The nightmare in Farrowmere

A Horror Adventure for a party of 4 level 11 characters

Boneclaw: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes


Deep in the forest near a small town lived a man, a retched and bitter man. This man, on the brink of death, made a pact with an ancient Paga. In return for his years of devote service to the god, the man would be offered a chance at immortality. He gathered the materials, practiced the chants the Paga whispered in his ears, and when he was ready he performed the ritual. Immortality he gained, and the price he paid. His vile was drawn out. His hunger, his loneliness, his anger, his wretchedness. What remained was a hollow visage of his former self.

(Warning: This module contains mature content including Rape, Murder, and Abuse. Player discretion is advised.)

The bloodlust of the damned

People have been dying in a small town hidden in the hills. Each victim has reportedly seen an omen before death that has been constant among each one. A boneclaw has been created and has homed in on the greatest source of evil inside the town. One of the villagers with deep regressed impulses has harbored the creature while being unaware of the fact. If they are not found, the evil will consume the town.

A family have lived in the forest valley for many generation. Inbreeding had thinned their numbers down to just one, and he wanted his bloodline to live on. The family were devout followers of the Paga and so he committed tabboo in order to make a demand of the paga. He wanted immortality, and the Pagan lord Baphomet was more than eager to grant his wish.

The Paga and Baphomet

Of all the known entities that claim the title god, none are more feared than the Paga. Not much is known of the Paga and their true nature, but many follow and worship these beings as gods. The Paga, also known as the Pagan gods, seem to follow strict rules focusing around a singular act or phenomenon. A Pagan god may command that its followers conduct rites or rituals in accordance with its domain, and will punish any who disobey these rites.

Pagan gods are strongly tied to nature, and may in fact be very old and powerful primordial tainted by some dark force. The pagan gods seek to dominate those beneath them, growing more powerful with every follower. The Pagan gods control through fear, and thus demand sacrifices from their followers. These sacrifices vary from simple things such as scraps from the first meal of harvest to more gruesome offerings, such as the blood of the first born child. One absolute is blood sacrifice. Whether it be a few drops from the head of household or the death of many, all pagan gods demand some form of blood sacrifice.

Baphomet is somewhat of a outlier among the other Paga. For he was at one point a powerful Demon Lord. When Asmodeous rose up against Lucifer and took reign over the Hells, Baphomet escaped to the mortal plane. Over time Mortals started to fear him as a god and he took the mantle Lord of the Crossroads.

The Master

When the Boneclaw was created it was drawn to the darkest source of evil. Fortunately for the spawn, the nearby town of Farrowmere is ripe with citizens with repressed dark desires. The Master determines the target, victims, and omen of the boneclaw. They also each come with a red herring to throw the players off. You may choose any of the four options below or pick them at random.


  • Sylus - A small boy who is bullied by the other children and abused by his father. He has taken his aggression by torturing small animals that he keeps hidden on the farm he calls home. He is a psychopath and clever beyond his years.

Omen: Skulk that stalks the victims.

Targets: Children.

Red Herring: His father.

  • Father Wilbert - A priest with an unhealthy love for young maidens. He rapes and beats the ones that catch his fancy under guise of confessional. He then threatens his victims with the judgment of God for “their” sin.

Omen: Festering boils in sensitive areas.

Targets: Whores and harlots.

Red Herring: His latest victim a whore named Sylvia.

  • Brudus - Jailer and captain of the guard, Brudus is a large and stern man. One would mistake his initial coldness to the nihilism that comes with his job. In actuality he is a sadist. He is all too hasty with the death sentence and secretly tortures all his prisoners.

Omen: awakening in the night to fresh lash marks on their backs.

Targets: Petty criminals

Red Herring: A man falsely accused of murder imprisoned in the jail.

  • Steward Gen - Gen is the steward of Farrowmere and therefore the highest ranking authority. He is a fat and lazy man who overtaxes the citizens of Farrowmere for his own gain. He disdains the poor and has pushed them out of town on many occasions. He requires shop owners to pay protection money or have mercenary’s shill the shops.

Omen: a black coin appearing in their pocket.

Targets: The impoverished.

Red herring: Mercenary captain.

I. The man at the crossroads

Open with the players traveling on the road hopelessly lost. Take this time to introduce the player characters and establish bonds. The players will have been on the road for some time and their maps have begun to fail them. After wandering aimlessly for hours, they come to a crossroads were passing by will be a Shepard and his heard of goats.

“You have been wandering the backroads for quite some time now. Your map seems to be wildly out of date as new roads seem to pop up every few miles. It is nearing midday when you come to a crossroads where a man can be seen with shepherds cane in hand and a small group of goats following. As you draw closer he seems to notice and waves with a polite gesture.”

The man is Baphomet in disguise. He will talk with a deep country accent and fiddle with his cane constantly. He will offer directions to Farrowmere claiming it to be the only town close enough to reach before nightfall. He will remind the players that All Hallows Eve is quick approaching, and one ought to be careful traveling at night. He will urge the players to go to Farrowmere, and if the players decide to go another route then the roads will change to put them on course.

Baphomet: “Now if ya want’n sleep in a bed ya gonna need to head on into Farrowmere. Be warned though, some strange happenings goin on in that there town with the hollow eve approaching an all that. People goin missing an whatnot. I stays away from that place but should you be need’n a guide yer can find me a passin through on the roads most days within the flock.”

Following the river the players will come to the gate of the town. Farrowmere itself will be quite large for the area with wooden walls and stone buildings built closely together. The town clearly gets most of its revenue from the few surrounding farmlands and traveler commerce. Despite the harvest coming to a close the town will appear to have fallen on hard times. Damage from the years previous winter snow and fall winds will go unrepaired and the guards will be wearing poorly maintained armor and weapons.

As the players first enter the town they will see many folk wearing mourning garb walking through the streets in procession.

