Special Grade Sorcerer


Copyright Holder: Gege Akutami, Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Viz Media, Shonen Jump and all affiliated partners.
Designer: Rathdan
Naruto 5e System: Kingsare4ever
Art: Gege Akutami, Jujutsu Kaisen, Mengo Yokoyari, Oshi no Ko
Formatting: Homebrewery
Special Thanks: idfk know bro.


Version 1, Updated 22/05/2023


Okay you get the drill already, there is spoilers, in fact there will be the most spoilers here! Wanna know whyyyy? Cause I am covering the peak shit of all the technique(aside from making shit up), that I can so everything here will be uber powerful, uber late in the series, and uber spoilers!!

Levelling up Disclaimer:
Hostile Combat refers to a combat in which your life is actually in danger, as in there are hostile enemies that truly wish to harm, capture, or kill you. This means it cannot be a sparring match or a combat where you are not in danger.


This is not its own class mod, this is actually the level 6 for the Jujutsu Sorcerer Class Mod which contains a full Level 5 Class Mod based on Jujutsu Kaisen's jujutsu sorcerers, with 8 unique cursed techniques and capstone of Domain Expansion. Go check that out before you read this or it won't make much sense, and yes the page count is intimidating but please note that 35+ pages of that is all innate techniques and arts. Now for the real considerations, this is a level 6 for a class mod, if you thought balance was going to be even an afterthought here then you can be directed to the following message:
Take off your headgear or earphones, stand up, walk towards a rectangular object, that object will grant you passage through the boundary I wish you to step into, once you do so you will be able to traverse grand and strange pathways, once here you must follow the light, follow it, yes YES follow that light, run to it! And now as you emerge from that light you will see lush fields of green, a sky of blue, white fluffy perspiration in the sky, and as you take it all in, crouch down, extend your hand, and touch grass.

But yeah no fuckin no balance here, all dumb fun, if you give this to your players then the game is officially a power trip and your players are higher than Jeff Goldblum.

Special Grade Sorcerer

Life is like a game, and that game is not fair. It shows bias, favouritism, and overall shows that some people are merely born greater than others, however who's to decide whether or not you should be strong? You are you, you are the greatest, who gets to dictate what you are other than you? You alone are the deciding factor! With this mentality any sorcerer can become strong, but by embodying it, by living life on your own terms and letting no one else define your limits and who you are you can ascend to heights many may not even dream of. To become special grade a sorcerer must become conceited, must lose all care for those around them and simply live for their own wants and desires.

Becoming Special Grade

There is no strictly defined way to gain the 6th level and become a special grade, some individuals are simply born more powerful than others, while those same others may strive for an eternity and eventually break through some plateau through some extreme circumstance.
If DMs and Players would like an example of how a Character could gain this level of the class mod here are some examples to help get ideas going:

Your character is facing off against their most powerful foe, a powerful adversary(around level 30) who's strength is so overwhelming that all hope is lost as the individual goes to destroy everything your character holds dear before their eyes, as your character sits their cursing their own powerlessness they are too late, but in that moment of loss, as they lose that which grounded them and let them be happy they forget everything around them, caring little for what happens next they're cursed energy surges as they charge towards the monster with reckless abandon, consumed not by fear, anger, or grief, but by madness.

While searching for an object of great power in your travels, either to further your own ends, to destroy it for a greater good, or merely for a collection, regardless your journey comes to and end, after traversing a massive dungeon or labyrinth, overcoming trial after trial you enter the room that withholds the foreign energy of this Cursed Object. As you approach you can feel the whirlwind of its overwhelming cursed energy, threatening to blow you
away should you waver for a moment, as you grasp hold you feel power sear through your body, threatening to
burn the blood from your body and turn your organs to
ash, in this moment the room around you and your
party collapses as the energy of this object that
preserved the room fades, and as the rubble
clears your character lifts themselves out of any
danger in their way, newly born with the inherited
power of the object.

