Last Edited 9/17/17 | SEAN O'NEIL



This is an advanced overhaul that affects attacks, defense, weapons, armor, shields, reactions, movement-speed, saves, class features and feats. The goal of this advanced variant ruleset is to make the combat system more reactive, and to give attackers and defenders more choices in combat.

Speed in Combat

When a creature is about to attack or cast a spell on another creature that is aware of the attacker, the defender may elect to attempt a defensive reaction.

If applicable, the attacker and defender then roll contesting dice, using their relevant speed bonus: the attacker uses their weapon speed, adding strength (or dexterity, if finesse or ranged), or their spell attack; while the defender may use a Dodge or a Guard: each with their own relevant speed bonus.

Defender Wins

If the defender’s result exceeds the attacker’s result in the contest, the defensive reaction is in effect against that attack. If another attack is made against that defender, they must contest their speed against the new attack, and may choose a different defensive action.

Attacker Wins

If the attacker exceeds the defender’s result, the defensive reaction fails, and the attacker proceeds to roll to hit against the target’s Accuracy Check, (formerly Armor Class, AC) base value of 10. If the attacker meets or beats this result, they roll their weapon’s hit dice and add strength (or dexterity, if finesse or a ranged-type weapon), the total result being the damage the defender takes. A defender with Damage Reduction (DR) subtracts corresponding reduction values from the damage they would take.

A Tie

If the speed results of both parties in the contest are equal, the attacker may choose to accept the defensive action, or risk an attempt to overpower it. Defensive actions have specific overpower rules and outcomes, requiring a different kind of contest to be made immediately.

Changes to Armor Class (AC)

The previous, primary, and most passive method of defending against weapon attacks was to have a good Armor Class rating. As this variant ruleset adds Speed as a method of defense, AC will be changed to an “Accuracy Check,” to represent how hard it is to land a blow on a target with a committed attack. This change includes some of the following:

  • Armor no longer grants AC, but will grant damage mitigation from physical damage. Feats and magical armor can increase this amount, and affect non-physical damage mitigated.
  • The base Accuracy Check for medium creatures will be 10. Each size category down from medium will increase AC by 1, and each size category up from medium will decrease AC by 1. Spells, features and other factors may affect this value. Current spells that boost AC may continue to do so, or may be changed to a chance for cover and deflection, or may be changed to mitigate damage, like armor.
  • The Accuracy Check is not affected by the defender’s dexterity, because the defender’s dexterity has already been taken into account in their defensive reaction, and armor already provides a passive form of defense. Thus, defenders are easier to hit, and are even more likely to be hit by attacks they cannot or do not react against effectively; however, defenders will have more options available to use, that can reduce or avoid damage and certain effects.




Defensive Reactions trigger whenever a creature is attacked, and are separate from normal reactions. A creature cannot use multiple Defensive Reactions against the same attack, but may use a reaction in conjunction with a Defensive Reaction. Extra attacks, multi-attacks, and attacks from different foes at once each receive a separate Defensive Reaction.

Note that Defensive Reactions cannot be used while Grappled, Incapacitated, or Restrained. Defenders can dodge or guard from attacks. Dodging attempts to avoid all damage, whereas guarding attempts to remove a flat amount of damage.


☇ Dexterity-based Defensive Reactions

Creatures can perform dodges as defensive reactions, using movement speed that has not yet been spent. A dodging creature chooses an adjacent area equal to its size to move into, or remains its square and goes prone after the dodge.

A dodge without moving does not subtract from the movement remaining, and may be performed even when the movement speed is used up; however, the speed roll will be made at a disadvantage. The defending creature cannot dodge from an attack it cannot perceive, unless it has Danger Sense: in which case, it does so with disadvantage.

A human with 30 feet of movement-speed that moves 15 feet has 15 feet left they can use for dodges. A dwarf with 25 feet of movement-speed that moves 15 feet has 10 feet left they can use for dodges.

☇ Dodge

The defender uses quick reflexes in an attempt to avoid a melee, ranged, or spell attack. The speed of a dodge is equal to the defender’s Dexterity saving throw.

If the defender fails, the attack continues as normal, and the defender stays put.

If the defender succeeds, the attack misses.

The defender then makes an Acrobatics check, using the total result of the attacker’s roll to hit as the DC. A defender with the Evasion feature automatically succeeds.

