Dogs of War

Mercenaries and Rival Adventurers for 5E

Grizzled veterans and rival adventurers to work with and against your PCs. Or maybe a bit of both?

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Art Credit: Midjourney

By: u/cordialgerm



Mercs - the Dogs of War

Grizzeld veterans of countless conflicts. Experienced members of an Adventurer’s Guild. Rival Adventurers who face off against the PCs. Skilled mercs who will get the job done if you can afford their price. The Mercs - Dogs of War supplement includes bespoke statblocks, tactics, encounters, and a discussion of how to utilize these statblocks as Rival Adventurers in your 5e game.

Design Goals
  • Powerful NPCs that can serve as rival adventurers or elite mercenaries
  • Flavorful abilities & interesting tactics beyond the ultra-vanilla NPC statblocks typically used

Merc Captain

The Merc Captain plays the role of a front-line commander. Early in combat, he identifies the biggest threat to the company and targets them with Kill Command. He uses Cunning Action to disengage and avoid being surrounded, or to dash to close the gap between himself and the target of Kill Command, or to dash in order to position himself near his troops. He uses Roar of Encouragement to boost failed attacks against vital targets.

Dogs of War don’t become grizzled veterans by taking foolish risks. The Captain will fight bravely but will command an ordered retreat if the group looks outmatched. He also shows no mercy to his foes, and will prioritize downing enemy healers, ranged combatants, or spellcasters. His troops always confirm the kill and strike unconscious targets to prevent them from being healed unless it would mean their own death. They have fought countless battles and can quickly determine which of the PCs are healers, spellcasters, front-liners, etc. unless the PCs have taken steps to disguise or hide these facts.

The Merc Captain is best utilized in a group with several other mercenaries, and at least one other heavy-hitting ally, such as a Spellsword or Bounty Hunter.

Merc Captain Sayings
D4 Saying
1 “By the bloody hells.. let’s get ‘em lads!”
2 “Let’s show these bastards a good time and give ‘em all a big red smile!”
3 “This one’s as good as dead. Finish ‘em”
4 “You cross us and you’ll end up on the wrong end of this here blade. Believe me, you wouldn’t be the first”

Merc Captain

Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class
18 (studded leather, shield)
Hit Points
103(14d8 + 40)

18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws
STR+7, DEX+7, CON+6, WIS+4
Athletics+7, Intimidation+6, Perception+4, Persuasion+6, Stealth+7
passive Perception 14
6 (2,300 XP)


Multiattack. The captain makes two Poisoned Rapier or two Heavy Crossbow attacks.

Poisoned Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 100/400 ft, one target. Hit 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.

Bonus Actions

Kill Command (Recharge 6). The captain targets a creature within 30 ft. For the next minute, any of the captain’s allies (including the captain) that can hear and understand the captain deal an additional 3 (1d6) damage whenever they hit the target with a weapon attack.

Cunning Action. Dash, disengage, or hide.


Roar of Encouragement. If a friendly creature within 30 ft. that the Captain can see misses with an attack, the captain can use its reaction to grant that creature a +3 to the attack roll, which may cause the attack to hit. The creature must be able to hear and understand the captain.

Art Credit: Midjourney



Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter is a fast-moving, high-damage, lower-HP, skirmisher that is designed to hunt down and capture its bounties - dead or alive. When hunnting its target, it uses its high Survival and Stealth skills to find an opportune moment to strike. It does not attack targets head-on but instead waits for a moment of weakness to strike. Perhaps by creating an ambush or by striking when the target is otherwise preoccupied. If the Bounty Hunter fails to establish advantageous combat, it will attempt to retreat to fight another day.

When engaging in combat, the bounty hunter uses Bounty’s Bane in order to attempt to capture and restrain one or more of its targets. It has the combat experience to quickly assess which enemies appear physically weak (typically spellcasters and ranged attackers) and will prioritize entangling those targets, unless it has another specific target it is assigned to capture.

The Bounty Hunter uses Cunning Action to disengage out of unfavorable situations, to hide as part of an attempted escape, or to dash and close the distance in order to use Bounty’s Bane or close the gap to a target that has been restrained. Hitting a restrained target with its Poisoned Blade also has a chance to Poison that target which makes it that much harder for the target to escape the Grapple.

When operating in a group, such as part of a Rival Adventuring Group then the Bounty Hunter will attempt to stay hidden and flank the enemy combatants while the front-liners advance.

