
Created By

Cole Luther

Image Credits

Cover: Zergey Zabelin
Pg2: Choong Yeol Lee(with modifications)
Pg4: Alex Figini
Pg5: Artur Sadlos
Pg8: Thirty Three
Pg8: Edie Del Leo Design
Pg9: mrainbowwjMao
Pg10:Thomas J. Bergersen
Pg12: Dong Kyun Ryu
Pg13: NA
Pg13: Riot Games Inc.
Pg13: Zergey Zabelin
Pg14: Park Jong Won
Pg15: Karina Eibatova
Pg16: CCR Inc
Pg17: Hayley MacMillan



Welcome to the city of Jive Cloud! This is a setting of my own creation that I've spent more time on than any other D&D project. It is meant to explore the evolution of technology in a pretty traditional fantasy world.

There are a few other pdfs with more information on my setting that you can find here Google Drive. This setting includes new races, backgrounds, and all sorts of other pieces that will hopefully lead to a fun cyberpunkesque campaign for anyone wanting to use this setting.

If you are interested in using this setting please feel free! I would also love to hear stories or things like that too. You can reach me on reddit @awyrdreams.

A Note to my Players: This is a work of passion that I've really poured my all into. I want to bring to life a really interesting story and setting that we can all have an amazing time with. If you have any questions or ideas for things to add or change just message me and I can update this. All of this is subject to change and alteration but I'll let you know if I make any big changes.

Please enjoy Jive Cloud!


Starting the Campaign

There are going to be several rule, race, and class changes that are vitally important to this campaign. So let's go over what those are. Many of these new options are located in seperate pdfs. I have consolidated all of these pdfs here. Google Drive


Rules will usually be rules as intended RAI. However there are some key rule changes I'll be using.

Potions: Drinking potions is a bonus action instead of an action.

Skill Checks: Sometimes skills can feel like they belong to their ability stat and that simply shouldn't be the case. For example when you make a persuasion check you would use the charisma skill. Sometimes this hurts people playing to their character's strengths. As an example high intelligence character might try to persuade someone with a logical viewpoint. In this case I would use the INT ability mod + persuasion skill. Hopefully this rule really widens the use of skills for everyone.

Feats: We will be using all the feats avaiable. (Yes even luck.)

Crafting: Something I'm really excited about is my own custom crafting ruleset specifically made for Jive Cloud! It's called Modern Crafting and you can find it on the Jive Cloud google drive.

Races: Synthetic races play a huge part in Jive Cloud. I have created a brand new race for this setting known as the chattel. Also found on the google drive. I have made some changes to warforged which you can find further inside this guide.

Monstrous races will be generally treated as low lives and scum, just so you understand the implications of being in a city filled with racial turmoil.

You are allowed to pick any race but if you are interested in playing something else talk with me and we can make something custom to fit your needs.

UA Modern Magic: The unearthered arcana released an awesome pdf with new spells and class options that will be used in this camapign.

Firearms: Firearms exist in this world but they are not available to low level people. Firearms are a big deal in this setting and the way to craft them is unknown. There are less than 100 known firearms in the entire world. So firearms are not avaible as starting equiptment.

Vehicles: Vehicles do exist in the world of Jive Cloud. Even spaceships! However these vehicles are incredibly expensive and also are not starting equiptment.

Help my class isn't cyberpunk enough!: Some classes may not feel like they are flavored or mechanicly relevant enough for this technology based setting. Talk with me and I can work with you to make your class fit into this crazy world.

Connections: You all need connections to each others characters. This is a requirement you need to work out with each other and should be tied to character motivation and goals. Table Made By: Dyson Dodecahedron. These are mearly starting points to get your gears turning.