You have been trained by an individual whose power is renowned, and for one reason or another they see great potential in you and have been cultivating said talent in hopes of you one day growing to be even greater than them. However as strong as your mentor is and however much you had grown in your journey, one day your master set their mind to defeating a great foe, and while your master was capable of anything they put their mind to, through one circumstance or another they have now met a grizzly and violent end against a world ending threat, and as you watch them in their final moments they whispers the secrets of their power, entrusting you with the fate of the world and possibly their own remaining might. As you gain this knowledge/power, left with the burden to avenge your fallen mentor, limited in the time you can wield this bestowed strength you must
accomplish your

Special Grade Sorcerer
Level Minimum Level
Cursed Energy Jujutsu
1st 6 50 1 Cursed Energy, Cursed Reinforcement, Jujutsu
2nd 8 100 2 Innate Technique
3rd 12 200 3 Black Flash, Cursed Reinforcement(2)
4th 15 250 4 Reverse Cursed Energy
5th 18 300 5 Domain Expansion, Reverse Cursed Technique
6th 20 500 8 Special Grade Jujutsu, Special Reinforcement

Advanced Cursed Energy

At the pinnacle of 6th level, you have gained a deep understanding of cursed energy, to such a point you would seem enlightened to most other sorcerers. Your maximum pool of Cursed Energy and the number of basic Jujutsu Arts you know increase dramatically as shown in the above table, and the benefits of having access to your Cursed Energy are replaced with the following:

  • Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution score all become 18 if they weren't already equal to or higher.
  • Your unarmed/weapon attacks and Taijutsu/Bukijutsu are all curse-enhanced.
  • Your Unarmed Damage becomes 2d10 + your Taijutsu ability modifier.
  • You add your full proficiency bonus to your armor class instead of half.
  • Your base movement speed increases by 20 feet per Class Mod Level.

In addition, you regain half your maximum Cursed Energy pool on a short rest and all expended Cursed Energy on a long or full rest.

Special Grade Jujutsu

At the final point of 6th level, your manipulation of cursed energy seems surreal, able to bend it to your will as if it was merely an extension of your body itself. When casting jujutsu arts you can now further reinforce them, as the maximum number of times you can enhance and art is doubled for you.

Additionally, when calculating the Attack Bonus and Save DC of jujutsu arts you cast, you instead use the following calculation:

Jujutsu Save DC = 10 + twice your Proficiency
Bonus + twice your Jujutsu Sorcerer Level.

    Jujutsu Attack Bonus = twice your Proficiency
Bonus + twice your Jujutsu Sorcerer Level.

Special Reinforcement

Upon reaching the pinnacle of 6th level, not only has your understanding and control of Cursed Energy reached its peak but now when applied to your body your control allows you to ascend past even the supernatural limits you possessed before. All sorcerers are capable of enhancing themselves with cursed energy, but you have reached a new level where calling your reinforcements "basic" would be an egregious understatement, as your control is so fine that even the overwhelming spring of cursed energy within you is incapable of leaking a single drop outside your body. You no longer select reinforcements to gain the benefits of as you gain the benefits of all reinforcements at once, and when benefitting from these reinforcements you can choose to even further enhance them. As a Bonus Action, you can expend 10 Cursed Energy for each reinforcement you wish to enhance, each reinforcement you enhance replaces its benefits with the benefits of its Special Reinforcement counterpart. While using Special Reinforcements you must pay 5 Cursed Energy at the start of each of your turns for each reinforcement you are benefitting from.

Special Power Reinforcement

The destruction your fists cause can demolish any obstacle in your path, as your physical strength has ascended to such absurd levels it can only be measured as otherworldly.

  • Your Strength Ability Score increases by 8.
  • Your Unarmed Damage increases by 2d10, this damage increase also applies to weapons you are holding.
  • You add double your taijutsu ability modifier to damage you deal that would call for it.
  • When you cast a Taijutsu you increase all damage dice granted by the Jutsu by 2 steps. If this would bring the die above a d12, you gain a +1 to damage for each die. You can spend 5 Cursed Energy to increase the jutsu further by 1 step.
  • You cannot be moved against your will.
  • Your bulk and lifting strength are quadrupled and you can now grapple creatures up to three sizes larger
    than you.
  • You gain a climbing and swimming speed equal
    to twice your walking speed and you can jump a distance in length and height equal
    to half your movement speed.

Special Agile Reinforcement

With most graceful movements you dance around the battlefield like you would a ballroom, as your speed has become so ludicrous you appear as a blur.

  • Your Dexterity Ability Score increases by 8.
  • Your base movement speed increases by 15 feet per character level.
  • Your movement speed cannot be reduced by any means except the Grappled and Restrained conditions. Additionally, you treat difficult terrain as normal terrain and can move on water and walls without penalties
  • You gain an additional Bonus Action or Reaction(your choice at the start of your turn), that can only be used for the purposes of Jujutsu Arts.
  • Once, on your turn you can choose to triple your movement speed until the end of your next turn(no action required).
  • As a Bonus Action, you can take the Dash, Dodge, Disengage or Hide actions.
  • If you pass a Strength or Dexterity save, you suffer no effects or damage. If you fail, you take half damage, and suffer any additional conditions as normal.
  • When you take the attack action or cast a jutsu that allows you to make 2 or more attacks you can make one additional attack.