“As you cross the gate into the town you are met with a small crowd of people. They are clothed in black clothing which you immediately identify as funeral garb. At the center of the crowd are four men carrying a wooden coffin, and closest to the coffin is a woman in hysterics. The rest of the procession are shuffling in time with the coffin bearers, but seem to be somewhere else. Their eyes are sullen yes, but it seems that they think very little of this whole affair. If anything they appear to be more inconvenienced than anything.”

The procession will pass the players without the people giving them much attention. If the players interact with any of the procession they will simply be told that they cannot speak at the moment and be directed towards the Inn, the Manor, Or the Church were the wake is to be held. While the procession is just barely in sight of the players, one of the coffin bearers will trip on a small rut in the ground.

“One of the coffin bearers screams in pain as his foot twists in a small rut. The sudden movement throws the rest of the coffin bearers off and the coffin comes crashing to the ground. As it hits, the lid separates from the nails securing it and the corps falls out. The entire procession stops cold and are frozen as they see what is inside. The corpse will hardly be recognizable as human. Torn to shreds and dismembered to the point of Jam, it seems that the corpse was torn from the jaws of a beast after its meal. It is clear that whoever this corpse belongs to had a slow and painful end.”

The coffin bearers will quickly recover and hurriedly shove the appendages back into the coffin and then continue the long walk to the cemetery. More of the townspeople will be in hysterics now, and each one will have the face of dread over there heads.

II. Farrowmere

The players will now be inside Farrowmere and be free to do as they wish. It is now that the players should be receiving clues as to who the Master is starting with the victims.

The Victim

Once the players have investigated the town the next victim will reveal itself. One of four scenes will occur.


  • Sylus: When first investigating the town, the players will see a group of Children chasing another. The horde will be shouting names and throwing rocks. Sylus will be the person being chased. At the front of the pack will be a portly child leading the others on. The fat boy’s name is Camdren. Later on, after the investigation, the players will see a mother crying over her child in the street. The child will be motionless and wide-eyed staring off into the distance. If investigated the mother and child will reveal that he has seen the omen. The child will tell the players that he can see someone behind them (the Skulk). The mother will tell the players the story of the Harles Family.
  • Father Wilbert: The players will see Father Wilbert accepting in a girl from the brothel into the church. Her face will be covered in festering boils, but yet she will plead with the Madam and the small group of girls who brought her to take her back to the brothel. The Madam will tell her she will be safer in the church and insist she stays. If the girls are questioned they will say that the girl has been marked with the omen. They will say it is Sylvia and her magic, but the Madam will hush the girls. The Madam will tell the players the story of the Harles Family

  • Captain Brudus: The players see two officers hurrying a man into a back alley out of sight. If investigated the man will have lash marks all over his back and his shirt will be torn to shreds. The players will learn that his is the omen of the one to die. The man will beg not to be arrested, he is a petty thief in the town, and the guards will be unsure of what to do. The guards will tell the players the story of the Harles family.

  • Steward Gen: Steward Gen: The players will see a beggar in hysterics wandering through the streets crying for help. If the players question him he will throw a black coin in there face and tell them he wants nothing to do with it before stumbling back into the crowd. The black coin will crumble to dust after one hour. If the players ask anyone about this they will learn of the omen and the story of the Harles family.

The Harles Family

Not far from Farrowmere is an old ghost town. It used to be a mining outpost but the veins have long since run dry. The only occupants up until recently were the Harles. They were the towns rumor mill and outcasts. Old man Harles, last in his bloodline, would come into town once or twice a month to trade goods. He was a nasty dirty old man who spat at everyone who crossed his path. Stories surrounding the family were many as whispers of devil worship and magic came from there abode. The old man was worst of all, going so far as to vandalize the church and spout about it crumbling beneath the true lord. He was accused of pagan worship and sacrifice, and the town shudders at the thought of what actually goes on in the walls of his home.

Town Features

Each location or feature presents a potential investigation. With each investigation point cleared secretly award the players “Investigation points”. Once the players have acquired 3 investigation points then the victim will reveal itself. You may either award Investigation points based on overall investigation or on features that only specifically mention the Master.

Generated by Medieval Fantasy City Generator

A. Trying to leave

Should the players wish to leave they will always fail. As they leave the town Baphomet will always change the roads to lead them back to Farrowmere. If the players try to leave a total of three times then Baphomet will grow irritated and reveal himself to the players. See the section titled “Baphomet” in part III for information on what happens when he reveals himself.

B. The Manor

As the players near the manor they will come across a group of Mercenaries shaking down a stall owner in the market. A DC 14 Perception check will reveal that the Captain, who will be directly confronting the owner while the rest will be keeping lookout, is threatening the owner with “Tragedies” unless he pay the protection money he supposedly owes. The stall owner will then shell out a large amount of gold to the man as they take their leave. The entire time a large man in guards armor (Captain Brudus) will be glaring at the mercenaries.

Once the players arrive in the manor they will be welcomed in by the housekeeper who will leave them in a common room while she fetches her employer.

“As you wait for the Burrow Master you notice the fine tapestries and decorative pieces placed throughout the room. The one who decorated this room is clearly far more wealthy than the other citizens in this town.”

Just then the Steward himself will walk in and greet them with a great smile on his face, introducing himself as Gen. He will be surprised that travelers would visit their town so near to Hollows Eve. When asked about this he will brush it off as a joke, but clearly realize his slip of the tongue. A DC 18 CHA skill check will convince the Burrow Master to speak of the events of late. He will explain that people have been going missing and then turning up dead. He will explain the victims and the Omen that they see just before death.

No matter what he will then point the players to commerce areas to “Spend that travelers gold.” He will suggest that the players should visit the Brothel and the Inn. As they leave, a Passive Perception of 16 will show a contract laying on the table with an identical symbol on it that the mercenaries had on their armor.

