Discover a new realm of light and darkness in this campaign source book for the world's greatest roleplaying game.

Welcome to Zand'raya,

Year: 950 Post Sundering

Welcome, reader. Within this, our most prized text, you will come to learn all that we - The Zand'rayan - have come to know. My name is Maester Ky'ranos, holder of the 87th seat of The Zand'rayan, chosen Binder and Keeper of the very tome you now read. I will be your guide on your quest.

Drink deep from this font of knowledge and learn of our world. Relive the many adventures that we once shared with friend and foe alike.

Throughout, you will hear many tales of how our world came into existence, and how we learned to rise again from the ashes of war. More secrets await beyond the borders of religion and planar boundries, for those wishing to seek scholarly knowledge.

Contents of this guide.
  • The Age of Wisdom - A Mystical time, with little knowledge of its details surviving. The general outline of the Age of Wisdom has been researched, hence its given name.
  • The Sundering - A cataclysmic event that ruptured the world. This led to the continents becoming smaller and the world maps being discarded. Adventurers have scoured the land over time, leading to the new world map of Zand'raya.
  • The God Wars - A disastrous affair allowing gods from pantheons across the multiverse to enter the material plane of Zand'raya. This caused a large multi-continental war lasting over 100 years for most continents... and 200 years for one.
  • A Diverse World - Explore the lands of Zand'raya as one of its own setting-focused races, complete with background information.
  • Lineages - Take your character to the next level, commiting to one of these pre-built lineages.
  • New Classes & Subclasses - New classes and subclasses that have come about in the world of Zand'raya
  • Rule Sets & Encounters - New ways to play your game, the way you want to.
  • Global Factions - New worldwide organisations for players who like think outside the continents!
  • Current Continents (WIP) - The mapped continents of the world, each now living together in a state of peace after The God Wars.
  • The Zand'rayan Bestiary (WIP) - Discover the new creatures that inhabit the World of Zand'raya and its surrounding planes.
  • The Zand'rayan Arsenal (WIP) - New Magik Items, Weapons, and Armour usable within all settings.
  • The Zand'rayan Spellbook (WIP) - A collection of new spells, usable within all settings. Complete with class spell lists.
  • The Zand'rayan Pantheon - A list of all the divine beings worshipped in the realm of Zand'raya, followed by an explanation of the Planes of Existence within this universe.

Referenced Locations

Within this guide, two particularly important locations will be mentioned. They detail a key part of the narrative of Zand'raya, prior to the world as we know it now. The important events directly connected to these destinations are "The Descendance" and the following event of "The God Wars" - both of which had profound effects on the world.

The Collective: A set of three smaller landmasses, cobbled together to form one continent after the sundering. This was where the events leading to "The Descendance" took place that led to "The God Wars". The Collective is now a wasteland, conquered and ruled solely by The Corrupted Dead, who has retreated into slumber after his victory. The Collective is used by them as an army, keeping the fields sown with the bones of soliders long perished.

Vinais: Once the largest continent in the world of Zand'raya. Due to the nature of this location, it was fought over by many different deities, all for their own goals. This eventually culminated in a catastrophic event that swallowed the continent into the dark abyss of the sea. No one knows what truly happened there, only that the "Remnant Isles" (discussed later) were left in its place. By some miracle, whatever power awakened to take down this once mighty continent did not pursue more prey.

The Sundering (Year: 0ps)

Decimation to a Hellish Extent

To usher in the current era (PS: Post Sundering), a catastrophic event took place. Disasters occured and continents were sundered...many lives ended before their rightful time. This catastrophe led to the world existing as it does now. No one alive knows how many continents existed or were known about during the "Age of Wisdom", and the world had to be remapped by those who lived on to re-populate the world.

Scattered Fragments

When survivors emerged from caves and havens, they looked around in awe of the new world. Although it had been subjected to disaster, it possessed no small amount of brilliance. New mountains had formed and, despite the nature of the events, new life was immediately present in the ground, creating a unique landscape. Although the original primal energies had departed or been spent, The Seamstress had already made quick work in granting new powers to Gal'Galad.

Survivors were astounded to find that they had no recollection of the event that led to what was named "The Sundering". Some recalled a bright flash of light, others recalled a pervasive darkness, and a select few only recalled the clashing of weapons. Thankful for what they had been left with, the survivors immediately set to work. This shared hope is what lended itself to great growth.

The Ethereal Years (Years: 353ps - 515ps)

The Re-Awakening of Magik

In the year 247ps, many Magi - all hidden away in the shelters of far away places - rose to the occasion to defend the myriad uses of spells. They granted its inherent use for destruction, but knew that with time and research the world could once again be free with Magik.

This marks the beginning of the Ethereal Years, when Magi came out of hiding and began to defend themselves and their practices openly in the streets. As mentioned, it also marks the first discovered tome of the Age of Wisdom.

From there, it was chaos, but only for some months before leaders began to arise from within different groups. This was the forming of the Magi Colleges across the continent - each one monitoring and researching the different intricaticies of a particular school.

This was a time of great achievement for the peoples of our crystal. The natural life of our earth flourished once more, spurred on by the return of residual magik. Our connection to the Elemental Crystals, through these effects, was also deepend; and since then many elemental magiks have wormed their way into many a spellbook.

The Magus War (Years 367ps - 394ps)

Of course, peace and power have never been comfortable bedfellows. Some colleges banded together to create new spells and Magiks between them, a pastime that quickly became competitive. Assassinations were rampant within the cirlces of Magi and, before long, the seeds of conflict sprouted a deadly tree.

Other colleges took to exploring ancient ruins that had survived since the Age of Wisdom. This knowledge only sought to make others jealous.

Soon, with both of these awful personalities within their ranks, the Magus War began, persisting for some 27 years. Eventually, they realised that their thirst for knowledge would instead destroy it. The group known as The Woven Alliance, despite the best efforts of their rival The Arcum Myriad, were able to lay waste to their foe, ensuring that the Seamstress would not be displaced of her power by these would be usurpers. henceforth, the colleges entered into a state of peaceful study...

An Enchanted World

We quickly discovered that our world was itself infused with an ancient Magik, one that the magi of The Age of Wisdom would call upon often. Whilst we hailed this discovery with glee, it was not long before our attempts to empower it were met with fear.

New creatures, both vicious and enchanting, began to sprout across our world. Emerging from all manner of envrionment, these creatures seemed to be instilled with a natural desire for slaughter. Some, we were able to train or befriend, but others still hunt us.

This, truly, was the emergence of merceneries and adventurers alike. Groups of young warriors and Magi, with a desire to see the greater world, would set off with merchants from town to town. They would caravan their way from coast to coast and, indeed, from continent to continent.

In the year 515ps, when the epidemic of monstrous creatures plagued the earth the most, further research into the Age of Wisdom was strictly abandoned by many magi; they feared the worst in awakening another sundering.

The God Wars (Years: 715ps - 933ps)

The Descendance

In the year 715ps, another tragic event befell the world. The cause of this event, later named "The Descendance", took place on "The Collective"; three small islands formed together to make a full continent. The story goes like this... Two valiant travellers, their destinies unravelling before them, set themselves on a quest to the northern reaches of Mythras (The centre island). It is here, they came to a dark cave, amidst a verdant grove. Inside, they found monsters and demons, the likes of which the mind could not fathom. It was here, their destinies would be revealed, and their true powers unlocked. After much bloodshed, some being their own, they left the cave victorious but found that the villagers of the nearby town were displeased. Their sacred cave had been trespassed on and they did not take kindly to the travellers. Unbeknownst to them all, The Elder God Lucifial had been keeping an eye on them from his seat in the cosmos and found these two travellers useful. He conjured a horrific nightmare to slay the villagers and bring the heroes to his domain. It was here they found themselves imprisoned, captured, hopeless. Dark words deftly fell from the trickster gods mouth and the heroes were swayed. Their powers of light were now that of dark. Along with the Trickster God, the travellers returned to Mythras with intent to wreak unimaginable havoc.

Angered by this betrayal, The Elder God Diadain whose essence is ever-flowing, used her latent powers to call upon the two heroes' former allies; now worshipped as the 5 heroes of light. These Defenders of The Realm did battle with the betrayers, but despite their immense power, they were no match for the dark... They fell, and Diadain wept. In a fit of rage, she drew upon the souls of the dying and ruptured the seals of the planes. From the heavens and hells alike, deities rained down from the clouds, and thus, the god wars began. Sometimes, the cosmic rift, the tear created upon the descendance, can still be seen in the sky to this day.

Unlike the goddess who retreated into the deepest recesses of the cosmos, it is believed that Lucifial attempted to reclaim his cataclysmic might upon the continent of the Collective. Despite his best efforts, and suffering at the wounds of previous defeats, he could not match the power of the new Pantheon.

The deadliest war yet known

After The Descendance, many deities of the planes saw this as an opportunity. Finally, they could be free to gain new followers and eliminate their enemies on an even playing field. At great cost to life, this is exactly what they did. All six known continents were plagued with gods of various alignments (The Collective, Vinais, Dartheryn, Hysillia, Uthylies and Ythian). Some joined their causes willingly, but others were forced into slavery. Great wars raged and the continents became smaller, after parts of their land masses sunk into the oceans.

The deities who initially descended as part of The Descendance were largely evil gods, with vicious wants. It was not until the collective was conquered by Kelemvor, god of the dead, that many good aligned gods descended to aid the mortals with the constant bloodshed. Whilst a number of lesser god-like beings were killed, in addition to the death of a single prime deity, the other gods were much more fortunate... Once their power was removed from the Material plane, their essence simply made its way back to their respective plane. The ruling gods of the 4 remaining continents will be covered under their specific sections, but this leads nicely into the Fall of Vinais...

The Fall of Vinais (Year: 933ps)

By the year 832ps, all the continents in the world of Zand'raya had been conquered by a deity of the god wars, except for Vinais... Due to the reshaping of the continents, many of the ongoing wars ended quickly, but due to the size of Vinais and with it being the central continent, many gods tried to gain control of it. Upon this discovery by the other conquered continents, they ceased all contact and trade to Vinais, and left it to whatever ruin may befall it.

After a time, a great darkness swept the continent; many died at the hands horrific manifestations that threatened to consume all who called Vinais home... Despite this catastrophe, the gods saw fit to continue their slaughter. There was, however, eight warriors; determined to reclaim the realm and set free their comrades from this bloodshed. Through destiny, they met and embarked on a mission to strike against the force of darkness that ravaged the continent. Armed with 8 soul-bound weapons of immense strength - now lost to the depths of time - they marched forward into the world, making use of the war to hide their actions, infiltrating the many lands across the continent and honing their abilities and knowledge of the dark. Through loss and sacrifice, as the world crumbled around them, the eight ventured to the source of the evil to rid the world of its impendiung doom.

They were met with a dreadful sight within the darkened land... The Netherborne. He had finally breathed new life into a decrepit form - an avatar of the abyss - and threatened to claim a new domain in which to rule. He joined his powers along with another entity known as The Eldritch Truth, and during the completion of his dark ritual, the warriors lunged at the god, and by their might defeated him in combat...

The Eldritch Truth

When the Descendance was wrought upon this world, and the divine goddess sent her champions to die, she was overcome with sadness. She retreated to the Cosmos (the space between the planes, beyond the reaches of the Astral Sea) and slumbered. Her nightmares caused dark visions to rise, monstrous beasts that roamed the endless star highways, waiting for the call to war.

Upon the breaking of his first chain, The Netherborne discovered the slumbering goddess Diadain and her creations. He dubbed her The Eldritch Truth and sought to harness her powers. The Netherborne learned to abuse the Eldritch Truth and, after some time, summoned forth her absurd creations to do his bidding.

Angered by this, the goddess awoke during the final battle, and descended onto Vinais in a radiant fury. She claimed the remaining essence of Tharizdun to empower herself. Unbeknowst of her motives, aside from her destructive capabilities, the warriors once more charged into the face of fear.

Realising naught could be done, the warriors weakened the goddess, and - by sacrificing themselves and their blessing - they shattered the essence of the goddess once more; returning her soul back to the cosmos... Vinais, however, was lost... Sunk into the darkness of the sea.

Today, the eight warriors who sacrificed themselves for the world are hailed as the Prophets of Hope; their deeds remembered for eternity alongside the Defenders of The Realm.

Lost and Forgotten

It is now known, in the modern world of Zand'raya, that Vinais could have never been saved. No one talks about the continent anymore, as it symbolizes a dark time in history. Books can still be found on the subject, but public conversation is outlawed. Once the wars had finished on Vinais, the winning gods across Hysillia, Dartheryn, Ythian and Uthylies banded together to seal the rift between the planes, but maintain watchful eyes over their prizes. Now, all that remains of Vinais, is the dark remnants of its land known to the world as "The Remnant Isles", with a single, protected, celestial grave.

Only the mad or treasure hungry, venture there. It is a land of demons now; a land of horror. The world is thankful that whatever nightmare befell Vinais did not pursue more prey, but everyone lives in fear that one day, this power could return...

Zand'rayan Races


Jacob to write


Bearing no true connection to Xi'Thael, The Dragon God of Dreams, The Drakonids (as they prefer to be called) have fought mercillessly against their own gods since time began. Considered failed offspring by their parents, The Ancient Dragons, the first Dragonborn were enslaved by their winged masters - forced to provide for them endlessly. There was no end to the deeds they would be tasked with: banditry & theft, long hours spent crafting great lairs, and the sacrifice of mortals to name but a few.

The Everlasting Dragon Wars

To this day, every Dragonborn devoted to the first ancestors still speaks of The Dragon Wars and their continuation - constantly on the search for more prey to put down. For this purpose, the great stronghold of Dro'gosh was built; this is where the dragonborns turned to the creation of vicious and violent technology, becoming skilled in the art of explosive enginneering so that they can never be taken hostage again.

For this reason, the stern face of the Drakonids can be hard to read; always trusting of their gut instinct and letting that decide the fate of those around them. A life hard fought for is not so easily taken away again.

Pride & Survival

Argued to be the two most prevelant forces within the mind of the Drakonids, it can be hard to strike up a friendship with this hardy people; once you do, however, you can rest assured that you have a stalwart ally for life. The bonds which Drakonids form as much deeper than we realise, and in their kinship they will risk almost everything to protect those whom they deem worthy.


There are not many kingdoms un which the nobles Dwarves have not had a hand in building. Their fabled ability for architecture has not once even been proven to be false, offering their services to all wishing to expand their realms. Despite this, aside from the own settlements that can oft be found within towering mountains filled with great mysteries, Dwarves have neglected to claim their own true Kingdom, even since they set foot on our lands as servants of The World-Maker. Instead, Dwarves from all walks of life have banded together as one great community, helping their own within whichever walls they find themselves within.

