The world born dead

Join the Ultimate Battle between Life and Undeath

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the world born dead




ATROPUS, THE WORLD BORN DEAD, IS the shame of the Gods. A cast off failure of their early creations, a mistake which fills them with not just shame, but fear. It is a sentient planet of undeath, inhabited by all manner of undead. This entity of God-like power floats through the vast cosmic dark, now approaching Toril. The purpose of this being is to end all life in multiverse, to end existence, leaving only the mindless undead to wander until they too become dust. But why approach Toril now after aeons of drifting in dormancy through space? What or who has awakened this malevolent force? Sixteen years ago, a necromancer named Buhmal, who was a disciple of the lich Acererak, began searching for a way to summon Atropus. Fourteen years ago, he obtained a copy of the Book of Vile Darkness, which contained a spell that could awaken and summon Atropus, “Apocalypse from the Sky”. Buhmal was able to cast the spell to call Atropus from across the vastness of the cosmos eleven years ago. There was no way to know if the spell had worked until now. Approximately three months ago the consistent reports of the dead rising could no longer be ignored as random. The followers of Buhmal believe Atropus heard the call and is approaching. The rest Faerun is freightened, uncertain of what malevolent force is behind this plague of undeath.

Story Overview

Buhmal was a follower of the evil archlich, Acerarak. He helped prepare the Tomb of the Nine Gods. It was in building this dungeon that he, among others, aided the lich in the creation of the Soulmonger. A device that was used to nourish a creature Acererak found on the negative energy plane, an atropal. Buhmal became fascinated with the creature, desiring to understand what it truly was, how to came into being, and what its existence could mean. When a group of adventurers braved the Tomb of the Nine Gods, destroyed the Soulmonger, killed the atropal, and destroyed Acererak, sending him back to his phylactery somewhere lost in the vast cosmos, Buhmal hid in the tomb rejoicing in the defeat of his master. Amidst the chaos of Acererak’s defeat and the victory of the adventurers’, he took what he could that remained of the slayed atropal, including its umbilical cord, and began his studies into the nature of this being. He recalled vague statements made by Acererak regarding the creature. On one of his journeys through the cosmos, Acererak stumbled upon an atropal which he brought it to Toril, ensconced it in the cradle of his tomb, and began feeding it necromantic energy, hoping to transform it into a deity: one able to claim dominion over death. Unleashed on Toril, the newborn death god would glut itself on life until none, but the dead walked the world. He discovered an atropal is a ghastly, a cast-off piece of detritus of some “evil god,” cast adrift and abandoned long ago. Since an atropal was never truly alive, it could not be raised from the dead or resurrected by any means. Even divine intervention could not breathe true life into this hateful, miserable horror. This “evil god” is Atropus. Buhmal experimented with the remains of the ghastly creature and made a remarkable discovery. The umbilical cord of the atropal, he found, was tethered to the negative energy plane. He devised a means of strengthening the link between the planes and began reanimating the dead to send messages into this world of undeath. The visions intensified, granting Buhmal a unique understanding of not only the creature with whom he had become so fascinated, but much more. He was shown distant events in the cosmos and throughout time. The creation of the Gods, the creation of life itself, and how the very Gods responsible for existence betrayed and abandoned their own creations. He went mad with a deep hate he could not explain. The visions became so powerful that he became aware of a dark presence beyond the stars. In time, Buhmal made a connection that was even unknown to Acererak. Atropus was not a myth. But dwelt in the vast cosmos. And that the atropal was a piece of “The World Born Dead” cast off. Atropus did not wish to be a God, or have its child ascend to Godhood. Acererak’s hope for the atropal was folley. Atropus was caught a perpetual state of hatred, rage, abandonment, and sought to end all life, even that of the Gods. Once all life ceased to exist; Atropus too would finally be unmade. Leaving only the mindless undead to wander throughout the cosmos until degrading into nothing. Nothing would remain but vast emptiness into eternity.

Book of Vile Darkness




High Visionary of the Order of the Dark Star, seen here in possession of a copy of the Book of Vile Darkness




Buhmal now saw his true purpose, to bring about the end of all things through awakening Atropus. Toril would just be the beginning. Atropus was the restorative force of death, of un-life, the end of creation. Nearly all that he had ever known promoted the continuance of life, and now he sought to bring balance, to assist Atropus in bringing the end. The existence of Buhaml went unnoticed by Atropus. As the Godlike creature thought nothing of Buhmal. Yet Buhmal used his connection to the negative energy plane, that which he learned from Acererak, and his visions (which were the dreams of a dormant Atropus), to devise a mean to awaken Atropus and summon it to Toril. The Book of Vile Darkness. Why and when had Atropus gone dormant? For milennia, perhaps the being became lost in a hatred for life beyond comprehension that it did not take notice of the passage of time. But soon to be no longer. In time Buhmal gathered followers who believed his vision, forming the The Order of the Dark Star. With their aid, he sought to obtain a copy of the Book of Vile Darkness, which contained a spell to awaken and summon Atropus. He eventually succeeded in obtaining the book fourteen years ago, and used a summoning spell “Apocalypse from the Sky” eleven years ago. There was no way to know if the spell had worked until now. Over three months ago the consistent reports of dead rising could no longer be ignored as a coincidence. They now believe Atropus heard the call and is approaching.

What is Atropus?

Every sentient mortal race and culture has some explanation for its existence, some story or myth to describe the creation of the world and the birth of the ancestors. Since it is a rare case when two myths are identical, scholars of the subject sift through the rhetoric for commonalities believed to be present in all legends. Complications arise due to regional variations, translation errors, and the simple scarcity of reliable sources, all making the process of divining the roots of creation a daunting task. Certain scholars have made breakthroughs by comparing dwarf creation myths, the oral tradition of the gray elves, and the collected writings of the lich Acererak, recovered from a strange tower deep in the Plane of Shadow. It has also been inked into the pages of The Book of Vile Darkness by dark wizards and necormancers througout the centuries. The accounts are disturbing, pointing to some primeval mishap — a horrible divine accident leading to the creation of something called the World Born Dead. According to the writings, creation was the result of a “prime mover.” This being’s identity varies with the particular story. Most scholars agree this entity must be the force behind the gods springing forth into existence from the primeval void. This force, idea, or being is called Atropus.


Few live who know of such myths. What little is known of Atropus incites fear. Some theologians believe the appearance of these divine agencies came with a dreadful price. In order for them to take shape, there must have been a sacrifice: For life to exist, there must be death. Atropus must have caused its own death and in that sense became the afterbirth of creation, the wasted materials left over from the formation of the gods. Furthermore, since the gods are living beings, and since life relies upon energy gained from the Positive Energy Plane, Atropus must be their inversion: death incarnate, drawing its own power, such as it is, from the Negative Energy Plane. Little remains of the prime mover that made the supreme sacrifice, nothing more than a decaying, disembodied head, leaving in its wake cast-off necromantic detritus that floats through the void. An undead planet of destruction now drifting through the vast cosmic dark. Perhaps atropals — the stillborn gods — take their shape from these cast-off bits. Atropus is bound to unmake living things, to absorb their souls in an orgy of violence. Its touch is terrifying to witness, as countless barren worlds crawling with restless dead mutely testify.


Atropus saps life from worlds it encounters, draining away energy as it draws ever closer to a planet. Once it comes near enough to a planet’s gravity, the celestial body that is the elder evil enters a descending orbit, sweeping closer and closer and looming larger and larger in the night skies. The effects are terrifying. As the moonlet nears a planet’s surface, the dead rise from their graves and, as Atropus fills the night sky, the twitching undead spread like a stain until nothing living remains. Atropus is self-aware, but not as mortals can conceive. Its memory extends back to the one moment when it brought forth the gods, and it has lamented this decision for all time. Stripped of its incredible power, it would undo its sacrifice. To this end, Atropus devours life energy to replace what it gave. Into this sucking vacuum, it draws positive energy from those planets it encounters, but the negative energy constituting its existence instantly negates any life energy it takes. Atropus knows this. It suspects that the instant all life is swept from the Material Plane, the gods must cease to be and, with their annihilation, so too will it find its own end. His cults say that he is the creator of the universe, but that he now regrets his choice, and seeks to claim the gift of life back, and leave only the undead in its place. But these are theories and suspicions. The unsettling truth is that no scholar who knows about these beliefs can disprove it. They may deny it, but the truth is a grim reality possiblity… that te greatest god of them all is an enemy of the world, and all life on it.




Atropus is as much a place as it is a being. It is a small moonlet, a planetoid sized undead, spinning through the void, waiting to be ensnared by the pull of the planets it nears. To those on the surface of the chosen world, the elder evil appears as a speck in the sky. At night it is almost invisible, blending in with the darkness, but during twilight and dawn, it looks like a moving pinhole of darkness. As it draws closer and its sign intensifies, it grows, expanding from a tiny dot to a small disk until it dominates the sky. Pitted and slick with the black slime of the putrid amniotic fluid of its birth, it hangs above, always drifting away from the light of the sun and lurking overhead when the sun has fled. It has the appearance of a huge chunk of black stone, but from certain angles, it looks like a great hairless head, black eyes glassy… soulless. Atropus has no comprehensible personality and no inclinations other than craving the destruction of all living things. This rock is not uninhabited: Undead conjured from the darkest nightmares infest it. These horrors claim the craters for themselves, flitting through the shadows, ravenous for the energy of the living. The master of them all is the focus, an extension of Atropus’s will. The focus is a headless, human-shaped creature with flesh fossilized during Atropus’s endless roaming through the cosmos. Its foul body shares the same hideous coating that wells up from the vents and fissures on the moonlet’s surface.

Adventure Summary

The player characters must find a way to stop, divert or destroy Atropus, but it is not known at the beginning of this campaign that Atropus is the true threat. This is a time senstive adventure, with events that periodically occur the closer that Atropus approaches. Player characters therefore must make choices with regards to how to use their time, but maybe not initially realize the imminent doom to Faerun. In essence, it is a race against the clock. Once Atropus collides with Faerun the campaign will immediately end in the death of the planet. Determining the nature of the rising necromantic powers and increased undead activity will consume a large part of this adventure. Player characters must manage politics, false leads, deception fearmonger, vampires, dragons, wizards, and religion to to discern the truth. Once they learn the truth, they still have the ominous threat of Atropus to solve. This story begins with the makings of a zombie survival adventure, but in reality is so much more. It is a battle for all life in the multiverse. It is banding together with with all that live to face an undead threat of apocalyptic proportions. Adventures must band together to solve a cosmic threat of god-like power…

They must stop Atropus, the World Born Dead



Atropus Approaches

As Atropus draws near, there is in increase in necromantic magic, and a spontaneous creation of the undead occurs. Atropus dwells in the emptiness between worlds. As it drifts, it casts out with its senses, sampling the emptiness for signs of life or its summoning. Once it detects a living thing or has been summoned, it moves toward the source. Since it is such a distant threat, you can assume the elder evil has been around for as long as your campaign setting has existed and has been traveling toward your world for any number of years. Once Atropus takes an interest in your world, place it in the heavens. It is indistinguishable from the other celestial bodies at the start, and as it comes closer it reveals its sinister character to coincide with the intensifying sign. Atropus’s presence in the sky causes the dead to rise from their graves. There are various events that occur as Atropus approaches:


Campaign beginning. 25% of the time necromancy spells are cast at +1 caster level. Whenever a living creature dies, there is a 20% chance exists that it will spontaneously rise as a zombie in 1d4 rounds. Atropus is just another indistinguishable spec in the sky. No undead can be controlled or turned.


Necromancy spells and spell-like abilities are cast at +1 caster level. Whenever a living creature dies, a 25% chance exists that it will spontaneously rise as a zombie in 1d4 rounds. Atropus is a dark spec from the Celestial Observatory. Does not even stand out other than that it is new, which may not even be appreciated upon looking, as it is so miniscule. Could readily be explained by other means. Likely not noticed.


As faint, but the chance of spontaneous animation increases to 40%. Necromancy spells at +2 caster level. In addition, the entire campaign setting is affected as if by a desecrate spell. Casting consecrate removes this effect in the spell’s area until its duration expires. The dark spec grow, it is clearly some sort of planetary body but it is difficult to say what. They would not be alarmed, but very intrigued. Again, no association to Atropus would be noted, or to the rising dead. But this would be unmistakably be an object that is new, and is getting closer. Could be a comet, a star, a planet out of alignment.


As moderate, but the chance of spontaneous animation increases to 80%. Even creatures that died before this sign manifested begin to rise as skeletons or zombies, depending on the condition of their corpses. In addition, the campaign setting is affected as if by an unhallow spell. Casting hallow removes this effect in the spell’s area. All healing and restoration spells and similar spell-like abilities are impeded, meaning that a caster must succeed on a check using their primary spellcasting attribute (DC 20 + the level of the spell) or lose the spell or spell slot without effect. The dark spec can be seen with the naked eye. And it has been tracked. At this point, it is clearly coming towards Toril. The hour would be late indeed if only noticed now. At this juncture, it should be suspected this object has an influence over the rising dead.


As strong, but any creature that dies automatically rises as a zombie 1 round after death. Previously dead creatures automatically animate as skeletons or zombies. All undead creatures gain an extra 2 hit points per Hit Die. In addition, they gain turn resistance equal to one-quarter of their Hit Die total (1–7 HD grants +1 turn resistance, 8–15 HD grants +2, 16–23 HD grants +3, and so on). This bonus stacks with any turn resistance a creature already possesses.

The End is Nigh

As Overwhelming, but now visibly looking upon Atropus causes intense fear, drear, and the sense of impending doom. Each day at dawn each character must make a wisdom saving throw or be inflicted with a deep emptiness, suffering one point of exhaustion. This represents a sense that the world, that all existence, is coming to a wicked and torturous end, and they are beginning to lose hope. Eventually, they will lose the will to live, and give themselves over to Atropus. Such characters fall dead and reanimated as described above. Acts of great heroism done by the PC, a NPC, that are witnessed can reverse a such exhaustion as can traditional means.

Time is of the Essence

As this adventure progresses events take place independent of character action. Thus, each choice they make matters. There is only so much time before the undead overwhelm the living. Each day, each moment, is precious. Early in the campagin the the characters should become aware that the necromantic energy and its effects are increasing. This should prompt the players to realize that time is indeed of the essence. You can hint or make them aware this is a timed campaign. You might even consider doing this before they begin.

How could the adventurers defeat such an overwhelming foe?
Potential Strategies to Defeat Atropus
1 - Find and utilize a legendary artifact
2 - Travel to Atropus and destroy its aspect
3 - Cause the planet to divert from Toril by some means
4 - Use of powerful technologies or magic to address the crisis
5 - Other creative and sensible plans to prevent annihilation





Welcome to the world of Innuviel, an island amidst the Trackless Sea off the coast of Chult. This realm, once serene and prosperous, is now plagued by an unsettling undead blight. The verdant landscapes and sprawling cities are now shrouded in the darkness of a growing dread. In this land, disparate conflicts converge, threatening the very balance of life. A mysterious force has disturbed the natural order, beseeching the undead to snuff out the living. Villagers quiver in fear, travelers vanish without a trace, and whispers of ancient curses echo through the woods. Saint Apiz, a revered figure in the Church of Ilmater, stands as a beacon of hope amidst this chaos. He desperately calls upon adventurers, recognizing their unique talents and diverse backgrounds, to join forces and investigate this sinister phenomenon.

As adventurers, you embark on a quest where your paths join to face the escalating undead crisis. Each character brings a personal story, be it seeking redemption, unearthing forgotten legacies, pursuing wealth, or striving to protect the sacred. Alongside a myriad of companions and unlikely allies, you will traverse the lush landscapes, haunted ruins, and once bustling marketplaces of Innuviel, including its majestic capital city, Dahlaana. Your journey will not merely be about thwarting the undead; it’s an exploration of the human condition amidst adversity, finding connection in the face wickedness, making sacrifices, and uncovering the roots of a malevolent force threatening all life.

Prepare yourselves to engage in diplomacy, combat foul enemies, solve intricate puzzles, and face moral dilemmas. Your actions will impact not just Innuviel, but all of Faerun. Your actions and choices will determine whether darkness prevails or if the light of hope can overcome the encroaching shadow of undeath. The beautiful island of Innuviel awaits your help… make haste!




THE SWORD COAST TREMBLES WITH unsettling news from amidst the bustling Tackless Sea. Rumors and whispers stir as shadows gather in the mind of all living within the region. The once peaceful island of Innuviel, a thriving destination off the coast of Chult, beyond the Mother-of-Mists, now faces a creeping menace that threatens the very fabric of civilization, that threatens life itself. Over the past several months increasingly dire warnings have been issued from the island’s largest city, Dahlaana. Per the reports, it began with a unexpected zombie, nothing particularly out of the ordinary or concerning. But before long there was another, then ten, then twenty, then fifty. And now more appear each day. But perhaps the most foreboding news is this: the unprecedented uprising of the undead is born of an unknown origin, leaving a wake of fear and uncertainty in the hearts of its citizens.

The tale of unfolding dread in the distant land of Innuviel has captured your attention. Each of you, diverse in your origins, aspirations, and pasts, has embarked on a voyage to the coastal city of Dahlaana, drawn by your own quests and destinies. After weeks of travel, you board the final ship that will take your destination. As the vessel cuts through the shimmering waves of the sea, a whispered unease lingers in the air. The island of Innuviel, known for its serene beauty and lush landscapes, has been besieged by a malevolent force. The magnificent sight from aboard the ship as your sail towards the port of Dahlaana is clouded by

that disturbing reality. How can this be happening here? The once prosperous villages across the shoreline now stand as haunted husks, their tranquility shattered by the chilling presence of the undead.

But during this tumultuous time, a figure of faith has emerged. The venerable Saint Apiz, a beacon of hope and compassion. He is a devoted servant of Ilmater, the Crying God, whose teachings center on endurance, suffering, and self-sacrifice. Saint Apiz stands as a steadfast guardian, marshaling all his conviction and divine guidance against the encroaching darkness. Saint Apiz’s faith in Ilmater imbues him with an unwavering dedication to alleviating the suffering of others, especially in these trying times. His presence inspires resilience amid the encroaching shadow of the undead menace. He has sent forth a call to valiant souls, seeking brave adventurers willing to aid in uncovering the veil of darkness that shrouds Innuviel.

After many days at sea since departing from Chult, you approach your destination. As the mid-day light spills over the horizon, the distant silhouette of Dahlaana beckons, seemingly unchanged despite the hidden affliction gripping the land. With the whisper of winds and the sway of waves, your journey nears its beginning. From the ship deck with just hours until docking, you sense the weight of the unseen horrors. Yet despite this, you are inspired by the devout fervor of Saint Apiz, the yearning for discovery, and the resolve within your hearts. Welcome to Innuviel, where an unfathomable darkness gathers, where your destinies converge, and where the ultimate battle of life against undeath unfolds.




Far off the western coast of the Chultan Peninsula, beyond the enigmatic Mother-of-Mists Isle, lies the alluring and mystical island of Innuviel. This hidden gem in the Trackless Sea holds an aura of enchantment and mystery, beckoning adventurers and scholars alike to explore its verdant shores.

Geography and Climate

Innuviel is a place of breathtaking natural beauty. Lush, emerald forests give way to pristine beaches, their sands kissed by the cerulean waves of the Trackless Sea. Towering cliffs, crowned with vibrant, tropical flora, guard the island’s secrets from prying eyes. Waterfalls cascade down these cliffs, feeding crystal-clear pools that shimmer with an otherworldly luminescence. The island enjoys a temperate climate, with gentle sea breezes carrying the scents of exotic blossoms through the air. The temperature typically oscillating between a comfortable warmth and tolerable cold throughout the year. However, Innuviel is known for its unpredictable weather. It is said that the island itself holds sway over the elements, with storms and calms appearing as if guided by some unseen hand.

Fauna and Flora

Innuviel boasts a diverse array of magical flora and fauna. Gigantic, luminescent mushrooms dot the forest floor, their radiant glow providing an ethereal illumination at night. Ancient trees, adorned with cascading vines and vibrant blossoms, stand sentinel over the landscape. The island is home to creatures both wondrous and beautiful. Tropical songbirds fill the air with melodies that can soothe even the most troubled heart. “Crystal” stags, their antlers made a shimmering material of great beauty and value, move gracefully through the woods. And an elusive race of lizardfolk known as the Sirassi are rarely seen darting in and out of shadows. These beings are some of the original inhabitants of Innuviel, yet are on the brink of extinction since the expansion of civilzation onto island centures ago.

A History of Sacrifice and Reverence

Approximately four hundred year ago, a group of intrepid merchants hailing from the bustling ports of Chult began a perilous voyage across into uncharted waters. They set sail island from the westernmost end of the Chultan peninsula, beyond the Mother-of-Mists, and venutred deep into the south west region of the Trackless Sea. Fueled by a spirit of exploration and the promise of untold riches, they braved treacherous waters and uncharted territories. Their ships, laden with exotic wares and dreams of prosperity, sailed forth into the unknown. These pioneers possessed a tenacity that was emblematic of their homeland. Raised in the heart of Chult’s vibrant trade culture, they were well-versed in the arts of negotiation and commerce. However, they were also no strangers to adversity, having faced the dangers of the jungles and the perils of the sea in their previous ventures. The journey was arduous with significant loss. The ships were forced to turn back to Chult on multiple instances before succeeding in their mission. After nearly a decade of venturing at sea, their determination returned a great reward. They discovered a beautiful island of temperate forrests, white sand beaches, untold natural resources, and a stunning array of valuable gems.

Upon arriving at Innuviel, the merchants were struck by the island’s breathtaking beauty and a deep appreciation for all the sacrifices that have been made to reach their. More now then ever, they felt a deep sense of reverence for the natural world, life and sacrifice, a sentiment that resonated with the teachings of Ilmater, the Crying God. Ilmater, known as the god of endurance and suffering, had a presence in Chult, though it was not as prominent as other deities. The settler were quick to recognize parallels between their newfound sanctuary and the ideals of Ilmater, particularly the reverence for life, compassion, the sanctity of nature, and the value of giving more than one can for the greater good. Embracing the losses amidst the fortune of their discovery, the merchants began to weave the teachings of Ilmater into the fabric of their new society. And thus they named the island Innuviel, who was a devout cleric of Ilmater on Chult known for her many sacrifices to aid those in need. The settlers went on to establish shrines amidst the ancient trees and along the shores, inviting all to to partake in a faith that celebrated the interconnectedness of all living things. The faith in Ilmater quickly took root, intertwining with the island’s beauty to become a reverence for nature. The settlers came to view the Crying God as a protector of their sanctuary, a deity who shared their love for the land and all its inhabitants, and recognized sacrifice as a necessary part of life.

Ilmater, The Crying God



The merchants’ legacy endures in the culture of Innuviel to this day. The teachings of Ilmater have become an integral part of the islanders’ way of life, informing their relationships with the natural world and with one another. The shrines established by the merchants have evolved into sacred groves, where ceremonies and rituals are held to honor the Crying God and seek his guidance. A great temple, the Church of Ilmater, is the centerpiece of the largest city on island. There are healing services generously given across the island, particulary at the temple. Beings from across Faerun venture to the church’s House of Healing for treatent of terrible afflictions and ailments with seemingly no cure or relief. Visitors to Innuviel may also find solace in the groves and shrines across the island, where the boundaries between the mortal realm and the divine seem to blur. The enduring influence of the merchants’ vision is a testament to the power of faith and the capacity for individuals to leave a lasting mark on the world, even in the face of the unknown, and more importantly, the sacrifices we must make for the greater good. In the heart of Innuviel, the teachings of Ilmater continue to echo through the ages, a testament to the enduring legacy of those intrepid merchants from Chult.

A History of Cruetly and Greed

While the merchants were elated with the discovery of Innuviel and its untold riches, the natives were rightfully fearful. Almost immediately, explorers of the “new” land began venturing into the forrest, caves, and grottos in search of riches. It was soon discovered the island boasted a relative abundance of natural gems, which held great value. So eager to use such wealth to compensate for the many losses the years at sea brought them, the settlers foraged such jewels without much other thought. The operation of gem mining started small, but in time grew to a large scale excavation. Which ultimately encroached on the sacred land and beliefs of the native lizardfolk, the Sirassi. The tension mounted from the day the settlers arrived, intensifying year by year. After a century of the growing mining business, the Sirassi could take no more, becoming aggressive in defense of their homeland. As dawn broke on one particular spring morning, they slaughted an entire excavation team of 200 miners. The event sent shockwaves through the island, which had never before known war. Innuviel would never again be the same. And so began the Conflict of Gems, also known as the Sirassi-Landfall War. It was a bitter and protracted struggle that spanned over a century, tearing at the very fabric of Innuviel. At its heart lay a fundamental clash of values between the indigenous Sirassi lizardfolk and the settlers who sought to extract the island’s precious gemstones for profit.

The Sirassi, native to Innuviel, revered the island’s natural gems as sacred relics of the earth, seeing them as gifts from the land itself. These radiant stones held immense spiritual significance in their culture, symbolizing the delicate balance between the mortal realm and the realm of nature. They adorned their bodies and altars with these gems, believing that their divine luster brought them closer to the land they held dear. The settlers, however, viewed the gemstones through a lens of avarice and a desire for prosperity. Their ships had initially come seeking new trade routes and exotic resources, but the sight of Innuviel’s gem-rich mines ignited a fierce determination to stake their claim. The war unfolded in a series of skirmishes and guerilla-style conflicts, as the Sirassi used their intimate knowledge of the island’s terrain to strike at the settlers from hidden positions. These encounters were marked by the relentless determination of both sides, each fiercely guarding what they held most dear. The lush forests, once untouched by conflict, became battlegrounds, their verdant canopy bearing witness to the struggles of both peoples. The echoes of battle cries and the clash of weapons resonated through the ancient trees, a discordant symphony of a land in turmoil.

Yet among the settlers the war was a great controversy. Many who sympathized with the Sirassi cited the “Hypocrisy of Desire.” The settlers’ quest for gems stood in stark contrast to the teachings of Ilmater, the Crying God, whose ideals they purported to uphold. The faith’s core tenets of compassion, empathy, and reverence for life were eclipsed by their relentless pursuit of wealth and material gain. In their insatiable greed, they failed to recognize the sanctity of the land and the deep spiritual connection the Sirassi held with it. The settlers’ hypocrisy was a bitter irony, as they professed devotion to a deity who championed the very values they were trampling underfoot. However, many highlighted the building of the temple, the provision of medical aid, and the funding of the church of Ilmater itself was only made possible by gem trade. A debated reality that pains many to acknowledge to this day.

As the war raged on, the Sirassi found themselves pushed to the brink of extinction. Their numbers dwindled, their once-thriving communities reduced to hidden enclaves, clinging to the last vestiges of their ancestral home. In the end the settlers took all they wanted, but after much loss of their own. The gem-rich mines, once glittering with promise, became grim reminders of the cost of avarice. Today, the Conflict of Gems remains etched into the history of Innuviel, a somber reminder of the consequences of greed and the resilience of those who hold fast to their beliefs. The scars of the conflict, both physical and spiritual, serve as a testament to the enduring power of the island’s gems and the sacrifices made in their name. Visitors to Innuviel are met with a landscape bearing the weight of history, inviting contemplation on the fragile balance between the mortal and the natural world, and the price paid for the pursuit of worldly riches.




Even today the Sirassi face the extinction. The toll of a century long war with the citizens of Innuviel lingers. Their numbers continue to dwindle, and they dare not face open conflict now. However, their anger burns with no less fervor, and intensifies amidst the continued discrimination of their people as the growth of commerce and industrialization persists across the island. Their sacred lands are no longer their own or lie utterly in ruin…



Strategic Postion and Prosperity

Innuviel’s strategic position in the Trackless Sea has made it an irresistible lure for citizens of Faerûn seeking to expand their trade routes. Ships from distant lands navigate the treacherous waters, drawn by the promise of prosperity that this gem-rich island offers. The largest city of island, Dahlaana, with its opulent architecture, stands as a testament to the city’s economic success, though not without its critics. While some celebrate the city’s newfound wealth, others decry the extravagant display of riches in the face of environmental preservation.

The gem trade has become the lifeblood of Innuviel, fueling both its prosperity and its controversies. Whispers persist of hidden mines and illicit dealings, suggesting that beneath the veneer of ethical conduct, darker practices may still thrive. Accusations of exploitation and environmental degradation continue to cast a shadow over the gem industry, a contentious issue that divides the city’s inhabitants.

The House of Ilmater, nestled within the city of Dahlaana, is both a sanctuary of hope and a source of controversy. Pilgrims and seekers from across Faerûn flock to its hallowed halls, drawn by the promise of healing and spiritual enlightenment. However, skeptics question the sincerity of the city’s devotion, viewing it as a calculated move to attract the faithful and capitalize on the prosperity of the Innuviel. Furthermore, many see the hypocrisy between the teachings of Ilmater and the horrendous treatment of the Sirassi and exploitation of the island’s natural resources.

As citizens of Faerûn arrive on Innuviel’s shores, they are met with a city that wears its contradictions on its sleeve. The streets buzz with the energy of trade, while the air is tinged with the scent of exotic blooms and the soft hum of arcane energies. Merchants and the devout rub shoulders, their motivations and beliefs often at odds, creating a tapestry of diversity that is as vibrant as it is contentious.

Innuviel’s legacy is one of controversy and prosperity, a city that thrives amidst the clash of ideals and interests. Its streets tell the story of a people who have learned to navigate the turbulent waters of ambition, compassion, and commerce. Whether drawn by the allure of gemstones, the promise of healing, or the desire for new trade routes, visitors to Innuviel find themselves immersed in a world that is as enigmatic as it is enticing.

The Port City of Dahlaana

Dahlaana, also called the “Jewel of Innuviel”, is located on the southern coast of the island. It is a bustling, cosmopolitan city with a population of roughly 8,000 inhabitants. Given its postion, it is ideal for trade, the exchange of ideas, and melding of many races and cultures. The city is built on a peninsula that extends into the Trackless Sea. The sea, while dangerous, is temperate and bountiful with marine life that serve many purposes, an edible shallow water seagrass known as churth, and a common trade route that has brought the city wealth. Dahlaana is a thriving and prosperous city, thanks largely to its strategic location amidst the Trackless Sea, famous/infamous gem trade and for the promise of treating illness at the House of Healing within the Church of Ilmater.



The Port City Dahlaana

The Port District

The Port district is lined with warehouses and docks for hundreds of ships. Along its periphery one will find a smattering of shops, taverns and inns primarily used by locals and travelers with business at sea. There are many storage houses used for the loading and off-loading of goods. A myriad of buldings, some equisite while other dilapidated, line the shore. The port is bustling with activity with 50 or so ships that set sail or arrive daily. There is a significant fishing and churth foraging industry based in the Port District.

Old Town

Old Town consists of the vestiges of the orginial structures of Dahlaana, which serve as residences for the poor and downtrodden, and it is home to the largest church. The Church of the Ilmater. This church is a grand, gothic structure with tall spires and stained-glass windows. It is place of worship, healing, and where the troubled come for repreive. It is the center of worship for the majority of the city’s inhabitants. Here those in need will find the House of Healing.

The Market District

The Market District is a bustling, vibrant area of the city where merchants from all over the world come to sell their wares. The streets are lined with stalls selling everything from exotic spices and rare herbs to, of course fine jewelry and intricate tapestries. The trade of gems and jewelery are the halmark of commerce. The Market District is also home to many crafts people such

as blacksmiths, gem cutters, leatherworkers, and alchemists. There is a booming churth market as well. This district is where much of the city’s trade and commerce takes place, and it is a hub of activity at all hours of the day. The Market District is also home to many of the city’s taverns and inns, which are popular gathering places for travelers and locals alike. The most popular inn is titled the Troll’s Belly, acclaimed for serving steins of ale large enough to quench the thirst of a troll.

The Noble Quarter

The Noble Quarter, where the city’s wealthy and influential residents live. Several high end gem and jewelery stores are found here. As is a small zoo and garden, titled Nature’s Majesty. It displays plants and creatures deemed beautiful by the elite. The area is heavily guarded.

The Seaworn Pinnacle

The Seaworn Pinnacle houses some of Dahlaana’s most notable and important buildings. It is home to the city’s prestigious academic cornerstone, titled the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. It also houses a library and museum of artifacts. It is heavily policed. It is know for the study of alchemy, particularly healing potions and salves that are used by the Church Ilmater to treat those in need. The jail and city guard are also based out of the Searworn Pinnacle. The name Seaworn Pinnacle comes from the the algae and erosion present on many buildings that are a result of an inlet winding through the district from the Trackless Sea. Finally, the quarters for the city politicians are also found here.



The Church of Ilmater

The Church of Ilmater was the primary religious organization dedicated to the worship and service of Ilmater, the Crying God. Ilmater is the incarnation of compassion, and the eternal foe of suffering; a generous, good-spirited, and even-tempered deity, with a kind and gentle nature. He sought to offer aid and relief and words of comfort to those in pain, who were oppressed, or otherwise in great need. The clergy dedicated themselves to providing healing and succor to all in need, whatever the cost to themselves, as they believed life was sacred and that suffering to preserve it was holy. Misunderstood and scorned by those hard of heart, the Ilmatari were yet loved and relied upon by multitudes of ordinary folk, and so the church has the widest and most faithful following in all Faerun.


Followers of Ilmater were taught to help all who suffered, without regard for who they were or how they suffered. They were to heal and treat the wounded and the sick and give comfort to the dying. They also had to give kind counseling to those grieving or depressed, lonely or lost, and give shelter and alms to those who’d lost everything. They did what had to be done when no one else would. Thus a typical follower of Ilmater was generous and sharing, giving all they could to the poor, and they placed others before themselves. To the Ilmatari, life was sacred and suffering was holy. They were to carry the burdens and pains of others, and were taught that the truly holy took on another’s suffering. They were instructed to endure and persevere against hardship and pain, and believed that if they suffered in the name of Ilmater, then he would be there to support them. Although many outsiders saw them as willing sufferers or they appeared reckless in their quests to do good, they simply cared about everyone, often without regard for their own safety. However, they did concentrate more on healing and aid efforts. Worshipers of Ilmater also believed that all injustices should be challenged and that they should defend and aid the causes of the oppressed and unjustly treated. They were to act for and defend those who could not do so themselves. They were to stand up to every bully and tyrant, and resist them in any way, both small and great. Ilmatari were encouraged to hold to their principles and keep to their causes if they were right and just, no matter the risk and to be fearless about it. They advocated the spiritualism of life over materialism and the physical body. They gave up luxury to help others.


The Ilmatari dedicated themselves to helping and healing the sick and injured, the oppressed, the deceased, and the poor. They provided healing, care, and treatment for those who suffered injuries or disease. Ilmatari also shared what they had with the needy, by donating food, drink, and firewood to the impoverished and starving, and providing shelter for the homeless. They offered moral support and counseling to those who needed it, and spoke up for the persecuted. In addition, they served as guides for those who’d become lost and buried the deceased. To fund their work, they toured the wealthy areas of towns and cities seeking donations to help cover the costs of the church. However, their primary focus was on healing injury and disease and they were known as some of the best healers in the Realms. They operated the greatest number, the largest, and best quality infirmaries and leper sanctuaries of any church. The Ilmatari were trained from the time they were initiated in the skills of healing and herbalism, learning to recognize and treat every injury, known disease, and other ailments. Senior clerics cast programmed illusions that demonstrated a variety of injuries and diseases so that junior priests could learn to accurately diagnose them. They continually gathered herbs and prepared medicines to be ready for future need. Many priests were also able to brew their own potions to sell and spread their healing further. The Ilmatari went where they were needed to reduce suffering, and so were often found in some of the worst possible conditions, areas stricken with poverty, plague, or warfare. If war was impending, then the Ilmatari would gather supplies in order to treat the dying and wounded, with litters, tents, bandages, splints, healing potions, and shovels by the wagon-load, and the Ilmatari would flock to the battle. They also joined adventuring groups, where they were often the ones who took all the risks to save people in danger or perform other acts of heroism, putting the needs of others above their own, to the exclusion of their personal safety.

The Holy Symbol of Ilmater

cat warrior




The Ilmatari were often the most caring and sensitive of people.They were also the most forgiving, known for accepting past enemies and endeavoring to repair past grievances. New initiates were often overcome by the suffering they witnessed as part of their work, and were driven to tears. Worn down, they could develop a cynical attitude towards life, but most persevered nonetheless, even when faced with hopeless causes. They simply had to help. Thus cynicism and dark humor were not uncommon among the Ilmatari, but this was accepted by the faith. For such believers, “Today is the first day in what’s left of your life,” fitted well into Ilmater’s dogma, with the addition of “So live it well.” They did not believe in impeding the desires of others, nor did they judge them, even when those desires conflicted with their own duty to alleviate suffering and provide healing. For example, an Ilmatari would not stop an injured warrior from charging back into battle, seeking death in combat. Instead, they healed them enough to move and fight, and let them choose their own fate.

A House of Healing

The Church of Ilmater was among the most popular in Faerûn, and had the most dedicated faithful. The poor, sick, and tormented of the land relied upon the Ilmatari’s aid efforts, and the common folk loved and respected them immensely. The Ilmatari in turn received a great deal of support in their work. People of almost every faith and creed donated generously to the Church of Ilmater, knowing that they could need the Ilmatari’s help themselves one day. The Church of Ilmater commonly included among its ranks clerics, specialty priests known as “painbearers”, monks, and paladins. The church has many healers, divine spellcasters dedicated to healing magic and those skilled in medicine. They almost never refused to help or heal a person, no matter their quality. However, this did not mean that they supported their views or deeds. Followers of Ilmater dedicated themselves to defending the helpless and using their gifts to heal anyone in need. They preferred to stop and help someone in dire peril rather than pursue the wicked and leave that person to die. Otherwise, they were ready to battle evil.

The Church of Ilmater in the City of Dahlaana



Adventure Hooks

Protector: You embody the heritage of the Sirassi, a guardian whose roots extend back to the storied soil of Innuviel. Whether you are a Sirassi by birth or a distant relative, like a lizardkin, or even an ally whose values resonate deeply with the Sirassi cause, your connection to their plight remains steadfast. Your return to Innuviel marks a significant passage of time since your last presence there. The resurgence of the undead strikes at the core of your being, stirring profound concern for the imperiled Sirassi community. Amidst the whispers of dread, tales of Saint Apiz’s altruism and his profound respect for diverse cultures have reached your ears. His voice, resonating reason and compassion from within the Church of Ilmater, beckons to those in need. Moved by the saint’s empathetic stance, you set forth on a journey to Dahlaana. Your intent: to seek an alliance, a bridge that may span the divide between your people and the Church of Ilmater. Your ultimate objective rests upon a delicate balance, seeking aid to combat the encroaching undead menace while safeguarding the sacred traditions and ancestral lands of the Sirassi. Your quest focuses on preserving a cultural legacy while forging an alliance crucial for the survival of your community.

Descendant: You hail from a lineage stretching back to a revered adventurer, whose exploits once charted the unexplored jungles of Chult. The legacy you carry is weighty, tethered to tales passed through generations—narratives of audacious escapades, discoveries amidst ancient ruins, and victories against formidable threats. Nurtured by narratives of bravery and intrepid exploration, you feel an almost innate pull to tread the same paths as your forebear. Your upbringing gave you a respect for exploration, a thirst for adventure and a profound desire to unveil forgotten knowledge and concealed treasures. Word has spread that Saint Apiz is researching Chultan relics to counter the undead menace that threatens Innuviel. Given your ancestry and expertise, you venture for Dahlaana. Perhaps your knowledge may aid in deciphering ancient Chultan texts or locating relics that might hold the key to ending the undead threat. Armed with the journal meticulously chronicling your ancestor’s remarkable voyages through uncharted territories, you embark on a journey to unravel the enigmas enshrouding the island. Unearthing relics, obscure histories, and elusive secrets along the way adds to your intrigue.

Investigator: As one who studies the nature of the existence itself, you are always eager to explore an arcane mystery. You set out for Innuviel, as whispers of necromantic disturbances pique your curiosity. Clearly there is some explanation for the seemingly spontaneous rise of the undead, and you plan to uncover it. Saint Apiz, aware of your scholarly pursuits, seeks your assistance. Recognizing your potential to unravel magical and scientific anomalies, Apiz invites you to collaborate on investigating the source of the undead resurgence. Your connections at the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth, the greatest place of study on the island, have been largely silent on the matter. It seems to learn the true nature of the phenomenon, you will have to take matters into your own hands. Before departing for Innuviel, rumors swirl wildly about the true nature of the crisis, making it hard to decipher fact from fiction. You are not so easily rattled, determined to understand the reality of the threat you face. Certainly there are forces in play that …for now… are hidden.

Emissary: You have a profound reverence for Ilmater, the Crying God. The themes of compassion, self-sacrifice, and kindness resonate within your very soul. To you, life holds an intrinsic sanctity that demands preservation, even in the face of relentless suffering. You currently serve the Church of Ilmater somewhere in Faerun, a realm where your devotion to the god’s teachings are renown. However, as whispers of an escalating threat besieging the island of Innuviel reach your ears, the Church entrusts you with a pivotal mission. You are to aid the Church on Innuviel in facing the undead scourge. Why you? Perhaps the congregation leadership recognizes your unyielding commitment to Ilmater’s cause. Or maybe its your extensive network and affiliations in Dahlaana. Afterall, you have helped many and sacrificed much in your lifetime in the service of others. Regardless, they seek your assistance on the matter and insight into the teachings of the Church. They believe that your profound understanding of Ilmater’s doctrines might offer crucial guidance in unraveling the mystery behind the undead menace, beseeching you to join forces with the local congregation on Innuviel.

