A new take on the Astral Fox

Created by FadeShock

Rework of the Astral Kitsune, originally created by Samael Helel










Scarfox #292



Astral Foxes are a fun little race for hovering through the astral planes, traveling around and tricking travelers who trapaise through their terrain. The original version is decent in itself and usable, but I wanted to try my take on it and see what I could make. As before, credits to Samael Helel for the original race, which was also named Astral Kitsune.

Astral Fox

Astral foxes are natural tricksters and pranksters, and love to play pranks on travelers to the Astral Plane, generally pretending that they (the astral fox) are a far larger predator when young. Upon reaching maturity, an astral fox is taken to the Material Plane by its parents and left there to grow and hone its skills, wandering throughout the world and quite often taking up adventuring, before finally returning to the Astral Plane themselves.

Astral Fox Traits

As an astral fox, you have the following traits.

Ability Score Increase. Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose three different +1

Age. Astral foxes do not truly age, instead simply “maturing” after a certain number of years, often after around 10 years. Due to the lack of real aging, astral foxes live indefinitely, only dying from non-natural causes, usually death on an adventure or catching a disease.

Creature Type. You are a Fey.

Size. Astral foxes tend to vary in heights, ranging from a mere 3 feet to an upwards of 6 feet. You choose to between Small or Medium when you choose this race.

Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

Astral Vision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of yourself as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of blue and grey.

Astral Flight. Due to your nature of floating through the Astral Plane, you have a flying speed equal to half your movement speed and can hover. Gravity on the Material Plane causes you to only be able to fly up to a maximum height of 30 feet. You must not be wearing medium or heavy armor to use this flight.

When you reach 5th level, you may use medium armor with this flying speed.

When you reach 10th level, your maximum flying height increases to 60 feet.

When you reach 15th level, you do not have a maximum flying height.

Fox Tails. As an Astral Fox, you have a number of tails based on your current level, representing your increasing magical capacity. Consult the table below for the number of tails you have:

Player Level Number of Tails
1-2 1
3-4 2
5-6 3
7-8 4
9-10 5
11-12 6
13-14 7
15-16 8
17-18 9
19-20 9

You may freely cause your tails to appear or disappear.

Fox’s Trickery. Once per short or long rest, you can cast disguise self without requiring components or expend spell slots or points, choosing Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability for the spell. You may continue the cast the spell using spell slots or points as normal.

When you cast disguise self, you may make yourself appear as a creature of Large or Huge size that you have seen before, as well as gaining advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks against creatures that do not know they are merely seeing an illusion.

Additionally, you learn the dancing lights and minor illusion cantrips, using the same spellcasting ability as your disguise self. When you cast dancing lights, it does not require concentration, instead lasting its full duration or until you wish for the spell to end (no action required), and summons an additional number of lights equal to your current tails.

Mask. You are a versatile trickster, and are more than capable of something as simple as making yourself appear as another creature through illusory magic. Over the course of an hour, which can coincide with a short rest, you may change your creature type (such as celestial) through the use of special illusory magic. A dispel magic cast as at least a 5th-level spell will dispel this effect, and walking into an antimagic field will temporarily suppress it. You can revert back to your original creature type as a bonus action.

Shapechanger. As an action, you can change your appearance to resemble a humanoid race that you have seen before, though you cannot replicate the exact identity of another humanoid, instead creating a unique look for yourself.

Languages. As wanderers of far and wide, you can read, speak, and write Common, Sylvan, and one other language that you and your DM agree is appropriate for your character. Feel free to go exotic!

Subtype. Three subtyoes of astral fox exist: explorers, travelers, and wanderer astral foxes. Feel free to choose one of them, or opt for none at all.






When an astral fox finally begins its journeys on the Material Plane, they most commonly begin through exploring, going about the planes and seeking their next great adventure to further polish their skill. As such, astral foxes falling under the explorer subtype tend to be more generalized in their abilities.

Endurant. Whenever you finish a short or long rest, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level. Additionally, once per long rest when you would take a level of Exhaustion, you can choose to ignore that Exhaustion instead.

Handy. You gain proficiency in any one tool of your choice.

Searcher. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks.

Strider. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet.


Compared to astral foxes falling under explorers, those who fall under travelers are more content to sit back and, as the name implies, travel the world. Travelers are much more content to sit back and simply enjoy the sights, sounds, smells, and food, as well as often engaging in trade and learning about cultures.

Diplomatic. Due to your general leaning towards simply enjoying the Material Plane, you are much more peaceful and logical. You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Wisdom (Insight) checks.

Pacifist. You would rather prefer to avoid combat when possible. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and can take the Hide action as a bonus action, and you may take it when you’re only lightly obscured as well.

Sprinter. You are more adept at running than fighting. You can take the Dash, Dodge, or Disengage actions as a bonus action on your turn.