The Forging of The Thrones

Once every decade, all Dwarves who wish to feel the great embrace of family make their way to The Earthen Throne - A great underground temple, nestled within a mountainous isle 3 days south of Ythian, which served as the home of Gal'Galad during the crafting of the world. It his here that they bask in revelry for sometimes weeks on end, with the conclusion of the event marking the vote for 3 new kings or queens to oversee Dwarven Law until the next meeting.

Dwarven Law is held to high account - for them it is even more imperative that the laws which hold sway over the different kingdoms and continents; which has led to many problems within court rooms, where conflicts of interest tread ever thinning lines.

Dwarven Artistry

Alongside their keen skill in architecture, their deep and unwavering connection to Gal'Galad makes this race especially gifted in crafting enchanted armour and weaponry. Where many eleven smithin techniques focus on swiftness and dexterity, dwarven focus lies more in the realms of unparalleled strength; the ability to strike down a foe no matter their size.


The word "Elf" - and all of its many variations - is a term spoken amonsgt the divinity in their celestial tongue. For them, it carries severalk meanings, but the one always taught to us "Kin". As such this was the name, attributed to the children of divinity, by the races knwon to have survived the sundering; these being: Humans, Halflings, Gnomes, Kenku, Orcs, Kenku, and Tiefling. Now, the word has just come to be associated with these peoples that roam our realm.

Kin of Ze'lenia

For a long time, The kin of Ze'lenia were just as fearsome and determined as their creator, The Great Panther. Since their creation, many of them have followed Ze'lenia faithfully - some going so far as to reside with her amongst the rivers and trees of The Great Beastlands. Others show their devotion through and unbridled sense of the natural world and its ways; an ability that only some firbolgs can harness through Elsarios.

This personality of temper and frustration led to a life of hermitage for Forest Elves, integrating themselves into the clans of Firbolgs and Goliaths for many years. For some, it has led to a life of solitude all together.

And whilst these traits have caused so much turmoil for the Forest Elves, there have been significant changes since Zehelehnia entered into her Slumber, following the conclusion of The Hysillian God Wars. Now, with the goddess' fury calmed, so too have her children; it would be much more likely to see them as druids these days, as opposed to beasts.

Kin of Kai'melorn

Ever glowing with a faint radiance, the kin of Kai'melorn - more commonly known as Essence Elves - strive to embody the wisdom and charisma with which their creator belssed them with. When the many battles betwixt her and her sister had come largely to an end, Kai'melorn reliquished much of her control of her kin, granting them freedom from her ties and bestowing them with a desire to explore the realms: "a hunter must learn all they can of their world, should they seek to thrive within it".

This blessing has led to Essence Elves becoming the more predominent elven race to be found within cities and large towns, often spending their days in pursuit of worldy knowledge. Others can often be found within the ranks of guards in towns and cities, while a selection may take a more adventurous approach to their protection of others.

The drive of a hunter is an unrelenting one, however, so it would serve best to not stand in their way all too frequently.

Kin of Fel'sith

The (commonly known as) Dark Elves, that emerged from the great cavern created by Fel'Sith, were a feared sight upon their first arrival. Climibing out of wholes in naught but their skin, still went from the ethereal rivers from which they were born. These kin ahve never know the touch or voice of their mother goddess, for she forsook them the moment she laid her many eyes upon their visages. She mcould never love a creation, and so, the fresh Dark Elves retreated into the darker places of the world - they found that the sunlight was harmful to their eyes and so took to most of their business in the evening, this led to their second naming: Night Elves.

Over time, the new elven children of this lineage which have be born have developed a resistance to sunlight, leading to their heightened presence in the world since around the time of The Magus War. This war, bloody as it was, can be credited for one miracle only: allowing The Dark Elves access to new magiks; bearing a new and fresh desire to attain intellect and arcane prowess. Whilst some have diverted from this path, perfecting their love of shadow into more vicious arts, Magi are much more frequent amonsgt this now learned and respected race.

Kin of Cosmos

Linked to the celestial bodies, "Cosmic Elves" are a new form of race born into the world of Zand'raya. The First Cosmic Elves appeared in Dartheryn, After The Oracle conquered the continent. Fully grown elves, Purple and blue in skin, their hair dark or light, but most often vibrant, their eyes glistening like stars, walked out of the Star Mirror Lake and built the town of Shadowstall.

Journey Onward

After this occurence, most of the elves stayed within Shadowstall after convincing the king and The Oracle of their peaceful intent. Others set off into the world, where they birthed new Cosmic Elves from lakes and rivers on starlit nights. The King set letters with each of the original elves, and these were passed on to the rulers of the other continents, allowing Cosmic Elves to be welcomed world wide. Now, Cosmic Elves are found all over the globe in small groups working together. More commonly, they reside within villages close to water, which helps them feel closer to home.

Ever since the fall of Vinais, the creation of Cosmic Elves has become more difficult and time consuming; Those born following this event, are often found to have much darker skin and hair.

Cosmic Elves have a clear intuition for accessing the weave of Magik. They are not believed to be descended from the other established elven races, given their wildly abrupt appearance into the world, but given the similar features, their race was given this name.

Cosmic Elf Names

Cosmic Elves, upon their creation, did not take names, for they only spoke through telepathy to one another. When the first elves visited the king to commune to The Oracle, the populace were confused by this and so these five came forth with the dreams they hoped to achieve in their lifetime, in service to their birth mother, who they named as "She who watched the cosmos".

Henceforth, between themselves, Cosmic Elves still took no name, but when talking to other inhabitants of the world they gave themselves a name in reference to their wildest aspirations.

Cosmic Elf Traits

  • Ability Score Increases: Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1
  • Age: Cosmic Elves will commonly live for around 250-300 years. This means that since their first appearance in 832ps, none have died from old age. in the present day, Cosmic Elves are unaware of their natural end, stating death as "when mother cosmos decides"
  • Gender: The Cosmic Elves do not recognise gender in a general sense. Due to the nature of their birth, and the image in which they are created, they may have male or female identifiers.
  • Alignment: Cosmic Elves are born with an innate desire for the world and the cosmos to maintain balance. Thus, almost all elves take a Neutral alignment. There have been cases, where elves have been born with an excessive need for good or evil, but within the Cosmic Elf community, they are both considered a villainous lifestyle.
  • Size: Cosmic Elves have slender builds and range from 6 to just over 7 feet tall
  • Speed: your base walking speed is 30 feet
  • Darkvision: Accustomed to the darkness of the comos, before their appearance, all Cosmic Elves have an innate ability to see in dark places. You can see in dim light within 90 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can still discern colour in these lights.
  • Magikal Adept: You gain proficiency in the Arcana Skill.
  • Star lit eyes: You have advantge on saving throws against being blinded. Once per long rest, you can cause your star infused eyes to flash, illuminating a 10ft area in bright light for 1 minute. In combat, this is classed as an action.
  • Ever Watchful: When sleeping during a long rest, Cosmic Elves can cause their spirit to leave their body. Their spirit is unable to fight, but can perform other actions whilst their physical body is sleeping. They can read, write, speak and perform all ability checks as normal. The spirit is visible to all living things, meaning undead can not see the spirit. If the spirit is hit by an attack, it is counted as a critical hit, as the spirit jumps back to its body and the elf takes all damage as normal. For a spirit to re-enter their body, they must be within touch range and spend their action to do so.
  • Languages: You can speak, read and write in Common and Celestial. Additionally, you can speak telepathically to all other Cosmic Elves who are within 60ft of you.


Hailing from the Fey Wild, Fey-Kin are animal creatures with the capabilities of Humanoids. They were created by Lord Enevenary of the Summer Court; who enchanted various creatures from The Material Plane and brought them to The Fey Wild, after deeming Captain Faerelia's efforts lacking. These creatures became part of a large pegasi-mounted army, built to keep out invaders from The Shadow-fel, before the demise of The Goddess of Divine Light. Although still largely a part of this army, many of these creatures took advisory positions within the court, or returned to a natural way of life within The Fey Wild.

A life of change

For some Fey-Kin, they retained memories of their lives before their transformation. Upon their leave from the armies of Lord Enevenary, they returned to The Material Plane.

A large majority of Fey-Kin entered into the communities of towns of cities, building a substantial reputation for themselves within the ranks of guards. Others pursued more inqusive lines of work, helping to preserve relics from The God Wars and perform scholarly research. Some Fey-Kin did not see their life this way however. Some became thieves or organisers of crime.

Lastly are the Feral Fey-Kin. Those who reverted back to their most primal form of life. These creatures are often renouced by other Fey-Kin, seeing them as being wasters of a great gift.

For those who stayed behind with the Fey-Wild, they contiue to server Lord Enevenary, pursueing their lives as great warriors. Occasionally, they visit The Material Plane, keeping tabs on their brethren and ensuring their safety.

Fey-Kin Sub-Race

When creating a Fey-Kin character, choose one of the following as your sub-race:

  • Fox: Your Charisma score increases by 2
  • Wolf: Your Strength score increases by 2
  • Bear: Your Constituion score increases by 2
  • Hare: Your Dexterity score increases by 2
  • Mouse: Your Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 2

If you wish to play a race that isn't listed here, consult your DM for more options.

Fey-Kin Lifestyle

When creating your Fey-Kin character, choose one of the following as your lifestyle:

  • Civilised: Your Wisdom score increases by 1
  • Criminal: Your Intelligence score increases by 1
  • Feral: Your Intelligence score is capped at 4 (for character creation only), but you may increase your Strength or Dexterity Score by 1. Additionally, your unnarmed strikes from your "Creature at heart" trait increases to 1d6 + Your Strength or Dexterity Modifier as Slashing damage.

Fey-Kin Traits

  • Age: Fey-Kin mature around the age of 12 and they can live for up to 200 years.
  • Alignment: Fey-Kin come in all styles of alignment. Often, their alignment is linked to their Fey-Kin background.
  • Size: Fey-Kin range anywhere from 2ft, all the way up to 7ft. Speak to your DM on how this affects your size.
  • Speed: your base walking speed is 30 feet
  • Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
  • Animal Friendship: You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling skill.
  • Fight or Flight: Once per short rest, when struck by a melee attack, you can call upon your innate animal instincts. You may use your reaction to either A) Strike back at the creature with a melee attack of your own. B) Leap back 5ft and increase your movement speed by 10ft on your next turn.
  • Old Habit-ats: When looking for shelter in the wild, you are gifted with finding something suitable or making something suitable. You gain advantage on any ability checks made to find or create shelters. Additionally, your passive perception and any perception checks you make whilst within 30ft of your shelter are increased by 5.
  • Creature at heart: Your unarmed strikes use a 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity Modifier as Slashing Damage
  • Wild Speech: You can communicate with beasts and plants in a limited capacity. They understand the meaning of your words and you can vaguely interpret their response.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write in Common and Sylvan.


Naturalistic and wise, the Firbolgs of Zand'raya are a welcome sight to any wayward traveller upon the wild-road. Long have they spent time cultivating the magiks and earth and water from the elemental crystals - forever blessing the land with the hope of new fortune.

Nomads by Nature

The first firbolgs came into the world as a result of the Magus Wars, during the Ethereal Years. The goddess Elsarios looked down upon the destruction wrought by the arcane, and summoned these creatures - in her own kind image - to wander the destroyed lands and repair their natural beauty.

Faithfully they followed the wish of their mistress - until their tasks were complete for the most part. Some lands still remained to corrupted and required constant care; for others, they would continue to chase the threats across the plains, knowing that darkness would rear its ugly head once more elsewhere.

Since the passing of the godwars, some have made their way to the continent of Hysillia - either making homes for themselves on Fentualias Isle or defending the lands from within the ranks of The Watchers.

Friends to a fault

In its within their personality that others find friendship with the noble firbolgs. It is not out of the ordinary in their travels to stop by at towns and villages offering aid to those in need. To accompany, as well as their lifestyle, many firbolgs take up the roles of paladins and druids - especially when called upon to defend verdant and natural lands.


The Gnomes of Zand'raya are a curious bunch; their heads often so full of ideas that they are quite unable to hold conversations that drag on for too long. Indeed keeping a Gnome is ones company is a sure way to keep the life of an adventurer interesting.

Fantastic Thoughts

The origination of Gnomes is so often brought into question - and is one that has brought about many myths from even the Gnomes themselves. Some Gnomes will tell you that they sprouted out of the ground like saplings, where as others may try to tell-tale of strange concoctions that eventually led to their being. One thing is for certain, however: the wild minds of these creatures have surely been a boon to our societies across the globe.

An ability to see things from a wondered perspective has given the Gnomes many homes across the world, a great deal of them being hired to maintain and improve both magikal and mechanical creations.

Always Looking Ahead

Indeed, perhaps it is these wild and erratic thoughts that truly explain the nature of the Gnome. Each of them can often be found to have a stalwart affection for their own mortality and the mortality of others. In spite of al of their ramblings, it is quite impossible to escape their keen desire for life. When their heads are not buried in their work and research, they can often be found settling up campsites beneath the dark, star-lit sky, singing songs of praise to good fortune, alcohol, and other substances of which we shall not note.


There is no race quite as varied in their ways as the Goliath's of Zand'raya. A stlwart people of strong values, beliefs, and traditions; the Goliath can easily be a favoured friend or a deadly enemy. Indeed, these traditions may include trials of hardship - but others take approaches to elementalism and other forms of eathly magiks.

Protect the tribe

Much like the firbolgs - with whom the Goliath have found brotherhood and kinship - many Goliaths outside of the continent of Hysillia (which have taken protective residence over The White Fractal, Land of The Laden Lord) have taken to the ways of old; wandering plain, desert, forest, and tundra all in search of freedom. This is where the many traditions of the Goliath have been bred; around a crackling fire after a long days hunt, many stories of great heroes past would be told along with many offerings to their spirits along with bonds-of-blood formed through violent sparring. All in the name of the Tribe.

Elemental ties

Through this freedom which they have sought, this ancient people - believed to have been the first mortal race to exist - have been granted many boons from their bloodlines of old, with the gods of the new pantheon continueing to honour this lineage. The many shamans that lead the tibes of Goliath across the world are also their most wisest protectors. These arts are the roots of Rune Carvings; therefore tied to the Elemental Crystals, as detailed in dusty texts still kept by the great smith of Zanith, Thavagal.


These keen and quick beings have found a way to blend into all of the aspects of life that present themselves across the material plane. Whether that be wandering afar with bands of bards, trekking radiant groves with druidic bretheren, Slipping through cracks of stone or perhaps even offering shelter to those in need.

A love of people

Despite all of these skills, however, its is not common to see a halfling walking alone. Becoming one with other people, and blending into groups formed of tight bonds and friendship, seems to be a requirement for most of these cheerful being.

Through this affection for groups, a further desire for exploration and amazement has also blossomed; many of those trained within guilds across the continent are filled with halfling-kin - each of them yearning for a wider beyond.