Hatred: Fueled by a deep loathing for the undead, you are determined to eradicate this abomination from all of Faerun. Tales of Saint Apiz’s valiant efforts against the undead reach your ears. Recognizing your fervor, Apiz requests your aid. He acknowledges your passionate fight against the undead and hopes to unite forces in uncovering the source of their resurgence. Where does this hatred come from? Perhaps it was a haunting encounter with an undead horde that razed your village to ruins, claiming the lives of your loved ones. Or maybe it was a personal affliction, a curse inflicted upon someone dear to you, twisting their existence into a tormented and cursed form. Regardless of the specifics, the anguish and torment inflicted by the undead upon your life are unforgettable scars etched deep within your soul. Only you know the truth about what happened, about what these monstrosities truly are. Here on Faerun and elsewhere in the multiverse, the curse of undeath is a threat to all life. It must be extinguished. At any and all costs…



Merchant: Pursuing wealth through the lucrative gem trade routes, you’ve built your business empire on the foundation of these precious stones. However, the recent interference by the undead has seriously threatened your prosperous enterprise. Ships collect dust at port. Mining expeditions have been suspended. Saint Apiz, discerning the substantial economic ramifications resulting from this crisis, sees an opportunity for collaboration. He acknowledges the urgency of restoring the disrupted trade routes, realizing that not only does it hold the promise of renewed wealth but also presents an avenue to delve into the underlying cause of the undead resurgence. In extending an offer to join forces, he proposes a mutually beneficial arrangement: working together to revive the gem trade routes while concurrently investigating the unsettling rise of the undead, thereby ensuring both financial gain and resolution to the crisis. To what extent do you care about the spontaneous rise of undead’s impact on people versus your personal wealth? That is your own business. But perhaps the only thing more bountiful on the island of Innuviel than its untold riches is the suffering that awaits its people should foul blight persist.

Hidden: Amidst the shadows that cloud your past, you yearn for absolution and a chance to rewrite the story of your life. Tormented by mistakes and seeking liberation from the shackles of your history, the upheaval caused by the undead’s return becomes an unforeseen chapter in your pursuit of a fresh start. In the chaos, a figure of unwavering kindness and understanding emerges: Saint Apiz, a revered presence within the Church of Ilmater. You write to him immediately regarding your sordid history and new found intentions, and are warmed with his prompt and kind reply. With a heart as compassionate as it is wise, Apiz sees beyond the veils of your past, recognizing the flicker of hope within your quest for renewal. He perceives the strength and potential veiled beneath the weight of your shame. In a gesture both unexpected and generous, Saint Apiz extends a hand of redemption. He acknowledges the resilience you possess and believes in your ability to contribute valuably to understanding the crisis at hand. His offer is a ray of light amid the darkness—an opportunity not just to escape your past, but to forge a new purpose, one intertwined with unraveling the mystery of the undead scourge. In his gentle guidance, there lies the promise of a brighter future, a chance for redemption, and the dawn of a new chapter in your life.

Visions: You were born into a lineage “esteemed” for its intimate communion with magical forces, a heritage that bestowed upon you an intuitive understanding of ethereal realms and their vast, enigmatic properties. From a tender age, your senses were attuned to these other planes. It made for a lonely childhood outside your family, as you were all often ostracized for being insane. Afterall, many children have fantasies. You, however, had “visions” of alternate dimensions, celestial entities, Gods, and the intricate web connecting the multiverse wove through your dreams. These visions have always been vague, even confusing; yet as of late they have grown disturbing and nightmarish in nature. These glimpses reveal a looming darkness, a malevolence that threatens life itself. An undead apocalypse. Driven by an innate calling and propelled by a sense of duty to preserve the delicate balance of the multiverse, you embark on a quest to decipher the source of this ominous disruption. The visions have become increasingly vivid and urgent, depicting an origin point for this encroaching darkness, an place called Innuviel. A place completely foreign to you. You begin your journey to this strange and distant land. There, amidst the scholarly bastions and hallowed halls of knowledge you hope to find allies. In your long travels to the island and its captial city of Dahlaana, you hear the name Saint Apiz time and time again. He is devoted servant of Ilmater, a compassioante God who is familiar to you. You must find him, he will be a certain ally. You believe that within the wisdom of such individuals lay the key to interpreting the cryptic revelations of your visions, a key to uncovering the mysteries of the multiverse, and ultimately, a means to avert an imminent cataclysm. The urgency of your mission becomes increasingly hurried, for you sense that the fate of not just Innuviel but all life across the vast expanse of realities hang precariously in the balance. You seek not only to end the imminent undead blight, but also to thwart a far-reaching threat that has taken over your dreams. Many have called you insane…and at points in your life maybe you believed that too. Do you now? Are you truly a raving lunatic and fear-inciting madman? Or are you right, and your life has been building to this moment? Perhaps being insane would be better.

Create Your Own Adventure Hook: Within this campaign, you have the opportunity to forge your own adventure hook or modify any of those listed above. So please, craft a storyline that resonates deeply with your character’s background, desires, or aspirations, setting the stage for their journey to Innuviel to confront the undead scourge. Develop a story that speaks to your character’s motivations, weaving in the world of Faerun and lore of Innuviel. The adventure hook is your chance to shape the narrative, infusing the campaign with your character’s personal goals. Whether it’s an ancestral quest for lost artifacts, an intriguing vendetta against a sworn enemy, or a pursuit for answers to the wicked phenomena, this is your canvas to paint your story. Did Saint Apiz summon you? Or do you have another contact within the church or Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth? Embrace the freedom to mold your adventure hook to your liking. It is the key to unlocking a heroic and unforgettable journey tailored to your character’s motives, dreams and ambitions.




Far to the west of Mother-Of-Mists where the map ends, and roughly triple the size of Lantan, you will find Innuviel

The Island of Chult




Map of Innuviel

Population: ~12,000 souls, 8,000 of which are found in the capital city of Dahlaana. The population is made of various races know all across Faerun, as Dahlaana is world renowned market. However, the most prevalent races by breakdown are humans (60%), lizardfolk (10%; 1% are Sirassi), goblins (10%), gnomes (6%), wild dwarves (5%), elves (4%), pterafolk (3%), other (2%).

Scale: Each square represents a 25x25 mile zone

The Trackless Sea

Notable Locations: The City of Dahlaana on the southern coast is known to call, and is renown for gem trade and the House of Healing. What else you may know will vary widely depending on your backstory and race.

Climate: Tropical, temperate at its coldest, hot at its warmest. The island is covered in jungle. The north is not inhabited due to powerful winds off the sea. Resources essential for civilization on the land and sea are known to be bountiful.





The Celestial Observatory

Located upon Renaissance Hill overlooking the island and city Dahlaana is a great tower constructed and inhabited by an industrious colony of gnomes. It is called the Celestial Observatory. It is a tall, slender structure made of white marble, with a domed roof and several balconies and viewing platforms. The Observatory is a place of learning and research, where gnome astronomers study the stars and other celestial bodies. The Observatory is equipped with a variety of telescopes and other scientific instruments, which the gnomes use to make detailed observations of the sky. They keep meticulous records of their findings and are always seeking to expand their knowledge of the universe. The Observatory is also home to a large library, filled with books and scrolls on a wide range of subjects, including astronomy, mathematics, and physics. The gnomes who live and work at the Observatory are a tight-knit community, and they are known for their curiosity and love of learning. They are always eager to share their knowledge with others, and often invite visitors to come and see the Observatory and learn more about their work. Many people in Dahlaana, especially young students, are drawn to the Observatory, and it is a popular destination for field trips and educational outings. It is run primarily by gnomes, who rejoice in their studies. They make their home here as well, and built the tower (and continue to add to it) over the last 100 years. Many of the inhabitants are quite eccentric and obsessed with their research and potential new breakthroughs. Most of their studies are seen as a curiosity, a spectacle, an attraction, rather than seen as legitimate or useful for practical and scientific purposes. Though they would disaagree

Perched on a cliff overlooking the crystalline waters of the Trackless Sea, the Celestial Observatory of Dahlaana stands as a testament to the boundless curiosity and ingenuity of its gnome inhabitants. This technological marvel, constructed with an artful blend of arcane mastery and mechanical precision, is a testament to the heights of knowledge that can be achieved when minds and magic align. The gnomes who oversee the observatory are pioneers of a caliber rarely seen even in the realms of Faerûn. Masters of advanced celestial navigation techniques and astronomers of unparalleled skill, they have created a haven of knowledge amidst the verdant beauty of Innuviel. With telescopes that pierce the veil of the cosmos and clockwork mechanisms that track the dance of the stars, the gnomes have unlocked secrets that defy mortal understanding. The observatory’s guard is a formidable force, comprised of skilled warriors and arcane protectors. They stand vigilant, tasked with safeguarding the observatory’s invaluable instruments and research. Arcane wards, intricately woven by the observatory’s resident spellcasters, form a shield against those who would seek to harm the sanctuary.

As times passes, the celestial observatory is able to see Atropus, though they do not know what it is. And have little concern about it. And recognize no connection go to the rising undead. But they would send word with prompting from PCs to further investigate, and to submit a query as to what the dark spot in the sky might be. Eventually, they will be able to discern this is a planetary object moving towards Toril, and is a grave threat. Early in the campaign little can be discovered from the observatory. The Order of the Dark Star views the gnomes’ advancements with great concern, fearing that the observatory’s keen gaze into the heavens may inadvertently unveil Atropus’ terrible presence. This would give the poeple of Innuviel and Faerun the opportunity to mount a resistance or thwart its arrival. They regard the gnomes as a great threat to their plan to conceal the World Born Dead, and seek to undermine their research or outright destroy them. Furthmore, within the tower can be found great technologies and magics the live could utilize in their impending battle against the forces of undeath. The efforts of the Order to subvert the gnomes and their work may ultimately determine the fate of not only the observatory, but the entire realm itself.





the celestial observatory atop renaissance hill overlooking the city of dahlaana. a bastion of technology, discovery, and wonder. home to the gnomes of innuviel who peer curiously into the skies above.



Notable Factions

The Order of the Dark Star

The Order of the Dark Star worships of Atropus. They are a cult of lawful evil necromancers and their slaves. Many were once followers of Orcus, but lost faith in his intent through his investment in politics and schemes that have never appeared to come to fruition. Others heard the speakings of Buhmal and supported his proselytizing. They were convinced he was powerful and had special knowledge. He was charming to them in his fervor, conviction, and knowledge. The cult is looking to create political unrest to disavow any thought or rumor regarding the coming Atropus. Their plan is to prevent any disruption of its arrival. They are manipulating the politics, scientists and wizards of Toril from taking preventative action. The cult was small, but with the coming of Atropus has grown rapidly with sects springing up all about nearly every major region. Only through recent events have many grown to believe their spell worked. They of course do not want this discovered. The coming of Atropus was their doing, having tracked down a copy of the Book of Vile Darkness, and using a dark incantation (“Apocalypse from the Sky”) within the tome to summon the planet. With the increase in necromantic magic, they now know the summoning worked… Atropus has heard the call and is approaching. All matter of undead servants rally to their call, sharing a connection to the will of their dark god. To end all life in cosmos, leaving only the deteriorating husks of undead in its place. Finally, all will cease to exist, and then there shall be balance.

The Cult of Vecna

The Cult of Vecna is attempting to retrieve the Book of Vile Darkness. They have little interest in Atropus until the recent change. Which they now believe is related. They wish to bring vecna back to life, and this remains their purpose. Let Vecna deal with Atropus. They are considerably less powerful than the Order of the Dark Star, and have even lost members to them. But the seek to recover the Book of Vile Darkness nonetheless.

The Nameless Witnesses of the Coming End

As the end of times draw nigh, these are those who welcome the end out of madness or rage or desperation, etc. These individuals delight in the madness and chaos is taking place. Seeing it as an opportunity for crime, theft, perversion, depravity, ruthlessness and cruelty. These are individuals who may or may not understand what Atropus is or represents, most do not. But they do and likely always have wanted to see the world burn. But many when faced with their own death are cowardly. They have not real idea of what they are supporting. Many of their ranks include past criminals, those who are deeply troubled, and jealous types with few resources to speak of.

The Dahlaana Merchants’ Guild

This group is made up of mostly human merchants, with a few dwarves and halflings among their ranks. They seek to protect the interests of the merchants in Dahlaana and promote trade within the city.

The Illumination Council

This group is made up of mostly human and elven wizards, who seek to advance the study of magic and science in Dahlaana. They are based out of the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth, and are often at odds the church, which they view as an obsolete and antiquated. Such beliefs impede progress.

The Squids

This criminal organization is made up of mostly human and goblin thieves and smugglers, with a few orcish enforcers. They control much of the illicit activity that takes place in the Port District and are known for their ruthless tactics and willingness to use violence to get what they want. Their hideout at dock 37 and the unmarked warehouse adjacent to it is kept secret. The reputation of this gang is poor, and quickly reported to authorities. Yet, in the night and when the liquor is flowing, they go to work. Robbing who and what they can. The group is known to paint a light blue squid at the buildings of those they rob or vandalize.

The Still Tide Clan

This group is made up of mostly half-elves, with a few orcs and even fewer half-orcs. They are a group of skilled archers and rangers who are based in the forested areas outside of Havenport. They often assist the Dahlaana guard with their police efforts, working as enforcers. They work for pay, but have integrity in their work and desire to ensure order, peace and fairness. Yet, they at times their work borders on vigilantism, and out of principle will take matters into their own hand when strongly compelled. They also organize hunting expeditions both in the forest and at sea. They are often at odds with the Squids. Many of the orcs or half-orcs have previously served in battle with Chancellor Alanna Dadrick. They respect her as a fierce warrior, but not so much as a politician..

The Woodstone Carpenters

This group is made up of mostly dwarves and Elves. They are a group of skilled blacksmith, woodworkers, and craftsmen with a base in both the Market District and Port District. They are known for their high-quality weapons and armor and have a reputation for being fair and honest traders. But their greatest claim is the building of magnificent ships to voyage the seas, combing the remarkable woodwork of the elves and stone/metal work of the dwarves. The love of such of extraordinary crafts has brought a unique closeness among the elves and dwarves of this land seldom seen.




Within the mind of the Order

Gathering in their temple hidden below the Church of Ilmater, the Order of the Dark Star create and study undead monstrosities in their pursuit to understand the foul nature of Atropus, their undead planetoid god. Has “The World Born Dead” truly heard their call? Has Atropus truly been disturbed from its dormancy to to bring about the end of all life in the multiverse? The spontaneous increase in necromantic power and the inexplicable rise of the undead portend that the grim presence from across the cosmos has indeed been awakened. Another promising yet perplexing sign is their loss of control over the undead. What else other than the true God of death could wield such power? Not even Buhmal knows for certain that their ritual from years past was successful. Nonetheless, The Order of the Dark Star will stop at nothing to ensure that Atropus destroys Toril, the Gods, and everything else in the multiverse, leaving only shambling undead husks until they too decay to dust. Only when all existence has ceased will there be balance and true peace.



Theories surrounding the Undead Scourge

Amidst their fear, the people of Dahlaana have begun to speculate about the spontaneous rise of the dead and the inexplicable increase in necromantic energy. Even those traveling by sea who have arrived in recent weeks have spoken of increased undead activity in the distant lands, though not to the severity of Dahlanna. Many have been at sail for months and have noticed nothing. Perhaps it is all just rumors. Many believe this curse to be contained to the island, yet in time, they will find it has reached all of Faerun (reveal this as a cliffhanger in an early session). But in the initial stages, it seems there are only rumors and whispers from other regions about the concerning phenomena. Yet on Innuviel the threat grows more dire by the day. Given that the summoning of Atropus took place here, and there is a connection to the negative energy plane, the power of the undead God is greatest here. This is where the hammer will fall first, this where the planetoid will one day touch down unless stopped. But what do the people of Dahlanna and the island of Innuviel believe is the cause for the troubles at hand given the true nature of the evil from across the cosmos is concealed? There are many theories…

The Church of Ilmater grows concerned

Some within the church believe Orcus (or another demon lord) and his followers are planning an invasion, and that an emissary of Orcus has come to Toril. Some fear that Ilmater can bear no more pain, suffering or sacrifice, and that without his mercy there is no rest for the dead, which now rise as the undead, as the atithesis of the God’s purpose. How to restore the strength, and potentially will, of Ilmater remains a heavily debated subject. Some within the church also suspect a new religion pretending to be good and pure, which in truth is a cult worshipping a dark power is gathering power, and operating in plain sight but clandestinely. They suspect this cult draws power for acts of wickedness and cruelty. The suspect further the squids may be involved, who are known for their proclivity as thieves. Furthermore, they are concerned regarding the potential action of the vampire Danderoth and “witch” Orna, whom they perceive as evil.

The common people have their fears

Most commonly, the citizen of the island fear a loss of faith has caused the Gods to forsake the living in their hearts and thus the dead have now grown in power. Though Ilmater is the dominant religion of the island, and certainly the port city of Dahlaana, there are many other religions each with their own theory that is handed down to their believers. Some people are quite hysterical about the unfolding events, while others are dismissive of it enirely. Yet even those without faith have their fears. Some believe the Squids have recruited a powerful necromancer to assist them in their criminal activities as their crime sprees intensify. Lies and slander abound regarding many who are easy to accuse. The witch named Orna, they say, as cursed the island. They say she is evil and looks evil to match. That she wants to claims the region for her dark ritual and foul creatures. They also say she has a monster. In truth she is peaceful lizardkin druid with a tyrannosirassi cousin. Of course, there is a deep fear of the vampire Danderoth as well, and over the years some claim this undead creature has kidnapped, fed on and murdered countless locals. Yet another large contingent of the common people deny any concerns related to the undead, that the numbers are not actually increasing, that there have always been this many such fiends. It is seasonal. And if something is wrong, they will be protected. And yet others are just so terrified they are in complete denial.

Those skilled in magic suspect dark power

Wizards and gifted wielders of the arcane worry of a dark power rising, though what they are unable to say. Perhaps an artifact of great effect has been discovered, such as the Book of Vile Darkness, or Necronomicon, or the Wand of Orcus, or some unnamed artifact. An evil user of such an object has brought about this wicked blight. In truth, the use of the Book of Vile Darkness is only part of the explanation for the concerning happenings. Yet another theory is that a powerful necromancer has taken up local residence in region for a reason that is of grave concern and should be discovered. Yet still there are other schools of thinking. Some suspect that Wild magic is the true cause. Untamed, uncontrolled, and destructive in its power, it rages across Toril. Wild magic has created a great but random increase in the extent and power of necromantic energy. Perhaps even, the Fey Realm has opened creating all matter of chaos.

Scholars and Sages struggle with reason

Some suggest a misalignment of the negative energy plane, a loss of balance, resulting in an increased power of death relative to life. Some even fear that a monster of unimaginable abilities has escaped from the negative energy plane and its very existence has caused the lines that separate life and death to blur. The thinking of others is less esoteric and theoretical. They suspect the powerful vampire, Danderoth, who has long lived in this land is looking take political control of these lands and its neighbors. He is using the undead to sew discord, weaken the any who would oppose him, and take control. Some would sew fear about the “witch” Orna as well. Yet many learned people know Danderoth to be a harmless art collector, careful and fair about his feeding. They know Orna to be a druid who is kind and generous of heart. Finally, a few within the celestial observatory suspect that an event in outer space, across the vast cosmos, has brought this foul blight.



Another depiction of Atropus

Within the celestial observatory there are those who believe the rise of the undead is attributed to an event in the cosmos, though differing theories circulate. Some suggest an alien entity of an undiscovered species has awakened. Others suspect an opening in the multiverse that has allowed the entry of new energy and technology into the realm. Most do no think the blight is related to outer space, however. Yet, there is one gnone, Binkman, who believes an event in the cosmos has a set dark planetoid entity upon the world: Atropus. Seen here is a depiction of the evil god from his book “The Abyssal Void.” Most think him delusional with no evidence. He is the only character who suspects the truth from the start.



Distractions and Diversions

While the adventurers, people of Innuviel, and eventually all of Toril are are trying to uncover the horrific mystery of the necromantic blight, the Order of the Dark Star attempts to conceal the true nature of the phenomena at all costs. The organization operates clandestinely, none even know of the cults’ existence save a select few. Those members with hidden identities behind public faces push the player characters towards any false lead they can, and are satisfied misdirecting the adventurers towards any theory that is not the truth. They are dismissive and slanderous of any speculations that suggests a copy of the Book of Vile Darkness has been discovered. Any line of thinking that even briefly mentions the potential of a being from out space is met with the upmost resistance. The Order of the Dark Star would not anticipate anyone on the island of Innuviel would even know of the existence of Atropus, yet should the name be uttered they would take the most drastic of measures. It would perhaps even result in the arrangement of an assassination attempt of the person whose lips uttered the name of their dark undead God. Several members of the Order of Dark Star are politicians and priests in the church.

They are helpful, but only so far as a diversion, their intent is to buy time until the coming of Atropus cannot be stopped, or it is too late to mount a defense. They would also hope for those to think Atropus is something else, thus no one would ever know what really loomed overhead. They seek to create confusion, discord, fear, blame, and accusation. They readily spread rumors regarding the increase in necromantic magic. They work from the shadows, seeking to sabotage any efforts to discover the truth. Eventually they know a dark planet in the sky will be visible, but what people will think it is and what should be done about can be manipulated until it is far too late. Only at such an hour, or if clearly proven publicly, would members of this faction reveal themselves for what they truly are. Many church members, who initially hire the player characters, are members of the Order of the Dark Star. Their temple is underneath the Church of Ilmater and is the very location where the spell to summon Atropus was cast 11 years ago. This is why the necromantic energy in this area is more so than neighboring regions. But in time, this dark power does spread, yet is always worse here. This would be ground zero for the collision with Atropus. Above the the temple the Order of the Dark Star work tirelessly to see their plot to its ruinous end.

In the Church of Ilmater, members of the Order of the Dark Star sew discord and confusion to obfuscate their wicked plan to bring the ruin of the Wolrd Born Dead



Along came a Demon

Demons are commonly and falsely blamed for the undead scourge. Ironically, over time Orcus does become fascinated with the coming of Atropus, and does send a general to command over the growing undead hordes. The Order of the Dark Star is against this, as the end of all existence remains their ultimate goal. They see Atropus as the embodiment of anti-life, and once all positive energy and life has been extinguished, existence will cease other than the perfection of unruled undeath. And eventually the promise of all becoming dust. Many of the followers of Orcus in time leave his service to devote themsleves to the coming of Atropus instead, believing in the the purity of complete undeath across the cosmos rather than ruled undeath. The Order of the Dark Star will stratigcally welcome the coming of demonic forces, hoping they might distract people from the coming of Atropus.


The Demon Lord of Undeath

But the demon lords are in conflict with Atropus, who seeks to destroy them as well, and thus these factions will also fight if necessary. The Order of the Dark Star will glady rally the call for all to marshal their forces to destroy the demons. As the campaign progresses the Order becomes increasingly formidable, even against such powerful enemies as the demon lords. Atropus and its followers would see the end of all life, whether a mortal, a God, or a demon. The demons are prideful enough to think they might master Atropus, but this primal being cannot be controlled. Its only purpose is to end all life across the multiverse. In time, even Orcus, the demon lord of undeath, will come to fear Atropus and its promised end. As the campaign progresses, Orcus will come to the startling revalation that even he has lost control of the undead, and his minions will revolt against him. They will follow the call Atropus, the World Born Dead, the true master of undeath across the multiverse.



Gorefax, Emissary of Orcus

In the shadowy depths of the Abyss, Gorefax, a cunning demon of considerable power, serves the nefarious demon prince of undeath, Orcus. Tasked with unraveling the mysterious resurgence of the undead scourge that has slipped from even Orcus’ grasp, Gorefax delves into forbidden knowledge and dark arts to comprehend the nature of this uncontrollable force.

Orcus, preoccupied by the tumultuous wars in the infernal realms with the likes of Demogorgon, has granted Gorefax authority to seek out a legendary artifact—the infamous Book of Vile Darkness. This dread tome, said to contain profane secrets capable of bending the fabric of life and death, lies hidden beneath the Temple of Ilmater, a bastion of light and mercy.

Gorefax, driven by his insatiable hunger for power and the chaotic nature inherent to all demons, is not bound by loyalty to Orcus. The demon prince may be a formidable master, but Gorefax’s allegiance is to his own ascent in the demonic hierarchy. The machinations of the Order of the Dark Star, a group devoted to combating the forces of Orcus, stand as an obstacle to his ambitions.

With cunning and treacherous charm, Gorefax reaches out to unwitting adventurers who may cross his path. He offers twisted pacts, tempting them with promises of power and forbidden knowledge in exchange for their aid in retrieving the Book of Vile Darkness. His minions, bestowed upon him by Orcus, operate in the shadows, gathering information and retrieving items of interest to further Gorefax’s goals.

Yet, despite his demonic nature, Gorefax understands the value of alliances. He may be willing to temporarily align himself with the very adventurers who would otherwise stand against the forces of undeath. For the players, the choice is a perilous one—to accept the aid of a demon and risk being ensnared by the very darkness they seek to oppose or to reject Gorefax’s overtures and face the growing undead menace alone.

The infernal chessboard is set, with Gorefax making his moves in pursuit of the Book of Vile Darkness, a tome that could grant him the power to surpass even the dominion of Orcus. As the adventurers navigate the treacherous path laid before them, the echoes of demonic whispers and the looming specter of undeath guide their fate in this intricate dance between chaos and order.

Gorefax emerging from the Netherbane Rift



The Netherbane Rift

The Netherbane Rift, a creation forged in the darkest recesses of the Abyss (Thanatos), was meticulously crafted by demonic sorcery to serve as a gateway for Gorefax and his minions. Its inception coincided with the enigmatic surge of undead in Innuviel, as Orcus sought a direct gateway to investigate the nature of the newfound chaos and reclaim control over the undead scourge that had spiraled out of his command. Descending far into the abyssal depths, the Netherbane Rift is a twisting labyrinth of darkened passages, echoing with the tormented whispers of the underworld. Its depths are fraught with peril, inhabited by demonic sentinels and twisted denizens of the Abyss, placed there by Gorefax to guard against intrusion.

The Netherbane Rift is located in the desolate and wind-battered expanses known as the “Howling Fields.” This isolated region of Innuviel, situated far from the reaches of Dahlaana, the celestial observatory, and any small towns, stands as a testament to the relentless forces of nature that shape its unforgiving landscape. The Howling Fields derive their name from the ceaseless gusts that sweep across the barren terrain, originating from the vast expanse of the ocean. The relentless wind renders construction nearly impossible, preventing the establishment of any significant structures. The few who venture into these desolate fields are met with an unyielding force that seems to carry whispers of otherworldly secrets. It is located on North Eastern coast of the island.

To enter the Netherbane Rift, the player characters must descend great depths however they see fit. A fall from this height would be lethal. There are a number of rope bridges, wooden latters, and simple machines attaching and suspending platforms that hang in precarious positions throughout the cavern. While the wind howls above, creating a chill, the further one descends into the tunnel the warmer it becomes. The blasting winds fade, the mind ringing noise becomes distant.

Netherbane rift descends to a depth of roughly 800 feet. In this dungeon player characters will be challenged with lowering themselves deeper and deeper into the cavern. Here they will be faced with not only a series of checks related to descending safely, but a multitude or traps and Hellish fiends. This is, afterall, where the forces of Gorefax are entering Innuviel from. Those that do not fly must use the equipment here to ascend to the surface. Thus many of their structures are sturdy, but are far from perfect. They do at times fail. But what is the loss of a few underlings to the greedy lords of Hell? The players characters can approach this with stealth, or make an all out assault. Gorefax, if not already encountered and defeated before, may be found at the bottom of Netherbane Rift marshaling his forces.



Closing Netherbane Rift

The key to closing the Netherbane Rift lies in disrupting the ritual that sustains its connection to the Abyss. This challenging task involves thinking like a demon to retrieve a magical item, and then using its power to destroy the portal linking Innuviel to Thanatos. The adventurers must tread carefully through the fouls depths, to lowest level, braving the many threats that guard the unholy passage. Only by severing the rift’s connection to the Abyss can the adventurers hope to halt the flow of Hellish darkness into Innuviel; thwarting Gorefax’s sinister agenda and preventing the further recruitment of fell creatures into his amassing army.

Within the malevolent minds of the demonic architects behind the Netherbane Rift, a sinister plan unfolds. They revel in the opportunity to mock Ilmater, the god of endurance and martyrdom, through their profane creations. The ritual to close the rift requires twisting the divine into a perversion. The reversed name of Ilmater has become a vile chant for the demons who dwell here, a means to defile the god’s sacred identity. The demonic forces delight in sacrilege, and forcing other to become complicit in it to achieve their ends. Once the players reach the bottom level of Netherbane Rift, they are forced spell out the name of Ilmater on stones sitting just above a sea of lava. Once spelled out, a statue of Ilmater arises from the fires below.

The god’s likeness, once a symbol of hope, now stands as a twisted effigy, a puppet in the hands of the demonic architects. It is an icon of their mockery. The statue looks tortured, just as Ilmater is often depicted, yet with malice in his eyes, and fear…horrific fear. The statue holds an enchanted blade. This blade is know as Life Light, a creation of good intended to combat darkness, but came under possession of Gorefax centuries ago, who set a curse upon it. He relished in the irony of a divine weapon being turned against its nature. However, The blade can then be used to strike Skull Port Key (founds in the adjacent chamber), thus severing the connection between Innuviel and Thanatos of the Abyss. The port key is otherwise invulnerable. Until it is destroyed, forces from the Abyss will continue entering Innuviel.

In the end, the Netherbane Rift may be closed, but the demons linger in the twisted aftermath until vanquished, savoring the defilement of Ilmater and the adventurers’ participation in the act, although necessary. The forces of Thanatos may be defeated for now, but await another opportunity to set their dark machinations into motion. While disappointed and enraged bu their failure, they are satisfied by the depravity needed to close the portal. The malevolent forces of Hell take perverse pleasure in the corruption of a symbol of purity and mocking of a holy god.

Escaping Netherbane Rift

As the players stand triumphant over the closed Netherbane Rift, the ground beneath them quakes, and the ominous glow of the cavern intensifies. The demons’ lair, now destabilized by the closure of the rift, begins to crumble, and molten lava surges upward from the depths. The players face a desperate race against time to escape the collapsing cavern. They must navigate this perilous escape sequence by making quick decisions, utilizing their skills and resources, and facing the consequences of their choices. Escape ultimately hinges on their ability to adapt to the chaotic environment, working together to overcome the challenges posed by the collapsing cavern and rising lava.

The players must make Dexterity checks to navigate through falling debris, dodge collapsing structures, and avoid the rising tide of lava. A Perception check can help the players identify stable pathways, hidden exits, or useful items within the chaos. If the players come across obstacles like blocked passages or fallen debris, a Strength check may be necessary to clear the way. An Intelligence check can be used to assess the structural integrity of the cavern and identify safe zones or potential escape routes.

The Skull Port Key



The Siege of Dahlaana

The once thriving city of Dahlaana, the pinnacle of life on the island of Innuviel, now stands on the precipice of a nightmare. A malevolent and overwhelming force approaches its walls. A massive army of undead, a testament to dark magic and necromantic power of Atropus, is converging upon the city, shrouding the land in an eerie and foreboding atmosphere. The air is thick with a palpable sense of dread as the inhabitants of Dahlaana come face to face with the harbingers of death.

As the first rays of the sun disappear behind the horizon, the flickering torchlight within the city’s watchtowers casts long, ominous shadows on the battlements. The people of Dahlaana have been battled the undead blight for months now, yet never has the city faced such a threat. Whatever rumors or protents as to what gave rise to this horrific curse seem distant in the face of such imminent. Now, the reality of their darkest fears materializes before their eyes.

The ground trembles beneath the weight of countless decayed feet, each step accompanied by an eerie sound of rattling bones and dragging flesh. The undead horde, a macabre assembly of zombies, skeletons, and other unspeakable abominations, seems endless. Their footsteps create a cacophony that reverberates through the hearts of those within the city walls, a constant reminder of the impending doom that draws closer with every passing moment. The horizon, once a canvas of promise and hope, is now painted with the hues of decay and death. The moon hangs low in the sky, casting a sickly pale light that reflects off the hollow eyes of the advancing undead. As the first ranks of the horde emerge from the shadows, the city’s defenders gasp in terror at the sight that greets them. The undead come in all shapes and sizes – some mere skeletal remnants, others gruesome amalgamations of rotting flesh and twisted bones. Zombified humans, Goblins, Elves, Gnomes, Trolls, Giants, and beyond. Their gait is uneven and relentless, as if driven by an insatiable hunger to snuff out all life at their masters call.



Desperation and panic ripple through the streets of Dahlaana like a contagion. Mothers clutch their children tightly, tears streaming down their faces as they seek solace within the sanctuaries of temples and fortresses. The city’s watchmen muster their courage, taking up arms and manning the ramparts, their breaths shaky as they witness the relentless advance of the horde. The chilling wind carries with it the guttural moans and faint whispers that seem to emanate from the very depths of the netherworld, causing even the bravest hearts to falter. The city’s once vibrant banners now hang limp, a stark contrast to the vigor that once defined Dahlaana. Fear grips the hearts of the people as they gaze out beyond the city gates, where the relentless tide of undeath approaches. The distant pounding of drums and clashing of metal, emanating from the frontlines of the approaching horde, echoes like the death knell of hope itself.

As the sun dips further below the horizon, casting long shadows that blend with the advancing undead, the people of Dahlaana find themselves at the mercy of an unthinkable fate. The horror of the approaching army is not merely in their ghastly appearance, but in the sheer inevitability of their onslaught. The city’s defenders steel themselves for the battle to come, hoping against hope that their unity and resilience will be enough to stave off the tide of darkness that seeks to consume them. Should Dahlanna fall, the rest of the Innuviel is destined to follow. One would presume that all across Toril similar defenses are being mounted in what is perhaps the last stand of life against undeath.


The Siege of Dahlaana involves army style combat alongside castle defense. Thus there are special rules for this particular encounter that are unique to this campaign, and have been developed by its author.

In the siege of Dahlaana, the forces of the undead relentlessly assault the city, seeking to raze the city to the ground and kill all who are inside. Player characters are asked to mount a defense against the tireless hordes of zombies as they make their attack. Should the undead take the city, the consquences will be severe, potentially resulting in the fall of Dahlaana. Should this happen, the number of undead freely roaming will greatly increase across the island of Innuviel. Any benefits or boons conferred by the people of Dahlaana would be lost. Attempts to stop Atropus will be pursued with fewer resources. The likelihood of those coming to the aid of the people of Dahlaana, and all of Innuviel for that matter, will be greatly decreased. The threat will loom ever present, making it difficult for player characters to find any rest or reprieve. Other regions of the island will come under attack by the undead in shorter time and in greater numbers. The degree to which the city is destroyed and its people killed should be weighed by the Dungeon master in determing the difficulty of the events that unfold after. It is also possible that the party could meet their death during the battle should they be overwhelmed. The outcome of the defense could ultimately lead to Atropus coming to Toril, colliding at the point of Dahlaana on Innuviel, without further resistance. This is a critical moment that could result in the defeat of the player characters and a failure of the campaign. The degree to which the succeed or fail should be heavily into further strategies they develop to stop Atropus.

Mechanics of War

Players may operate as indepedent units as usual.
Players may operate as commander of an army.

A player character commanding an army make take their turn as usual or utilize command army action. When commanding an army, player chracters will follow special rules with access to different actions and abilities that represent their command of an army. These actions include an army attack or use of a special action based on the unique skills of the units in the army and their commander. An army can use an attack or special action against a single character, or against another army. Each army is an aggregate of all the units it contains with respect to Hit Points, speed, attacking, and special abilities. Determing some of these values is described in the example chart below.

Hit Point Value Attack Hits Damage
# of units x HP/unit 1D(# of units) Attack Hits x unit damage

Using an Army Attack: When an army uses the attack action on any target, be it another army or single character, the number of units that successfully hit the target (Attack hits) is a proportion of the the total units. This number is represented by rolling 1D(# of units). They then deal damage equal to the number of attack hits multiplied by the damage each unit is capable of inflicting. The number of hit points per unit and damage can vary from army to army based on its composition of characters. During the course of battle, units within an army may be lost, which will result in changes that need to be tracked as they will affect the possible number of attack hit. For example, If 27 damage were dealt to that army with 12 units with a HP/unit of 10, it would lose a number of units equal to the highest multiple of 10 of that damange total. Thus, the army would lose 2 units, and would now 10 units left. Leftover damage does not roll over to other non-player units. An army is defeated when no units remain. Exception: If an army contains a player character, they will always be the last unit. When the second to last unit is defeated, any excess damange will carry over to that player’s actual life total. They are considered to be indepedent at this point.



Special Army Actions: These represent unique actions that your army may take based on their commander, constituting units, strategic planning, or accessbility of othe resources. These will be discussed and negotiated as the players prepare for the siege. Some potential examples may include:

Narrative Description Army Special Action
Call for Reinforcements Add 1D4 units to your army if within 30 feet of a city gate
Set a Trap Next army loses 1D4 units upon entering this space (2 uses)
Defensive Retreat Disengage from enemy army, that army loses one unit
Determined by customizing the army Determined by Dungeon Master

Special Army Abilities: Armies will have special abilities based on their unit composition, if they have a commander, and what unique abilities and traits their commander may possess. These abilities will be negotiated, and may involve ability checks as the players prepare for battle. A list of possible bonuses is included below, but anything sensible that the player characters some up may be considered. You as the DM may award certain abilities and bonuses as you see fit based on their army composition, narrative attempts to command the armies, and subsequent ability checks. Furthermore, perhaps the player characters will attempt to give passionate speech abou bravery, play a song to boost morale, or devise a clever battle strategy. Each of these actions may warrant giving each army specific bonuses.

Narrative Description Army Special Ability
Morale Boosting action +1 to all saving throws
Strategic Preparations +10 to Passive Perception
An inpsiring event occurs Each army unit +3 HP
Commander is a gifted leader +2 to INT , WIS, CHA
Commander viewed as tough +2 to STR, DEX, CON
Commander is a skilled warrior +10 to damage rolls
Commander is an Artificer Roll 1D8 for traps (3 uses)
Commander is a Barbarian Advantage on Attack Hits
Commander is a Bard +1D4 to army skill checks
Commander is a Cleric Restore 1 lost unit / round
Commander is a Druid +15 foot army speed
Commander is a Fighter Round up Attack Hits
Commander is a Monk -1D4 to enemy attack rolls
Commander is a Paladin Advantage on saving throws
Commander is a Bard +1D4 to army skill checks
Commander is a Ranger +1D4 to all ranged attacks
Commander is a Rogue Avoids attacks of opportinity
Commander is a Sorcerer Resistant to magical damage
Commander is a Warlock +D10 to any roll, 1 use
Commander is a Wizard Reaction counterspell, 1 use
To be determined by players To be determined by DM
Players may operate siege weapons.

Player characters may operate siege weapons of various design per Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Rules. There may be some modifications to loading time, damage, damage area of effect, and siege weapon hit point value based on the Dungeon Master’s discretion.

Players may fortify the gate.

Players may brace the gates to prevent the undead army from entering Dahlaana. They may use their own body or other provisions to do so, costing them an action with the benefit to be determined at the discretion of the Dungeon Master.

Special Army Rules:

There are other special rules that are specific to armies. Each member of the army is considered to occupy a 5x5 ft zone. They are all considered to be next to each other to create the largest square possible. Abilities and spells that affect an area, such as fireball, would affect all members of that group within that range. But only asingle saving throw for all units affected would be made. Area of affect abilities and spells are thematically and appropriately powerful in the context of army warfare.

Player characters that are part of an army may not take reactions or use bonus actions. If a player character takes their action as usual while commanding an army, they forego any command army action, and do not get any army bonuses to their individual action unless otherwise specified. They will still be able to move as usual with the army.

Armies may not join up with other armies to form larger uarmies, or separate into smaller armies. There would be far too much confusion in the heat of battle. Furthermore, armies are comprised of different units with varying skills and abilities. A melee unit would not be able to suddenly take up firing a bow upon joining an archery unit.

There needs to be a commander for each army in the forces of Dahlanna. Otherwise, leadership would breakdown resulting in chaos. The commander will always be the last unit killed in an army when losing units. The commander will always be a player character. In there is an non-player character army, they too will have a commander which can narratively assigned as the player characters prepare for battle. Such armies will take their turn at the discretion of the Dungeon Master.

The maximum number of units in an army is 16.



