Warforged Revived v1.0

Warforged are constructs built for a purpose, and thus excel within the realms which their specifications lie. There are 3 main types of warforged, the hulking Chargers, the slim scouts, and the generalized Standard models.

Do note that this document was created prior to the now Offical Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron This document can now be considered an alternate type of warforged.

Built for a Purpose

Warforged were originally invented by house Canneth to fight as mass produced soldiers in the Great War of Eberon. Since those times warforged have varied in both construction methods, and purposes. Some serve as household vassals. Others as part of a circle of mages for a powerful wizard. Others as unsleeping guards of town with a high population of criminals.

Constructs with a mind

Warforged will serve those whom they either hold to be in power, or currently hold the "contract" for them. Those that have been freed often take jobs that are outside the realm of what normal people prefer to do. Adventurers, Guardsmen, Bodyguards etc. Regardless of their chosen profession they are valued workers for their ability to continue working under harsh conditions and for extended periods of time.


Warforged names are generally pretty simple in nature. When first created they won't have a name, but they tend to give themselves a name based on task for which they were built or trained in.

A Mechanic could be Gear, Sprocket, Bolt etc.

A Bodyguard could be Barricade, Ironwall, Shield, Archer etc

A Caster could be Furnace, Cooler, Generator etc.

A Guardsman could be Protector, Investigator, Watcher etc.

Warforged Traits

All warforged gain the following traits.

Ability Score Improvement Your constitution score increases by 2.

Age Unless destroyed or severely damaged a warforged, if kept in good condition, will never expire.

Alignment Generally warforged are anywhere on the neutral scale, leaning towards True Neutral, although they can greatly vary based on their production, creator, intended purpose, and any personality they may have.

Size Warforged can be of any height and width with a minimum of 4 ft tall and maximum of 8 ft tall. Your size is medium.

Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision Warforged don't have organic eyes but magical or mechanical sensors, as such they can adapt to low light, or no light situations easily. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Composite Construction Built to last warforged are naturally much sturdier than organic creatures. This grants a +1 bonus to Armor Class. Additionally at 50% cost of the base armor (or 200g whichever is higher), you can incorporate an armor into your construction.

Living Construct Even though you were constructed, you are a living creature. You are immune to disease and poisons from non-magical sources, but poisons from magical sources affect you normally. You cannot fall asleep do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state, but remain fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Subtypes There are three main types of warforged, Charger, Scout, and Standard


A charger warforged is built far heavier, and sturdier, as such they are better at menial or physical stats than other warforged.

Ability Score Improvement Your Strength score increases by 1.

Bull Rush If you move at least 15 feet towards an enemy your first attack has advantage.

Heavy Frame You gain proficiency in Athletics. Any physical effect which would cause you to move unwillingly is reduced by 5 feet.


A scout warforged is a slightly stripped down warforged with extra muffling on the joints to allow quieter movement and better optics for perceiving more accurately.

Ability Score Improvement Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Built for Stealth You gain proficiency in Stealth.

Optimized Optics You gain Proficiency in Perception. Increased dark vision range to 90 feet.


A standard warforged is a generalized build, suited for the function which they were designed for.

Ability Score Improvement You increase one trait, that is not Constitution, by 2.

Varied Production You chose one skill to become proficient in.

Variant Traits/Thoughts on Balance

A dungeon master always needs to look at overall balance. Should this version of warforged be viewed as too strong when compared to others. A more Toned down version can use any or all of the following changes to best suit your DM's definition of balanced

  • Base Warforged ASI: Change the +2 in con to a +1 in Con.
  • Standard Warforged: Change the +2 in a stat, to 2 +1s which can’t increase a stat more than a total of +2 for this race.
  • Remove the armor integration part from Composite Construction


The Living Construct Trait says that warforged are immune to poisons from non magical sources. I personally consider mundane poisons to be anything that comes from a beast, or basic/improved poisons. If the poison comes from a spell, or any class of creature that is not a beast it is considered magical.

The Heavy Frame Trait states that any physical movement effect that is unwilling is reduced by 5 ft. Examples of this could be grappling, or knockback from creatures using physical prowess. But a spell or other magical effect that knocks you back would remain unchanged such as Thunder Wave or Eldritch blast with the one of the two movement invocations.