The Lantern of Undead Communion

8 Dominion Cost - 2 minor functions, 2 effort

Jace created the Lantern initially as a simple means to communicate with the dead, but as with many of her inventions, it quickly took on other characteristics. It has a dial on top which can be rotated to activate its two functions.

2 Effort Available: O O

Revealer of the Dead

(Death's Keeper of the Dead / Murder's Murderer's Eyes)

Commit the lamp's Effort to reveals every corpse, undead, or fragment of remains within the lamp's light (100 feet radius). The lamp's weilder understands the identity of these corpses while they lived. If any of these corpses was a victim of murder, you immediately gaining a full and contextual understanding of how, why, and by whom the creature was murdered.

When activated, the lantern glows with an eerie yellowish green. It provides dim illumination in a 40' radius, but it gives off no heat. Any attempts to shutter or block the light will be unsuccessful. The illumination passes through all obstacles, including walls and solid stone, and casts no shadows.

Interrogation of the Dying

(seemed like a logical conclusion)

Commit Effort for the Scene - Summon the spirit of a recently dead body for interrogation. So long as a corpse hasn’t had final rites, the spirit of the dead may be drawn into the lantern. Powerful spirits can make a save to avoid capture. Once inside, the spirit is trapped, and most will find the experience very uncomfortable. Anyone within the illumination is able to ask the spirits questions. Once the spirit has answered 3 such questions honestly, it is evacuated through the Celestial shard freeing the spirit, essentially imparting final rites. The trapped spirit need not tell the truth, but the light of the lamp becomes increasingly unbearable the longer they reside.