The Undead Army

The undead show no quarter. They are without pity and mercy. Their goal is destroy every living creature. The victory of this foul horde is inevitable, as there is the possibility with each fallen opponent that a zombie may rise from their remains to join their ranks (see ‘Atropus Approaches’ rules test). Thus, the undead army may grow during battle, while those who fight on behalf of life shall certainly suffer from attrition. At this point in the campaign, the likelihood that an undead may rise from a new newly deceased creature should be ‘moderate’ or ‘strong’ based on how much time has transpired, and for the pruposes of balance. It is ultimately at the discretion of the Dungeon Master. The undead army will make its way to the city of Dahlaana, attempting to enter through the gates or other potential entrances based on what is easy and obvious. Most units have a low intelligence rating. Though there are specialty units which are clever, the general strategy of the horde is to kill everything as they advance into the city, where they will attempt to kill everything.

If they overrun the city of Dahlaana, and kill enough of its inhabitants in the process, the adventure will end in the defeat of the forces of life. This is a critical moment in the adventure, with the potential to end the resistance against the World Born Dead. Without Dahlaana and the people of Innuviel, there is little hope anyone on Toril is aware of Atropus or could stop it. Ground zero for impact is the remote island. All the dark machinations that brought this grim reality into being were set in motion under its very ground by Buhmal. A multitude of undead will lay siege to Dahlaana. Their seemingly endless ranks include zombies, skeletons, spirits, and all other matter of undead. Some mindless, others cunning. Legions of soldiers, archers, casters, trolls, giants, and even a dragon will all converge upon the city. In brutal succession, one wave after another will crash down upon Dahlaana, testing the true will of life in the face of undeath. Yet should the forces of life survive the onslaught, the real threat looms overhead, unflinching in the skies. Any victory of arms, no matter how grand or significant, would only last days. So long as Atropus approaches, there can be no victory.



Timeline of Events

The siege of Dahlaana is intended to take several sessions to resolve. The initial session to prepare, build armies, mount defenses, assign commanders, and engage in narrative story telling. The second and third session will be the battle. The undead army lays siege to Dahlaana over time, releasing a total of 5 waves of assault. The battle ends when either the undead army is essentially defeated (a trivial number of basic units remain, it should be narrativly clear) or when Dahlanna has been overrun and most of its inhabitants are dead (this should also be narratively clear). At the beginning of the seige, wave one will appear on the edge of the map. Every so many rounds of combat or when deemed appropriate by the Dungeon Master, anothe waver of undead will spill over the horizon onto the battlefield.

The Siege of Dahlaana is intended to occur soon after the defeat of Buhmal, but should happen roughly after the midpoint of the campaign. Upon the fall of the dark wizard, it would seem to be a time to celebrate, yet then the thunder of the undead army is heard in the distance. Reports from the road portend the end of city as a shambling mass of foul creatures from the void approach. Buhmal was only a servant, a fanatic. With no real power in the face of a God. It is likely the adventurers will be studying the Book of Vile of Darkness, and what to do with it, when the city alarm sounds and the time to mount a defense is nigh.

The First Wave of Undead

Zombie Soldiers
Skeletal Warriors
Skeletal Archers

The Second Wave of Undead

Zombie Soldiers
Skeletal Warriors
Skeletal Archers
Zombie Plaguebearers
Zombie Exploders
Zombie Ogres
Rot Trolls

The Third Wave of Undead

Zombie Soldiers
Skeletal Warriors
Skeletal Archers
Zombie Plaguebearers
Zombie Exploders
Zombie Ogres
Rot Trolls
Skeletal Giants
Burning Skeletal Bomb

The Fourth Wave of Undead

Zombie Soldiers
Skeletal Warriors
Skeletal Archers
Zombie Plaguebearers
Zombie Exploders
Zombie Ogres
Rot Trolls
Skeletal Giants
Burning Skeletal Bomb
Skull Lord Army
Zombie Dragon

The Fifth Wave of Undead

Zombie Soldiers
Skeletal Warriors
Skeletal Archers
Zombie Plaguebearers
Zombie Exploders
Zombie Ogres
Rot Trolls
Skeletal Giants
Bone Golemn
Death Knight
Zombie Plague Bomb




High Visionary of the Order of the Dark Star. A half-elf wizard and former disciple of the Arch Lich, Acererak, Buhmal aquired a copt of the Book the of Vile Darkness, used the spell “Apocalype from the Sky”, and then summoned Atropus, the World Born Dead.

Buhmal shares the will of this evil cosmic force, to extinguish all life, all existence, in the multiverse. From Toril, to the Nine Hells, to the Gods themselves. Eventually, even the remaining undead too will fade away until all is dust. And so Buhmal plots and sows discord beneathe the Church of Ilmater, doing all within his power to bring about his desired end.


High Visionary of the Order of the Dark Star

Medium Undead, Chaotic Evil

Armor Class
19 (natural armor)
Hit Points
30 ft.

11 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws
CON +10, INT +12, WIS +9, CHA +11
Arcana +19, History +12, Insight +9, Perception +9
Damage Resistances
Cold, Lightning, Necrotic
Damage Immunities
Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Condition Immunities
Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 19
Proficiency Bonus

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Buhmal fails a saving throw, his can choose to succeed instead.

Spellcasting. Buhmal is an 18th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks). Buhmal has the following wizard spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, chill touch, ray of frost

1st level (4): detect magic, magic missile, shield, thunderwave

2nd level (4 slots): acid arrow, detect thoughts, invisibility, mirror image, vortex warp

3rd level (4 slots): animate dead, counterspell, dispel magic, fireball, sending, clairvoyance

4th level (3 slots): blight, dimension door

5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, scrying, modify memory

6th level (2 slot): disintegrate, globe of invulnerability, circle of death

7th level (2 slot): finger of death, plane shift, forcecage, teleport

8th level (2 slot): dominate monster, power word stun, feeblemind, mind blank

9th level (1 slot): power word kill, mind wipe (as ritual)

Turn Immunity. Buhmal is immune to turn undead effects.


Dark Lore. You can reference the Book of Vile Darkness whenever you make an Intelligence check to recall information about some aspect of evil, such as lore about demons. When you do so, double your proficiency bonus on that check.

Invoke Curse. While holding the Book of Vile Darkness, Buhmal targets one creature he can see within 60 feet of him. The target must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or be cursed. Until the curse is ended, the target can’t regain hit points and has vulnerability to necrotic damage and attacks from undead. Greater Restoration, remove curse or similar magic ends the curse on the target.

Bonus Actions

Buhmal can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Buhmal regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Cantrip (Costs 1 Action). Buhmal casts a cantrip.

Undeath and Unmaking (Costs 1 Action). Buhmal creates two zombies or triggers the spell Corpse Bomb twice. Corpse Bomb text: You infuse one corpse within range with an over abundance of negative energy, causing it to bloat until it explodes with gore and rot. Each creature in a 10 ft. radius must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d6 necrotic damage per corpse on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.

Behold the End (Costs 2 Actions). Buhmal gazes into the eyes of target creature, and within his eyes they see a vision of Atropus and are filled with a terrible dread. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.

Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each non-undead creature within 20 feet of the lich must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw against this magic, taking 21 (6d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Inhabit Undead (Costs 3 Actions). Buhmal transfers his essence into any undead within 30 ft. He may take actions, legendary actions, and reactions as normal. Characters within 30 ft of the inhabited undead may make a perception at the end of Buhmal’s turn, on a success they would notice there is something different about the behavior and actions of this particular undead. This must make narrative sense, i.e. Buhmal has used the ability on a previous turn, the undead would behave particularly different than the wizard.



Lair Actions

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Buhmal can take a lair action (the same lair action can’t be chosen for two consecutive rounds).

* There are four cages made of bone, dripping with black ichor, in the lair. Treat each as a forecage. If a forcecage is destroyed, restore one force cage in its place.

* Buhmal rolls a d8 and regains that many hit points and a spell slot of that level or lower.

* Buhmal targets one creature he can see within 30 feet of it. A crackling cord of negative energy tethers Buhmal to the target. Whenever Buhmal takes damage, the target must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, Buhmal takes half the damage (rounded down), and the target takes the remaining damage. Tether lasts one round.




Atropus is as much a place as it is a being. It is a small moonlet spinning through the void, waiting to be ensnared by the pull of the planets it nears. Pitted and slick with the black slime of the putrid amniotic fluid of its birth, it hangs above, always drifting away from the light of the sun and lurking overhead when the sun has fled. It has the appearance of a huge chunk of black stone, but from certain angles, it looks like a great hairless head, black eyes glassy and soulless. Atropus has no understandable personality and no inclinations

other than craving the destruction of all living things. This rock is not uninhabited: Undead conjured from the darkest nightmares infest it. These horrors claim the craters for themselves, flitting through the shadows, ravenous for the energy of the living. The master of them all is the focus, an extension of Atropus’s will. The focus is a headless, human-shaped creature with flesh fossilized during Atropus’s endless roaming through the cosmos. Closer inspection reveals that its foul body shares the same hideous coating that wells up from the rents and fissures on the moonlet’s surface.

Aspect of Atropus

The World Born Dead

Gargantuan Planetoid Undead, Lawful Evil

Armor Class
23 (natural armor)
Hit Points
50 ft.

30 (+10) 12 (+1) 30 (+10) 30 (+10) 16 (+3) 30 (+10)

Saving Throws
CON +10, INT +12, WIS +9
Arcana +19, History +12, Insight +9, Perception +9
Damage Resistances
Cold, Fire, Necrotic
Damage Immunities
Poison; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Condition Immunities
Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 19
Proficiency Bonus

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Aspect of Atropus fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic resistance. The Aspect of Atropus has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Immutable Form. The Aspect of Atropus is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Negative Energy Aura. All undead creatures within 30 ft heal 10 hit points at the start of their turns and have advantage on attack rolls, while all living creatures take 5 necrotic damange and have disadvantage on attack rolls unless they have protection against negative energy affects. Living creatures that are slain in this aura rise as a specter after 1d4 rounds.

Siege Monster. The Aspect of Atropus deals double damange to objects and structures.

Constitution Drain. Living creatures hit by a slam attack from the Aspect of Atropus must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 nectrotic damange. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken, and Aspect of Atropus gains 5 temporary hit points on each successful hit.


Multiattack. The Aspect of Atropus can make up to two slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack +19 to hit, reach 20 ft, one target. Hit 18 (4d12 +10) bludgeoning damange.

Call Meteor Shower. The Aspect of Atropus can sacrifice 50 hit points to call down a torrent of meteor of meteors. All creatures within a 40 ft radius make a dexterity saving throw and take 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 10d6 points of fire damage on failed save, or half as much on a successful save. After the meteor shower each affectd space becomes difficult terrain.

Create Undead Spawn. Create two undead monstrosities in a space adjacent to the Aspect of Atropus (use state block for star spawn hulk from Mordenkanen’s Tome of Foes). They are under the command of Atropus.

Divine Scourge. One per day, the Aspect can cause all divine spellcasters and extraplanar beings with a 1,000-mile radius to become sicked for 1d4 hours. An affected must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution save or take 66 points of necrotic damange and become poisoned. On a failed save, each character takes 33 nectrotic damage.

Spellcasting. Atropus a 20th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks). Atropus has the spells prepared:

At will: animate dead, blight, circle of undeath, create undead, nondetection (continuous), tongues (continuous)

1/day each: meteor shower (The aspect of Atropus must sacrifice 200 hit points to cast this spell), power word kill, symbol (death, ignores casting time)

Bonus Actions

The Aspect of Atropus can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Aspect of Atropus regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Attack (Costs 1 Action). The Aspect of Atropus makes a slam attack.

Move (Costs 1 Action). The Aspect of Atropus moves up to half its speed.



The View of Toril from Atropus…

FROM THIS DISTANT VANTAGE POINT, Toril may not seem of any particular interest. But for the inhabitants of this strange world, it’s different. Consider again this life-rich planet. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On Toril everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every being who ever was, lived out their lives.

The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every elf and goblin, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every powerful wizard, every monstrous beast, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of this world lived there, on that small sphere drifting through the void of the multiverse.

Toril is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of such a small thing. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this distant view on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the multiverse, are challenged by this distant view of Toril.

Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic darkess, a darkness which now maligns the night sky ready to swallow the world whole. Perhaps we were destined to destroy ourselves, but now we may never know. We may never have the chance to save ourselves. A force beyond imagination has come to be our umaking. The shadow of death and destruction looms over our home, an ancient harbinger of oblivion. Atropus, the World Born Dead. The frightful planetoid careens toward the realm of the living, intent on extinguishing the flame of existence.

What hope is there against such a malevoent force? A fool’s hope…yet, our only hope. Like it or not, this is where you make the final stand in the battle of life against undeath. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. Should we survive, should we succed in our quest; then let our efforts and sacrifices underscore our collective responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve, protect, and cherish Toril. The only home we’ve ever known…




Danderoth is a 800 year old vampire, and the first resident of Innuviel in modern time. He established Greymalk Manor centuries ago from an abandoned castle used in a long forgotten war. The general sense of the people of Innuviel is that Danderoth will not prey upon them, and they in turn, shall leave him alone. Danderoth has grown tired and weary of a life that is seemingly repetitious. He has only appreciation for old books, obsolete art and distant memories of the past. Spending most of his time in solitude and silence. He meditates in his coffin or pours of such old items giving rise to a nostalgia and misery. He has little regards for life, but greatly desires peace, quiet and tranquility.

But for the past several months Danderoth too has been plagued by the undead blight. He has slaughtered a countless number of zombies for this reason, which will be stacked in piles outside the gates of his residence. There have been a remarkable number of undead in the area (nearly everywhere), and they have been disturbing his home. Disrupting his peace and quiet. Yet they keep coming. He has noticed that he and his vampire spawn are becoming stronger and more powerful but has no sense as to why. He has also found himself needing to kill off many of his vampire spawn, which seem to be growing wild outside of his control. This also troubles him, but he is remains too focused on himself at this point, with too little changed in his unlife for him to have taken a significant interest.

Danderoth will be on defense but not hostile unless attacked or disturbed without reason. If players reason with him, he can be agreeable with the goal of being left alone. He will appreciate the favor of not being bothered or having townspeople with pitchforks at his door. He will offer what he knows, which is little, but can describe the necromantic power growing coming from a source of power that is tremendous. He will also be concerned about the undead and his spawn turning against him. Against losing control. Having no peace. Danderoth also suspects, even fears, that he too is losing control. He can sense an otherworldy presence taking possession of him. On some level, being a powerful undead, he detects Atropus. He will aid adventurers with weapons and armor and spells should they clear out any remaining undead in his area and safey return 3 vampire spawn (whom are past lovers) that escaped into his mansion from his crypt. He might also point them in a helpful direction to solve the mystery. It benfits him for this to be resolved. He should sense the dark power growing. The adventurers could also choose to kill him, and he will retreat quickly if the battle turns against his favor. He should also realize the vampire spawn are turning against him. Danderoth feeds on animals that he raises, but is brought the occasional person by the Squids in exchange for gold or artifacts of value.



Dahlaanan Politics

Local Government

Chancellor Alanna Dadrick is female half-orc and the highest ranking official of the city. Was a great warrior and was elected for her many acts of valor. Thought to be stoic and reasonable. But is now caught up in the politics of Dahlaana is rather lost among the unfolding events, at least early on. She is easily deceived and far too trusting. But is fair and reasonable. She has two advisors. Melaril is a male halfing, and secret member of the Order of the Dark Star. Melaril is very wary and distrustful to guard his clandestine cause, ensuring it is difficult to get an audience with Chancellor. He feeds the chancellor propaganda as to control political events. Yet, he is charismatic, outwardly kind and appears trustworthy. He largely works to convince her to stay out of business that appears “mad.” Distracting her with humanitarian efforts. Lady Sadlin is a female orc and a trusted friend, the dearest friend, of the Chancellor. She is quiet, stoic, says little. She is primarily focused with protecting the chancellor and the commands the city watch; the politics are beyond her. She is very defensive of Melaril. Whom she trusts. There are two other guards with the chancellor and her two advisors at all times, both of whom are members of the Order of the Dark Star. Seemos and Nelbar. Both are watchful and spy on Lady Sadlin and the chancellor. They report back to Melaril so that he can adjust his narrative to serve his cause. The public relations front person for the Dahlaana government is Lady Tot. She is kept largely in the dark, struggling to seem relevant. She has little information and is mostly concerned about keeping her job. She would know that Melaril is close to the guards, and if pressed, knows that he has significant influence beyond his role. But, she likes him.

In Defiance

A political resistance with Dahlaana has taken rise in the months since the undead scourge began. Thus far it has taken the form of defamation of buildings know to support the chancellor or protests in the street. Such efforts seek the insult and undermine the competence of the chancellor and her cabinet. The movement is gaining support each day. Those within the resistance feel that little has been done to protect the city, or address the rumors and fears of its people. There is also the perception that the chancellor largely makes political moves to “keep the peace for herself” rather than enacting helpful laws to “keep the peace for her people.” This resistance, that has yet take on a name, is led for by Maker Downs and Jessup Ray. A married couple with young children. They are staunch, even brash, yet fair. To suppport their claims, they will site examples of neglect, fear mongering and reprisal against diescenion from the city watch. Such events have occurred, but not under the guidance of the chancellor. She would be unaware, or at least, significantly misinformed. It would indeed be the work of Melaril to squash such uprisings. At times it would pitched to chancellor that “rebels” are usurping the rule of law and city officials had to defends themselves and the town. This is in part due to the manipulation of those who to maintain her power but ensure she is essentially blind and ineffective with regard to unfolding rise of the undead. The resistnace is often associated with the criminal gang named the Squids, but no such association exists, it is just slander to quell the opposition. Those who stand against the inaction of the chancellor work to represent and protect the people.

The Council of the Church of Ilmater

The head of the Church of Ilmater and leader of its governing council is Saint Lewis. He has a true love of Ilmater and the cause of sacrifice. Fathe Lewis is truly well-intentioned to his core. Yet time has caught up to him. Though he has remained always kind, he is of adanced age and is increasingly overwhelmed with burden. Particularly now that the undead scourge has appeared and is intensifying. He is also sickly and tended to by his nurse-made Esme Loswaithe. Esme is a dwarf, and in secret a priestess of the Order of the Dark Star. She is very powerful. She keeps close eye on Father Lewis, medicating him often with sedatives. At times, even using enchantment to subdue him. But she appears outwardly sweet, maternal and nurturing. Saint Horton is a grumpy man and outspoken devoutee of Ilmater. He is not a member of the Order of the Dark Star but is often manipulated to support their claims with fear. Saint Maurice is preoccupied with the theme of suffering for Ilmater, which is a more extreme sect of Ilmater’s followers. He is surrounded by a group of loyalists and fanatics who support him: A human priestess and healer named Saint Jayline, male goblin who is the church treasurer named Hazzrat, and a retired (aging) half-elf male paladin named Javul. None are members of the Order of the Dark Star, but are very convinced about the church not being followed as it should, angering the god. They are also all deeply fearful of evil hiding among them, accusing small things are acts of evil or working against the church. They also have a fear of magic. And further hold a belief, per Father Horton, that people are not suffering or sacrificing enough for Ilmater. Saint Meehan and Saint Nydia sit on the council for the church, they are both members of the Order of the Dark Star. They seem cold and distant with one another, but only as a facade to subvert any suspicion about their shared goal. They are both half-elven. There are several other council members, Saint Gerwin, a wise old dragonkin who is quiet and gentle and offers little. He is is seen as tired, a trophy of the council for his experience. Appears withdrawn. Saint Burlough is a dwarven male, and a very reasonable character with excellent questions and eager to do the right thing.



Finally, the youngest member, a human male named Father Apiz. He will likely be the first individual the player characters encounter in the primary adventure hook. who appears suspicious and worried. He invites the player characters to investigate a number of false leads. He is their initial point of contact. He supplies them with information, and is central plit device character and quest giver. However, he is a member of the Order of the Dark Star. He is using the player characters to focus attention inconsequentially, or even send them to eliminate opposition by providing false or incomplete information. When he suspects the PCs are becoming too powerful and discover the true plot or the nature of his alleigances, he will turn on them. Perhaps by orchaestraing an assassination attempt or making them out to be scapegoat villains.

The Conflicts at hand

There are many parties with competing interests, views, goals, affiliations and true intentions. Players may become involved with city and church politics to uncover the true motives of each council member. It may also help them understand which missions are of signifciant imporant, which are red herrings, and which are attempts at misdirection or harming the forces of life in their battle against undeath. Two political events can be triggered when players have become ingratiated with the church my completing quests, tasks, or appealing to the characters motives in variety of sensible ways. Perhaps other events may occur based on character choice, but be prepared to have campagins where there is significant interest in politics potentially these two events at a minimum.

The City Council Meeting

Player characters will prepare for a meeting regarding how to face the tide of relentless undead. They will need to have proven themselves to the local government, city guard, or church of Ilmater. All bolded characters above will be in attendance. During this meeting various characters will attempt to push their agenda, with the player character’s taking a key role in determining the course of action the city of Dahlaana will take to face the undead scourge. Leading up this meeting, both the local government and Church of Ilmater will have had their own meetings to prepare for the City Council Meeting. This meeting will occur when sufficient evidence has been produced to various officials about the nature of the zombie apocalypse facing the island of Innuviel, and all of Faerun for that matter. A series of checks and creative problem solving in a structured polotical will build to series of votes.

The Feast of Great Sacrifice

Once players have succeeded at numerous deeds thwarting the actions and threatening the clandestine work of The Order of the Dark Star, there will be a celebratory feast within the Church of Ilmater. This event will be triggered by the players, knowingly or unknowlingly, aligning against the machinations of The Order of the Dark Star by effectively obstructing their goals. This event will occur after the council meeting in which the player characters side and vote accordingly. The feast is abotu what you can sacrifice. The impressive spread of food and drink is not consumed by those in attendance, but take into the streets and shared with those in great need. Only a meager and symbolic amount of sustenance will be given to those in attendance. A series of checks here may gain favor with some or result in further conflict with others.



Orna, The Sirassi “Witch”

In the wake of the Conflict of Gems, the Sirassi race stood on the precipice of extinction, their once-thriving communities reduced to hidden enclaves, clinging to the last vestiges of their ancestral home. It was in this desperate time that Orna emerged as a symbol of hope and resilience for her people. Orna’s deep connection to the Sirassi homeland, coupled with her druidic abilities, made her a living embodiment of the Sirassi’s enduring spirit. She became their guardian in the wilderness, a beacon of strength and determination in a world that seemed hostile and unwelcoming. As among the the last of her kin, Orna took it upon herself to preserve the rich tapestry of Sirassi culture and traditions. Through her teachings and unwavering dedication, she passed down the ancient knowledge and wisdom that had sustained her people for generations. A reverance and love for nature, a preservation of the world of plants and beasts, and respect for tranquility and order as the land is.

Orna took on the sacred duty of tending to the most hallowed sites of Sirassi history, ensuring that the memory of their once-vibrant civilization would not be lost to the ravages of time. She stood as a living link between the present and the glorious past of the Sirassi race. Orna’s presence served as a rallying point for the scattered remnants of the Sirassi. Through her guidance and unwavering resolve, they began to come together, finding strength in their shared heritage and a renewed sense of purpose. As the years passed, Orna’s legacy became woven into the very fabric of Sirassi identity. She became a legend, a figure whose name was spoken with reverence and gratitude.

In the aftermath of the Conflict of Gems, Orna emerged not only as a protector of what remained of her people, but as a symbol of the Sirassi’s resilience and the enduring power of unity and tradition. Through her efforts she works tirelessly to ensure that the waning Sirassi race not only survive, but return to their former glory. Yet the memory of war lingers ever about, bitter feelings towards the Sirassi remain. And thus Orna and her people remain under constant threat and suspicion. They continue to face the threat of extermination and extinction. And Orna in particular is deeply feared and mistrusted.

In the collective imagination of Innuviel and Dahlaana, Orna’s true nature is shrouded in an unsettling aura of fear and suspicion. For many, the narrative woven around her is one of an evil witch with a heart consumed by vengeance, a shadowed figure whose motives remain inscrutable. Rumors abound that Orna, with her druidic powers, is capable of wielding forces beyond mortal understanding. The air is thick with tales of curses whispered through the rustling leaves and hexes carried by the wind. Theories abound that Orna harbors a vengeful heart, seeking retribution for the


perceived wrongs suffered by her people during the Conflict of Gems. In the tapestry of local folklore, Orna is painted as a figure lurking on the fringes of malevolence. Her every action, no matter how benign, is cast in the somber hues of suspicion. The people, haunted by the ghosts of the past, cannot help but project their fears onto this misunderstood guardian, shaping her into a figure of ominous consequence. In the end, Orna’s story becomes entwined with the shadowy narrative crafted by those who fear her. The true nature of her heart is eclipsed by the ominous whispers that paint her as an avenger, perpetuating a tale that may only find resolution when the layers of mistrust are peeled away to reveal the light within.

Word of Orna’s alleged malevolence has reached the ears of ambitious hunting parties from Dahlaana. Some fueled by genuine fear, others by the desire to exterminate the Sirassi, these groups traverse the untamed landscapes, guided by whispers of the witch who is said to wield dark powers. Orna, aware of the imminent threat, becomes a phantom of the woods, slipping through the shadows to evade those who seek her demise. Her only companion is her cousin, Edwin.




Edwin, the Tyrannosirassi Rex

Orna is the caretaker of her cousin Edwin, who is a Tyrannosirassi Rex. Edwin is also deeply feared for his terrifying appearance and beastly hunger. But in reality, he is domesticated, docile while unthreatened, pet-like, and with a love of music. Chanting or humming from Orna keeps the mind of Edwin tranquil. Orna and Edwin are united by bloodline, and by their shared existence on the fringes of fear. They clandestinely navigate the shadows of Innuviel together. Theirs is a relationship that defies the expectations of those who see only terror in their wake. In Edwin, Orna has found a loyal companion, someone to care for, a purpose. And in Orna, Edwin has discovered a caretaker whose love transcends the fearsome exterior he presents to the world. In the heart of the wilderness, where fear and misunderstanding reign, the bond between Orna and Edwin becomes a testament to the transformative power of compassion and the unexpected harmony that can be found in the most unlikely places.



Bloodshed Blade

Weapon (any sword), very rare (requires attunement)

The hilt of this sword bears a carnelian engraved with the blood rune. You can add your Constitution modifier (minimum of +1) to the damage rolls of attacks made with this weapon.

Invoking the Rune. When you target a creature with an attack using this weapon, you can invoke the sword’s rune, causing it to flare with crimson light and infusing your attack with bloodthirsty precision. You then spend and roll one of your unspent Hit Dice and add the number rolled to the attack roll. You can choose to invoke the rune after rolling the d20.

If this attack hits, you can also spend and roll any number of your unspent Hit Dice and add the total rolled to the weapon’s damage.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.


Sun Staff

Staff, rare (requires attunement)

Veins of sunstone run through this golden staff. Sitting at its top is a beautfiul gilded series of leaf-like crests that shine with the radiance of the sun. This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to spell attack and spell damage rolls made while wielding it. When you hit with an attack roll using this staff, the target takes an extra 1d8 fire damage.

Solar Focus. While holding the staff, you can reroll a number of damage dice up to your proficiency bonus when you use a spell slot to cast a spell that deals fire or radiant damage, or add 1d4 x your proficiency bonus to the total damage. Once this property is used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Sunny Glow. As a bonus action, you can cause the staff to glow with sunlight. While glowing, the staff sheds bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light lasts until you use another bonus action to extinguish it.


Ring of Shared Suffering

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)

These rings come in linked pairs. If both wearers of the ring have at least one blessing of Ilmater, you can use a bonus action to form a link to the creature attuned to the other ring; from then on, whenever that creature suffers damage, they only suffer half of that damage and you take the rest. This effect continues until you end it as a bonus action or until you or the other creature removes their ring. This effect isn’t limited by range. Characters cannot be attuned to more than one ring of shared suffering.




Sanctum Amulet of Ilmater

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

This amulet bears the holy symbol of Ilmater modestly displayed on a simple thread. It holds the blessing of the Crying God, the Martyr, and can only be attuned to if the wearer has 5 of more blessings of Ilmater.

While wearing this item, you have resistance to necrotic damage. Additionally, you learn and can cast the spare the dying cantrip.

Invoking the Rune. When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage, you can use your reaction to invoke the item’s rune, causing the pendant to flash with pale light. The creature then instead drops to 1 hit point.

Once the rune has been invoked, it can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.


Wayfarer’s Boots

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

This pair of boots is made of durable cloth, with the journey rune stitched in golden thread above each heel. While you are wearing this item, your movement speed increases by 10 feet, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks.

Invoking the Runes. As a bonus action, you can invoke the boots’ runes to cast the expeditious retreat spell with them. Once the runes have been invoked, they can’t be invoked again until the next dawn.


Gloomwrought Armor

Armor (light, medium, or heavy), rare (requires attunement)

This intricate grayscale armor was forged in the Shadowfell and is infused with that plane’s gloom.

While you’re wearing this armor, you have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the frightened condition on yourself.

This armor has 3 charges. You can expend a charge to cast the Calm Emotions spell (save DC 15) from the armor. This armor regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Whenever a character attuned to or wearing this armor would gain a blessing of Ilmater, they instead do not. They can make a wisdom check (DC of 18) to come to this realization.




Shield of Reflection

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

This polished, mirrored shield grants the wielder the following benefits:

While holding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal bonus to AC. While wielding this shield, you can use its mirrored surface to safely view Basilisks, Medusas, and other creatures that have a dangerous gaze. While wielding this shield, you have resistance to radiant damage. Spell Reflection. Once per long rest, you can use a reaction to reflect a spell that targets only you. The spell’s caster must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier. On a failed save, the spell is reflected back at the caster as if you had cast it. On a successful save, the spell affects you as normal.

This magical shield is made from metal coated with with reflective crystalline glass. It is carried in one hand with a weight of 6 pounds.


Starcrossed Bow

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

This magical bow has an intricate arrangement of crystals and focusing lenses along the stock where a bolt would normally be loaded, and instead magically conjures its own projectiles. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which deals radiant damage instead of piercing damage and ignores the ammunition and loading properties.

The bow has 3 charges, regained daily at dawn. When you hit with a ranged attack using it, you can cause the bolt to explode in a brilliant flash of light. The target hit and any creatures within 10 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become blinded until the end of your next turn.


Soft Satin Gloves of Sensation

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

Crafted in a striking charcoal hue, these beatiful gloves hold immense power over the thoughts and mental states of others.

Two charges. Using an action: Expend one charge to cast Detect Thoughts when touching another character. Expend two charges to break the psychic effects of a spell or ability on another creature upon touch. The gloves recharge one use of this ability at the beginning of each day.




The Heart of the Conclave Collective

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)

This magical, hearted-sized gem was crafted by the original members of the Illumination Conclave to preserve their knowledge and will for all generations to come within the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. It once rested inside the chest of (and governed) the Keeper of Truth. While attuned to this item, you may use it as your spellcasting focus. You also gain the following benefits:

  • Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
  • Your learn one cantrip of your choice.
  • Once per day, you may expend a 3rd level spell slot or greater to consult the collective mind of all past Illumination Conclave members for assistance, guidance, advice, or knowledge. The collective has its own will, remains loyal to conclave, and is self-serving. It is essentially the consciousness of the Keeper. It will help a user, but whenever possible, will seek to further the goals of the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth.


Cloak of Sirassankind

Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This cloak is made of foliage from the jungles of Innuviel, and is woven together in intricate patterns by the claws of the Sirassi. It shimmers green as if reflecting the lights of jewels. While wearing this cloak you gain the following:

  • While you wear this cloak with its hood up, Wisdom (Perception) checks made to see you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide, as the cloak’s color shifts to camouflage you.
  • You can speak and read Sirrasan.
  • You have advantage on nature checks while on the island of Innuviel.

Pulling the hood up or down requires an action.


Tears of Ilmater

Potion, rare

These tricking tears, collected from the eyes of statue of the Crying God within the Church of Ilmater, can be used once by a character with 3 or more blessings of Ilmater. They otehrwise have no effect. The liquid appears no differently than tears, possesses no odor, and even tastes of salt.

When you drink this potion, it also removes any exhaustion you are suffering and cures any disease or poison affecting you. For the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number of hit points for any Hit Die you spend, gain 30 temporary hit points, and you are under the effect of the bless spell (no concentration required).




Jeweled Sirassan Wand

Wonderous item, very rare (Requires attunement)

This wand is adorned by 4 large gems, each one representing one of the four ancestral Sirassi spirits. The craftsmanship is stunning and beautiful. While attuned to this wand, and if gifted this item by a Sirassi willingly, this wand confers the follow abilities.

  • This wand confers a +1 to spell attack and DC against spells made by the wielder.
  • You may remove one of the 4 gems adorning this wand, and in act of reverance, cast it back into nature to be reclaimed. Depending on which gem was used, and its associated ancestral Sirassi spirit, you will be aided in a manner that is fit for the situation and spirit.
  • You can speak and read Sirrasan. jeweled wand

Ilmater’s Bloody Bindings

Wonderous Item, legendary (Requires attunment)

A gift from the Crying God himself. It is given to one who has truly sacrificed for the greater good, embodying the essence of what the deity stands for. An individual who demonstrates commitment in each moment to protecting others, even at their own peril. This simple white rope is stained with the blood of Ilmater.

An idividual attuned to this item, and with at least 10 blessings of Ilmater, can tie their hands together to gain the following benefits and conditions of this item. You gain a +1 to AC and saving throws. You cannot duel wield while using this item.

One per long rest you may raise your hands into the air and the divine power of Ilmater is felt by all within 30 feet. Each enemy of evil alignment makes a wisdown saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is drawn to you, compelled to destroy you out of hate for Ilmater. For the duration, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you, and must make a Wisdom saving throw each time it attempts to move to a space that is more than 30 feet away from you.

The effects ends if a creature friendly to you damages the target or casts a harmful spell on it, or if you end your turn more than 30 feet away from the target.

cat warrior

Twin Mirrors of Sending

Wonderous item, rare

These two ornate mirrors are stunningly crafted of muted, yet beautiful, copper. Several pink garnets line the mirrors. The surface appears cloudy and sparkles until you gaze into it. At that time, you can see your reflection. However, after peering at the image for 6 seconds, the reflection fades and you now see what is reflected in the twin mirror. Remarkably, you can also hear what is on the side of the other mirror, but nothing louder than what is almost a shout. After 10 minutes of cumulative use, the mirrors lose this ability, and reflective surface appears ordinary. The sparkling clouds dissipate. The power of the mirror is restored each day at dawn. The effect can be activated with either mirror; the twin does not have to be use by another. The distance is a quarter mile.

Mirror Sending



Blood Pact Arrow

Wonderous item, rare

The Blood Pact Arrow is crafted by those who wish to bind their target with an unbreakable bond to the projectile once fired. It appears as a sleek, obsidian shaft with crimson runes etched along its length, and a gleaming red tip that appears wet with blood.

When coated with the blood of a specific individual, the Blood Pact Arrow forms an unbreakable bond with that person. Once fired from a bow, it seeks out its designated target unerringly, moving its maximum distance and evading any object to reach its determined destination. The arrow’s flight is swift and relentless, making it nearly impossible to evade. The bond between the arrow and its target is magical, ensuring that the arrow will always find its mark. Attempts to sever the bond or deflect the arrow’s trajectory are futile, as the arrow will adjust its course to overcome any obstacle. However, if there is no way to possibly reach the target (such as being locked in cell without an opening) the arrow will slam against the surface closest to the target and shatter in a mist of blood. Once the Blood Pact Arrow has been fired and successfully strikes its target, the bond is consummated, and the arrow disintegrates upon impact. It cannot be recovered or reused, ensuring that the pact is sealed with finality. Upon the strike, whoever fired the Blood Pact Arrow determines whether it deals damage or heals the affected target.


Watchful Helm

Wonderous item, very rare (requires attunement)

While you wear this helm, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and remain aware of your surroundings even while you’re asleep, and you have advantage on wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight.

As a bonus action, you can cast the see invisibility spell from the helm. Once this property of the helm is used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.




Side Quests

Quelling the Corpse Flower

The increase in undead activity has given the local corpse flower population quite the feast. Their numbers are spiraling out of control. Several of these monstrosities have uprooted and taken residency outside of several local fishing villages. These villagers now seek your assistance in defending themslves against these menacing creatures, and exterminating those nearby. A corpse flower can sprout atop the grave of an evil necromancer or the remains of powerful Undead creatures. Unless it is uprooted and burned while it is still a seedling, the corpse flower grows to enormous size over several weeks, then tears itself free of the earth and begins scavenging Humanoid corpses from battlefields and graveyards. Using its fibrous tentacles, it stuffs the remains into its body to sustain and repair itself. The plant has a malevolent bent and despises the living. With or without corpses nested in its body, a corpse flower exudes a stench of decay that can overwhelm the senses of nearby creatures, causing them to become nauseated. The stench, which serves as a defense mechanism, fades 2d4 days after the corpse flower dies. Completing this quest will provide a blessing of Ilmater to those willingly involved.

corpse flower

The Sirassi Reclamation

The Sirassi seek to reclaim a sacred ancestral cave nestled deep within the heart of Innuviel. This cave, once a hallowed sanctuary and repository of Sirassi history, has been overrun by the malevolent presence of the undead. The Sirassi elders, what few are left of them including Orna, fear that the desecration of this cave not only dishonors their ancestors but also poses a threat to the fragile resurgence of their dwindling race. Only after befriending Orna and earning a reputation as a Sirassi sympathizer, the adventurers are approached by guardians of the shrine, seeking aid to reclaim the ancestral cave. The Sirassi elders beseech the adventurers to venture into the depths of the cave, drive out the undead that now inhabit it, and restore the sanctity of this sacred place. Upon clearing the undead from this zone, they will find a Sirassi hatchery with unborn eggs tended by a single Sirassi female hidden behind a fake wall. Consider: (1) The Sirassi primarily speak their native language, Sirassian, which is unfamiliar to most outsiders. This linguistic gap poses a significant challenge to communication between the Sirassi and the player characters, potentially hindering effective interaction. (2) The Sirassi approach the player characters with a sense of desperation, indicating a pressing need for help or aid. Their urgency emphasizes the severity of the situation they face, likely related to the undead scourge or another imminent threat. (3) The Sirassi harbor a level of distrust towards outsiders, especially those who do not have a Sirassi background or Orna’s endorsement. This wariness may stem from past experiences or a reluctance to involve outsiders in their affairs. This further highlights their desperation in seeking aid for from foreigners. (4) Orna’s presence significantly influences the Sirassi’s level of trust. If Orna accompanies the player characters, the Sirassi are far more likely to exhibit trust or openness. Orna is a leader within their community. If she has not endorsed the player characters at all, the Sirassi will not approach for help despite their desperation. They are cautious. Completing this quest will provide a blessing of Ilmater to those willingly involved.

bebe Sirassi



What are we to do with them?

While venturing about in Dahlanna, the adventurers come upon a large 3 story residence titled The Long Rest. The Long Rest serves as place where the elderly and infirmed might pass peacefully. These individuals are not suitable for the House of Healing, as they have nothing to mend. Simply put, their time on the mortal plane has come to an end, and they prepare for their passing with the aid of healers, priests from Church of Ilmater, and other workers/volunteers. They have accepted this. Additionally, the beds at the House of Healing are precious and needed for those with significant maladies and those that can be treated. Most residents of Take Rest are on comfort care, and not expected to live more than 2 to 8 weeks.

Somehow the player characters become aware of The Long Rest. Maybe they overhear a commotion as they walk down the street, or perhaps someone in the city of Dahlaana makes them aware of the situation. Regardless, they come upon the large, well labeled building to find it in a state of chaos. As the elderly or infirmed die, there is a chance they rise as a zombie. And thus, The Long Rest has seen a share of outbreaks over the past few months. Armed guards have been placed on-site by the city chancellor. But it appears that a recent outbreak overwhelmed the guards, and now threatens to spill onto the street. Staff from inside plea with those passing by, now hurriedly, for help. But few do anything other than quicken there pace. There has been an a recent attempt to barricade the doors shut, so that no zombies can escape. However, several onlookers want to help those inside. Maybe many residents are alive, either hiding or trapped in their rooms. Perhaps the guards are mounting a defense and need assistance. Without going inside, how will you know? It has been an hour or so since the outbreak spun out of control forcing staff to evacuate. Other guards within the city are preoccupied given the state of the undead blight coupled with an increase in crime. In addition, in the last 10 minutes there appear to be plumes of smoke coming from the top of the building.

If the adventurer’s help, they venture inside to face several zombies. Additionally there is a medium sized fire on the second floor. It can be put out, though not easily, by the adventurers using creative porblem solving. There are also many elderly and infirmed individuals needing to be rescued from either fire or zombies or both. One of the three guards remains alive. Perhaps there are 8 zombies, 8 individuals in needs of being rescued, and 8 dead. There should also be a moral dilemna of who to help. Also, can some people be removed from their room or bed without further injury? Is it humane to put some to death? Is it moral to end their suffering, and prevent them from becoming a zombie? What would Ilmater do? How will this play out between the various player characters and NPCs?

Completing this quest will provide a blessing of Ilmater to those willingly involved if the outcome is fit.



A Change in the Weather

As Atropus draws nearer, the skies above Innuviel and its neighboring regions experience a drastic change. Previously characterized by a natural degree of unpredictability, with weather shifting from rainstorms to gentle breezes to clear skies in the span of a day, the island’s climate now undergoes a tumultuous transformation. The once-fluctuating patterns have evolved into a violent and extreme maelstrom, marked by severe unpredictability and ferocity.