Family above all

Perhaps this wayward sense is what has led to the appearance of several halfling districts and hamlets across the continents. At the setting of each sun, their is nothing on the mind of a halfling more than a full belly and a raucous cheer coming from around the fire.

Those who make their homes outside of cities - nestled within the hills around them - can often be caught leaving in groups at the gates, their hands firmly clasped with brother and sister as they kick their dusty boots along the road.


The Hobgoblins of Zand'raya have gone to great lengths to repair lasting, ancient, poor reputations. Throughout their history only the worst of them have shone through; Tyrants and warmongers who would aid many of our crystals greatest enemies. Indeed, their very creation is at the heart of this chaos... A binding to the Elder God of Darkness himself. During the Age of Wisdom, through a tome discovered in the year 248ps, t'was revealed that Hobgoblins were created by this being known as Lucifial - acting as his servants across many wars. They became shunned across the continents for years to come.

The Dark Pilgrimage

It was during the Magus War, when most Hobgoblins were in hiding or believed deceased, that members of The Finer Details came across a society of them within Hysillian Border Mountains. Many stories were shared with us, one of those being the breaking of their binding; a tale which they had kept hidden in secret for the fact that no other soul ever believed it.

The Hobgoblins, valiant in their droves, and led by Paragon Hy'zathrak, descended into the Great Rivers and further still into the Abyss. There, they fought against The Elder God and The Netherborne both, and in their darkest hour The Laden Lord reached out his hand in kinship; he felt their struggle and would see their success against such unfathimable odds. The great paragon, wielding the last of his strength, took up his son's broken spear and slashed the throat of the Elder God - reducing his voice to whispers forever.

With a great blow dealt to their foe, and their chains of their creation broken, the paragon and his warriors emerged from the Abyss victorious; the Hobgoblins were set free and now walked as equals alongside The Laden Lord.

Growth after Victory

We took it upon ourselves to spread word of this tale, and with time the generations of old faded away; many have always known them as friends. Regardless, they found plenty of kinship with the nomadic races of Zand'raya.

They have adopted many of their shamanistic tendencies from the Goliaths as well. Often, the wandering groups will converge to hold special ceremonies in honour of the elements and spirits.

There is now only one time a Hobgoblin strikes fears into the hearts of the other races: when they step into an arena. Always fighting with honour, Hobglins train from birth to display excellent combat skills - both for killing and entertainment. Their deftness and dexterity with even the most unwieldy of weapons is unrivaled.


Despite the differences that each of these races now hold, the Humans and Tabaxi of Zand'raya are close ancestral allies, for they came about in the same manner. Two races, born from the very lands of our world and believed to be hear since the beginning; ever evolving and changing into something new and exciting.

For Humans, who for ages past have been a predominant race in Zand'raya, these changes oof course led to the rise and fall of many great communities in their time, but their effect on the world has always been one that has held great sway.

Protection Through Fear

Humans, since their inception, have often been ill-trusting of new arrivals at their gates. Always cautious of what other tribes may have lurking for them around the corner. It has taken many years of the current age to correct the many rumours spread by settlements of old, but in time their lot have became more accepting of outside friends. Old tensions still linger against select races, especially the Drakonids whose ancestors have hands stained with the blood of sacrifice; and the Tieflings, whom served the Devil Lords in the Ancient Bloodshed - one of the few documented wars of The Age of Wisdom that began the ancient bloodline of Tythos.

Home and Hearth

Local beliefs, rather than a wider sense of community, is what Humans tend to follow, and this has led to many differing opinons about them across the world. what can be said, about all humans however, is the ability to take solace in family. When a human solider lays down his life, he fights not for love nor glory, but to see their people live on and prospoer to a greater future. At the end of their long days, as long as a home and a heart is waiting, they do not ask for much.


The Kenku have always been such a curious race upon the lands of Zand'raya. Almost always appearing with a glint in their eye and a keen sense of worldly-direction in terms of their goals and aspirations. Despite lacking the gift of speech, brought upon them by a curse of unknown magiks, they do not learn their determined & adventurous personality wait upon the sidelines.

Minions of the Light

Unlike the Hobgoblins, the Kenku fought bravely in service to the goddess Diadain - the glistening in their eyes being a sign of her everlasting pressence. But something happened that the goddess could not predict - a rogue solider corrupted by the enemy. In a fury, many of the Kenku were claimed back unto her own essence, in a great battle that saw the end of 2 empires. Those that were spared found themselves incapable of both speech and flight. Scorned by their mother, it is written that many of the Kenku fled to caves in the highest peaks, only venturing out to eventually witness her end and the following cataclysm

A love for the earth

With their lack of flight, the Kenku developed a deep and druidic connection to the earth; most circles of druids were indeed prominently dominated by Kenku and Firbolg, with of course appearances from the Kin of Ze'lenia and Kai'Melorn.

The very nature of their being has bound them innately to the beasts of this world, despite their humanoid appearances, therefore those outside of a drudic profession still end up committing themselves to world-benefitting activities throughout the lands.

In towns and cities, where Kenku often arrive after long days of travelling through the green woodlands, they are a peaceful bunch; often spending much of their time exploring the many paths and alleyways for secrets that have escaped them thus far.


These valiant and defiant people have had a varied effect upon the lands of Zand'raya; many of them bearing lineages to heroes and villains from tales long past across are history. But, in their shining true nature, no one may define an Orc but themselves.

Always a reason

With the rise and fall of their many kingdoms in [Years prior to Ethereal Years] across the continents, the nature of the Orc was understood very quickly. Whilst their fights and wars were bloody, and merciless, there was always an abidence to a strict code of honour: in their tongue known as "Zhe'Hyz Grahl". Translating Orc can at times be complicated, but loosely in the common tongue it means "The Forge of Blood".

A great treaty, signed during their most brutal wars of [Year prior to Ethereal years], written on the walls in blood inside a great forge. Its location has since been lost, with many Orcs vowing to find it in their lifetime, but this has not prevented the treaty from living on. In many Orcish homes they keep a great tome of the code; others tattoo its most relevant sections onto themselves.

The greatest rule is this: "Death is to be dealt swifty, should the reason be worthy of Orcish praise". Strict laws are in place to limit "Zhe Hyz Grahl" within settlements, towns, and cities world wide; these of course do not apply in the wild.

Sins of the father

The Orcs keep a many great detailed scripts of their lineages, making clan-wide efforts to ensure the accuracy of family trees. Every Orc is remembered, has stories told about them; even those who brought with them only misery. But, to accuse the sins of the father against the son, is to draw their most violent attention; Orcs themselves recognise this as a violation of the "Zhe Hyz Grahl".

Each Orc defines their own worth in the clan, with each one playing their part and aiding their own against whichever foes may cross their path; no matter the violence.


The Tabaxi's history trales closely alongisde that of Humans, with both of them tracing their roots to evolution through Survival. Whilst Humans often found themselves within forests and plains, the Tabaxi much preferred Jungles or others would call the desert their home. They climbed to the top of the food chain swiftly after they developed certain hunting tactics, which is recorded within the tomes discovered during the Age of Wisdom

Treasure Hunters By Nature

It is not precisely recorded when the Tabaxi began to build their own settlements, towns, and eventually cities - Yu'Rahdia, as an example - but they certaily developed a keen sense for bartering and mystery somewhere along the way. Tabaxi treasure hunters and enchanters were often famed for their talents, scouring the globe to discover many different artifacts. At times, The Finer Details have found them to be valuable comrades on expeditions for research.

Nights beneath the stars

In many Tabaxi cultures, it is common for most business to be conducted during the later hours of the day and well into the night - this is of course when the best deals also become available. It is almost as if a secret town lie within every city across the globe, filled to the brim with magiks the eyes may have never gleaned before; for this reason, some often tailor their wares to the adventuring type.


The Tieflings of Zand'raya have suffered at the hands of many others. When their connection to the Elder God Diadain was uncovered (By the fact that she herself was described as Tiefling before her ascension) during The Ethereal Years - much like the Hobgoblins with whom they sought kinship - the people could not contain their hatred. They were cursed out of settlements and towns for many years and their lineage to The Nine Hells did not help to mend their reputation; they had been scorned once and now they were scorned two-fold.

Unexpected Allies

When tieflings were the subject of many violent purges, it was the Tabaxi that came to their aid. With their many merchant ships, they would stow them away to safer shores. Overtime, the two races have grown close in their relations, and to this day both still claim the Yu'Rahdia as their shared home.

Rejoining the fray

Attacks against Tieflings have unfortuately occured very recently in the lands of Zandraya (with the latest happening in the deserts of Uthylies) but this seen good change in recent years. Time will tell if the many new laws being integrated across the world will allow this strong people to walk freely without fear once more. For now, only the stubborn town of Whittrock, guided by Fire Magi, refuse to join the future.

Zand'rayan Lineages


Love is not bound to the body, but to emotion and the soul. Half-Bloods, such as half-elves, are prime examples that the boundries of race are often crossed and ignored; the world has become a more vibrant and cultural place as such.

Half-Bloods on Zand'raya are not ashamed of who they are, and their welcoming into different communities spreads far and wide.

  • Ability Score Increase: Increase one ability score by 2 and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1. If you are replacing your race with this lineage, replace any Ability Score Increase you previously had with this.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and both the languages of your two crossed races.
  • Creature Type: Your creature type is Humanoid
  • Size: Your size is small or medium. You choose the size when you gain this lineage.
  • Speed: Your walking speed is 30ft
  • Ancestral Legacy: If you replace a race with this lineage, you can keep the following elements of that race: any skill proficiencies you gained from it and any climbing, flying, or swimming speed you gained from it. If you don't keep any of those elements or you choose this lineage at character creation, you gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
  • Darkvision: You gain dakrvision if one of your two races has access to the feature.
  • Bound By Blood: You gain access to one ability from each of your two crossed races. Examples include an Elf's Trance ability, A Halfling's Brave ability, and a Firbolg's Hidden Step Ability. You can not choose two abilities that grant spells.


Ever since the god wars, the many planes of existence have had vast influences in the world of Zand'raya; settling into its residents is not out of the question. Many interesting gifts have been bestowed to varied people, creating a new realm of Magik on the continent that has never been present before.

  • Ability Score Increase: Increase one ability score by 2 and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1. If you are replacing your race with this lineage, replace any Ability Score Increase you previously had with this.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language appropriate to your plane. This is in addition to any racial languages.
  • Creature Type: You may choose your creature type based on the level of otherworldly influence on your body. You can be a Humanoid, or a type more suited to your chosen plane of existence.
  • Size: Your size is small or medium. You choose the size when you gain this lineage.
  • Speed: Your walking speed is 30ft
  • Ancestral Legacy: If you replace a race with this lineage, you can keep the following elements of that race: any skill proficiencies you gained from it and any climbing, flying, or swimming speed you gained from it. If you don't keep any of those elements or you choose this lineage at character creation, you gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
  • Protection of The Planes: When you are reduced to 0 hitpoints and are unconcious, you are protected by the plane of existence you are blessed by. Until the start of your next turn, you are immune to non-Magikal damage. You can use this ability once per long rest.
  • Divine Gift: You gain access to one of the following cantrips: Sacred Flame, Toll The Dead, Thunderclap, Thornwhip, Green-Flame Blade, Frostbite, Booming Blade. You can use your class' spell casting ability for this cantrip, otherwise, the spell casting ability is Charisma.


The bloodlines from the age of wisdom still run deep within the world of Zand'raya. On rare occasions, this blood is still imbued with a sacred and raw form of Magik that has been lost to time. They are known to us as the Elderborne.

Whilst many Elderborne are hidden away and often never discover their abilities, some know of it quite well. Queen Garnet herself is Elderborne, allowing her to make full use of her sword and sorcery style of combat. Magi are able to empower themselves, often to grand or disastrous extents.

  • Ability Score Increase: Increase one ability score by 2 and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1. If you are replacing your race with this lineage, replace any Ability Score Increase you previously had with this.
  • Creature Type: Your creature type is Humanoid.
  • Size: Your size is small or medium. You choose the size when you gain this lineage.
  • Speed: Your walking speed is 30ft
  • Ancestral Legacy: If you replace a race with this lineage, you can keep the following elements of that race: any skill proficiencies you gained from it and any climbing, flying, or swimming speed you gained from it. If you don't keep any of those elements or you choose this lineage at character creation, you gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
  • Harness Raw Power: When you cast a spell, you can tap into the ancient, raw Magik, that runs through your blood. You have 3 charges of raw Magik that you can expend to increase the damage of your spells by one additional dice. You can expend more than one charge on a spell and your charges refresh after a long rest. If you use all 3 charges to amplify one spell, you must roll a D20. If you roll below a 10, you suffer 1/3rd of the damage as recoil. Once you have used this feature, you must wait one full round before doing so again.
  • Arcane Eyes: You can read all written forms of spells, regardless of the language they are written in. This can extend to symbols and runes if you DM allows it.
  • Natural Arcanist: You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill. In addition, you can cast the Identify spell once per day, without expending any components or spell slots.


The poor wretched souls who are born in or travel to the scarred lands are often met with the fate of the Soul-scarred. When the spirit is rended from the horrific scenes of the scarred lands it is hard for anything else to phase you. The few who can live with these tainted memories are often cold and unforgiving in their motives; for how can they see reason without the presence of a full soul?

  • Ability Score Increase: Increase one ability score by 2 and increase a different one by 1, or increase three different ability scores by 1. If you are replacing your race with this lineage, replace any Ability Score Increase you previously had with this.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and any languages you knew in life. If you take this lineage during character creation, you gain one additional language of your choice.
  • Creature Type: Your creature type is Undead
  • Size: Your size is small or medium. You choose the size when you gain this lineage.
  • Speed: Your walking speed is 30ft
  • Ancestral Legacy: If you replace a race with this lineage, you can keep the following elements of that race: any skill proficiencies you gained from it and any climbing, flying, or swimming speed you gained from it. If you don't keep any of those elements or you choose this lineage at character creation, you gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
  • Blessing of Undeath: You do not need to breathe, eat, or drink. You also gain access to the Eldritch Blast cantrip. You can use your class' spell casting ability for this cantrip, otherwise, the spell casting ability is charisma.
  • Macabre Facade: All Soul-Scarred are able to partially disguise themselves at will, visually repairing their skin and bones, but this can be dropped as a reaction of your turn when you are targetted by an attack that requires an attack roll. When you do so, the roll suffers a -2 penalty. If the attack misses, you deal psychic damage to the attacker equal to your Spell Casting Ability (Charisma if you do not have one) + Your Proficiency Bonus. You can use this ability once per short rest.
  • Undead Slumber: You only require 4 hours of sleep to complete a long rest. In addition, you are unable to be put to sleep by Magik.