If the defender is successful, the defender moves to the declared space.

If the defender is unsuccessful, the defender moves to the declared space and becomes prone.

☇ Dive

A creature attempts to throw itself out of the way of a melee, ranged, or spell attack. A dive requires a linear area, starting from the dodger’s square, that is twice as long as a normal dodge. Thus, small and medium creatures must have a clear, linear 10 feet to move through and end on. Smaller creatures must move 5 feet. The defender contests their Dexterity saving throw against the attack’s speed.

If the defender fails, the defender moves half the distance, rounded down, and becomes prone. The attack continues, if possible, after the movement.

A defender with the Evasion feature may roll an Acrobatics check, using the total result of the attacker’s roll to hit as the DC. If successful, the defender may immediately stand up before they are hit.

A successful diving dodge fully avoids the attack, and the defender moves to the end of the dive’s path and becomes prone.

A defender with the Evasion feature may immediately stand up without movement cost on a success.


In a dodging tie, the attacker can adjust their strike for better contact with the defender. The attacker may attempt to overpower the dodging defender by overextending. See Overpower rules section for Overextending.




⛌ Strength-based Defensive Reactions

Creatures can perform parries and blocks as defensive reactions to mitigate a flat amount of damage. How quickly they can react to block and how much damage they block are affected by the weapon(s) or shield(s) you are using.

⛌ Parry

The defender uses one or all of their wielded weapons to guard against an incoming melee or spell touch-ranged attack. The speed bonus of a parry roll is equal to the defending weapon’s speed, plus strength (or dexterity, if using a finesse weapon.) If multiple weapons are chosen to be used in a parry, only the slowest wielded weapon’s speed bonus is used (weapon speed does not stack). Roll the die of each weapon used, then choose the highest one to use for the block.

If the defender is successful, the parry reduces incoming damage by the defending weapon’s damage dice, plus Strength (even if using a finesse weapon). If the damage of a spell or attack is reduced to 0, the spell has no effect, and the attack is counted as a miss.

If the defender is unsuccessful, the attack continues as normal.

You can parry with your hands; but if you’re not a monk, that might not be a great idea!


In a parried tie, weapons lock with one another. The attacker may attempt to overpower the parrying defender, either by attempting to disarm or shove. See the Overpower rules section.

Melee Speeds

Melee weapons have the following speed ratings:

4, for Light weapons and unarmed strikes;

3, for One-handed weapons and Versatile weapons held in two hands;

2, for Versatile weapons held in one hand;

1, for Weapons with the Two-Handed property (without Versatile);

and 0, for Weapons with both the Two-Handed and Heavy properties.

See the Weapons section for more information.

Parry Examples


A character with 15 Strength (+2) that attempts to parry with a longsword, held in both hands, rolls:


then, if successful, parries for



If they are holding the longsword in one hand, they would roll:


then, if successful, parry with:


Two-weapon Fighting

A character with 16 Dex, wielding a dagger in each hand, attempts to parry with both daggers. The defender rolls using their lowest weapon speed:


and parries with:


rolling once for each dagger and taking the highest result between them.

Different Weapon Speeds

A character with 14 Strength, wielding a spear in one hand and a shortsword in the other, attempts to block with both weapons. They use their slowest weapon speed, the spear held in one hand, in their speed roll:


If successful, the character rolls the die of each weapon and chooses the highest result:

  • 1d6+2 for the one-handed spear and
  • 1d6+2 for the shortsword.

If the result of the spear is 5, and the result of the shortsword is 6, the parry is made with the shortsword’s result.



⛌ Block

The defender attempts to block from an incoming melee, ranged, spell and/or area attack. The speed of a block is equal to the defending shield’s speed, plus Strength (or Dexterity, if using a finesse shield.) If multiple shields are used in a block, only the slowest wielded shield’s speed bonus is used; shield speed does not stack. Roll the block die of each shield used, then choose the highest one to use for the block.

If the defender succeeds, the block reduces incoming damage by the defending shield’s block dice, plus Strength (finesse shields still use strength for damage blocked). If all the damage of a spell is blocked, the spell has no effect on the defender. The attack has disadvantage to hit.

If the defender is unsuccessful, the attack continues as normal.

Blocks can be used to intercept attacks, depending on how they are made, requiring the defender to be standing somewhere between the attacker’s direct line of attack and the target, and facing the source.


