
From a dark, narrow alleyway sounds

the shrill, distressed cries of a newborn baby. A concerned baker's assistant hesitantly investigates, afraid of the dark, but not willing to have the blood of an innocent child on her hands. Her fate is sealed the moment her form melds into the shadows, as the cries slowly warp into a series of bloodcurdling caws. A pair of brown, shiny eyes stare her down from behind a jet black beak. "Hello, beautiful." The creature utters in a voice she recognizes as her husband's.

Fallen Flocks

Kenku wear ill-fitting cloaks, robes, and rags. These garments cover the soft, sleek feathers of their bodies, shrouding their bare arms and legs. They tread lightly when they walk, on talons made for grasping the branches of trees and seizing prey from the lofty skies. Soft as the wind they move, so as not to draw attention to their shameful forms. Once, the kenku held the wind in their wings, embracing the gusty sky and singing the sweet language of birdsong. Serving a master whose identity is now lost to their memory, the kenku coveted the glittering baubles of his household, and longed to speak so that they could cajole and swindle others out of such treasures. Stealing the secret of speech from a volume in their master's library, they disguised themselves in rags to beg for pretty things. When their master learned of their greed, he stripped away their wings as punishment, forcing them to beg forever.

Greedy and Curious

Kenku are naturally inquisitive, eager to get up in any business that catches their interest. Specifically business that lies behind a locked door or chest. As born opportunists, their curiosity will compel them to investigate, or simply steal, whatever object catches their fancy.

Kenku names

The kenku have no language of their own, nor do they naturally 'speak'. As such, their naming habits can be called 'unique'. Names vary from any word they have heard in life, to noises of any variety. Kenku rarely name their offspring, and even when they do, most choose a new name upon reaching adulthood.

'Names': Applause, Baby laughter, Fire bells, A gate opening, A horse's whinny, Jingling coins in a purse, Lock in the process of being picked.

Kenku traits:

Your kenku character has a number of unique racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Age. Kenku mature at roughly the age of 10 and can live as long as 80 years.

Alignment. Kenku gravitate towards the chaotic side of the alignment spectrum, though neutral and even lawful individuals exist.

Size. Kenku are lithe and lightweight, due to their avian physique. Adults grow to be roughly 5 feet tall and rarely weigh more than 120lbs. Your size is medium.

Ambusher. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature you surprise.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Mimicry. You can mimic any sounds you have heard, including voices, provided you were paying attention to the sound as you heard it. A creature that hears the noises you mimic can tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check. The DC for this check is 8 + your Proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Adept Forger. You have advantage on checks made to forge documents, letters and signatures.

Talons. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.

Languages. You can read and write Common and Auran, and can speak using Mimicry. Any words and sentences you learn that belong to a language you have not mastered you can mimic, though you do not understand their meaning.


  • Race requested by Reddit user TinyTaters.
  • Names inspiration: Middle Finger of Vecna.
  • Art by Eva Widermann.
  • Race adaptation by CaptainDeathCap.