Zand'rayan Classes

Myriad Knight

Deep in his cave, a lonesome Kobold toils away at the rock wall. In the distance, a bestial roar echoes throughout the depths. He grabs his pickaxe and rushes to aid his allies, but it was not as he seemed. What else did he see, but a young human, clad in blue, a mask across their face, telling stories of adventure and vile creatures as his comrades sit around a dim-lit campfire. They gladly offer their aid to the humans encroaching endeavours.

Before long, the whole clan is singing songs. With a short motion of the traveller’s staff, the kobolds are captivated, the essence of their souls flowing from their chests, to join with this ravishing adventurer.

Monsters made human

The Myriad Knights, a long-lost order of extraordinary adventures based on the continent of Hysillia, have resurfaced! Kind at heart, vicious when required, the Myriad Knights seek to understand the world of creatures that strayed from civilisation. The old knights spent years perfecting the art of finding the soul, found deep within the core of their biology. Through friendship or bloodshed, they accumulate the souls of creatures to add to their own and push the boundaries of spellcasting. Although they were typically spellcasters, the new Myriad Knights trained relentlessly to also perfect skills in swordsmanship and archery to protect their comrades in battle.

In the past, the Myriad Knights were often assigned as scholars within towns, to offer guidance and knowledge on local threats. Over time, this art was lost due to a reluctance in wanting to risk life and limb in this profession. Now, having found the missing tomes of old across Hysillia, the new order seeks to become, under the new age of wisdom led by The Seamstress, a great organisation once again.

In pursuit of new experiences

Much of the knowledge gathered by the Myriad Knights of old is still missing and most recruits of the new order have decided to forge their own path. Utilising the base techniques, they found, Myriad Knights set out on the path of adventure, learning all they can of the world and monsters around them. Many have taken to specializing in certain creature types, dividing up the organisation for a more... time-effective approach. Though the undertaking of this reborn order is large, the fiery recruits will never be deterred.

High Risk, High Reward

The Myriad Knights utilise a very mysterious kind of Magik linked to the soul. The soul is thought to capture the very essence of the person who holds it, but what if your soul could bond with the essence of another? By utlising the bond that souls can develop, Myriad Knights can invoke the powers of creatures for their own use, however, the process places strain on the soul of the caster, and in some cases, they can suffer great damage. The first order of business in the new order? Find a way to combat this of course! With new techniques, the new Myriad Knights developed self-sufficient healing, allowing them to expand the realms of knowledge they can explore.

The Myriad Knight
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Challenge Rating
1st +2 Monstrous Spellcasting, Primal Vitality 2
2nd +2 2
3rd +2 Monstrous Mask 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3
5th +3 Multiattack 4
6th +3 Monstrous Mask Feature 4
7th +3 Drain Essence 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5
9th +4 6
10th +4 Monstrous Mask Feature 7
11th +4 Enhanced Research 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 8
13th +5 8
14th +5 Monstrous Mask Feature 9
15th +5 10
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 11
17th +6 Titanic Might 12
18th +6 Monstrous Mask Feature 13
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 14
20th +6 - 15

Quick Build

You can make a Myriad Knight quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Charisma your highest ability score, then place your second highest stat in Constituion. Depending on the weapons you plan on using when not casting, you should then take Strength or Dexterity as your third highest stat.

Class Features

As a Myriad Knight, you gain the following Class Features:

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1D10 per Myriad Knight Level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1D10 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Myriad Knight Level after 1st


  • Armour: Light Armour, Medium Armour
  • Weapons: All Weapons
  • Tools: Herbalist kit, Alchemy kit
  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma


  • Choose two from the following: Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Performance, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • (a) A Spear or (b) A Shortsword
  • (a) An Arcane Focus (b) A Hand Crossbow with 20 bolts
  • (a) an Explorer's pack or (b) a Scholar's pack
  • (a) Leather Armour, a Herbalist kit & an Alchemy kit.

Monstrous Invocations

At 1st level, you have undergone a transformation of the soul, allowing you a deeper connection to the creatures that inhabit your world. You are able to learn how they act and gain access to their abilities through this connection. At 1st level, you can only gain abilities from monstrosities. You will gain access to new monsters as part of your "Monstrous Mask" and "Enhanced Research"

Invoking Monstrous Creatures

As a Myriad Knight, you collect and memorise the souls of creatures, gaining access to their Invocations. You can prepare a number of Invocations equal to your Myriad Knight level. You can perform an amount of Invocations equal to your proficiency bonus per short rest.

You can gain a Invocation in two ways. The first is to slay the creature and connect with the soul it leaves behind. The second way is to form a bond with the creature and earn its trust. For this method, you make a Charisma contest against the creature. The creature roll should suffer a small penalty based on how much they trust you. Based on the contest, your DM will decide whether you successfully connect with the creature. The maximum challenge rating creature you can bond with is listed in the Myriad Knight class table.

Once you have successfully bonded with a soul, you gain the ability to invoke the power of the creature. Invoking a creature costs you a bonus action and, for the next 1 minute, you are able to utlise the abilities, actions, and spells within the creature stat block. To complete the Invocation, you take damage equal to an amount of d8s * The challenge rating of the creature you invoke (minimum 1d6). You can end an Invocation early by using your bonus action again and you can freely switch from one Invocation to another.

Active monstrous abilities and spells granted by your Monstrous Invocation feature end when you end or change your current Invocation.

While invoking a creature, your attribute scores, movement, and allignment remain unchanged. This means that all Invocation attacks are made using your attributes.

Invocations known at 1st Level and higher

At 1st Level, you know two Invocations equal to or lower than your challenge rating (defined in the Myriad Knight spell table) These can be anything defined as acceptable by your DM. Consider what your character has been doing before joining the campaign and the experiences they have had with creatures in their past. Remember these can only be from monstrosities.

Spellcasting ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for all Invoked monster abilities, including any spells the creature may know. You use your Charisma whenever an invoked action refers to the target creature having to make a DC. You also use your spellcasting ability to hit attacks such as biting and clawing from beasts.

Spell Save DC = 8 + Your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spell Attack Modifier = Your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Primal Vitality

Starting at 1st level, your soul flares during combat as the memories of the creatures you have faced swell inside of you. As an action on your turn (or a bonus action if you are currently using an Invocation), you can expend a number of hit dice up to your Charisma modifier to regain hit points equal to the amount rolled. Additionally, you gain additional hit dice equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

Monstrous Masks

As a Myriad Knight, one of your main goals is to learn as much about the world around you as possible. However, there are so many monsters that inhabit the planes that this task would be too large for one person.

Each Myriad Knight commits to learning spells from a specific monster type to help even out the knights assigned to particular research tasks. At 3rd level, you will commit to one of these paths and create what has been dubbed a "Monstrous Mask". This mask shows other knights of your order and those you encounter the types of monsters you are committed to learning about. During combat, an ethereal mask appears over your face to strike fear into your enemy. This mask takes on the face of a creature you have learned an ability from, and you can change the mask's appearance as many times as you like, even during combat.

Most Mask abilities can recharge when you complete an Invocation. You may only recharge one of these features per used Invocation.


At 5th level, while not invoking a creature, you benefit from the Extra Attack feature. At the same level, you are able to benefit from creatures that have the multiattack feature in their statblock; to a maximum of 2 attacks.

Drain Essence

At 7th level, whenever you use an Invocation, you can rend the souls of those around you. Hostile creatures within 5ft of you when you cast an Invocation suffer Psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier. You can then force one creature to make a Constituion Saving Throw. On a fail, the creature suffers double Psychic damage from the attack and you gain temporary hitpoints equal to the damage dealt.

Enhanced Research

At 11th level your spectrum of knowledge has grown, and your soul can accommodate another specialization. Choose one of the below monster types to specialize in. you gain access to learning spells from these creatures as you have with the type defined with your Monstrous Mask as well as the bonus indicated:

Dragons: From your soul, you manifest a tiny ethereal dragon capable of performing small tasks. You gain resistance to one of the following damage types on a long rest, exchanging it with the previous: Lightning, Fire, or Cold damage. You also learn the Draconic Language

Celestials:From your soul, you manifest a tiny ethereal Pegasus capable of performing small tasks You gain resistance to one of the following damage types on a long rest, exchanging it with the previous: Necrotic, Radiant or Psychic damage. You also learn the Celestial language.

Giants: From your soul, you manifest a tiny Ettin capable of performing small tasks. You gain resistance to the following damage types per long rest, exchanging it with the previous: Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning damage. You also learn the Giant Language.

Titanic Might

At 17th level you have mastered the way of the monstrous souls that have joined you on your journey.

During combat, whilst you are invoking a creature, you can end the Invocation early as an action to grant yourself a mighty boon. For the next 30 seconds, you may choose one of the following attribute scores and increase it to 28: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution. All neccessary changes take place as per a standard attribute score increase during the length of this ability. You also gain a flying speed of 60ft.

Once the effect ends, you are unable to invoke an Invocation for the next 30 seconds, but all of your Myriad Knight Subclass Features are refreshed.

You may only use Titian Might once per long rest.

Mask of The Fiend

The Mask of The Fiend defines your intent to learn about the hellish creatures that traverse into your plane. You are also committed to travelling to their homeland should that be necessary for your endeavours. Myriad Knights who assign themselves to this mask often become colder over time as their soul swells to accommodate the many harsh creatures they encounter and learn from. Those who take up this mask are often thought to be more vicious and willing for combat, focusing more on the swordsmanship skills they have honed with their time in the order.

Innately Fiendish

Upon choosing this mask at 3rd level, you gain the Imp Invocation. Whilst invoking the powers of a fiend, your melee and ranged attacks deal additional Necrotic damage equal to your Strength modifier.

Fiendish Glare

At 6th level, as an action on your turn, you can choose one creature within 30ft of you that you can see. This creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC, if they fail, they are frightened of you for 1 minute or until they take damage. If the creature is of a challenge rating that you can invoke, you can instead choose to stun the creature until the end of its next turn. This ability can recharge whenever you use an Invocation.

Hellish Advance

At 10th level, as a bonus action on your turn, you rush forward and appear 30ft in a straight line ahead of you in ablazing dash. When you do so, the ground beneath your feet is lit by flames as you run the distance of your dash. all creatures you pass during your dash suffer fire damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. The flames remain on the ground until the start of your next turn. Any creature that moves the the flames takes 2d8 Fire Damage. The movement from this ability does not provoke opportunity attacks. This ability can recharge whenever you use an Invocation.

Wicked Strikes

At 14th level, your attacks mimic the relentless violence of a fiend. As a bonus action, you can declare your next attack that hits to become Wicked. The target of your attack suffers an amount of d8’s equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 2d8) as necrotic damage at the start of their next turn. This ability can recharge whenever you use an Invocation.

Naught but Ash

At 18th level you have learned to harness to full power of these hideous creatures. When entering into a fiend Invocation, you can allow them to overwhelm you, sending you into a violent rage. You take maximum damage from the Invocation damage roll but you gain advantage on all attacks rolls during your Invocation and any creature you reduce to 0 hitpoints is immediately turned to ash. Each time you successfully kill a creature, you can move up to your movement speed towards another creature and make a melee weapon attack against them (you cannot repeat this more than two times). This ability recharges on a Short Rest.

Mask of The Fey

The Mask of The Fey defines your intent to learn about the lovely and terrifying creatures that traverse to the Material Plane from the Feywild. You are also committed to traveling to their homeland should that be necessary for your endeavours. Myriad Knights who assign themselves to this mask often become more mischievous over time as their soul swells to accommodate the many mysterious creatures they encounter and learn from. Those who take up this mask are often thought to be more caring but not afraid of a good time, even at the expense of others. These knights often commit to a much more supportive role for their comrades.

Gift of The Fey

Upon choosing this mask at 3rd level, you gain the Dryad Invocation. Whilst invoking the powers of a fey, your first melee or ranged attack deals additional radiant damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.

Verdant Exorcist

At 6th level, while you have a Fey Monstrous Invocation active, you can use your reaction to grant an ally within 30ft of you temporary hit points equal to twice your Charisma Modifier when they are hit by an attack roll but before they take damage. You can utilise this reaction twice per Fey Invocation, regaining the uses once you active an Invocation

Revelry in the court

At 10th level, you sense a deep connection to the Feywild. As an action during combat, you perform a dance inspired by one of the Fey souls within you. You grant yourself, and one other ally within 60ft who does not have one, a point of inspiration. This point of inspiration is lost once you leave combat. This ability can recharge whenever you use an Invocation.

Fey Mark

At 14th level your connection to the Fey souls inside of you is strong.

As an action, you can invoke the power of a Fey creature inside of, causing a creature within 30ft to become marked. Attacks made by your allies against the creature cause the attack to heal them for an amount equal to 1d6 + your Charisma modifier. You cannot benefit from this healing. You may only have one creature marked at a time. This mark lasts for 30 seconds or until all charges are expended. This ability can recharge whenever you use an Invocation

Wild Nature

At 18th level, your bond with the Feywild is only rivalled by the Fey themselves. As an action, Nature bursts out and grows in a 30ft radius around you. Wild vines sprout and protect you and each of your allies. On your allies first successful attack each turn, they are healed for an amount equal to your Charisma modifier. Enemy creatures within the area suffer Necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier at the end of their turn. This ability is usable once per long rest.

Mask of the Aberration

The Mask of The Aberration defines your intent to learn about the horrific creatures of the Abyss and Underdark. You are also committed to travelling to their homeland should that be necessary for your endeavours. Myriad Knights who assign themselves to this mask often become wiser and more secretive over time as their soul swells to accommodate the many eldritch creatures they encounter and learn from. Those who take up this mask are often thought to be rational thinkers but with a tendency to be absorbed in their research. These knights often commit to a much more technical crowd control role within a group.

Dark Wisdom

Upon choosing this mask at 3rd level, you gain the Choker Invocation. Your also learn the Eldritch Blast cantrip, which you can cast at will without taking damage. When casting this cantrip as a Myriad Knight, the damage type is changed to Psychic.

Forbidden Knowledge

At 6th level, you can gaze into the depths of expansive knowledge. When making an Arcana, History or Religion check, you can choose to use your Charisma modifier instead of Intelligence.

During combat, whilst under the effects of an Aberration Invocation, you can use your reaction to target a creature and make a Deception check against their Insight. If you win, you take half damage from the attack whilst the other half is reflected back at the creature as Psychic damage. You can utilise this reaction twice per Aberration Invocation, regaining the uses once you active an Invocation

Encroaching Abyss

At 10th level, you can pull the veil of darkness over yourself, empowering your abilities. When you activate this ability, and at the start of your next three turns, your attack rolls, damage rolls, and Armour Class increase by 1. When you reach the end of your turn with a +4 modifier, you and all hostile creatures within 10ft of you suffer Psychic damage equal to your Proficiecy Bonus. This ability can recharge whenever you use an Invocation.

