The Pack Mule (Playtest)

The Helpful NPCs home games traditionally bring pack mule on our characters’ adventures from the very first levels, facilitating a triumphant return to town with a mountain of gold and treasure. Usually, we develop an attachment to the mule and consider it an integral team member. When powerful monsters can slay the beloved teammate by nicking it, there's a problem.

Few companions are so leal, tireless, and humble as the pack mule. As a tireless treasure-bearer, the gentle mule forms heart and soul of any good adventuring party. Fearlessly does it delve into depths unknown, staunchly standing before might and fury of all monster-kind. Yet rarely is this creature recognized or appreciated for its service. Yes, it is time the pack mule is recognized for for its noble works and valorous nature.

Thus, for 5e, we turned to the sidekick system to design a class for the pack mule. This class is deliberately reduced in potency from the other sidekick classes, as the pack mule is meant to add utility to the party, not to be a combatant or show-stealer in its own right.

Contact Information

This is a playtest and work-in-progress. If you have thoughts, please send us an email at!

Pack Mule Levels

The pack mule is a sidekick class designed to allow advancement for mules as listed in the Monster Manual, though the GM can allow other beasts of burden to take levels in the class. It levels in accordance with the sidekick system as outlined in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, gaining levels as the average party level increases.

The pack mule's character level is equal to its Hit Dice plus its class level. For example, a mule has two Hit Dice (2d8+2), so a level 1 pack mule sidekick has three Hit Dice (3d8+3), a level 2 pack mule has four Hit Dice (4d8+4), and so on. A pack mule's total character level is equal to the average party level.

Bonus Proficiencies

1st level pack mule Feature

The pack mule gains proficiency in two of the following saving throws: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom.

The pack mule also gains proficiency in the following skills: Athletics, Stealth.

The pack mule gains proficiency with light, medium, and heavy barding. The cost for this barding is the same price it would be for a horse, four times the cost of the equivalent human armor.

The Pack Mule
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Bonus Proficiencies, Battle Mule
2nd +2 Cunning Action
3rd +2 Party Inventory, Equine Pace, Obscure Bloodline
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Consecrated Biochemistry
5th +3 Powerful Kick
6th +3 Ability Score Improvement
7th +3 Evasion, Hybrid Vigor (Resistance)
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Land's Stride
10th +4
11th +4 Ancestral Awakening
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5
14th +5 Ability Score Improvement
15th +5 Hybrid Vigor (Immunity)
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6
18th +6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6

Battle Mule

1st level pack mule Feature

A pack mule that is unburdened with a rider receives its own movement, action and reaction in combat, just like a player-character.

A cautious creature, the pack mule automatically spends its action to do one of the following defensive actions (or it can be freely commanded to take one of these actions).

• Dodge

• Dash

• Disengage

• Hide

As an action, an ally may command the pack mule to do one of the following:

• Attack

• Shove

• Other appropriate action (GM's discretion, based on intelligence and physiology)

The pack mule will take that action on its next turn though any ally may cancel that command for free.

On its next turn, the pack mule will resume defensive actions. It needs to be commanded each time it takes a non-defensive action.

Cunning Action

2nd level pack mule Feature

The pack mule’s agility or quick thinking allows it to act speedily. On its turn in combat, it can take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action as a bonus action. This functions as the pack mule’s other actions, and an ally may freely direct the mule on how to utilize this class feature.

Party Inventory

3rd level pack mule Feature

At 3rd level, the pack mule is so well trained that it instinctively moves into the optimal position to help its party fetch their items.

Any ally standing adjacent to the pack mule may retrieve, stow, and use items from the pack mule’s inventory as if the ally were carrying those items. This benefit extends to any bags the mule carries, like a Bag of Holding or a Handy Haversack

Equine Pace

3rd level Pack mule Feature

At 3rd level, the pack mule’s move speed increases by 20 feet.

Obscure Bloodline

3rd level Pack mule Feature

Sorcery and breeding have produced all manner of peculiarities: steeds that soar through the heavens and steeds that swim the depths and steeds more unusual than these. All horses and donkeys share some ancestry with these unusual creatures, and the pack mule manifests some vestiges of this ancient admixture. The players can choose the bloodline from when the pack mule is descended, or they can roll randomly for its lineage.

Roll Heritage Trait
1 Nightmare The pack mule’s coat turns coal black.
2 Unicorn The pack mule’s coat turns silver, and it grows a small horn from its forehead.
3 Pegasus The pack mule’s coat turns white and sprouts a few feathers.
4 Kirin The pack mule’s hide turns scaled and leathery.
5 Hippocampus The pack mule grows a small dorsal fin.
6 Dragon The pack mule’s hide becomes patched with fine scales.

This lineage grants the pack mule special features as it advances.

For pack mules that happen to have draconic lineage, the party may choose the lineage, or they may roll for it randomly.

Roll Heritage Elemental Affinity
1 Black Acid.
2 Blue Lightning.
3 Brass Fire.
4 Bronze Lightning.
5 Copper Acid.
6 Gold Fire.
7 Green Poison.
8 Red Fire.
9 Silver Cold.
10 White Cold.

Ability Score Improvement

4th level pack mule Feature

When the pack mule reaches 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, it can increase one ability score of its choice by 2, or it can increase two Ability Scores of its choice by 1. As normal, it can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Powerful Kick

5th level pack mule Feature

At 5th level, the pack mule learns how to channel its might into its kicks. Whenever the pack mule attacks with its hooves, it can make a shove attempt as a free action.


7th level pack mule Feature

Starting at 7th level, the pack mule can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area Effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or an Ice Storm spell. When It is subjected to an Effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.

Hybrid Vigor (Resistance)

7th level Pack mule Feature

The effects of crossbreeding sometimes result in offspring that carries forth the greatest merits of its parentage. In the pack mule, this manifests as an elemental resistance based upon its lineage.

Heritage Trait
Nightmare Fire resistance.
Unicorn Poison resistance.
Pegasus Radiant resistance.
Kirin Thunder and lightning resistance.
Hippocampus Cold resistance.
Dragon Resistance according to its elemental affinity.

Land’s Stride

9th level pack mule Feature

Starting at 9th level, moving through nonmagical Difficult Terrain costs the pack mule no extra Movement. The pack mule can also pass through nonmagical Plants without being slowed by them and without taking damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar hazard.

In addition, the pack mule has advantage on Saving Throws against Plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede Movement, such those created by the Entangle spell.

Ancestral Awakening

11th level pack mule Feature

At 11th level, the pack mule’s lineage fully manifests. The beast is fundamentally transformed in accordance with its ancestry.

Heritage Trait
Nightmare The pack mule’s hooves stream fire, and it gains a fly speed of 60 feet.
Unicorn The pack mule grows a gleaming horn and the ability to cast misty step. Once this ability used, the pack mule cannot use it again until it takes a short rest.
Pegasus The pack mule grows feathered wings, and it gains a fly speed of 60 feet.
Kirin The pack mule becomes supernaturally nimble and light. It can stride across any surface, including water and clouds, and its steps do not trample grass.
Hippocampus The pack mule sprouts gills and fins. It can breathe underwater and gains a swim speed of 60 feet.
Dragon The pack mule grows leathery wings, its breath steams with its elemental affinity, and it gains a fly speed of 60 feet.

Hybrid Vigor (Immunity)

15th level Pack mule Feature

At 15th level, the pack mule's existing resistance becomes immunity.


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System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.