1d6 Connection
1 Siblings
2 Distant Cousins
3 Family Friends
4 Cousins who are equally likely to inherit
5 In love with the same person
6 Exiled
1d6 Connection
1 Friendly Rivals
2 Neighbours
3 Childhood Friends
4 Friend of a Friend
5 Former co-workers
6 Mentor & Student


1d6 Connection
1 Longtime adventuring companions
2 Reluctant Allies
3 Bound together by a sacred oath
4 Members of a guild
5 Traveled to town together
6 One is the brains, one is the brawn
1d6 Connection
1 The only survivors
2 The only two who know the secret
3 Members of a secret cult
4 Witnesses to an assassination
5 Each carries half of a treasure map inside the Tower
6 You keep them close because they know your secret
1d6 Connection
1 Brothers in arms
2 Mercenary and Employer
3 Fought in the militia together
4 Served opposite sides in the last war
5 A blood debt still needs to be repaid
6 Refugee & Helping Hand
1d6 Connection
1 Both carry an ancient curse
2 Trained together
3 Blessed through the same church
4 Servants of the same supernatural power
5 Dreamed you would meet each other
6 Linked together by a dark ritual

Character Creation

Let's go over how to make your character in this specific setting!


We will be rolling our stats, but it's going to be a bit different. You will roll 5d6 drop the 2 lowest. However you must start with an 8 in one of your stats. This will allow you to be pretty powerful while still giving your characters a weaker area. This is before adding racial traits.

Starting Level

Level 1. This will allow your characters to really grow all the way from the bottom.


It's important to understand that alignment in 5e is pretty irrelevant mechanically, and I don't want you to feel limited in making a nuanced character because of it. All alignments are available but you still need to be able to work together as a group. So please make characters that are willing to work with each other.

Evil is allowed but you can't be the I'm going to murder all babies kind of evil. I'm trusting you guys here to make characters that will unfold an interesting story.


Please type up a backstory that I can look over. This campaign is going to be very character driven so your backstories will be important and relevant. Please don't type more than 1 page. It shouldn't need to go longer than that, and if it does than you can probably cut it down.

Tips: Tie yourself to the world. Owe favors to bad people, have a family, be integrated in a community or organization. Have secrets too! Your characters should have real history that we can explore.

This guide will list most basic knowledge of Jive Cloud so hopefully there is something that interests you. If there isn't we can make something together.



The Tower

So you have decided to venture into The Tower? The path you have chosen is fraught with chaos, death, and powerful technology beyond comprehension. The Tower is an dangerous entity in itself, and after you enter your life will change forever.

Unknown Origin

The Tower is unlike any place ever seen. It seems ancient and foreign like it doesn't belong in this world. Historians from around the planet have examined it and it matches no known civilization or construction methods.

But maybe you will be the first to discover who built it, and why...

The Infinite Dungeon

The Tower is over 30 miles in diameter, and is so tall no one has ever seen the top. In fact no one is even sure there is a top. Several attempts have been made to take flying machines upwards to see how high it is, none have ever returned.


The dungeon is seperated into clear and distinct levels. This is allthe information the average adventurer would have.

At the entrance to each level is a teleportation circle that must be activated and if entered will bring you to the base of the tower. However there have been cases where the circles will send people to different places in The Tower as if they have a will of their own.

  • Level 0 A well explored area with mostly organic low difficulty beasts. It resembles a pretty normal forest. Some people even call this level home because of it's resemblance to the outside world including the Cult of the Elevated. However there are still constant threats of attack. Occasionally larger creatures will emerge and go on a rampage.
  • Level 1 The Entrance to level one is found in the very center of the forest. An elevator takes you up at which point you're greated by large dark hallways of rusted metal. It becomes a labrynth filled with traps, secret chambers, and unsettling automaton.
  • Level 2 A dark forest of mushrooms and cave systems only lit by bioluminescant fungi and lights from ancient machines.
  • Level 3 A brightly lit grassland with a beautiful blue sky and cool breeze. Don't let the serene appearance fool you dangerous machines and giant creature roam these hills. There is a race of secluded humanoids that live here but will attack if approached.
  • Level 4 The Crystal Caves.
  • Level 5 The Abandoned Jungle.
  • Level 6 The Hellpath
  • Level 7 The Misty Skyway.
  • Level 8 The Island.
  • Level 9 The Inverted Forest. No one is known to have ever been past this level and lived.