Dark Hysteria

At 14th level, As an action, you can target a creature and sow seeds of darkness into their mind. As an action on your turn, you can target a creature within 30ft of you, allowing you to roll 1d10 and subject them to the effects of the Confusion spell. If you roll a 9 or 10 for the effect, they instead take damage 3d8 Psychic damage and you may roll again for another effect. This ability can recharge whenever you use an Invocation.

Eldritch insight

At 18th level, the souls you have bonded with have transcended your mind. As an action, you bestow a blessing of the cosmos upon yourself, casting and empowering an Eldritch Blast.

Each creature hit by your Eldritch Blade a Constituion Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC, rolling at disadvantage if they are not proficient On a fail, the creature is Blinded and Deafened for 1 minute. They can repeat the saving throw, following the same conditions, at the end of each of their turn. This ability is usable once per short rest.

The Talekeeper
Level Proficiency
Features Prophecy
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Fateful Draw, Prophecy 2 2 2
2nd +2 2 3 3
3rd +2 Fate's Call 3 4 4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 5 4 3
5th +3 Fate's Call Feature 4 6 4 3 2
6th +3 Remnants of the Past 4 7 4 3 3
7th +3 Fate's Call Feature 5 8 4 3 3 1
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 9 4 3 3 2
9th +4 Fate's Call Feature 6 10 4 3 3 3 1
10th +4 6 11 4 3 3 3 2
11th +4 Fates Call Feature 7 12 4 3 3 3 2 1
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 12 4 3 3 3 2 1
13th +5 Fate's Call Feature 8 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
14th +5 Lingering Remnants 8 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1
15th +5 Fate's Call Feature 9 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
17th +6 Fate's Call Feature 10 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 10 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 11 15 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Divine Bulwark 12 15 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1

Quick Build

You can make a Talekeeper quickly by following these suggestions. First place, your highest stat in Intelligence, followed by placing your second highest stat in Constitution and your third highest in Dexterity. Next, take the Sage background.

Class Features

As a Talekeeper, you gain the following Class Features:

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1D6 per Talekeeper Level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1D6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Talekeeper Level after 1st


  • Armour: Light Armour, Shields
  • Weapons: Daggers, Shortswords, Rapiers, Quarterstaffs
  • Tools: Calligrapher's tools
  • saving throws: Intelligence, Wisdom


  • Choose two from the following: Arcana, History, Insight, Perception, Persuasion, Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A Quarterstaff or (b) A shortsword
  • (a) An Arcane Focus
  • (a) A Scholar's Pack or (b) An Explorer's Pack
  • (a) A Spellbook, 8 Tarot Cards in a Magik Leather Pouch, Holy Symbol of The Oracle

Spell Casting

you have a Spellbook containing spells that shows what you already know as part of your training as a Talekeeper

Divine Scroll & Divination Spells

Gained at 1st level, as a sign of completion of your Talekeeper training, you received a magikal scroll. Written upon it are all Divination Spells, granting you knowledge of them as you level up. You learn the Sacred Flame Cantrip and You also gain access to all Divination catrips. You can prepare any 2 Divination cantrips per long rest.

Due to the blessing granted to your order by The Oracle, God of Divination and Fate, you are naturally attuned to this school of Magik and know all of its spells as detailed in your Divine Scroll. You still need to prepare these spells normally.

Preparing and casting spells

The Talekeeper table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your Talekeeper spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. You prepare the list of Talekeeper spells that are available for you to cast. To do so, choose a number of Divination spells from your Divine Scroll equal to your Proficiency Bonus. The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

For example, if you are a 3rd-level Talekeeper, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an Intelligence of 16, your list of prepared Divination spells can include two spells of 1st or 2nd level.

You can change your list of prepared Divination spells when you finish a long rest, but you may not change your innate spells (See learning spells of 1st level or higher). Preparing a new list of Divination spells requires time spent studying your Divine Scroll, attuning to your blessing,and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Talekeeper spells since you learn your spells through dedicated study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Talekeeper spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

  • Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence Modifier
  • Spell attack modifier = Your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence Modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast a spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag. You do not need to have the spell prepared.

Spellcasting Focus

You require your Divine Scroll as a spellcasting focus to cast Divination Spells as Rituals that you have not prepared. You do not require a spellcasting focus to cast your prepared spells.

Learning Spells of 1st level or Higher

You known a number of spells as shown in the Talekeeper Class table. you use Intelligence as your Spell Casting Ability for these spells. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have Spell Slots, as shown on the Talekeeper table. On your Adventures, you might find other Spells that you can add to your Spellbook (see “Your Spellbook”).

Fateful Draw & Prophecy Charges

At 1st level, you can utilise the 8 tarot cards that were gifted to you as a member of the Talekeepers. Each card represents a foretelling that can be interpreted in many ways... Outside of combat, you can use these however you like. During combat, they can provide very useful ways to change the flow of battle. By expending a prophecy charge and a bonus action, you can roll 1d8. Based on the number you roll, draw one of the following tarot cards and your holy symbol of The Oracle will resonate with it to provoke an effect. You can, if you choose, expend 3 Prophecy points and instead choose which card to draw. When a card is pulled, it vanishes in a puff of blue dust and it is reshuffled into the deck. Card effects can not be stacked multiple times on a single target. You regain all of your Prophecy Charges when you complete a short rest.

Fateful Draw Table
Tarot Card Meaning Effect
Balance The divine threads
are as one
Grant the following effect to an ally within 20ft: Restore a 1st level spell slot (Maximum 3rd level)
The Serpent Misfortune is imminent Grant the following effect to yourself or an ally within 20ft: Gain a +1 to your next damage roll (Maximum +3)
The Eye Something is not
as it seems
Grant the following effect to yourself or an ally within 20ft: +1 to your next attack roll (Maximum +3)
The Shadow The unexpected should be expected Grant the following effect to yourself or an ally within 20ft: +1 to next Stealth ability check (Maximum +3)
Yggdrasil Growth is on the horizon Grant the following effect to yourself or an ally within 20ft: gain a +1 to your AC until the start of your next turn (Maximum +3)
The Knowing-Father New knowledge is coming your way Grant the following effect to yourself or an ally within 20ft: Gain a +1 bonus to your next saving throw (Maximum +3)
Our Lady Hope Keep hope, good things are coming Grant the following effect to yourself or an ally within 20ft: roll 1 hit dice and regain the value in hitpoints. The hit dice are not spent from your target's pool (Maximum 3)
The Travelling Fool The future is unpredictable Grant the following effect to yourself or an ally within 20ft: You gain 5ft additional movement on your next turn (This turn if granted to yourself) (Maximum 15ft)


Also at 1st level, the power of Divination within you begins to blossom. To use this feature you must expend 1 charge of Prophecy. When conversing with an NPC, you can pose a question or phrase to your DM and they tell you the response that NPC would give. The accuracy of this is based on an insight check. The NPC has no knowledge of you asking this question.

Tarot Points

When you select your Fate's Call, and each time you gain a subclass feature from this selection, you gain 2 Tarot Points. You can use 1 Tarot Point to increase the effect of one of your Fateful Draw cards by +1. If you choose to upgrade Balance, the maximum Spell Slot level increases by 1.If you choose to upgrade Our Lady Hope, the usable amount of hit dice increases by 1. If you choose to upgrade The Travelling Fool, the effect increases by 5ft.

No Fateful Draw card may exceed the maximum bonus as states within the Fateful Draw table.

Fate's Call

At 3rd level, the fates call you down a specific road. You can select 1 calling between the following as your specialization:
"Fate's Call: Priest" or "Fate's Call: Arcanist". The calling you choose defines your role within your group as either improved support or an improved damage dealer.

Your calling grants you a feature at 3rd level and additional features at 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, and 17th level.

Remnants of the Past

At 9th level, you can peer briefly into the past by expending one of your Prophecy Charges. As an action, you can cast the same spell you cast on your last turn at no cost to your spell slots. This spell must be of 3rd level or lower, be a Divination Spell, and you cannot cast this spell at a higher level. Once you use this ability, you must wait for two turns before you can use it again. You can use this ability three times per long rest, recharging on a long rest.

Lingering Remnants

At 15th level, the residual Magik from your spells is more present within the air. You can now use your "Remnants of the Past" feature on spells up to 5th level.

Divine Bulwark

At 20th level, you have mastered the art of Divination Magik and have unfettered access to the will of The Thousand-Eye Oracle. Amonsgt his many foretellings, there are also a great deal of past, presents, and futures. As a sole action on your turn, you can enter into an oracle state, pearing into one of these alternate timeways. until the start of your next turn, you are immune to damage but you are unable to take any actions.

At the beginning of your next turn, you finish your ritual and lose all previous effects granted by this feature. You may then cast 1 9th level spell of your choice, that you do not already know, without expendin a spell slot or pull upon the residual energies of the timeways to restore up to 9 levels worth of spell slots to yourself (distributed by your choice).

Once you use this feature, you can not use it again for 72 Hours.

Fate's Call: Priest

At 3rd level, your call from the fates has inclined you to pursue the role of a healer. You learn the following spells at the levels shown. They are always prepared for you and they do not count towards your other known or prepared spells.

Attuned Spell List
level Spell
3rd Cure Wounds, Prayer of Healing
5th Mass Healing Word, Revivify
7th Death Ward
9th Mass Cure Wounds
11th Heal, Heroes’ Feast
13th Divine Word, Symbol
17th Mass Heal

Divine Shuffle

Beginning at 3rd level, Whenever you roll on the Fate's Draw table and not wish to use its effect, you can instead burn the card back into your Tarot Deck and grant 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier as temporary hitpoints ally within 20ft of you. This increases by 1d6 at the following levels: 7th, 11th.

Radiant Will

At 5th level, when you successfully cast Mass Healing Word, all allies gain half of the healing as Temporary Hitpoints. These Temporary Hitpoints are lost at the start of your next turn.

Magician of The Light

Beginning at 7th level, when you cast Cure Wounds on an ally, you may teleport up to 15ft away from your location. All other allies within 5ft of you, excluding your original target, receive healing equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

Cosmic Capsule

At 9th level, When you draw a card from your Fateful Draw feature, you can use your magik to force the card through a rift, saving it for a more useful opportunity. At any time, you may retrieve and use the card an an action. Alternatively, you may use your Divine Shuffle feature on the stored card at any time. You may only store one card at a time.

Divine Future

At 11th, you can gaze briefly into the threads of fate, and see a different path for yourself. As an action on your turn, you may expend 1 Prophecy charge and cast a spell from an allies spell list. You cast this spell using your Spell Slots.

Defender of The Light

At 13th level, when you drop to 0 hitpoints, your spirit leaves your body to defend you and your allies. You are immediately stablilised and for the next 30 seconds you may control your spirit in combat. It uses half of your Maximum Hit Points, your Movement Speed, your Armour Class, and your Spell Slots & Spell List. The creature type of your spirit is Celestial.

Once this feature completes, you regain hitpoints equal to the amount of hitpoints your spirit has remaning. If your spirit is slain, this feature ends, and you suffer 2 death saving throws. You may use this feature once per long rest.

Prophet of Radiance

Beginning at 15th level, when you use your Divine Shuffle or magikian of The Light feature, your proficiency bonus is considered doubled for the purposes of healing.

Life Foretold

At 17th level, you learn the True Ressurection spell. The restrictions against age and time are nullified when you cast this spell. In addition, when you cast Revivify on an ally, they received healing equal to double your Proficiecy Bonus and you can teleport them up to 15ft away from their current location.

Fate's Call: Arcanist

At 3rd level, your call from the fates has inclined you to pursue the role of a Damage Dealer. You learn the following spells at the levels shown. They are always prepared for you and they do not count towards your other known or prepared spells.

Attuned Spell List
level Spell
3rd Scorching Ray, Shatter
5th Lightning Bolt
7th Ice Storm, Wall of Fire
9th Cone of Cold
11th Chain Lightning, Disintegrate
13th Delayed Blast Fireball
17th Meteor Swarm

Arcane Shuffle

Beginning at 3rd level, Whenever you roll on the Fate's Draw table and not wish to use a card's effect, you can instead burn the card back into your Tarot Deck and deal 1d8 Cold, Fire or Lightning damage an enemy within 20ft of you. This increases by 1d8 at the following levels: 7th, 11th.

Valiant Arcanist

Beginning at 5th level, when a creature lands an attack roll against you, you can select one card from your Fateful Draw table and burn it. This card leaves the deck and becomes unusable until you complete a long rest. In return, you can roll 1d6 and reduce the attack roll by the number rolled. You can perform this feature once pr short rest.

Elemental Allignment

Beginning at 7th level, you have begun to understand how Arcane Leylines weave into the threads of fate. When you start your turn in combat, you can expend your reaction, causing all magikal damage you cause this turn to deal additional damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus and to be converted to one of the following damage types (your choice): Cold, Fire, Lighting. You can use this feature once per short rest.

Cosmic Capsule

At 9th level, When you draw a card from your Fateful Draw feature, you can use your magik to force the card through a rift, saving it for a more useful opportunity. At any time, you may retrieve and use the card an an action. Alternatively, you may use your Arcane Shuffle feature on the stored card at any time. You may only store one card at a time.

Arcane Future

At 11th, you can gaze briefly into the threads of fate, and see a different path for yourself. As an action on your turn, you may expend 1 Prophecy charge and cast a spell from an enemies spell list. You cast this spell using your Spell Slots.

Shifting Arcanum

Beginning at 13th level, when you use your Valiant Arcanist feature, you gain 1 Mirror Image of yourself. The next attack roll that would hit you allows you to roll 1d8. On a 4 or higher, the Image in slain in your place. The image persists until it is slain or until you re-use your Valiant Arcanist feature.

Master Manipulator

Beginning at 15th level, when you use your Divine Shuffle or magikian of The Light feature, your proficiency bonus is considered doubled for the purposes of Damage. In addition, you may select one of the following damage types; it is added to the list of available damage types for your Arcane Shuffle Feature: Radiant, Necrotic.

Ancient Will

At 17th level, you have begun to connect to deep and ancient leylines. When you use your Elemental Allignment feature you also gain the following effects:

Temporary Hitpoints equal to your Intelligence Score, Your Creature Type is Changed to Elemental, Your are unaffected by Magikal terrain, your Size becomes 1 larger, and your proficiency bonus is doubled for the purposes of damage through your Elemental Allignment feature.

Luminos Lancer

Two figures stand together on the astral clock tower of Crystellia. Twilight sets across the luminous city as the lights begin to glitter across the crystals in the walls. As the residents leave their homes to enjoy the night, they rest assured in the safety of their home, as the knights unfurl their wings and glide across the borders. Together as one, day as if it were night and night as if it were day. By the blessing of Bahamut did these knights come to be, and they will protect their land at all costs.