Shields and weapons clash, and a contest of strength ensues. The attacker may attempt to overpower the defender with a Shove, as listed in the Overpower rules section.

Shield Speeds

Shields have the following speed ratings:

5, for light shields,

4, for medium shields,

3, for pavise shields,

2, for heavy shields, and

1, for tower shields.

See the Shields section for more information.

Intercepting Position Examples


Reach attacks can be blocked if the defender is between the attacker and the defender, causing the defender to block and take damage.

Ranged attacks

The defender must fall on the line of attack if the attack is made at a distance of 20ft or less. At a greater range, the defender must be adjacent to the attacker or the target, and still on the line of attack.

Spell attacks

Line attacks that hit all targets in a line can be blocked from any point on the line. The amount blocked by the defender is reduced for all targets behind the defender. If the defender fully blocks the damage with their shield, the line ends on the shield.

Projectile attacks that travel in a straight line that don’t pierce targets will hit an intercepting defender as if they were the attack target.

Volleyed attacks: the defender must be adjacent to the attacker or the target, and still on the line of attack.




An attacker in melee range may attempt to Overpower a defender when they tie in a speed contest for a defensive reaction. Successfully Overpowering a defender may give an edge in a fight, at the risk of backfiring on the attacker. There are specific types of Overpowers that an attacker can use.

A defender that wins a speed contest may choose to instead take the result of their attacker, thus allowing the attacker to attempt an Overpower. A defender may also make an immediate Deception (Charisma) check, contested by an Insight (Wisdom) check from the attacker, in an attempt to goad the attacker into attempting the Overpower.

⍟ Overextend (Against Dodge)

In a tie against a dodge, the attacker can adjust their strike for better contact with the defender. The attacker may attempt to overpower the dodging defender by overextending. The attacker rolls to-hit (1d20 plus their attack bonus), while the defender rolls an Acrobatics check to contest.

If the attacker is the winner, the dodge fails and damage is dealt immediately. The attack ends.

If the defender is the winner, the attack is over, and the attacker falls prone.

If there is a tie, the weapon fails to make improved contact, and the dodged attack is handled normally.

⍟ Disarm (Against Parry)

The attacker attempts to force a weapon away from the defender, either by brute strength or dexterous finesse. The attacker rolls to-hit (1d20 plus their attack bonus) against a parrying weapon, with the defender rolling their own attack roll to-hit with that weapon to contest.

If the attacker is the winner, the parrying weapon is dropped in a square adjacent to the defender, chosen by the attacker, and the attack is over.

If the defender is the winner, the attack is over. The defender then may choose to use their reaction to counterattack: rolling against the target’s Accuracy Check immediately with the targeted weapon, then dealing damage as normal if successful.

If there is a tie, the attacker and defender pull their weapons back, and the attack is over.

⍟ Shove (Against Parry, Block)

The attacker throws their weight forward in a shove or a kick. The attacker attempts an Athletics check, contested by the defender’s Athletics or Acrobatics.

The winner of this contest may choose to knock the other creature prone and end the attack; or push the creature 5 feet, or up to 10 feet and advancing with them, then end the attack.

If there is a tie, the attacker and defender hold their ground, and the attack is over.


Actions that a creature may take during their turn to enhance their defense:

Ready Dodge

A creature may use their action to prepare to dodge or run from an attack. They will automatically dodge or dive from the next incoming attack they can perceive. You cannot use this ability while grappled, incapacitated or restrained.

Raise Shield

A creature wielding a shield may use their action to raise their shield against a threat, and automatically block the next incoming attack that they can perceive. If multiple attacks are made from the same direction as the last attack, they are also automatically blocked. A defender may instead choose a direction or specific target to defend from when they make this action. Cannot be used while grappled, incapacitated, or restrained.

A defender using multiple shields this way can choose threats or directions to shield themselves from with each shield.

If a defender with a raised shield moves, they keep their shield pointed towards the designated direction or threat. If the defender changes to another target or direction, they no longer automatically block it, unless benefitting from the Protection fighting style.


A creature may use their action to prepare to endure an attack or effect. The creature may choose to gain advantage on a saving throw from an effect from a spell or other effect they can perceive (including psionic) before the end of their next turn. Cannot be used while incapacitated.