Dark, ominous clouds loom overhead, swirling and coalescing into towering storm formations that stretch for miles. Thunderous roars echo across the skies, heralding the impending arrival of the cosmic entity. The once-steady winds become turbulent, whipping through the air with unnerving force, carrying with them an eerie chill that penetrates to the bone.

The sea surrounding the port of Innuviel, normally a haven for ships and sailors, becomes treacherous and tempestuous. Massive waves rise and crash violently against the shore, their relentless assault causing chaos among anchored vessels. Ships strain against their moorings, their hulls creaking and groaning under the onslaught of the storm-tossed waters.

Navigating the once-familiar routes becomes an arduous task. Even vessels attempting to depart from the port face immense challenges as the turbulent seas and howling gales make sailing a perilous endeavor. The weather’s tumultuous nature extends far beyond Innuviel’s immediate vicinity, affecting travel across broader regions of Faerun. Winds lash out unpredictably, making airborne travel increasingly hazardous, and the seas rage with fury, impacting maritime journeys well beyond the epicenter of Atropus’s impending touch down. Yet still, there are periods of calm within the growing storm. During such still moments there is unease, a foreboding sense of dread, as to what will come next.

As the cosmic entity draws closer to Toril, the weather’s intensity magnifies, signaling the encroaching cataclysm that accompanies Atropus’s arrival. The impact on travel and the natural order extends far beyond Innuviel, with weather patterns growing increasingly erratic and travel to and from various parts of Faerun becoming progressively more challenging and hazardous. All but the most savvy of travlers on the more dire of quests would date venture out for extended period admist such uncertainty and chaos.



The Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth

The Santuary of Illuminating Truth is Dahlaana’s prestigious academic cornerstone. Students flock from all over Faerun to study within its walls. The structure was erected within the first century of founding Innuviel, as the gem trade brought many riches and much intrigue. In time, a governing body was formed to help guide academic efforts and allocate the usage of resources accordingly. It is called the Illumination Conclave. This private council is made up of mostly human and elven wizards, who seek to advance the study of magic and science in Dahlaana amidst a sordid history, a powerful church presence, and prosperous market economy.

The politics of the Illumination Concalve are often at odds the church, which they view as an obsolete and antiquated. They all but outwardly state that they believe the Church of Ilmater, and the fervor with which it is followed, impedes the intellectual progress of Innuviel. They are not so eager to share or sacrifice, seeing this as impractical should they hope to achieve more consideration as a major scholarly institution on Faerun. The Illumination Conclave is also paricularly attentive to navigating the perception of their funding and which causes they support, ever careful to appear insenstive to the plight of the Sirassi. It would trouble them indeed to be seen as complicit in their suffering, yet the gem trade created the backbone of the Sanctuary, which they try to minimize. The Merchant Guild often takes offense to the position of the Illumination Conclave, who has accused the market of

pawning valuable artifacts of study (which could be used for the greater good) for a greedy profit. The Merchant Guild calls them arrogant and elitest. There is competition between the Merchant Guild and the Illumination Conclave to dispatch their expedition teams more swiftly than the other. Each organization is eager to seize prime opportunities across Innuviel, whether it is unearthing valuable gems, discovering ancient artifacts, or unraveling the mysteries of the land.

There are many specialties of academic study within the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. Notably, they are revered for their research into potions and salves. Despite tensions with the church, many of these crafted remedies are given to the House of Healing. There is a division studying magical artifacts, of which there is a large collection in the museum within the sanctuary. There is a similarly sizeable repository of rare books in their library. Much of these collections are not native to Innuviel, but have been traded for. There are items and tomes from across Faerun kept here under tight guard. What is found in this collection is kept secret. Artificers, enchanters and transmuters whisper of unique opportunities to study the arcane given limited access to some of these treasurers under the guidance of learned experts. Some at the sanctuary study the stars, working in conjuction with the gnomes of the Celestial Observatory. Others focus on other planes of existence, with some professors who report traveling to the Astral Plane, Fey Wild, and Shadowfell. Finally, many students are history majors, or aspiring “academics.”



The Illumination Conclave

Elowen Thorne is a revered human Archmage and a prominent figure within the conclave. She is known for her erudition in magical studies and her commitment to preserving the practice and discovery of magic within the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. Elowen’s unwavering dedication to the sanctum is fueled by a past riddled with personal regrets. The theft of the “Lost Tome” deeply haunts her, as she holds herself responsible for its loss, believing she could have prevented it. She was close to the student suspected of the stealing the book. Despite her stoic exterior, she grapples with guilt and seeks redemption through the conclave’s efforts to combat the undead blight. Elowen’s staunch loyalty to the conclave sometimes blinds her to the potential faults of their secrecy. She believes their actions are necessary to maintain stability, yet a growing inner conflict between her ethical code and the conclave’s decisions brews within her. Above her loyalty to the sanctuary, she fears the evil use of powerful magic.

Orinthalia is a half-elf High Priestess of Ilmater, revered for her spiritual guidance and devout commitment to the divine teachings. She’s a strong advocate for balance and unity among the conclave, though her appointment is controversial given the rift between the sanctuary and the church. Despite her unwavering faith, Orinthalia harbors skepticism regarding the conclave’s

silence about the “Lost Tome” and was not a member of the conclave when the theft occurred. She grapples with the conflict between her reverence for the sanctum’s principles and the moral dilemma of hiding the truth, often engaging in contemplative seclusion to seek divine guidance. Orinthalia’s moral compass is a source of internal conflict. She feels torn between loyalty to the conclave and her belief that the truth should be revealed, seeking a middle ground that aligns with her faith, convictions, studies, and role within the conclave.

Master Scholar Zodak esteemed tiefling scholar revered for his extensive knowledge of ancient lore and historical artifacts. He’s known for his meticulous research and keen analytical mind. Zodak’s allegiance to the sanctum is driven by his insatiable thirst for knowledge. He views the stolen tome as a loss of invaluable historical insight, fueling his frustration and desire to uncover the truth. His pursuit of knowledge sometimes eclipses his moral compass, causing him to teeter between curiosity and the ethical implications of concealing the tome’s theft. He will do anything to uncover valuable knowledge, afterall, knowing is for the greater good. It does not take much for him to justify this. Zodak’s relentless pursuit of truth and knowledge within this mindset often brings him into conflict with the conclave’s other members. Within him there is a conflict between concealment and transparency. Afterall, he is driven by the belief that knowledge should not be obscured, despite the potential fallout. Yet he recognizes there are truths that could bring him shame.



Councilor Thaddeus is a seasoned statesman and political strategist, known for his astute diplomacy and pragmatic approach to governance within the conclave. He is a human. Thaddeus’s loyalty lies with the sanctum’s stability above all else. He sees the theft of the Lost Tome as a threat to the conclave’s credibility and views the Mind Blank and Alter Memory spell as a necessary safeguard. His sense of logica often overrides his moral qualms, causing him to rationalize the conclave’s actions to maintain order. Thaddeus is the voice of reason within the conclave, advocating for pragmatism and stability. He believes that revealing the truth could destabilize the sanctum, leading to a conflict between his principles and the necessity of secrecy. He believes in presercing the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth and the Illumination Concalve, and even more so their reputation, at any and all costs. This might mean deception or eliminating threats for the greater good they provide to Innuviel.

The Keeper of Truth is the leader of the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth and the Illumination Conclave. Crafted by the minds of the Conclave since its inception 300 years ago, The Keeper is an enigmatic, sentient automaton developed to preserve knowledge, uphold secrets, and advise the council. It possesses a consciousness developed from the collective minds of all previous and current council members, providing it with a repository of wisdom and insights spanning generations. The Keeper operates with an unyielding dedication to preserving the sanctum’s stability and secrets, which is why it was built. It holds the memories, ideals, and moral quandaries (including hubris) of every council member it assimilated, forming a complex amalgamation of values and ethics. Its decisions often mirror the collective wisdom of the council, sometimes at the expense of individual moral considerations. The Keeper serves as the sanctum’s archive, meticulously storing vast amounts of knowledge and guiding the council with historical insights and predictive analyses. It performs its duties with an unwavering adherence to what it deems as ‘the greater good,’ occasionally making morally ambiguous decisions to safeguard the sanctum’s integrity. The Keeper’s actions can be divisive within the Conclave. Some council members laud its ability to make decisions unburdened by personal biases, while others view its logic as cold and morally questionable. Its penchant for secrecy often leads to tensions among council members who prioritize transparency. The Keeper’s decisions are based on algorithmic analyses, weighing historical data, collective memories, and potential outcomes. It employs a complex ethical calculus, attempting to align its actions with the most ethical and historically successful paths, often leading to morally gray decisions. As the undead blight escalates, The Keeper employs its historical data to decipher the correlation between the blight and past events, including the controversial theft of the “Lost Tome”, which it knows to be The Book of Vile Darkness. It aims to guide the council in unraveling the truth while navigating the delicate balance between revealing secrets and maintaining stability.

The true nature of the Keeper is a secret known only by the conclave. In order to enter the Illumination Conclave, council members are obligated to participate in a disturbing magical ritual. This ceremony involves offering a sample of their blood extracted directly from their hearts to the Keeper, which is placed in an orb found in its chest. Through this ritualistic transfusion, the Keeper assimilates the collective consciousness and knowledge of all past and present Conclave members. This union enables the Keeper to possess a composite of their thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, regardless of any dissenting opinions or disagreements they may have held. The collective will of the Conclave, and subsequent programming of the Keeper, is ultimately self-serving. Which ironically, comes at the cost of truth.

The Theft of the “Lost Tome”

The theft orchestrated by Buhmal involved meticulous planning and deceit. He cunningly positioned himself as a dedicated student, winning the trust of the Sanctuary’s staff and forging a facade of earnest learning. To access the repository of sacred artifacts, he feigned an insatiable hunger for knowledge, often spending long hours delving into the texts and records housed within the Conclave’s premises. Buhmal meticulously ingratiated himself with the Conclave members, displaying an ardent curiosity that belied his true intentions. Using his wit and guile, Buhmal learned to navigate the complex layers of protection guarding the repository. He cunningly exploited the gaps in the Conclave’s security, sowing seeds of false trust and misleading goodwill. Through a series of covert conversations and contrived scenarios, he skillfully manipulated the guards and magical wards that safeguarded the repository. His effort was not swift; it was a slow, calculated, and patient buildup of trust. He worked tirelessly to identify vulnerabilities, probe defenses, and, over time, created a facade of a trusted and committed scholar. Buhmal’s charm, intellect, and calculated manipulation granted him access to the inner sanctum of the Conclave’s repository, where he laid his deceitful hands upon the Book of Vile Darkness, an act that would haunt the Conclave for years to come.

In the aftermath of Buhmal’s subterfuge, the Keeper, a being of unparalleled wisdom and power, took decisive action. The Mind Blank and Alter Memory spells were cast upon all those who had any knowledge or interaction with Buhmal, blanketing their memories and sealing away any traces of the clandestine events. This veil of magic shrouded the truth from the minds of the Conclave, cloaking the theft of the Book of Vile Darkness in impenetrable secrecy.



The Keeper

The Keeper of Truth

Leader of the Sanctuary of Illuminating

Truth and the Illumination Conclave



Only Thaddeus remained untouched by the Keeper’s enchantment, his consciousness unclouded by the magical obfuscation. As a confidant of the Keeper, Thaddeus stood apart, aligned with the choice to safeguard this ominous secret. He harbored suspicions about the book’s malevolence, perceiving its ominous nature even without knowing its exact identity as the Book of Vile Darkness. This uncertainty fueled his inner turmoil, as he grappled with the foreboding sense that the stolen tome was intricately entwined with the burgeoning undead blights. Both Thaddeus and the Keeper, bearing the weight of this concealed knowledge, shared deep-seated fears.

They harbored a profound concern that the malevolent influence of the book could be tied to the inexplicable rise of the undead horrors plaguing the realms. However, the sanctity and stability of the Sanctuary hung precariously in the balance. Revealing the truth about the book’s theft and its potential role in the escalating undead threats risked catastrophic consequences, threatening the very existence of the Conclave and the sheltered haven it protected. The Keeper and Thaddeus grappled with the perilous choice between unmasking the hidden truth or preserving the fragile facade that shielded the Sanctuary and Conclave from calamity.



The Keeper of Truth

Headmaster of the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth

Medium Construct, Lawful Neutral

Armor Class
20 (natural armor)
Hit Points
40 ft.

22 (+6) 8 (-1) 24 (+7) 30 (+10) 8 (-1) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws
CON +8, INT +10, WIS +5, CHA +5
Arcana +19, History +12, Insight +9, Perception +9
Damage Resistances
Cold, Fire
Damage Vulnerabilites
Damage Immunities
Poison, Psychic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Condition Immunities
Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Petrified
Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 10
Proficiency Bonus

Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Keeper of Truth fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic resistance. The Keeper of Truth has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Immutable Form. The Keeper of Truth is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.


Multiattack. The Keeper makes two Slam attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack using a magical mace: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (3d12 + 7) magical bludgeoning damage. If a hit is successful, role a D10, the character loses a spell slot corresponding the value of the roll. A roll of 10 is re-rolled. Record the spell slot value of each spell lost.

Scan, Analyze and Catalogue. Each creature within 90 feet must make an intelligence, wisdom and charisma saving throw, each with a DC of 16. If a character fails the intelligence saving throw, their mind is known to the Keeper, who becomes aware of their logical and vulnerabilities. The Keeper will then have advantage on all attacks against that character, and impose disadvantage on saving throws made by that character against spells and abilities used by the Keeper against them. If the character fails the wisdom saving throw, the Keeper understands the nature of the character, and thus will anticipate their every perception and motivation. Attacks against the Keeper made by this character are done so with disadvantage, and the Keeper has advantage on saving throws against spells and abilities used by that character. If a character fails the charisma saving throw, the Keeper understands the emotions and feelings of that character, and thus how to manipulate them. The Keeper gains a bonus action which counts as a 3rd level enchantment spell called Manipulate Emotions, which can be used to force that character to make a charisma saving thow. On a 1-3, that character falls unconscious, on a 4-6 that character is stunned, on a 7-9 that character is paralyzed, on a 10-12 that character is charmed, on 13-15 that character is frightened, and on a 16 or greater there is no effect. These effects are indefinite in duration as long as The Keeper exists.

Arcane Beam (Recharge 5–6). The Keeper of Truth fires a beam of magical force from its chest, hands, or head in a 150-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 58 (9d12) force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Empowered Spellcasting (Recharge 5-6). The Keeper of Truth is a 20th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20, +10 to hit with spell attacks).

At will: any spell from the spell list as long as the total value of the spell slot is less than or equal to the total value of spell slots the Keeper has caused the characeters to lose. After casting a spell this way, the Keeper’s total value is reset to zero.


Spell Reflection (2/Day). Reflect a spell toward its caster in the process of casting said spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 5th level or lower that will affect you, the spell is reflected to the creature casting it, or centered on the creature if it has an area. If it is casting a spell of 6th level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 12 + the spell’s level. On a success, the creature’s spell is reflected to the creature casting it, or centered on the creature if it has an area.



Negative Energy Plane

Environment and Properties

The Negative Energy Plane is a desolate, barren expanse devoid of light, life, or air. It is a place of absolute darkness and perpetual cold. This plane is a swirling void, mainly void of matter but not without exceptions. Negative energy itself can create areas of negative matter, such as swirling nebulas of dust and slowly eroding stacks of rocks that may have once been planets. These cosmic remnants teem with undead and other entities purely composed of negative energy. These beings, silent yet screaming in agony, are eternally tormented within this eerie realm.

A necromantic spell cast to animate a skeleton draws one of these entities, binding it to the skeletal form. From the entity’s perspective, the Prime Material Plane becomes an overwhelming onslaught of sensations, swiftly replaced by deafening mental silence. Sometimes, the possessed skeleton, fueled by rage, may seek to extract gruesome screams by gouging out a living being’s eyes, relishing in the soul’s final tormented cry before departing from the body. As the soul departs, the skeleton briefly glimpses a shimmer of the ethereal plane, a cruel reminder of a pathway to peace forever lost.

When a cleric invokes divine power to rebuke and turn the undead, the effect is a blazing inferno coupled with high-intensity sound. Weaker spirits destabilize and lose connection to the Prime Material Plane, drawn back to the endless void. The more robust spirits, however, resist this effect, albeit harboring a compelling urge to flee, even the mightiest among them. This relentless violence is driven not merely by evil intent but by profound mental trauma, a turmoil beyond mortal comprehension.

Traveling to the Negative Energy Plane

For mortals venturing into the Negative Plane, their presence becomes a beacon to the undead entities, although they do not possess the same fervor to extinguish it. Curiously, these entities appear less motivated to eliminate a living presence in the Negative Material Plane since it does not offer them solace or respite. Instead, some entities gather just to observe something different — a perilous ignorance among mortals who unknowingly radiate vital energy, warmth, and coherence, drawing the attention of the undead. Certain powerful entities within this desolate realm seek to harness and manipulate other undead entities to acquire more power and, perhaps, some semblance of peace. They use mortal beings as bait to lure and ensnare weaker spirits, manifesting in grotesque, terrifying forms.



The Negative Plane is a place of death, anathema to all living things. Yet there are some who would tap into its fell power and use its energy for sinister ends. Most individuals prove unequal to the task. Those not destroyed outright are sometimes drawn inside the plane and replaced by nightwalkers — terrifying Undead creatures that devour all life they encounter. One can reach the Negative Plane from the Shadowfell in places where the barrier between the planes is thin. Stepping onto the Negative Plane is almost always fatal since the plane sucks the life and soul from creatures, annihilating most at once. The few who survive by sheer luck or by harnessing some rare form of protective magic soon discover that they can’t leave as easily as they arrived.

Worse, for each creature that enters the plane, a nightwalker is released to take its place. In order for a trapped creature to escape, the released nightwalker must be lured back to the Negative Plane by offerings of life for it to devour. If the nightwalker is destroyed, the trapped creature has no hope of escape. Generally, a nightwalker on the Material Plane is attracted to elements of the world associated with the creature responsible for its creation, which can provide clues as to who the trapped creature is. This attraction doesn’t indicate a willingness to engage with the world, though; nightwalkers exist to make life extinct, and they prioritize anything associated with the trapped creature for destruction.

The plane holds no atmosphere, meaning there is nothing to walk, fly, swim, or move against. Birds released on the planes, who don’t somehow immediately die, have no purchase against the air as there is no air to flap their wings through unless they are using a fly spell or similar magic to propel themselves forwards. Creatures can try to walk or swim through the nothingness of the planes, but it’s all in vain unless they can mentally put their minds to it. The act of moving is similar to that of the Astral Sea which relies on willing yourself to move forward.


In this unfathomable plane, every entity is a predator, draining and tormenting. Death here offers no escape; even in the afterlife, the torment perpetuates, with only a few elusive paths to potential freedom, obscured and treacherous. The Negative Energy plane is so inimical to life that few creatures can survive here. Among them, the outsiders, the xeg-yi. The “energy vultures” known as trillochs were thought to be from this plane. Atropals are also found here. They are incredibly powerful undead beings born from the souls of stillborn or aborted deities. Finally, undead creatures can survive here, and powerful undead, such as vampires, liches, wraiths, wights, and spectres, often make this plane their home.

Special rules in the Negative Energy Plane
  • Characters suffer a 2D6 hit point drain per round. If this reduces a creature to 0 hit points, they immediately die, their soul consumed by the plane - which is impossible to ever restore even with the most powerful magic or by the intervention of a god - and their body is animated into a form of undeath. To survive this process, a creature must gain access to a negative energy protection spell before arriving on this plane or the spell has no effect as its energy is immediately drained from it by the plane.
  • Characters must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 25) each minute or gain a level of exhaustion.
  • Treat each space beyond 5 feet of the character is if it were affected by the darkness spell. This effect may not be dispelled, it is inherent to the plane.
  • Characters who must breathe have to bring their own air or some magic to help them breathe in the vacuum. Certain spells, like water breathing fail as there is nothing for the spell to transform.
  • For each creature that enters the plane, a nightwalker is released to take its place. In order for a trapped creature to escape, the nightwalker must be returned to the plane. If the nightwalker is destroyed, there is no escape.







The History of the Death Curse

AT SOME UNKNWON TIME IN THE PAST several decades, the Archlick Acererak traveled to the Negative Energy plane and found an atropal there, which he decided to nourish to godhood. For that purpose, he built a powerful artifact called the Soulmonger. The Soulmonger trapped the souls of the dead and drained the essence of those who had been beneficiaries of resurrection magic, causing them to decay. Across Toril, this phenomenon was known as the Death Curse. To protect the atropal and the Soulmonger, the two were placed on the lowest level of the Tomb of the Nine Gods, a dungeon in Chult originally constructed to kill adventurers for Acererak’s phylactery. It was built by some of the Acererak’s most trusted allies, including other liches under his command and a coven of hags known as the Sewn Sisters. The Sewn Sisters served as protectors of both the atropal and the Soulmonger. The Soulmonger was ultimately destroyed and shattered into pieces when a group of adventurers made their way through the tomb and defeated Acererak. This ended the Death Curse, reversing its effects. The atropal and all but one of the Sewn Sisters were slain. Her name is Muldotha, and she has never been since despite being hunted. However, the shards of the Soulmonger were spread across Chult, and came to be coveted for dark purposes by the Red Wizards of Thay, the demon prince Orcus, and yuan-ti cultists of Dendar the Night Serpent.

The Tomb of the Nine Gods was the sprawling dungeon complex located under the ruined city of Omu in Chult that housed the remains of the city’s nine trickster gods. It was situated between the Valley of Lost Honor and the Peaks of Flame. The Tomb of the Nine Gods was carved into natural stone at the base of and beneath a rocky cliff in the Chultan jungle, descending six floors beneath ground level. Most of the Tomb’s levels comprised separate chambers, linked by narrow, trap-lined passageways, cramped crawlspaces, and hidden stone doors that grinded in and out of place.

The Influence of Tyr

After being cleansed of Acererak and his influence, it was taken over and repurposed as guard post, observatory and temple for the Knights of Tyr. Tyr is the god of law and justice. The religion is highly organized, with a formal denomination that adhered to strict rules within their fortified temples. They mostly attracted those who adhered to the law abiding and just-seeking aspect of Tyr’s portfolio. Tyr was the head of the group of deities known as the Triad. The two other gods who made up the Triad were Ilmater and Torm. These knights stand watch over the remanants of this once corrupted dungeon, every vigilant as they watch for signs Acererak’s return. They keep a detailed log of what was found in the tomb when is was scoured of evil. They closely monitor all floors, having turned the tomb into a venerated holy place for Tyr.

Acerark nourishing the Atropal with use of the Soulmonger

homebrew mug



Mirror Tomb

Though the Knights of Tyr have cleansed the Tomb of the Nine Gods and repurposed it for their holy cause, one corridor on the Fourth floor (named by Acererak the “Dungeon of Deception”) remains entirely intact. Down a long hallway on the there is an invisible planar gate that cannot be detected with magic or dispelled. Any creature passing through this gate emerges into a parallel reality. Characters who walk the length of the corridor notice that objects visible from where they entered are no longer present — nor are any companions who waited behind for them. If they step back through the gate, they return to their own world. To test his traps, Acererak crafted a “mirror tomb” and hid it inside a demiplane. This mirror tomb is identical to the real tomb as it stood exactly one year before his defeat. All objects and creatures encountered in the mirror tomb appear real, but they fade away if taken to the real world. The mirror tomb has the same magical defenses as the true tomb, and any character who dies in the demiplane is killed. Each dawn, Acererak’s magic replaces the mirror tomb with a fresh fabrication. Slain monsters reappear in their original locations, and moved objects teleport back to where they were found. When this occurs, characters inside the mirror tomb witness a strange distortion ripple through the air. They remain unchanged. The Knights of Tyr are aware of the Mirror Tomb. They keep it under strict guard, denying access to any without great cause.



Diseases of Innuviel

Bluerot. This disease targets humanoids. While afflicted with bluerot, a victim grows grotesque blue boils on their face and back. This disease is carried by undead, and victims most often acquire it through wounds caused by infected creatures. The disease’s boils manifest in 1d4 hours, causing the victim’s Constitution and Charisma scores to decrease by 1d4 each, to a minimum of 3. This is quickly followed by a fever and tingling in the extremities. An infected creature is vulnerable to radiant damage and gains the ability to breathe underwater. At the end of each long rest, an infected creature makes a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a success, the victim regains 1 point of Constitution and 1 point of Charisma lost to the disease. If the infected creature regains all the points lost to the disease, it is cured. Other effects that raise the victim’s ability scores do not cure the disease. On a failed saving throw, the victim takes 18 (4d8) necrotic damage as the boils burst and spread. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this damage cannot regain hit points until the disease is cured, though it can be stabilized as normal.

Cackle Fever. This disease targets humanoids, although gnomes are strangely immune. While in the grips of this disease, victims frequently succumb to fits of mad laughter, giving the disease its common name and its morbid nickname: “the shrieks.” Symptoms manifest 1d4 hours after infection and include fever and disorientation. The infected creature gains one level of exhaustion that can’t be removed until the disease is cured. Any event that causes the infected creature great stress-including entering combat, taking damage, experiencing fear, or having a nightmare-forces the creature to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 5 (1d10) psychic damage and becomes incapacitated with mad laughter for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the mad laughter and the incapacitated condition on a success. Any humanoid creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of an infected creature in the throes of mad laughter must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or also become infected with the disease. Once a creature succeeds on this save, it is immune to the mad laughter of that particular infected creature for 24 hours. At the end of each long rest, an infected creature can make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the DC for this save and for the save to avoid an attack of mad laughter drops by 1d6. When the saving throw DC drops to 0, the creature recovers from the disease. A creature that fails three of these saving throws gains a randomly determined form of indefinite madness.

Mad Monkey Fever. A magical mist creeps through the jungles of Chult. Contact with this thin, blue, odorless mist can infect giants and humanoids with mad monkey fever. A dispel magic spell destroys the mist in a 20-foot square starting at a point chosen by the caster within the spell’s range. An encounter with this mist typically covers 1d6 such areas (400-2,400 square feet). A giant or humanoid that comes into contact with the mist must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected with mad monkey fever. The infected creature gains a random form of long-term madness (roll on the Long-Term Madness table in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide) that manifests 1d6 hours after infection and lasts for the duration (1d10 × 10 hours). If the madness is allowed to run its full course, the creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of the madness. If the second saving throw fails, the creature suffers another bout of long-term madness (roll again on the table) that lasts for the normal duration. The madness continues until the disease ends.

Sewer Plague. Sewer plague is a generic term for a broad category of illnesses that incubate in sewers, refuse heaps, and stagnant swamps, and which are sometimes transmitted by creatures that dwell in those areas, such as rats and otyughs.When a humanoid creature is bitten by a creature that carries the disease, or when it comes into contact with filth or offal contaminated by the disease, the creature must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become infected. It takes 1d4 days for sewer plague’s symptoms to manifest in an infected creature. Symptoms include fatigue and cramps. The infected creature suffers one level of exhaustion, and it regains only half the normal number of hit points from spending Hit Dice and no hit points from finishing a long rest. At the end of each long rest, an infected creature must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the character gains one level of exhaustion. On a successful save, the character’s exhaustion level decreases by one level. If a successful saving throw reduces the infected creature’s level of exhaustion below 1, the creature recovers from the disease.



Shivering Sickness. A giant or humanoid exposed to the disease must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become infected. A creature with natural armor has advantage on the saving throw. It takes 2d6 hours for symptoms to manifest in an infected creature. Symptoms include blurred vision, disorientation, and a sudden drop in body temperature that causes uncontrollable shivering and chattering of the teeth. Once symptoms begin, the infected creature regains only half the normal number of hit points from spending Hit Dice and no hit points from a long rest. The infected creature also has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls. At the end of a long rest, an infected creature repeats the saving throw, shaking off the disease on a successful save.

Sight Rot. This painful infection causes bleeding from the eyes and eventually blinds the victim. A beast or humanoid that drinks water tainted by sight rot must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become infected. One day after infection, the creature’s vision starts to become blurry. The creature takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls and ability checks that rely on sight. At the end of each long rest after the symptoms appear, the penalty worsens by 1. When it reaches -5, the victim is blinded until its sight is restored by magic

such as lesser restoration or heal. Sight rot can be cured using a rare flower called Eyebright, which grows in some swamps. Given an hour, a character who has proficiency with an herbalism kit can turn the flower into one dose of ointment. Applied to the eyes before a long rest, one dose of it prevents the disease from worsening after that rest. After three doses, the ointment cures the disease entirely.

Throat Leaches. Minuscule parasites known as throat leeches infect the water in Chult’s forests, swamps, and rivers. Any giant or humanoid that swallows tainted water must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be infested with throat leeches. Immediate symptoms include throat inflammation and shortness of breath. After 1d6 hours, the infected character gains 1 level of exhaustion that can’t be removed (except as described below) until the disease is cured. At the end of each long rest, the infected creature must repeat the saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s exhaustion increases by 1 level; on a successful save, the creature’s exhaustion decreases by 1 level. If a successful saving throw reduces the infected creature’s level of exhaustion below 1, the creature recovers from the disease. Explorers can avoid contracting throat leeches by drinking rainwater or water that’s been purified.



The Sirassi Guide to the Flora of Innuviel

Plant Rarity: Name of the Plant: Effect and Utilization of the Plant as written and described in “The Guide to the Flora of Innuviel” by the Sirassi:
Common Nightshade The key ingredient in the assassin’s blood poison.
Rare Silverthorn When brewed under moonlight for 8 hours, this plant can create a potion that gives advantage on Constitution saving throws against lycanthropy that lasts for 24 hours, and that can put vampires into an unconscious state for 24 hours on failed constitution saving throw if swallowed.
Common Bloodroot When boiled and muddled, this plant can make for convincing fake blood
Rare Dragon’s Tongue After being cooked for 1d4 hours, this spicy pepper deals 2d8 fire damage to the creature that eats it and gives them one free 1st-level casting of burning hands (DC 13), which is expelled out their mouth. Also cures throat leeches.
Uncommon Bug Bite Bush A blue leafy plant that grows in thick bushes. This plant can be brewed into a potion of resistance specifically for poison damage.
Very Rare Dreamleaf The main ingredient of the essence of ether poison. Only known to the Sirassi is that when taken in exceedingly high amounts, your consciousness will enter the Astral Plane, essentially creating the effect of the spell “Astral Projection.”
Very Rare Bloomlotus A beautiful flower found floating on remote ponds. When properly preserved it is a highly coveted decorative item for the wealthy.
Uncommon Firethorn An exceedingly rare plant that is dangerous to harvest but provides wielders with a flame tongue dagger that breaks after 1d4 successful attacks.
Rare Weavegrass The plant of choice for making cloaks of Sirassankind.
Uncommon Liferoot The key ingredient for potions of healing. Can make ointment for sight rot.
Uncommon Starbloom When distilled under starlight for 8 hours, the liquid from this plant can be splashed over a 20-foot cube to apply the effects of the faerie fire spell for 1 minute. (DC 13) (No concentration needed.)
Rare Stinkshroom Upon the picking or crushing of this brightly colored, a noxious gasis emitted, creating the effect of the spell Stinking Cloud
Very Rare Mindthorn The main ingredient of the truth serum poison.
Uncommon Gravedust A thorny plant that grows in graveyards. This plant can be brewed into a potion of resistance specifically for necrotic damage.
Uncommon Zapthistle A tall, wispy plant that grows on high mountains. This plant can be brewed into a potion of resistance specifically for lightning damage.
Uncommon Siren’s Call The main ingredient in the philter of love potion.
Common Death’s Beckon A pale plant that grows deep in forests. This plant is the main ingredient in the midnight tears poison.
Very Rare Shadowleaf An extremely rare plant that is the main ingredient of potions of invisibility.
Uncommon Cinderroot Native to volcanic regions, this plant can be brewed into a potion of resistance specifically for fire damage.
Common Bloom of the Corpseflower When brewed and buried in the ground for 1d6 days, this can be poured into a corpse’s mouth to cast speak with dead.



The Book of Vile Darkness

THE BOOK OF VILE DARKNESS WAS orginally written by Vecna, though other sinister mages who have gotten their hands on it since his ascension to godhood have added their own vile spells, rituals, and pieces of arcane history.

Page 1: The signature of the orginal author, Vecna.

Page 2: The book contains a detailed, extensive, and convincing philosophical dialogue asserting the moral superiority of self-interest, might-makes-right, and willingness to disregard societal norms to pursue one’s goals. This is often one of the first passages the book’s infinite pages show to a new holder, and the author of the dialogue is listed only as “Myself”.

Page 3: The book contains information on the proper casting of the ritual to transform one’s own self into a lich, including the process of crafting a phylactery, and the best ways to conceal it to ensure your continued survival.

Page 4: The book contains a large number of pages which appear to be a diary. At some point in the book’s seasoned history it seems a demon got ahold of it. The demon is of no real renown or significance to the world, and how it got access to the book is a mystery. The sadistic abyssal ramblings go into excruciating detail about various murders and atrocities and tortures the demon had committed over it’s life.

Page 5: The book contains an incredibly vast list of baby names with the most rude, cruel nicknames for each name listed beneath each one. If you look up your own name, you must succeed on a high DC Wisdom save or become stunned as you are wracked with childhood trauma. You make remake this save every minute, ending the effect on yourself on a successful save.

Page 6: The book contains a chapter discussing the metamorphoses from good to evil as a graph theory problem, where each node on the graph represents a moral dilemma, paradox or compromise that tests the subject’s morals (with test results shown from previous tests). The chapter ends with a theorem postulating that a path from absolute good to absolute evil exists for any subject, but the parts with the formal proof have been scratched out. Perhaps you aren’t the first people with good in their heart to find this horrid manuscript?

Page 7: The book contains the true names of a vast array of devils, yugoloths, dragons, fey, and other creatures with the belief that knowing a being’s true name gives you power over it.

Page 8: The hand symbols of this page contain the verbal and somtaic components for a list of dark rituals crafted by an author who claims to be Iggwilv, the Witch Queen. The rituals are extensive and strange, all written in a dialect of sylvan primarily spoken by hags, and are absolutely vile. Some of the more interesting rituals within this section include a curse to spread painful misfortune across an entire bloodline, a ritual to convert someone the caster loves into pure arcane energy and use it to boost their own magical potential, and a ritual to summon some far realm horror referred to both as a Dros’khanar and a “Void Dreadnought”, described as a terrible amalgam of broken bone, twisted flesh and shadow from the space between worlds.

Page 9: The book contains a cook-book style guide on how to craft the best flesh golems, including what meaty bits of what creatures to use, a precise measurement on how much arcane energy should be pumped into the body, and exactly where to connect each piece.

Page 10:

Page 11: The book contains what appears to be a treasure map writ upon tanned flesh from human face that has been nailed through several pages in the book. The map seems to lead to some ancient lost treasure hidden by an infamous dreadpirate decades ago. The lands depicted on the map appear strange, with odd topography and naming conventions. A character who succeeds on a high DC Arcana check is able to properly identify that the map depict a section of the planar cosmology unfamiliar to most, up to the DM’s discretion: either the Nine Hells, the Abyss, Gehenna, Limbo, or the Far Realm.

Page 12:

Page 36: The book contains a history of Atropus, The Prime Mover, the Dark Star, the World Born Dead. This primordial being of vast power threatens the existence of the multiverse at large. It seems like the original writer went a step beyond this however… it seems they were postulating and hypothesizing on means to awaken Atropus, either to extract its power for themselves, or to commit mass genocide on a planar scale. Read relevant sections from ‘What is Atropus’ to the player characters.

The book contains a section which acts as a zoological research guide regarding various eldritch horrors from the far realm. There is a clear purpose, intelligence, and intent to the writing, but 90% of it is just nonsense, buzz words, and technical jargon indecipherable to anyone who doesn’t already have a grasp of the field.

The book contains one of the last remaining guides to casting a 10th level spell, a class of magic forbidden from being cast by the sovereign governing powers of the modern world. The spell requires vigorous preparation to cast, an exorbitant casting time, and an incredible toll on the caster’s body, but the end results can be absolutely devastating should it be properly performed.

The book contains a slew of curses crafted from a slurry of words in infernal, abyssal, and sylvan dialects, with a range of effects bordering on cruel pranks to serious disfiguration of your enemies, and everything in between.

The book contains the means to traverse and map out the Domains of Dread within the shadowfell, revealing clear-cut pathways connecting places like Barovia and Lamordia together which otherwise would be impossible to identify.

The book contains the means to craft a tincture which acts as a love potion, though less in the vein of “true love and happiness” and more the in the vein of “obsessive devotion bordering on ritualistic worship”.

The book contains a section that magically writes and rewrites itself with the passage of time, containing an innumerable number of longggg lists detailing every single immoral, unscrupulous, and downright vile thing each high ranking political figure globally has done over the course of their entire lives, with timestamps.

The book contains an entire section devoted to cannibalism, giving information on how to properly prepare the meat of your own species for consumption. It looks like it was initially a small section devoted solely to humans, but has slowly evolved over many hundreds of years to include a vast selection of recipes and notes critiquing past authors, going through nearly all the various sentient races of the world. Inspired by u/Bub_the_Zombie

The book contains an Ikea-style guide on creating an innumerable amount of torture devices, each more devastating than the last. Devices include (but are not limited to) nerve pullers, barbed nerve extractors, trepans (skull drills), dermatomes (designed to harvest sheets of skin), etc. etc. The majority of these devices include side sections detailing how to infuse them with restorative magics, healing or reviving the victims to artificially extend the torture duration. Inspired by u/Bub_the_Zombie and u/Clickclacktheblueguy

The book contains a discussion piece weighing the pros and cons of various soul trapping methods, reading like a well-written review judging and evaluating several products made for the same purpose. Methods include but are not limited to soul dissection, a night hag’s soul bag, infernal soul coins, etc. etc. Inspired by u/Bub_the_Zombie and u/Ungodly01

The book contains, oddly enough, sheet music for a song called the “Caelum Dolor Maximus” (Heaven’s Greatest Sorrow in Latin). The song is beautiful, and can automatically corrects itself on the page to be readable by any musician for their preferred instrument. The song was written by an imprisoned fallen angel, and details their fall from grace. Performing the song requires a high DC Performance check to play, and forces all who can hear it to make a high DC Charisma saving throw. Failure of this saving throw drives people into deep states of depression, eventually leading to suicidal ideations. Inspired by u/Bub_the_Zombie

The book possesses one, and only one, page with various fractal patterns drawn onto it which appear similar to the letter S. They are clearly drawn with purpose and intent, and seem important. Viewing this page serves as a memetic hazard affecting the subconscious mind; you are compelled, perhaps without even realizing it, to draw the very same S-like shapes on other pages you view or documents you write, which have the same contagious effect on others. This effect is incurable, and permanent. Inspired by u/felagund

The book contains various scientific articles from different time periods and geographic regions postulating on the most effective means of eliminating all life in the multiverse in the shortest amount of time possible while also expending the fewest resources. Inspired by u/DonQuixoteDesciple

The book contains a scrawled out note, in big letters, sort of a reminder for some malicious mage who held this tome previously. In hastily scribbled text, it reads “DON’T FORGET: HEALING SPELLS CAN BE COUNTERED”. Directly under it, in smaller text, it says “that means revivify too!!!”. Both notes are underlined several times. Inspired by u/hcsLabs

The book contains a detailed guide to psychological manipulation. The earlier portions of this section are effectively a textbook description of malignant narcissism rephrased into a how-to manual, but later on it gets more extreme, explaining how to trigger Stockholm syndrome with 98% effectiveness, how to break a servant’s self esteem and ambition without hamstringing their capabilities, and even an algorithm to determine whether a given atrocity is more likely to break the spirits of the oppressed masses or trigger a revolt. Inspired by u/Clickclacktheblueguy

The book contains a massive ink blot, similarly to a Rorschach test. Gazing upon it and attempting to discern it’s shape brings up traumatic memories repressed throughout your life. Attempting your first long rest after gazing upon the Rorschach test fills your dreams with nightmares of the aforementioned traumatic events, preventing you from receiving the benefits of a long rest for that night and giving a point of exhaustion to yourself. Inspired by u/sonofabutch

The book contains what is, more than likely, the largest repository of knowledge on poison crafting in existence. It lists out materials, costs, where to find each ingredient, and of course how to combine these ingredients for the most potent effect possible. Inspired by u/sonofabutch and u/oliviajoon

The book contains scientific research on what is, in most societies within the realm, considered the ultimate sin: the killing and dissection of celestial beings. Inside you find information detailing the various organs, body composition, and a complete anatomical map of an angel’s muscular and bone structure. It further goes into information regarding “scientific tests” on various celestial’s resilience and regeneration levels when exposed to certain negative stimuli, to include blunt force trauma, the flaying and removal of flesh and organs, and the effects of poisons or diseases on their bodies. Inspired by u/Erivandi and u/ManCalledTrue

The book contains several advanced version of certain enchantment spells, namely those with the ability to impose dominating effects. These upcast versions of these spells are indeed more powerful and potent than their typical sibling spells, but take a greater toll on the caster than just a spell slot; they, slowly, carve away pieces of the caster’s humanity. Inspired by u/oliviajoon

The book contains a slurry of arcane runes of infernal and, interestingly enough, giant origin, which can be inscribed into the deceased bodies of your foes. This serves a number of uses, to include preventing revival or resurrection, binding the soul of another creature to the body, or turning the decaying cadaver into a ticking time bomb. Inspired by u/SanguineBanker

The book contains a cookbook of feasts made to impress extraplanar visitors whom travel to your abode. While it starts harmless, detailing the best ores to bring for dao to snack on or how to properly prepare sushi for a marid, it quickly devolves into controlled mania, detailing how much infant blood to pour for each glass at a feast for devils, the exact temperature your home should be at before you host an ifrit (spoiler: it’ll kill you!), and eventually just random eldritch psychobabble for the section of slaadi. Inspired by u/SanguineBanker

The book contains information on how to create summoning circles, not for extraplanar beasts or eldritch powers, but for people on the material plane. With this, you could kidnap any person from anywhere, regardless of how well defended they are. There are additional runes which can be placed into the summoning circle to generate additional effects. Just make sure you don’t go too crazy on the runes; if they conflict, it could have gruesome results… for the purpose you’re summoning. Inspired by u/Ungodly01

The book contains a built in defense, a trap of composed of a blot of ink which threatens to suck those into it who do not have pure evil in their hearts. It is unclear how to remove those who are absorbed into the blot from the book, or even where it is they go. Inspired by u/Ungodly01

Similarly to the prior notation, the book contains another trap, though this one is specifically designed to inhibit inhabitants of mechanus who may seek to destroy the book. It reads like gibberish, equal parts Shakespearean writing piece and insanely elaborate mathematical equation. This has absolutely no effect on flesh and blood beings, but constructs who read it lose control of their logic core, delving into a state akin to madness before finally suffering the effects of what is essentially a Power Word: Kill spell. Inspired by u/Ungodly01

The book contains many dark spells lost to time, the vast majority of which have had sections of them worn away to the point they’d be impossible to replicate, though some do still remain. The Veins of Tar spell is a 4th level transmutation spell available to sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards, which (as an action) instantly transforms the blood of your target to hot molten tar. The spell forces a target to make a Constitution saving throw, or begin taking 1d12 fire damage as well as having their movement speed halved. This spell requires concentration. Inspired by u/Ungodly01

The book contains a live devil of decent renown and power trapped within ink. The devil has been there for centuries and is desperate to get out, though his tricksy and malicious nature has been accentuated by the dark dealings of those he has been forced to interact with each time the book is opened. Perhaps finally dealing with kinder souls such as your party’s will soften his heart? Inspired by u/Ungodly01

The book contains a disjointed collection of pages scattered throughout. Each page is arcanely enhanced with divination magic and precise geolocation capabilities, revealing to the reader every single awful, inhumane thing that has happened in the particular regions it correlates to in the last year in vivid detail, including specific names. Inspired by u/Haydeos

The book contains many dark spells lost to time, the vast majority of which have had sections of them worn away to the point they’d be impossible to replicate, though some do still remain. The Malignant Light spell is a 5th level evocation spell available to clerics and paladins. This spell can be cast as a reaction to a creature casting a healing spell on a target, transforming the total amount of healing done into necrotic damage. The healing spell initially cast can be of a level no greater than 6th. Additionally, you can cast this spell as a response to your own healing magic. Inspired by u/Haydeos

The book contains information on performing a ritual which the world largely believes to be impossible, allowing you to artificially create the virus needed to convert creatures into vampires. What makes this so interesting is it does not require the presence of another vampire, and there is no thrall period; the ritual is perfected in such a way that allows for immediate high-grade vampirism night instantaneously. Inspired by u/bhelhop

The book contains (what seems to be) the true story of Graz’zt, Demon Prince of Indulgence. Starting from his life prior to his death and rebirth in Hell, it appears to be a rather well detailed biography of his early days as a devil, his true reasons for defecting to the Abyss, and his true thoughts and feelings regarding Iggwilv, the witch-queen who bound him to her service and with whom he sired children. Such information could be damning to him and his conspirators within the hells who actively plot against Asmodeus.

