The Adventure Starts Here

Ordillias is a world of knights and nobles, ancient terrors and powerful gods.
Wild tribes roam the northern wilderness, industrious civilisation spreads from the West while Elves and Dwarves weather the steady march of progress in sacred woodland groves and halls of iron and stone.
Plots and intrigue surround kings and barons as soldiers and commoners march to war against an ever present threat.

Welcome, traveller, to Ordillias and it's realms within.



The World and it's Setting

Our adventure is set in a low fantasy medieval world. Magic and monsters do exist here, but if you read on you will come to understand that Ordillias is not quite the same as many other Dungeons and Dragons settings.
Although our game is indeed one of fantasy, many steps have been taken to encourage and foster a feeling of realism in both the world and inhabitants. Worry not, dear adventurer, this is still the game you know and love, only with changes and omissions to set the scene.

                                KNIGHT OF ADAMAR

Limitations of the Setting

To fully realise a bustling medieval society, there will be some, or even many, limitations to play.
First of these will be character race and class.

Races available to players creating characers for this adventure are limited to:

  • Human (No limit)
  • Elf (Two per party max)
  • Halfling (One per party max)
  • Dwarf (Two per party max)

The party must consist mainly of human members with one or two other races.

Classes available to players for character creation for this adventure are limited to:

  • Fighter (No limit)
  • Ranger (No limit)
  • Cleric (No limit)
  • Barbarian (One per party)
  • Rogue (One per party)
  • Bard (One per party)
  • Paladin (One per party)
  • Druid (One per party)
  • Sorcerer (One per party)
  • Warlock (One per party)
  • Wizard (One per party)

This limitation is for reasons of both narative and mechanics. Arcane magic is outlawed in The Realms and non-human races often suffer open hostility, so choose your class and race wisely and with this knowledge in mind. (Druid and Cleric magic is considered celestial not arcane.)



Life in a Medieval World

The Realms, which is the name given to the main continental landmass of Ordillias and where the bulk of our journeys will be set, is a collection of feudal Dukedoms, Duchies and Earldoms. The continent is vast, stretching from the frigid northern wastes to the tropical southern islands.
The peoples, of whom you will become familier should you read on, vary markedly in their speech and customs.
Religion is a large part of the way of life in The Realms, and with it comes it's own set of problems...
Society is largely dictated by those of noble bloodlines or through the ever watchful powers of The Church.

Trials and tribulations of the age

As our adventure seeks to mirror many of the major aspects of medieval life, there will be themes of a darker nature that some may find unsettling. Due to this, I ask you, dear player, to consider what you are comfortable with and to make your feelings known before our party sets foot upon Ordillian soil.

Possible themes may include difficult issues such as:

  • Drug & alcohol use and abuse
  • Slavery and ownership of humans & other races
  • Explicit language & (fantasy) slurs
  • Racism toward humans and non-humans*
  • Torture & descriptions of severe injury
  • Religious persecution & anti-religion

This is NOT an excuse for players to roleplay dark fantasies. These guidelines stand as a warning of DM content, the themes used are for narrative purposes only.
*Racism and slurs will be fantasy only. Any real world racism or slurs will result in immidiate exclusion.

Character realism

When you create your characters, there is an expectation of realistic portrayal. This includes backgrounds, skill and tool choices, balance of combat and non-combat abilities, even choice of character portraits. This is a medieval low fantasy setting, think GoT meets LotR. Manga or otherwise foolish portraits are unacceptable. Please strive to provide a portrait that fits with the theme of the adventure.
If you are unsure, use the art in
this booklet for reference.

Your character(s) should be of
adventuring age: 19 or older.
He/she should be from this
world and have skills, class,
religion and language(s) that
fit with the choices as detailed
In the 'Peoples of Ordillias' section.

Things are a little restricted, but
there are also additions added
that are not in the standard game
available to you to choose from.
Ordillias has a vibrant cast of
characters whom call it home,
from cattle drovers to crusading
knights and everything in between.
Something for every taste!

A final note on realism

Although much effort has been put in to faithfully recreate a working medieval setting, some historical truths are not going to be told in our story. Sexism is not tollerated.
The role of women will be exactly as that of men.
There will be no themes of a sexual nature



Creating a party

As alluded to in the section 'The World and it's Setting', there are a number of differences in this campaign regarding character choice etc. In this section we will delve in to character and party creation for The Realms of Ordillias.

Please, dear adventurer, don't be disheartened if your favourite race or class is unavailable, try something new and you may just surprise yourself... - Adventure awaits!

Party formation

Parties will usually consist of 4-6 members, as detailed previously there are some restrictions on 'exotic' races.
A party of 4 may have ONE elf, dwarf or halfling while a party of 6 may have up to TWO. Exotic races are not common in The Realms and this ruling is in place to reflect that.

Furthermore, a limit of ONE arcane magic-user is set for ANY party size. This can be an exotic race if you choose.
Remember: Arcane magic is Outlawed in most areas of The Realms, openly casting will result in hostile opinion or worse.

Your party formation is up to you as players and should be discussed as a group before characters are even rolled.
You must decide between yourselves who, if anyone, will be an exotic race or the magic-user.
Reccomended but not imperative, is to have a healer and a human 'face' for the party. Of course, this is entirely up to you.

Character Creation

The creation of your character(s) will be done slightly differently and certain limiting rules will apply.
Firstly, we will be limited only to the subclasses available in The Player's Handbook.
Secondly, there will be a substantial amount of homebrew content that must be taken in to consideration when building your character so please familiarise yourself with the content contained within this booklet pertaining to your choices.


  • Use Manual/Rolled for your stats. You have 75 points in total to distribute. Lower limit: 8 - Higher limit: 18
    Racial bonuses are added on top of your 75 points
    (Racial bonuses may not push a score over 20)

  • Languages are to be replaced with those of your race choice from this booklet only.

  • Hit points will be fixed for the entire game, you will always recieve maximum upon level up. On first creation, every character will have a bonus 10 hit points added.

  • Your characters will be leveling using the milestone system.

  • Unless otherwise stated, we will always start at level 1

  • We will only be using backgrounds from The Player's Handbook.

  • Add standard starting equipment for your class as well as any bonus equipment detailed in your racial choice. You may also use up to 25gp (free) to buy miscellaneous items from the standard equipment list.

    DND Beyond is reccomended for character creation.



Class Limitations

The different races in Ordillias are limited in their skills, talents and knowledge. To reflect this, our characters will choose their classes based upon their racial backgrounds. Listed below are the available classes your chosen race may choose from. It may be possible during play to multiclass.


Classes available to Brythonian characters are:
Fighter, Ranger, Cleric, Rogue, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard*

When building a Brythonian character you may choose a feat of your choice at level one, just as standard Human Variant.

  • Brythonian wizards are extremely rare. DM guidance.


Classes available to Goidelic characters are:
Fighter, Ranger, Barbarian, Druid, Bard.

Goidelid characters do not benefit from a feat at first level.


Classes available to Elven characters are:
Fighter, Ranger, Cleric, Druid, Wizard.


Classes available to Dwarven characters are:
Fighter (Anvilmar), Druid (Goldenbeard), Cleric (Both).


Classes available to Halfling characters are:
Fighter, Ranger, Rogue.


Outlanders can choose any permitted class.
They may also take a feat at first level.