Design Note

The Bounty Hunter is intended to play a similar role as the Assassin from the SRD, but to address some of the issues with the assassin. Fights using the assassin are extremely swingy. They can either be deadly bloodbaths where all the PCs are murdered in their sleep, or they can be a yawn-fest if the assassin fails to get surprise. The Bounty Hunter is designed to be a less-swingy version of the Assassin. It’s still a powerful offensive-oriented NPC that can deal a lot of damage but it doesn’t rely on surprise crits and sneak attack, and its poison damage is also less swingy.

Bounty Hunter Sayings
D4 Saying
1 “Your head’s worth more to me alive than dead, but dead is still more than nothing…”
2 “You can leave here with your pride stinged, or without your head. What’ll it be?”
3 “I’m not paid to fight fair. I’m paid to get results”
4 “Running’s no use. I’ll just track you down and make you regret it.”

Bounty Hunter

Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class
16 (studded leather)
Hit Points
78 (12d8 + 24)

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws
DEX+7, INT+5
Perception +6, Stealth +7, Survival +6
passive Perception 16
Common, Thieves’ Cant
5 (1,800 XP)

Keen Senses. The hunter has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or hearing.


Multiattack. The bounty hunter makes two Poisoned Blade attacks.

Poisoned Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage. The target must succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be Poisoned (save ends at end of turn).

Bounty’s Bane (1/day). The bounty hunter throws a specially concocted grenade at a space it can see within 30 ft. Any creature in a 10 ft. sphere must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw as acidic tendrils spout forth and attempt to bind them in place. On a failure, they take 28 (8d6) acid damage and are Grappled (escape DC 14). While grappled in this way, the target is also Restrained and suffers 3 (1d6) acid damage at the start of each of its turns. On a success, they take half damage and are not grappled.

Bonus Actions

Cunning Action. Dash, disengage, or hide.


Uncanny Dodge. When hit by an attack they can see, the bounty hunter halves the attack’s damage.

Art Credit: Midjourney




The Spellsword is a fast-moving, aggressive spellcaster that likes to get in the fray. The Spellsword can quickly dash into position to attack vulnerable enemies, such as spellcasters and ranged combatants, but also has a variety of magical tricks up their sleeve. The Spellsword prefers to initiate combat from an advantageous position such as an ambush. It can use Major Image, Invisibility and/or its high stealth score to accomplish this.

When dealing with enemies, the Spellsword divides them into two categories - Targets and Threats. Threats are enemies that it is unlikely to be able to hit and stun with its Numbing Rapier. It will attempt to stay away from these threats with Cunning Action or to control them with a Hold Person, Enemies Abound, or Major Image. Defensively, it uses Reactionary Charm against incoming attacks from dangerous threats.

Targets are enemies that look like they would be easy prey for the Numbing Rapier. It attempts to focus its attacks against these targets, using Cunning Action to close the distance. If the target is a ranged attacker and not a spellcaster then the Spellsword may attempt to first land a Hold Person on the target in order to follow up with a guaranteed critical hit on the Numbing Rapier.

When operating in a group, the Spellsword may prefer to initiate combat while already under the effects of Invisibility, allowing it to flank the enemy. The Spellsword uses Dispel Magic defensively to protect its companions from devastating crowd-control magic or to remove a particularly troublesome spell that its opponents have cast.

Design Note

The Spellsword is intended to replace the role of the standard Mage from the SRD and to give it a more combat-oriented flavoring. This design follows the principles of Monsters of the Multiverse for spellcasters, where most damage-dealing abilities are included as actions rather than “hidden away” in a giant list of spells. The spells provided are designed to highlight a theme of trickery, deceit, and slipperiness that pair well with the Cunning Action of this spellcaster. Feel free to change the known spells. They should not alter the CR provided that you stick to utility and control spells of 3rd level or below.

Spellsword Sayings
D4 Saying
1 “You might think you’re fast, but can you outrun my spells?”
2 “You should surrender now, before I cast Suggestion and make you do it anyway”
3 “Guess you didn’t see that coming…”
4 “I’ll make this quick and painless.. for me, anyway”


Medium Humanod, Neutral

Armor Class
14 (studded leather)
Hit Points
72 (13d8 + 13)

10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws
INT +7, WIS +3
Arcana +7, Deception +4, Stealth +6
passive Perception 10
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Thieves’ Cant
6 (2,300 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The Spellsword’s innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The Spellsword can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

2/day each: Invisibility, Suggestion, Dispel Magic, Disguise Self 1/day each: Major Image, Enemies Abound, Hold Person


Multiattack. The Spellsword makes one Numbing Rapier and Shred Synapses attack, or it makes one Numbing Rapier attack and uses its Spellcasting.

Numbing Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) psychic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence save or be sluggish and Stunned until the end of its turn.

Shred Synapses. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 30 ft, one target. Hit: 20 (3d10 + 4) psychic damage.