Save Changes

Starting Saves

Instead of your 1st class level determining a character’s save proficiencies, characters may select three of the six types of saves to be proficient in.

This will allow for better character customization without having to worry so much about what class was taken at first level. Considering creatures have to account for six kinds of saves, and sometimes skill contests to protect themselves, this should help a party of player-characters to better-withstand varying situations.

Proficiency Changes

Weapon and armor proficiency is no longer class-governed, but instead managed by Strength requirements for minimal (without disadvantage) and optimal (proficient) use.


Armor proficiency and mastery feats have been replaced by Armor Master. Defensive Duelist and Dual Wielder have been changed to account for parrying. Weapon Master now instead grants a fighting style (or two).

Armor Master

You have learned to become one with the armor you wear. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
  • Wearing armor doesn’t impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
  • When you are wearing armor, you reduce damage you take from attacks by your proficiency modifier.

*Elemental Warrior

Gain an Elemental Fighting Style. If you already have an Elemental Fighting Style, you may choose a different one, and decide before each melee or ranged attack which one you will use.

When you use an Elemental Fighting Style, if a target fails its save, you can treat its result as if it failed by 5 more. You can use this ability once per short rest.

*Part of Elemental Fighting Styles Arcana

Defensive Duelist

You have mastered parrying techniques, granting you the following bonuses:

  • You add your proficiency bonus to the speed check and damage blocked.
  • You can parry ranged attacks.
  • Once per short rest, you can use your reaction to automatically parry attacks made by hostile creatures within your reach for one round.

Dual Wielder

You master fighting with two weapons, gaining the following benefits:

  • When you parry with two weapons, you use the dice of both weapons added together, plus your Strength modifier.
  • You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are wielding aren’t light.
  • You can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow only one.


You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase any ability score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
  • The character gains proficiency in the save associated with that ability. If the character is already proficient in that save, the proficiency bonus is doubled.
  • Furthermore, once per long rest, you may choose to reroll a save in that specific stat, and choose between the new and old roll.

With the changes to saves, Resilient is no longer as necessary for going wide with saves, but now can be used to focus on a specific kind of save: giving a character a more dependable defense with it.

Shield Master

You use shields not just for protection but also for offense. You gain the following benefits while you are wielding a shield:

  • If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet of you with your shield.
  • You have advantage on the speed roll to block against damage from area spells you can perceive.
  • When using the Raise Shield action to block, you can use your reaction to perform a full block and take the maximum block roll of your shield against an attack once per short rest.

Weapon Master

You have practiced extensively with a variety of weapons, gaining the following benefits:

  • You gain a fighting style of your choice.
  • You may choose to increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20, or gain an additional fighting style of your choice.

With the changes to weapon proficiency using minimum and optimal stat requirements, class-bound proficiency is no longer necessary.



Fighting Style Changes

Archery ⤻ Precise Shooter

When making a Precise Shot, you have +2 on the roll to-hit, and +2 to damage dealt. (See Ranged weapons, Two-Handed property)


You gain 5 feet of movement speed, and a +1 speed bonus on attacks you make.


You have a +1 speed bonus to blocks, dodges, and parries you make, and +2 to the blocking result of blocks and parries.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus on damage, parry speed, and parry reduction rolls.

Great Weapon Fighting

When you roll a 1 or a 2 on a damage die for an attack or parry you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die, using the new result. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.


When using Raise Shield, you may reroll the block value and take the higher result. In addition, you can turn the direction of your Raised Shield without losing your automatic block.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. In addition, when parrying with two weapons, you double your Strength modifier for damage reduced.


You gain a climb speed and swim speed equal to your movement speed, and can defend yourself and make attacks without disadvantage while climbing or swimming.

Close-Quarters Shooter

When making a ranged attack while you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll. Your ranged attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover against targets within 30 feet of you. You have a +1 bonus on speed and to-hit rolls on ranged attacks.

Tunnel Fighter ⤻ Phalanx

As a bonus action, you can enter a defensive stance that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your defensive stance, all squares within 5 feet of you are considered difficult terrain to hostile creatures.

As a defensive reaction, you can attempt to shove a creature that attempts to step within 5 feet of your defensive stance (Athletics contest).