C. The Inn

When the players enter the inn they will be pass a young boy leaving with a small pouch of gold coins. He will be covered in bruises and his left eye will be shut. As he is taking his leave a rock will fly towards him an strike him in the back of his head. A group of children will be laughing and jeering at the boy as he runs off. The children will be led by a portly child who will yell after the boy to get out of their town. Once the players enter the Inn the Bartender will greet them warmly and offer them drinks. If asked about any of the goings on in the town he will offer a deal, one drink for one question. Drinks will cost 1 gold a piece. He will know almost everything going on in the town.


  • The Boy the boy that just left was Sylus. His father as a farm near the town but is a drunk lazy bastard. The bartender gave Sylus a job washing dishes to help pay for food. They boys father gets angry when he drinks and often ends up beating the boy. To make matters worse Sylus is an outcast from the other children and is bullied relentlessly. (This can be a freebie if asked first)

  • The Church Some talk has been going around about Father Wilbert and his devoutness. Some have seen him stalking around the brothel. He goes under guise of saving the poor souls of the whores. Some have even started going to confession, but sometimes they come out worse for the wear.

  • The Mercenaries Those boys have been here for about three months now. At first the guard kept them at bay, but as of late the guards have started avoiding them. No one knows why but some say they are under the pay roll of someone with authority.

  • The Murderer Before all these killings started the town had a full-fledged murderer on the loose. He has been imprisoned in the jail and was slated to be executed. Once the murders kept happening he was given a pardon and is now held in the jail indefinitely. Bad fate that is, being held in a cage with that monster of a man Brudus.

  • Old Man Harles The town is relieved to hear of the death of an old man who used to live not far from the town. He was the last survivor of what is now a ghost town, living alone with his family. An oddity, he was hated by all the villagers and wild stories of all sorts surround him and his late family.

  • The Victim The innkeeper will also have information on the next victim. See the Current Victim Section for more information.

D. The Church

The players will walk into the church during the wake of the victim seen earlier in the day. In Latin the Priest give the ending vespers after which the congregation will rise and shuffle out of the church. Father Wilbert will stay near the alter to gather his things and begin the arduous task of snuffing each prayer candle. Father Wilbert will be a kind and caring man who will welcome the players with open arms. If asked about the killings he will get visibly angry and claim that it is the hand of god punishing the sins of the villagers.

“The sins of this town are what brought upon those deaths. They have only themselves to blame. Once that brothel got situated all goodness left this place. It is by there own folly that they shun the word of God almighty in heaven. It was bad enough to deal with that Sylus boy’s father and the old man coming in with his heathen prayers. God forgive them in their sin.”

Just then a woman garbed in a red dress will walk in. She will be clearly identifiable as a whore from the brothel. She will be introduced as Sylvia. Father Wilbert will walk over to her with open arms and embrace her asking if she has come for another confession. Without a word She will sullenly nod, seemingly on the verge of tears, and hurry into the confessional booth. A DC 15 passive perception will reveal how Father Wilbert rubs the back of the woman with his hands and smells her hair during their embrace.

Father Wilbert will tell the players he is needed and ask if they have any other questions before he leaves for the booth. Wilbert will be able to tell the players about Sylus and his father, how he gets regular beatings and is bullied by the other children. He will also be able to tell them of Old man Harles and his family history. He will tell stories of how the family has been linked to the occult and other dark worships.

E. The Brothel

Near the southern gate of the town stands the most lavish building aside from the Manor. The brothel will seem out of place, clearly built in the last decade. A DC 12 History check will reveal that the brothel was built with nobles and officials in mind. Being in such a small town so far from any major towns allows those in power to come in secret without endangering their reputation.

Once inside the brothel they will be greeted by the Madame, an aging yet attractive woman. She will refuse any attempts at questioning. She will say that they will have to rent a room, at an hourly rate of 5 gold, if they wish to talk to her girls. If they do then they will have a choice between a number of girls, among which is Sylvia from the church. If the players have already visited the Church then she will avert her eyes at them in shame. The players will have to rent a room in order to continue.

Once inside the room with the chosen girl, the whore will immediate begin to flirt with the players, Or whichever player is in the room at the time. If questioned the girl will immediately grow solemn and mirror the words of Father Wilbert and say that the wrath of God falls on those who turn from him. A DC 17 CHA skill check will provoke the girl to say more on Father Wilbert.

“They think the Father is kind and just. He preaches goodness put practices sin in the dark. We all fear him, me included. He grooms us, smells us, growls at us. If we don’t go to his confessions he grows angrier. I hate him.”

She will reveal that he is a flawed man who enjoys the pleasures of the flesh. He beats and rapes the girls but they are too afraid to speak out. If they speak to Sylvia she will show them her bruises from her last encounter. Sylvia will also tell of how she is not only the most current victim, but how she is hated among the other girls. The rest of the girls think that she is a witch thanks to her family history coming from the savage lands.

F. The Farmhouse

Outside the town the players will be able to find Sylus’s house.

“You come to a poorly managed farmhouse complete with broken windows and shoddy roofing. The crops are yellow and dead and the few animals that can be seen wandering about are skinny and in poor health. Strewn about are seemingly endless bottles emptied of their contents. The stench of rotten meat hangs around the air and nauseates you as you draw nearer.”

If they knock on the door they will first be greeted by Sylus himself, who will be solemn and quite speaking only when he has too. Suddenly he will be shoved out of the way and an older man will make his way into the doorway. He will be fat and dirty with stains on all of his clothes. He will be holding a half empty bottle of ale and the smell of alcohol clearly on his breath.

“Whatcha want? You aint here for that little shit of a boy are ya? What’d he do this time huh?”

He will turn and backhand the boy in the face leaving him with a bruised eye. If questioned about anything at all the man will claim that it’s his own business and slam the door shut. The players will be able to hear the faint sounds of a beating coming from inside the house.

The players will get no more responses from inside the house but may investigate the surrounding farm. A DC 14 Investigation check will reveal a small shrine hidden away in a small burrow just outside the farmhouse. The shrine will be a cat hung out to dry on two wooden stakes with its innards torn out seemingly while it was still alive. There will be other remnants of small animals making it clear that this is a place of animal torture. What the players will not know is that this was created by the boy Sylus as an outlet.