Bonus Actions

Cunning Action. Dash, disengage, or hide.


Reactionary Charm (Recharge 4-6). If a creature within 30 ft attempts to attack the Spellsword or target the Spellsword with a spell, it must make a DC 15 Wisdom save. On a failure, the attack or spell fails. This is a charm effect.

Art Credit: Midjourney



Merc Medic

The Merc Medic is primarily a support unit with some control capabilities. It has low defenses and HP and has limited damage-dealing abilities, but it can provide some powerful boosts to its companions.

The medic absolutely does not want to be engaged in combat. It will prioritize its Cunning Action to protect itself by disengaging from melee combatants, dashing to cover, or hiding behind cover. It can also use the dash to get itself close to friendly units that it wants to heal with First Aid.

The Adrenaline Booster is a very powerful ability if the medic uses it correctly. The ideal target is a friendly ally with a high damage output that is likely to die soon. Applying the Adrenaline Booster to this ally will allow that ally to act immediately, before it can be killed, and get in a big burst of damage. In this scenario, the downside of losing the Haste buff is mitigated if the ally is killed as the debuff is no longer relevant at this point.

The medic can use its Poison Dart to attempt to control any enemy that appears intent on attacking it. If there is no immediate threat to the medic, then the Poison Dart should be fired at an enemy that is currently engaged with one of the medic’s allies, on the chance that the paralysis kicks in. If the medic is not threatened by anyone, it can use the Cunning Action dash to get close enough to fire the dart, which has a short range.

Merc Medic Sayings
D4 Saying
1 “Hold still, this might sting a bit.. but it beats bleeding out, right?”
2 “Stay alive, soldier! You’re worth more to me than a hundred of these bloody idiots we’re fighting”
3 “Hitting your limits already? Let me give you a little boost”
4 “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. You’re not going down on my watch”

Merc Medic

Medium Humanoid, Neutral

Armor Class
14 (studded leather)
Hit Points
54(12d6 + 12)

9 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws
INT+5, WIS+5
Medicine+5, Perception+5
passive Perception 15
4 (1,100 XP)


Multiattack. The medic makes a Poison Dart attack and uses either its First Aid or Adrenaline Booster, if available.

Poison Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) poison damage. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be Paralyzed until the end of turn, as their muscles seize up.

First Aid. The medic performs first aid on a friendly Humanoid creature within 5 ft. and makes a DC 12 Medicine check. On a success, that creature heals 12 (2d8 + 3) hp and the medic may choose to remove one of the following conditions from that creature: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned. A creature may only benefit from first aid once every 24 hours.

Adrenaline Booster (1/day). The medic injects another friendly Humanoid creature within 5 ft with a volatile concoction that boosts its adrenaline into overdrive. The creature gains 20 temporary hp and its initiative immediately changes so that it acts immediately after the medic. While these temporary hp are active, the creature is subject to the Haste spell (no concentration required). When the temporary hitpoints are lost, the Haste spell ends and the creature suffers the side effects as normal.

Bonus Actions

Cunning Action. Dash, disengage, or hide.

Art Credit: Midjourney



Using Mercenaries as Rivals

This section presents a variety of Adventure Hooks that you can use to integrate a rival adventuring party into your campaign. Rivals don’t have to necessarily be enemies that have to be fought directly. They can lead to interesting social encounters or even present opportunities to work together.

This section is heavily inspired by Dungeons of Drakkenheim pg 16


The rival group challenges the PCs to a contest of skill. The winning group gets some sort of prize or wins the wager.

D6 Challenge
1 Drinking Contest at local Tavern
2 Boastful recounting of exploits to be judged by 3rd party
3 Perform a daring deed to be judged by 3rd party
4 Contest of strength, cunning, or skill
5 Steal a valuable item from an unpopular nobleman
6 Slay the biggest monster in a week
D6 Wager
1 The loser sings the praises of the winner in public for a week
2 Gold or valuable gemstones
3 The loser gives up rights to the next mission to the winner
4 The loser forfeits their best magic item to the winner
5 The loser performs a favor for the winner
6 The loser introduces the winner to an important 3rd party

Competing Mission

The rival group has been hired to accomplish the same task as the PCs. This could be because the questgiver is hedging their bets, or a rival to the questgiver is after the same goal and has hired the rivals to perform the task. Will the PCs beat their rivals to the punch, or will they instead let the rivals do the dirty work and steal their lunch?

Team Up

The rivals approach the PCs and offer to team up to take down a powerful enemy or complete a difficult objective. However, the rival group may have their own ulterior motives or try to betray the PCs once the objective is completed.