Blessed Knights

After the events of The God Wars, Bahamut saw fit to once again leave the fate of mortals in their own hands, however, he did not leave them truly alone. Before he returned to the cosmos, to keep one eye on the continent of Uthylies, he blessed 5 knights and gifted them with the knowledge of dragons. The engineers were set to work, constructing mechanical wings that could affix to armour, allowing these knights to make use of this knowledge. Rigorous training with the lance ensued, to be used in unison with the power of dragons flight, which made for quite the deadly knight.

A New Army

Before long, the blessed knight became renowned throughout the continent, and with time news of their deeds and strength crossed the sea through amazing tales and whispers.

The 5 blessed knights soon discovered that Bahamut had given them the ability to transfer this knowledge to new Knights they deemed worthy or capable of using this great power to ensure the same of Uthylies' people.

Before long, a new army was born to protect the land dubbed "Lucid Guardians" and they were a true force to be reckoned with. Filling the sky were not birds, but people, performing patrols to eliminate all threats.

One with the Sun and Stars

After some time, the Magik of Bahamut began to bloom with the blessed knights, now within the hundreds. Many of them had strange dreams depicting the sun and moon. Through these dreams, the Blessed Knights, now known worldwide as Luminos Lancers, became one with the realms that contained these celestial bodies and set to work creating new fighting styles in line with these new connections.

Lancers of the dawn aimed to strike true, often on the front line of any party, they would focus on disabling their opponents whilst also proving a worth adversary to any who crossed their path (be that on land or mid-air)

Lancers of the dusk fluttered through the sky as if it were their natural habitat. Performing deadly mid-air combos to eventually descend and tear their foes asunder with vicious techniques.

For the elite, a special place was held within the ranks of the Lucid Guardians. Often ascending as a pair, two lancers who had mastered their path would join together to share their knowledge and become known as Twilight Aspects, making them a much more deadly force to contend with. In rare cases, some knights would have additional dreams allowing them to ascend on their own.

Whatever their path, Luminos Lancers would always fight with honour and respect for their fallen adversaries, forever grateful of the power granted to them by the 5 Blessed Knights, and of course, their lord Bahamut himself.

The Luminos Lancer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features
1st +2 Twilight Essence, Luminos Light
2nd +2 Twilight Ability
3rd +2 Celestial Path, Polevault
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Spectral Wings, Twilight Ability
7th +3 Celestial Path Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Improved Twilight Essence, Twilight Ability
10th +4 Celestial Path Feature
11th +4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Twilight Ability
13th +5
14th +5 Equinox
15th +5 Celestial Path Feature
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Twilight Ability
17th +6
18th +6 Twilight Aspect
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Twilight Ability

Quick Build

You can make a Luminos Lancer quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest stat, followed by Constitution. Then, place your next highest stat into Intelligence and take the Knight background.

Class Features

As a Luminos Lancer, you gain the following Class Features:

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1D10 per Luminos Lancer Level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1D10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Luminos Lancer Level after 1st


  • Armour: Light Armour, Medium Armour, Shields
  • Weapons: Javelins, Spears, Glaives, Halberds, Lances, Pikes, Tridents
  • Tools: Land Vehicles, Air Vehicles
  • Saving Throws: Strength, Intelligence


  • Choose two from the following: Athletics, Arcana, Acrobatics, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Religion, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

  • (a) A polearm with which you are proficient
  • (a) an Explorer’s pack or (b) a Scholar’s pack
  • (a) Leather armour, A Chain shirt or Chain mail
  • (a) a Shield

Twilight Essence

Twilight Essence is what ties your abilities to the Dragon God Bahamut. This gift, obtained at 1st level, allows you to fight with the fury of a dragon to enhance your attacks and devastate the battlefield. When you attack with a polearm, you can choose to use your Dexterity Modifier, instead of Strength, for attack and damage rolls . When you successfully hit with a weapon attack, you gain 1 Twilight Essence point (max 3). You can also choose one twilight ability.

Luminos Light

Starting at 1st level, as part of your Lucid Guardian training, you gain access to the “Light” cantrip. During combat, you can cast “Light” on your weapon as a bonus action at the cost of 1 Twilight Essence point. When cast in this way, your next three melee attacks with that weapon deal a bonus 1d4 radiant damage on a hit. Once you have successfully hit a creature three times, the spell fades. Your Luminos Light damage increases to 1d6 at level 11.

Twilight Abilities

At 2nd level, You gain access to new Twlight Abilities as specificed by the Luminos Lancer Class Table. You can choose 2 abilities upon reaching this level and 1 additional ability when specified in the table. You must meet the pre-requisites for the abilities to be able to prepare them. When you complete a Long Rest, you can exchange one of your prepared Twlight Abilities for another that you are also able to use.

Celestial Path

Once you reach 3rd third level, you receive a dream in your sleep from the Dragon God Xi'thael. Within, you will find your way towards the sun or towards the moon. The choice, is up to you...


At 3rd level, as a bonus action, you spring into the air, pushing off with your polearm. You summon spectral wings, and make a long or high jump, calculating the distance travelled as if under the effects of the “Jump” spell. If you pass within 5ft of a creature, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity (this does not apply to creatures within 5ft of you when you start your jump). You may not perform other actions while airborne, but may act as normal once you land.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You cannot increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Spectral Wings

At 6th level, As an action, you summon Spectral draconic wings from your back. While active, you gain 10ft movement speed, and can hover up to 5ft above the ground. You also gain advantage on acrobatics checks, and attacks of opportunity made against you have disadvantage. These wings last for up to 1 minute or until they are dismissed (free action). This ability can be used a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest. At 13th level, the height at which you can hover increases to 10ft. While falling, as a reaction, you briefly summon your spectral wings, reducing any fall damage to 0.

Twilight Aspect

At 18th level, you have learned to fully harness the power of your Twilight Essence magik. You now gain 2 Twilight Essence points when attacking a creature instead of 1, and your total point maximum is increased to 6.

Path of the Dawn Knight

Blessing of Day

In bright light or dim light, you gain an additional 10ft of movement. You gain Darkvision if you do not have it already, and gain a +2 to your perception rolls while in bright or dim light. You also gain proficiency with heavy armour.

Call to battle

1 Twilight Essence point (max 3) At 7th level, you can call out to your foes, channelling the commanding presence of Bahamut and taunting them into attacking you. As an action, choose one creature within 60ft that can hear you. They must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC, or be forced to ignore other targets and spend their action moving toward and/or attacking you. They can repeat this saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success. This effect lasts for 3 rounds. For every Twilight Essence point spent after the first in the casting of this ability, you may choose one additional target. This ability can be used up to twice per short rest, but no more than four times per long rest.


At 10th level, as a bonus action, you can enchant your weapon - delivering a blow charged with the radiance of the sun, and applying one of these effects on a hit:

1 Twilight Essence point: Your next attack that hits forces the creature to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a fail, the creature is blinded for until the end of their next turn..

2 Twilight Essence points: Your next attack that hits forces the target creature to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a fail, the creature is stunned until the end of your next turn.

You may only use Radiance once per turn.

Healing Light

At 15th level, yu are able to bask in the light of the sun, restoring your vigour even in the midst of battle. When you use your Luminos Light ability to enchant your weapon, you can spend an additional Twilight Essence point to gain Temporary Health equal to the amount of Luminos Light damage dealt this turn. (You gain the health at the end of this turn). You can use this a number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier (minimum 1) per long rest

Solaris Knight

At 17th level, you become a bastion of light, a beacon of hope for your allies on the battlefield. Your armour shines with a blinding light, drawing enemies to you like moths to a flame. As an action, you cause your body and all equipment you are wearing to shine, shedding bright light in a 60ft radius, and dim light for a further 30ft. Creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls made against your allies that are within 10ft of you (but not you). You also heal 1d6+your intelligence modifier at the start of each of your turns while this ability is active. If you are reduced to 0 hit points while this ability is active, you instead drop to 1hp, bursting in a flash of sunlight, healing all allies within 30ft for 1d6+ your Intelligence modifier and blinding enemies within the same range.

Path of the Dusk Knight

Blessing of Night

In dim light and darkness, you gain an additional 10ft of movement. This bonus is unaffected by light cast by your “Light” cantrip, or other small light sources such as bonfires, torches, the “dancing lights” cantrip etc. You also gain Darkvision if you do not already have it, and gain a +2 to your perception rolls while in dim light or darkness..


3 Twilight Essence points at 7th level, you can channel the strength of Bahamut, and unleash a mighty roar. Each creature you choose within 40ft that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become frightened of you. They can repeat this saving throw at the end of their turn, ending the effect on a success. This effect lasts for 1 minute. This ability recharges on a short rest, but cannot be used more than twice per long rest.


at 10th level, you can bring your prey into the air for a devastating combo. As a bonus action, after gliding at least 10ft as part of your Spectral Wings feature, you can strike an enemy within a range of your remaining movement speed and within range of your weapon on the ground. The creature must succeed in a strength contest or be brought into the air in front of you. You must then use your action to attack the creature. Each strike against the mid-air creature gains advantage for this turn and you can make 3 attacks with your weapon. This ability can only be used on creatures no more than 1 size larger than you. This ability is usable once per long rest, recharging on a long rest.


at 15th level, your attacks are hastened by your burning light, like a shooting star streaking through the night sky. When you use your Luminos Light ability to enchant your weapon, you can choose to spend an additional Twilight Essence point to cause your weapon attacks to score a critical hit on a 19 or 20 while this instance of your Luminos Light remains active. You can use this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) per long rest.


At 17th level, you become an avatar of darkness. As an action, you embrace the majesty of the night sky for 1 minute, casting the Haste spell on yourself (no concentration required) and gaining 1d6+your intelligence modifier as temporary health at the start of each of your turns. If you activate your Spectral wings feature, you also gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. If you would be reduced to 0 hit points while this ability is active, you instead fall to 1hp and become invisible until the end of your next turn (the invisibility also ends if you cast a spell or make an attack). If the Haste spell granted in this way is dispelled or ends, you do not suffer the negative effects. You can use this ability once per long rest.

Path of the Mechanus

At 3rd level, your dream showed you the celestial bodies - their inner workings replaced with arcanum cogs.

Bright mind

Your research into engineering and the arcane, and the union of the two, have allowed you to unlock new abilities. At 3rd level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the artificer spell list. At higher levels, you learn additional artificer cantrips of your choice, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Path of Mechanicus spellcasting table. When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the cantrips you know with another cantrip from the artificer spell list.

The Path of Mechanicus spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your Path of Mechanicus spells. To cast one of your Path of Mechanicus spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of Path of Mechanicus spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the artificer spell list. When you do so, choose a number of artificer spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your Luminos Lancer level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

For example, if you are a 5th-level Luminos Lancer (Path of Mechanicus), you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an Intelligence of 14, your list of prepared spells can include four spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell Cure Wounds, you can cast it using a lst-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of Path of Mechanicus spells requires time spent tinkering with your spellcasting focuses: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. Your polearm or your wings may be used as your spellcasting focus.

Engineered Wings

At 3rd level, you have performed research into your own spectral wings, and engineered a permanent fixture that affixes to your back. You can unfurl your wings, and while not wearing medium or heavy armour, you are permanently under the effects of the Jump spell, as your wings propel you around the environment. At level 6, when you activate your “Spectral Wings” ability, you unfurl your Mechanical wings, and for up to 5 minutes gain a flying speed of 50ft

Mechanus Spellcasting
Luminos Lancer Level Cantrips Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3 2 2 - - -
4 2 3 - - -
5 2 4 1 - -
6 2 4 2 - -
7 2 4 2 - -
8 3 4 2 - -
9 3 4 2 - -
10 3 4 3 - -
11 3 4 3 1 -
12 3 4 3 1 -
13 4 4 3 1 -
14 4 4 3 2 -
15 4 4 3 2 -
16 4 4 3 3 -
17 4 4 3 3 -
18 4 4 3 3 1
19 4 4 3 3 1
20 4 4 3 3 1

Enhanced Mechanics

At 7th level, the engineering in your wings improves. You may now wear medium armour while still gaining the benefits of your Engineered Wings. While your wings are unfurled as part of your “Spectral Wings” ability, you can add your Intelligence modifier to Dexterity saving throws.

Arcane Engineering

At 10th level, you have learned to further amplify your attacks with your arcane engineering. When you cast a cantrip as part of your Action, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action. Additionally, your damaging cantrips apply your Luminos Light while it is active on your weapon as if you were attacking with the weapon its self (same rules for use apply).

Wings of The Dragon God

At 15th level, your flying speed increases to 65ft. When you succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw during flight, as a reaction, you can use the momentum to charge your mechanical wings and direct a strong wind towards the aggressor. That creature and all other creatures within a 15ft radius of them, must succeed on a Strength Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC or be knocked back up to 15ft and pushed prone. Creatures that fly into any walls or objects suffer 1d8 Bludgeoning damage for every 5ft they travel. You can use this ability a number of times equal to Proficiency Bonus per Long Rest.

Spear From The Heavens

At 17th level, as an action, whilst you are flying at least 20ft in the air, you can call upon Bahamut to empower your strength and give velocity to your next strike. Target any 1 creature that is beneath you and within 80ft, as your spectral wings guide your polearm as you throw it towards the ground. Make a spell attack roll and, on a hit, the creature suffers normal weapon damage + 1d6 Radiant damage for every 10ft between you and the creature, and is impaled (restrained) until you call the weapon back to you as a bonus action. As the spear collides, all creatures within 5ft of the target creature must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC or become Deafened and Incapacitated.

Twilight Abilities

1 Twilight Essence point (max 3)

As an action, summon a banner at a point you choose within 10ft of you. Each creature you choose within 30ft of the banner has their weapon enchanted with the effect of your Luminos Light ability. The banner has 5hp and AC10, and lasts for 1 round. For each Twilight Essence point spent in the casting of this ability after the 1st, this banner lasts for 1 extra round and gains a bonus 5hp. If you move more than 30ft away from the banner, it dissipates.

Controlled Fall

1 Twilight Essence Point

As an action, you summon your spectral wings, and leap high into the air. You jump up to 40ft directly upwards. Upon reaching the apex of your jump, you begin to slowly glide through the air, moving at half your normal speed while falling at a rate of 5ft per round, starting the round after you jump. For each additional Twilight Essence point spent in the casting of this ability, you travel an additional 20ft in the initial jump, and gain an additional 10ft of movement when gliding.

Crescent Strikes

2 Twilight Essence Points

This ability can be used as part of your attack action, replacing one of your attacks. As part of this ability, you make an attack with your polearm. Creatures within 5ft of your target (but not more than 10ft away from you) must make a Dex save. On a success they take no damage, on a fail they take half damage from your weapon. On a critical hit against the target creature, creatures take half damage on a success and full damage (unaffected by the critical hit) on a fail. This ability can only be used once per turn.


2 Twilight Essence points

You enter a steep dive, entering an aerodynamic position and falling polearm-first. As an action, choose a creature within a 10ft radius on the ground below you. The target creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your spell save DC or take 1d8 piercing damage per 10ft you have fallen, or half as much as force damage on a success. You take no falling damage when using this ability.