Magic artifacts of great power are the main reason this Tower has a city surrounding it. Adventurers bring these artifacts back to Jive Cloud which are either genrally kept by those who found them or sold to the highest bidder. Every item is required to be viewed by The Technomancer's College upon return according to the council.

Some of these artifatcts are powerful objects of great desire. And at higher levels they are more powerful.


Both organic and inorganic creatures call The Tower home. These creatures sometimes seem like they have specific purposes like guarding certain ruins or powerful artifacts. Some of these creatures are friendly, and some attack you on sight. It's hard to know, especially at higher levels how creatures will react to you.

Sentient creatures are rare at lower levels but as you go up they get both smarter and more dangerous. Evil monsters and abberations call this place home that will not hesitate to destroy whatever wanders into their territory.


Chapter 3: The City

Welcome to Jive Cloud the most advanced city in the entire world! It's filled with shady alleyways, buildings so tall they fade into the sky, and the opportunity for anyone to make it big. Have fun and remember, keep your head in the clouds!


The Founder

The tower was first discovered by an adventuring party searching for an ancient dungeon on an unexplored mountaintop. They found what they were looking for but it was more than they bargained for. The party was made up of 5 members 4 of which died in the first exploration of the tower.

Aizo Barley The only one who survived returned to the wizard who hired him. This led to the wizard's college mobilizing a signifigant number of people to begin examinining this new type of magic. Aizo led other adventuring parties to bring new tech and artifacts out of The Tower. As this continued it is reported that Aizo became more and more unhinged until one day he never returned.

The Wizards

The Wizard's College was the first organized group to arrive at the tower. They paid adventurers to bring them artifacts and began to discover what they were capable of. They set up an entirely new branch named The Technomancer's College.

The Gnomes

The gnomes had been dabbling in constructs and steam technology for centuries. When word arrived to gnomish cities many craftspeople and artificers left to uncover the secrets of this new form of technology.

The Prima Kingdom

The Tower was on the very border of the Prima. They
quickly took measures to set themselves in a seat of
power. The wizards had little objection to this as long
as their work remained unhindered. The gnomes
were more hesitant, but their favor was won over
by allowing several gnomish politicians onto the
royal council.

Several other kingdoms nearby were upset
by this early power grab and it quickly led
to squabbling.

The 1st Steel War

This squabbling between local kingdoms turned to full blown war. The sides were evenly matched and the war took a heavy toll on everyone. The gnomes had made recent advancements in their constructs and with the war dragging on a plan was put into action. A warforged army was created, and when they were deployed the tides of battle changed. The other kingdoms were crushed and conquered putting Prima as the true owners of The Tower.

The 2nd Steel War

Defeated but persistent the fallen kingdoms joined forces in secret and built their own army of warforged. This second war destroyed the Prima empire. But The Tower was too well defended, and the other kingdoms were unable to take it. It was during this war that the Prima king died with no heir and the council fled to The Tower where there was no king reinstated. The council ruled as the new governing body and the new city was named The Cloud. This was informally changed to Jive Cloud as jazz took over the cities culture. A huge section at the base of the mountain has turned to uninhabitable desert called the Scrapyard.



The Slums

The majority of the population lives here. The tight alleyways and thick crowds are rife with criminal activity, drugs, and corruption.


This is the main bar you'll be visiting while you're in the lower income areas. It's a small out of the way dive bar with some interesting characters.

  • Glitch She's the bartender and is a defective chattel. She constantly freezes up or skips parts of her sentances. Her original owner sold her to Leon.
  • Leon He owns the bar. He's a huge half-orc war veteran, with a heart of gold and a robotic arm.
  • Molli A fairy who is one of the regulars. She loves sugary alcohalic drinks and oftentimes has to be carried home.
  • Downspout A bubbly female chattel prostitute who comes in regularly to take breaks and chit chat. She always flirts, with everyone.
  • Henry Shaw A human male Mono Corp. office worker who comes here after a long day of work.
  • Crunch A kenku bard who sings at the bar. He doesn't get paid but he seems to enjoy it.

Bad Beat

A local speakeasy that is clearly a front for the Syndacate. This is where more unsavory people tend to spend their time.