D4 Ulterior Motives
1 Sabotage: the rivals secretly plan to sabotage the PCs efforts
2 Betrayal: the rivals secretly plan to betray the PCs to either kill them or accomplish the mission for themselves
3 Spying: the rivals have been hired to spy on the PCs and the joint mission is a cover
4 Frame: the rivals have been hired to frame the PCs for a dastardly deed

Trapped Together

The two groups end up trapped in a dungeon or other dangerous location together, and must work together to escape or survive. How will they split the valuable loot discovered on the way out?

D4 Scenarios
1 Disaster: A flood, earthquake, magic storm, blizzard, fire, etc. has trapped the PCs and rivals in the same location. They must work together to survive the disaster
2 Collapse: A section of a dungeon or other building has collapsed and trapped the PCs with the rivals. They must work together to escape the dangerous environment and the monsters that infest it
3 Magical Trap: the PCs and rivals have been caught in a magical trap such as a time loop, alternate reality, or pocket dimension. They must work together to escape
4 Maze: the PCs and rivals have gotten hopelessly lost in a dungeon or the wilderness and must work together to find their way to safety

Work Together

The two groups have been hired by the same questgiver to work together on an important mission. However, tensions may still run high between the groups even as they work together. Perhaps one group is getting paid more?

Shared Information

The rivals have information, expertise, or connections that the PCs need to progress in their quest, but they are unwilling to part with it without some sort of compensation or exchange.

Art Credit: Midjourney




These encounters are designed to be Hard to Deadly.

Tier 1 Encounters

4 Level 2 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Thug 1/2
Muscle 1 Orc 1/2
Damage 1 Scout 1/2
Support 1 Acolyte 1/4
Pet 1 Mastiff 1/8

4 Level 3 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Bugbear 1
Muscle 1 Orc 1/2
Damage 1 Spy 1
Support 1 Acolyte 1/4
Pet 1 Mastiff 1/8

4 Level 4 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Bugbear 1
Muscle 1 Orc 1/2
Damage 1 Spy 1
Support 1 Acolyte 1/4
Pet 1 Dire Wolf 1

Tier 2 Encounters

4 Level 5 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Bandit Captain 2
Muscle 1 Orog 2
Damage 1 Spy 1
Support 1 Priest 2
Pet 1 Dire Wolf 1

4 Level 6 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Veteran 3
Muscle 1 Bugbear 1
Damage 1 Bounty Hunter* 5
Support 1 Acolyte 1/4
Pet 1 Dire Wolf 1

4 Level 7 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Veteran 3
Muscle 1 Bugbear 1
Damage 1 Bounty Hunter* or Spellsword* 5 or 6
Support 1 Merc Medic* 4
Pet 1 Dire Wolf 1

4 Level 8 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Merc Captain* 6
Muscle 1 Ogre 2
Damage 1 Bounty Hunter* or Spellsword* 5 or 6
Support 1 Priest 2
Pet 1 Dire Wolf 1

4 Level 9 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Merc Captain* 6
Muscle 1 Ogre 2
Damage 1 Bounty Hunter* or Spellsword* 5 or 6
Support 1 Merc Medic* 4
Pet 1 Cave Bear 2

Tier 3 Encounters

4 Level 10 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Merc Captain* 6
Muscle 1 Veteran 3
Damage 1 Bounty Hunter* or 1 Spellsword* 5 or 6
Support 1 Merc Medic* 4
Pet 1 Cave Bear 2

4 Level 11 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Merc Captain* 6
Muscle 1 Hill Giant 5
Damage 1 Bounty Hunter* or 1 Spellsword* 5 or 6
Support 1 Merc Medic* 4
Pet 1 Owlbear 3

4 Level 12 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Merc Captain* 6
Muscle 1 Veteran 3
Damage 1 Bounty Hunter* and 1 Spellsword* 11
Support 1 Merc Medic* 4
Pet 1 Owlbear 3

4 Level 13 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Merc Captain* 6
Muscle 1 Hill Giant 5
Damage 1 Bounty Hunter* and 1 Spellsword* 11
Support 1 Merc Medic* 4
Pet 1 Owlbear 3

4 Level 14 PCs

Role Statblock CR
Leader 1 Merc Captain* 6
Muscle 1 Hill Giant 5
Damage 1 Bounty Hunter* and 1 Spellsword* 11
Support 1 Merc Medic* 4
Pet 1 Mammoth 5

Art Credit: Midjourney




  • Written Content u/cordialgerm
  • Art: Midjourney
  • Inspiration: Dungeons of Drakkenheim published by GhostFire gaming and written by The Dungeon Dudes

Other Drakkenheim Homebrew

Art Credit: Midjourney