A creature you successfully shove this way is moved back 5 feet, and if it re-enters the effective area, you may attempt to shove the creature again with advantage, or, you can use your reaction to perform an attack of opportunity against it, against which the creature has disadvantage on any speed checks.

After failing to shove a creature in this manner or taking the awarded attack of opportunity, you can no longer attempt to shove as a defensive reaction until the start of your next turn.





Unarmored Defense ⤻ Fighting Style

Barbarians can choose a fighting style at 1st Level.


When enraged:

  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column of the Barbarian table.
  • The rage damage bonus is also added to the reduction rolls of blocks and parries you make.
  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Heavy armor no longer prevents you from raging.

Reckless Attack

Using Reckless Attack also grants advantage on attacks’ speed rolls, but imposes disadvantage on the barbarian’s defensive speed rolls until their next turn.

Danger Sense

Danger Sense grants a speed bonus to dodging equal to the character’s Wisdom modifier. Danger sense also allows the character to dodge from attacks they cannot perceive, but with disadvantage on the roll.

Path of the Berserker

Changed progression and path features according to Weathercock’s Better Berserker Barbarian, with additional changes highlighted.


Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, your rage drives you to draw your enemies’ blood, no matter the cost. When you miss with a melee weapon attack on your turn while using Reckless Attack feature, you may make an additional melee weapon attack as part of your attack action. You may only use this feature once per turn.

Intimidating Presence

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. If you already have proficiency in Intimidation, then your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check that uses Intimidation.

Mindless Rage

Beginning at 6th level, you can’t be charmed or frightened while raging. If you are charmed or frightened when you enter your rage, the effect is suspended for the duration of the rage.


Starting at 10th level, when you take damage from a creature that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.


Starting at 14th level, your rage drives you into a bloodthirsty frenzy. When you are raging and using the Reckless Attack feature, you can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action. (Two, if using two-weapon fighting.)


Second Wind

On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. You can use this feature once per short rest.

If an attack would reduce you to 0 or lower hit points, you can use Second Wind as a reaction (if it is still available to you). You are healed before you take the damage.

Usable once every short/long rest.


Improved Critical

Your melee, ranged or spell attack rolls, for speed and to-hit, score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. At 15th level fighter, the range increases to include 18.

Remarkable Athlete

Starting at 7th level, you can add half your proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that doesn’t already use your proficiency bonus.

Remarkable Athlete does not include speed checks or saving throws.

Whenever you make a jump, long or high, double your strength modifier when adding it to your jump distance.

Battle Master

Student of War

At 3rd level, you gain a number of proficiencies equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0). These proficiencies can be in skills, languages, vehicles, or types of artisan’s tools of your choice. This ability does not apply to temporary changes in Intelligence score, nor does reaching a prior-obtained score award another proficiency.




Unarmored Defense ⤻ Danger Sense

Monks receive Danger Sense instead of Unarmored Defense at level 1.

Danger Sense grants a speed bonus to dodging equal to the character’s Wisdom modifier. Danger sense also allows the character to dodge from attacks they cannot perceive, but with disadvantage on the roll.

Stillness of Mind

Stillness of Mind can now be used starting at level 1.

At the beginning of each of your turns that you are frightened or charmed, you can make a Wisdom saving throw with advantage.

If you succeed, you understand that you are not in your right mind. You can then use your action to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened. You can use this a number of times per long rest equal to your wisdom modifier (minimum 0).

At 7th level monk, Stillness of Mind can be used without rests.

Martial Arts

No longer requires the monk to be unarmored or unshielded.

Unarmored Movement ⤻ Fast Movement

Starting at 2nd level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren’t wearing heavy armor. This increases to 15 feet at 6th level monk, 20 feet at 10th level monk, 25 feet at 14th level monk, and 30 feet at 18th level monk. At 6th level, your speed increases by 5 feet while wearing heavy armor. This increases to 10 feet at 10th level monk, 15 feet at 14th level monk, and 20 feet at 18th level monk.


Patient Defense

You can spend 1 ki to take the Ready Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.

Deflect Missiles

As a reaction, you can deflect ranged weapon attacks by 1d10, adding your Dexterity or Strength modifier + your monk level.

Deflect Missiles can now also deflect projectile spell attacks, using 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier + your monk level. If the spell’s damage is reduced to 0, it does not affect you, and you can spend 1 ki point to redirect the spell attack (using Wisdom as your spellcasting Modifier) as part of the same reaction.


