per long rest.

Silver Blessings

You become infused with the Silver Winds of the Astral Sea, filled with memories of the long forgotten who both aid and shield you. From 3rd level, you gain the following benefits:

  • You become immune to the environmental effects of the Astral Sea and The Ascendant Realm.
  • Whenever you fail a intelligence, wisdom or charisma saving throw against a hostile spell, the caster takes psychic damage equal to Spirit Warrior modifer.
  • Whenever a creature affected by your Soul brand forces you to make a save, you can add half your proficency (rounded down) to the save.


Your Soul Brand increases in its potency, as you call upon Draa’zvir, dragon fire to harm you foes. Your Soul Brand’s damage now deals Soul Fire damage.

Spirit Jez’rathki

You call upon the Jez’rathki- The Space Between and invite the memories of the forgotten leave their mark on those around you. From 5th level, you can cast Spirit Shroud at base level. For you it is not concentration and lasts for a number of turns equal to your Spirit Warrior modifier. During this time the extra damage dealt by Spirit Shroud is Soul Fire.

Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you complete a long rest.

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Resonance Singer

This is Resonance. The power to make everything else like yourself, of creating immortality by extending your shape until it has consumed everything, it is both neutrality and everything. - Dredgen Hope


Arcana and Religion Proficency, 18 Wisdom or Charisma, A Resonant Shard


In order to learn this you must seek someone whose exsitence is neutral, a being whose resonance is neither positive nor negative. People such as Eli aka Dredgen Hope or Nessa, The Purest Light, The Darkest Hour or The Nightingale.

Resonance Singer
Level Feature
1 The Silent Song, Harmonic Balance
2 Give into the Silence
3 Harmonic Convergence
4 Smother
5 Darkest Hour

Resonance Singer saves

All your Resonance Singer abilities are based on your Wisdom or charisma (your choice). Anytime an ability refers to a save or an ability you must use your Resonance Singer ability to use them.
Resonance Singer Save DC = 8 + profiency + Wisdom or Charisma (your choice) modifier.

The Silent Song

Resonance is a silent song that carries the tune of everything that ever has existed and everything that will ever exist. You are able to channel some of this tune through out your body, resonating with all that was and all that will. From 1st level, you can add half your Proficiency Bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn’t already include your Proficiency Bonus.

Harmonic Balance

You very being is both neutral and anathema to the celestial and fiendish. From 1st level, you add your Resonace Singer ability modifer to the damage rolls whenever you hit a Ceslestial or Fiend with an attack.

Furthermore, for a number of times equal to your proficency modifer per long rest, whenever you deal damage to one of these creatures you can choose to instead take average instead of rolling.

Give in to the Silence

Magic exists through Neon, a paranatural substance that sings a resonanting song that gives voice to spells. For you as a being of neutrality, you have learnt how to silence that song.

From 2nd level, as an action you can cause the virbrations of the resonanting silence to engulf creatures of your choice within 20ft of you. Creatures engulfed in this way must succeed a charisma save against your Resosance Singer Save. On a fail, the creature takes 1d12 force damage for every level of spell they have. They become Silenced and unable to cast spells until the start of your next turn. A creature concentrating on a spell loses concentration on a fail.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifer per long rest.



Harmonic Convergence

You very being resonates with the planes, you become at one with existience. From 3rd level you gain the following benefits:

  • You cannot be effected by any planar enviromental effect outside of the Ascendant Realm.
  • You have advantage on saving throws against paracausal and biotic effects.


Your neutrality smothers the positive and negative resonance that reverberates within celestials and fiends. From 4th level, your spells and paracausal effects ignore paracausal and magic resistance on celestials and fiends.

Darkest Hour

Your body soaks in the resoance vibrations of other creatures and for a brief moment you are able to extend your being, your shape to consume them. From 5th level, you can cast Banishment on a creature with out concentration. However, when you do so, the creature isn’t banished to a harmless demiplane but rather a Plane of Dread that you have visited. The creature exists there for a number of rounds equal to your Resonace Singer ability modifer. After the duration, the creature returns, taking 1d4 levels of Dread with you as their source of Dread from the harrowing experience of being consumed.

Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you complete a long rest. homebrew mug

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The following spells are available for players to choose from.


1st-level conjuration

Casting Time:
1 action
S, M (a pebble)

You create a stone like fist out of thin air by drawing on the veil. You fling it at a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On hit, the target takes 1d10 Blugeoning damage. Hit or miss, the fist explodes. The target and creatures within 5ft it must succeed a dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 radiant damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the radiant damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.


3rd-level transmutation

Casting Time:
1 bonus action
30 feet
V, S, M (a shaving of licorice)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

Choose up to 6 creatures, including yourself within range. Until the spell ends, affected creatures have their movement speed increased by 10ft, additionally they ignore magical and non magical terrain.

Mind Blast

4th-level enchantment

Casting Time:
1 action
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You reach into the mind of a creature and overload it’s thoughts with infomation. A creature must succeed an intelligence save or take 2d8 phsycic damage and be stunned until the end of your next turn or half as much damage and not not stunned on a success. As an action on your following turns, you can attempt to stun the creature again. If the creature succeeds, the spell ends.