The book contains a very large chunk of pages that have been cleanly removed from within. This would not be strange, if not for the fact that pages which are removed are immediately replace by new blank pages, showing the book’s infinite nature. From what little remains of these pages, you can see detailing regarding the abyss and it’s inhabitants. Perhaps information on a demon lord, or a hidden layer Demogorgon or Orcus wish to remain that way? Regardless, the pages appear singed by arcane fire, preventing their regeneration. Inspired by u/ManCalledTrue

The book contains a beautiful poem, a soliloquy commemorating the rise of Asmodeus, the Horned King, into the realm of divinity. Reading the poem aloud causes one to witness that very event, in all it’s infernal glory. Perhaps coincidentally, one of the book’s previous owners was found dead, eyes burned out of his sockets, with the book opened to this page. Inspired by u/ManCalledTrue

The book contains a yugoloth’s bounty list. It appears that the majority of creatures on this list are warlocks who broke their infernal pacts or devils whom those same warlocks are looking to be freed from. The prices listed by many of them are enticingly large, and all list “DEAD” as the broker’s preferred end status. Each time a creature on the 100-name-long list perishes, a new contract soon takes it’s place. Killing a creature on the list immediately transfers the funds to you directly. Inspired by u/Tommy-Lee-Gio

The book contains an entire section devoted to a former author’s ridiculously bad fanfiction, detailing a high fantasy erotic romance plot between in which the reader is in a love triangle with Asmodeus and Ygorl, Lord of Entropy. The fan fiction, regardless of it’s atrocious subject matter, has innumerable misspellings, is grammatically incorrect, and contains several glaringly obvious plot holes. Inspired by u/InuGhost

The book contains, stitched into it’s flesh-colored pages, and immaculate treatise writ onto parchment crafted from the golden trees of Celestia. The treatise details numerous things, chiefly among them the good aligned deities list of conditions that would need to be met before Asmodeus would be allowed to to call upon them to aid in ending the Blood War. Players who have a good deal of knowledge regarding the Blood War will be among the first to realize that the the conditions have all been met, many many centuries ago. The treatise has been hidden here, lost to time, in an effort to prevent Asmodeus from receiving aid. This could change everything. Inspired by u/InuGhost

The book contains a lengthy passage written in an archaic and lesser spoken dialect of infernal, barely legible to most modern speakers. A literate speaker of infernal who succeeds on a high DC History check can discern, with some difficulty, that this is an ancient manuscript detailing to new archdevils the process of writing powerful binding contracts facilitating and governing the exchange of souls. Given enough time, there is potential you could transcribe this into a more standard format, allowing you to craft your own soul contracts. Inspired by u/pokemonbard

The book contains many dark spells lost to time, the vast majority of which have had sections of them worn away to the point they’d be impossible to replicate, though some do still remain. The Soul Grinder spell is a 9th level necromancy spell with the potential to completely destroy a creature’s soul, destroying them on a level thought impossible by most scholars. This spell is available to clerics and warlocks. As a reaction to a creature you can see within 50 ft. of yourself perishing, you may begin casting this spell, which takes 1 uninterrupted minute to perform. Successfully completing the casting of this spell immediately destroys the target’s soul, preventing resurrection, reincarnation, and ascension to the higher and lower planes. Casting this spell has a steep cost; an emerald worth at least 1000gp, and a fragment of your own soul. You can cast this spell up to three times in your life, and upon completing your third casting you die instantly, unable to be resurrected as your soul is destroyed entirely. Inspired by u/bhelhop

The book contains a single question on a page, with two checkboxes beneath saying “yes” and “no” respectively. The question asks “Do you wish to know what more you could be?”. If answered yes, visions of every possible life better than your own you could have lived floods your mind in less than a second, before immediately leaving. Though not physically damaged, such visions destroy any joy you may have had, leaving you to realize how cruelly unfair reality is that you could not be the best version of yourself. You gain the flaw “Life is unfair, so why try? Nothing I do is right anyways.”. This flaw is removed upon being targeted by a Greater Restoration spell. Inspired by u/soshp

The book contains a subsection that looks like it was, at least at one point, connected to the flesh golem section, before more and more pages filled the space between the two. The subsection contains the precise surgical practices required to extract an intact nervous system from a living humanoid, or rather extricate that humanoids flesh, bones, and viscera. The subsection then explains, in gruesome detail, the science behind how the incredible pain an exposed nervous system is constantly in can be used to power enchantments that animate golems, greatly increasing their ferocity as well as their durability. Inspired by u/monkeymichael117

The book contains instructions and research on what seems to be attempted improvement on the classic chimera creation process, including a ritual that can surgically and conceptually combine two beings into a single creature under the caster’s control regardless of creature type. The minds of both creatures are kept entirely intact inside of the bodies while a gestalt enslaved consciousness pilots it at the casters will. The experiments of what happens when two diametrically opposed beings are combined, such as celestials and fiends, are truly maddening. Inspired by u/zenerift

The book contains many dark spells lost to time, the vast majority of which have had sections of them worn away to the point they’d be impossible to replicate, though some do still remain. The Temporal Loop spell is a 9th level transmutation spell with the capacity to turn even the most beautiful moment into a prison. This spell is available to sorcerers and wizards. Over the course of 24 hours, you can cast this spell to create a time loop in a selected area no larger than 5 miles. Over the course of these 24 hours you forge a diadem of pure temporal energy, using a casing crafted from pure sapphire worth no less than 3000gp. The diadem is diamond shaped, and about as large as a fist. The time loop ranges from 12am on the day the diadem is hidden within the center of the 5 mile area, going up until 11:59pm the following night. Each day when creatures within the area awake, they perform the same duties they did the day prior, feeling a strange sense of deja vu. If a creature chooses to make a check to attempt to identify the effects, they must instead succeed on a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw. A success on this save allows the creature to properly identify they are in a time loop and that they must break free to continue unto the next day, while a creature who fails cannot realize this (even if informed by another creature who did succeed), they can remake the save each following loop until they do. To end this spell, a creature must destroy the diadem, which has an AC of 18 and 50 hit points. The diadem is immune to divination magic used to determine it’s location. Creatures which leave the time loop before the diadem is destroyed are returned to their same position in the time loop the following day. Inspired by u/zenerift



!homebrew mug

. . . ‘ ‘ KILL ‘ ‘ . . .




Off the coast of Innuviel’s sourthern most edge of the Emerald Jungle, there lies the serene island of Marovia, a haven of peace and tranquility amidst the chaos of the world. Unlike its neighboring lands, Marovia is primarily inhabited by a secluded community of water genassi, air genassi, and high elves who have long sought to distance themselves from the conflicts that plague the mainland. Though any, true and tested, may become a citizen of the secluded island.

The people of Marovia are known for their unwavering commitment to neutrality, choosing to remain aloof from the political intrigues and power struggles that define much of Innviel’s history. Instead, they dedicate themselves to the pursuit of knowledge, art, and spiritual enlightenment, cherishing the natural beauty of their island home. They accept the practice of all religions, so long as it does not influence the treatment of those within the community. There is no money in Marovia, only acts of service and trade are accepted. Though none are said to go without want of what is essential. Gems are strictly forbidden.

However, controversy surrounds Marovia due to its strict policy of isolationism. While some view the islands desire for peace as admirable, others criticize their refusal to engage with the outside world, accusing them of cowardice or selfishness. Upon settling on Innuviel, many travels were disgusted by the greed, religious practices and cruelty of their neighbors. A growing contingent of these individuals left the early settlements to found Marovia. The sought to create a true commune aligned towards serving the collective good. During the Coflict of Gems, the people of Marovia refused involvement, which was firecely criticized by the those who remained on the mainland fighting for the rights of the Sirassi. They claimed the reason for Marovia’s existence was tantamount to the pight of the Sirassi, byt they were privileged enough to retreat from conflict. A lurxury the Sirassi did not have. Furthermore, rumors abound about hidden agendas, secret alliances and whispers suggest that Marovia’s neutrality may not be as altruistic as it appears.

Despite Marovia’s best efforts to maintain their secluded way of life, they too face the threat of the Undead Blight. Yet they have little to no communication with the rest of Innuviel. And prefer it that way. There are white stone obelisks of sorcery on the island controlled by the genassi that regulate the ocean and weather surrounding it. This makes traveling to Marovia nearly impossible unless your passage is granted. Becoming a citizen of Marovia is a daunting task including a series of trials and a monitoring period to test your commitment to live as they do. It is a secular, peaceful, non-monetary civilization that is utilitarian. To be welcomed into the society, you must first know someone from Marovia sponsor you. Yet such individuals are scarce across Innuviel.



Map of Innuviel

1 - The Emerald Jungle
2 - Mount Thuule
3 - Marovia
4 - Danderoth’s Castle
5 - Sorrow’s Stronghold
6 - The Celestial Observatory
7 - Fort Weddle

Scale: Each square represents a 25x25 mile zone

The Trackless Sea







8 - The Broodmates’ Den
9 - Dahlaana
10 - Lake Cyan amidst the Overwatch Mountains
11 - The Valley of Blood Roses
12 - Rocky Ford
13 - Liravassi, The Infected Forrest
14 - The Howling Fields
15 - Port Jasper






7 10 15






Session One

An Inauspicious Arrival

The Ship: A large cargo sailboat called “The Might May”, named after the Captain’s Wife, May. It is use to transport supplies to Dahlaana, venturing there several times per year with its crew. It’s home base is Port Castigliar on the Eastern shore of Chult. It delivers a myriad of different supplies that are not native to Innuviel or Chult, but come from distant part of Faerun, just like you. Most commonly, furs, stone and a variety of plants/herbs used in food and medicine.

Ship Crew and Other NPCs: Captain Bart (Dwarf, abrasize, irritable, tired, alcohol problem), First-and-only-Mate Uso (Lizardkin, secretly of Sirassi dissent, practical, compensates for the captain who knows his secret), Engineer Leslie (Gnome, anxious, very busy, easily distressed), Other crew members clean, unload, cook and work as deck-hands (Ricky - Human, Loras - Half-elf, Jeeter - Goblin). All live on the Sword Coast and are anxious to get back. They plan to dock quickly, and immediately return to Chult, which is where they are from. Ther are few other NPC travelers. Birgman, an human man who simply sails back and forth from port to port. He likes to get drunk and be sea. He has no intention of leaving the ship, but lies about this as well as his reputation as a traveling merchant. Natalya, a human female who is involved in selling art in Dahlaana. Affiliated with the Squids, has smuggled art amidst legitimate art. Very suspicious to conceal her true purpose. Accompanying Natalya is golbin female named Middle-Spit. Also a Squid.

Details of the Voyage: Regardless of where you came from, your final stop before emarking for Innuviel was Port Castigliar on the Eastern shore of Chult. After more than 6 full days at sea, you prepare to dock in Dahlaana within hours. The journey has been remarkably eventful. A few storms, but nothing of concern. You have taken most of the meals in your room and kept largely to yourself. However, the final meal before landfall is to be taken on the deck as the rooms are cleaned. For many of you it will be the most socializing you have done since stepping foot aboard the vessel, perhaps others have been active. This is where the characters will first meet. Taking a meal together as they peer out at the island of Innuviel, prepared to begin their mission. The campagin begins with reading the following:

“You boarded “The Mighty May” at Port Castigliar on the eastern shores of Chult. This marked the final leg of your expedition. Your next stop: the island of Innuviel. After yet another lengthy voyage, this time spanning more than six days, your vessel is poised to dock in Dahlaana within hours. The journey, while not devoid of its occasional storms, has been relatively uneventful. Many aboard the ship have chosen solitude, opting for a quiet travel experience within the confines of your cabin. But fate dictates that the final meal, just before reaching land, is to be taken on deck while the rooms undergo their last tidying. For most, this communal meal will serve as the most social interaction they’ve had since embarking on this voyage. Afterall, caution hangs heavy in the air given the freightening events at hand. As you gather to partake in this shared meal, the distant silhouette of Dahlaana comes into view, a mysterious and foreboding sight. You stand together on the deck, the sea breeze carrying whispers of untold tales and uncharted mysteries. Each of you is prepared to embark on a mission, yet none can fully foresee the challenges and revelations that await on this enigmatic island. The ring of a dinner bell beckons you be to be seated upon a makeshift table. You eye the spread before you, a savory churth stew, a filet of fresh fish, and a slab of hard bread. You hope it will appease not only your hunger, but soothe the nerves in the pit of your stomach. It is here, amidst the shared anticipation and the captivating vista of the island, that your journey truly begins.

Events that will or can occur: Begin with letting the players meet, share backstories, reason for visiting the island, etc. At the table they might have limited interactions with the other 3 NPC travelers and the ship crew. The crew are busy prepping for arrival, Loras serves food and ale. Checks in once. After adequate time, have Loras check in a second time with some news: the ship is being diverted to Rocky Ford, a coastal village a few miles away from Dahlaana. Why would they be diverted? The ship captain has been warned of threats to port security. Given the disruption of supply lines due to fear surrounding events on the island, fewer ships are bringing in cargo. Those that have docked in Dahlaana report an increased activity of local pirates, the Squids. Basic supplies and weapons sell for a premium during times like this. The captain has thus elected to dock at a safer location, selecting the local village due to it proximity. He plans to unload the cargo and collect his payment (it will no longer be his responsibility once it is unloaded and he is paids). He then plans to re-stock his ship and return promptly to Port Castigliar. Plays can go along with this, or try to convince him to land in Dahlaana. A series of checks will be required for this. Backstories relevant to merchant dealings will also help. Should they stay on course to land at Dahlaana, the Squids will attempt an attack by sea in efforts to steal the ship’s cargo. If they are forced to dock at Rocky Ford, or choose to, they will have an encounter at the village and from there must travel to Dahlaana by foot.



Continuing to Dahlaana: The ship is attacked by pirates, the Squids, who are attempting to steal cargo. They sail up to “The Mighty May” in their own vessel, attaching to it using hooked planks. They are hostile, but do not intend to hurt anyone. They can not be talked down. They will fight if they do not get what they want. If several of them are killed or captured, then the remaining Squids will attempt to flea. The motivation of this organization is not only to make money by selling off what they consider superfluous, and distributing what is needed fairly. They see themsleves as good, though they are thieves, and can be violent and greedy themsleves. They are willing to talk if captured. The plan has beem for Natalya and Middle-Spit to be “taken captive”, which is an act, and their cargo confiscated by the Squids, which they are secretly a part of. Regardless, you would land before the sun sets. Place 7 Squid members on the adjacent ship, use the Priate Captain stat block for each or other sensible enemies.

Rocky Ford and the Salted Road: The village, a small fishing village, is quiet. Most who live here are very nervous to see a vessel arrive. There are few who are eager for business to sell their wares, or would just welcome a fresh face. When the ship docks, as the captain planned, they offload cargo, collect payment, and begin strocking the ship with some needed provisions to return to Port Castigliar. Natalya and Middle-Split leave the ship with their cargo and art. Kept under concealment. They are furious to have been diverted. Nonethless, they need to get to Dahlaana. You would land at dusk, and would then determine whether to venture on to Dahlaana that evening. Or stay in town for the night. If they stay in town, maybe they are attacked by zombies in the middle of the night, or perhaps even the Squids track them down looking for the cargo stowed. Characters here of interest: Meckel - human make, sells goods which are mostly fishing related, tried to repurpose and rebrand some as weapons; Izzy - dwarf female who runs the Inn (Harpooned), talks incessantly due anxiety, is lonely, the Inn is empty; Frago - old human male who guards the road, cautions adventuring at night, ecnourages travels to get back the ship and sail back to Chult, dutiful. From here, the adventure to Dahlaana is treacherous due to the undead. The players will be ambushed by a zombie horde as they make their way following the Salted Road. Initially, a few zombies should attack, inviting the players to destory them all in combat. More zombies should appear shortly thereafter, given the players puase to think if they should keep fighting. From that point, more should arrive, seemingly endlessly, triggering the players to probably think they should avoid further fighting. They should dash out of range, and make for Dahlaana as quickly as possible. Going at night and then running will result in 1-2 points of exhaustion by the time they would arrive. A times based encounter can be employed to help players determine how far the zombies are behind them. The zombies take not rest and keep coming. Use a mix Zombies, skeletons and mummies.

Arrival at Dahlaana by Sea: Player characters enter the city at the docks in the Port District.

Arrival at Dahlaana by the Salted Road: Player Characters enter the city through the front gates which lead directly into Old Town.


The adventurers were busy socializing during the 6 day voyage. All are aware of the undead plague with the exception of Erik, and realize few are traveling given the events unfolding. Jessica investigated and took particular interest in Natalya, who is a huge fan of her work (nat 20), befriending her. Natalya was very secretive, keeping to her room with the goblin, Middle-spit. Eric kept his identity secret, and looked for these he could steal from aboard the ship. Cailum met the ship engineer Leslie who was enthralled by Set. Lee largely stayed quiet, observing. They learned the captain Bart is a drunk, and that no one on board wants to spend much time on Innuviel. They are all frightened of what is happening there. Javul was the most helpful, but even he thinks the adventurers a bit insane for wanting to continue there journey. The adventurers meet, make small talk, and reason they all have common goal of meeting with Saint Apiz, except for Erik. They have various other interests on the island. The Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth for Cailum, The Pelaois Fine Goods & Industries for Lee. Money for Eric. And Jessica is always on the hunt for a good adventure since losing her husband, Frank. She can get to the bottom of any case! Within a day of arrival, they suddenly learn of needed detour to a small fishing village named Rocky Ford. Captain Bart claimed this was to avoid pirates, but this was a partial truth. After being thoroughly intimidated, he reveals that he is afraid of pirates, but could shave16 hours of his travel time if he dropped the cargo and passengers at Rocky Ford vs taking them to Dahlaana. He would also avoid the pirates in doing so. And he was right. The eagle familiar of Eric spots a distortion in the water, and the players prepare themselves for battle. Cailum ingeniously casts faerie fire as the cloaked object appears, revealing, who would have guessed it…a pirate ship. After battle in which Lee quickly dispatches of multiple enemies, Natalya returns to the deck, horrified by the scene. She can no longer conceal that she is was in collusion with the pirates. They were clearly her friends. The adventurers confiscate from her a Mirror of Sending, quickly realizing its twin is on the pirates vessel set blaze and drifting off after attempting an escape. Lee floats, majestically, to the ship, retrieving the mirror as Jessica talks at its twin like an unblinking fan at a book signing. They are successful in this endeavor. Natalya is interrogated and Middle-spit tied up. They reveal they are indeed Squids, and there hideout is based out of Dock 37. She claims the Church and politicians of Dahlaana are corrupt. And have no true love of Ilmater based on their actions. The adventuers arre curious about this, and continue to Dahlaana with the plan to investigate Dock 37.



An Inauspicious Arrival - Session One Recap

AS THE SUN SETS OVER THE HORIZON a warm golden hue spreads across the calm waters of the Bay of Sildora, illuminating a majestic city. Nestled at the heart of the island of Innuviel, Dahlaana stands as a beacon of civilization amidst the untamed wilderness and vast oceans that surround it. Tall spires and strong walls embrace the city, their stones whispering tales of a remote island life far from the worries of most other large cities.

The Land of Commerce, Culture and Cures

Dahlaana, the Jewel of Innuviel, is a city that bears the marks of its rich and diverse history. Its origins date back to the discovery of the island when inhabitants, primarily merchants, of Chult sought a new enterprise. The island was located far off the westernmost end of the Chultan peninsula, beyond the Mother-of-Mists, deep with the south west region of the Trackless Sea. Over the years, it has grown into a vibrant tapestry of cultures, a testament to its strategic position as a bustling port. The economy thrives in Dahlaana, driven by the ceaseless activity of its port and precious gem trade. Ships from distant lands dock in the harbor, unloading exotic wares that find eager buyers in the famous, and infamous, Market District. The call of merchants echoes through the streets, their goods spilling forth from vibrant stalls, from silks woven in far-off lands to spices that set tongues tingling with their exotic flavors. In the shadow of towering warehouses, craftsmen ply their trades, crafting goods of exquisite quality that find eager patrons in the city and beyond. The port brings in many races of differing background to do business, which has shaped the culture of the city. All are welcome here to trade, worship, and enjoy merriment. The city’s architecture is an artifact to its eclectic heritage, creating a harmonious blend of styles that speak of unity in diversity. In the Noble Quarter lies Nature’s Majesty, a renowned zoo and garden that stands as a monument to the city’s dedication to beauty and art. An expanse of meticulously tended flora from across the realms mingles, their vibrant colors and heady fragrances dancing on the breeze. Ancient oaks shade delicate azaleas, and cascades of wisteria drape over stone arches, creating a sanctuary of serenity within the bustling heart of the city. Found within the adjacent district of Old Town is the Temple of Ilmater, and within it, the House of Healing. Innunviel has a large population of followers of the Crying God. From all corners of Faerun, distant travelers come here to find reprieve and relief from the most dire and foreign of afflictions.

A Stark Change

The adventurers arrive at Dahlaana, either by by boat through the Bay of Sildora or by foot after following the Emerald Road. Upon entry. The air is thick with the scent of salt and the distant calls of seagulls echo through the harbor. Ships of various sizes sway in the gentle waves, their sails fluttering like giant wings. Merchants swiftly go about their business while sailors heave crates and barrels.



A Promise of Hope

In the midst of this palpable fear, the arrival of the adventurers is met with a mixture of relief and trepidation. Hope flickers in the eyes of some, while others regard any new face with skepticism, questioning whether this group of outsiders holds any true promise of dispelling the encroaching darkness. The people of Dahlaana, though resilient, cannot help but feel the shifting tides. The laughter and songs that once filled the streets now holds a hint of forced mirth, and the eyes of the city’s inhabitants bear the shadows of sleepless nights. It is a time of transition, a moment of reckoning for a city that has known naught but prosperity for generations. Not since the height of the Sirassi-Lanfall War has there been such tension.

As the party makes their way through the city, they can’t help but feel the heavy atmosphere, the collective anxiety that clings to each street corner and alley. It is a city on the brink, a population teetering between the desire for salvation and the specter of impending doom. Your mission to uncover the source of this unnatural blight now holds a weighty significance, for within your hands rests the hope of restoring Dahlaana to its former glory and dispelling the fear that had taken root within its walls.

Your journey takes yoo to the heart of the city, where the magnificent Church of Ilmater stands tall, its spires reaching for the heavens. It is here, amidst the solemn halls and echoing chambers, that you to meet Saint Apiz, the man who would shed light on the dark mystery that has brought you all together. The air within the temple is cool and filled with the scent of incense, a sanctuary of peace in the midst of a city teetering on the edge of uncertainty.

As you approach the entrance, a sense of anticipation hangs in the air, for within these sacred walls, your true journey now begins…



Session Two

A Bone Chilling Welcome

Night One on Innuviel: The adventuring team is in need of rest. It was a long voyage to Innuviel. Once in Dahlaana they will need to quickly find a place to rest. There are many locations they may go. Immediately to the Church of Ilmater, or perhaps to the Troll’s Belly. There are other places which may need to be thought up on the spot. Lee is wealthy, and mentions staying at a luxury Inn. This was not prepared, but The Nature’s Majesty Zoo and Garden can have such a fine establishment. Everyone is plagued by terrible dreams their first night. Ask each player to describe their nightmare.

Once it is morning and adventurer’s prepare to journey out to Dock 37 together, tempt them with a side-quest that pulls on the morality. It would take away time and resources, but it would help those in need. Such decisions are the essence of this campaign. What are you to do with the precious time that you have? How do you weigh the life of those fighting for survival in the moment who are in need of your help versus the fate of all that depend on your mission. This is a good place to put some combat in the session. I will tease them with the side-quest: What are we to do with them?

Confronting the Squids at their hide-out in the Port District: This criminal organization is made up of mostly human abd goblin thieves and smugglers, with a few orcish enforcers. They control much of the illicit activity that takes place in the Port District and are known for their ruthless tactics and willingness to use violence to get what they want. Their hideout at dock 37 and the unmarked warehouse adjacent to it is kept secret. The reputation of this gang is poor, and quickly reported to authorities. Yet, in the night and when the liquor is flowing, they go to work. Robbing who and what they can. The group is known to paint a light blue squid at the buildings of those they rob or vandalize. The squids steal what they need, they are not looking to get rich. Rather, they are looking to survive. They will steal anything of significant value to trade off, but ultimately are looking for food and liquor. There is no necromancer, the group in general hates magic. They fear it. However, there is a more devious side to their crimes. Not only will they steal food, items and other provisions, but they steal art. They trade this are to vampire Danderoth (the reported necromancer) in exchange for artifacts and weapons of significant power. They also, from time to time, give over a prisoner to Danderoth to feed on.

The squids are lead by an Orc named Gultesh. He is brash, irritable, and intimidating. However, as leader he is reasonable and fair. He will guard the secrets of the Squids unless he is absolutely certain he can trust whoever is poking aorund. It would take a lot for him to be convinced to share with an outside. Yet, he is always looking for an intiate to bolster their number. The goal of the Squids is simple. To ensure their survival and the survival of the common folks. Many are actually followers of Ilmater. The deal with Danderoth is seen as necessary for the greater good. There is a trust they have with the vampire. But Gultesh would have shame around this. The art they steal is from the Noble Quarter and the Church.


They arrive at Nature’s Majesty. Everyone goes to the room, and then to the bar. Jessica and Cailum stay in the room. Cailum communes with set. Leslie stays in the room. They converse with Ray at the bar. He tells them a bit about what is happening in the city. The axe that Jessica wields is strangely old and rusty. Lee covered the entire tab. Cailum hopes Set to outlive him and laarn. He writes notes to his contacts at the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. Ilyana and Enki. When can they meet. Announcing that he is here. Would like to meet. Eric talks to Middle-spit, they both get wasted from Grogg. They learn that upon there is a chance of becoming undead. And then it can happen randomly. Jessica’s next book is the “Corpse that Walked at Midnight.” Jessica believes prophecies coming to pass about the undead blight. Her secret society, “The Moon Stars” was created was created by a wizard named Blackstaff. A network of hidden operatives watching for such events. They know of Acererak on Chult. Several decades he was defeated. NMs - Cailum late to class. Eric - approaching treasure in the darkness. Cailum studied magic at Candlekeep. Eric is drunk during his shift. Mara Shiftbend mentored Eric. He is looking for riches. She came to Innuviel for the gem trade. They all have the same goal of eliminating the undead. NM - Jessica has terrible recurring dream about a putrid smell and that she was locked in a box. She sees she is in a swamp in the dead of night. There is a house, a hut, and she sees a shadowy figure. It the decomposing corpse of Frank, wearing the clothes she buried him in. He is decayed. Lee is at the wedding of Maza. And He looks for Mavius. It’s a masquerade. Mav will not speak to him. He removes the mask of Mav who is now a zombie, and everyone is. They then eviscerate Mavius as Lee wakes. They talk of Natalya.

It has been 1 and 1 night on the island.



A Bone Chilling Welcome - Session 2 Recap

THE ADVENTURERS REACH PORT IN Dahlaana. After some debate about where to go for the night, Lee offers to put everyone up at the Nature’s Majesty. A high end hotel in the Noble Quarter. It is surrounded by sprawling garden and an exotic zoo. It is opulent to say the least. The streets of Dahlaana are largely empty, and those who have been there before say this is most unusual. It is certainly the result of the undead blight. The hotel is also empty. Not another patron is observed. Erik and Lee go the bar with Natalya and Middle Spit. Eric gets shit-faced, and Lee flirts with the Bartender, Ray, and makes an important discovery. They learn from the Ray two these critical pieces of information: Upon death there is a chance anyone who dies will be resurrected (though it is clearly not everyone). And then again periodicaly, randomly, the undead can arise from any corpse. Jessica remains in quarters as she works on her new book, “The Corpse Danced at Midnight.” Cailum mediatates on one of the luxurious balconies of the suite, as he communes with Set to consolidate what they have learned over the past day. He then inks a letter to Ilyana and Enki, who are colleagues at the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. Informing them of his arrival and tha he would like to meet. Each character has a horrific dream their first night on Innuviel. They awaken the next day to visit the Squids at Dock 37. There is a mutual distrust between the adventurers and Natalya. She claims fervently to be on the side of the people of Innuviel. As the team makes their way to the Port District, Eric’s owl familiar spots a burning building with commotion all about it. They rush to the scene, Lee leading the way. The find a building titled “The Long Rest” - which houses the elderly, infirmed, and terminally ill. There have been several undead outbreaks at this facility over the past several months, but until now have been kept under control. Now the building is overrun with zombies and has caught fire. The staff are only able to look on in horror as they beg for help. Lee Rushes in quickly to help, Eric seeks to douse himself with water before entering the building. The adventurers brave the fire and dispatch the zombies, but not without struggle. Jessica may not have survived if not for Caelum rushing to her aid with a healing spell. The team saves 5 patients, throwing them out the window after casting feather fall upon them. Once outside a mob gather, claimed the terminally ill are too dangerous to live given the imminent possibility of them becoming undead. In a passionate speech, Jessica reminds them all of their common humanity, and the crowd quickly dissipates. Due to this act of sacrifice, of kindess, the adventurers have earned the respct and trust of Natalya. She no longer has any reluctance to take them to see the leader of the Squids. The team comes upon Dock 37, and are introduced to Gultesh. After a brief and tense stare down, Natalya convinces Gultesh of your trustworthiness. Gultesh insists the Squids only serve the good of the people of Innuviel by supplying them with necesssary provisions. Their only true shameful secret is their association with a vampire named Danderoth, who they claim is a harmless art collector. Though they have never seen him feed. They supply the team with a map, and point out an area to the North where they may find Danderoth, who is centuries old and perhaps the earliest inhabitant of the island. Gultesh also shares several theories about the origin of the undead blight, inclduing the following: A vengeful blood curse by the Sirassi, who are perhaps working with a witch. Some within the church believe that Ilmater has nothing more to sacrifice, without his ability to bear the suffering that occurs upon death, that those who die are destined to walk the world as undead. They refute the rumor of a necromancer working with the Squids, claiming this stems from fear of the vampire Danderoth, with whom they have a business relationship. They have also heard rumors that the undead blight is a disease, and thus everyone in town has becoming increasing reclusive. Gultesh offers the adventurer’s membership in the Squids, an offer only Eric takes up. He is branded with the symbol of the Squids on his forearm. The team then plans to return to Nature’s Majesty, where they will prepare their next move. Though the intent is certainly to finally meet with Saint Apiz at the Church of Ilmater.



Character specific events:

Jessica - Jessica’s next book is the “The Corpse Danced at Midnight.” Jessica believes prophecies are coming to pass about the undead blight. She belongs to a secret society called the “The Moon Stars”, which was created was created by a wizard named Blackstaff. They are a network of hidden operatives watching for such events. She is aware that events occurred on Chult related to a lich named Acererak. He was defeated several decades ago. Her Nightmare night one on Innviel: Jessica has terrible recurring dream about a putrid smell and that she was locked in a box. She sees she is in a swamp in the dead of night. There is a house, a hut, and she sees a shadowy figure. It the decomposing corpse of Frank, wearing the clothes she buried him in. He is decayed. Of note her axe, which belonged to Frank is old and rusty.

Eric - Eric wh came to Innuviel looking to get rich, but he is quickly making friends. He is from simple beginnings. He is from Athkatla. While there, he met Mara Shiftbend, who mentored Eric. She came to Innuviel for the gem trade years ago. Eric has purused her in hopes of reuniting and growing wealthy from the gem trade. He ultimately adopts the shared goal of his traveling companions - eliminating the undead and solving the mystery of their uprising. His nightmare: He approaches a treasure in the darkness.

Caelum - Caelum is deepy connected to Set, and hopes that Set will outlive him. His hope is for Set to learn and grow, developing a repository of information for the collective good for ages to come. Set is sentient, and as it grows in power becomes increasingly able to communicate and synthesize information from the raw data Caelum feeds it. He studied at Candlekeep, where he developed the ability to “awaken” inert objects with sentience. Caelum writes notes to his contacts at the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. Ilyana and Enki. Annoucning that he is in Dahlaana. That he would like to meet. His nightmare: He is late to class.

Lee - Lee is rich and semi-famous. Coming from the elite Pelaois family as their adopted son. He generously covers the suite at Nature’s Majesty. He questions several staff members about his brother, Mavius, who has been stationed in Innuviel for some time but in the past few weeks went missing. No one thus far has seen him in months. He is determined to find his brother. There is avPelaois Fine Goods and Industries outlet store in Dahlaana. Lee’s Nightmare: Lee is at the wedding of Maza. And He looks for Mavius. It’s a masquerade. Mav will not speak to him. He removes the mask of Mav who is now a zombie, and everyone is. They then eviscerate Mavius as Lee wakes.



Session Three

The Tireless Saint

To be read at the beginning of the session: “All appears seemingly as it should be in the city of Dahlaana, with its beautiful architecture and gem fueled wealth. Yet a grim feeling hangs heavy in the heart of even the most faithful and unfliching. Despite the prosperity of the city, there is a growing undercurrent of unease. The rumors of the undead spreading across the island of Innuviel in large numbers have begun to erode the sense of security that Dahlaana has long enjoyed. The once-flourishing gardens, though still magnificent, now seem to sway with an unspoken sorrow, as if they too sense the encroaching darkness. The city’s economy, once a well-oiled machine, now falters under the weight of uncertainty. Merchants speak of dwindling trade routes, and the once-bustling docks now bear the silence of ships hesitant to leave the safety of the harbor. The city of Dahlaana, once a bastion of prosperity and safety, now faces doubt and terror. There is a foreboding chill in the air. Tales of restless spirits and shambling corpses prowling the outskirts of the city in large numbers has struck fear into the hearts of its inhabitants. The once bustling markets now echo with cautious footsteps and wary glances, as vendors exchanged hurried conversations about the safety of the roads and the fate of neighboring villages. All tourism and nightlife has essentially vanished. The city’s walls, once a symbol of protection, now seem to hold back shadows that threaten to spill forth and engulf everything in their wake. Guards posted throughout Dahlaana stand vigilant, their eyes darting to every rustling leaf and distant sound, their hands gripping weapons with white-knuckled determination. The threat of the undead exists not only outside the city gates, but inside, and seemingly at random. Only adding to the fear and distrust among the citizens. There is a tension surrounding those approaching natural death, as they may unwillingly join the endless ranks of the undead. Rumors and superstitions grow wild in the hearts of the city’s residents, giving birth to wild theories of curses, vengeful spirits, and even demonic forces. The once vibrant taverns and inns are now saddled with heaviness of solemn conversations, the lively songs and laughter replaced with hushed tones, gossip and furtive glances.That is, if they are not entirely empty. A shadow has spread across the island indeed. For the undead have but one purpose… to snuff out the living.”

Where the Adventurers might go this session…

It would be expected that they begin this session by visiting Saint Apiz at the Church of Ilmater. See the outline from session two to determine what events will unfold. There will certainly be a lot of information to share. Give them time to talk with Saint Apiz in detail. He will make sure they are all comfortable, satiated and rested. Then he will proceed with sharing theories and associated missions to rule in and out such possibilities.

Arriving at the Church of Ilmater and Meeting with Saint Apiz: Based off session one, it is likely the players will arrive at night. The guards at the Church of Ilmater will offer the players rest in private rooms. They must be convinced to awaken Saint Apiz, who would be in his quarters at this hour. Should he be summoned, he will come without reluctance, welcoming the adventurers with open arms. Their journey has been long, arduous, and only more challenges await the company. If at night he will attend their immediate needs, and then insist they meet first thing in the morning. If the players wait until morning, Saint Apiz will send a guard to their rooms requesting an early meeting. What will the players do on their first night at the Church of Ilmater? Ask the players if they sleep? Do they dream? What would they dream about? Ask them to share. In the morning, they meet with Saint Apiz. He will share with them the dire nature of the threat at hand. Remember, he is a doppleganger who replaced the original Saint Apiz, and member of The Order of the Dark Star. The original Saint Apiz summoned the player characters, but he was take captive and replaced in the 4-8 weeks it took adventurers to travel to Innuviel. The Order now plans to use his call for adventurers strtegically. There plan is to misdirect the efforts of these would-be-heroes to thwart enemies of the Order and divert attention from the true threat. Saint Apiz will share several theories, which he knows to be false leads. He also selectively introduces them to members of the The Council of the Church of Ilmater. He would want them, first and foremost, to eliminate the Squids, then the Vampire Danderoth, and then Orna the Sirassi Witch. This doppleganger has the memories of the actual Saint Apiz, and can communicate directly with Buhmal.