Evasion causes successful dodges to impose disadvantage on foes who roll to-hit against you. Being prone no longer gives enemies in melee range advantage to hit you. Evasion also allows a creature to recover from dodging more effectively: automatically succeeding on Acrobatics checks to not fall prone during a standard dodge, and gaining the chance to stand upright immediately after a diving dodge with an Acrobatics check.


Origin: Draconic Bloodline

Draconic Resilience

Your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class. You gain a Damage Reduction against all non-physical damage equal to your proficiency bonus.




Strength Requirements

Certain Melee and Ranged weapons now have two Strength requirements:


A creature that does not meet the minimum requirement makes their attacks with the weapon at a disadvantage.


A creature that does not meet the optimal requirement makes their attacks with the weapon without proficiency. Melee Speeds

Melee Speeds

Melee weapons have the following speed ratings:

4, for Light weapons and unarmed strikes;

3, for One-handed weapons and Versatile weapons held in two hands;

2, for Versatile weapons held in one hand;

1, for Weapons with the Two-Handed property (without Versatile);

and 0, for Weapons with both the Two-Handed and Heavy properties.

Melee Weapon Properties


Melee weapons with the Two-Handed property that aren’t Versatile may strike an additional target that is within 5ft of the primary target and in your weapon’s reach. This additional strike cannot also target the primary foe, and is made at a disadvantage to speed and to-hit.

The wielder of a Two-Handed weapon must meet its optimal strength requirement to use this ability.


A weapon with the Heavy property can perform a heavy strike against a single target: taking disadvantage to speed and to-hit, but dealing the maximum damage on the weapon’s base damage die/dice. The target must then make a Strength saving throw against the damage taken, or fall prone. The DC is equal to the amount of damage dealt.

Weapons with both properties choose which one to use when making an attack, if any. They can be alternated between extra attacks, but only one property-based effect can apply to an attack.

The wielder of a Heavy weapon must meet its optimal strength requirement to use this ability.

The Heavy property no longer imposes disadvantage if wielded by a small creature.

With Strength now being the determining factor of using a heavier, unwieldy weapon effectively, Heavy weapons no longer need to impose disadvantage by size.

The changed Two-Handed and Heavy properties further increase damage output of the heavy-artillery of weapons, making up for the trade-off of low speed. This will help these weapons to sweep through numerous weak enemies, crush through the guard of smaller weapons and shields, and inflict great damage to helpless foes and objects, like doors, support beams, and deployed shields.

However, this means that they are well-countered by quick, mobile foes using dodges that can avoid all the damage of slow attacks.



Ranged Speeds

Ranged Weapons tend to have 4 Speed, with the exception of javelins and spears that have lower flight speeds and can double as melee weapons.

A ranged weapon takes a penalty of -1 Speed for each increment of optimal range it passes, along with the usual disadvantage to hit. A ranged weapon cannot hit a target past its maximum range.

Ranged attacks are dangerous to most foes who are unprepared or who rely on reflexive defenses, but are mitigated by a dedicated shield, a good spot of cover, or foes that can quickly close the distance.

Ranged Weapon Properties


Ranged weapons with the Two-Handed property, such as bows and crossbows, can make a Precise Shot.

Foregoing all extra attacks, a single attack is made with a disadvantage to speed and to-hit. If it hits, the attack will deal the weapon’s maximum hit die.

For any extra attacks the character has, the weapon’s attack will roll a weapon’s hit die or dice.

Extra Attacks

A character with an extra attack making a Precise Shot with a longbow will deal the longbow’s maximum of 1d8, which is 8, plus the extra roll of a 1d8, plus their Dexterity modifier, as damage.

A Precise Shot can count as a sneak attack if it is made within the weapon’s optimal range, and otherwise qualifies.

Sneak Attack Damage

A rogue with a heavy crossbow and 3d6 sneak attack damage can make sneak attacks within 100 feet with the weapon on unaware targets, or targets that are engaged with adjacent creatures. The attack will deal the heavy crossbow’s maximum of 1d10, adding 3d6 sneak attack, plus their Dexterity modifier, as damage.

The wielder of a Two-Handed ranged weapon must meet its optimal strength requirement to use this ability.

