
This humanoid moth-like race are colourful and delicate beings hidden amongst high treetops in teired cities. They once tried to live among the cities of the Shattered Realm, but they were hunted for their wings as well as their ability to create fine silk items and skills in crafting and aray of textiles.

Beautiful and skilled

The Lunala are peaceful and reclusive, and prefer to stay within their villiages, avoiding most contact with other races. But if a Lunala does befreind of another race they are extremely trustworthy and are seen as family to them. Friendship with a Lunala is to be considered quite an admirable feat. They are also quite intelligent and skilled, some brave mothfolf even act as traveling merchants, selling their fine silk clothing and textiles to travelers and small towns. This shy race is also known for their beautiful voices and deep connection to the nature around them gaining joy in protecting and practicing druidic magic.

Life of a moth-born

Although humanoid the Lulana lay eggs and the mothlings go through larval and pupa stages. After this they reach adulthood at ten years and live to be around 80 years old. Due to their short lives they have learned to live life to fullest and teach that life is too short to live in anger. Most seek out intellectual persuits learning about life and its secrets. They speak Lunethian sounding of song like humming which incorporates antennae movement and wing vibration. This langauge is extremely hard to speak if not of this race due to the clicks made and their uniquely curled tobiscis. When formally introducing themselves they often curtsy with their wings with a slight bow.

Unique, coloured and patterned

The Lunala are quite unique and possess the possibility of having many different colourations and patterns on both the body and wings such as eye like patters and spots. Colours can range from more nuetral bluey greys and pinks to vibrant oranges, red, green as well as black and white. They have two pairs of soft delicate wings which they prefer to use rather than walk with their long moth-like legs. However damage to their wings due to combat can cause them to loose their ability to fly until a full rest is completed. They also have two large antennae usually fluffy, this furr can also over areas of the body and arms. Females normally have long and extremely soft thick hair considered furr like.

Strong and Willing

Due to their peaceful nature and being slow to anger, they are not often adept to fighting and combat, however if threatened or if in need to protect themselves, friends, family and their villiage they will not shy from picking up their weapons. Typically they practice duidic arts or magic, however Lunala that are driven to protect or travel from their villiage may be clerics, fighters and even barbarians depending on the villiage.

Lunala Names

Mothlings are given their first name by their parents and are very unique whith little difference between male and female names. The mother usually changes their name as they grow not becoming official until metamorphosis is complete. They can often be named after flowers as well relating to their wing design.

Lunala Names: Themis, Andile, Laive, Coris, Chrysalis, Emmet, Phelousa, Thesipha, Idaisa, Arane, Cressida, Delias, Lumia, Maple, Vedalia, Velia, Amalia

Lunala Traits

Your moth-like form gives you a range of unique traits shared with other Lunala.

Ability Score. Your Constition score increases by 2. And your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Age. Lunala go through 3 stages of growth, eggs, larvae, and pupa, which takes a total of 2 years. After this they reach adulthood at 10 years and live to be around 80 years old.

Alignment. This mothrace tends to be more neutral than lawful or chaotic, and their high moral standard usually leaning them towards good, never evil.

Size. Typically range from between 4ft to just under 6ft. Your size is Medium unless you are child, then your build is considered Small. Impressively light weighing around 40kgs.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25ft, and you have a flying speed of 30ft. To use this flying speed you must not be using medium or heavy armour as the weight of your wings are not strong enough to carry this weight in flight.

Moth-like flight. Because your wings are so delicate whenever you suffer from a critical hit you take a long rest to restore your flight ability.

Darkvision. Due to your nocturnal heritage you have darkvision of 60ft in dim light.

Four-armed. Your secondary arms may be used to hold small objects and can be used whilst your other arms are in use. You cannot weild weapons or create spells using somatic components with the secondary arms and any strength checks using them are at disadvantage. Due to your unique form armour may need to speacially made which is more expensive.

Sensitive Anntenae. Due to your specialised antennae you have advantages on perception checks that rely on smell.

Silk Spinning. Lunala silk is known for its beauty and strength which your character can make and form items with given time. You can make armour using this silk granting an AC of 11 + your Dexterity modifier at no armour penalty taking two months to form. And you have proficiency with weaving and dying tools

Languages. You know Common and Lunethian. You can also communicate very simple ideas to moths, and understand similar ideas from moths that choose to share them with you.

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