Special Protective Reinforcement

Your body is a mountain, unshakable, unbreakable, many could try to classify your body by some material toughness but there is one simple answer, you are unbreakable.

  • Your Constitution Ability Score increases by 8.
  • Your maximum hit points increase as if your Class Mod Levels were part of your total Level(the first time you enter this special reinforcement your current hit points also increase with your maximum).
  • You gain resistance to all non-curse enhanced damage, except psychic.
  • All damage dealt to you is reduced by an amount equal to your level + twice your Class Mod Level.
  • You add half your Character Level to your Armor Class calculation.
  • When you reach 0 hit points you do not fall unconscious, instead you gain 5 ranks of the
    weakened condition until you regain hit points.
    Additionally, when you would either fail
    a death saving throw or gain one through
    damage you can instead take a rank of
    exhaustion to succeed the death save or
    ignore a failed save as a result of damage.
  • You gain a bonus to saving
    throws equal to your full Class
    Mod Level.

Innate Techniques


Sixth Sight

Awakening at 6th level, whether through discovery, genetics, or simply learning such deep knowledge of the universe's complexities that the world now bends to you, you have unlocked the full potential of the Limitless, and awakened the power of the Six-Eyes. You gain the Six Eyes and the Hollow Limitless: Purple art:

The Six Eyes

You have awakened a powerful technique that resides within your eyes, the Six Eyes. A powerful ability granting you ocular prowess that surpasses the byakugan, mental processing power that turns your brain into a supercomputer, and cursed energy manipulation that causes your efficiency to reach unparalleled heights:

  • Your Intelligence score becomes 20 as the Six Eyes allow your brain to process information so quick mere moments become minutes within your mind.
  • You gain Chakra Sight and True Sight out to as far as you can see.
  • You can see out to 10 miles as if it was merely 20 feet in front of you.
  • When expending any Cursed Energy you only pay 1/5th the amount(rounded down, minimum 1), Domain Expansion's 100 cost minimum is unaffected by this.
  • As a result of your Chakra Sight, when a creature you can see with your Chakra Sight casts a jutsu/art or uses a feature that costs chakra you are aware what jutsu, art, or feature is being used before it is cast/used. Additionally, you cannot be made unable to react to a creature you can see with this sight.
  • If you have Advanced Curse Sense you gain its effect automatically without needing to use any actions or Cursed Energy.

Hollow Limitless: Purple

Classification: Limitless Art
Casting Time: 1 Full-Turn Action
Range: Self(180ft long, 25ft wide line.)
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 50 Cursed Energy
Components: 2H
Keywords: Jujutsu
Description: You combine the techniques of blue and red to create a technique of both convergence and divergence, resulting in an imaginary mass that you fire out in a direction of your choice. When fired everything in a 180 foot long, 25 foot wide line in front of you must make a Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throw, in that order. A creature who fails their Wisdom saving throw cannot react to this technique fast enough and cannot take any reactions until this art has fully concluded regardless of features or effects that state otherwise. A creature who fails their Dexterity saving throw takes cannot get out of the way of Purple in time taking 35d12 + 150 force damage that cannot be reduced by any means(including resistance and immunity), on a success the creature instead takes half as much damage, however a creature cannot avoid this damage as result of success(such as through the Evasion feature).
Lastly, creatures who fail their Constitution saving throw cannot resist the overpowering mass of the hollow technique and are disintegrated, killing them instantly with no hope for revival.

A creature immune to instant death instead takes double damage from Purple and the effects as if they had succeeded this saving throw.
On a success the creature is able to withstand the mass and only one limb of your choice is disintegrated. All terrain, structures, and objects not on a creature's person are disintegrated as well, causing the entire area to become difficult terrain.
Once this art has been cast it becomes unavailable until recharged, to recharge this art you roll a d6 at the start of each of your turns, on a 5 or 6 this art is recharged and you can cast it again.
Enhance: You can charge this effect with more Cursed Energy to enhance it, increasing its cost by 5. Its damage increases by 5d12 + 20, the size of the line increases by 30 feet long, and 10 feet wide.