House Rules

In an effort to portray a more gritty and realistic setting there will be a number of house rules imposed. These are intended to both reflect the low magic environment as well as create more option for use of tools, skills and abilities.

Healing, potions and hitdice

Healing potions are a very rare commodity in The Realms.
Classic methods of healing are used when magical healing is not available. To this end, Healer's kits will provide healing upon a short rest, if they are administered. (1d6 HP per rest)
Herbalist's Kits may also be used. If used in conjuction with a Healer's Kit, then the 1d6 increases to 1d8 per rest.
If only a Herbalist's kit is used, 1d4 healing per rest.

Hit dice at half your level may be used during a long rest. They will automatically be available for each long rest and can be used in conjuction with both Healer's and Herbalist's Kits. All magical healing is as normal.

Equipment damage

To simulate weapon, armour and equipment damage we will use a simple table based upon the roll of a critical failure.
If you make an attack, throw a rope etc. and roll a 1, there is a chance to damage your weapon or equipment.
Similarly, upon taking critical hits there is a chance of armour damage.
Having backup equipment and party members or hirelings skilled in the various tools and disciplines to repair things is imperative!

Equipment Damage Table
Once critical failure is rolled, reroll a d20.

1-10 No damage
11-15 Slight damage
16-20 Item Breaks

If weapons, armour or equipment break while in the field, they become unusable and must be repaired.
If wearing a shield, you may choose if the shield or armour takes the damage. On a break role, your worn armour drops 2AC rather than becoming completely useless.

Slight damage is repairable by a Player Character with only
simple tools and 10 minutes tinkering time.
Completely broken items, however, must be repaired by a skilled crafts-person, be it a PC or a smith, tanner etc.
Time taken to repair the item will depend on the item and it's complexity.
Magic items are exempt from normal damage

Magic use

Wizard spells are not automatically given at level up. The spells must be bought or found before being transcribed to your spell book. You may choose 8 spells for your 1st level wizard tome. Choose wisely!
All other arcane magic-users progress as normal due to their power being inherant. They are not able to learn spells during the adventure. Only at level up.

Both celestial and arcane magic in Ordillias is tied to the life force of the caster. Cantrips are always free to cast, but higher level spells will result in points of exhaustion for the character. The first two spells cast per day will impose no penalty, but every following spell will incur a point of exhaustion. Level 3 and above spells will result in two points of exhaustion and level 6 spells and above will result in 4 points. A long rest will return three levels of exhaustion rather than only one in the standard game.
Wizards may cast 3 spells per day before suffering any exhaustion.

Spells such as Goodberry, Create Food and Water etc. are not to be used in this campaign. The reason for this is that they detract from roleplay of basic survival, while also making the skills of classes such as ranger defunct.



The Chosen

As the main protagonists of our adventure, your characters are not your average person. Each of you has a destiny to fulfill and a path to find within the world. Even though you may not have met one another before, you are able to see in each other some form of spark, something... Different.

Although you may not know it, or even want to admit it if you do, you all share in something most others never will.
Whether it's magical ability, an ancient bloodline, or even just a sense that you are somehow... Other.

Curiosities and heirlooms

As you begin your adventure, you may choose a unique item from the list below for your character. The item can be linked to your backstory, but must have been given to you or found at some point in your life.
Please keep your choice secret from the other members of your party until roleplayed out in character.


  • An ancient sword of unknown make
  • A ring with illegible markings
  • A lump of amber containing a preserved leaf
  • A key of unknown origin for an unknown lock
  • A map of a place never visited
  • A horn that makes no sound
  • A metal egg, warm to the touch
  • An obsidian arrow, cold to the touch
  • A book written in an unknown language
  • A silver dagger with interesting runes
  • A limb said to be from a sacred tree
  • A necklace made from an unknown tooth
  • A small flask of unknown liquid
  • A strange religious symbol
  • A child's waistcoat with gold embroidery
  • A small black metal rod, about 7" long
  • A brass clockwork contraption
  • A crystal eyeglass with a clouded lens

Magic use continued

Magic users are able to 'up-cast' their spells, meaning that even a level 1 character may cast a spell at a higher level if the spell allows it. However, this always causes a point of exhaustion on top of those relevant to the level of spell cast. Not only that, but for every 2 levels the spell is cast above the spell caster's ability, a permanent physical effect manifests in the character as a result of the drain on their life force.
These are detailed below:
(Previous effects apply)

Over-casting Drain Table

2 levels over spell ability
The character's hair is turned white, they are aged 1d6 years and arcane markings are burned in to their chest and back.

4 levels over spell ability
The character's STR and CON are reduced by 1 point, their base HP is lowered by 2d6.

6 levels over spell ability
The character's mind is fractured, INT & WIZ are lowered to 8.

8 levels over spell ability
The character is killed with no chance of revival. Their soul is consumed by The Weave.

As an example, a 1st level cleric decides to cast Inflict Wounds at 6th level:
Damage potential would be 8d10 necrotic on a successful hit. The cost would be 5 points of exhaustion, and the effects of both level 2 and level 4 on the drain table.



Tools and Skills

Due to the relativly low magic environment and incresed threat level of this adventure, equipping your characters with varied skillsets will be imperitive to your effectivness as an adventuring party. Remember, wagon wheels break, rations run low and equipment needs regular upkeep!
Even the most book learned wizard lacks the knowledge of a skilled carpenter or a time served mason.

Handling skills and tools

We will base our use of tools upon the rules within Xanathar's Guide to Everything, but your characters are not limited to what is contained there. If you provide good reason, and more importantly good roleplay, the use of tools are almost limitless.
For example, it may seem that only a rogue skilled in lockpicking could open a lockbox or door... Why couldn't a skilled woodcrafter understand the mechanism by which the box was locked, or a smith know the weaknesses inhearant in a hingepin? Think on this and use skills to your advantage.

  • If you feel a certain fitting tool or skill is missing, by all means, add a little homebrew of your own

Vehicles and mounts

The continent of Ordillias is expansive, there are vast tracts of land to cover when travelling between The Realms. Wagons, coaches and carts are commonplace, but move much slower in comparison to a fully mounted company. Consideration should be given to how your party intends to travel. Unskilled riders may become a significant burden...

Medieval occupations

Unlike many more fantasy oriented settings, this adventure strives to reproduce a sense of what existence would be in a medieval world. This also means that there is not one blacksmith who works everything. No, there is a farrier, a wainright, a cartwright, a fletcher, a bowyer and so on.
The same can be said for every occupation and not all will be present in every city, town or village.



The World Map

A Great continent streches out before you, vast tracts of land to explore. From lush forests to towering mountain peaks, deadly bad-lands and festering swamps...

The Realms, The Goidelid territories, Brythonia it's self and the darker places of the world where many would never dare to set foot. Will you?
(please visit:




The Peoples of Ordillias

The Brythons

                         HOUSE DE COUR MAN AT ARMS

The Brythons are an industrious race, spread to the continent from their island home in the west, they are masters of technology and warfare.

Knights atop pure-blood chargers equiped with the finest plate mail, men-at-arms in tight ranks brandishing vicious pole weapons... They are both the best and the worst of humanity. Their society is highly religious and ceaselessly warlike, few can stand in the way of their dogmatic onslaught.

The island of Brythonia and it's capitol Brenhinol house both the Royal Family of Umberstar under King Jorwyn III and the Holy Court, the fanatical ecclesiastical centre of worship of Brythonians both to the west and east, in The Realms.