2 Twilight Essence Points

When you attack a creature with your polearm, you can cause your attack to pierce through the target, potentially hitting another creature standing 5ft directly behind them. Using the same attack roll, you attempt to hit the secondary target. The target gains the benefit of half cover for this attack.

Eldwyrm's Majesty

People are naturally drawn to you and often found in awe of your presence. You gain +2 to your Charisma score (Max 20), and all persuasion checks made when talking to non-hostile creatures are made with advantage.


1 Twilight Essence point

This ability can be used as part of your attack action, replacing one of your attacks. As part of this ability, you make an attack with your polearm. On a hit, the target must make a Dex save (DC 10 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a fail, they are impaled by your polearm, and become grappled by you. This ability can only be used once per turn

On your next turn, if the target is still grappled by you, for an additional Twilight Essence point you drive the polearm further into the creature, dealing maximum weapon damage and restraining them.

Kick Off

1 Twilight Essence point

As a bonus action, you choose a creature within 5ft to kick off of. You leap backwards to a point within a 15ft cone, without provoking attacks of opportunity. Every 1ft travelled with this ability costs 2ft of movement. The target creature must succeed on a contested Strength check or be pushed back 5ft.


2 Twilight Essence points

As a bonus action, you ready your polearm and charge into battle. For every 10ft of movement you make before your next attack, you may add 1d4 damage on a hit. If you move 15ft or more in a straight line, the target must also make a Strength saving throw, DC (8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be pushed back 10ft and knocked prone.

Wyrmscale Blessing

2 Twilight Essence Point

As a Bonus Action, grant yourself resistance to one of the following damage types (your choice): Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning. Lasts until the end of your next turn. As an Action, grant one ally within 10ft of you resistance to one of the following damage types (your choice): Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning. Lasts until the end of their next turn.

Wyrmscale Fortitude

2 Twilight Essence Point

As a Bonus Action, grant yourself temporary hitpoints equal to double your Constituion modifier. As an Action, grant one ally within 10ft of you temporary hitpoints equal to double your Constituion modifier.

Wyvern's Descent

2 Twilight Essence points

As an action, you summon your spectral wings and leap into the air, landing up to 30ft away and damaging surrounding creatures as you shock the earth with the force of your landing. Upon landing, all creatures within 5ft of you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC. On a fail, they take 2d12 + Your Charisma modifer as Force damage, and on a success they take half. For each creature who fails their saving throw, gain 1 Twilight Essence point.

Ythinian Class: Valiant Shifter

As the tournament begins, two knights step into the arena. Not clad in armour, but in cloth, their billowing attire scatters behind them in the wind as the tension builds. On the mark of the queen, their hoods come up as they bow to each other, their arms shifting to their preferred weaponry. In a flash, the flesh has become metal, the knight's dash across the battlefield... A true spectacle unfolds as man and weapon become one.

By Order of Lyonisius

On the continent of Ythian, where the god Lyonisius now reigns, a call to chivalry and valour was needed after the effects of The God Wars. Men or Women, capable of protecting the continent, we're called to rise up and form the new knights who would see this land reborn. Trained to be skilled in the art of the sword, whilst upholding the values of their new ruler, these new knights became a true force to be reckoned with and changed the course of Ythian's future.

The Valiancey

As these new knights came forward, the numbers willing to protect the land soared; no one wished to be a bystander in any more wars. It was by this that Sir Varon, commander of the Ythian Knights, set up The Valiancey. A new order, where knights could practice their new skills in ways that best suited them, and build diversity within the ranks of the order.

Living Weapons

After a year, The Valiancey was booming with recruits and skilled swordsmen, all abiding by the code set out by Lyonis. Seeing his new children prosper under his reign, he bestowed a blessing onto his knights; The power to turn one's flesh, into the sword. With this new power, the knights of The Valiancey became dubbed as Valiant Shifters, throwing away the restraints of heavy armour to allow for a more versatile style as they fought with weapons attuned to their being.

The Valiant Shifter
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Valiant Adaptations
1st +2 Valiancey Order, Fighting Style, Living Weapon 0
2nd +2 Unarmoured Efficiency 0
3rd +2 Valiant Adaptions, Holy Arsenal, Class Feature 1
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1
5th +3 Order Feature, Extra Attack, 1
6th +3 Valiant Adaption, Class Feature 2
7th +3 - 2
8th +3 Order Feature, Ability Score Improvement 2
9th +4 Valiant Adaption 3
10th +4 Class Feature 3
11th +4 - 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Valiant Adaption 4
13th +5 4
14th +5 Order Feature 4
15th +5 Valiant Adaption, Class Feature 5
16th +5 Order Feature, Ability Score Improvement 5
17th +6 5
18th +6 Valiant Adaptations, Class Feature 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6
20th +6 - 7

Quick Build

You can make a Valiant Shifter quickly by following these suggestions. First make Strength or Dexterity your highest ability score, depending on if you are planning on following the “Order of Chivalry” or “Order of Valour” archetypes respectively. Your second highest stat should be Constitution.

Class Features

As a Valiant Shifter, you gain access to the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per Valiant Shifter Level
  • Hit Points at 1st level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 + your Constitution modifier per Valiant Shifter level after 1st


  • Armour: None
  • Weapons: All Melee Weapons
  • Tools: None
  • saving throws: Strength, Constitution


Choose three from the following: Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Stealth, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a short bow and 20 arrows or (b) 4 Javelins
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack

Order of The Valiancey

At 1st level, you have chosen a specific order within The Valiancey. This defines the combat style you pursue as part of your training. Your order grants you a fighting style and additional features at the following levels: 6th, 10th, 14th and 18th.

Living Weapon

at 1st level, your body has been blessed by Lyonisius to allow you to become one with your weapon. You gain the ability to shift one of your arms into a one-handed weapon as a bonus action (it is also a bonus action to dismiss your weapon). The damage of this weapon is 1d8 of the relevant damage type (Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning) and the damage bonus is defined by your Order of The Valiancey. Any worn items below the elbow such as rings and bracers will also be transformed, but you will retain any Magikal benefits provided if any. You cannot be disarmed of this blade.

Any arms transformed with this ability cannot be used for any tasks requiring hands, such as the somatic components of spells, picking pockets or locks, or holding things that require a grip (such as a handle or bottle). This does not prevent you from taking the grapple action.

Unarmoured Efficiency

at 2nd level, you move quickly around the battlefield when in standard Valiancey cloth armour. You gain an additional 10ft movement speed and At 8th level, you gain a +2 to initiative.

Valiant Adaptations

Beginning at 3rd level, you begin to focus your training on certain areas. You can take one Valiant Adaption from the list provided at the end of this class sheet. These Valiant Adaptations have prerequisites that must be met for you to take them. You can take additional Valiant adaptations at the following levels: 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th.

Holy Arsenal

At 3rd level, your skills attained within The Valiancey have progressed significantly. You now have access to the Technique known as "Holy Arsenal". When you find a Magikal weapon, you can perform a ritual lasting 1 hour to bind this weapon to your being. The weapon is destroyed in the process but you are able to call on its effects for use in battle.

During combat, as a Bonus Action, you may swap to any other weapon in your arsenal, causing it to appear as your living weapon. You may only swap weapons on your turn and may only swap weapons once per round. Any weapon summoned through your Holy Arsenal retains all bonuses and effects. In addition to this, your base living weapon gains an attack and damage bonus equal to the same amount as your most powerful Holy Arsenal weapon.

You can have a number of weapons in your Holy Arsenal equal to your Charisma Modifier + 1 (minimum 2) in addition to your standard blade (attained at 1st level). If you wish to bind to a new weapon and your arsenal is full, you must forget one of the weapons you know. Sentient weapons must agree to become a part of your arsenal and must share your alignment, they retain their sentience when morphed onto your arm. Cursed weapons must have the curse removed. You may attune any sword to your arsenal that appears under your proficiencies, however when you shift your arm into that weapon for the effect, it uses your base blade damage unless specified otherwise in the Magikal effect.

Ability Score Improvement/Switch Adaptation

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You cannot increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.


At 6th level, your Holy Arsenal becomes empowered. Your attacks from weapons summoned with your Living Weapon feature become magikal for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magikal attacks and damage.

In addition, when you use your Holy Arsenal feature to swap weapons, your first successful strike against a creature made with that weapon deal additional radiant damage equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Courageous Fortitude

At 10th level, you can use your action to rally your allies in the face of defeat. Using your reaction, when an ally within 30ft of you takes damage that would reduce them to 0 hitpoints, you can rush to their side. Your ally is instead reduced to 1 hit point and any other allies within 10ft of you gain a point of Inspiration (if they do not already have one). You can use this feature once per short rest

Hallowed Bastion

At 15th level, you are devoted to the cause of The Valiancey. As an action, you can summon manifestations of your Holy Arsenal to litter a 30ft radius centred on you, impaling your foes. Each creature you choose within this 30ft radius must make a Wisdom saving throw: DC 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma. On a fail, each creature takes 4d8 radiant damage and cannot use their action or bonus action to attack a member of your party on their next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and can use their action and bonus action freely. You can use this ability once per long rest.

Sanctified Spirit

At 18th level, your spirit gleams. You gain resistance to non-Magikal damage and you become immune to Disease. In addition, when you land at least two attacks as part of your Extra Attack feature, you gain a free action. This action can not be used to attack.

Order of Valour

You have chosen to become a member of the Order of Valour within The Valiancey. Your virtues align to valour in combat and ensure quick victories. The damage bonus to your blade is Dexterity. Your Armour Class is calculated as 12 + your Dexterity modifier when not wearing armour.

You may also choose a fighting style:

Blessed Warrior

You learn two cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell list. They count as Valiant Shifter spells for you, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of these cantrips with another cantrip from the cleric spell list.

Blind Fighting

You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Blade Master

You gain the ability to shift your other arm into another blade and morph two blades at once, allowing for two-weapon fighting. You may have a different weapon from your Holy Arsenal present on each blade, but cannot summon the same weapon more than once.

Agile strikes

At 3rd level, you carve your way across the battlefield. Whenever you hit an enemy creature with a melee weapon attack on your turn, you can move an additional 10ft this turn.


At 5th level, you dance across all terrains of the battlefield to deliver devastating blows. You gain the ability to un up walls at great speed. If you end your turn upon a verticle surface or run out of movement, you immediately fall. Whilst running along a wall, you may forfeit 10ft of your movement to kick off up to 20ft from it.

For every 10ft of movement you take on a turn towards a target, your next successful attack deals an additional 1d6 (max 2d6) Slashing damage. The maximum amount of dice usable for this feature increases by 1 everytime you gain a new subclass feature in this class.

Elegent Butcher

At 8th level, your performance is as deadly as your arm.

When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, or score a critical hit, you can roll a D12 and add your performance skill to the roll. You gain the value rolled as temporary hit points. Temporary hitpoints gained by this feature are lost at the start of your next turn.


Beginning at 12th level you relish the opportunity to display your skills. When you are surrounded by 3 or more creatures, you can call upon the power of your Holy Arsenal. You may select a number of weapons from your Holy Arsenal equal to your Charisma Modifier and make one strike with each weapon against a foe. Each target for each weapon must be different. You can not use the same weapon twice. when you run out of weapons, this feature ends. Once this feature ends, you must select one of the weapons you used for this feature, rendering it unusable until your complete a short rest.

Valourous Fury

At 16th level, you can overwhelm your opponents with considerable fury. When you utilise your Elegant Butcher feature, you may select one enemy creature within 15ft of your original target. You may teleport to that creature in a blinding dash and make a weapon strike against it with your current weapon. When you use this feature, you gain the full damage bonus of your Show-off feature.

Order of Chivalry

You have chosen to become a member of the Order of Chivalry within The Valiancey. Your virtues align with protecting your allies and those in need. The damage bonus to your blade is Strength. You can also choose a fighting style.

Your Armour Class is calculated as 12 + your Constitution modifier when not wearing armour.

Blessed Warrior

You learn two cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell list. They count as Valiant Shifter spells for you, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of these cantrips with another cantrip from the cleric spell list.

Blind Fighting

You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls


When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction.

Holy Protector

You gain the ability to shift your other arm into a Shield, increasing your AC by 2. At levels 7 and 14, this shield gains an additional +1 to its Armour Class value.

Shield Bash

As part of your attack action, you can make one of your attacks a Shield Bash. This attack deals 1d4 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage (Magikal bludgeoning if your shield is Magikal), and the creature hit must succeed on a contested Strength (Athletics) check against you. If you win the conteest, you can choose to either knock the creature prone or push it back 10ft.

Valiant Defender

At 5th level, you are able to withstand great might. When a creature hits you with a melee attack, you reduce the damage by an amount equal to half the Armour Class value of your shield. In addition, when you do this, you may choose to also have the creature suffer damage equal Armour Class value of your shield as Force damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Long Rest.

Hallowed Might

At 8th level, you can manifest the strength of your courage in physical form. As a bonus action, you can shape your weapon into a mighty two-handed one, wielded in one hand. For 30 seconds, your attacks made with this weapon allow you to roll 1 additional weapon dice as damage. In addition, you can now make opportunity attacks without using a reaction. Creature hit by your opportunity attacks are forced to make a Wisdom Saving Throw; DC 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma. On a fail, their movement halts and they are forced to attack you at the start of their next turn. During your turn, you may only make 1 attack, but it is made with advantage. This ability requires concentration. You can use this feature once per long rest

Vow of Protection

At 12th level, you can form a protective link between you and an ally. As an action, designate one of your allies within 10ft to be protected by you. All damage they take is halved, and you receive half of the total damage. Any resistances you have apply to this damage. This ability lasts until the end of your next turn, and is usable a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Chivalric Fury

At 16th level, you have become a master of Chivalrous Defense. When you use your Valiant Defender feature to deal damage to a creature, you can add the deal bonus damage on your next weapon strike equal to the amount. When you land this strike and deal the additional damage, you and all allies within 20ft gain temporary hitpoints equal to half of the total damage you dealt with the attack.

Order of Justice

You have chosen to become a member of the Order of Justice within The Valiancy. Your virtues align with observing justice and delivering judgment to your foes. The damage bonus to your Living Weapon is Dexterity, and you can now summon a longbow in place of a blade. For the purposes of this bow, you are not required to carry arrows, although arrows can still be used with this weapon. You can also choose a fighting style. Your Armour Class is calculated as 12 + Your Dexterity Modifier while not wearing armour.

You may also choose a fighting style:


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

Blessed Warrior

You learn two cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell list. They count as Valiant Shifter spells for you, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of these cantrips with another cantrip from the cleric spell list.

Blind Fighting

You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.


At 3rd Level, you learn to channel divine magik through your summoned bow. You may ignore melee-only parameters for spells and abilities that enchant your weapon (for example, Wrathful Smite or Booming Blade).