G. The Jail

The players will enter just as Captain Brudus walks into the room.

“As you enter the Jailhouse you find yourself in a common area with two doors on each side. One clearly leads to the guard barracks while the other leads down into the jailhouse. From out of the jail house walks a large and intimidating man whom you recognize from description as Brudus. He walks over to you and gruffly asks what your business is. You are all very intimidated from his presence.”

A passive perception of 14 will show that Brudus to be discarding a pair of bloodied leather gloves.

If asked about the killings Brudus will lead the players down to the jail cells, which he will casually call “The cages”, and show them the way to the furthest one. Inside will be a haggard boy no older than 20 years of age. Brudus will tell the players that the boy is slated to be executed as soon as these killings stop. Brudus will be called from the barracks for some other business and leave the players telling them to hurry up.

The boy in the cell will speak with a shaky and unstable voice. He will insist in a whispered voice that he has never killed anyone. His only crime is a gambling addiction and winning a few too many hands against the captain. If questioned of anything else he will simply dart his gaze over to a door near the end of the passageway. A DC 18 CHA Skill check will loosen his tongue and he will tell the players that inside is a place worse than the gallows. He will then simply cower in the corner of his cell saying nothing more.

The players can open the lock by either pickpocketing a key from a guard or picking the lock. Either option requires a successful DC 18 Sleight of Hand Check. Once inside there will be a 20% chance that Brudus walks in. At that point he will tell them to leave or be arrested and that they are requested to leave Farrowmere immediately.

Inside the room will be machines and tools clearly made for torture. Each piece of equipment will be covered in dried blood and a dead body will lie stretched across a torture wheel. A journal on a table to one side will be full of entries from Brudus depicting different sessions and the rush he gets from inflicting pain on the prisoners.

The Current Victim

Here you can find information on the "Current Victim". This is the NPC that the players will have to attempt to save in Chapter 4. Each victim is different based on whichever Master was chosen in Section 1.

  • Sylus: The current victim is a young fat boy named Ander. He is the instigator of the violence against Sylus and the main bully. The boy is a troublemaker yet never seems to get in trouble for his actions. He is popular among the other children and is considered the "Ring Leader" of the group.

  • Father Wilbert: The current victim is a whore named Sylvia. She came to the town not long ago from a trading caravan passing by. She is an outcast even among the tight-knit sisterthood of brothel. She hails from the savage lands apparent by her darker than normal skin colour and has been accused of being a gypsie and witch. She is also the target of much of the good Father's adoration and lust.

  • Brudus: The current victim is a prisoner named Gerey. He is a young, thin man who has been falsely accused of murder. His execution has been halted until the most recent killings cease and a "fair" trail can be held. He is innocent, but the Captain refuses to let him leave his cell save for the trips to the tourture chamber.

  • Steward Gen: The current victim is a poor beggar woman named Greta. She stays in the towns streets and cares for the urchin children however she can. She has been run out many times by the Mercenary company and has always found her way back in.

III. The Harles Home

Once the players have investigated the town they will naturally find there way to the Harles home. The estate will be located in the ruins of an old ghost town as the only remaining structure. The home itself is a small ranch big enough to sustain only a few essential animals. Lead the players to this location using the tools provided in Section II.


While traveling onward to the ghost town the players will be met by the same young Shepard whom they encountered at the beginning of the adventure. He will be grinning from ear to ear and congratulate the players for being such excellent pawns. He will reveal himself to be Baphomet

“The young man standing before you, intoxicated with his own muses, hunches over himself as his flock gathers near. The eyes of the flock fixate on you as their master falls. The yellow tint of their eyes is replaced by a deep crimson glow which illuminates the shepherd now writhing on the ground. You watch in silence as pointed and twisting horns pierce the sack like face of the man. The protrusions tear away a fleshy mask to reveal a bone white face that of the goat. The figure stands now much taller than before. Eclipsing the moon stands the figure over you in dark tattered robes. This is no man. This is Baphomet.”

Baphomet will explain many things. He will tell of his status of Pagan lord. He will tell how he was cast out by Satan who was in turn cast into the bowls of Legion by Asmodeus. And He will tell of the man who offered his soul for immortality.

“The Old man who lived in these hills, he was most devout. His lines bones can be found buried here, for they are an old and trusted line. From his father, and his father before him, the old man was taught my rites. Oh how his devotion inspired me. When his time came he pleaded me to extend his miserable life. And so I did. I took from him what was rightfully mine. His anger, his loneliness, his hunger, his wretchedness. Thing is, when you take away all that, there aint much left in a man.”

Baphomet will explain how the man performed the ritual for immortality. He shed his humanity to become nothing more than a monster. He was to serve Baphomet, but when the time came the monster disappeared into the night. The monster is only a servant in want of a master, and he found the greatest source of hatred to serve. Baphomet knows not of the master, for what power could be greater, or darker, than his own?

The Ghost town

Running the Ghost Town requires a few alternative tactics and styles. There are very few enemies for the players to fight, but the Challenge of these creatures will be much higher than the party is prepared for. The players should be kept in suspense as they enter each room or location.

As a DM’s Note, it is suggested that a technique described as the Tower of Terror. With this technique the players will be on edge for most of the session and you will be able to easily create tension and drama. For this method, Stack a series of blocks onto one another. If you wish, you can use a game similar to Jenga©. Each time the players take an action in character that is suitable, have the active player remove a block from the tower. Actions can include entering a room, opening a door, walking down a dark flight of stairs, ETC. The more actions the players take the less stable the tower will become. Once the tower falls, the Boneclaw will attack.

The Monsters

Boneclaw: The remaining creature of what was once Old man Harles. Will appear to the players in the “Opening Scene” and then disappear. Will attack either when all Sorrowsworn are defeated or the tower of terror falls. If the tower falls without all Sorrowsworn being defeated, then they will attack in tandem. (MToF p.121)

Sorrowsworn: - The physical manifestations of the vile taken from Old man Harles during the ritual. Each one must be defeated in order for the Boneclaw to be completely destroyed. (MToF p.231)

  • The Angry: Staggers around the basement level of the farmhouse. Can be heard knocking things around from upstairs.