The Royal Family aside, there are eight Great Houses whom head the feudal system of lesser nobles from seats of power in their baronies and earldoms, each one a demi-capitol in it's own right. Heavily fortified and boasting large standing armies, these would-be centres of power are the Brythonian's perminant mark of ownership upon the continent.

In the thousand years since The Fall of The Empire, the Brythons have expanded steadily outward and now occupy nearly every corner of the continent. The Realms function like petty-kingdoms, each one acting autonomously with it's own customs and cultures, those closest to the west remain much like their overseas cousins, while others further afield have picked up various foreign influences over the centuries.

Brythonian history, religion and many aspects of their culture have direct connection to their Imperial forebears. The language of lore-keeping and matters of a celestial nature are still conducted in Old Imperial. When The Empire died out on the continent Brythonia was still a thriving province, in some ways they are a continuation, but in others they are something new.



House St. Lucas

The second oldest house after Umberstar, House St. Lucas resides in their holdings of Tir Awyr on the Pensiarc peninsula. The head of the house is Duke Alwyn St. Lucas. His spouce is Duchess Margot St. Lucas, they have three young children; Alwyn, Cormyn and Yole.

Margot is previously of House De Cour, both houses sport the fleur du lys upon their crests as a symbol of this union.

Surrounded on all sides by water save for the thin neck of land bordering the Goidellic teritories, The Pellinvale is heavily forested and wild. Regular skirmishes break out between the tribes to the north-east and the men of 'The Vale'. Reknown for their skill in both archery and navigating the wild-lands, Vale-men and women make excellent Rangers. Although theirs is a smaller provence of The Realms, they can boast the tightest borders. The fell creatures of the Bitterspine mountains rarely stray too close.
Ancient yew groves supply those of The Vale with staves of unparalleled quality, archery truly is in the blood in this realm with children being taught to shoot by the time they can walk.

  • Culture tip: Welsh


Stat increases - +1 to DEX & WIZ
Bonus proficiencies - SURVIVAL, PERCEPTION
Languages - Brythonic, Goidellic (Optional)

Bonus starting item(s) -
Pellinvale Yew Longbow (+1 Damage)



House Adamar

Third oldest and fiercely independent, House Adamar takes holding at Heuvelhâld in the highlands of the Sägezahn peninsula. The head of the house is Baron Kristoff Adamar. An ageing widower, he has no spouce or heirs.

Baron Adamar enjoys nearly exclusive audience with the Anvilmar Dwarves of the Sawtooth mountains.

Bordering both the Dwarven lands and the Badlands, Karst is both a beautiful and forbidding place. Great plains extend as far as the eye can see in the south while deep seemingly impenetrable forest surrounds the impressive mountainous region of the interior. The twin rivers Ovel and Host snake their way down from the peaks encircling Heuvelhâld and it's fertile plains.
The people of Karst, known as Hochländers, are stout and capable. Many of them, including the womenfolk, stand at over six feet tall. Their great mills keeping them well fed and water-powered machines hammering fine plate, these industrious people want for little from the other provences. Having spent some number of centuries in close proximity to the Dwarves, they have developed a distinct dialect of Brythonic. That and a love of strong ale.

  • Culture tip: Germanic


Stat increases - +1 to STR & CON
Bonus proficiencies - ATHLETICS, INTIMIDATION
Languages - Brythonic, Dwarvish (Optional)

Bonus starting item(s) -
Half Plate



House De Cour

A mixture of the Old Imperium ways and western Brythonic, House De Cour resides at Goudelion in the rolling pastureland and oak forests of the Orneilles peninsula. The head of the house is Duke Jaques De Cour. Duchess Martine was one a commoner, but since rising the social ranks has borne two children; Margot and Augustus.

The Duke has taken ill of late and Lady Martine tends to much of the courtly duties. Despite her modest backgroud she is a capable leader and is much beloved by her people.

The people of Orneilles are known for three things; religious devotion, chivalric tournaments and the strongest navy in Ordillias. The groves of centuries old oaks that surround the open pastureland of the peninsula provide some of the toughest timber known in The Realms. Orneillian society is very organised, most learn to ride and fight from horseback at an early age. Due to this Orneillians can think themselves above the other realms, both culturally and religiously superior. Despite this, any would welcome the unmistakable sound of Les Chevalier atop their chargers coming to aid.

  • Culture tip: French


Stat increases - +1 to INT & CHA
Languages - Brythonic, Old Imperial (Optional)

Bonus starting item(s) -
Horse, riding
Saddle, Riding



House Rośmir

Heavily Elven influenced in centuries past, House Rośmir rules from Sosnagrod, nestled between the river Salga and the vast coniferous forests of the land. The head of the house is Countess Kasia Rośmir. The countess has twin sons; Tomas and Lukas who are in their early twenties.

Countess Kasia rules Myrsovia with an iron fist, she is known to be something of a tyrant. Count Olaf was lost at sea, a fate Kasia continues to blame on House Thoros.

Beset both to the east and south, Myrsovians find themselves hemmed in to their forested homeland. The borderlands to the south lost over a century ago along with the cities of Solsov and Rehm, are now thrall under the power of The Bonelands. The Countess focuses the effort of her hussars in the north-west in conjuction with riders of House Erosar. The corridor of land known as 'The Neck' provides the only lifeline in and out of the realm.
Mysovians themselves are a hardy and resourceful people. Famine and sickness have taught most how to live off the land and survive with little. This has given them a reputation as a hard and sometimes cruel people, however they are still highly respected for their tenacity and skill-at-arms.

  • Culture tip: Slavic


Stat increases - +1 to DEX & CON
Bonus proficiencies - SURVIVAL, NATURE
Languages - Brythonic, Elvish (Optional)

Bonus starting item(s) -
Scale mail
Composite Short Bow (+20 ft range)



House Erosar

The only Brythonic House to be inter-married with a Goidelic clan, House Erosar rules Tallatheros on it's high hill overlooking the grasslands of The Reach. The head of the house is Earl Æthelsar. His marriage to Chieftess Isla of Clan Ithantys solitifies the union of the two.
House and clan having been intermarried for centuries can almost be considered one entity, however due to cultural and language differences, there are still defining lines.

Vast swathes of grassy plain stretch in all directions, the land flat and barren save the clusters of hilly groud around Tallatheros. It is easy to see why it is sometimes reffered to as "The Great Grass Sea". The only way to travese The Reach is by horseback or with the long slow carriage-trains that snake their way through the endless green. It is commonplace for children to ride before they can walk, often producing the finest riders in all The Realms.
Those of The Reach share a bond with their steeds unlike any other. They have been known to put themselves in harms way without thought to ensure the wellbeing of a horse.
With their link to Clan Ithantys, many believe Reach-folk share in the worship of the Goidelic animalistic gods.

  • Culture tip: Anglo-Saxon

Rider of the Reach

Stat increases - +1 to DEX & STR
Bonus proficiencies - ANIMAL HANDLING (expert)
Languages - Brythonic, Goidelic

Bonus starting item(s) -
Chain mail
Horse, riding
Saddle, Riding



House Estraii

The most heaviliy influenced by reminants of The Empire, House Estraii resides at Casambar, the former capitol of The Empire, now renamed. The head of the house is Duke Tolvus. Known as 'The Mad Duke', Tolvus never married. He is prone to bouts of extreme exuberance that quickly shifts to long periods of depression.