The range of a weapon, optimal or maximum, may be increased by items or enchantments, such as trinkets or optics.


Ranged weapons with the Heavy property can hit with such force, they can knock down foes that fail a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to the amount of damage dealt before reduction. The attacker chooses whether to use this ability or not when the attack is declared.

Foes larger than you have advantage on the saving throw. Foes smaller than you have disadvantage.

The wielder of a Heavy ranged weapon must meet its optimal strength requirement to use this ability.


Ranged weapons with the Loading property may have a minimum Strength requirement to be loaded by hand. Light crossbows have a minimum of (9) Strength required, and Heavy crossbows require (13) Strength.

The use of a cranequin, an arbalest, or other mechanism removes this requirement.


Ranged weapons with the Supportable property can be set upon level surfaces to improve their aim and handling. Supported weapons are treated as operated at their optimal requirements while leveled, even if the wielder does not meet them otherwise (does not apply to loading). An operator of a Supported weapon has advantage on rolls to-hit (not speed) with the weapon while remaining effectively Supported.

Portable stands, such as tripods or pavise shields, can serve as levelers.

Supporting a weapon is a bonus action. Deploying or packing a tripod or similar leveling-stand requires an action.

A heavy crossbow might have a short bipod attached, hinged or fixed, to allow for Supported firing while prone.



Name Cost Damage Speed Weight Strength Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
  Club 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 4 2 lb. - Light
  Dagger 2 gp 1d4 piercing 4, -1 every 20 ft after 1 lb. - Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)
  Greatclub 2 sp 1d8 bludgeoning 1 8 lb. 10, 12 Two-handed
  Handaxe 5 gp 1d6 slashing 4, -1 every 20 ft after 2 lb. - Light, thrown (range 20/60)
  Javelin 5 sp 1d6 piercing 3, -1 every 30 ft after 2 lb. - Thrown (range 30/120)
  Light Hammer 2 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 4, -1 every 20 ft after 2 lb. - Light, thrown (range 20/60)
  Mace 5 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 3 4 lb. - -
  Quarterstaff 2 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 2∗ 4 lb. - Versatile (1d8, Speed 3)
  Sickle 1 gp 1d4 slashing 4 2 lb. - Light
  Spear 1 gp 1d6 piercing 2∗, -1 every 20 ft after 3 lb. - Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8, Speed 3)
  Unarmed Strike - 1 bludgeoning - - - -
Simple Ranged Weapons
  Crossbow, Light 25 gp 1d8 piercing 4, -1 every 80 ft after 5 lb. 6, 8 Ammunition (range 80/320), loading (9 Str), two-handed, supportable
  Dart 5 cp 1d4 piercing 4, -1 every 20 ft after 1/4 lb. - Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)
  Shortbow 25 gp 1d6 piercing 4, -1 every 80 ft after 2 lb. 10, 12 Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
  Sling 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 4, -1 every 30 ft after - - Ammunition (range 30/120)
Martial Melee Weapons
  Battleaxe 10 gp 1d8 slashing 2∗ 4 lb. - Versatile (1d10, Speed 3)
  Flail 10 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 3 2 lb. -
  Glaive 20 gp 1d10 slashing 0 6 lb. 10, 12 Heavy, reach, two-handed
  Greataxe 30 gp 1d12 slashing 0 7 lb. 10, 12 Heavy, two-handed
  Greatsword 50 gp 2d6 slashing 0 6 lb. 10, 12 Heavy, two-handed
  Halberd 20 gp 1d10 slashing 0 6 lb. 10, 12 Heavy, reach, two-handed
  Lance 10 gp 1d12 p 1 6 lb. 10, 12 Reach, special