Business Man's Requiem

Striking into to 6th level, you have gained such precision that now your technique even tells you the exact times to strike to create an artificial flash not blessed by the sparks of black but unified with the sparks of gold, granting the following effects alongside the Golden Ratio art:

Golden Ratio

Classification: Ratio Art
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 15 Cursed Energy
Keywords: Jujutsu
Description: You no longer see just a precise line to strike but now gain a specific timing of when to strike as well. Roll 1d4, this number becomes the Golden Round, and when you hit a Ratio Strike on that Golden Round you will immediately also land a Black Flash, however landing a Black Flash this way does not allow you to enter The Zone. For the purposes of Golden Round timing, 1 is the turn you cast this art and a new round begins when you start your turn, and when you use this effect you can still wager to try and Black Flash normally, on a success you create a Golden Flash, combining both Black Flashes into one multiplying your damage by 5 times instead.

24 Carat Precision

You gain new effects for your Precise Ratio feature, and old effects are replaced with new ones from the following:

  • Decapitate: You deliver a cut with the aim of severing the target's head from its shoulders. Roll a d20, on a 1-5 the target gains a number of ranks of Lacerated equal to the difference between your hit and their AC as you slit their throat, on a 6-10 the target is Paralyzed as the force of your blow crack their spine, on an 11-15 you perform the effects of 1-5 and 6-10 at the same time and if the target is immune to Paralysis they are instead Staggered, on a 16-20 you severe their head, instantly killing your target, however if your target is immune to instant death or simply does not require that head to live all previous effects apply.
  • Discipline: You bludgeon a creature with no intent to kill but merely intent to hurt. Until the start of your next turn all attacks you make, including this one, grant 1 rank of Bruised for every 20 damage dealt with the strike, however bruised gained this way has no maximum limit and does not convert into Staggered.
  • Holiday Haymaker: You strike a creature in an attempt to send them on a scenic trip to Malaysia. On a hit you push the target back a number of feet equal to the damage dealt divided by 5, and upon colliding with a surface they will tear through if they have enough movement remaining to move through the entire obstruction.
  • Impale: You have forgone any target, instead
    making the whole creature your target, on
    a hit you deal triple your damage die
    and modifiers with a critical hit
    instead of double.
  • Rattle: You bash in the skull of a target in an attempt to cause severe brain damage. On a hit, choose between Concussed, Confused, Dazzled, and Slowed, you inflict 5 ranks of said condition to the target, and once you have inflicted 5 ranks of one condition you can choose it again forcing a Constitution saving throw from the target, on a failure the target is instead inflicted with unconscious until damaged again.
  • Sever: This effect replaces both Disarm and Cripple. You strike a creature's limbs in an attempt to remove them and limit your opponent. When you hit select one limb the target possesses, when you do so they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a success, if the limb was used like an arm they gain 5 ranks of weakened, and become Dazed, if the limb was for mobility they halve the movement granted by that limb and are Dazed. On a failure, the limb is removed
    entirely, rendering it useless.

Cursed Speech

Star Idol

Upon your crescendo to 6th Level, your voice is not the only thing leading the world around you, just a glance of your starry eyes commands the minds of those you wish, and now your words do not just commands hearts and minds, they ripple through reality, like a pebble changing the course of oceans. You gain access to Star-Power and the Comedian art:

Star Power

Your eyes have something special about them, they're so dazzling they draw in Cursed Energy and almost entirely accidently become a conduit for your Innate Technique.
As a result you gain the following benefits while you possess your eyes:

  • Speech Arts you cast no longer require the Verbal component and Auditory Keyword so long as the target can see you.
  • Speech Arts you cast have their range extended to any creature that you can see that can also see you.
  • If a creature is within the base range of a Speech Art you cast but is also able to see you they have disadvantage on their saving throw as they are commanded by both your voice and eyes.
  • Creatures that are Charmed by you automatically fail all saving throws against your Speech Arts.


Classification: Speech Art
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Self
Cost: X Cursed Energy
Components: Verbal
Keywords: Jujutsu
Description: You no longer just command people, even the world seems to be bewitched by you, helping you in times your performance really shines!
When you cast this art, you tell a joke or describe a comedic scenario, if the majority of players believe this to be sufficiently funny the described joke or scenario is simulated in reality. The exact effects of the joke
are up to the player and DM to decide, once both
parties are happy the DM places a cost on the
effect, however as the art is already cast
if this cost exceeds your current
Cursed Energy you expend
all your remaining
Cursed Energy and are able
to cast it anyway! To track how many
players find a casting funny you can take
a sensus but if a player actually laughed
at your joke or comedic telling they cannot
say they do not find it funny and
immediately agree to the casting.