Due to the duke's condition, the realm is mainly overseen by The 'Consell dels Savis' a group of lesser nobles whose conflicting interests often end in misery for the commoners.

A large realm of sun-scorched plateaus and dusty savannahs, Vellpaísa would seem an unlikely centre for trade. The laws of the land as they are, however, facilitate a bustling merchant economy. If it's made in The Realms, you can be sure to find it in the bazars and caravans of the mechants here. With a price tag that reflects it's rarity, of course.
As a people, Vellpaísians are generally quick-witted and shrewd. Although many spices and aromatics are sourced in the region, bulk foodstuffs are harder to come by and must be traded for on a daily basis, to haggle is to live.
Trade and ingenuity have lead to multiple discoveries, including gunpowder and simple steam machines.

  • Culture tip: Latin


Stat increases - +1 to DEX & INT
Languages - Brythonic, Old Imperial

Bonus starting item(s) -
Merchant's Scales



House Thoros

Something of an oddity in the structure of The Realms, House Thoros are the reminants of some of the first Brythons to venture out after The Fall. They retain the name of Baernon Thoros, the expedition leader whom centuries ago first landed upon the island which also bears his name. Those of House Thoros have no power structure similar to others, they rely solely on 'The Code' to maintain balance and resolve differences between islanders.

Centuries of isolation has resulted in mistrust of others.
The island nation is not only fiercely independent but often outright hostile toward those on the continent. Known as 'Reavers' to many, Thorossian warships are known to pilliage costal towns and on occasion take captives to replenish their ranks. The island is a harsh place with little fertile ground. Vigul, the singular centre of dense population, is more a large shanty-town than a real city.
Many Thorossians do not worship Primus, instead preferring the raw power of the Goidelic god and her link to nature and the power of the sea. As a result magic is not outlawed on Thoros, power is respected in all forms.

  • Culture tip: Cultural Melting pot (any)


Stat increases - +1 to two stats of choice
Bonus prof. - Vehicle Proficiency: Water + 1 choice
Languages - Brythonic, +1 choice

Bonus starting item(s) -
Navigator's tools
Fishing Tackle



House Borae

A younger off-shoot of House De Cour, House Borae presides over Makael, the sprawling city held aloft on stilts over the relentless swampland of the Boyan peninsula. The head of the house is Grand Mayor Guidry Borae. Not officially recognised as a Great House, Mayor Borae is thought of by many as a sniveling try-hard. Not only is he weak of character, his repulsive appearance turns both stomachs and opinions.

Long known as The Fellmirk, the land of the Boyan peninsula is not only a festering swamp, plagued by insects and ancient reptiles, it is also an area of deep corruption of a magical nature. Fell waters and fetid winds flow from The Bonelands bringing disease and suffering to those unfortunate enough to call this place home.
The Fell-folk as they are known, often exhibit the symptoms of infection and disease. In constant pain and discomfort, they are often open to anything to ease their suffering.
Worship of Salwch, The Blightmother, is commonplace in The Fellmirk, and with it the illicit use of dark magics that promise to cure infection and heal weeping sores. But like anything, these remidies come at a cost...

  • Fell-folk always roll at disadvantage for social CHA
  • Culture tip: Cajun


Stat increases - +2 to CON +1 to WIZ -2 to CHA
Bonus proficiencies - MEDICINE, SURVIVAL
Languages - Brythonic, Old Imperial (optional)

Bonus starting item(s) -
Healer's Kit
Poison Vial (3 uses, 1d12 poison damage)



The Peoples of Ordillias

The Goidelids

                      BERSERKER OF CLAN ULFANDIR

The Goidelids see themselves as 'The First People', they have occupied the continent since before the times of The Empire, outlasting both The Fall and the coming of the Brythonic settlers. A wild and tenacious people, they are rumoured to hold both elvish and dwarvish blood in their veins. Unlike the Brythonic newcomers, they pray to Anu - The Earth Mother. An ancient and powerful god, She is manifest in the rivers, rocks and trees of the land.

Seen through the eyes of Brythons, Goidelids appear technologically retarded. They have no great power of industry or systems of government, rather they organise themselves around a clan system of family ties and kinship. Chieftain or chieftess effect complete rule over their clans and are responsible for every matter from simple civil dispute to leading their armies in times of war.

Fewer in number and at a disadvantage technologically, Goidelids have weathered the encroaching tides of outsiders not only due to their fighting prowess and powerful nature magics, but also as a result of geography. The Goidelid territories are protected by the vast Bitterspine mountain range. It's interior no less difficult to traverse for any invading army due to lack of established roads and infrastructure.

Far in the frigid north lies the centre of Goidelid power.
The Goilandir, something between a High Chief and a conduit of the power of Anu, is rumoured to be almost as ancient as the people themselves. It is not known whether this powerful presence is male, female or even human at all. A great oak four times the size of it's oldest bretheren stands within a clearing amidst the perpetual winter. Although in this place the land is fertile and warm, as if shielded somehow from the bitter outside world.
This is The Heart of The Goilandir, the place from which this entity makes it's wishes known to the druids and faithful.

  • Goidelids refuse metal armour, rather they tattoo, paint or scarify their bodies with protective markings. (+2 to base AC when unarmoured, +1 in natural armour)



Clan Berath

Chieftess Fionn leads her people from the banks of the Pitculoch river. Crannog Tir, an impressive system of fortified roundhouses situated atop tall piles set in to the riverbed is the ancestral home of Clan Berath.
The Chieftess has an infant son, Ruaidhrí. Bearing a birthmark in the shape of a triskelion on his chest, the young boy is said to be a chosen of Anu. However Fionn fears the day he must leave and begin his service to The Goilandir.

The large forested valleys and sweeping scree-laden slopes act as natural fortification in The Glens. The Pitculoch river, fast flowing and up to six hundred feet wide in places is the main route for trade and travel. Bordered by the Bitterspines, Ironhorns and the The Whispering Mountian, this area is extremely well protected from outside incursions.
Members of Clan Berath are skilled guerilla fighters, adept in stealth and skirmish tactics. They have long been the eyes and ears of The Clans providing not only the first line of defence but also gathering information on all and any external threat.

  • Culture tip: Pictish


Stat increases - +2 to DEX +1 to any choice
Bonus proficiencies - STEALTH, SURVIVAL
Languages - Goidelic, Brythonic

Innate Ability -
You may cast Longstrider as a bonus action once per short rest. Only to be cast on yourself.



Clan Ulfandir

Chief Gunnar Ulfandir rules over Kallrivare from his hiltop fortress of Logrlandyr. A distinguished warrior, he is both feared and respected by his people.
Chief Gunnar and his wife Ingrid have a young son Alve and a young daughter Wilda.

Gunnar, although advancing in years, still leads raiding parties and expeditions. Much to his young wife's distaste.

A land of snow, forest and rivers. The north of the territory is perpetually blanketed in a thick layer of snow, but to the south seasons of sorts provide a thaw giving the population a short farming window. The large number of rivers are used both for travel and as a plentyful food source. Members of Clan Ulfandir are without a doubt the best sailors among The Clans. During the long winters they often form raiding parties who head south looking for oppertunistic bounties in the form of poorly defended costal towns or monastic communities. Hardy and strong, Kallrivarens make for fearsome opponents, many flee before their longships even make land. Such is their reputation.