  • The Hungry: Can be found in the grain mill fruitlessly trying to eat its way into the grain storage. A trail of dead partially consumed animals will form a trail to the location.

  • The Lost: Fallen down into the well and wandering through an expanse of natural caverns. Cries can be heard coming from the well.

  • The Lonely: Coiled up in a nest of family portraits and heirlooms in the attic. Has a 5% chance to attack the players at any time with incremental increase of 5% with each failed roll. Serves to split the party, taking victims back to its nest to drain them.

  • The Wretched: a pack of 1d10 stay near each Sorrowsworn at a time. Use these at your own discretion, as they serve to “fill in the gaps” when a higher CR is needed for larger parties.

It should be noted that the sorrowsworn will be hostile to each other unless under the direction of the Boneclaw. If they encounter one another they will prioritize killing each other over the players.

Farmhouse Features

A - The Farmhouse fl1

The first and main floor of the farmhouse will be dusty from inactivity. The furnishings will be humble and practical. On the main floor there are three separate rooms in the kitchen, pantry, and living room. There is nothing beyond atmosphere and excuses to utilize the tower of terror inside this area, but you can utilize this time to throw some wretched against the party or RP between party members.

“As you push the heavy wooden door open you see a dust covered home where once lived a family, but no longer. The moonlight lowly filters in from the glass paned windows but hardly yields light enough to see. As you walk past the threshold and enter the house a sense of unease fills the pits of your stomach. You feel as if the house could crumble under its own weight and any time, but more than that you sense you are not alone. You flinch in surprise as you hear shuffling and crashing coming from below your feet, and you can faintly hear the sound of sobbing coming from the floor above.”

1a - Kitchen

A moderate dining area with a handcrafted hearth.

“The kitchen in disrepair is covered in rotten food and stale bread. The table, large enough to seat six, stands on its side to the corner with a large knife thrust into the oak wood. A dried bloodstain decorates the table as if a sheep or other small livestock was butchered here. To the opposing side lies a counter with many sets of bones and rapidly decaying carcasses of animals strewn about.” Tables and lists both work within a note.

Investigation Yields: DC 14 investigation check to reveal carved runes around the bloodstained table. Arcana check 13 to reveal runes are used in demonic summoning rituals.

2a - Pantry

A small storage area with a trapdoor.

“Opening this narrow door yields little reward as you see nothing but molding sacks of flour and barrels of stale meat. Behind the containers is a noticeable relief in the wooden floor, and after moving aside a few barrels reveals a Cellar door. The trapdoor appears to be battered and splintering, as if something on the other side tried to force its way through.”

(If opened) “You open the door and see a narrow and dark staircase leading to what you assume is the storm cellar. Bloodstained footprints mark the stairs and snapping grunts can faintly be heard from somewhere deeper inside the room along with the thumping sound of something throwing itself against the walls.”

3a - Living room

“Humbly furnished the living room appears to be nothing if not wholesome. In a more benevolent light one might even breath easy. To one side you can see the hearth with strange carvings placed meticulously on its top. To the other you see a taxidermized goats head watching you with an almost cynical expression on its face.”

Investigation yields: DC 15 investigation check will reveal the goats head to be hollow. Inside will be similar figures to the ones on the mantle, an Amulet of Haylor, and a leather-bound book. The book will identify the figures as pagan gods, among them Tinal, Bocul, Morrigan, Haylor, and of course Baphomet.

A DC 16 Arcana check will reveal that the figure of Baphomet can be equipped to a belt or by similar fashion. While equipped this way that creature may, once per turn, half the damage dealt by a Sorrowsworn to that creature.

A DC 18 Arcana check on the book will allow a spellcaster to cast “Hallowed Circle” as a ritual so long as they have Salt Infused Chalk.

B - The Farmhouse fl2

The Second floor of the farmhouse consists of the master bedroom, two separate guest bedrooms, and for the purpose of this module the attic. Signs of a creature can clearly be seen in this area and the players should begin to piece together the story of the strange family. If not already encountered, the Lonely will always be watching the players waiting for a moment to strike.

1b - First Guest Bedroom - Childs room

“You open the door to a musky room well furnished with children’s furniture. Handmade toys and dolls populate the shelves and would be staring at you if not for the lack of facial features designed into them. Two children sized beds lay on opposing sides of one another neatly made.”

(If the players have discovered the notebook in 3A) “You notice each individual toy resembles a different figure from the rotting notebook you found in the living room.”

Investigation yields: A DC 15 Investigation or Arcana check will reveal one stuffed goat toy hidden among the others with red bead eyes. This Toy can be “Equipped” to a belt or by similar means. While equipped by a creature, Sorrowsworn will be frightened by that creature.

Second Guest Bedroom - Matrons room

“You lurch in disgust as the smell of rotting meat rushes out of the old room. On the bed wrapped in the frills of a white dress is a corpse half mummified from natural decomposition. A rocking chair sways with the new wind as you see the bedroom of an elderly woman who still lies in her bed.”

Investigation Yields: DC 14 Investigation check reveals that paintings and other items have been taken out of the room, apparent by the lack of dust covering sections of the wall.

3b - Master Bedroom

“You enter a much larger room with a mattress made for two. At the far corner end the ceiling has caved in creating a makeshift ramp up into what you can only assume to be the attic. This bedroom seems to be furnished for a loving couple, but you can feel no happiness in this room. Above the bed sits a handwoven wreath inlaid with the sign of the goat in the center. You can faintly hear the quiet whimper of sobbing coming from the hole in the ceiling.”