However what players find funny might not be entirely fair, such as a black hole appearing that kills everything, so to protect the world from unbounded comedy the DM can veto any cast so long as they believe the comedy does not outway the worldbreaking it would cause. BUT, if the DM laughs at the casting then they must also allow it regardless and can simply veto what they find as too worldbreaking as part of the simulation.

e.g. A player casts this art and tells the joke: Knock Knock, Who's There?, Baseball Bat, What? BONK, the players deem this funny and as a result the joke plays out in game, the character knocks on the target's door in a house that was not there before, the target asks who's there the player's character replies Baseball Bat, the target is confu-BAM DOOR BUSTS DOWN AND THE TARGET IS WACKED WITH A BAT! Dealing damage equal to 1d10 bludgeoning damage for every point of Cursed Energy expended, the scene ends and cuts back to the battlefield.

Blood Manipulation

Patricide Professional

Bleeding down to 6th level, you have soaked so much cursed energy into your blood your body composition shares many similarities to a cursed spirit, turning you into a Cursed Corpse and granting access to the following Blood Arts:

Cursed Corpse

By becoming like a cursed spirit you can now generate blood from cursed energy, as a result all Blood Arts you cast lose their Hit Point cost. Any effects that reference hit points cost or amount spent now instead use the amount of Cursed Energy spent.

Blood Evolution

Bleeding and Lacerated that you apply to others ignores resistance and treats immunity as resistance, and the DC to remove it is increased by your Class Mod Level.
Additionally, when you cast Convergence you no longer dispel any previous Blood Orbs, instead simply adding the Blood Orbs onto your previously existing ones.

Blood Pool

The blood pool created by Blood Loch stays for a number of rounds equal to 1/10th its radius before evaporating rapidly into the air as the blood shares said similarity with cursed spirit. While this pool exists and it is within the range of the art you cast, you can draw a number of Blood Orbs from the pool equal to the number of rounds it has remaining, reducing the number of rounds it has left by an equal amount.

Blood Manipulation: Red Heaven

Classification: Blood Art
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, Until Dispelled
Cost: Special
Keywords: Jujutsu
Description: : A common man may limit themselves to fighting their opponent head-on, in all the range blood manipulation allows but a sorcerer will make that opponent enter their realm. You can use this art to perform the following effects:

  • Blood Loch: You forgo all control of your blood except for one simple directive: Pour, when you cast this art you expend 30 cursed energy to push out a violent wave of blood in a 60 foot radius area around you and leaving a pool of blood in the same area. Creatures within the radius upon casting must make a Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage if they are on the ground. All creatures who fail become Drenched until they are submerged in water or change the clothes/armor they have equipped. While a creature is drenched you can use your Bonus Action or Reaction
  • Eclipsing Hell(WIP):

Flowing Red Scale: Crimson Angel

Classification: Blood Art
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, Until Dispelled
Cost: 40 Cursed Energy
Keywords: Jujutsu
Description: You circulate blood around your body faster and faster, the temperature makes your blood boil, the amount and speed is so much that you must create a flowing circuit of blood outside your body, taking on the appearance of wings. If you are currently under the effects of Flowing Red Scale or any variation of it, you end it and replace its effects with this art's. You cannot lose concentration on this art as a result of damage and while concentrating on this art you gain the following benefits:

  • Your base Strength and Dexterity scores become 24 if they aren't already 24 or higher, if they are you instead increase the relevant ability scores by 2.
  • Your movement speed increases by 20 times your Strength and Dexterity modifiers.
  • Your unarmed damage die increases by 1 step(d10>d12), you deal 2 additional damage die, and when you take the attack action, you can make three additional attacks.
  • You gain the benefits of all Focus effects as seen in the Flowing Red Scale art and you count as being under the Flowing Red Scale: Wing King effect for all Focus effects.

  • While concentrating on this art, when you would cast Piercing Blood and Compress it, instead of dealing additional damage you make one additional attack with the art and you can make two attacks instead of one when you enhance Slicing Exorcism with Blood orbs.
  • While concentrating on this art, when you would cast Supernova there is no limit to how many instances a target can be affected by at once.
  • At the start of each of your turns you automatically generate 2 Blood Orbs, these blood orbs are lost at the start of your next turn.

Boogie Woogie


Swapping with 6th level, you have become capable of swapping creatures with themselves, you are no longer master of dancing around space but TIME! You gain access to the Boogie Back! and Forward Woogie! arts:

All Range Party!

The range of Boogie Woogie! becomes 1 mile, as now all that you can see falls under the range of your Boogie Woogie! Additionally, any object or non-grounded structure is now a valid target for the Boogie Woogie! art.

Boogie Back!

