Blue Patron

Wandering through the cosmos is an entity of both unimaginable power and endless curiosity, a creature fueled by a deep connection to the underpinnings of reality yet constantly obfuscated from the truth by the forces of good: a nigh-god known only as Blue. Often manifesting as an innocuous, playful puppy to deceive the fools that come to serve it, Blue relentlessly demands ever more clues, the true nature of what it is obscured until it is too late to abandon it. At first its empowered servants need only share bits and pieces of their lives with their master, but as any grow in power or notoriety the cosmic beast demands more and more secrets—until the last thing that can be offered is what lay bare after its minion’s soul has been flayed apart.

Blue Expanded Spells

Blue allows you to choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

1st command, speak with animals

2nd detect thoughts, locate object

3rd speak with dead, speak with plants

4th faithful hound, locate creature

5th animate objects, legend lore

Den of Secrets

Starting at 1st level when you choose this patron, you can send your mind into the lair of Blue to look among the detritus of secrets provided by its other servants. You can use a bonus action to gain advantage on and double your proficiency bonus for an ability check you make that uses Arcana, History, Insight, Nature, or Religion.

Once you do so, you can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest. You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 9th level and three times between long rests starting at 18th level.

Invasive Horror

Also at 1st level, Blue begins to make demands upon your soul. Whenever you cast a divination spell, roll 1d100 and add your level. On a 100 or higher, you gain a long-term madness. If you roll a natural 100, you gain an indefinite madness instead.


Beginning at 6th level, you learn how to conjure one of Blue’s shadows, summoning a dangerous beast to slay your enemies—and hunt down more clues. You can use an action to summon a shadow hound (as the 6th level shadow sorcerer feature).

Once you do so, you can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest. You can use this feature twice between rests starting at 13th level and three times between long rests starting at 19th level.

Secrets of the Damned

At 10th level, you learn an additional Eldritch Invocation.

Blue's Clues

Starting at 14th level, Blue will sometimes look through your eyes and force its knowledge into your mind. You can use an action and take 1d10 psychic damage, learning the resistances, immunities, traits, and attacks of any creature you observe for 1 minute or more. You must be able to see or hear the target and the full breadth of what you learn is at the discretion of the GM (particularly obscure monsters may reveal very little).

Digging it?

This archetype is from a free post on Mike Myler's Patreon.