Weapons, continued
Name Cost Damage Speed Weight Strength Properties
  Longsword 15 gp 1d8 s 2∗ 3 lb. - Versatile (1d10, Speed 3)
  Maul 10 gp 2d6 b 0 10 lb. 11, 13 Heavy, two-handed
  Morningstar 15 gp 1d8 p 3 4 lb. -
  Pike 5 gp 1d10 p 0 18 lb. 12, 14 Heavy, reach, two-handed
  Rapier 25 gp 1d8 p 3 2 lb. - Finesse
  Scimitar 25 gp 1d6 s 4 3 lb. - Finesse, light
  Shortsword 10 gp 1d6 p 4 2 lb. - Finesse, light
  Trident 5 gp 1d6 p 2∗ 4 lb. - Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8, Speed 3)
  War Pick 5 gp 1d8 p 3 2 lb. -
  Warhammer 15 gp 1d8 b 2∗ 2 lb. - Versatile (1d10, Speed 3)
  Whip 2 gp 1d4 s 3 3 lb. - Finesse, reach
Martial Ranged Weapons
  Blowgun 10 gp 1 p 4, -1 every 25 ft after 1 lb. - Ammunition (range 25/100), loading, supportable
  Crossbow, hand 75 gp 1d6 p 4, -1 every 30 ft after 3 lb. - Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading
  Crossbow, heavy 50 gp 1d10 p 4, -1 every 100 ft after 15 lb. 11, 13 Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading (13), two-handed, supportable
  Longbow 50 gp 1d8 p 4, -1 every 150 ft after 2 lb. 12, 14 Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed
  Net 1 gp 4, -1 every 5 ft after 3 lb. - Special, thrown (range 5/15)

Versatile weapons have 2 speed when held in one hand, but 3 speed when held two-handed.




Armor is the last line of defense against physical attacks.

Instead of AC, armor boasts a Damage Reduction (DR) rating, which reduces bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage by a fixed amount. Magical armor may provide DR and/or other protections against magical spell attacks and effects.

The armors listed here are named for their most prominent feature, although a character may wear an armor made of several materials.

Note that armor with a Strength requirement may be worn by anyone, but will impose a movement-speed penalty of 10-feet for creatures who do not meet the requirement.

Body Armor List
Armor Cost Special DR B/P/S Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armor
  Padded, Buff Coat 10 gp - 2/3/2 8 lb.
  Leather & Padding 10 gp - 2/2/3 10 lb.
  Brigandine, Jack 45 gp - 1/3/3 13 lb.
Medium Armor
  Hide 10 gp - 2/2/3 12 lb.
  Chain Shirt 50 gp - 0/3/5 Str 9 20 lb.
  Scale Mail 50 gp - 1/3/5 Str 11 Disadvantage 45 lb.
  Breastplate 400 gp - 1/4/4 Str 9 20 lb.
  Half Plate 750 gp - 2/3/5 Str 11 Disadvantage 40 lb.
Heavy Armor
  Ring Mail 30 gp - 3/3/3 Str 11 35 lb.
  Chain Mail 75 gp - 0/3/6 Str 13 Disadvantage 55 lb.
  Splint 200 gp - 2/3/5 Str 15 Disadvantage 60 lb.
  Plate 1,400 gp - 2/4/6 Str 15 Disadvantage 65 lb.


When wielding a shield, you use its Block die when blocking an attack. A creature carrying a shield they do not meet the strength requirement for takes a 5-foot movement speed penalty.

Special Properties


Shields with the Finesse property may use their Dexterity in their speed check when attempting to block, but a defender will still use their Strength as their bonus when rolling their shield’s block dice.


Shields with the Deploy property may become fortifications when the Raise Shield action is used. The shield will automatically block and soak damage for any creature in its square against threats in the direction it was deployed in. The shield does not gain the Strength bonus when blocking this way.

A deployed shield has a hitpoint value indicated next to the Deploy property, equal to twice the shield’s maximum block value. When a shield is reduced to 0 or less HP, it falls in the square it was deployed in, and the deployed effect ends. Any leftover damage is dealt to the creature in the shield’s occupying square.

Shields become undeployed when a creature occupying the shield’s square uses their action to pick up the shield, or a bonus action to knock it over. A creature can attempt to topple a deployed shield in an adjacent square with an Athletics check, with a DC equal to the shield’s Strength requirement.

A character may redeploy a fallen or already-deployed shield with the Raise Shield action. This resets the deployment hit-points to max, and allows a change of direction.



Shield List
Shield Cost Speed Block Special Strength Stealth Weight
Light (Buckler) 10 gp 5 1d6 Finesse 3 lb.
Medium 30 gp 4 1d8 6 lb.
Pavise 50 gp 3 2d4 Deploy (16 HP) Str 7 Disadvantage 8 lb.
Heavy 75 gp 2 1d12 Str 13 Disadvantage 10 lb.
Tower 150 gp 1 2d6 Deploy (24 HP) Str 15 Disadvantage 22 lb.