  • Mike The minotaur bouncer. He's nicer than he looks.
  • Frobs Mcgobs The goblin bartender. He's as sleazy as it gets.
  • Smooth as Silk A tabaxi tablerunner who wears a finely tailored silk suit and purple fedora. He's got fast hands.

The Vend

This is the market for the slums. It's filled with scam artists, pickpockets, thieves, and black market dealers. You can find just about anything here, but there's a no money back gaurentee.

The Church of Cirvina

The technology god is new to the world and has very few followers.

  • Bweep Warforged cleric of Cirvina Only able to speak in machine basic his preachings don't reach many organic beings.

The Slimeway

The sewers of Jive Cloud are filled with mystery, crime, and monstrous creatures. It's even said that a buried city is under the slimeway long forgotten by all those except denizens of the dark.


Jive Cloud's downtown is home to many businesses and industries that keep Jive Cloud running and citizens happy.


The biggest jazz club around. It is where some of the most famous jazz musicians got their start.


A more calm and relaxed place with dim lighting and good food.


Mono is the corporation that has applied technology into everyday life. Screens, communication, neon lights. Sure the wizards figured it out but Mono applies it.

The Ring

Preforming arts has found it's place in the heart of Jive Cloud. Freak shows, magic preformance, new machines from the tower all in a low lit atmosphere with a long mustached showman make this a popular destination for entertainment.



The uptown is literally above downtown and is a complex system of glass bridges. This is where you go to spend big amounts of money. Which include things like idol concerts, high class bars, and fancy shops.

Prima Hall

Hologram preformers, the highest class jazz musicians, and the most flashy dancers all show here regularly.


The only movie theater in all of Jive Cloud. With the advent of screen technology the last few years have had several breakthroughs including audio and visual recording. The film industry is just starting and it's run by Mono.

The Salon

This is a government sponsered art gallery. It also is home to a small art academy. However art must be rigurously approved and if it doesn't meet proper stardards is not allowed in.


The highest quality restraunt in Jive Cloud. Magical food creation is not only common but taken to it's extremes.

The Top

Scenic rivers and large trees make up the most wealthy residental district in Jive Cloud. Huge glass buildings make up the homes of the most proflific people. This includes CEOs, high level government officials, and nobles from other kingdoms.

The Gates

This area holds The Tower. Special clearance is required to get into the very heart of Jive Cloud. This was the first place that was settled and is home to the Council, Virtuosos, the Tower Tavern, wizards and the gnomes.



Jive cloud's groups all interact and conflict like a complex and poorly made machine. Corruption, murder, and intrigue are all common occurances.

The Government

  • The Council The Council is made up of 7 seperate members all of whom are anonymous. They wear grey robes with a glowing mask where the face should be. After the death of the Prima kingdom the council took it upon themselves to lead Jive Cloud. Some people are called upon by the council to accomplish tasks and missions that are of the utmost secrecy.

  • Ghosts The council's supposed team of assassins and spys. They are rumoured to be chattel custom built for the job but no one knows if they are even real.

  • The Enforcers The Enforcers act as Jive Cloud's police force and criminal prosecution. Corruption and red tape make working as an enforcer a tough job for someone actually trying to uphold the law to the fullest extent. Enforcer's are looked at negetaively by almost everyone in the slums, people always have a story about some sort of extortion or use of unneccesary force. A bribe is usually all it takes to get an Enforcer to look the other way.

The Syndicate

The biggest criminal organization in all of Jive Cloud. If there's money in it you can gaurantee that the Syndicate is part of it. The Family runs it but the entire group is split up into CMYK.

  • The Family When Jive Cloud was first founded it was less organized and many different groups tried to exploit this. A thieves guild was founded and through a coniving power struggle the Family took over. They are all goblins and in Jive Cloud a goblin isn't the worst thing you can be.
  • Cyan Leaders and organizers.
  • Magenta Muscle.
  • Yellow Money managers and business owners.
  • Key Sneak thieves, spys and assassins.