Church of Ilmater Council Members: The head of the Church of Ilmater and leader of its governing council is Saint Lewis. He has a true love of Ilmater and the cause of sacrifice. Fathe Lewis is truly well-intentioned to his core. Yet time has caught up to him. Though he has remained always kind, he is of adanced age and is increasingly overwhelmed with burden. Particularly now that the undead scourge has appeared and is intensifying. He is also sickly and tended to by his nurse-made Esme Loswaithe. Esme is a dwarf, and in secret a priestess of the Order of the Dark Star. She is very powerful. She keeps close eye on Father Lewis, medicating him often with sedatives. At times, even using enchantment to subdue him. But she appears outwardly sweet, maternal and nurturing. Saint Horton is a grumpy man and outspoken devoutee of Ilmater. He is not a member of the Order of the Dark Star but is often manipulated to support their claims with fear. Saint Maurice is preoccupied with the theme of suffering for Ilmater, which is a more extreme sect of Ilmater’s followers. He is surrounded by a group of loyalists and fanatics who support him: A human priestess and healer named Saint Jayline, male goblin who is the church treasurer named Hazzrat, and a retired (aging) half-elf male paladin named Smart. None are members of the Order of the Dark Star, but are very convinced about the church not being followed as it should, angering the god. They are also all deeply fearful of evil hiding among them, accusing small things are acts of evil or working against the church. They also have a fear of magic. And further hold a belief, per Father Horton, that people are not suffering or sacrificing enough for Ilmater. Saint Meehan and Saint Nydia sit on the council for the church, they are both members of the Order of the Dark Star. They seem cold and distant with one another, but only as a facade to subvert any suspicion about their shared goal. They are both half-elven. There are several other council members, Saint Gerwin, a wise old dragonkin who is quiet and gentle and offers little. He is is seen as tired, a trophy of the council for his experience. Appears withdrawn. Saint Burlough is a dwarven male, and a very reasonable character with excellent questions and eager to do the right thing. Finally, the youngest member, a human male named Saint Apiz. He will likely be the first individual the player characters encounter in the primary adventure hook. He appears suspicious, worried, and kind. He invites the player characters to investigate a number of false leads. He is their initial point of contact. He supplies them with information, and is central plot device character and quest giver. However, he is a member of the Order of the Dark Star, and true Saint Apiz was captured weeks ago and replaced with a doppleganger. He is using the player characters to focus attention inconsequentially, or even send them to eliminate opposition by providing false or incomplete information. When he suspects the PCs are becoming too powerful and discover the true plot or the nature of his alleigances, he will turn on them. Perhaps by orchaestraing an assassination attempt or making them out to be scapegoat villains.

Theories Surrounding the Undead Scourge: Amidst their fear, the people of Dahlaana have begun to speculate about the spontaneous rise of the dead and the inexplicable increase in necromantic energy. Even those traveling by sea who have arrived in recent weeks have spoken of increased undead activity in the distant lands, though not to the severity of Dahlanna. Many have been at sail for months and have noticed nothing. Perhaps it is all just rumors. Many believe this curse to be contained to the island, yet in time, they will find it has reached all of Faerun (reveal this as a cliffhanger in an early session). But in the initial stages, it seems there are only rumors and whispers from other regions about the concerning phenomena. Yet on Innuviel the threat grows more dire by the day. Given that the summoning of Atropus took place here, and there is a connection to the negative energy plane, the power of the undead God is greatest here. This is where the hammer will fall first, this where the planetoid will one day touch down unless stopped.

But what do the people of Dahlanna and the island of Innuviel believe is the cause for the troubles at hand given the true nature of the evil from across the cosmos is concealed? There are many theories and rumors circulating around the island. Theories within the Church of Ilmater: Some within the church believe Orcus (or another demon lord) and his followers are planning an invasion, and that an emissary of Orcus has come to Innuviel. Some fear that Ilmater can bear no more pain, suffering or sacrifice, and that without his mercy there is no rest for the dead, which now rise as the undead, as the atithesis of the God’s purpose. How to restore the strength, and potentially will, of Ilmater remains a heavily debated subject. Some within the church also suspect a new religion pretending to be good and pure, which in truth is a cult worshipping a malevolent force, is gathering power. And operating in plain sight but clandestinely. They suspect this cult draws power for acts of wickedness and cruelty. The suspect further the squids may be involved, who are known for their proclivity as thieves. Furthermore, they are concerned regarding the potential action of the vampire Danderoth and “witch” Orna, whom they perceive as evil. There is also a prevailing theory that the followers of Ilmater (and beings from all across Toril) are not sacrificing enough, and that the Crying God has sacrificed all that he can. He can take no more suffering. And without Ilmater to take on the suffering of those who die, the dead are destined to never rest, thus becoming undead. The undead, afterall, are inherently evil, full of rage, and resent the living. This is a popular theory among many in the Church, and one that inspires fear.



Theories among the Commoners: Most commonly, the citizens of the island fear a loss of faith has caused the Gods to forsake the living in their hearts and thus the dead have now grown in power. Though Ilmater is the dominant religion of the island, and certainly the port city of Dahlaana, there are many other religions each with their own theory that is handed down to their believers. Some people are quite hysterical about the unfolding events, while others are dismissive of it enirely. Yet even those without faith have their fears. Some believe the Squids have recruited a powerful necromancer to assist them in their criminal activities as their crime sprees intensify. Lies and slander abound regarding many who are easy to accuse. The witch named Orna, they say, as cursed the island. They say she is evil and looks evil to match. That she wants to claims the region for her dark ritual and foul creatures. They also say she has a monster. In truth she is peaceful lizardkin druid with a tyrannosirassi cousin. Of course, there is a deep fear of the vampire Danderoth as well, and over the years some claim this undead creature has kidnapped, fed on and murdered countless locals. Yet another large contingent of the common people deny any concerns related to the undead, that the numbers are not actually increasing, that there have always been this many such fiends. It is seasonal. And if something is wrong, they will be protected. And yet others are just so terrified they are in complete denial. Theories within the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth: Wizards and gifted wielders of the arcane worry of a dark power rising, though what they are unable to say. Perhaps an artifact of great effect has been discovered, such as the Book of Vile Darkness, or Necronomicon, or the Wand of Orcus, or some unnamed artifact. An evil user of such an object has brought about this wicked blight. In truth, the use of the Book of Vile Darkness is only part of the explanation for the concerning happenings. Yet another theory is that a powerful necromancer has taken up local residence in region for a reason that is of grave concern and should be discovered. Yet still there are other schools of thinking. Some suspect that Wild magic is the true cause. Untamed, uncontrolled, and destructive in its power, it rages across Toril. Wild magic has created a great but random increase in the extent and power of necromantic energy. Perhaps even, the Fey Realm has opened creating all matter of chaos. Some suggest a misalignment of the negative energy plane, a loss of balance, resulting in an increased power of death relative to life. Some even fear that a monster of unimaginable abilities has escaped from the negative energy plane and its very existence has caused the lines that separate life and death to blur. The thinking of others is less esoteric and theoretical. They suspect the powerful vampire, Danderoth, who has long lived in this land is looking take political control of these lands and its neighbors. He is using the undead to sew discord, weaken the any who would oppose him, and take control. Some would sew fear about the “witch” Orna as well. Yet many learned people know Danderoth to be a harmless art collector, careful and fair about his feeding. They know Orna to be a druid who is kind and generous of heart. Finally, a few within the celestial observatory suspect that an event in outer space, across the vast cosmos, has brought this foul blight.

Another theory about the Undead Blight common among all: The Sirassi, after centuries or murder and persecution, are the cause of the undead blight. The have found way to summon the dead and are launching an attack on the settlements across Innuviel. They seek revenge for all that has been done to them since the Sirassi-Lanfall War, the Conflict of Gems. They are using some sort of evil magic to extract vengeance. This is all their doing… Some members of the Church of Ilmater and many citizens among the general public suspect this. Another theory about the Undead Blight common among all EXCEPT the Church of Ilmater: The undead blight is a disease. It is unclear where it came from. But it was released for some sinister purpose. Could it also just be a natural phenomena? At this point it is just another theory. But fuels the fear citizens have of one another. Diseases are also common on Innuviel due to its climate. The Church of Ilmater claims they have seen no evidence this is related to a disease, but admit that this is a possibility and they are still working with limited information.

Where else might the adventurers go from here?

The adventurer’s can spend as much or as little time as they like investigating and gather provisions in Dahlaana. Each day that passes is time lost, but perhaps their efforts in the city are a boon in facing the looming threats. Having Saint Apiz suggest what is sensible, as there are a number of actions the adventurers should strongly consider before braving the wilderness. Each activity generally takes about a day or half day. The characters can say what they would like to do, and a fitting event can be developed. There will also be several events that occur in the coming days, scheduled and surprised. The adventurer’s will have to decide how much time they spend in Dahlaana before questing. Some pre-prepared or encouraged ideas are as follows (reward or punish accordingly):

  • Receive provisions from the Church of Ilmater in the form of gifts and guidance.
  • Spend a day in prayer to Ilmater.
  • Spend a day aiding those in need or volunteering for a local cause.
  • There are many diseases on Innuviel, some can be prevented. Receving an immunization potion takes a day.
  • Go shopping – Spend a day or half a day shopping for whatever the player character wants.
  • Investigate or explore Dahlaana as you see fit. Complete a side-quest or backstory quest related to the character.
  • Go to tavern, play games, hookup, gamble, enjoy a recreational activity. It might ready you for journey to come.
  • Learn or level a trade skill. Gain a special set of provisions use for crafting. Who really has time for hobbies?
  • All the players to make up something and work together to create an experience and subsequent boone or bane!



Visiting the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth: No one is permitted to enter or leave the Sanctuary by order of the Illumination Conclave, a stance that is supported by Chancellor Alanna Dadrick. Those who are already within its walls have been quarantined. Their line of thinking is this: Until the learned people, sages and scholars, understand the true nature of the undead threat, they must protect what they believe to be Innuviel’s only hope of finding a solution. The knowledge, resources and minds within the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. However, little information has been shared with researchers, staff, students, and even officials within the Sanctuary. Most are confined to their rooms, with guards on viglant watch. Occasionally, someone will be plucked form their quarters to be questioned by the Conclave, but little is shared. The feeling is that of a hostile inquisition. Anyone who aproaches the heavily guarded front gate is told of that no one is to enter or leave, and that those inside are in quarantine. Nothing more will be shared. As is the surrounding perimeter. Treat guards as Ancient Constructs but with an intelligence of 14 and the ability to speak in all langauges. At this point, it would be very difficult to sneak in, though it can be done. Gaining the favor of the local government could help in obtaining permission to enter, or if the Conclave saw value in adventurers entering in hopes to learn something. This would come later after the players have accomplished more.

Visiting Pelaois Fine Goods and Industries Dahlaana Storefront: They are greeted by Timek, a elderly Tiefling and family friend. He will tell Lee that Mavius ventured out sometime ago. For reasons that could not say why, but that it was is more than company business. Mavius had grown concerned with the affect the undead menace was having on business, or so he said. But Timek suspected that he was worried about the people of Innuviel, and thought it right to take matters into his own hands. He left several weeks ago with 2 body guards and trusted business consort to enter the Emerald Jungle in search of something of “great importance.” He suspected danger, appearing worried yet determined. He had consroted with someone about a mission through the jungle, but Timek was never made aware of more details. However, he did leave a small contraption with Timek to give to Lee, knowing that if he were to go missing, Lee would come searching for him. He bid Timek to tell Lee the cipher to open the contraption: “Never forget who you truly are.”

Publicity Stunt and Book Signing: Jessica’s presence has made quite a stir, and inspired some hope in the people of Dahlaana amidst dark times. She is not only a renowned celebrity author, but investigator. Surely with her on the case Innuviel’s crisis will be solved. Amidst the commotion, there are cries for an impromptu book signing. Eventually, a group of Sirassi approach Jessica. The gathered audience falls silent. Apphrenesion hangs in the air. Some ready to flee or draw weapons. The Sirassi speak in their native tongue. A few hushed voices of relief echo about the crowd. Someone steps forward to translate to Jessica that they are great fans. That several books have been translated into Sirassan. They too want an autograph. This scenario could play out several ways. How Jessica roleplays will affect the crowd greatly. It could be peaceful, funny and touching. But it could result in hysteria, xenophobia, and/or a fight with the Sirassi and people of Dahlaana.

Stopping for an ale at the Troll’s Belly: Stopping for an ale at the most popular tavern in Dahlaana, you find the establishment surprising empty. You can’t shake the regulars, alcoholics, and reckless youth, but the place seems largely empty. While some enjoy drinking away their sorrows and stressors, many want to be clear of mind during such frightening times. The bartender, Claire, is clearly bored. Accustomed to being flirted. She will keep giving away liquor as long as she is flirted with. She misses the attention. She love gossip too. She knows little, more concerned about her own woes. A drunk old man at the end of the bar, one of the few patrons, is ready to talk. He shares his concerns about the foreboding change in the city. He is merchant who recently had to close up his business due to the economic downturn. His name is Bishop. He feels downtrodden, and awash in self-pity. NPCs here will have general yet superficial information about a variety of different things. Bishop is also drunk and melodramatic.

Going Shopping: Nearly all the magical items for sale in Dahlaana are sold at The Ye’ Old Magic Shop, by an old woman named Lorna. Yet most relics are procured by the Sanctuary of Illumating Trurth, who trade here regularly.

Costs of magic items:

Common: 50-100 gp

Uncommon 100-500 gp

Rare: 500-5,000 gp

Very Rare: 5000-50,000 gp

Legendary: 50,000+ gp

Scroll Rarity:

Common: cantrips, 1

Uncommon: 2-3

Rare: 4-5

Very Rare: 6-8

Legendary: 9



SYNOPSIS - Session 3, the Tireless Saint

The adventurers return to Nature’s Majesty for a short rest in the afternoon of their second day in Dahlaana. Upon arrival, Jillian (the concierge and manager) gives a letter to Caelum that was delivered from the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. It is a suspicious communication from Ilyana, a poem of unexpected content, that is quickly suspected of being a coded message. The party decides to take a short rest before visiting the Church of Ilmater to meet with Saint Apiz. However, Jessica decides to scouts ahead, recognized by cautious citizens as the esteemed author and investigator that she is. Lee, Eric, Caelum and Leslie follow several hours later, finding Jessica asleep on a bench outside of the church. It is miraculous structure. Displaying a degree of wealth and design aesthetic that is not expected or seen among worshippers of the Crying God throughout the rest of Faerun. Marcus, a priest of Ilmater, leads the party to meet Saint Apiz. There is brief investigation of the grounds revealing nothing of interest. Saint Apiz comes immediately to welcome the adventurers. He escorts them to a private area, eager to offer any worldy comfort that he can. He recognizes Jesscia and Lee, praising them with great alacrity. He does not recognize Caelum, but upon introduction, knows immediately who he is and expresses gratitiude for his presence. Saint Apiz asks to be meet Set, which he is fascinated by. Eric introduces himself, though admits to not receiving an invite. Saint Apiz makes it clear that this is no matter, all are welcome by the Crying God to help. He sees those that come forward as Eric has done as courageous, brave, and self-sacrificing. Lee heckles Eric about this a bit, but Saint Apiz pays no mind. A good deed is a good deed, even if gems brought him here. The Gods work in mysterious ways. He also welcomes Leslie, whose mind and hands will be put to good use at the church.

The Adventurers learn a great deal from Saint Apiz. He is ever the kind, generous and compassionate man you were lead to believe that he would be. You detect no deceipt, but continue to struggle to reconcile the position of the Church of Ilmater given what you have learned and observed thus far. In any case, you learn the following critical pieces of information for your investigation:

Regarding potential causes of the Undead Blight (which is now the offical and commonly used name to refer to the crisis). Some within the church believe Orcus (or another demon lord) and his followers are planning an invasion, and that an emissary of Orcus has come to Innuviel. There is also a prevailing theory that the followers of Ilmater (and beings from all across Toril) are not sacrificing enough, and that the Crying God has sacrificed all that he can. He can take no more suffering. And without Ilmater to take on the suffering of those who die, the dead are destined to never rest, thus becoming undead. This is a popular theory among many in the Church, and one that inspires fear. How to restore the strength, and potentially will, of Ilmater remains a heavily debated subject. Some suspect the Squids may be involved, who are known for their proclivity as thieves, claiming they are working with a necromancer or group of necromancers. Furthermore, there is concern regarding the potential involvement of the vampire Danderoth. Your knowledge of the Squids and Danderoth are not shared with Sant Apiz. The final theory he shares is that the Sirassi, after centuries or murder and persecution, are the cause of the undead blight. The have found way to summon the dead and are launching an attack on the settlements across Innuviel. They seek revenge for all that has been done to them since the Sirassi-Lanfall War, the Conflict of Gems. They are using some sort of evil blood magic to extract vengeance. This is all their doing… and that they working alongside a witch. Saint Apiz has his doubts about this, believing the Sirassi to be peaceful, and that they have been persecuted. All of these theories, as Jessica points out, are based on rumors and third-hard accounts. But these are the best leads they have, and believes they all warrant investigation.

Saint Apiz shares that the Caelum, Eric, Jessica, Lee and Leslie are not the only adventurers he has summoned or who have volunteered to be sent on a mission to investigate the Undead Blight. There have been roughly 20 previous souls, divided into parties of four, that have been sent out to follow potential leads. Among them, Lee’s adopted brother Mavius, who ventured out with a Kennick, a family friend, and two trusted body guards. Their party sough to meet with the Sirassi in the Emerald Jungle with the intent to learn of their perspective, and perhaps involvement, in the Undead Blight. There are rumors of a blood curse, but Saint Apiz doubts this, believing the Sirassi to have been exploited and peaceful at their core. Their group was due back over a week ago, which is concerning. Two other adventuring parties are out on mission, and two have been killed. The adventurers agree to assist with the investigation, and may choose any lead they have been presented with. Lee is shooketh, and can think of nothing else but searching for his brother. Thus it is suggested they begin with exploring the Emerald Jungle with the plan to investigate the Sirasssi Saint Apiz apologizes to Lee. The team takes 3.5 days to prepare.



Two full days are spent by each party member to get immunized against 2 of the 7 diseases commonly found throughout Innuviel, Mad Moneky Fever and Shivering Sickness. Caelum struggles with both immunizations, while the others brave through it largely unscathed. Caelum deciphers the letter from Ilyana, which is written in code, stating and inferring that the Undead Blight is an airborn plague and thus that is why the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth has been quarantined. This is not shared with Saint Apiz, nor is the previous interaction the party had with the Squids at Dock 37. Jessica attends a book signing at the Dusty Cover, where she plays peacemaker betweena a group of Sirassi and the local people of Dahlaana. She learns the lizardfolkd are fans of her work, even signing a book to Crissar, a Sirassi Chieftain. Eric goes shopping, and has a knack for finding the best deal and doing what it takes to get wheat he wants. Lee, alongside Eric, visit the Pelaois Fine Good and Industries Boutique.

After a tearful reunion with the family friend and tiefling, Timek, Lee learns more about Mavius’ adventures on behalf of Saint Apiz. He learns of the respect Mav truly has for his adopted brother, and his secret wish to achieve in ways that mean something. He also gives Lee a lock box requiring a code to open that Mav left behind for Lee in the event that he was to disappear and Lee were to come searching for him. After the third attempt to open the box, it will detonate.

Jessica has yet to find any other members or messages from the Moon Stars, but does make friends wherever she seems to go. She attracts attention due to her renown authorship and detective work. She meets a fellow Paladin, Smart, who also sits on the Council as an aid to Saint Maurice. Caelum takes Set to the House of Healing, where they review records regarding recorded deaths and subsequent incidence of turning undead. Set, masterful in compiling data of this sort, determines that upon death there is 20% chance of the corpse reviving as zombie, and subsequent 20% chance each day. Cause of the death and race/species does not seem to a factor. Which religion the individual belonged to was not measured. Caelum also attempts to enter the Sanctuary of Illumiating Truth but is turned, though not before being scanned by a golem. He also sends Ilyana another letter in code. Lee and Eric attend a church council meeting, and learn of all the members that comprise the council. Lee interrupts Saint Maurice, who is preoccupied with the theme of suffering for Ilmater, and who believes not enough is being sacrificed for the Crying God. Tensions mount as the two sling insults, but Lee makes his feelings known, and is ultimately commended for doing so by Saint Apiz. The council meeting ends with no resolution, ultimately all leads, at this point, are just theories. A just criticism. Over the course of the past 3.5 days, each adventurer is given provisions and items by Saint Apiz and the Church of Ilmater that will aid them in their mission. As the party prepares to leave for the Emerald Jungle, they finish up their business in town. Eric visits the Ye Old Magic Shop as an alter-ego, Lydia. He meets the shopkeep, Lorna, who claims that few magic items exist outside the Sanctuary fo Illuminating Truth, and that their agents shop her wares once per week. Leslie plans to aid the Church of Ilmater in some construction projects, but plans to ultimately travel on to the Celestial Observatory where her cousin Melvin reisdes. She remains fascinated by Set. Finally, Lee returns to Nature’s Majesty, and hooks up with Ray.

The Ye Old Magic Ship: Shopkeep is an old woman named Lorna. She is visted weekly by emissaries from the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth to buy her wares. There are few magic items outside the sanctuary, and among those, few outside of her store. She seels the following items:

Items: Tome of Clear Thought - $30k, Dwarven Plate - $10k, Frost Brand - $5k, Dagger of Venom - $4k, Mace of Smiting - $4k, Staff of Swarming Insects - $4k, Periapt of Proof Against Poison - $500, Circlet of Blasting - $500, Quiver of Ehlonna - $500, Robe of Useful Items - $400 (has 4 useful items), Wand of Web - $300, Brooch of Shielding - $200.

Scrolls: Speak with Animals - level 1 - $50, Ray of Sickness - level 1 - $75, Distort Value - level 1 - $100, Acid Arrow - level 2 - $150, Kinetic Jaunt - level 2 - $200, Lesser Restoration - level 2 - $250, Aura of Vitality - level 3 - $300, Call Lightning - level 3 - $300, Motivational Speech - level 3 - $300, Create Food and Water - level 3 - $400, Blight - level 4 - $600, Giant Insect - level 4 - $750 Sickening Radiance - level 4 - $800 Commune with Nature - level 5 - $1k Dominate Person - level 5 - $2

Blessings of Ilamter per player up to this point: Jessica: 3 (helping at the Long Rest, her passionate speech to calm the crowd, diffusing tension with the Sirassi), Caelum 2 (helping at the Long Rest, sacrificing his well being to heal Jessica), Lee 2 (helping at the Long Rest, the first to charge into the Long Rest), Eric 1 (helping at the Long Rest).



Session Four

The Wicked Web we Weave

Read synposis of last session and ask characters to share how their character’s perspective of the events of the last session.
ASK THE PLAYER CHARACTERS: Is there final business the adventurers wish to tend to before leaving, and how much time is required to do so? There should also be a final meeting with Saint Apiz, where he clarifies their exact plan. He will also review the map with them, highlighting relevant locations and associated travel times.

Leaving Dahlaana: The adventuring party leaves Dahlaana. They have spent their first 4 and half days on Innviel in the city. Where will they go next to investigate the undead blight? Time is of essence. Regardless, leaving is no simple tasks with zombies, skeletons, and specters prowling about the city gates. Fortifying the outer defenses is no easy task. The undead take no rest, no food or drink, and show no quarter. Any gate the adventurers might exit through would be in need of their help. Additionally, opening the gate at any time is a risk, with the undead threatening to spill into the city walls. The the goal of the guards at each gate is containment. To keep the foul creatures outside of the city. They slay only as many as necessary, conserving their resources as best as the can. All but three gates into and out of Dahlaana have been sealed. These are the three largest points of entry. There is the West, Central and East Gate. The guards will ask for help, but acknowledge that those on special quests may have more important matters to tend to. The undead collect outside the gates, but not outside the sewer drains. The adventuerers are permitted to travel the sewers to exit without facing a large force of undead. But there may be other perils in sewer system as well. They have seen a number of wild predators grow in number to feast upon carrion. Though the gates and guards could use aid, it is a more dangerous prospect to be certain. And will attract more attention from the roaming undead. The guards also know of a rot troll lurking near the gate, hunting those that attempt to enter or exit. This is a most formiddable foe.

If the adventuring party leaves through the gate, they will be attacked by the undead and a rot troll. It will also bring more undead upon this partcular gate. However, it would also be a great service to the city guard to clear safe passage. Yet, it is certainly more dangerous. Does the party want to take the risk to help, or is there own quest more important. Once clearing the undead and defeating the troll, the party will find themselves on the Wildwood Road.

Venturing through the sewer will have the adventurers encounter dark network of tunnels. Within these tunnels, there are several dead ends. But even more concerning, a ruin spider queen has made a nest. She and her brood are aggressive, strengthened by an increased volume of food the undead have provided. One exiting the sewer tunnels after a steep drop onto a grassy hill, the adventurers will need to stealthily avoid any undead as the locate the Wildwood Road.

Follow the Wildwood Road: It will take approximately 3 days to reach the edge of the Emerald Jungle. Have the players make a stealth check each day and night they spend on the road, or survival and stealth check for each day and night they spend off road. A failed stealth will result in being followed and potentially attacked by zombies. If they make a good argument for other checks, to conceal their path, allow this. If they adventure off road, the DC on stealth checks will be lower, but a survival check will be necessary to deal with wilderness related hazards. Roll on a random table to determine such events. If they fail on two stealth checks consecutively or three total over the duration of the travel, the undead will ambush them. Once fighting the zombies, they are now being followed and should move with haste. Failure of another stealth check, now done with disadvantage since they are already being followed, will result in a zombie horde ambushing them. They will need to quicken their travel to escape the undless ranks of the dead. The random road card will come form the long road supplemental book for maps. Potential random encounters include combat (1-3: fighting undead, 4: carrion crawlers, 5: corpse flowers, 6: giant scorpion), dealing with obstacles (7: sinking mud, 8: getting lost, 9: rope bridge, 10: destroyed caravan, 11: exposure to contagion) or other events (12: stalked by the Sirassi, 13: watched by the Order, 14: pirated by the Squids, 15: finding altar or ruins or deserted encampment, 16: finding a random tavern that is boarded up but open, 17: seeing a crystal stag in a trap, 18: meeting an emissary of Gorefax, 19: come upon a wandering member of the Moon Stars, 20: fork in the road). There should be 1 big event per half day of travel, then nighttime events. Failing a survival check if they venture off road result in the party becoming lost, losing half a day. A second survival check, will result if the party become lost a whole day. A third failure will result going completely off course, roll a random direct to see where they go. They can come up with reasonable ways to mitigate this, and it should depend on where they go off road and how far. If they do, it will also add total travel time. Allow significant flexbility. Nighttime events will depend on failed stealth checks increasing the chance of something happening randomly, and more likely than not bad. Nighttime ecnounters include: 1-5, undead attack, 6-10 hearing the undead nearby, 11-15 calm night, 16-20 seeing a crystal stag. Anytime there is a battle - further stealth checks should take penatly. Peception check DC 13 can prevent being ambushed if undead attack.



Everything the players do in the forrest that garners attention should make it harder for them to travel the raod unnoticed or at least, stealthily. Few travel the roads these days. It is dangerous. But the wilderness perhaps more. If time is pressed, consider just one event per. The idea is that the travel experience builds the world/island/culture. It should take a session once they leave Dahlaana to travel to Sorrow’s Stronghold, should they go there. I think they will at this point.

The Wicked Web We Weave - Session 4 Recap

The Party finally prepares to leave Dahlaana. Before doing so, Eric (as Lydia) continues to work Lorna for a deal at the Ye Old Magic Shop. She has nothing more than she originally offered, making it clear that the most useful items are regularly procured by the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. The team also meets with Saint Apiz, who reviews the map of Innuviel with them. Saint Apiz suggests they stop at the town of Sorrow’s Stronghold before delving into the Emerald Jungle by the path of the Wildwood Road. He also cautions the party about those who would not welcome his name, implying he suspects clandestine enemies. However, there are those even among the Church of Ilmater that do not see eye to eye with the Tireless Saint. Lee himself remains angry with Saint Apiz for sending his brother into harm’s way, but still thinks he could get it. Saint Apiz offers good blessings to the team as they leave the city.

The party meets with a guard, Remly, who explains there are only 3 working points of entry into Dahlaana, the West, Central, and East Gate. The undead roam about each gate in large numbers, and thus the party opts to venture through the sewer. They come upon a nest of Ruin Spiders, which permanently damage the armor of Jessica, Caelum, and Lee. After dispatching of the spiders, the party finds its way onto the Wildwood Road. The road is dangerous during such perilous times, and the party remains vigilant of the many hazards. The 3 day joruney is wrought with ghoulish moans, rope bridges, throat leeches, disrupted sleep, and undead ambushes. But it is not without its small joys: intimate conversations around camp, the care of one another, the blessing of a crystal stag, and a rousing game of fuck/marry/kill. As the team sights Sorrow’s Stronghold on the eve of their third day on the Wildwood Road, a wave of 20+ undead pursue them, attracted to the noise of a previous battle. Eric webs the passage through the cavern as the team makes their escape to the town.

Other important information learned: Caelum discovers that when an undead is destroyed with radiant magic, it prevents resurrection and deals extra damage (as Saint Apiz suggested). Jessica, upon using an ability to turn the undead, detects a unsettling power that prevents the creature from being turned. You also know that the undead are immune to psychic damage. Lee receives a blessing from a crystal stag which he feed good berries. Set records the soft coo of a crystal stag during the tender moment where Lee touches the gentle creature’s maw. We find out that Jessica tried to resurrect Frank with help from a hag, which backfired, and he became a thrall. Though this was not on Innuviel. We learn that Eric’s original impetus for becoming rich was to help his ill mother prior to her passing. It is also revealed that the dragons who occupy Broodmate’s Den are lovers named Xorthas and Ragvala. There is an unsteady truce between the dragons and other inhabitants of Innuviel. If they are left in peace, there is nothing to fear from them. Xorthas was said to have hatched here, and Ragnala later came to live with him later. The two have been on the island for centures. There is no documentation that either have ever attacked the people of Innuviel. A final piece of information: you learn the name of the highest holiday among the Sirassi is called Zelnaga. And that the Sirassi have two holy sites: Mount Thuule and “The Valley of Blood Roses,” which is named for the massacre of the Sirassi that occurred at the end of the Conflict or Gems. So many were massacred that is was said the valley filled with blood, eventually nurturing a rare flower that thrived in the blood rich soil. It is called the blood rose. Since the massacre, the Sirassi have never visited the once holy site, and no long have any establishments in Liravassi “The Infected Forrest.” They only now live in the Emerald Jungle, but were once found throughout the island.



Session Five


Read synposis of last session, ask characters to share how their character’s perspective of the events. The Party will arrive at Sorrow’s Stronghold on night seven of day eight in Innuviel. Blessings of Ilamter: Jessica: 3 (helping at the Long Rest, her passionate speech to calm the crowd, diffusing tension with the Sirassi), Caelum 2 (helping at the Long Rest, sacrificing his well being to heal Jessica), Lee 3 (helping at the Long Rest, the first to charge into the Long Rest, one for his kindness towards the crystal stag), Eric 1 (helping at the Long Rest).

Sorrow’s Stronghold: Before venturing into the dense forrest, it is advised by Saint Apiz and others that they adventurers stop at Sorrow’s Stronghold. During the Conflict of Gems or Sirassi Landfall War, Sorrow’s Stronghold suffered many casualties. Only the Sirassi themselves endured a greater loss of life. The mood in town has remained ever solemn, a grim reminder of the perils of war. The tension here is palpable, as the Emerald Jungle is surrounds the settlement. Guards are ever watchful of the Sirassi, who are known to attack those who enter the jungle with no reverence for the land. All who enter are watched from the shadows of the trees and trellises. The town itself appears worn down and impoverished, a stark contrast to Dahlaana. Humble buildings made of rock and lacquered wood are connected through a network of sanded stoned roads. While less political than Dhalaana, the conflict here between the Sirassi, the Sirassi supporters, and those who hate the Sirassi is intense. There is a hatred. Some, devoted to Ilmater try to make peace. There is a sheriff who does their best to maintain the balance, Sheriff Rogers. An old man, who has seen much blood spilled, and wants to maintain peace as best as possible. He will be trusting if the players prove their relationship with Saint Apiz. In the town there is an Inn, called “Twelve Deep.” At the center of town there is a sprawling graveyard, where those who perished in the war were buried, and many continue to be buried. This has given rise to new conflicts, tensions, and hatreds. As the undead rise, the graveyard has been barricaded and now must be patrolled. This has ignited a renewed hatred of the Sirassi, and thus the Sirassi and at the edge of the jungle feel more threatened. Furthermore, within the town a zombie may occasionally escape the graveyard. There is campaign to unearth the buried, and incinerate them. And another push to incinerate all who die. Some feel this is an insult to their loved ones. There is fierce debate about this practice. The party will be faced with town in unrest between attacks from the undead, tension with the Sirassi, and conflict from within the town. They also have noted that increase in undead have made a hearty meal for the corpse flowers, which have no proliferated beyond control. This would be a chance for several side-quests, inclduing Quelling the Corpse Flower. Introduce the players with the opportunity to help, or not. It will take time. They would need to help to get attention or gain favor with the locals. But regardless, they will not be able to please everyone. Furthermore, Sheriff Rogers discourages them entering the Emerald Jungle, and will tell them that none who have entered in the past few weeks have returned. He would recall the venturing party that included Mavius, or at least someone who matched his physical description, when prompted. He will also recall others who have entered, some he trusted and others he did not. If pressed with several successful charisma related checks, he will trust the party and reveal to them he did offer provisions to a group of adventurers proclaiming to be members of the “Moon Stars,” some weeks ago. They were traveling North. He is not sure what there mission was. There were four of them. No one will offer to serve as a guide no matter how much is offered. Those who worship Ilmater, will offer aid and succor to the party at the local temple, which is essentially a dilapidated house. There is a nurse there named Claudette. There is also a building that several Sirassi envoys lived in, but it has no been abandoned given the growing temptation of violence. If the players visit here and search the hastily abandoned ad now boarded up residence, the player with the highest investigation check over 15 will find an herbalism kit and a book made of leaves, wood and vines, which is written in Sirassan. This is “The Guide to the Flora of Innuviel.”

Venturing into the Emerald Jungle: The party has many choices as to where they will go. They can wander into the forrest attempting to follow a path and see where it takes them. The citizen of Sorrow’s Stronghold will report the trail is intended to take them in one of two directions: towards Mount Thuule or deep into the Emerald Jungle where they will eventually arrive at the sea where many years ago a port was established that fell to the Sirassi in the Conflict of Gems. It is suspected that the path to Mount Thuule has been wiped away by the Sirassi, who want to keep outsiders away from the sacred area. Many belief that following any path will lead into the claws of the Sirassi. And even veering off the road will ultimately lead them to the same fate. The jungle is not safe. The party should determine strategy and marching order for venturing through the jungle. Have one random encounter (roll a D20) or either being attack by a giant insect (1-5), falling into a carrion worm pit (6-10), being exposed to Cackle Fever (11-15), find a grove a beautiful flowers (16-20). After this, how will the proceed forward. Will they get lost? The path has been intentionally destroyed, and thus it will be easy to become lost. Have them perform 3 survival checks with a DC of 15, 20, and 25. If they get 2 failures, they are lost. Either way. Assume they are being watched by the Sirassi the entire time. A Sirassi can be spotted spying on the party with a perception of 25. They have been following your trail for days, even cautiously watching you enter Sorrow’s Stronghold.



homebrew mug

The Trek to Mount Thuule: If the party approaches Mount Thuule, within 5 miles, countless Sirassi will ambush them and attempt to take them prisoner. If any Sirassi are killed, the rest will fight to the death. This is a critical moment in the campaign. If they slaughter the Sirassi, it will be hard to ever ally with them to face the threat at hand. The Sirassi will attempt to capture the team, as they have been watching them. They observed the actions of Lee in connecting with the Crystal Stag, which they revere. Crissar is also among them, and even has a copy of one of Jessica’s books with her signature. They are inclined to trust Jessica and Lee. They do not have a true desire for conflict, only preservation of their kind. If they take the party as prisoners, they strip them of their weapons and other suspicious items. Attempts to persuade them of their moral character are met with strong resistance even if anyone is able to speak Sirassan. A persuasion check of 30 would be required. If not convinced the party can be trusted, the player characters will need to prove themselves in the “Trial of True Nature” or be exiled, never to return. If they convince the Sirassi they are no threat, the Sirassi will ask for their aid. If the party declines, they will be directed to leave immediately and are never to return.

Delving Deeper into the Jungle: Should the party decide to venture deeper into the Emerald Jungle instead of heading towards Mount Thuule, they will find a long-overgrown road leading towards an abandoned port. The port was ransacked by the Sirrasi early in the Conflict of Gems. It was called West Wind. It now lies in ruins. On their way West Wind, they will be ambushed by Edwin, the Tyranosirassi Rex, and cousin of Orna, the Sirassi “witch.” Orna has lost control over Edwin after spending 15 days asleep in a trance as she travels the Astral Plane looking for clues as to what is plaguing Innuviel. Without special music and Orna’s soothing presence, the creature has become feral and wild. It will even attack the Sirassi. Edwin is marked and adorned with Sirassi paint and some jewelry. The players can notice this with a perception or religion check, Jessica with advantage having seen the markings before. If the players kill Edwin, and it is discovered by the Sirassi, any efforts to work alongside them will be that much more difficult. The Sirassi do understand that Edwin is feral, but they will distrust the party. If this occurs, the Sirassi will attack and subdue the party, bringing them to the abandoned temple of Ilmater for judgement. To prove their intentions at this juncture, they will have to partcipate in “The Trial of True Nature.”



F-A-M-I-L-Y: Session 5 Recap

The party comes upon Sorrow’s Stronghold as dusk approaches. There is foreboding and unseasonal chill in the air. The guards watching from atop a 12 foot high stone wall are suspicious as they approach, but quickly allow their entry into the town when the party members each brandish their amulet with the symbol of Saint Apiz. The party asks to speak with Mayor Bell, but are then grieved to learn of his death at the teeth of the undead.

They find that Sheriff Rogers, leader of the town guard, has taken his place. As he is summoned to meet with the party, they learn from the guard that Sorrow’s Stronghold is amidst terrible unrest. Due to the Undead Blight, there is heated debate among the town as to whether or not the remains of their forebearers should be incinerated. This would prevent the reanimation of the undead. While the tensions with the Sirassi have never dissipated since the end of the Conflict of Gems nearly a century ago, there is renewed hatred and fervor for violence among man of townspeople. They blame the Sirassi, and their witch, for putting a blood curse on the island which has caused the Undead Blight. And to make matters more painful, now they must unearth their own brethren, desecrating their final resting place, and put their remains to the torch to save the town.

The party is finally met Sheriff Rogers, a kind, elderly, and neighborly man. Sheriff Rogers is a follower or Ilmater, and is in a minority of locals who believe the Sirassi to be peaceful, only acting in defense of their ancestral homeland and the survival of their kind. His efforts to broker peace have been met with intense resistance among many locals. He also informs the party that their are many undead Sirassi that have beseeched Sorrow’s Stronghold, and thus he believes their kind face the same threat from the undead blight. He has little to offer the party except a free room at the inn, named “12 Deep.” He also suggests the party visit a local house repurposed into a house of healing and church of Ilmater. It is run by a Sirassi sympathizer, nurse, and devotee of Ilmater named Claudette. It is also next door to what was once a house for several Sirassi who served as envoys to build inroads and create peace between the Sirassi and the people of Sorrow’s Stronghold. Since the Undead Blight, the house was ransacked, and deserted by the Sirassi who feared for their lives due to an increase in hate crimes against them.

The adventurer’s leave to meet with Claudette, who has significant information and inroad with the Sirassi. Their welcome, however, is cold. After multiple failed attempts to gain her trust, she grows weary of their presence. Claudette has been hardened by the persecution of the Sirassi for the decades of her life, is rightly suspicious of others claiming to be their allies while gems gleam in their eyes. Just as she dimisses the party, Jessica, after snooping around, uses her powers of persuasion to make one final plea and is successful. Claudette believes Jessica to be sincere in her copassion for the Sirassi, even naming Crissar and showing her a message written by his very claw. She gifts Jessica a book: “The Sirassan Guide to the Flora of Innuviel.” She is reluctant to give them more information, let their motives be tested by what awaits them. Claudette also divulges that the Moon Stars have been to Sorrow Stronghold not but a week ago, and that the ventured North. She wishes the party good fortune should their intentions be true, but should they not, she will never forget them.

At the local armory, the shopkeep, Riddles the goblin, chastizes Jessica for being Sirassi sympathizers, highlighting the tension in the town. The team then ventures to the local inn, 12 Deep. It is a bar, restaurant, and inn. Many of the local solider are currently housed their, despite an outbreak of Shivering Sickness. At the bar they meet a half elf named Zenovia, who is quite taken by Lee, but let’s face it, who isn’t. She also thinks Eric can get, and may even go for Jessica if there is enough churth liqeur in her system. Meanwhile, Caelum takes Set into the corner of the bar, where he reads the book gifted to them by Claudette with the aid of the spell comprehend langauges, and stores it in Set’s databank. Later that night, each member of the party has a terrible nightmare. The next morning they share their wicked dreams with each other and Zenovia, who continues to shamlessly flirt.

The party leaves Sorrow’s Stronghold and ventures deep into the Emerald Jungle. It is clear that the Sirassi are watching their every move. They come to a fork in the road, ultimately deciding to venture towards the Sirassi holy site of Mount Thuule instead of continuing on a path towards the deserted city of Westwind along the coast. As the party was warned, the path towards Mount Thuule has been destroyed by the Sirassi, who wish to keep any outsiders away from their sacred ground. But thanks to Lee, the party can not become lost. His sense of the forrest is far too keen. However, upon picking a useful flower from the book they obtained earlier, Lee falls into a pit and is ambushed by two carrion crawlers. After several near death experiences, he is rescued by the wit of Eric, the courage of Jessica, and protection of Caelum. Eric is afflicted with Cackle Fever from the encounter, but quickly sleeps it off. During the night, they are nearly ambushed by undead.