  • Culture tip: Norse


Stat increases - +2 to STR +1 to any choice
Bonus proficiencies - ATHLETICS, INTIMIDATION,
Languages - Goidelic, Brythonic

Innate Ability -
Resistance to cold damage.



Clan Ithantys

Chieftess Isla, being married in to House Erosar, does not rest on her haunches due to her position. A capable warrior, she also serves as the main liaison between the Goidelic Clans and the Brythonic Houses.
The union of Ithantys and Erosar has proven to reduce tensions over the years. Since the two have been joined there has been no all out war between Goidelid and Brython, although border skirmishes are still commonplace.

The teritory of Ferann borders Brythonic, Elven and Dwarvish lands. Due to this, the city of Feurach Mora has historically been chosen as meeting grounds for diplomacy between the races.
Tradition and kinship are important in Feranian culture, the history of The Clans is kept in the sagas and songs of the people and are greatly respected. The 'Òran Sgoinneil'
or Great Song is held here twice per year at which
new tales of accomplishment or tragedy are
added to the annals of the people.

  • Culture tip: Gael


Stat increases - +2 to CHA +1 to any choice
Bonus proficiencies - PERFORMANCE, HISTORY
Languages - Goidelic, Brythonic, Elvish, Dwarvish

Innate Ability -
Can cast Friends once per long rest.

  • Feranians unlike other Goidelids often choose to wear metal armour.



Clan Morrigan

Rather than a traditional clan, Morrigan is a collection
of those born of other clans but marked with The
Triskelion. Maybe one in every few thousand
bear this mark, a blessing for some and a
curse for others.
In Goidelic society those marked are seen
as the chosen of Anu. When they come of
age they are sent to Gleann Naomh to begin
their training in the druidic arts.

Strictly off limits to those outside the druidic orders, The Circle lies at the heart of Gleann Naomh. Maighstirs, as they are known, are those who have completed their training and are tasked with protecting the teritories and persuing the interests of The Goilandir outside Goidelic lands.
Even Brythons show respect to Maighstirs of the Circle, perhaps a distant memory of their display of power during more troubled times, or perhaps they are simply seen as the elite of Goidelic culture. Whatever it is, the wisdom and level headedness of The Maighstirs command respect from all.

  • Culture tip: Celtic


Stat increases - +2 to WIZ +1 to any choice
Bonus proficiencies - MEDICINE, ARCANA
Languages - Goidelic, Brythonic, Elvish, Dwarvish

Innate Ability -
Can cast Pass Without Trace once per long rest.

  • Maighstirs can only choose the Druid class



The Peoples of Ordillias

The Elves


Elves are a rare sight indeed within both The Realms and Goidelic Territories. Stories can last generations before they are re-kindled by the arrival of a fair-faced stranger.

Over a thousand years ago, at the beginning of The Fall of the Empire, the Old Houses of the elves broke contact with human-kind. A century long war with Imperial forces still not forgotten. Their hands forced, the Elven Lords made the ultimate sacrafice to ensure the protection of their people and to safeguard their ageless secrets from the ceaseless greed of The Ordillian Empire.

So it was the City of Light, jewel of the elves, was cast in to the sea. This act, known to all elves as 'The Song of Sorrow' broke the realms of The High Elves from those of humanity. Ever since the great song was sung, barriers both magical and physical prevent all and any outsiders from entering the realms of The High Elves.

Those remaining on the continent, Andril and Vath'ilir, have forged their own path. Over the centuries both houses have formed their own singular identity and no longer look to the Royal House of Elves for leadership.

Elves have a number of abilities that set them apart from other humanoid races. They are agile and dexterous creatures, quick to notice danger and react to it.

Many elves do not sleep, instead finding their rest in a meditative state called "reverie", which is as restful as true sleep but leaves them aware of their surroundings. Elves tend to make strong and uplifting friends. Most elves love simple joys such as dancing, singing, footraces, or contests of skill. They have a natural aversion to that which they see as uninteresting tasks and are fun-loving by nature. However, despite how unpleasant some things such as war can be, elves become grimly serious if a threat to their friends, family, or livelihood make such actions necessary.



House Evenaris

This most ancient house has at it's head Lord Callon Evenaris. Even for an elf he has enjoyed a long life. Far before the empire of men ruled Ordillias, Lord Callon walked the earth and studied it's secrets. Now in his twilight years, he shows little interest in the happenings outside of Morfimben.

Home to the greatest library in the known world, Morfimben and it's high city of Glîrphen stand as a shining example of the elven race. The Evenar see themselves as keepers of knowledge and protectors of arcane secrets. Their society could be called a magocracy, although the idea of rule is not particularly applicable here due to every member accepting their place in society and fulfilling their duty as part of a greater whole.

It is unusual for Evenar to leave their realm, but on occasion few may venture to the continent in search of ancient artifacts or knowledge thought too dangerous to be stumbled upon by the lesser races.
It should be said that the Evenar remain deeply distrustful of humanity and it's ability to bring chaos in to their world of balance and order.
Of all the elven houses, Evenaris is the most powerful.

  • Culture tip: Sun Elves


Stat increases - +2 to DEX +2 to INT
Bonus proficiencies - ARCANE (expert)
Languages - Brythonic, Elvish, +1 of choice

Racial Traits:
Darkvision, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance



House Andril

The deep forested realms where the elves of house Andril
range are ruled over by the King & Queen of the forest.
Phyla, Queen of the Andrili and Sylus, her king.


  • Culture tip: Wood Elves


Stat increases - +2 to DEX +2 to WIZ
Bonus proficiencies - NATURE (expert)
Languages - Brythonic, Elvish

Racial Traits:
Darkvision, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance



House Selune

A mixture of the Old Imperium ways and western Brythonic, House De Cour resides at Goudelion in the rolling pastureland and oak forests of the Ornelles peninsula. The head of the house is Duke Jaques De Cour. Duchess Martine was one a commoner, but since rising the social ranks has borne two children; Margot and Augustus.

The Duke has taken ill of late and Lady Martine tends to much of the courtly duties. Despite her modest backgroud she is a capable leader and is much beloved by her people.

The people of Ornelles are known for three things; religious devotion, chivalric tournaments and the strongest navy in Ordillias. The groves of centuries old oaks that surround
the open pastureland of the peninsula provide some of
the toughest timber known in The Realms. Doors to
Ornellian strongholds have turned the heaviest of
rams. This is a good thing for them as they
share the longest border with The Bad-lands
and although defences are stalwart, rare
raiding parties manage to make it to the
heartland interior of the emerald green
realm. Always, however to be routed.

  • Culture tip: Moon Elves


Stat increases - +2 to DEX +2 to WIZ
Bonus proficiencies - RELIGION (expert)
Languages - Brythonic, Elvish

Racial Traits:
Darkvision, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance



House Vath'ilir

Lord Ithirith Vath'ilir is something of a king in the perpetual twilight realm of Vath-Teris. Unlike other Elven Houses, those of this house are ruled with iron fist.

Savagery and cruelty are commonplace in Vath-Teris. Intruders are dealt with swftly and without mercy. It is extremely rare to see Vath outside their own realm, as they themselves are prisoners of their lord. Escapees are hunted and slaughtered where they stand, scapled as proof.