The Bard's College

Bards have throughout history been important for telling stories and preforming powerful music. Jive Cloud is in the midst of a jazz explosion caused by bards creating a new style of music and mixing new technology in their compositions.

The Suits

  • Damien the Diamond Human trumpet player. One of the key jazz players who helped the style evolve into what it is.
  • Jezebel the Heart Chattel diskspinner. She is the most technologically developed musician ever.
  • Miles the Spade Bugbear pianist. Most people would think his huge fingers would make piano hard but with his crazy off the cuff style it works to his advantage.
  • Klub the Club Half-elf basist. She lays the best beat that makes you want to dance, whether you want to or not.


The Technomancer College

This wizard's college was one of the first establishments in Jive Cloud. The college is actually fairly secluded from the city through some mountainous areas. It overlooks the neon-lit expanse below. The college acts as it's own small magical village. It looks very traditional and is still built from stone.

  • The Archmage Elro Aivara. A several hundred year old elf with a bend towards the traditional. He uses no technology personally and has not allowed technology into the college other than for research purposes. Many students argue as to why he's so anti-tech but no one knows for sure.

The Ward

In the middle of the technomancer's college is a mini town called the ward. Quite a few professors and magic shop owners call this place their home. Many students will hang out at the ward between classes.

The Gnome Consulent

The gnomes act as R&D for Jive Cloud. They apply new magical discoveries into fundamental and utilitarian inventions. This is where gnomes thrive and any gnome is welcome to stay at the consulent.

  • Pip Ronpip The defacto lead researcher at the consulent. His legs no longer work but he flies around on a whirling wheelchair. Normally robotic limbs are common but for some reason his body rejected them.

The Tower Tavern

This is an adventurer's guild but honestly it's more of a tavern where people stop for a drink and to share their tales. Many adventurers will spend the night here before entering the tower never to be seen again.

The Virtual Forge

A place where adventurers can break down magic items and craft new ones.

  • Thoggol Irontooth: Male Dwarf.

  • Mad Molineux: Female Human Wizard.

  • Peggy: Female Goblin Seamtress.

  • Addle3006: Warforged Carpenter.



    Religion has shifted rapidly along with the changing times. Many still find comfort in it, others reject it entirely.

Cult of the Elevated

For many The Tower has taken the place of a god. The Elevated follow a docturine of technological acceptance and worship. For many this takes shape in the awakening of psyonic ability through cybernetic implants and drug use. These implants usually involve replacing parts of themselves with machines. This is one of the only places where chattel are not looked down on but are instead considered children of the tower.


The god of technology has taken it's place in the world. Mechanus now faces a rival of divine proportion. There is a church in the slums dedicated to the fledgling god. Some say Cirvina created the tower, and some think the tower created her.

Cirvina is often depicted as a female bodied floating humanoid with a head wildly shaped in complex interlocking machinery. Her holy symbol is a series of circles that look like connected gears.


What Life Looks Like


The Council has put together a tight and strict set of laws. Generally these laws line up with what is to be expected, do not kill, steal, deal drugs, or commit acts of evil. However these laws are enforced on a case by case basis. Many enforcers can be bribed fairly easily for low level crimes.

Depending on the location disputes are handled differently. The slums are generally neglected and if a fight were to break out you shouldn't expect an enforcer to put a stop to it. And the higher you go the more active law enforcement becomes.


For the most part language hasn't changed. But a new one has formed thanks to the commonality of synthetic races and the neccesity for programmers.

  • Machine Basic This is a language that is used by robots, computers, and sythetic races.

  • Tower There is a language occasionally seen throughout the tower. It has never been deciphered.


Transportation has had huge advancements made.

  • The Rails Coming up with a way to move not only food from lower in the mountains but also people was a difficult problem. The gnomes found a way to power a rails system similar to the one from their homeland but more powerful. Now public transport makes people's lives much easier.
  • Hover Vehicles Floating magic vehicles can move faster than just about any horse and don't tire or become overworked.

  • Automoton Some machines have been removed from the tower and through a process called breaking are made into obidient beasts of burden. These can be seen pulling carts or carridges. They also do the bulk of construction so many simple labor jobs aren't needed. This leads to unemployment, so many people in the slums resent these creatures.