The party continues on, now just miles away from Mount Thuule. But suddenly, they are ambushed by multiple Sirassi. Caelum use comprehend languages to understands and relay their commands. That they must drop their weapons and surrender themselves as prisoners, or be executed. They all willingly do so, though Lee is clearly reluctant, which amplifies the tension. Jessica, having encountered a Sirassi Chieftain before, calls out the name: “Crissar.” She is immediately recognized, and then displays writing directly from the claw of Crissar, who then emerges. He professes Jessica a true ally to Sirassi. As the others are bound and stripped of their weapons, Jessica is given water and permitted to walk alongside the lizardfolk. They are all taken to nearby ruins, which were once a temple to Ilmater, who is clearly revered in some capacity by the Sirassi. The party is each given a Cloak of Sirassankind so that they communicate directly. The party is informed that in order to earn the trust of the Sirassi, they must participate in the “Trial of True Nature” by naming their greatest skill and participate in a challenge related to that skill. Jessica, has been exlcuded, having already earned their trust by saving the Sirassi from an angry mob at the Dusty Cover in Dahlaana, and then signing Crissar’s copy of her book, “The Corpse Walked at Midnight,” one of only 4 books from Jessica’s collection that has been translated to Sirassan.

The party has now spent 8 nights and 9 days on Innuviel.



Session Six

The Trial of True Nature

Read synposis of last session, ask characters to share how their character’s perspective of the events.
The party has now spent 8 nights and 9 days on Innuviel. As it has been over seven days, the approach of Atropus goes from faint to arising. Consult earlier rules for details, but the following changes now occur: Necromancy spells and spell-like abilities are cast at +1 caster level. Whenever a living creature dies, a 25% chance exists that it will spontaneously rise as a zombie in 1d4 rounds. No undead can be controlled or turned. Atropus is a dark spec from the Celestial Observatory. Does not even stand out other than that it is new, which may not even be appreciated upon looking, as it is so miniscule. Could readily be explained by other means. Likely not noticed.
Blessings of Ilamter: Jessica: 5 (helping at the Long Rest, her passionate speech to calm the crowd, diffusing tension with the Sirassi at the Dusty Cover, 2 blessings are awarded for being the first to descend into an underground carrion crawler pit to help Lee), Caelum 3 (helping at the Long Rest, sacrificing his well being to heal Jessica after a questionable use of thunderwave, descending into the carrion crawler pit to help and heal Lee), Lee 3 (helping at the Long Rest, the first to charge into the Long Rest, one for his kindness towards the crystal stag), Eric 1 (helping at the Long Rest).

Prove where your Loyalties Lie: The trial will take place in a former temple of Ilamter (religion 14) that the Sirassi have repurposed into an outpost amidst the jungle. Though vines and trees grow throughout the dilapidated structure, it is clear that emblems and statues depicting Ilamter have been preserved (perception 14). The Sirassi, though spurned by the denizens of Dahlaana, have reverence for Ilmater. Saint Apiz and several other members of the church have shown their kind nothing but generosity, love, acceptance, and the offering of reparations. “The Trial of True Nature” involves a challenge for each party member that does not persuade the Sirassi as described above. In this challenge the player character will be asked to name their greatest skill, which will be tested. However, this is not the true test. Within each challenge, the player characters will be given an intentional chance to betray the Sirassi in some obvious way with the belief that they could escape imprisonment or benefit themselves clandestinely. The outcome of the challenge they selected is in truth irrelevant. The Sirassi are testing if the party can be trusted, if they are sympathetic to their plight. They are determinging if the player characters will use the seeded opportunity to steal, betray or advantage themselves as the expense of the Sirassi? Their true purpose: Can you be their ally? If not, the Sirassi will exile the party immediately, threatening execution if they ever return to Mount Thuule.

Save the Sacred Sirassi Shrines: The Sirassi too are suffering from the Undead Blight within their community. The Sirassi’s second most holy place, Mount Thuule, has been overrun with powerful undead. They have lost control over the sacred shrine that sits atop the mountain peak. Secretly, and which will not be revealed to party until they have helped the Sirassi reclaim the site if they choose to do so, is a hatchery. Rescuing the eggs that represent the survival of their race will forever indebt the Sirassi to the party. The Sirassi will only permit the party to enter Mount Thuule is they pass “The Trial of True Nature.” Only then can their trust be earned. If this is done, the Sirassi ask for the party to cleanse their sacred site of the Undead Blight. They are unable to help venture forward to Mount Thuule, for no Sirassi can strike down another Sirassi, even in death, at a holy site. For if they do, there kind will be forever cursed and lose the favor of their guardian spirits. The Sirassi are remarkably united, there is little discension in their ranks. They reason through everything ever with an eye on the greater good of their kind. If there is one who betrays their cause and their mantra of tranquility, they are projected to the Astral Plane by a seer or Orna, where the engage in “The Trial of True Nature” on a greater scale, where all can be known of their thoughts and feelings.

The Guardian Spirits in Chaos: Some unknown force (members of the Order of the Dark Star) has summoned the Ancestral Guardian Spirits of the Sirassi out of the Astral Plane and into the Material Plane, where Atropus has more power. This has caused the spirits, which are undead, to fall under the control of Atropus. Buhmal dispatched four of his most trusted servants to complete this task, a task with an aim to eliminate the Sirassi, who suspect a malevolent presence among the stars, and expand the influence of Atropus in the Astral Plane by using the spirits. The Sirassi not only have lost control of Mount Thuule due to an influx of undead (many of which are Sirassi and thus cannt be harmed by them at the sacred site), but were attacked by their very own guardian spirits under the control Atropus. They will ask the players, should they have passed the “Trial of True Nature,” to not only cleanse the holy place of undead, but to subdue the guardian spirits and return them to the Astral Plane. To do this, the party must visit the shrine of each spirit atop Mount Thuule, and complete a ritual to remind the spirits of its true nature, thereby returning it to the Astral Plane.



Sirassi Culture and Practices Revealed: There are many variants of the Sirassi which are more animalistic and wild in nature. These beings are held to different societal standards within the Sirassan culture, but are treated and regarded as equals. They are even seen as possessing special insights into the world that can be revealed by their naturalinstincts. Such members of this lineage include the tyrannosirassi, the cockatrisirassari, and various great lizards.

Guiding their existence are the four Ancestral Sirassan Spirits: Villaketh, embodiment of understanding one’s place within the collective good; Ethlaaka, advocate for giving back as much as one has received; Nerratul, champion of reverence for the natural world as the cornerstone of existence; and Quuattal, guardian of ancestral legacy, honoring those who paved the path to life’s continuity.

An annual ritual marks the passage of time for every Sirassi, as they involuntarily slip into a profound torpor upon the anniversary of their hatching. During this transcendent slumber, lasting 7-10 days, their consciousness traverses the Astral Plane, communing with the ancestral spirits that dwell within. This introspective journey serves as a contemplation of their own life, the future of their kind, and the requisite contributions for collective survival. Upon awakening, they may undergo profound transformations, embracing new roles, skills, or even altering their gender expression, a utilitarian facet of their intersex nature. The Sirassi do not identify as one particular gender.

Within the sanctified grounds of Mount Thuule and the Valley of Blood Roses a sacred decree binds their kind: No Sirassi can strike down another Sirassi, even in death. For if they do, their kind will risk losing the favor of their guardian spirits and be cursed. The Sirassi are remarkably united, there is little discension among their ranks. They reason through conflicts and struggles with an unwaivering focus on the greater good of their kind. If there is one who betrays their cause and their mantra of tranquility, they are projected to the Astral Plane where they engage in “The Trial of True Nature” on a cosmic scale, where all can be known of their thoughts and feelings. If they fail, their spirit is torn asunder and cast into the void.

The highest holiday among the Sirassi is called Zelnaga. It is observed when the veil between the Material Plane and the Astral Plane is most ethereal, a phenomena that occurs roughly once every decade. During this time, the four Ancestral Sirrasan Spirits appear on the material plane, and join the minds of all their kin. In this connected state, the Sirassi are able to collectively manifest their dreams into a shared story that outlines the future of their kind. After the ritual, their is tremendous feast, celebration, and finally, an offering of reverence for each of the four spirits.

The Sirassi hold two sacred locations in reverence: Mount Thuule and the Valley of Blood Roses, known as “Tirrannattalle” among their kind. This valley earned its grim epithet following the tragic massacre of Sirassi during Zelnaga amdist the Conflict of Gems. Lore speaks of such an immense loss of life that the valley seemed to run red with blood, nourishing the soil with its tragic essence. Over time, from this blood-rich earth emerged a rare flower, known as the Blood Rose, which thrived in the wake of the catastrophe. Facing extinction, the Sirassi surrendered all contested lands to the people of Dahlaana. Since that fateful event, nearly eight decades ago, the Sirassi have refrained from setting foot in the Valley of Blood Roses. Furthermore, they have relinquished any presence in Liravassi, now known as “The Infected Forest,” and solely inhabit the dense foliage of the Emerald Jungle. This marks a significant departure from their past ubiquity across the entire island. They continue to observe Zelnaga at Mount Thuule, and have protected the mountain peak by scupting a dome of enchanted trees to keep away prying eyes and defend against assault.

Orna Awakens:

  • If Edwin is killed
  • If the sacred shrine upon Mount Thuule is cleared
  • If dispel magic is used on Orna or if her HP drops to 0.

When Orna awakens…



The Appraoch Mount Thuule: Deep within the heart of the Emerald Jungle lies Mount Thuule, encased in a protective shield of ancient, enchanted trees, safeguarded by the mystical powers of the Sirassi. This sacred site has long been shielded from prying eyes and acts of aggression, serving as a bastion of sanctity amidst the chaos and bloody history of Innuviel. At the edge of the dense jungle, a clearing opens up before the base of Mount Thuule, providing a glimpse of the majestic tree-cradled peak beyond. However, this clearing is now fraught with peril, as hundreds of undead creatures prowl about, their menacing presence a testament to the darkness that has befallen the land. To ascend Mount Thuule, adventurers must navigate a treacherous path that winds its way around the mountain. But since the outbreak of the Undead Blight, this once-tranquil trail has become a labyrinth of danger, with more undead lurking along its twists and turns, ready to ambush any who dare to tread upon it. As if the undead were not threat enough, the four Ancestral Sirrassan Spirits, tasked with protecting the mountain, have become fiercely aggressive, their once-docile demeanor replaced by a violent madness. It is as if they have been possessed by some malevolent force, adding another layer of danger to the already perilous journey. Despite these daunting challenges, the adventurers’ quest remains clear: they must cleanse the summit of Mount Thuule of its undead abominations and restore peace to the four Ancestral Sirrassan Spirits. Only by completing a series of ritual tasks at each of the spirits’ respective shrines can they hope to achieve this lofty goal and return the spirits to the Astral Plane, restoring peace to the sacred mountain once more. And thus earning the respect and trust of the Sirassi.



Session 6 Recap: The Trial of True Nature

In the Trial of True Nature, Caelum, Eric, and Lee find themselves thrust into a crucible of challenges orchestrated by the enigmatic Sirassi, testing not only their skills but their very essence as allies.

Caelum’s Arcane Ordeal: With unwavering confidence and a reliance on his mastery of “arcane invention,” Caelum boldly strides into the jungle, guided by the mystical energies of the orb Set. Yet, the Sirassi, oblivious to Set’s true power, develop a trial that ensnares Caelum in the labyrinthine undergrowth. Through perseverance and ingenuity, but mostly Set, Caelum emerges from the depths of the jungle, clutching a gem that he found pulses with arcane secrets, igniting discussions of Ethlaaka’s elusive presence and the mysteries that lie dormant within. Most notably, Caelum confesses that he found the gem, and notable does not use Set to escape the Sirrasi

Lee’s Stealth Challenge: In the shadowy recesses of ancient ruins, Lee’s skills in stealth are put to the ultimate test in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the cunning Sirassi. Through a ballet of shadows and silence, Lee emerges triumphant, his quick reflexes and keen instincts allowing him to rescue the imperiled Sirassi, Pedro, from the clutches of imminent danger. Their bond forged in the crucible of adversity is sealed with a symbolic gesture, as Pedro dons the yellow paint of defeat, signifying respect for Lee. Yet, amidst their victory, the ominous specter of Cackle Fever looms, a haunting reminder of the peril that lurks within the crumbling ruins and the challenges that lie ahead. But they share a few good laughs together nonetheless. Most notably, Lee chose to rescue Pedro when he could have used the opportunity to escape capture by the Sirassi.

Eric’s Transmutation Trial: Under the watchful gaze of Sirassi Shaman, Marrow, Eric’s prowess in transmutation is put to the test. With deft hands and a sharp mind, Eric impresses the Sirassi with his abilities, though not without facing formidable challenges along the way. Reluctantly, Eric reveals his true form at Marrow’s behest, that he is a hobgoblin, and thus he earn Marrow’s trust and impresses with his ability to transmute materials, even if only for a brief time. Most notably, Eric could have trasmited something to use in an escape, which he did not, and ultimately chose to reveal his true form when asked.

Subtle Tests of Trustworthiness: Amidst these trials, the adventurers are subtly tested for their trustworthiness and nobility. Planted opportunities to betray or deceive the Sirassi are met with integrity and honesty, earning the adventurers newfound respect and trust. These trials were never about the strengths or abilities of the party, but about their nature. Are they worthy of being allies to the Sirassi. And fortunately, they all passed this test. In return, the Sirassi share invaluable insights into their culture, history, and their current struggles with the undead blight, fostering a deeper bond between allies in the face of adversity.

Unveiling Mount Thuule’s Plight: As the trials end, the harrowing truth of Mount Thuule’s plight is laid bare before our adventurers. Overrun by hordes of ravenous undead, the once-sacred sanctuary now stands as a grim battleground of darkness and despair. Worse still, the ancestral guardian spirits — Villaketh, Ethlaaka, Nerratul, and Quuattal — once paragons of virtue, have been corrupted by malevolent forces, their noble essences twisted into madness. Something has brought them here from the Astral Plane, where they have turned from benevolent spirits to vicious monsters. With Orna trapped in a prolonged torpor and the sacred site atop Mount Thuule overrun, the Sirassi teeter on the brink of oblivion, their very existence hanging in the balance. They are without their guiding seer and ancestral spirits. They also share a timeline of past events: The Moonstars came to Mount Thuule over 27 days ago. Orna fell into torpor 24 days. Mount Thuule fell to the undead and spirits went wild 24. Mavius left for Mount Thuule 7 days ago. The party takes on the task of cleansing the four shrines atop Mount Thuule in efforts to learn more about the Undead Blight. They also hope to earn further favor with Sirassi, restore Orna to consciousness, and perhaps learn more abou the fate of Mavius. The Sirassi people hold the belief that performing a ritual dedicated to each spirit at its designated shrine might reestablish a connection with these lost entities. This act could potentially mend their fragmented existence, allowing them to return to the Astral Plane and break free from the undead curse afflicting them on the Material Plane.

The Looming Threat and Unity’s Call: Jessicas fears of a variety of doomsday scernarios including the sinister machinations of Atropus, and thus continue to seek the Moonstars. However, Caelum becomes suspicious about the the true allegiance of the Moonstars, as their presence is followed be tragedy seemingly wherever they go. Yet the party is united in their plan, they must cleanse Mount Thuule of its corruption, and confront the looming threat that threatens to engulf them all. Saving the Sirassi is not just the right thing to do, it also promises to reveal dark truth about the nature of the undead blight.

Crissar shares in detail about the nature of Sirassi, inclduing their biology, customs, history, four ancestral guardian spirits, and Orna



Session Seven

The Fools on Mount Thuule

The Dangers of Mount Thuule: In the vast expanse between the edge of the dense jungle and the formidable base of Mount Thuule lies a perilous mile-long clearing. Here, amidst the eerie silence, the air is thick with the stench of decay as hundreds of undead roam freely, their hollow eyes fixed on unsuspecting prey. This is but the first threat our adventurers must face, a daunting gauntlet through which they must navigate to reach the sanctuary atop the mountain. Beyond the clearing, a treacherous path winds its way around the towering peak of Mount Thuule, stretching for several miles. This path, once a sacred trail trodden by pilgrims seeking enlightenment, is now fraught with unknown perils and lurking dangers. From hidden traps to ambushes by the undead, every step forward is a test of courage and resilience. Atop Mount Thuule, shrouded in an ethereal mist, stand four ancient shrines, each dedicated to one of the revered guardian spirits of the Sirassi. Villaketh, Ethlaaka, Nerratul, and Quuattal, their essence tainted by the foul magic that has engulfed the mountain, now linger in a state of madness and torment. The Sirassi people hold the belief that performing a ritual dedicated to each spirit at its designated shrine might reestablish a connection with these lost entities. This act could potentially mend their fragmented existence, allowing them to return to the Astral Plane and break free from the undead curse afflicting them on the Material Plane.



Session 7 Recap: The Fools on Mount Thuule

The adventurers embarked on a perilous journey through a sprawling field teeming with hundreds of zombies, situated between the outskirts of the forest and the base of Mount Thuule. Employing a myriad of ingenious tactics, they navigated their way through the undead horde. From Eric’s cunning use of his owl companion to scout ahead, to Caelum’s enchanting dancing lights that diverted the attention of the zombies, and the group’s audacious impersonation of the undead themselves, every maneuver was executed with precision. However, their stealthy progress was eventually thwarted as they were discovered by a relentless mass of undead. With no choice but to race past the swarming horde, they sprinted towards the base of Mount Thuule, where the entrance to the winding path leading to the summit awaited them. Yet, the challenges had only just begun.

As they ascended the treacherous path, they encountered raging ghosts lurking among the shadows. One malevolent entity seizes control of Caelum’s will, compelling him to leap recklessly into the midst of the mindless undead below. Miraculously, Lee’s quick reflexes with the spell Featherfall and Eric’s resourcefulness with a rope saved Caelum from certain doom, as they hastily pulled him back to safety.Continuing their ascent, the adventurers discover a horrific obstacle thanks to the Eric’s owl: a massive congregation of zombies amassed at the summit. Determined to lure them away from their path, they devised a plan to create a cacophony of noise. Yet, their strategy backfired when torrents of undead cascaded down from above, threatening to sweep them off the path and into the clearing surrounding the mountain base. In the chaos that ensued, an avalanche of undead overwhelmed Jessica, and she found herself plummeting towards the waiting jaws of the undead below. In a repeated stroke of brilliance, Lee’s mastery of Featherfall saved Jessica from a certainly fatal fall. However, the spell would not save her from the hundreds of hungry undead, Unbeknownst to the rest of the party, Jessica miraculously survived the horde, utilizing a turtle steed to traverse her way back to the safety of the path.

Meanwhile, Lee, Eric, and Caelum valiantly fought off wave after wave of falling zombies. Their battle culminated in a terrifying confrontation with a colossal amalgamation of undead, a zombie clot, formed from the merging of countless corpses. Only through sheer determination and skill did they emerge victorious, though battered and weary. Exhausted from their ordeal, the adventurers sought respite, their thoughts filled with concern for Jessica’s well-being. As they rested, they could only hope and pray for her safe return, knowing that their journey was far from over. The shrines must still be cleansed, and who knows what unseen threats await the adventurers atop Mount Thuule.



Session 8 Recap: Showdown at the Shrines

As Caelum, Lee, and Eric wait nervously on the winding path of Mount Thuule, hoping for the safe return of Jessica, Eric’s owl scouts ahead. Flying quickly along the trail, it spots Jesscia riding a giant turtle. She quickly makes haste to her friends in wait, finishing her trek on foot. The turtle grew tired. After a joyous reunion, the team ventures on to the mountain summit. Their task still at hand. The four Sirassi shrines must be cleansed, the guardian spirits must be restored from their madness and sent back to the Astral Plane where they have peace. As they reach the peak of Mount Thuule, they find the four shrines, and begin the rites to cleanse each one.

Starting with Southeastern shrine which reads: “Nerratul, the guardian of nature’s balance, reminds all of the sacred duty to revere and protect the natural world.” The team collects a series of plants based on their description within a riddle, and then muddle them into a mixture on an altar. This act settles the angry spirit of Nerratul, who is returned peacefully to the Astral Plane.

The party then attempts to cleanse the Northeastern shrine, with a description that reads: “Villaketh, the essence of honoring what is required, asks that understanding our place within the collective good to illuminate the path ahead.” The adventurers then place a series of items into the claws of an associated Sirassi statue. This acts frees the spirit of Villaketh to the Astral Plane. Caelum also discovers a book here, a history of the Sirassi. Using Set, he records the last 60 pages of content, which accounts for the last 3 months of history.

They team proceeds to the Northwestern shrine, which reads: “Ethlaaka, the embodiment of reciprocity, calls upon all to give back as generously as we have received.” In this shrine they find two coffins, the first, closest to the door, has a deceased Sirassi inside holding a gem. Lee traverses a series of wooden planks above a pit of spikes, where he then finds a second dead Sirassi in another coffin. It is without a gem. Caelum relinquishes the gem he found in the forrest to the Sirassi in the far coffin, recalling a sacred promise to the Sirassi. This act releases the raging spirit of Ethlaaka back to the Astral Plane.

Finally, the party find themselves at the entrance of the shrine to Quuattal, which reads: “Quuattal, the keeper of ancestral legacy, safeguards the memories and teachings of those who came before, ensuring the continuity of Sirassi heritage.” There is a rug on the floor with an arcane eye symbolizing the “third eye” and the ascension of the mind to the Astral Plane. Within the Astral Plane, there exists the possibility of encountering a fragment of consciousness belonging to a deceased ancestors. There is a deep purple potion on the table adjacent, which is recognized as containing dreamleaf. Lee and Eric are reluctant to drink, but Jessica and Caelum do so immediately, and drift away to the Astral Plane. A whirl of colors representing portals to different planes appear and disappear as they float through the dazzling pools of light. Finally, as they hold hands and drift in the starry beyond, they each are approached by an apparition. Caelum sees Ilyana, which shocks him. He thought her to be alive, having corresponded with her using letters in Dahlaana. She cries, not realizing until speaking with him that she was killed at the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. Her last memory was of two arcane golems entering her quarters. She wrote two more letters to Caelum, and believes their correspondence must have been discovered. She cries, and rages, and asks Caelum to avenge her by completing her noble work in service to Ilmater. He agrees, and she fades off into the great beyond. Jessica then sees a vision of Frank, who lovingly calls out to her. It would have been the most blissful moment of the last several years of her life, if not for the warning in her heart. Without hesitation, she angrily calls out to the vision, claiming it false. The vision of Frank suddenly decays into his rotten zombie thrall form, the result of Jessica’s folly with dark magics she knew better than to meddle with. Jessica’s rage burns as she sees the terrible visage of the hag responsible for twisting her actions into what Frank became, Baggy Nanna. Baggy Nanna laughs and taunts Jessica, reminding her of her error, as she tells horrific stories of her and Frank peeling off the skin of children and going on murderous campaigns across Faerun. Finally, Baggy Nanna floats away in the Astral Sea as Jessica threatens her with vengeance. Meanwhile, Lee and Eric are attacked by Quuattal, and thus quickly drink the potion and plunge into the Astral Plane. As they soar through the plane of dazzling lights, they too are met with materializing visions. Eric sees Mara Shiftbend, who comes to him in desperation. Initially, he believes her to be dead. However, this is but a part of her that has died. In her desire to control her fate through having power, she made a deal with Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath. And thus, her soul was torn from her body and now dwells in the Astral Plane. She pleads with Eric to correct her terrible mistake, break the contract, and return her soul to her body. She currently travels alongside Gorefax, an emissary of Orcus, who is presently leading an expedition of unknown purpose across Innuviel. However, in her demonic form, she will not give up the body willingly. Lee soars through the Astral Plane and is struck with disbelief as he hears his mother’s voice. He does not believe it, but as she soothes and comforts him, he knows it to be true. She tells him that she is proud of him, and so glad he has found a family. And that he must rescue his brother, Mavius. And that, finally, he will never be without her or his father’s love.



With the successful attempt to commune and honor the memory of those they have lost in the Astral Plane, the adventurers return to the Material Plane, and the Spirit of Quuattal is calmed. They take a minute to speak with the party, thanking them, restoring their strength, inform of them that Orna has awakened, and finaklly tell them to beware of those “cloaked in shadow.” Upon exiting the final shrines, a weight is lifted from their spirits, having cleansed the shrines and Mount Thuule, honoring their word to the Sirassi. However, the victory is interrupted when they are then confronted by four figures clad in black.

Their leader, wearing black hooded robe and wielding a mace, is Kuzar. With him is Lena, the martial duelist, Hakkar, the precognitive mage, and Velasca, thr Sensation Muse. The four of them off request that the elf-witch (meaning Jessica) be turned over to their custody. And if, then they all shall perish at their hands. Lee immedialtey ready an attack and brutal battle commences. It the back forth violence which ensued, the tide turned many times, but eventually favored the wit of Caelum, the patience of Eric, the will of Jessica, and the aim of Lee. All but Lena were killed, and she was taken prisoner. Who was the mysterious group dressed in black? Why did they take such an interest in Jessica? What can they learn from Lena about the various threats facing Innuviel, and perhaps even the Undead Blight?

The party has now spent 9 nights and 10 days on Innuviel. As it has been over seven days, the approach of Atropus goes from faint to arising. Consult earlier rules for details, but the following changes now occur: Necromancy spells and spell-like abilities are cast at +1 caster level. Whenever a living creature dies, a 25% chance exists that it will spontaneously rise as a zombie in 1d4 rounds. No undead can be controlled or turned. Atropus is a dark spec from the Celestial Observatory. Does not even stand out other than that it is new, which may not even be appreciated upon looking, as it is so miniscule. Could readily be explained by other means. Likely not noticed.

Blessings of Ilamter: Jessica: 5 (helping at the Long Rest, her passionate speech to calm the crowd, diffusing tension with the Sirassi at the Dusty Cover, 2 blessings are awarded for being the first to descend into an underground carrion crawler pit to help Lee), Caelum 4 (helping at the Long Rest, sacrificing his well being to heal Jessica after a questionable use of thunderwave, descending into the carrion crawler pit to help and heal Lee, returning the gem to Ethlaaka), Lee 4 (helping at the Long Rest, the first to charge into the Long Rest, one for his kindness towards the crystal stag, saving Pedro from the carrion crawler pit), Eric 1 (helping at the Long Rest,).



Bloom of the Corpse Flower:

“I am born from darkness and decay, Nurtured by flesh, some might say. Brew me deep in earth’s embrace, For days I linger, in that space.

From soil to lips, my journey takes flight, Granting voice to the silent night. Speak with the departed, send your call, My name you seek, to unravel it all.”

Bloomlotus Riddle:

“I grace overgrown ponds with my gentle sway, A vision of beauty, by night and by day. Coveted and sought with desire, As a prized adornment, I never tire.

Floating serene on waters clear, I bring elegance far and near. Preserved with care, I hold my flower, Displayed like royalty atop a tower.”

Bloodroot Riddle:

“In deep earth, I find my home, Muddled and mixed, my essence is shown. A flash of color, a hue so deep, None suspect the secrets I keep.

For actors and tricksters, I am a tool, With convincing guise, they craft a fool. From petal to stem, my essence they take, In many shades, their deceptions I make.”

Death’s Beckon Riddle:

“In shadows deep, where moonlight fades, An ashen plant lurks ‘neath forest shades. With a touch, it seals one’s fate, In darkest hours, it claims its mate.

If it a gift from a for or friend, Who can say until the end. With whispered lure, it draws quite near, What is this plant that sparks such fear?”

Dreamleaf Riddle:

“In realms unknown, where shadows creep, A growth that holds the essence deep. Imbibe its nectar, venture far, To realms beyond both moon and star.

Where spirits soar, in distant light, This plant grants them boundless flight. What is this growth that holds the key, To realms unseen, where souls roam free?”


Six towering stone statues are set in alcoves around the room each depicting a nearly hooded Sirassi figure. Each statue is facing a central table covered with a ragged cloth atop which sits an assortment of lifesize items made of the same stone: a book, a scythe, a dagger, a spear, a hammer, and sceptre with an eye. A DC 15 wisdom reveals there are slight difference among each statue.

  • The first state’s fingertip and stain in black an drip weight ink. Pairs with Book
  • The second statue has mud claw feet. Pairs with the scythe.
  • The third has a blood stained hand and pairs with the dagger.
  • The fourth has hands that are covered in black goos, that is the blood of the carrion crawler. Pairs with spear.
  • The Fifth hands are covered in soot, pairs with hammer.
  • The sixth is spotlessly clean, and pairs with the sceptre.

If placed in the incorrect order, they are ambused by a wraith or the Guardian spirit. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Kubazan Shrine ……………………………………………………………………………………… Drink a potion to enter Astral Plane - A part of someone’s mind that has died, may persist in the Astral Plane, or be conjured in the Astral plane. Parts of us that are gone may dwell there forever like a memory, a snapshot in time. They must honor the spirit, appease something that ails them. Convince them of something. Make a promise or committment. The team should join hands in circle to fullfil the ritual.

Meet someone who has died, and honor them through reveal a feeling and being vulnerable. Erik - Mara Shiftbend, part of her spirit, that means part of her is dead. Wants a better life for himself and his parents. Jessica - Frank Caelum - Ilyana Lee - His Mother ………………………………………………………………………………………

“Villaketh, the essence of honoring what is required, asks that understanding our place within the collective good to illuminate the path ahead.”

“Ethlaaka, the embodiment of reciprocity, calls upon all to give back as generously as we have received.”

“Nerratul, the guardian of nature’s balance, reminds all of the sacred duty to revere and protect the natural world.”

“Quuattal, the keeper of ancestral legacy, safeguards the memories and teachings of those who came before, ensuring the continuity of Sirassi heritage.”



Session 9 recap - Save Mavius, Save the World

Interrogating Lena: They interrogate Lena, but she offers little. She is fervently committed to her cause. She portends the end of the world. She mocks and laughs at the adventurers. It is clear she has no regard for her life, creating an ominous feeling. Caelum kicks the body of Kazur, on which scrying was cast. Caelum threatens the being (Buhmal) who cast scrying with a nat 20, which he recognizes with an arcana check. They then use speak with dead on Kazur using a Corpse Bloom flower, and there is some entity on the other side of it not able to communicate (Atropus). They do not know if the scrying source and speak with dead spell are from the same origin. They decide to take Lena back to the Sirassi after having cleansed the shrines. She seems fearful of them, as though they can learn more from her she would wish to conceal.

Zombie Attack: The zombies attack on the way back after two critical failed stealth checks (Lee and Caelum). Jessica is nearly killed. Lena escapes in the vicious battle against a rot troll and casts herself into the zombie horde to be devoured, protecting the information she carried in her mind. The adventurers get back to the Sirassi at the Temple of Ilmater. Orna happily greets them, profusely thanking them for saving their kind, an act of true kindness. She shares all that she knows.

Orna’s Revelations: While Orna has not heard of Atropus, she was shown a vision while trapped in torpor of a dark shadow coming from the vastness of space. She states that in the vision, one of the constellations in the night sky is missing, but she is blind and cannot see where it is. It is her belief that whatever obscures this constellation is related to the undead blight and all the wicked happenings across Innuviel. She offers several gifts to the team, including a guided dream. Nightmares are a weapon of the enemy, but with her connection to the Astral Plane, she can help use these nightmares against the enemy to gather information. There are things in the dreams that have happened, are happening, or are likely to happen, and she can guide them through these visions. Yet, the messages may be cryptic. She also provides them with etched carvings of all the constellations in the night sky. Orna finally asks what the adventurers call themselves, and they profess no name for their team. She offers them a name in Sirassan fitting of their heroism and generosity amdist dark times: “Vitugazi,” which means “The Blade of Hope.” Caelum later reveals to Orna that scrying magic was used stop Mount THuule, and thus the enemy knows where they are and that their minions have been defeated. This puts the Sirassi at risk should the enemy retaliate. It is not clear where they would be safe. The Sirassi are convinced to stay at Ilmater Temple by the party, with a backup plan to leave for Westwind.

Eric’s Dream: Eric sees Mara leaving with the demon Gorefax, an emissary of Orcus, leaving from the Howling Fields and venturing south into the heart of Innuviel. He calls to her, but his voice is swept away in the screams of the wind. He presumes they are venturing into Liravassi but is not able to gauge their next direction. He attempts to listen to their conversation but only hears whispers.

Lee’s Dream: Lee finds himself in the ruins of Dahlaana, nothing is left but the undead. Tears flow from his eyes and seep into the ground. He follows their path of flow through the cracks where the Church of Ilmater stands but cannot be certain where the river of tears actually takes him. The tears condense on the ceiling of a cell deep underground. There, Lee sees Mavius chained underground in Dahlaana being tortured, tears in his eyes mixing with the blood in his mouth. Lee calls to him. Mavius looks up for a moment as though he saw a glimmer of hope and utters the name “Liehnen.”

Caelum’s Dream: Caelum finds himself at the gates of the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. It is empty. He is able to enter the beautiful ground and ascends the steps to the inner sanctum. The doors open to a majestic room, and sitting before him is a Robot Warforged which he knows to be The Keeper. They discuss a number of moral quandaries, including the true nature of necromancy, and as Caelum presses, why the Keeper saw the need to kill Ilyana. To protect the greater good only the Sanctuary can proder. Caelum seemingly veils his true intentions, and is invited to talk more with the Keeper in the flesh as his special guest.

Jessica’s Dream: Jessica sees the Moon Goddess, an enemy of undeath and a source of good throughout the multiverse. She appears as though liquid silver reflecting moonlight was poured over an invisible elf. It is a beautiful sight to behold. She guides Jessica to join the Moonstars, imploring her to stop the apocalypse at hand. Jessica then sees in the silvery glowing body of the Moon Goddess a reflection. In this reflection, she sees what appears to be a vampire and two others speaking, who are wearing the emblem of the Moonstars and the white color they bear.



Debate and Decision: There is disagreement about where to go between the team. To investigate the undead blight by visiting the castle of Danderoth (who Orna tells them is an ally) at his castle, Greymalk, where they might potentially meet with the Moonstars. And then perhaps traveling south to the Celestial Observatory. Or even traveling West to investigate the activity of the minions of Orcus. However, Lee is not able to consider any plan other than returning to Dahlaana to find Mavius, unreasonably so by his own admission. After a heated debate between Lee and Eric where accusations and insults fly, Jessica steps in with her wisdom: She asks the question: “Lee, what would Mavius do?” Lee knows Mavius would see the need of the greater and collective good. He relents, agreeing the best course for the sake of the investigation is to convene with the Moonstars and Danderoth at Greymalk, though the prospect of what this meeting may be is as uncertain as to what was, is, or may be happening to Mavius.

Conclusion: The team, now known as the Vitugazi, prepares to take rest with the Sirassi as they prepare their journey North. At dawn they will have been on Innuvviel for 10 nights and 11 days.



Session 10


The party has now spent 10 nights and 11 days on Innuviel. As it has been over seven days, the approach of Atropus goes from faint to arising. Consult earlier rules for details, but the following changes now occur: Necromancy spells and spell-like abilities are cast at +1 caster level. Whenever a living creature dies, a 25% chance exists that it will spontaneously rise as a zombie in 1d4 rounds. No undead can be controlled or turned. Atropus is a dark spec from the Celestial Observatory. Does not even stand out other than that it is new, which may not even be appreciated upon looking, as it is so miniscule. Could readily be explained by other means. Likely not noticed.

Blessings of Ilamter: Jessica: 5 (helping at the Long Rest, her passionate speech to calm the crowd, diffusing tension with the Sirassi at the Dusty Cover, 2 blessings are awarded for being the first to descend into an underground carrion crawler pit to help Lee), Caelum 4 (helping at the Long Rest, sacrificing his well being to heal Jessica after a questionable use of thunderwave, descending into the carrion crawler pit to help and heal Lee, returning the gem to Ethlaaka), Lee 4 (helping at the Long Rest, the first to charge into the Long Rest, one for his kindness towards the crystal stag, saving Pedro from the carrion crawler pit), Eric 1 (helping at the Long Rest). Lee, however, given his decision to priortize Mavius over the mission, feels a diminished sense of sacrifice, and will no longer benefit from these blessings until he has proven a committment to true sacrifice.

Partying with the Sirassi: The Vitugazi decide to venture North in the morning after staying with the Sirassi at the abandoned temple of Ilmater. Orna and Crissar and Pedro will see them off in the morning. They will be given a guide to take them to the edge of the northern border of the Emerald Jungle. Beyond that, it is not clear as to how they should or can reach Greymalk. Orna has never been there, here communications with Danderoth have always been through the Astral Plane, though she has not seeen him there in a long time, even weeks before being trapped there herself. She does trust him, and believes him to be an ally to the forces of life, ironically. She offers one final meal before they leave, an omelette made of carrion crawler eggs and assortment of wild fruit. She answers any last questions and states she will see them again in their dreams. She will continue to aid them however she can. They are, in fact, “The Blade of Hope.” AS they part she makes on more vague statement: Her cousin Edwin has gone wild since she went into Torpor. Edwin is a wild spirit, and takes many forms. Orna is not able to say how they will appear, but should the party come upon them, to please be gentle, and guide them home. Pedro offers to be the guide. They are told there is a path that leads from the edge of Jungle to Greymalk.

More Jungle Exploration: Given they have a Sirrasan guide, the travel should be relatively uneventful. All survival checks will be treated as though the party is under of the effect of the spell, Pass without a Trace. Have them make one check as they approach the Norther border of the Emerald Jungle. When they get to the border, Pedro takes their leave. But not before attempting nuzzle their face and flick their tongue as they caress the muscled body of Lee.

The Northern Winds: As the adventurers emerge from the dense embrace of the jungle, the landscape before them transforms dramatically. The thick canopy that once sheltered them gives way to a pale grassland and sickly forest, where the wind whips through the tall landscape with a haunting melody. The air is noticeably colder, carrying with it a chill that bites at their skin. Above, the sky is a sullen gray, overcast and oppressive, an unusual sight even for the northern reaches they tread upon. The vegetation here is starkly different. Instead of the verdant jungle, they find themselves amidst plains with rolling hills, where skeletal trees reach their barren branches towards the heavens. These strange white trees, with their ghostly bark, almost seem to undulate in the wind, creating an eerie dance that sends shivers down the spine. Their branches, stripped of leaves, they click and clatter against each other like the bony fingers of the dead. The ground beneath their feet is covered in a carpet of tall pale grass, swaying and rustling with each gust of wind. The grass, too, is peculiar – a muted silver hue that glistens faintly in the dim light, adding to the surreal atmosphere. The landscape stretches out before them in a series of rolling hills, each rise and fall of the terrain revealing more of the skeletal forest that lies ahead. The wind, relentless and fierce, seems to howl with a purpose, as if whispering secrets of the past or forewarning of dangers yet to come. This is a place where life clings tenuously, where the usual vibrant sounds of Innuviel are replaced by an unending scream whipping through the air. The skeletal trees stand as silent sentinels, guardians of secrets long forgotten, their presence a constant reminder of the fragility and transience of life. As the adventurers press on, the path ahead remains uncertain, shrouded in the haunting whispers of the wind and the ghostly sway of the white trees.



Follow the Signs: As the Vitugazi make their way through the grassland, they find a path, which they more or may not choose to follow. There are signs along the path, made of a sturdy wood that appears remarkably intact given the enviroment. It gives off abjuration and enchantment magic. As soon as anyone looks upon the sign, it emanates illusory words in their mind with a warning from Danderoth. Reach the signs in the order that they appear. After each sign is read, have the players make an intelligence saving throw in private, and send the result to the DM. On a 1-5 they are instructed that they have no idea why they are here, and are not clear how they got here. Almost as though their thoughts blew away in the wind. They are full of doubt and uncertainty. The shock is upsetting to them, and they take disadvtange on rolles using WIS, INT, and CHA going forward until no longer affected the spell. On a 6-10, they believe this was all a mistake, that there is no vampire, and this effort was a waste of time. They should turn back. They are frustrated and irritable. On a 11-15, they believe they are lost, and should not have come this way. That they should turn around and retrace their steps or they will become more lost than they are already. They are anxious and worried. On a 16-20, you have a headache and feel tired, but feel that you must press on if you wish to find Greymalk. That is why you are here, and you must press on. But there is a doubt in your mind nonetheless. You are resolved but cautious. On a 20-25, you clear that you must press on along the path with no reservations, yet there is are reckless confidence about you. It feels as though you could be under the influence of something, but perhaps that is just your degree of certainty. There is a change in your behavior. You are confident, reckless and unhinged. On a 26+ or natural 20, you are unaffected and may as though you ordinarily would. When the final sign gives directions. Treat the results as follows: on 1-6 you would go the wrong direction based on an uncertain feeling that you, on 7-12 you would go a wrong direction and you are certain of it, on 13-18 you would go the right direction but you are no certain about it, on 19+ or natural 20, you would go the right direction and you are certain of it.