  • Culture tip: Dark Elves

  • Savage Shape
    Vath Elves are able, once per long rest, to change their form to reflect their savage nature. The ability lasts up to 1 hour and takes an action to perform. Savage Shape can be dropped at will using a bonus action.

Stat increases - +2 to DEX -4 to CHA
Bonus proficiencies - SURVIVAL (expert)
Languages - Brythonic, Elvish, Goidelic

Racial Traits:
Darkvision, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance,
Cold Resistence, Sunlight Sensitivity.

Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. You may make 2 attacks per turn.

While in your Savage Shape and wearing no armour you gain 10 temporary hitpoints, +2 to AC and 10 extra feet of movment.



The Peoples of Ordillias

The Dwarves


Dwarves in Ordillias are rarely seen outside their mountain strongholds. Long tired of the affairs of men, trade for grain and other foodstuffs is usually the only reason they have for surfacing. Over-land travel between clans happens, but is a rare occurance. Seeing a dwarf in a human settlement is often cause for rumour and, at times, suspicion.

Dwarves highly value the ties between family members and friends, weaving tightly knit clans. Dwarves particularly respect elders, from whom they expect sound leadership and the wisdom of experience, as well as ancestral heroes or clan founders. This idea carries on to relations with other races and dwarves are deferential even to the elders of another, non-dwarven race.

Likewise, dwarves, perhaps moreso than most other races, turn to their god for guidance and protection. They look to the divine for comfort and inspiration. Individual dwarves might be faithless, but the race as a whole have a strong inclination for religion and every community maintains at least one temple or ancestral shrine.

Most dwarven societies are divided into clans built along family ties and political allegiances. These clans are usually led by hereditary rulers, often monarchs of a sort and descended from the founder of the clan. Dwarves strongly value loyalty to these rulers and to the clan as a whole and even objective dwarves tend to side primarily with their kin over other races or communities.

Most dwarven clans focus on one or two kinds of crafting, such as blacksmithing, jewelry, engineering, or masonry. Dwarves strive to avoid overspecialization by sending some of their youths to other clans to serve as apprentices, which also helps foster racial unity. Because of their longevity, these apprenticeships might last decades.

  • Dwarven characters may expect a small amount of animosity due to their rarity. But on the whole are respected by human communities.



Goldenbeard Clan

Noranwae Barreltoe leads The Goldenbeard Clan. An aged dwarf of considerable years, she is extremely wise and decerning. The clan is made up entirely of dwarven women, having left their men-folk behind centuries ago.
The name it's self 'Goldenbeard' is an indication of the contempt these dwarven women have for their counterparts. Tired of incessant conversations of gold, battle and beards, the women of Clan Anvilmar up and left. They formed their clan and settled the Ironhorns in the Goidelic Territories. Goldenbeard dwarves worship Anu, the Goddess of The Goidelids rather than Baliol, God of dwarves.

Unlike the other clans, The Goldenbeards do not
occupy great halls of stone under mountains. Their settlements are built from wood in the foothills of The Ironhorns. Small hilltop communities of no more than fifty members strewn throughout the highlands. They live a life
of self imposed solitude, tending to their herds of Ironhorn goats, large creatures with stubborn personalities that
almost match that of the the dwarves who shepherd them.

  • Culture tip: Hill Dwarf

Goldenbeard Dwarf

Stat increases - +2 to CON & WIZ
Bonus resistances - Half damage from magic,
Dwarven Resilience, Darkvision.
Languages - Dwarvish, Goidelic, Brythonic

Bonus starting item(s) -
Herbalism kit
Healer's kit
Ironhorn Goat*

  • Goldenbeard dwarves do not wear armour



Anvilmar Clan

The Clan is lead by Tudmen Anvilmar, the recent successor to the position. Still considered young for a dwarf, he is keen to prove himself as a true dwarf, true leader and true Lord Under Mountain. He seeks to reunite the women-folk of The Goldenbeards back in to the clan to take their rightful place in the Halls of Kudrick, side by side with the men. As things were and as things should be...

The Sawtooths lie on the border of The Bad Lands, due to this the Anvilmar clan has always known war. Within their mountain hold they stand as a stalwart barrier. The dark thralls of The King of Five are ceaseless, both on the surface and deep below.
But The Everflame burns hot, the great dwarven forges billow out smoke as the hammered drumbeat accompanies the sound of a thousand iron shod boots...

This is the thankless task of the Anvilmar. Their numbers dwindling, yet they still face the hoards of darkness alone. There are no finer warriors within The Realms than the sons of Anvilmar. Each dwarf worth ten men, The Flame of Baliol burns in their hearts and spurs them ever onward.

  • Culture tip: Mountain Dwarf

Anvilmar Dwarf

Stat increases - +2 to STR & CON
Bonus resistances - Half rate exhaustion, Dwarven Resilience, Darkvision.
Languages - Dwarvish, Brythonic

Bonus starting item(s) -
Dwarven Plate (AC 18)
Greataxe OR Maul



The Peoples of Ordillias

Outlanders & Half-folk

For this campaign we will use the standard rules for halfling characters with one addition: Max STR 8.

Racial Traits:
+2 Dexterity, Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness

Languages: Brythonic, Halfling

Half-folk can be found throughout The Realms, somtimes within the human population, but more often in settlements of their own. They are somewhat of a rarity, mostly keeping to themselves, preferring a warm hearth and simple existence over the hustle and bustle of outside societies.

Halflings are by nature joyful and friendly in their dealings with others. Because they live in a world where they were surrounded by larger creatures, halflings tend to avoid notice, often deliberately, or at the very least, act cordially towards the larger races. Halflings appear deceptively harmless, meaning they are often beyond the notice of enemies that might otherwise pose a threat to them.

The halfling mind is practical and halflings concern themselves with their immediate surroundings. They take pleasure in simple things, with few aspiring to greatness in the same manner as humans. Very rarely halflings become adventurers, usually this is only a practice taken up for reasons of necessity rather than personal drive. Because of their love for home and family, halflings make loyal and courageous allies, willing to put their own lives at risk for the sake of others.

While many halflings do not have the ambition for adventure that some races do, the race is notoriously curious. Halflings are courageous, more so than many races, and their daring is often difficult to match. Many halflings also have a strong appetite for food and drink as well as narcotics and clothing. Similarly, many halflings are enthusiastic collectors, and love to hold on to possessions won through skill and daring.

  • Halfling characters may be treated with some suspicion or animosity in certain areas. A common belief is held that halflings like to take things that don't belong to them.




Ordillias is only really 'the known world', there are other continents upon Talras. Mysterious and exotic places far flung and never explored by any Brython or Goidelid.
Every now and then a traveller turns up or an exotic looking vessel is dashed upon the rocks, it's surviving crew scrambling ashore...

These people are known as Outlanders. They are always human but often possess strange garb, a difference in skin colour or facial features and talk in a strange language.
Although rare, they can be found all over The Realms and beyond. They often do what they can to fit in and take any job available to them. Their obvious differences often find them trouble however, so many are capable fighters or even secret magic-users. They know no place of their own, chosing to
travel Ordillias or settle somewhere they are tollerated.