Classification: Boogie Art
Casting Time: 1 Action or Bonus Action
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 25 Cursed Energy
Components: HS
Keywords: Jujutsu
Description: You clap your hands behind your back as you relive those amazing party hits from just a few moments ago! Select a target that would be applicable for your Boogie Woogie! art, that creature is swapped with their past self from 1 round ago, returning them back to whatever state they were in at the start of their last turn, regaining any lost resources, hit points, etc as if they had never spent anything, removing all conditions, buff, or debuffs they were placed under since that time, if the creature is dead they will be "revived" which ignores any effects that state otherwise and cannot be subverted outside of complete erasure or being killed in the past as well as they are not revived but merely replaced with their past self. When shot into the present the past self has no memory of anything that has happened since the start of their last turn.
Time Dilation: By reinforcing this effect with more cursed energy you can further dilate time itself, you can expend an additional 25 Cursed Energy to increase how far back you can swap, every 25 Cursed Energy equals another round of time. However once this art costs 250 Cursed Energy this art it gains the Maximum: prefix and you instead swap everything in a 120 foot radius around you into the past undoing everything that has happened in the past minute but leaving everyone with the knowledge and memories of what happened in the future of another timeline.


If you have two level 6 Boogie Woogie users that are swapping through time and both use Maximum: Woogie Forward! Then when interacting with each other they cancel eachother out and must roll for everything again.

Woogie Forward!

Classification: Boogie Art
Casting Time: 1 Action, Bonus Action, or Reaction
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 25 Cursed Energy
Components: HS
Keywords: Jujutsu
Description: You clap your hands in the future, as you just can't wait to see where this party's going! Select a target that would be applicable for your Boogie Woogie! art, that creature is swapped with their future self! But seeing as the future doesn't exist yet you instead simply send them into the future, causing them to disappear until the same initiative order you swapped them in happens again in 1 round. For the swapped it will feel as if no times passes at all but an entire round will have passed. Once you have used this art you cannot use it again until it recharges, to recharge it once the creature you swapped reappears you roll a d6 at the start of your turns, on a 5 or 6 you regain access to this art.
Time Dilation: By reinforcing this effect with more cursed energy you can further dilate time itself, you can expend an additional 25 Cursed Energy to increase how far forward you can swap, every 25 Cursed Energy equals another round of time. Once you spend 250 Cursed Energy on this art it gains the Maximum: prefix and the range of this art becomes Self as you swap yourself with all iterations of yourself in the future in quick succession, for the next minute you are incapable of being interacted with as you skip through time and alter its course, on your turn you can take actions as usual however anything you attempt always succeeds
regardless of any rolls or
chance as you choose
the perfect sequence,
dancing through time


Inevitable Influencer

Chanting your way to 6th level, the truest form of jujutsu is interpretation, strength is interpreted, variety is interpreted, when you interpret yourself as the puppet master can you interpret reality? Jujutsu bends at your fingertips, a world of curses unexplored by untraditional sorcerers, by delving into this cursed world you gain access to the following art:

Life Ledger

With your newfound powers you have gained access to a special Cursed Tool formed from your innate technique that allows you to forgo Voodoo Links as part of casting Strawdoll Arts, instead all you must do is write down the target's name inside your Life Ledger and think of their face as you cast the art, writing down a name if an object interaction and the name will disappear once used, needing to be rewritten again for additional use.

Destiny Doll

Classification: Strawdoll Art
Casting Time: 1 Full-Turn Action
Range: Special
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 25 Cursed Energy
Components: Voodoo Link
Keywords: Jujutsu
Description: You have learned not to just create reverberations of your attacks, you have learned to strike at fate itself and create ripples in the destinies of those met with your curses. To cast this art you must link your curse to a target, and when you do so you must choose one
curse from below to inscribe upon that target's fate:

  • Crossing Black Cat: With this curse, the target you select will see a mysterious black cat out of the corner of their eye. Outside of combat, the target will experience a mild misfortune, such as stubbing
    their toe or being caught in a thunderstorm.
    Inside Combat, you gain 9 Unluck points, when
    the target creature would make any roll you
    can spend any number of points to have them
    reroll the dice a number of times equal the points
    spent and take the result you choose, when used
    on a damage roll 1 point rerolls all damage dice.
  • Under the Ladder: With this curse, the target
    you select will experience a sensation of falling
    within their mind that reflects onto their reality.
    Outside of combat, the target will simply fall prone, and anytime they stand up for the next minute they simply fall prone again. Inside combat, the target will feel as if they fell the maximum falling distance, willingly falling prone and when the target would be knocked prone or experience fall damage in the next minute, they take an additional 50d8 psychic damage.