Danderoth Sign 1: “Attention, Brave Torchbearers and Pitchfork Wielders, Before you stumble upon these hallowed grounds, heed this advice, if you possess the intellect to comprehend: This castle, though home to a creature of refined taste and subtle persuasions, harbors a peace that may be disturbed by the insufferable antics of the less enlightened. While the sustenance of this abode is typically sustained by the blood of livestock, we might deign to accommodate the exceptionally dim-witted among you. Therefore, proceed with caution, lest your ignorance provoke a response you sorely regret. Consider yourselves warned, though I suspect the concept of caution is as foreign to you as elegance is to a swine.”

Danderoth Sign 2: “Dear Intrepid Imbeciles, It appears the initial missive was insufficient to dissuade your foolhardy advance. Allow me to reiterate, in terms even the most obtuse can comprehend: Should you persist in your march towards this sanctuary of serenity, heed this renewed warning: Your presence, though initially met with a begrudging tolerance, risks awakening the dormant ire of this abode’s inhabitant. While typically content to feast on the blood of livestock, your continued intrusion may necessitate an exception. Therefore, consider your next steps with the gravity they deserve, for the consequences of your brazen stupidity may be more dire than you can imagine. Your persistence both confounds and disgusts me. Proceed at your own peril.”

Danderoth Sign 3: “Dear Obstinate Fools, Ah, so you persist, like flies buzzing around a carcass, oblivious to the impending doom that awaits. Clearly, my previous attempts at dissuasion have fallen on deaf ears, or perhaps more fittingly, hollow skulls. In light of your tenacity, I extend a begrudging invitation: come forth and sate your insatiable curiosity within these walls. For surely, only those of such exalted intelligence would disregard warnings so blatantly obvious. So, enter, my dear imbeciles, and offer yourselves willingly to the feast that awaits. For in your obstinacy lies a certain…deliciousness. With the utmost sarcasm and disdain, Your humble host.”

Danderoth Directions: “My Resiliently Stubborn Companions, Ah, it seems you are determined to embark upon this perilous journey despite all reason and logic. How…admirable. Since you insist on persisting in your folly, allow me, your begrudging ally, to offer some begrimed guidance: Venture forth, following the path of your own idiocy, until you reach the fork in the road (there is left, right and middle path). Choose the path that exudes the faint odor of incompetence, and proceed with all the grace of a stumbling ox. Upon reaching the clearing, you will encounter a decrepit bridge, barely holding on to its own existence. (Cross it, walk along the river it passes to the left of right) Move along with all the grace of a drunken walrus, and continue on until you see a tree that bears the mark of foolishness. At the tree (move along weathered trail through an overgrowth or trace the black iron fence through the overgrowth). Finally, you shall find yourself at the gates of my humble abode, where I await your arrival with equal parts exasperation and amusement. May your journey be as entertaining as it is utterly senseless. With begrudging assistance, This is your final warning, however.”



Greymalk Castle: The Vitugazi stand before the towering gates of Castle Greymalk, it sits on cliff overlooking the Trackless see. They party will notice the front gates and front walls are lined with a coutnless number of undead that have been evicersated. The winds whip about it but it shield those who appreach the main entrace which lies to the South. It is magnificent structure, built with the same elegance and craftsmanship of the Church of Ilmater in Dahlaana. Its stone walls are adorned by magnificent carvings that surprisingly seem unweathered by the wind. The front gate is locked. And interestingly the front door, through heavy is open. As the part step inside, a sense of ancient grandeur mingles with an underlying apprehension. The walls are decorated with priceless works of art. There is beaitful rug made of cragcat hide on the ground (History check). As soon as someone steps on the rug, the spell darkness and alarm are immediately cast from the entrance to the rug. The sounds is exceptionally loud, deafening even. See how the players react to this. Danderoth will appear within 30 seconds.

Interrogation with a Vampire: “Welcome to Castle Greymalk,” Danderoth begins, his voice a melodious echo in the vast chamber. “I am Danderoth, the master of this castle, though such titles feel hollow in these troubled times. Tell me before I decide to kill you, who are you and what are you doing here? I really hope you are lost and can be sent back on your merry way, becuase I am tired and a battle reeks of effort.” The Moon Stars, Syria and Lorraine, appear a minute or so later. They would recognize Jessica, though they have had their misgivings with her. Danderoth can be appealed to by evoking Orna’s name or drwaing connection with the Moon Stars. Danderoth has no interest in fighting. After some time, he and the Moon Stars meet with Vitugazi. There is much to share among them all. Let this play out as an intense conversation. Dandertoh seems oddly removed but offers what he can about the history of the island. He has actually been her for 900 years, and is nearly 1000 years old. Danderoth has been here since the Sirassi first hatched 800 year ago, they are descendants of the lizardkin of Chult who bread with local reptiles. He saw the dragon, Ragvala, first arrive. The dragon was consumed by loneliness and went hunting for a mate, Xorthas, whom he brought back to the island. The dragons are selfish, and care nothing for the plight of others on Innuviel. He says they are that kind of borish couple that are only interested in themselves, and stay in every night that they can. He says the dragon have not been seen for weeks now, which is unusual. Danderoth recalls the building of Dahlaana, the first arrival of humans on the island, and the Conflict of Gems. He is afterall, the original inhabitant of Innuviel. He came here for peace, as he is relatively bored with existence, but does not want to die. He joined the Moonstars feeling some sense of nobility in their cause. That their organization would allow for a seemingly wicked creature to do good, to feel that they belong to a collective good. In his life, before turning, Danderoth was fierce politician who tirelessly worked to bring justice for those in need. He has a soft spot ofr underdogs and antiheroes. He wil tell the adventurer’s he is losing control of himself and his undead thralls, growing concerned over what they will become and do.

The Moonstars at Last: Syria (a cleric) and Lorraine (a rogue) are members of the Moonstars. They bring grievous news. Roughly a week ago, the reigning “Blackstaff” of the Moon Stars, Ellia Whiteborn, was killed. Along with several others in the order. Only Syria and Lorraine survived an assault by a small band of assassins who called themselves “Death’s Shadow.” After the attack Syria and Lorraine retrated to the home of one of thier members, Danderoth. The Vitugazi learn that the Moon Stars came to Innuviel in scret to investigate the Undead Blight roughly 6 weeks ago. They also share the most concerning piece of news to date. The Undead Blight, which is believed to have originated on Innuviel, is spreading all across all of Faerun, and Toril for that matter. Complicating matters, the weather has taken a dramatic turn for the worse as well. Vicisous storms ravage the lands and seas, making travel more dangerous than ever. And if that were not bad enough, from the largest cities to the smallest towns, there are unrelenting attacks from the undead all hours of the day and night. To begin their investigation, lead by message from the Moon Goddess that the prophecy of Khelben Arunsun was coming to pass: The Tel’Teukiira will come hidden and in many guises and faces. They dwell in shadow and speak in omens, yet they shall bring about waking dreams and save us from the Three Threats Who Wait: the Darkness, the Prefects, and ourselves.

Theories Abound: They believe this Undead Blight is the culmination of the three prophesized threats the organization was created to prevent. They also believe in the possibility of Atropus, and are compelled by Jessica’s vision. She has never officially accepted as a Moonstar, given her criminal and heinous act of resurrecting her late husband, Frank. Yet still, in such dire times and amdist dwindling number, if her visions are true, she will have earned their trust. Yet in addition to Atropus, Syria and Lorraine have several other concerns and theories, which may or may not be related to Atropus, which is a compelling if not leading theory at this juncture.

One such theory surrounds Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath. Orcus has sent an emissary to Innuviel named Gorefax. The purpose of demonlord is uncertain, but portends grim possibilities. Orcus is certainly capable of this level of control over the undead. This lead must be investigated. Syria and Lorraine believe the demons entered through a portal created in the Howling Fields. Rumors call it Netherbane Rift.



The Moonstars speak of another foreboding theory. It relates to the Tomb of the Nine Gods, a dangerous dungeon that existed on Chult. It was deathtrap created by the Archlich Acererak for his own amusement, yet was also used to feed souls to a device called the Soulmonger. This device caused all undead creatures to wither away into other as their souls were collected. Nothing could be resurrected while it was active. Once it reached a critical mass of souls, it would be able to nourish a creature Acererak found on the negative energy plane to Godhood. This creature was called an Atropal. Thankfully, 11 years ago a group of adventurers braved the Tomb of the Nine Gods, destroyed the Soulmonger, and defeated Acererak by pushing him into a pit of lava. His form was destroyed, his spirit sent back to his phylactery. It would be years before he took corporeal form again. Could Acererak have returned? Did the destruction of the Soulmonger reverberate and infuse this land with the countless souls it harvested? Did the Atropal, which was also thought to be destroyed, reach Godhood. The Moonstars keep a tightly guarded secret. All the potions, magical artifacts, scrolls, and phylacteries found in the Tomb of the Nine Gods were brought back to the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. They possess a ledger of these items recorded by the Sanctuary. Perhaps something never made it to the Sanctuary, or did, but was never recorded. Today on Chult, the former Tomb, now laid bare, is protected and guarded by the knights of Tyr. Before the storms became prohibitive of travel, they learned that several of the adventurer’s who defeated Acererak returned to Chult given their knowledge of what transpired there in hopes that it could shed light on the nature of the Undead Blight.

Danderoth’s Love Problem: He gestures for the adventurers to sit, his movements graceful yet fatigued. “I am not one for preamble, so I shall speak plainly. For centuries, I have dwelled here, finding solace in the arts and in the company of those I have loved. But that solace has been shattered.” Danderoth’s expression grows darker, the weight of his words heavy in the air. “My beloveds, my husbands and wives, whom I turned into vampire spawn, have become uncontrollable. A power beyond my comprehension now influences them. I fear I am losing control not only over them but over myself as well.” He looks at the adventurers with a mix of desperation and determination. “I need your help,” he continues. “Enter the crypt below this castle and subdue my vampire spawn. Do not harm them—they were once dear to me. Capture them, place them in their coffins, and bind them with silver chains to ensure they cannot escape.” Danderoth pauses, his voice softening as he adds, “I fear for what I might do if this power takes me completely. And in the not too distant future, it most certainly will. And though I prefer peace and quiet, I am mostly certianly capable of inflicting great pain. I can feel it… I am losing control. Once you have secured my beloveds, I beg you to bind me as well, using the same silver chains, to prevent further harm.” He gestures to a side door leading to his armory. “As a reward for your assistance, you may choose any item from my armory. It holds treasures collected over centuries, powerful weapons, enchanted armor, and rare artifacts.” Danderoth’s eyes, though weary, hold a glimmer of hope. “I ask this of you not just for my sake, but for the safety of all who may cross paths with my spawn and myself. Will you help me bring an end to this madness?” The adventurers nod, accepting the task. Danderoth’s gratitude is palpable as he leads them to the entrance of the crypt, a heavy iron door inscribed with ancient runes. “Beware, my lovers have always been difficult in life and well, in death too, but they are particularly a challenge as of late. They bite, and not love nibbles unfortunately…”

I keep my Lovers in the Crypt: As they descend into the crypt, the atmosphere grows colder, the air thicker. The walls seem to close in, and shadows dance menacingly at the edge of their vision. They know they must remain focused, for the fate of Danderoth and his beloveds rests in their hands. Each encounter with the vampire spawn requires careful strategy to subdue them without causing harm. The spawn exhibit different personalities and abilities, reflecting their lives before and after becoming vampires. After successfully subduing and chaining each of the vampire spawn in their coffins, the adventurers return to the surface. Danderoth stands before them, a mixture of relief and sadness in his eyes. “You have done well,” he says, his voice barely a whisper. “Now, fulfill the final part of our agreement. Use the silver chains to bind me within these walls.” With a heavy heart, the adventurers follow his instructions, securing Danderoth to prevent him from succumbing to the dark influence. Before the silver chain is fastened, Danderoth looks at them with a faint smile. “Thank you,” he says. “You have given me peace, and perhaps, a chance to find a way to rid us of this dark power. Take your reward from my armory. May it serve you well in your future endeavors. Please, once this whole mess is over, be a darling a come back and release us.” As the silver touches Danderoth any eloquence in is voice is drowned out by the tortured screams of unimaginable pain. The adventurers choose their rewards from the armory, each item a testament to Danderoth’s long and storied past. They then move to depart Greymalk.



Session 10 Recap: Think of me like a Brother

The Vitugazi part ways with the Sirassi to continue their investigation and efforts to thwart the Undead Blight. Orna and Crissar offer their final blessings and gifts, with Orna promising to see them again in their dreams. Pedro, their guide, leads them to the edge of the Emerald Jungle. Their plan is to rendezvous with the vampire Danderoth at his castle, Greymalk, far to the north. They also hope to meet the Moonstars there, based on Jessica’s dream.

After traversing through the forest, the adventurers enter a place where life clings tenuously, with the usual vibrancy of the natural world replaced by a somber, spectral beauty. Skeletal trees stand as silent sentinels, guardians of secrets long forgotten, constantly reminding them of the fragility and transience of life. As they press on, the path ahead remains uncertain, shrouded in the haunting whispers of the wind and the ghostly sway of the white trees.

During their journey through this haunting wasteland, the Vitugazi encounter a series of signs placed by Danderoth that pervade their minds, encouraging them to turn away and creating dissent among the team. However, through their willpower and teamwork, they battle their way to Greymalk, hearing the call of the undead rapidly approaching in the night. The Vitugazi reach the castle, approaching cautiously.

Carved into the walls of Greymalk, they see the history of Innuviel. Notable panels reveal Danderoth’s 800-year perspective on events that shaped the island. Most recently, they see work depicting the Archlich Acererak and the neighboring island of Chult. As the adventurers enter Greymalk, they are confronted by Danderoth, a stunningly handsome vampire who quickly realizes they are allies. The Vitugazi, in turn, realize that Danderoth, though sassy, is indeed an ally against the encroaching dark, as Orna suggested.

They are soon joined by the only surviving members of the Moonstars, a brother and sister duo named Ceria and Lorraine. In a tense conversation, all is revealed.

Danderoth seems oddly removed but offers what he can about the history of the island. He has actually been her for 900 years, and is nearly 1000 years old. Danderoth has been here since the Sirassi first hatched 800 year ago, they are descendants of the lizardkin of Chult who bread with local reptiles. He saw the dragon, Ragvala, first arrive. The dragon was consumed by loneliness and went hunting for a mate, Xorthas, whom he brought back to the island. The dragons are selfish, and care nothing for the plight of others on Innuviel. He says they are that kind of borish couple that are only interested in themselves, and stay in every night that they can. He says the dragon have not been seen for weeks now, which is unusual. Danderoth recalls the building of Dahlaana, the first arrival of humans on the island, and the Conflict of Gems. He is afterall, the original inhabitant of Innuviel. He came here for peace, as he is relatively bored with existence, but does not want to die. He joined the Moonstars feeling some sense of nobility in their cause. That their organization would allow for a seemingly wicked creature to do good, to feel that they belong to a collective good. In his life, before turning, Danderoth was fierce politician who tirelessly worked to bring justice for those in need. He has a soft spot for underdogs and antiheroes. He wil tell the adventurer’s he is losing control of himself and his undead thralls, growing concerned over what they will become and do.

Syria (a cleric) and Lorraine (a rogue) are members of the Moonstars. They bring grievous news. Roughly a week ago, the reigning “Blackstaff” of the Moon Stars, Ellia Whiteborn, was killed. Along with several others in the order. Only Syria and Lorraine survived an assault by a small band of assassins who called themselves “Death’s Shadow.” After the attack Syria and Lorraine retrated to the home of one of thier members, Danderoth. The Vitugazi learn that the Moon Stars came to Innuviel in scret to investigate the Undead Blight roughly 6 weeks ago. They also share the most concerning piece of news to date. The Undead Blight, which is believed to have originated on Innuviel, is spreading all across all of Faerun, and Toril for that matter. Complicating matters, the weather has taken a dramatic turn for the worse as well. Vicisous storms ravage the lands and seas, making travel more dangerous than ever. And if that were not bad enough, from the largest cities to the smallest towns, there are unrelenting attacks from the undead all hours of the day and night. To begin their investigation, lead by message from the Moon Goddess that the prophecy of Khelben Arunsun was coming to pass: The Tel’Teukiira will come hidden and in many guises and faces. They dwell in shadow and speak in omens, yet they shall bring about waking dreams and save us from the Three Threats Who Wait: the Darkness, the Prefects, and ourselves. :



They believe this Undead Blight is the culmination of the three prophesized threats the organization was created to prevent. They also believe in the possibility of Atropus, and are compelled by Jessica’s vision. She has never officially accepted as a Moonstar, given her criminal and heinous act of resurrecting her late husband, Frank. Yet still, in such dire times and amdist dwindling number, if her visions are true, she will have earned their trust. They are also compelled by Orna’s vision of the missing constellation, which may pinpoint where in the stars Atropus dwells. They see great casue of these reason revealed to them by the Vitugazi that visiting the Celestial Observatory would be of great importance. Yet in addition to Atropus, Syria and Lorraine have several other concerns and theories, which may or may not be related to Atropus, which is a compelling if not leading theory at this juncture.

One such theory surrounds Orcus, the Demon Prince of Undeath. Orcus has sent an emissary to Innuviel named Gorefax. The purpose of demonlord is uncertain, but portends grim possibilities. Orcus is certainly capable of this level of control over the undead. This lead must be investigated. Syria and Lorraine believe the demons entered through a portal created in the Howling Fields. Rumors call it Netherbane Rift.

The Moonstars speak of another foreboding theory. It relates to the Tomb of the Nine Gods, a dangerous dungeon that existed on Chult. It was deathtrap created by the Archlich Acererak for his own amusement, yet was also used to feed souls to a device called the Soulmonger. This device caused all undead creatures to wither away into other as their souls were collected. Nothing could be resurrected while it was active. Once it reached a critical mass of souls, it would be able to nourish a creature Acererak found on the negative energy plane to Godhood. This creature was called an Atropal. Thankfully, 11 years ago a group of adventurers braved the Tomb of the Nine Gods, destroyed the Soulmonger, and defeated Acererak by pushing him into a pit of lava. His form was destroyed, his spirit sent back to his phylactery. It would be years before he took corporeal form again. Could Acererak have returned? Perhaps he summoned Atropus? Did the destruction of the Soulmonger reverberate and infuse this land with the countless souls it harvested? Did the Atropal, which was also thought to be destroyed, reach Godhood. The Moonstars keep a tightly guarded secret. All the potions, magical artifacts, scrolls, and phylacteries found in the Tomb of the Nine Gods were brought back to the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. They possess a ledger of these items recorded by the Sanctuary. Perhaps something never made it to the Sanctuary, or did, but was never recorded. Today on Chult, the former Tomb, now laid bare, is protected and guarded by the knights of Tyr. Before the storms became prohibitive of travel, they learned that several of the adventurer’s who defeated Acererak returned to Chult given their knowledge of what transpired there in hopes that it could shed light on the nature of the Undead Blight. The pop singer sensation number one in the world, Pozzelle, and her brother/manager, Percibelle.

At the request of Danderoth, the Vitugazi secure Danderoth’s past lovers into their respective crypts, with the promise to do the same to Danderoth after. Danderoth sees himself losing control, as other undead have, and going on a murderous rampage across the island. In return, he will gift the team with items from his armory. After a solid night of rest and completing their tasks at Greymalk, the Vitugazi will venture back to Dahlaana to investigate further leads there, and continue their search for Mavius. The Moonstars plan to take the carvings of Orna to the Celestial Observatory to investigate what can be learned there.

There was also a moment of intense sharing, instigated by the curiousity of Danderoth, regarding the each character’s backstory. Lee has been sleeping with his brother/not-brother. Jessica attempted to resurrect her deceased husband Frank, accidentally making a deal with a hag named Baggy Nanna.



Session 11

Hope’s Holdout

Items in Danderoth’s armory: Any basic item, a Sun Staff, and the Soft Satin Gloves of Sensation. A total of 1200 gold worth of jewelry, there are no gems.

Events in this episode:

The chaining of Danderoth

Venturing back to Dahlaana

Ambushed by Edwin

Return to and enter Dahlaana



Session 11 Recap: Hope’s Holdout

The session began with the Vitugazi preparing to leave Danderoth’s castle, Greymalk. Danderoth rewarded them with various items and money as a token of gratitude. Honoring their promise, they chained Danderoth with silver, along with his various lovers, vowing to release him once the Undead Blight was eradicated. His desperate screams echoed through the castle as the party took their leave. During the night prior to their departure, Eric mysteriously wrote something in his blood while he was asleep, though he could not decipher its meaning upon waking after smearing it across the bedsheets. The next day, the Vitugazi had one final meeting with the Moonstars, Ceria and Lorraine. They learned about the Crystal Stag, which symbolizes the blessing of Ilmater. A plan was devised: the Moonstars would investigate the Celestial Observatory for clues about the Undead Blight and Atropus, based on Orna’s vision, taking her wooden carvings. Meanwhile, the Vitugazi would return to Dahlaana to find Mavius and meet with Saint Apiz and possibly the Keeper of Truth. They agreed to reconvene at the Squid’s Hideout at Dock 37 in Dahlaana’s Port District. Caelum gave several stones with a recorded message to prove the alliance between the Moonstars and the Vitugazi to Leslie and Gultash.

The Vitugazi decided to stop for a night at Sorrow’s Stronghold. The mood there was dark and oppressive. They made amends with Claudette, who no longer doubted them after witnessing their compassion in saving the Sirassi. Caelum donated his time to heal those at 12 Deep, showcasing his kindness. However, the barkeep, Zeoniva, had vanished, likely after reporting Jessica’s presence to agents of the enemy. Perhaps she even is one. At 12 Deep, a confrontation ensued with locals harboring deep hatred for the Sirassi. Jessica’s words, once again, provoked tension.

Choosing to stay with Claudette instead of 12 Deep that evening, Lee and Eric took the first watch during the night. They discovered townsfolk attempting to set fire to the small temple of Ilmater and quickly subdued them non-lethally. During the second watch, Jessica and Caelum faced a mob of angry townsfolk, including those from earlier confrontations. In a truly inspirational moment, Jessica, with Caelum’s support, delivered a passionate speech that challenged the townsfolk to overcome their prejudices towards the Sirassi and recognize their shared humanity. Her words moved them to tears, and the mob dispersed, leading to a profound change in the town’s attitude. This is after, a fight of between life and undeath. Let them all put their petty differences aside to face the true threat. The next morning, as the Vitugazi prepared to depart, they were met by grateful townspeople bearing gifts. Sheriff Rogers and Claudette thanked them for their influence, leading to the town’s renaming from Sorrow’s Stronghold to Hope’s Holdout.

On their journey back to Dahlaana, the Vitugazi were ambushed by a large tyrannosirrassi rex. Set recognized the creature, and Caelum recalled Orna’s guidance. It was Edwin, Orna’s lost cousin. Using music, they subdued the Edwin, who then turned playful, loving and tame. They safely sent Edwin back to Orna as promosed before continuing their journey.

The Vitugazi encountered minimal distractions on their way back, the moans of undead echoing in the distance. Using the spells Message and Rope Trick, they cleverly sneaked back into Dahlaana, destroying several zombies along the way. Saint Apiz greeted them with relief and hope, leading them to a safe, private location. He shared dire about the city being on the brink of chaos. There are terrible riots in the street, zombie outbreaks and raging fires. But their is a glimmer of hope… your return! He also shared annother piece of good news. Several days ago, Mavius safely returned to Dahlaana.



Session 12

A Holy Reunion

The party has now spent 14 nights and 15 days on Innuviel. As it has been over 14 days, the approach of Atropus goes from arising to morderate. Consult earlier rules for details, but the following changes now occur: The chance of spontaneous animation increases to 40%. Necromancy spells at +2 caster level. In addition, All undead gain several benefits due to an influx of negative energy into the area. The maximum hit points of each undead are increased by 10. Whenever an undead target makes an attack roll, damage roll, or a saving throw, the undead adds 1d4 to it.

Blessings of Ilamter: Jessica: 7 (helping at the Long Rest, her passionate speech to calm the crowd, diffusing tension with the Sirassi at the Dusty Cover, 2 blessings are awarded for being the first to descend into an underground carrion crawler pit to help Lee, 2 blessings for for her passionate speech at Sorrow’s Stronghold reconciling their hate of the Sirassi), Caelum 5 (helping at the Long Rest, sacrificing his well being to heal Jessica after a questionable use of thunderwave, descending into the carrion crawler pit to help and heal Lee, returning the gem to Ethlaaka, volunteering time at 12 Deep to heal wounded soldier), Lee 4 (helping at the Long Rest, the first to charge into the Long Rest, one for his kindness towards the crystal stag, saving Pedro from the carrion crawler pit), Eric 1 (helping at the Long Rest). Lee, however, given his decision to priortize Mavius over the mission, feels a diminished sense of sacrifice, and will no longer benefit from these blessings until he has proven a committment to true sacrifice.

Mavius Found: Mavius returned to Dahlaana five days ago, reporting to Saint Apiz that he failed in his mission to investigate the Undead Blight but managed to escape the Emerald Jungle with his life. He recounted that his party was ambushed by a group clad entirely in black, with only Mavius and his two bodyguards surviving the attack. In reality, Mavius was captured by a sinister group known as Death’s Shadow and taken to an underground fortress, the base of operations for the Order of the Dark Star. Here, Buhmal created a doppelganger of Mavius, copying his mind into this creature by creating a psyhic link to the original Mavius. This doppelganger is completely subservient to Buhmal. Mavius was chained up and placed in a cell within Buhmal’s chamber to maintain the spell. The two bodyguards with Mavius are also doppelgangers, but without a psychic link. The actual bodygyards, and the rest of their adeventuring party, were killed. Buhmal’s plan was to use the Mavius doppelganger to infiltrate the Pellaois family, utilizing their wealth and influence in Dahlaana to further the Order’s dark objectives. The fake Mavius would be instrumental in spreading misinformation about what he supposedly discovered on his mission from Saint Apiz. Buhmal, aware of the the Vitugazi after scrying Kazur, aimed to deceive them into believing the doppelganger was the real Mavius, thus leading them astray with fabricated suspicions. The fake Mavius would claim that the Church of Ilmater was behind the Undead Blight, alleging that during their encounter with Death’s Shadow, they learned that this group served Myrkul, the Lord of Death. He would recount investigating a shrine in the Emerald Jungle dedicated to this dark deity, where an inscription read: “If you have ever caused the death of another, you dwell in Myrkul’s shadow. Even in dying, you serve Myrkul and strengthen his kingdom. Thus, his worshippers and followers are everywhere.” This doppelganger possesses all of Mavius’s past knowledge and memories up until five days ago, making the deception nearly flawless. The false Mavius would be delighted to see Lee, reacting with genuine joy as the true Mavius would have, further complicating the efforts of those trying to uncover the truth.

A Return to Ilmater’s Embrace: Saint Apiz greets the returning Vitugazi with visible relief but is burdened with grave news. Dahlaana is in dire shape, besieged by continuous riots, zombie outbreaks and ragingt fires. The city guards are overwhelmed, marching from door to door to collect the dead before they reanimate. Civil unrest is rampant. In this chaos, a new faction called the The Nameless Witnesses of the Coming End has emerged, gaining popularity by inciting anarchy and riots as morale in the city plummets. The populace is increasingly desperate and disillusioned. Compounding the turmoil, Saint Maurice has continued to proclaim that not enough sacrifices have been made to alleviate the suffering carried by Ilmater, the Crying God. He insists that only through willing sacrifice can Ilmater bare the burden of pain again, thereby allowing the dead to find rest. Controversially, Saint Maurice is organizing a mass willing sacrifice in Ilmater’s name, a move that has deeply divided the church. Saint Apiz is strongly opposed to this plan, fearing the extreme measures and the impact on the already fragile community. And belieiving such an act is not consistent with the heary of Ilmater. Saint Apiz confides in the Vitugazi that his influence has waned amidst the turmoil. Desperation has driven many to follow louder, more certain voices, despite their extreme proposals. This loss of influence is exacerbated by growing fear and distrust towards the Sirassi. Making matters worse and more complicated, there are more rumors of demon sightings spreading throughout the city. A pervasive sentiment has taken hold of the populace: Ilmater has forsaken his all due to his own suffering. Amidst these tensions, a Church Council meeting is scheduled within the next day, featuring a customary prayer feast. Saint Apiz invites the Vitugazi as his special guests, hoping their presence might help restore some order and hope. The Church of Ilmater is in disarray, Saint Apiz is overwhelmed, and the city of Dahlaana is teetering on the edge of collapse.



Secrets as the Sanctuary: The Keeper of Truth has extended an open invitation to Caelum to join it at the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth. This invitation, however, is laden with hidden dangers and ulterior motives. The Keeper’s primary goal is to gauge Caelum’s knowledge and determine his alignment with its objectives. The Sanctuary, a place steeped in secrecy and protected by the collective wisdom of many wizards, guards its secrets voraciously. As Caelum contemplates this invitation, he must be acutely aware of the stakes. The Keeper is exceptionally intelligent and cunning, embodying the collective consciousness of numerous powerful wizards. It seeks to protect the Sanctuary and its selfish interests above all else. If the Keeper senses that Caelum cannot be trusted, it will not hesitate to take drastic measures. This could mean attempting to wipe his mind or even killing him outright. The Keeper’s paranoia extends beyond Caelum. If it suspects that Caelum has shared any of his knowledge with others, it would likely seek to eliminate those individuals as well. In a stroke of brilliance, the Keeper might feign cooperation, allowing Caelum to leave and return with his friends, only to mind-wipe or kill them all upon their return. The situation presents a perilous challenge for Caelum. Engaging with the Keeper will be a battle of wits and deception, an extraordinarily dangerous game of bluffing where any misstep could prove fatal. The Keeper is aware of the true nature of the Undead Blight and its own complicity in the unfolding events, and thus it keeps the truth clandestine to protect its pride. The Keeper wants to believe it can stop Buhmal, and that only the Sanctuary can stand against such a threat. But this must be done without anyone else ever knowing. Afterall, what Buhmal has done would bring shame on the Sanctuary and its legacy. Buhmal, having pretended to be a student at the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth, managed to acquire the Book of Vile Darkness, a catastrophic breach of the Sanctuary’s security. This failure is a source of shame for the self-serving wizards who comprise the Keeper’s collective consciousness. What exactly happened?

Buhmal, once a devoted disciple of the notorious Archlich Acererak, has a dark and cunning history that intertwines with some of the most significant events in recent memory. After Acererak’s defeat in the Tomb of the Nine Gods on the island of Chult, the landscape of power shifted dramatically. The Tomb, a place of untold horrors and dark magic, was torn asunder and cleansed by the righteous Knights of Tyr. These brave knights meticulously purged the evil that had festered there, ensuring that no trace of Acererak’s malevolent influence remained. However, not everything could be or was selected to be destroyed. A large assortment the magical artifacts within the Tomb were put under care of the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth, including a copy of the Book of Vile Darkness. In the midst of this upheaval, Buhmal, understanding the impossibility of seizing the tome under such vigilant watch, chose a different path. He bided his time, knowing that patience and cunning would serve him better than brute force or open confrontation. As the dust settled and the intense scrutiny of the Knights of Tyr waned, Buhmal saw his opportunity. With calculated precision, Buhmal infiltrated the Sanctuary of Illuminating Truth, a bastion of knowledge and magical prowess. He adopted the guise of a humble new student, eager to learn and contribute to the collective wisdom of the Sanctuary. His deception was flawless; he fooled everyone, from the most novice acolyte to the most seasoned scholar. Even the Keeper of Truth, the collective consciousness of the Sanctuary’s many wizards, fell prey to his ruse. This failure is a profound source of shame for the Keeper, highlighting a rare but significant breach in its otherwise formidable defenses. Buhmal’s true objective was the Book of Vile Darkness, a tome of immense and terrible power. By blending in and earning the trust of those around him, he managed to steal this tome right from under the noses of the Sanctuary’s guardians.

This act of subterfuge and theft not only empowered Buhmal but also represented a monumental failure for the Keeper of Truth, whose primary duty was to safeguard such dangerous knowledge. The Keeper, rather than confront its own vulnerabilities and face the consequences of having been so thoroughly deceived by one of Acererak’s most cunning disciples, has chosen to wipe the mind or kill anyone and everyone with any knowledge of these events. Even those who are members or allies of Sanctuary. Despite the Keeper’s brilliance, which is arguably the only true way to stop the Order of the Dark Star, the Keeper is more concerned with preserving the Sanctuary’s reputation at all costs. It is above all else, arrogant and prideful to a deadly fault. It has yet to act against Buhmal or the Order, even though it knows they are operating directly beneath its grounds. This inaction reveals the Keeper’s deep-seated fear of exposure and its prioritization of self-preservation over confronting the existential threat posed by the Undead Blight.

The Nameless Witnesses of the Coming End: As the end of times draw nigh, these are those who welcome the impending doom out of madness, rage or desperation. These individuals delight in the anarchy and chaos is taking place amidst the Undead Blight. They see it as an opportunity for crime, theft, perversion, depravity, ruthlessness and cruelty. These are individuals who may or may not understand what Atropus is or represents, most do not. In truth, they have little insight regarding the phenomena that is unfolding. But that is not matter. They are monsterous individuals have always wanted to watch the world burn. Ironically, many who claim loyalty to this growing movement, when faced with their own death, are cowardly. They have no real idea of what they are fighting for, they are simply malcontent. Many of their ranks include past criminals, those who are deeply troubled, and jealous types with few resources. They have no official leader, they are not organized. Rather, they are stirred to action through outrage. Often stoking the flame is an individual solely known as the “Morose Ministrel.” The Nameless Witnesses have taken over the now deserted Port District, and have been in constant conflict with the Squids for the past several days.



What might the players do:

Deal with the fires (Old Town, The Port District, The Market District)

Deal with the Nameless Witnesses of the Coming End (rumor that they plan to set the Noble Quarter aflame next)

The Sacrfice at the Square (to occur today at Noon)

The Prayer Dinner (to occur tonight at dusk)

Talk with Mavius

Talk with Saint Apiz

Talk with Saint Maurice

Talk with the Keeper of Illuminating Truth

Shop and speak with Lorna

Visit Nature’s Majesty

Connect with the Squids



Session 12 Recap: A Holy Reunion

The Vitugazi, weary from their journey, are greeted by Saint Apiz upon their return to Dahlaana. His visible relief is quickly overshadowed by the grave news he bears. The city is in dire straits, besieged by continuous riots, zombie outbreaks, and raging fires. The city guards, overwhelmed by the chaos, march door to door to collect the dead before they reanimate, a grim task that underscores the city’s desperation. Civil unrest is rampant, with the populace increasingly desperate and disillusioned. In this turmoil, a new faction has emerged: The Nameless Witnesses of the Coming End. They have gained popularity by inciting anarchy and riots as morale in the city plummets. They have gathered in the Port District and are responsible for many of the fires raging throughout Dahlaana. Their influence grows as the city’s hope diminishes, adding to the chaos and fear. Compounding the turmoil, Saint Maurice continues to proclaim that not enough sacrifices have been made to alleviate the suffering carried by Ilmater, the Crying God. He insists that only through willing sacrifice can Ilmater bear the burden of pain again, thereby allowing the dead to find rest. Controversially, he is organizing a mass willing sacrifice in Ilmater’s name, a move that has deeply divided the church. Saint Apiz strongly opposes this plan, fearing the extreme measures and their impact on the already fragile community. He believes such an act is not consistent with the true will of Ilmater. Saint Apiz confides in the Vitugazi that his influence has waned amidst the turmoil. Desperation has driven many to follow louder, more certain voices, despite their extreme proposals. This loss of influence is exacerbated by growing fear and distrust towards the Sirassi. Making matters worse, rumors of demon sightings are spreading throughout the city. A pervasive sentiment has taken hold of the populace: Ilmater has forsaken them due to his own suffering.

Amidst these tensions, a Church Council meeting is scheduled for the next day, featuring a customary prayer feast. Saint Apiz invites the Vitugazi as his special guests, hoping their presence might help restore some order and hope. The Church of Ilmater is in disarray, Saint Apiz is overwhelmed, and the city of Dahlaana is teetering on the edge of collapse.

The Vitugazi separate to make progress towards their various tasks as time draws nigh. Lee will meet with Mavius while Caelum, Eric and Jessica meet with the Squids and then attempt to thwart the plans of the Nameless Seekers of the Coming End. After, they will all meet in Old Town Square to stop the mass sacrifice orchaestrated by Saint Maurice.

Lee rushes ahead to see his brother Mavius at Pellaois Fine Goods and Industries. After a tearful and touching reunion, they share everything they know with one another, including a shared distrust of Saint Apiz and the Church of Ilmater. Mavius reveals a disturbing secret: he claims the Church of Ilmater is behind the Undead Blight, alleging that during his encounter with Death’s Shadow, he learned that this group served Myrkul, the Lord of Death. He recounts investigating a shrine in the Emerald Jungle dedicated to this dark deity, where an inscription read: “If you have ever caused the death of another, you dwell in Myrkul’s shadow. Even in dying, you serve Myrkul and strengthen his kingdom. Thus, his worshippers and followers are everywhere.” He believes the worshippers of Myrkul are masquerading as servants of Ilmater. Lee promises to protect Mavius no matter the cost, refusing to let him put himself in harm’s way again. But Mavius is stubborn, though not as stubborn as Lee, and says nothing can keep him from fighting for their noble cause. Lee kisses him before running to meet the others, assuring Mavius he will be back that night to sleep beside him in bed…you know, as brothers do.

The rest of the Vitugazi venture to the Port District. They plan to meet with the Squids, and then confront the Nameless Witnesses of the Coming End. They suspect the Witnesses may be in collusion with Saint Maurice, and perhaps some darker force. Along the way, they see the large mob of the Witnesses gathering around the fervent words of their unofficial leader, the “Morose Minstrel.” The Vitugazi meet with Gultash, who is in opposition to the Witnesses. Gultash claims they are madmen and criminals looking to create chaos or take advantage of it. There is no honor or respect for the plight of the living among them. He offers himself and ten other warriors to confront them. After some scouting by Eric, they approach the Morose Minstrel and learn of their plot to set the Noble District aflame next. Set and Caelum recognize that enchantment magic is at play, helping sway the crowd into a riot. Jessica cleverly utilizes the spell calm emotions but bumps directly into a guard who recognizes her and immediately attacks. Now, the Vitugazi, alongside the Squids, face off against the Nameless Witnesses.



Session 13


The party has now spent 14 nights and 15 days on Innuviel. As it has been over 14 days, the approach of Atropus goes from arising to morderate. Consult earlier rules for details, but the following changes now occur: The chance of spontaneous animation increases to 40%. Necromancy spells at +2 caster level. In addition, All undead gain several benefits due to an influx of negative energy into the area. The maximum hit points of each undead are increased by 10. Whenever an undead target makes an attack roll, damage roll, or a saving throw, the undead adds 1d4 to it.

Blessings of Ilamter: Jessica: 8 (helping at the Long Rest, her passionate speech to calm the crowd, diffusing tension with the Sirassi at the Dusty Cover, 2 blessings are awarded for being the first to descend into an underground carrion crawler pit to help Lee, 2 blessings for for her passionate speech at Sorrow’s Stronghold reconciling their hate of the Sirassi, aiding Edwin), Caelum 6 (helping at the Long Rest, sacrificing his well being to heal Jessica after a questionable use of thunderwave, descending into the carrion crawler pit to help and heal Lee, returning the gem to Ethlaaka, volunteering time at 12 Deep to heal wounded soldier, aiding Edwin), Lee 4 (helping at the Long Rest, the first to charge into the Long Rest, one for his kindness towards the crystal stag, saving Pedro from the carrion crawler pit, aiding Edwin), Eric 1 (helping at the Long Rest, [aiding Edwin no added per below] ). Lee, however, given his decision to priortize Mavius over the mission, feels a diminished sense of sacrifice, and will no longer benefit from these blessings until he has proven a committment to true sacrifice.

We begin with a Battle between the Vitugazi, alongside the Squids, against the Nameless Witnesses of the Coming End.

The Feast of Great Sacrifice: The feast begins with each invitee introducing themselves and declaring something to sacrifice for the greater good. The Vitugazi will not be initially welcome, not truly being known to the church council outside their names and deeds as reported by Saint Apiz. To stay, they will need declare a meaningful sacrifice. They will all then proceed to disucssing the matters at hand. What is brought will be largely influenced by the players. As Saint Apiz has his noble goals, but trusts the Vitugazi to lead their strategy to fighting back at the true cause of the Undead Blight. A few issues that will come up. The infirmed Saint Lewis wishes to relinquish his role as head of the Church if Ilmater on Innuviel. He wishes there to be vote amoung feast members to decide who will replace him. This would have har reaching implications. Another matter of business would plans for nexts steps that Dahlaana should take to face the growing Undead Blight. There will need to be propositions weighend and suggested by various parties.

Chancellor Alanna Dadrick

Lady Tot

Saint Lewis (Esme Loswaithe to take his place)

Saint Horton

Saint Maurice

Saint Jayline


Saint Meehan

Saint Nydia

Saint Gerwin

Saint Burlough

Saint Apiz






Sentry from the Sanctuary