As a player, you really have free rein to decide the origin
of your Outlander. They must be human but can be
from anywhere reasonable for a human to come from.
They may also choose any class having no Ordillian restrictions placed upon them. In addition, Outlanders may choose the Monk class.
There can be up to TWO Outlanders per party

  • Culture tip: Any


Stat increases - +1 to two stats of your choosing
Must have 'Outlander' as background
Languages - Brythonic, Exotic, +1 of choice

Bonus starting item(s) -
An exotic weapon of your choice (Flavour)
An exotic item of your choice (Flavour)



The King of Five

An unparalleled evil unleashed upon the world by those seeking power far beyond their control, The King of Five remains in millennia long bondage encased within The Ziggurat in the heart of The Badlands.
His power, although diminished, still seeps out over the land corrupting and tainting the earth and the creatures that walk upon it. There are those, twisted and changed, who worship this dark power hoping to win his favour and receive his gifts. Chief among his followers are The Five, a cadre of once powerful mages of The Empire, now bound to The King in both body and mind. Acting as his lieutenants, The Five hold dominion over realms of their own within Ordillias. Each a place of great evil and vile corruption.

The Evils of Ordillias

Within the evil places exist creatures of darkness and corruption. Orcs and Goblins are a constant threat, thought to be the mutated forms of humans, halflings and other races. They are the footsoldiers of The King and his lieutenants.
There are far worse things than Orcs and Goblins that prowl the fell places of The Realms, some simply creatures of nature changed and made crazed by corruption, but others far more foul. It is unusual, however, to see such abomination outside of the lands most heavily corrupted. It seems some form of tether exists between The King, his lieutenants and these creatures of darkness.

Below is a small introduction to the places of evil in Ordillias.

    Ruled over by Grash 'The Lord of Bones', this place is a vast swampland of decomposition where spirits of the dead wander and corpses claw from the earth.

    Dovak Ter'ath 'The Lord of Blood', rules the immense mesa of dust and sand holding tribes of ravenous beast-folk, whose blood rituals leave victims as grusome totems.

    Relentless jungle hides the interior from outside eyes.
    Mehkoth, 'The Lord of Snakes' comands his nation of snake-like thralls unaposed in his island kingdom.

    Festering earth, fetid swamp and sickly forest are surrounded by a gaseous cloud, acrid and choking. Dolgalath 'The Lord of Decay' rules the putrescence.

    Far to the north where tempratures dive so low blood freezes in veins, Ith'rat Malar 'The Lord of Ice' gathers his forces of giants, beasts and hollow-men.



The Badlands

In the centre of the continent of Ordillias lie The Badlands. A vast span of mountainous terrain bereft of any natural life. Dark clouds obscure the sunlight here lending the environ an eerie shadowy quality. Not only is the terrain treacherous but beings and creatures of great evil stalk the jagged langscape ready to prey upon any who should stray too close.

Tribes of corrupted humans in the thrall of The King of Five march endlessly through the forbidding land, their minds consumed with worship and servitude to their dark god.
Unspeakable horrors they commit unto themselves and each other in praise to Him as their bodies flay and dwindle.
Fallen priests command these faithful husks ever onward, incessantly chanting in a language old and guttural.
'The Lost', as they are known, have their origins in the peoples of The Realms. Those who practiced dark magics or were driven mad through research in to The King, his demented will somehow reaching out to them through the pages. First they gather near the borders of The Badlands and once enough have mustered they begin their pilgramage of pain ever onward toward The Ziggurat.



Religion in Ordillias

Faith is an interesting subject within The Realms, Goidelid Teritories and the lands of both Elves and Dwarves. It is known that a single being created the world of Talras, the heavens above and hells below. The name of this creator and it's exploits vary greatly depending upon whom is asked. But all refer to the same being in the end.

The name given by The Brythons is Primus. A hangover from the times of The Empire, he, as Brythons see their creator as male, is depicted as a great centurian of old, usually locked in perpetual battle with The King of Five, who himself is depicted as a giant serpant.

Goidelids see their creator as a feminine figure, Anu, The Earth Mother. Often she is depicted as a pregnant woman, her belly being the globe of the world and the rivers of life flowing forth from her breasts. She is the personification of nature, and bringer of life.

Ilvantyr, meaning 'Star-dreamer' in the Elvish tongue, is the title bestowed upon the creator by Elves. Depicted as an androgynous elven figure who brought forth the world in a vivid dream. Belief is that the magical Weave is a representation of Ilvantyr's drifting thought.

Dwarves know their creator as Baliol, The World Forger. Depicted as a great dwarven smith upon whose anvil all life was created. Of course, other forms of life were trial runs before he created the dwarves, who are his chosen people.

There also exists what those in The Church of Primus would call heresies. The idea of saints and angels have been part of the Brythonic mythos for time immemorial, a reminant of their tribal pantheon. Although tollerated in some areas of The Realms, The Church takes an extremely hard stance on the worship of these lesser figures, often violently and publicly. The Red Cloaks, as they are known, are the enforcers of The Church tasked with hunting down heresy.

The Red Cloaks

All those with any mote of arcane power or whom follow any god other than Primus must beware. The Red Cloaks are always watching. Tasked by The Secundus in Brenhinol, they meter out their savage justice upon those who would defy the will of The Church. Although uncommon in rural backwaters, they barrack in nearly every larger town or city within The Realms. Lords and barons have no sway over their actions, as they report directly to The Church. Anyone caught by them must expect interrogation, severe punishment or even death.



The Church of Primus

Rekindled from the days of the imperium, The Church of Primus follows on with those traditions once mandated by The Empire. Ancient and enduring, The Church still stands.


Shrines, churches and temples may be found all around The Realms. The clergy work independently from state powers relying upon donation and church industry to maintain their holdings and positions. Priests, clerics and bishops often hold high social rank, many even as advisors to the nobility. Religion is centralised within Brythonia it's self, The Secundus holding Holy Court in the capitol of Brenhinol.

  • Note: The Secundus is considered to be the embodiment of Primus in Ordillias. Secundi are chosen from the ecclesiastical elite and preside over all religious matters. The current Secundus is Bior II, responsible for the last 'excursio' or crusade.

'The One True God'

The Prime, The First, The Great God

Symbol: The Mark of Primus

  • Domains: All
  • Alignment: All
  • Gender: Male
  • Devout: The Red Cloaks

Primus is worshipped by the Brythonian people as their singular god. However, there are many interpretations within The Realms. From warmongering crusaders to pacifist healers, the devout of Primus have no singular moral line.
As a result, there are no alignment restrictions for followers of Primus, but all Brythons are expected to openly worship him as their singular diety or suffer the retribution of The Church.

Clerics of Primus are known by their bearing of The Mark of Primus. This ceremony finds them branded upon the forehead with His mark as a symbol of their devoutness. There are multiple sects and orders within the faith, each presiding over a singular domain of power.

  • Note: The Church of Primus is extremely intolerant of the use of magic, believing it to be a dark power in direct conflict with the celestial will of their god. Witch-hunts and inquisitions are commonplace within The Realms, no arcane magic user is safe. Devotion to any deity ouside of The Church is considered heresy.



Anu, Goddess of Goidelids

The mother of all creation, Anu is seen to have her power in the rocks and rivers, trees and plants and the very earth it's self. She is a goddess of neutrality, just as nature holds no human agenda, either does Anu.


The Druids of The Circle are the singular conduits of Anu's will and power within Ordillias. The Goilandir, an unknown and ancient entity housed within the sacred grove of the north known as The Heart of The Goilandir acts as a religious head, of a kind. Known as Maighstirs, the lesser druids are those tasked with the goings on within the Goidelid teritories and beyond. Those of The Circle rarely venture outside the bounds of Gleann Naomh, but their command is known an followed by all Goidelids.