Walking Bomb

4th-level Necromancy

Casting Time:
1 action
60 feet
V, M (A black onyx gem worth 150 gold)
1 minute

You latch onto a creature’s life force, tearing at the tether to their soul. Make a ranged spell attack roll against a creature within range. The creature takes 6d8 necrotic damage. The creature must then succeed a constitution saving throw. On a fail, the creature is marked. If the marked creature dies within the next minute, it explodes. All creatures within 10ft of the marked creature must succeed a dexterity saving throw or take 5d8 force damage and half as much on a success.

This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Repulsion Field

5th-level abjuration

Casting Time:
1 action
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create an arcane weave to protect you, that pushes your enemies away from you. While on the ground within 20ft of you is magical difficult terrain to hostile creatures. A hostile creature who gets within 10ft of you must succeed a Strength save or be pushed back 15ft from you.



Death Cloud

6th-level necromancy

Casting Time:
1 action
90ft/ 30ft.
V, S, M (the powder of a black pearl worth at least 500gp)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You twist the land to create a cloud of powerful entropic energy that saps the life force of all creatures who enter. The entire area counts as lightly obscured. When the creature enters the cloud for the first time, they must succeed a constitution saving throw or take 8d8 necrotic damage and half as much on a success. A creature who stays within the cloud takes must succeed the constitution save again or take the damage, half as much on a success.

Additionally creatures within 10ft of the cloud must succeed a wisdom save at the start of their turn or be charmed by the energy, compelling them to walk into the cloud. Making them take the damage on the start of their next turn.

This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.


7th-level evocation

Casting Time:
1 action
V, M (mentha extract, water)
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You call upon bitter winds to freeze the area, petrifying those who face them in ice. You choose an area within in range, the area becomes heavily obscured and difficult terrain as a blizard forms. Creatures who enter the blizard or start their turn in the blizard take 8d8 cold damage. Additionally creatures who enter or start their turn in the blizard must succeed a constitution saving throw. On a fail, the creature is frozen in ice within the blizard until the start of their next turn, they will need to repeat the save at the start of their turn in order not to be frozen again.


7th-level evocation

Casting Time:
1 action
V, M (a twig)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

A cloud of storms appears in an area that you choose witin range. Rain, lightning and hail cause the area to become lightly obscured any creature inside is deafened. Creatures who are within the radius must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 6d10 Lightning damage and 6d10 Thunder damage or half as much on a success. Additionally creatures in the area must succeed a constitution save of be jolted until the end of their next turn.

For the duration you can use your bonus action to call lightning down on creatures within the tempest cloud. They must succeed a dexterity saving throw or take 6d10 lightning or half as much on a success.

Crushing Prison

8th-level evocation

Casting Time:
1 action
V, M, S

You reach out and crush a target you can see within range within a cage of force. A creature must succeed a constitutionsaving throw or take 7d8 + 30 force damage. If the creature fails the saving throw they are stunned until they pass the save, they may repeat the save at the end of their turns. If a creature fails by more than 5, they are paralzyed instead, they may repeat the save at the end of their turn.

Mana Clash

8th-level abjuration

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet/ 10ft cube
V, S, M (a resonant spike.)

You target a point you can see within 30 feet, each creature with spell slots within a 10ft cube of the point you choose must make a spell casting check contested by your spell save DC. On a faliure the creature expends it’s highest level spell slots up to 5th level. The creature then is dealt 2d8 force per the highest spell slot level they had. For instance if they had 6th level spell slots they would be dealt 12d8 force.



Mystical Negation

9th-level adjuration

Casting Time:
1 action
S, V
1 minute

You twist arcane energy around you to repell hostile magic forces. For the duration you are immune to ranged spell attacks and spells such as Magic Missile. Additionally for the duration, you are able to use your action to dispell magical effects within 5ft of you, treating the spell as dispell magic cast at 9th level.

Curse of Mortality

5th-level necromancy

Casting Time:
1 action
30 feet
S, M, V (a small doll)
Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You curse a creature with the inevitability of true death. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be cursed. While cursed, it cannot regain hit points and takes 5d6 necrotic damage at the start of its turn. The creature can repeat the save at the end of next turn, ending the effect on a success.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 5th.


4th-level divination

Casting Time:
1 action
V, M (a ghost pepper)
Concentration, up to 1 minute

You summon a huge column of swirling flame. All targets in the area take constant fire damage as they burn. Creatures who enter or start their turn in the inferno must succeed a constitution save or take 8d8 fire damage and 4d8 radiant damage or half as much on a success. A creature who leaves the inferno takes 4d8 fire damage at the start of their turns for the next minute as they are set on fire. They can use an action to put out the fire.

Additionally any time a creature is dealt fire damage from inferno, they gain 3 scorch ticks.

Neon Gloss

Evocation cantrip

Casting Time:
1 action
S, M (a weapon, alchemist’s tools)

You coat the weapon used in the spell’s casting with Neon dust and make a weapon attack with it against one creature. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects, the weapon is treated as if it was magical and the creature must succeed a constitution save against your spell save. On a fail, it is dealt an additional 1d6 force damage the next time it is dealt damage by a spell.

At Higher Levels. At 5th level, the attack deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target on a hit, and the damage the target takes for being damage by a spell increases to 2d6. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level (2d6 and 3d8) and again at 17th level (3d6 and 4d8).