  • Indoor Umbrella: With this curse, when the selected target would experience something those close to them will as well. Outside of combat, creatures of your choice that are within or have been within 30 feet of the target for the next hour experience all sensations they experience as if they were them. Inside combat, when the target would be attacked or placed under an effect, you can choose any number of creatures within 30 feet to suffer the effects as well as if they were the target.
  • Break a Leg: With this curse, you can grant major success at the cost of cursing said target. You grant the selected creature automatic success on the next check, attack roll, or saving throw they make, however you must choose one condition to grant them the maximum ranks of as well, this condition ignores resistance and immunity. Additionally, the condition lasts until the target activates the automatic success, after which the condition will last its usual duration.
  • Wet Hair in the Rain: With this curse, you select multiple targets at once, all of said targets gain vulnerability to the last type of damage they have taken, until the end of your next turn.
  • Witches' Vengeance: One of the oldest curses in the book. Select one creature you have seen in person before, the target of this curse is polymorphed into that creature until you break
    concentration or
    they learn a
    valuable life

Projection Sorcery

Editorial Position

Animating at 6th level, you have become so fluid in predetermined movement that upon the activation of your technique your life ceases to be your own, instead it becomes a story of your own creation, with you: the main character, and all others: background noise, granting access to the following art:

It's Never Gojover!

You have become so prolific a storyteller that you can rival some of the greatest long running shows like Wyvern Orb S or Triple Part, allowing you to keep upping the ante and always do something bigger than before, replace the effects of 24 FPS Rule's successive uses with the following:

  • For every Successive Use the number your movement speed is multiplied by increases by 1.
  • After 2 Successive Uses, if you would be subject to an effect with a saving throw that still deals damage or effects on a success, you instead suffer no damage or effects on a success.
  • Every 2 Successive Uses, you gain another additional Bonus Action.
  • Every 3 Successive Uses, you gain an additional Reaction to use for Snapshot Edit.
  • Every 4 Successive Uses, you gain another additional Action
  • After 5 Successive Uses, actions you take cannot be reacted to, twice per turn.

Additionally, while under the effects of 24 FPS Rule you replace the benefits of Momentum Building:

  • After 1 Successive Use, for every 10ft you move, you deal an additional 1 bonus damage on your next melee attack.
  • After 2 Successive Uses, for every 50ft you move, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls.
  • After 3 Successive Uses, for every 100ft you move, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC and saving throws.

These benefits last until the end of your turn.

Snapshot Edit

Classification: Projection Art
Casting Time: Special
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: 5 Cursed Energy
Keywords: Jujutsu
Description: To cast this art you must be under the effects of 24 FPS Rule. With all 24 Frames before you, finally you can make your perfect sequence! But others still taint your perfect sequence! You! The main character! Unacceptable! To stop this you can perform the following edits:

  • 1 Action

    • Jump Cut: You can choose to cut forward, roll 1d4, including your turn you can jump through the initiative a number of turns you choose up to the number rolled.
    • Montage: You can cut back into the past to showcase a journey of growth for you and your allies. Once cast, if any party members have Downtime or Ryo to spend on items and training they can do so now as if they had already done it before entering this initiative.
  • 1 Bonus Action

    • Rushed Deadline: You can cut only yourself forward, rushing your growth quick enough that outside viewers would be left confused. Your successive uses increase by 1.
    • Extra Screen Time: You can choose one target within range to give up to two of your Actions or Bonus Actions to, you lose those actions as if you had spent them and the target gains them at the start of their next turn.
  • 1 Reaction

    • Continuity Error: As a Reaction, to being damaged or targeted by an effect you can manipulate the scene to strangely cut things from your frames. Once this effect is cast the attack or effect responsible simply disappears in the next panel and none of its effects occur, if this is not possible due to some vastly powerful effect you remove yourself from the scene until the triggering action is completed fully, at which point your return. This reaction can be taken during 24 FPS Rule regardless of any planned reactions or not.

Ten Shadows

With This Treasure...

Once you have descended to the depths of 6th level, you have dived deep within the abyss, reaching the darkest depths of your soul and uncovering the most powerful shikigami in your arsenal, you gain access to the final summoning art:

Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga

Classification: Summoning Art
Casting Time: 1 Full-Turn Action
Range: 10 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: Special(100 Cursed Energy)
Keywords: Jujutsu, Shadow Shikigami
Description: The only shikigami to never have been tamed by any previous user of the Ten Shadows technique, a creature so resilient it may just be immortal. When you cast this art you speak an incantation: "With this Treasure I summon.." as a line of toad and wolf shikigami appear in front of you howling in reverence of their general as behind you the form of a muscular purely white creature
appears, with the body of a man and a head
like a snake, wings for eyes and a wheel
behind its head. This shikigami uses the
Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila
Divine General Mahoraga

Finally, when summoning Mahoraga
for an exorcism ritual you do not
spend any Cursed Energy as
merely summoning this beast
surges your cursed energy through
a binding vow, as attempting to kill it
with your meager power is suicide.
However once tamed you must
expend the cost listed in the art.