'The Earth Mother'

The Lifegiver, She of Everything, The Green Lady

Symbol: The Tree of Life

  • Domains: Nature
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Gender: Female
  • Devout: The Maighstirs

All Goidelids follow Anu, to be upon the earth is to be a child of nature. While there are varying degrees of dogmatism or interpretation of The Earth Mother's teachings, most by far revere nature and thier place within it.

Unlike within Brythonic culture, there is no expectation or requirement to be seen as devout in Goidelic society. Things are seen simply as they are, if you are Goidelid, you worship Anu in your own way. Due to this, prayer is often a deeply personal experience not to be shared with others.

Followers of Anu are often careful in their tresspass of nature, fires are smothered and returned to bare earth, forests are maintained rather than felled for agriculture. Many things within The Teritories are quite different as a result. There are no large cities of stone or even small villages that sprung up around resourses. The wilds are maintained with only small areas alloted to human expansion.

Goidelids generally show a distaste for industry and the pollutants it produces. Far better to them is to take from the earth only what will return.



Ilvantyr, Creator of the Elves

Believed to be the font of all knowledge, forces and matter within the universe, Ilvantyr is seen by elves as something between an entity and a universal law. In elven society, both the arcane and the celestial are attributed to their god.


The Selunites form the main religious backbone of elven society as it is. As opposed to the Evenar who see Ilvantyr's power to be manifest within The Weave, Selunites nurture the celestial gifts given to them and often see themselves as the only true followers.
Of course there are those on the mainland that do not share in the sqabbles of the island realms. In Andril, Ilvantyr is worshipped as a power of life and creation, where as in Vath-Teris, The Dream God is one of darkness and nightmare.

'The Dreamer'

The Creator, The Watcher, The Dream God

Symbol: The Dreamer's Moon

  • Domains: All
  • Alignment: All
  • Gender: Neutral
  • Devout: The Dream-weavers

Fractured like that of their houses and realms, the religion of the elves is to be seen as something of a set of scattered aspects of their dreaming god. Each realm and the house that occupies it has taken something different from the projections of Ilvantyr. This may go some way to explaining the cultural and even physical differences among them.

For the Evenar, Ilvantyr is responsible for The Weave and it's arcane gift. To them, this is the crowning acheivment of their god and it is their duty and privilege to explore and manipulate it.

Selunites view their celestial gifts as the purest form of devotion to their god. Light and goodness must always be upheld. The dark things of the world are an affront to Ilvantyr's creation.

Celebration of creation and the bringing forth of life is how The Andril worship their god. They see nature and it's complexity as Ilvantyr's greatest gift.

The Vath swim in the darker parts of The Great Dream, nightmares, savagery and terror. Paranoia and loneliness consume their thoughts and they are slaved to it in servitude to their god.



Baliol, God of Dwarves

Glowing steel and searing heat, the dwarvish god is as his people. Unlike other depictions, the god of the dwarves is more of a literal creator, the master of all craftsmen breathing life in to his creations through skill and mastery alone.


Within the royal hold of King Stonesplitter lie The Everforges for over ten thousand years their fires have never died.
The Forgemasters are not only the greatest smiths ever to grace Ordillias, they are also keepers of The Flame of Baliol. The highest position of religious authority among dwarf-kind, The Forgemaster's word even goes above that of The King. Often, however, they do not concern themselves with politics or issues of state unless there is a direct threat to their work or rarely, in matters of prophesy.

'The World Forger'

The Great Smith, The Dwarflord, The Everflame

Symbol: The Anvil's Fire

  • Domains: Forge
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Gender: Male
  • Devout: The Forgemasters

Dwarves worship their god by extracting minerals from the earth and creating objects from them. Just as he created life from the ether, they too create form.

They do not manipulate The Weave as other races may, rather their magic is of a celestial gift from Baliol himself, or in the form of runes of power. The creation of magical items bearing these runes is thought to be a sacred undertaking. It is not material possession just for the sake of it however, Dwarves believe that these items are a form of life, not complex like the creations of their god, but entities in their own right with a soul forged and a name given.

This has often lead to outsiders viewing dwarf-kind as isolationist hoarders who care only for wealth and personal gain.
This couldn't be further from the truth, and dwarves themselves view those outside as fickle in their exploits, careing little for honour or kinship.

Many times these misunderstandings have caused animosity between dwarves and other races. Treated as they are, often they prefer solitude.



The Heresies

There are some enduring faiths within The Realms that The Church of Primus has never been able to fully stamp out. Many have their origins in the tribal pantheons of the peoples who occupied Ordillias before the rise of The Empire. Although their worship is outlawed, there are those who still pray to these old gods in secret or in isolated communities on the fringes of society.

Your characters can choose to be followers of any of these gods if they are Brythonic, although keep in mind you will be seen as a heretic if you openly show your worship.
If you choose the Outlander varient, you may create your own god or choose to follow any within this booklet.


'The Moon Mother'

The goddess of moonlight, Lleuad is associated with the moon, serenity and birth.

Symbol: Crecent Moon and Stars

  • Domains: Order, Life
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Devout: Sisters of the Moon (Female only)


'The Morning Father'

The god of light, Haul is associated with the sun, healing and purity.

Symbol: The Morning Sun

  • Domains: Light, Agriculture, Life
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Devout: Lightkeepers


'The Hearthlord'

The god of house and home, Tân is associated with warmth, comfort and fireglow.

Symbol: The Hearth Fire

  • Domains: Order, Light, Life
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Devout: Hearthbrothers (Male only)


'The Lucky Sister'

The goddess of wayfaring and serendipity, Mamau is associated with change and good fortune.

Symbol: The Four Leaf Clover

  • Domains: Trickery, Luck, Protection
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Devout: Wayfarers


'The Huntsman'

The god of nature, beasts and the hunt, Daear is associated with animals, the earth and growth.

Symbol: The Stag Mask

  • Domains: Nature
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Devout: Huntmasters




'The Lady of Ages'

The godddess of time and memories past, Amser is associated with the passage of time and erosion.

Symbol: The Circled Hourglass

  • Domains: Order, Knowledge
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Devout: Lore-keepers


'The Lord of Death'

The god of death and decay, Marwolaeth is associated with funerals, rot and endings.

Symbol: The Head of Death

  • Domains: Death, Grave
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Devout: Grave-tenders


'The Battlemaiden'

The godddess of both war and creation, Rhyfela is associated with battle, metalwork and the forge.

Symbol: The Broken Shield

  • Domains: War, Forge
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Devout: Shieldbearers


'The Grudgebearer'

The god vengeance, Dialon is associated with quarrels, grudges and vengeance.

Symbol: The Black Hand

  • Domains: Tempest, Death
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Gender: Masculine
  • Devout: Grudgebearers


'The Bitterwitch'

The goddess of pain and bitterness, Phoen is associated with torture, spite and sacrafice.

Symbol: The Circle of Thorns

  • Domains: Pain, Death, Trickery
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Devout: Painbearers



The goddess of sickness, plague and blight, Salwch is associated with all things disease.

Symbol: The Withering Rose

  • Domains: Death, Nature
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Gender: Feminine
  • Devout: Plaguebringers