Investigation Yields: A DC 15 Investigation check will reveal a trunk hidden underneath the bed and marked with the sign of the goat. Inside will be materials for rituals and other ceremonies dedicated to the pagan lords

  • 1 cultist robe, Cloak of protection
  • 1d6 homemade healing potions
  • 1 piece of Salt infused Chalk
  • 2 Cermonial daggers, +3 daggers against Sorrowsworn
  • 1 Amulet of Baphomet

4b - The Attic

The nest will be constructed of family heirlooms and other things gathered from inside the house. The Lonely wants only to capture two of the party and bring them back to its nest where it can devour the life of them. It will try and trap them in a sort of web like material made from its own flesh, like a spider with its webbing.

“You walk up the shattered pieces of ceiling leading up to the much larger attic space. The dark seems heavy and thick as you ascend, and now that you stand inside you can hardly see past your light. Wandering around you quickly notice the deep scratch marks on the ground and signs of dragging apparent, all leading to the center where a large pile of things lay stacked on one another. The mound is made of old furniture, paintings and portraits depicting groups of various people, and children’s playthings. From a dark deep hole amid the pile you notice a man’s face, staring and watching you. It rises out from its nest revealing its large, fat body hunched on all fours. In place of hands and feet it supports itself on sharp bony spikes that make the sound of a nail being driven in on the wood floor. It wails and extends its spike of an arm to you. Roll initiative.”

(Above) The Attic rough map, (Below) The Cellar rough map

C - The Cellar

The Cellar will have three entrances. One can be found inside the house in 2A, another will be outside the house as a storm cellar entrance, and the last will be connected to the ritual chamber underneath the well. The Cellar serves the singular purpose of housing the Angry. Splintered pieces of furniture spot the floor which yield difficult terrain to any creature that enters. Stakes of wood jut out threatening to stab the players should they make a wrong move. This is the most dangerous and hazardous place in the house.

C1 - The angry

The Angry will attack without hesitation, but if it goes 1 round without taking damage it will become confused and stunned. While attacking, it will use the surrounding hazards to damage the players as well as its own hook attacks.

“The sturdily built cellar looks hearty enough to survive even the harshest of storms that might pass through the area. As you enter into the underground room you hear a large thrashing sound as if an animal is trapped inside the place. You instead find a hulking mass of flesh and muscle with one extra head ramming against the sides of the room. The floor will be covered with splintered wood and broken shelves, and amazingly the 4 thick wooden pillars (AC 10, HP 35) that support the structure of the house above will still be standing. The creature’s heads cease there snapping and wordless bicker with one another as they notice you. The immediate hunker down and charge you, screaming as they move through the room. Roll initiative.”

C2 - Storm Cellar

A door leading to the outside. Made for storms and other emergency’s where entrance must be made hastily.

C3 - The Tunnel

“Behind a series of boards nailed together you can see a manmade tunnel leading into the ground and outside of the house. From deep within the cave you can hear the sounds of water trickling in and the faint sound of crying coming from deeper within.”

D - The Farm

This section includes the Barn, The well, the Grain Mill, and any other feature found outside the Farmhouse and ritual chambers. The Hungry can be found in this section, but each other sorrowsorn will be accessible from this area as well. If the players can figure a way inside they can acquire a weapon in the well that will be useful against the sorrowsworn.

D1 - The Storm Cellar

This is simply the entrance to “C – The Cellar”.

D2 - The Well

“You see a shoddy well roughly constructed and sitting between the Barn and the farmhouse. You can smell the stale water from up top and can clearly see that the water is no longer safe for consumption. You do notice, however, that beneath the shallow waters something is shimmering at the bottom of the well. You can also clearly hear the sounds of sobs and wails coming from deep inside the well, but the source of these sounds cannot be seen.”

Investigation yields: If the players find a way to get down the well they will find that the object is a Ceremonial dagger (+3 against Sorrowsworn). The players will also reveal a caved in section that leads into E – The ritual Chambers.

D3 - The Barn

“The structure is in disrepair from years without service. As you Open the large sliding door tiles narrowly miss your head as they fall into the structure. The moment you can see into the barn you can identify at least a dozen different animals mutilated in piles on the ground. Their half-eaten carcass now rots where they lay. A horse at the opposite end lies torn in half with large chunks taken out of the rear end by some creature with a maw that stretches nearly three feet. The other half appears to half crawled some distance before perishing. The half dead animal seems to have desperately tried to drag itself to the grain mill for some reason. A trail of blood with noticeable foot prints lead away from the barn and into the not too far off Grain Mill.

D4 - The Grain Mill

“The door lies open as it swings in the breeze. The sound of nail against metal can be faintly heard coming inside. There is no light coming from inside, so you enter with only the sounds to lead you. Eventually you come to a large metal cylinder which even the lamest of farmers could identify as an apparatus for crop storage. As you make your way around the implement you notice marks covering every inch as if some creature has been teething against the rough metal. Your circumnavigation is cut short as you see the creature to which the sounds belong. A thing wretched creature clings to side fruitlessly as it gnaws at the thick metal. Upon noticing you it swiftly swings itself down and screams, running at you with its teeth spread towards you by its massive unhinged jaw. Roll initiative”

Barn Rough Map

E - The Ritual Chambers

Underneath the farm is a system of tunnels dug by the Harles family after years of labor. It is here that the cursed ritual took place. Over time a section caved in allowing the water from the well to flood the area.

DM’s Note: No map has been provided for this section. At your leisure you can roughly draw the layouts at random using the key features described below as a guide.

E1 - The Well entrance

“As you repel downwards into the near dry well you can feel a breath coming from somewhere deeper still. As you reach the bottom your feet sink a few inches in the mud soaked bottom. The narrowness of the tunnel surrounds you as if trying to smother you. To your relief you see a crumbling opening to one side, and through it you can make out through the darkness a large open room. You find yourself at the threshold of a large open cave. In the middle sits a stone table amid a pool of flooded waters. Stepping out into the room shows that the water is far deeper than you initially thought.”

E2 - The Cellar Entrance

“Tearing apart the barred entrance in the destroyed cellar room you can see a long narrow tunnel reaching down into the earth. As you travel inside you can hear the sounds of moans growing nearer and nearer. You find yourself at the threshold of a large open cave. In the middle sits a stone table amid a pool of flooded waters. Stepping out into the room shows that the water is far deeper than you initially thought.”