Partial Summoning

If by some miracle you are able to tame this powerful beast alone you become capable of using Unstable Summoning with it just like any other Shikigami, however instead of being able to take its actions or act like it specifically when you cast that art you can choose to focus on Mahoraga alone, for the duration of the art Mahoraga's wheel appears behind your head and stays there until you end the art, if you had concentrated on that art for a minute you can summon Mahoraga as part of dispelling the art, otherwise you must take the Full-Turn Action to summon it. However if Mahoraga is summoned while you are concentrating on Unstable Summoning In this way, the art immediately ends and Mahoraga immediately adapts to all phenomena you had suffered while concentrating on the art as if it was you.

Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga

Large Shadow Shikigami
Tenacity Die: 22   Prof: +11

  • Armor Class 44   DR: 30
  • Hit Points 1220
  • Speed 540ft.

30(+10) 18 (+4) 26 (+8) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (+0)

  • Saving Throws: All
  • Skills Athletics(Str) +21, Insight(Wis) +16, Martial Arts(Str) +21, Perception(Wis) +16
  • Damage Immunities Chakra(Mahoraga does not possess chakra and as such cannot take chakra damage or be affected by any chakra reducing based effects).

Body of a Man. Mahoraga can select a number of Taijutsu and Bukijutsu that can be used with a slashing weapon, equal to its proficiency bonus of any rank. Mahoraga can cast these jutsu at will and always at S-Rank, using its Sword of Extermination as both its unarmed and weapon damage.

Wheel of Adaptation. Mahoraga has the ability to adapt to any and all phenomena it has been exposed to. When Mahoraga is hit, damaged by, placed under, or otherwise be exposed to any kind of effect it will record what it was exposed to and at the start of its next turn, or end of its turn if exposed to an effect during its turn, the wheel behind its head will turn and begin adaptation.
Once the wheel turns:

  • First, any current or maximum hit points Mahoraga is missing are restored, if Mahoraga is at 0 hit points but not destroyed, disintegrated, etc this effect still activates and Mahoraga is revived.
  • Second, if it took damage it becomes resistant to that damage type and when he would be reduced to 0 hit points by that damage type he will not die, instead he will simply stay at 1 hit point.
  • Third, Mahoraga removes any and all conditions or prolonged effects it is currently under and becomes immune to all the removed conditions or prolonged effects.
  • Fourth, Mahoraga adapts to the specific phenomena of the effects it has been exposed to, this includes any specific effects of the art, jutsu, feature, etc that it has been exposed to, e.g. If an effect would ignore resistance then Mahoraga will adapt to said effect and can no longer have its resistance ignored, or if an effect would cause Mahoraga's attack to miss or become unable to hit then Mahoraga will now ignore those effects. Additionally, Mahoraga does not need to fully suffer an effect, for example if Mahoraga is hit with an effect that would cause instant death on a failed save and it succeeds the saving throw it still becomes immune to instant death effects.

Spiritual Exterminator. When Mahoraga deals damage and it would be resisted, reduced, ignored, or otherwise circumvented it also records the effect and once its wheel turns it will adapt and overcome said effect, e.g. if Mahoraga deals damage to a creature that is resistant or immune then upon adaptation Mahoraga will ignore resistance or immunity.

Wild Spirit. Mahorage uses its own Proficiency bonus but your Jujutsu Attack Bonus and Save DC.


Multiattack. Mahoraga can make two attacks with its Sword of Extermination.

Sword of Extermination. Melee Weapon Attack, reach 10ft., one target. Hit 12d12 + 21 piercing damage, this attack is infused with positive energy, causing all Cursed Spirits, Demons, and Undead to take double damage from this attack, but all other creatures to take half, once it attacks a creature that takes half it will switch to regular cursed energy, removing this additional effect until it attacks a Cursed Spirit, Demon, or Undead.


Counterstrike. As a Reaction to being targeted by an attack or forced to make a saving throw, Mahoraga can strike out against the effect to deflect it. Mahoraga makes an attack roll against the opposing attack roll or the effect save DC, if its roll is higher the attacks misses or the effect is negated as Mahoraga knocks it to the side, if successfully deflected Mahoraga gains an additional Reaction to use this reaction again.