Trader. Your natural curiosity leads you into also being fairly decent at making trades. Or scams, who knows? When purchasing items, you can reduce the gp cost by up to 15 gp. This cannot reduce the price of an item below 1 gp, and does nothing for items that already have a cost below 1 gp.


The last of the three subtypes of astral foxes, wanderers are the most aimless in their goals, often having none at all. Wanderers are the most “unstable” of the astral foxes, having not properly adapted to the Material Plane after manifesting in from the Astral Plane. As such, they have a high tendency of opening small unstable wormholes, which they often unwittingly travel into, completely displacing them into another location on the material plane.

Wormhole Wanderer. As a result of your own unstable nature, you are incredibly difficult to move against your will. You can’t be teleported against your will, and have advantage on saving throws against being forcefully moved or knocked prone.

Survivor. Your constant displacements across the Material Plane required you to be able to quickly adapt to any situation. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) and Intelligence (Nature) checks, and any other checks made to track creatures or forage for food.

Tiny Wormhole. You know how to use some of your power to create tiny wormholes. As a bonus action, you create a small wormhole. The entrance and exit to this wormhole is just large enough for you to put your arm through. When you create a wormhole, the entrance appears by one of your hands, while the exit appears at a point you can see within within 15 feet of you. This wormhole lasts briefly, existing only long enough for you to stick your arm through and retrieve or place one object no larger than your arm that is within 5 feet of the exit to the wormhole. You may also use this feature as part of an unarmed strike or weapon attack, making your attack through the wormhole at a creature within 5 feet of the exit before you pull your arm (and weapon, if any) back through. Ranged weapon attacks do not suffer disadvantage as a result of this.

Transportive Wormhole. You’ve managed to reign in at least some of your power. As a bonus action, you can create a small, one-way wormhole, enough to fit yourself. The entrance appears in front of you, while the exit appears at a point you can see within 60 feet of you. You an any creature can walk through the wormhole’s entrance while it exists, exiting at an unoccupied space of its choice within 5 feet of the exit. The wormhole’s entrance and exit stay in existence until the end of your next turn, after which they collapse into nothing.

You can use this feature twice, and you regain all expended uses upon finishing a short or long rest.









A variety of feats and items for use with the game as a whole, though mainly tailored for astral fox use. :)

Astral Space - Feat

Prerequisite: 14th level, astral fox

You are now capable of forming a small personal plane within the Astral Plane. As an action, you can disappear into your personal plane. This plane is a space with soft vanilla coloring, spanning 40 feet in every direction, with the ceiling showing the starry space of the Astral Plane. You can leave this personal plane as an action. Objects left within this plane stay in the plane until retrieved by entering, retrieving the object(s), and leaving once more.

Astral Stride - Feat

Prerequisite: 7th level, astral fox (traveler)

Whenever you use your Sprinter feature, you displace yourself between the Material and Astral Plane, causing attacks to have a -2 penalty to hit against you for the rest of your turn.

High Endurance - Feat

Prerequisite: 5th level, astral fox (explorer)

When you use your Endurant feature, you instead gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level, and can ignore Exhaustion up to twice instead of only once per long rest.

Pocket Space - Feat

Prerequisite: 3rd level, astral fox (wanderer)

You gain access to a small pocket space for storage as a result of your wormhole-creating nature. You can place or retrieve an item from this space as an object interaction. The pocket space is 10 feet in every direction.

Return - Feat

Prerequisite: 17th level, astral fox

This feat is automatically granted to you when you reach 17th level and gain your 9th tail as an astral fox. You can cast the plane shift spell without expending a spell slot or spell points, or requiring components. When you do so, you can only transport yourself and nothing else, and you can only go to either the Material Plane or the Astral Plane.




Space Travel




Astral Transponder

Wondrous item, very rare
Major tier
5 lbs

A special handheld communications device that sends signals through the Astral Plane to the receiver. Over the course of a minute, you can adjust the transponder to target a specific creature. You must be at least familiar with the target, or the transponder will not function. As an action after you have a target set into the transponder, you can cast the sending spell without expending a spell slot or spell points, requiring somatic components. The transponder acts as the material component in place of the spell’s normal material component.

When sending is cast this way, it does not have any word count limitations, allowing you to send as long of a message as you want. However, the receiver cannot respond unless they have an astral transponder of their, in which they then can respond as an action, without word count limitations as before. Additionally, sending a message to a creature on another plane of existence does not have any potential chance of failure.

Mask of the Fox

Adventuring gear
3 sp

A mask of a fox that tends to cover the entire face, though various designs may cover only half. Decorated with ornate designs, often made to order by a skilled crafter. Masks range from simple to decorative, and are often fairly tough, requiring a fair amount of force to break.

Stardust Snack

Food and drink
3 gp

A special food that can be found in specialty stores or restaurants, and is often carried by plane travelers like astral foxes to serve as a food supplement. Consuming a single stardust snack completely nourishes the consumer for a day. It is often said they taste like the consumer’s comfort food.





major event


Scarfox #277