Barbarian: Path of the Singularity

Path of the Singularity Barbarians channel the sheer gravitational might of galaxy-devouring black holes to bring their foes to their knees. Specializing in battlefield control and recycling destruction to fuel their rampage, not even light can escape the Path of the Singularity Barbarian.

Graviton Storm

3rd-level Path of the Singularity Feature
Your rage creates a Graviton Storm, inducing a crushing weight within a 15-foot-sphere centered on you, which ignores the effects of cover.

While raging, you are immune to forced movement effects and the prone condition.

When a creature enters the Graviton Storm for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Strength saving throw against your Singularity DC. On a failed save, the creature cannot move away from you until the start of its next turn.

When you begin your rage and as a bonus action on subsequent turns, you can cause objects of your choice (not worn or carried) to take Force damage equal to three times your barbarian level. Additionally, creatures in the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your Singularity DC or be are pulled up to 15 feet towards you to an unoccupied space.

Singularity DC
= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength Modifier

At 14th level, the radius and pulling distance of Graviton Storm increases to 30 feet.


3rd-level Path of the Singularity Feature
Your connection to the astral plane grants you understanding of all heavenly bodies.

You gain proficiency in the Nature skill if you don’t already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check related to astronomy.

Gravity for the Situation

6th-level Path of the Singularity Feature
As your mastery over gravity grows, your powers can be sustained in any state of mind.

Beginning at 6th level, as an action, you can touch a willing creature or an object, up to one size larger than you, and adjust its gravity in one of four ways: Reduce, Amplify, Nullify, or Redirect.

Galaxy mind blown




Target has a tripled jump height and distance, advantage on acrobatics checks, and weight reduced by a factor of up to 8.
Target has immunity to effects that force movement or knock prone, advantage on athletics check, and weight increased by a factor up to 8.
Target is affected by the Levitate spell.
Target is affected by the Spider Climb spell.

A creature or object can be affected by only one of the effects at a time, and all effects last up to 1 minute, or until you choose to end the effect.

You can use this feature of number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between finishing long rests.


10th-level Path of the Singularity Feature
The force gradient of your rage becomes so unimaginably steep that the very fabric of your foes’ existence is torn asunder.

When you hit a creature or object with a melee attack, you can deal an additional 8d8 force damage. If this attack reduces a creature’s or object’s hit points to 0, all traces of its material form are erased.

You can use this feature once between finishing short or long rests.

Quasar Flare

10th-level Path of the Singularity Feature
Unleash your cosmic power in a single, unwavering blast.

As an action, you can cause each creature within Graviton Storm to make a Dexterity saving throw against your Singularity DC. On a failed save, it takes 8d4 radiant damage and is blinded and knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are neither blinded nor knocked prone.

You can use this feature once between finishing short or long rests.

Event Horizon

14th-level Path of the Singularity Feature
The pull of your Graviton Storm becomes so great, not even light can escape it’s grasp.

If a ranged attack or area effect originates from within or passes through Graviton Storm, you can use your reaction to redirect the attack or effect to affect only yourself. You also gain resistance to one of the incoming damage types before you take damage and until your rage ends.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

The Origins of the Universe…

Science Time