E3 - The Chamber of the Lost

The chamber is a large cavern 60ftX60ft around. The room is not a perfect circle and is more fluid than rigid in its layout. The floor is covered in deep waters from the flooding of the well which are 10 feet deep. In the middle will stand a raised platform that lies just above the water. The platform will be a 20ftX10 rectangle with a stone table in the center. The waters within a 15 foot cube of the platform will only be 5 feet deep, allowing the players to walk In that area of difficult terrain. Once the Lost attacks the players, it will use its embrace ability before retreating back underground to damage and drown the player.

“This room now covered with water was clearly once some strange chapel. The stone steps lead down into the murky water and ceremonial pillars You tread through the stale water to the pedestal in the center of the room. You pass the carcass of some animal long since fallen down into the well, decomposing in the water and tainting it foul. When you finally draw near the alter you notice a strange silence hang around the waters, save for the ripples lapping against the sides of the cave. The moaning and sobbing sounds which so ominously lead you here have stopped without a trace.”

(After investigating the stone table) “The table is covered in strange implements with uses fit for nothing holy. Carved into the table is the sign of Baphomet, and within the deep scores is the old signs of dried blood which once filled these marks. As you near the table further you the sound of a bubble breaching the surface of the water. A moment later the sound is followed by a horrendous screech as a thin creature bursts from the surface. In the moment you have to study it you see it twist and turn its body which could not be described by any sane man as human. It stretches its many arms tipped like thorns before it lunges at you. Roll initiative.”

The Boneclaw

The Boneclaw will attack once it senses the presence of the players on the farm. This will occur either when the tower of terror falls or when all the Sorrowsworn are defeated. If the tower falls then the Boneclaw will attack there and then. It will speak to the players, telling them to leave his home. It will call to the sorrowsworn, which will all soon arrive to the battlefield depending on where the players are at the time. If the Sorrowsworn are all defeated, then the Boneclaw will attack once the players begin to leave the property.

Once the Boneclaw is defeated, it will cry out for its master. Looking to the players, it will laugh at them and swear revenge. Once this encounter is over the players may leave the Farm and return to Farrowmere.

IV. Servant and master

Once the players arrive back in town they will find Farrowmere once again in a state of panic. There has been another attack, and the next victim has already seen the omen. At this news a goat will appear before the players with red glowing eyes and lead them to a dark and secluded alley. Here the players will find Baphomet waiting for them. He will tell the players of their final task.

“ooh your close now. I can feel it heer in my bones. O’l man Harles aint gonna rest till yer put down his master. Whatever dark mind he servin gotta be removed fore he hits the bucket. Find em and end em before he catches on. Do this and I mightn just let yer go.”

The players will have to track down the master. The next section is based on whichever master was chosen at the beginning of the Module

The boy

“A child lies in the street dead, their body torn in two and split from the abdomen. While the mother pushes through only to drop to her knees and grieve, another child cries out in terror. “get away from me!” he cries as he falls on his backside in tears. The crowd draws away from him leaving the boy alone as mothers tear the other children away and into their houses. The boy is left stunned as he stares into the sky shaking his head in fear, looking at some unseen thing above him.”

The boy is the same bully that could be seen throwing rocks at Sylus earlier in the module. The boy will tell the players that something is standing above him and ask why they cant see it. The thing is The skulk and omen of the one to be killed. If the players find a way to communicate with the Skulk then it will lead them to the Sylus farm.

Once at the farm the players will hear cries for help coming from inside. Upon investigation the players will see Sylus being beaten by his father.

“You see the boy on the ground bloodied and beaten. His father looms over him with a half empty bottle of liquor. Turning to you he snarls at your presence. “Wat yer doin in me house!?” Breaking the bottle and raising it to you he charges wildly and sloppily.”

The father will attack only to be beaten rather easily (Use Bandit stat block from MM). Once he is reduced to 0 hit points he will stagger off to a poorly lit corner of the room. He will turn and begin incoherently shouting at the players before lurching over violently and suddenly. Four long spear like fingers will impale him through the stomach, lift him from his place on the floor, and cast him aside into the shadows.

“The mans’ eyes turn from anger to frightened as you see protrusions explode from his stomach. He looks down, trying to hold his blood and innards inside his body, but he is lifted off the ground by a long thin arm. The arm casts him aside sending his body to the ground with a loud thump before the sounds of exasperated breathing cease. From the shadowy corner you see two red eyes open followed by a familiar toothy grin. Harles steps from the shadows and whispers, “Master….” in a breathy shallow voice. Sylus looks up through the blood on his brow and chuckles. “He’s dead…..He’s gone…..He’s finally gone…..”. Harles looks at you with a newly sparked anger. He extends his long arms and twists his fingers around one another. You watch for a moment before he lunges. Roll Initiative.

The Boneclaw will attack the players one final time, This time accompanied by 1d4+1 Shadows. The players will have to figure out that Sylus is the master and defeat the boneclaw. Once the Boneclaw is defeated, if Sylus is still alive, Baphomet will rise and reveal himself again to the players.

The Priest

“As you pass into town and go past the brothel you see personal items scattered in the mud. Near is a group of whores talking to themselves in hushed and mournful voices. Two guards will exit the brothel carrying linen sacks full of what appears to be meat. One will trip and the contents of the sack will spill revealing a mutilated pile of meat that may at one time have been human. The harlots will fall to their knees in hysterics as the guard hurriedly returns the meat to the sack before scrambling down the street.”

Upon investigation the players will learn that one of the girls was found in her room torn to pieces. Immediately after the body was discovered Sylvia had gone missing. The girls, believing Sylvia to be the cause of the killings, tossed her belongings into the streets to rid the brothel of any supposed cursed items. The Madame and girls will tell the players that if she is to be found the most likely place would be the church.

