Wizard Tradition

Curse Master

You are one who has studied what have come to be known as "curses" - a mix of the schools of enchantment and necromancy. When you mutter arcane words and point a finger at your foe, you can disrespect their very being.

There is nothing inherently evil about using curses - their name is just a descriptor given by those that have grown to fear magic. A curse doesn't just weaken the muscles and the mind - they can do silly things, like tangle shoelaces to make someone trip, loosen belt buckles to undo armor, or make someone reek to destroy their self-confidence. Be creative!


At 2nd level, you add the Hex spell to your spellbook. It is a wizard spell for you, and doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

Additionally, when you cast Hex on your turn, you can choose to remove either the Verbal, Somatic, or Material component of the spell.


Starting at 2nd level, you have learned the very fundamentals of curses - how to manipulate the fate and subconscious will of other creatures.

As a bonus action on your turn, when you hit a creature with a successful spell attack, you may give that creature disadvantage on its next saving throw or ability check.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all uses of Malediction upon finishing a long rest.

Curse Expulsion

At 6th level, you add the Remove Curse spell to your spellbook, if it is not there already.

Additionally, you are able to cast Remove Curse on yourself as a ritual. Starting at 14th level, you are able to ritual cast it on other creatures as well.

Persistent Curse

At 10th level, add Bestow Curse to your spellbook, if it is not there already. You also gain the following benefits:

  • Bestow Curse can be cast at a range of 60 feet, instead of Touch.
  • If you cast Bestow Curse at a higher level, you regain one spent use of Malediction.
  • You have advantage on Concentration saving throws to maintain spells that inflict curses, such as Hex.

Master Bewitchment

Starting at 14th Level, whenever you afflict a target with Malediction, you are able to apply the effects of Malediction to a second target within 30 feet of the original target (this does not use another charge of Malediction.)

Additionally, when you cast Bestow Curse using a higher level spell slot, the range you can cast that spell increases as follows:

Spell Level Maximum Range (ft.)
5 90
6 120
7 150
8 300
9 500

Curse Master 1.2
Tradition by Screedle
Art credit: Minaba Hideo, granblue fantasy wizard