  • Spaceships The very first Spaceships have been made and are only owned by the most extremely rich. Space still has only been explored a few times and very little is understood beyond the planet's atmosphere.

Vehicles Capacity Cost Movement
Automoton Mount 1 3,000gp 60ft
Hover Bike 2 10,000gp 120ft
Hover Car 4 20.000gp 120ft
Hover Ship 10 40,000gp 180ft
Space Ship 30 500,000gp F.T.L.


Drugs are used by many people, either to get through hard times or escape their misfortune drugs are a common part of Jive Cloud culture.

  • Spark It is a syringe of magical electricity. When injected into an organic creature it stimulates the central nervous system and leads to a euphoric effect. When used on synthetics though it puts them into overdrive and they think at a much faster rate. Regardless of your race the drug leads to negative side effects such as: shaking, lack of focus, headaches, aggression. People who are hooked on spark are called sparkheads or sparkies.

    If organic gain advantage on all charisma checks. If synthetic gain an extra action. This effect lasts for 1 minute. After use take 1 point of exhaustion. Roll a 1d6, on a 1-3 this point of ehaustion is permanent until you use spark again or remove the affliction some other way.

  • Psi A rare drug that occasionally awakens psionic abilities in people. Some people cannot handle it and overdose leading to seizures and usually death.

    When using this drug make a wisdom saving throw DC 12. On a success you can read the surface thoughts of one nearby creature, this effect is permanent. If you fail you instantly go to 0 health. When in this state you cannot be revived by any means except the wish spell until naturally making your death saving throws.


Crystals of power are broken down in powerplants. These produce more than enough power for the city but they have to be found by adventurers in The Tower. The Council is always looking for more of them.



Race is extremely important to how your character will interact with Jive Cloud. A brand new race is included in this setting along with some alterations to current ones.


Something unknown tugs at the core of the Chattel. Some kind of shared desire that pushes them forward to keep living their lives day by day. Maybe they just desire their freedom from those who created them. Maybe it's a piece of magic that stirs their artificial hearts left over from the ancient designs used to create them.

Regardless of the lack of emotion certain Chattel may express, they have burning passion inside of them. This leads to many finding ways to express themselves, some as painters, jazz musicians, or even adventurers.

The chattel race can be found on the Google Drive


The warforged were made as the ideal soldiers to serve in the devastating Steel Wars. Although they are constructs, they have much in common with living creatures. They are more crude and unrefined than chattel.

As a warforged, you have the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 1 and Constitution score increase by 2.

Size. Warforged are generally broader and heavier than humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Composite Plating. Your construction incorporates wood and metal, granting you a +1 bonus to Armor Class.

Mechanical Resistance. You have resistance to poison damage.

Living Construct. Even though you were constructed, you are a living creature. You are immune to biological disease. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, machine basic, and one other language of your choice.



Jive Cloud brings a large new set of occupations and groups to belong to. These backgrounds should help your character fit further into the world. Many organizations are already covered under current backgrounds so check the Player's Handbook as well.


You are a member of the Jive Cloud police force. You could be a guard, or possibly a detective. You are in a powerful and organized group that has the support of the Council to enforce the law to the neccisary extent.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Intimidation

Tool Proficiencies: Vehicle

Languages: 1 of your choice

Equiptment: Taser sword (1d4 slashing 1d4 Electric), Enforcer light armor (same as studded), handcuffs, enforcer badge, 20gp


As an enforcer you can arrest people commiting crimes, or extort them. You can also get away with bending the rules to an extent. You can expect on-duty enforcers to look the other way if you're involved in something unsavory.


With the advent of technology and programming you have found ways to break or change code and bend it to your whim.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Arcana

Tool Proficiencies:Hacking tools, thieves tools

Languages: Machine basic, and one of your choice

Equiptment: Hacking tools, crowbar, dark clothes, 10gp, hacking tools, theives tools


You can decipher technological weakpoints in order to infiltrate and hack into their systems. If you've hacked into it before you can so again much more easily.

Thanks for Reading!