When the players arrive at the church they will hear strange sounds and whispers coming from the confessional booth.

“You enter the cathedral to see no one inside. The candles have been snuffed and little light floods in from the painted glass walls. At the base of the alter you can make out a pile of red clothing identical to the garb of the whores in the streets. From the confessional booth you can make out the hushed tones; “Pray with breast bare to the lord. Humble the alter of the heavenly host with those lips of red wine.”

Behind these words you can hear the quiet reluctant sobbing of a womanly voice with a clear hint of fear.

(Once the door is open) “As you throw the confessional booth door open you see the father throw his head in pleasure with his cock pressed through the small opening to the other side of the booth. Sylvia sits with tears in her eyes fondling and pleasing the fathers manhood. The Father, now aware to your presence reels back in surprise. “You….you must help me. She charmed me! Her pagan magic clouded my mind and blurred my eyes. Please you must believe me!”

Sylvia will simply sit in silence, shaking her head and sobbing. The players may make an insight check DC 14 to determine that the father is lying. Either way, the Boneclaw will spring from the confessional booths shadows. Both the Father and Sylvia will sit in shock and fear while the Boneclaw, accompanied by 1d4+1 Shadows, attack the players. After the Boneclaw is defeated, the players must accurately kill Father Wilbert. Alternatively the players may attempt to change his alignment.

The Captain

“Making your way back into town you notice a crowd gathered by a large oak tree just outside the gates. Plastered against the great trees bough is a horrifically mutilated corpse hanging by its limbs. Long streams of blood smear the trunk down to the ground where it pools beneath the crucified corpse. People gathered around begin yelling and spitting at the corpse, and yet you can still hear the fear behind their words.”

Investigation will tell the players that the man hung in the tree is a petty thief known throughout the town for picking pockets. Most will simply say that the end was to good for him. Rumors spreading through the crowd will reveal that the next victim has supposedly been found. In the streets clamoring for someone to help him will be another young pickpocket begging for help. Just before the players can reach him he will be swooped up by the guards and placed under arrest. As the guards take him away the players will be able to hear him screaming “Don’t take me there. Let me die here just don’t take me there please!” The players will have to find there way back to the prison where they will find screams coming from the torture chamber.

The captain of the guard will be deep into a torture session with the same boy who the players may have talked to during there investigations. Brudus will confront the players which will prompt the Boneclaw to appear. Once Brudus is identified as the master he will smile, draw his sword, and fight alongside the Boneclaw. (Use Veteran stat block from MM.)

The Steward

“As you make your way back into town you immediately notice a panic in the town square. Heavily armed men in mercenary gear are pillaging the place gathering urchins and beggars into the center of the square. As they round up the last straggler into the gathering of impoverished an order cuts through the rabble and the men begin shooting arrows into the crowd. Confused shouting is replaced with screams of fear as bodies hit the ground. The guards watch from afar, keeping the rest of the townspeople away from the slaughter, their faces gaunt with regret.”

If the players try to intervene they will be stopped by a guard. He will tell the players that the ongoing purge was ordered by the Steward. Another killing occurred and the victim was once again a vagrant beggar. Charging the poor of the town with false crimes his personal militia showed up with badges of authority and began the killings. The guard will look around warily before begging the players to get to the bottom of this.

The Players will have to make their way to the Stewards Manor. Inside they will hear an argument between the Mercenary Captain and the Steward.

Mercenary: Its all done and over with. I did what yer wanted of me to the letter!

Steward: You did not do as I asked, you took my orders and did what you well pleased!

Mercenary: Piddle and Paddle! Yer told me to gather um up and th-

Steward: Quiet! I want you goons out of my town before the sun rises.

Mercenary: Pah! Ive wasted too much of me time here already. Yer gonna pay us for what we did fore we leave though.

Steward: If you think I am paying you after what you have done then you head is emptier than a rotten gourd. Now leave my sight before I decide to have you killed!

Mercenary: don’t yer think yer can threaten me fore a second. Yer know what I got on you Gen.

The two men are arguing about the killings in the square. Steward Gen will indeed have ordered the killings, but the Mercenary Captain misunderstood that the purge was to be discreet. The steward is angry that the killings happened in public, not that they happened in the first place. The two men will notice the players presence and immediately question them.

Aggravated, the Mercenary captain will attack. As he is defeated the Boneclaw will rise from the shadows to try and finish the job. The players will have to kill or change the alignment of the Steward in order to put the Boneclaw down for good.

End of the road

Once the boneclaw is defeated Baphomet will reveal himself at his own discretion. He will thank the players for all their help.

“Heee heee heee haaa……. Ooh to think that a big’n bad Paga would be fraid of that there (insert master here). I guess you gonna be wantn something now for yer toil. Now imma generous god, an my boon is worth a bird in the hand to the right man. Yer reward, yes. Next time I be seeing you walkin my roads, why ill turn my back an let you pass. Just once.”

And with that Baphomet will turn to leave the players, dissapearing in the wispy folds of his cloak. Just as promised the players will be left alone on the road, unaharmed, and free from the Pagan Lord.

Appendix. items

Salt-infused Chalk

This average looking hunk of white chalk has 10 charges. A creature can expend 1 charge to make an arcana check with DC 12. On a failure nothing happens, but on a success the creature may cast Circle of protection in a 5x5 circle. The creature can increase the size of the circle by 5 by expending an additional Charge per 5 ft.

Amulet of Baphomet

While wearing this item a creature can cast eldritch Blast as an action. Additionally the creature can cast the following spells once per day. CHA is the spell ability used for these spells.

  • Cause Fear
  • Crown of Madness
  • Hypnotic Pattern
  • Phantasmal Killer

Amulet of Haylor

While wearing this item a creature can cast eldritch Blast as an action. Additionally the creature can cast the following spells once per day. CHA is the spell ability used for these spells.

  • Burning Hands
  • Scorching Ray
  • Life Transference
  • Blight

All maps used in section III were created using the tools found at Ye Old Map Maker. Please support them.