In addition, you can cast the Hunters Mark spell and amount of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Long Rest.


At 5th level, your attacks mark your foes for divine judgment. The first time you damage an enemy with an attack, the next time they are damaged by a creature other than you they take an additional 1d4 Radiant damage. This ability can be applied once per target, once per turn. If your ally makes an attack that requires an attack roll, and scores a critical hit, you may also increase this damage as part of that critical.

At 10th Level, the damage dealt by Jury increases to 2d4. It increases again to 3d4 at 15th level.

Balance The Scales

At 8th level, you can imbue your bow with radiant energy, charging your arrows and splintering them on impact. As a bonus action, you can cause your arrows to splinter for one round. You may choose a secondary target for all attacks you make as part of your Attack action this round. The secondary target takes radiant damage equal to half the total damage dealt to the first creature. Only your primary target can be affected by your Jury feature.

Heaven's Rain

At 12th level, your flurry of arrows rain fiery vengeance upon your foes. You fire a large holy arrow into the sky, at which point it splits into five and descends from the heavens. Choose a point up to 90ft away from you. Creatures you choose within a 15ft radius must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + your Proficiency modifier). On a fail they take 4d6 radiant damage. On a success they take half as much.

If a creature fails their Dex save, they must also make a Constitution saving throw, becoming stunned until the end of their next turn on a fail.

You can use this feature once per Short Rest.

Death Sentence

At 16th level, at any time as a reaction, you can choose to dispel and deal your Jury damage to all targets currently affected by the feature, granting all attacks toward the targets advantage until the start of your next turn. In addition, all additional targets hit by your Balance the Scales feature are affected by your Jury feature.

Valiant Adaptations

Beginning at 3rd level, the blessing from Lyonis flowing in your veins allows your body to evolve and adapt to new situations. Below is a list of adaptations available to the Valiant Shifter. You may take new adaptations as defined on the Valiant Shifter class table. You must meet the prerequisites for a Vaillant Adaptation to use it unless it is specified otherwise. When you complete a Long Rest, you can exchange one of your prepared Twlight Abilities for another that you are also able to use.

Improved Shield Bash

Prerequisites – 3rd level Valiant Shifter, Order of Chivalry When you take this adaptation, you can now use your Shield Bash feature as a bonus action as well as one of your attacks. At 9th level, the damage of your shield bash increases to 2d4.

Blessed resistance

Prerequisites –6th level Valiant Shifter, Order of Chivalry

You gain one resistance to a Magikal damage type of your choice from the following: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder, Radiant, or Psychic.

Radiant Bulwark

Prerequisites – 8th level Valiant Shifter, Order of Chivalry

Instead of dealing bonus Radiant damage, your Crusader feature now grants Temporary Hitpoints when used. The amount is also increased by an amount equal to your Constituion Modifier.

Obey the Light

Prerequisites – 12th level Valiant Shifter, Order of Chivalry

Creatures affected by your Hallowed Might opportunity attacks make their Wisdom Saving Throw with disadvanatge.


Prerequisites – 16th level Valiant Shifter, Order of Chivalry

Your Vow of Protection now resets on a short rest. In addition, your ally is Immune to damage.


Prerequisites – 3rd level Valiant Shifter, Order of Valour

The first enemy you strike each turn is unable to make Opportunity Attacks against you until the end of your turn.


Prerequisites – 6th level Valiant Shifter, Order of Valour

When you deal at least 2d6 additional damage as part of your Show-off feature, your can add 1d6 to your next ability check or attack roll before the end of your next turn.

Radiant Strikes

Prerequisites – 8th level Valiant Shifter, Order of Valour

The bonus Radiant damage from your Crusader feature is increased by an amount equal to your Strength or Dexterity Modifier.

Valiant Display

Prerequisites – 12th level Valiant Shifter, Order of Valour

when you execute a creature and activate your Elegent Butcher feature, your Temporary Hitpoints are no longer lost at the start of your next turn. In addition, you can one free attack at an enemy within 5ft of your original target.

Sweeping Strike

Prerequisites – 16th level Valiant Shifter, Order of Valour

Your unrivaled feature now only summons one weapon (your choice), but it is enlarged and makes a sweeping attack against all enemies. Any effects on the chosen weapon are applied to all creatures, regardless of what the weapon details.

Guided Arrows

Prerequisite Order of Justice, 3rd level

Arrows fired from Bows that are bound to your Holy Arsenal ignore up to half cover.

Arcane Arrows

Prerequisite Order of Justice, 6th level

When you take this adaptation, you gain two Arcane Shot options of your choice from the Arcane Archer Fighter Subclass. Once per turn when you fire an arrow from a shortbow or longbow as part of the Attack action, you can apply one of your Arcane Shot options to that arrow. You decide to use the option when the arrow hits, unless the option doesn’t involve an attack roll. You have two uses of this ability, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a short or long rest.

Shining Mark

Prerequisite Order of Justice, 8th level

Creatures who suffer radiant damage as part of your jury feature also provide the damage dealt as healing to the attacker.


Prerequisite Order of Justice, 12th level

The damage of your split arrow as part of your Balance the Scales feature is no longer halved and you may fire one additional split arrow.

Protection of The Light

Prerequisite Order of Justice, 16th level

Allies within the radius of your Haven’s Rain feature gain Temporary Hitpoints equal to half the total Radiant damage dealt.

Armourer's Gift

Prerequisites – 6th level Valiant Shifter

Your Holy Arsenal increases in size. You can now have 1 additional item in your holy arsenal. At 12th level, this increases to 2 additional items.

If you are attuned to 3 objects in your holy arsenal, you may attune to one additional item that is not a weapon.

Light's Reward

Prerequisites – 10th level Valiant Shifter

When you use your Crusader feature to swap to a weapon, you may roll a D6. On a 6, you can select one used feature of the weapon and recharge the effect, allowing you to use it again.

Vicious Advance

Prerequisites – 12th level Valiant Shifter

Your Extra Attack feature now grants you two extra attacks instead of one.

Wrathful Smite

Prerequisites – 3rd level Valiant Shifter

You learn the Wrathful Smite spell and can cast it at 1st level twice per short rest, recharging on short or long rest. The level you cast it at increases with your Valiant Shifter level. At 7th Level, you cast it at level 2, and at 11th level, you cast it at level 3. Charisma is your Spell Casting Ability for this spell. The DC for this spell (if required) is 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma.

Searing Smite

Prerequisites – 3rd level Valiant Shifter

You learn the Searing Smite spell and can cast it at 1st level twice per short rest, recharging on short or long rest. The level you cast it at increases with your Valiant Shifter level. At 7th Level, you cast it at level 2, and at 11th level, you cast it at level 3. Charisma is your Spell Casting Ability for this spell. The DC for this spell (if required) is 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma.

Find Steed

Prerequisites – 6th level Valiant Shifter

You learn the Find Steed spell and can cast it twice per long rest. At 15th Level, you can choose to instead cast Find Greater Steed once per long rest. Charisma is your Spell Casting Ability for this spell. The DC for this spell (if required) is 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma.

Zone of Truth

Prerequisites – 6th level Valiant Shifter

You learn the Zone of Truth spell and can cast it once per day. Charisma is your Spell Casting Ability for this spell. The DC for this spell (if required) is 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma.

Crusader’s Mantle

Prerequisites – 9th level Valiant Shifter

You learn the Crusader’s Mantle spell and can cast it at 3rd level. You can cast this once per short rest, recharging on short or long rest. Charisma is your Spell Casting Ability for this spell. The DC for this spell (if required) is 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma.

Aura of Vitality

Prerequisites – 9th level Valiant Shifter

You learn the Aura of Vitality spell and can cast it at 3rd level. You can cast this once per short rest, recharging on short or long rest. Charisma is your Spell Casting Ability for this spell. The DC for this spell (if required) is 8 + your Proficiency + your Charisma Modifier.




Arcane Defender Specialst

These Cosmic Elves, who fell in love with mist machinations of The Mystral Queendom of Hysillia, began to design new swords that could draw the Magik out of small gems. For a while, the Cosmic Elves infused these gems solely with radiant Magiks but, in time, they taught this art to all travellers that crossed their paths.

Additional Proficiencies

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Jeweler's tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.

You also gain proficiency with 3 martial weapons of your choice

Arcane Defender Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Arcane Defender Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Artificer Level Spells
1st Bless, Sanctuary
3rd Arcane Weapon, Blessing of Arcana
5th Thunderstep, Glyph of Warding
7th Arsenal of The Magi, Death Ward
9th Wall of Force, Steel Wind Strike

Arcane Jeweler

Also at 3rd level, you have learned how to create Machina Hilts; handles for weapons that allow for the drawing of arcane energy out of gems, for use in combat. By infusing Magik into gems, and embedding them into these hilts, you can grant the sword new power

You can craft a Machina Hilt using your Tinker's Tools. This costs you 10gp in materials and a vial of Hysillian Mist (5gp from a Tinker's Supply Store). This process can be completed over the course of a long rest.

At the end of each long rest, you can produce an arcane gem. Any other arcane gem in your posession turns to dust when this new one is created. This gem contains an amount of charges equal to your proficiency bonus. Once produced, you can use your jeweler's tools to cut the gem into a shape capable of pouring its arcane energy into the Machina Hilt. It can then be embedded into your weapon.

  • Arcane Strike: As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend a charge from your embedded gem to grant yourself a bonus to your next melee weapon attack roll, equal to your Intelligence modifier. If this attack deals damage, it deals additional Fire, Cold or lighting damage equal to your Strength modifier. If you are a Cosmic Elf, Radiant is also an option for you.
  • Arcane Manipulation: When you cast a cantrip or spell that deals damage, you can expend a charge from your embedded gem and change the damage to become either Fire, Cold or Lighting instead. If you are a Cosmic Elf, Radiant damage is also an option for you. The damage of the cantrip is increased by an amount equal to your Strength modifier.

Once an embedded gem has expended all of its charges, it turns to dust and your Machina Hilt reverts to its default setting.

Arcane Adept

At 5th level, you have found new ways to enhance your arcane capabilities in the midst of combat.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can point a weapon embedded with a gem at a hostile target, forcing them to make an Intelligence saving throw against your Spell Save DC. The targets takes 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier in Psychic damage, and on a failed save, they are forced to spend their action attacking you on their next turn. If their attacks for that turn require a saving throw at any point, you have advantage on the save. You can use this part of your feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest. The damage of this attack increases to 2d8 at 10th level, and 3d8 at 15th level.

In addition, as an action on your turn, you can sacrifice a 2nd level or higher spell slot to instantaneously infuse two new charges into your currently embedded gems. For every slot above 2nd, you gain 1 additional charge, but your charges may not exceed your usual maximum. You can only use this part of your feature once per short rest

Defensive Gem Cutter

At 9th level, you can now infuse gems into shields and armour, gaining the ability to create a Machina Emblem with your Tinkers Tools, and produce an additional arcane gem at the end of a long rest. A Machina Emblem requires the same materials as a Machina Hilt. Cutting, Infusing, and Embedding gems into shields and armour follows the same costs and process as weapons. The charges in these gems act independantly from those in your weapons. Whilst you are equipped with a shield or armour that has been embedded with a gem, you gain the following ability

  • Arcane Retalliation: When you are struck by an attack, you can use your reaction to spend a charge from your embedded gem. The attacker suffers damage equal to 2d6 + your Strength modifier as either Fire, Cold or Lightning damage. If you are a Cosmic Elf, Radiant is also an option for you. This damage increases to 3d6 at 13th level and again to 4d6 at 17th level.

Arcane Barrier

At 15th level, you have become a master of protective infusions.

As an action on your turn, you can expend up to 3 charges - either from your weapon, shield or armour - and grant yourself and all allies within 15ft of you temporary hitpoints equal to 8 x the number of charges spent. Whilst these temporary hit points remain, the creature gains a +2 bonus to their armour class and saving throws. At 20th level, you can now expend up to 6 charges, and the bonus granted to a creature's armour class and saving throws is increased to +4


Path of The Shaman

For some, the path of rage is a controlled one. A chance to embody the fury that is inherent within the spirits of the earth. These fearless warriors or practise shamanism have learned to become one with the world around them, harnessing Magik and the elemental planes that surround the material one. Often more wise and intelligent than their warrior brothers, the shaman physically embodies the world of Zand'raya


When you choose this path at 3rd level, you begin to harness the elements and acknowledge the earth. Your spells are only usable while under the effects of a shamantistic trance

Spell Slots

The Shaman Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Charm Person and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast Charm Person using either slot.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know two 1st-level spells from the Druid Spell List. This spells must be of the Abjuration, Conjuration or Transmutation Schools

The Spells Known column of the Shaman Spellcasting table shows when you learn more Druid spells of 1st level or higher. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots and be of the correct school. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the Druid spells you know with another spell of your choice from the Druid spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots and be of the correct school.

Spellcasting Ability

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your Barbarian spells since you learn your spells by communing with the earth. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Barbarian spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast a Druid spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you know the spell. You don't need to have the spell prepared. You do not need to be in a Shamanistic Trance to cast your ritual spells.

Shaman Spellcasting
Barbarian Level Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
3 2 2 - - -
4 2 3 - - -
5 3 3 - - -
6 3 3 - - -
7 3 4 2 - -
8 4 4 2 - -
9 4 4 2 - -
10 4 4 3 - -
11 5 4 3 - -
12 5 4 3 - -
13 5 4 3 2 -
14 6 4 3 2 -
15 6 4 3 2 -
16 7 4 3 3 -
17 7 4 3 3 -
18 8 4 3 3 -
19 8 4 3 3 1
20 9 4 3 3 1

Shamanistic Trance

Also at 3rd level, your Unnarmoured Defense now uses Wisdom instead of Dexterity. You can choose to replace your Strength Saving Throw Proficiency with Wisdom saving throw Proficiency.

Your rage is now replaced with a Shamanistic Trance. A Shamanistic Trance Lasts 30 Seconds or until you lose concentration.

  • You have advantage on Wisdom Checks and Wisdom saving throws.
  • You are able to cast your prepared spells.
  • You gain resistance to Cold, Fire or Lightning Damage, your choice. This is lost when your Shamanistic Trance ends.

Harness The Earth

Upon reaching 6th level, you have begun to understand the inner workings of the elements.

Once during each of your turns when you cast a spell, you can use your bonus action to make a melee weapon attack at a creature within range. When you successfully strtike them, the creature suffers additional elemental damage equal to your Rage Damage (as indicated in the Barbarian class table). To determine the damage type, roll a d4 on the table bloew.

Harness The Earth Damage Table (D4)
Roll Damage Type
1 Cold
2 Fire
3 Lightning
4 Your choice

Elemental Fury

At 10th level, your strikes are guided by the spirits of the earth. Your Brutal Critical Dice now counts for Spell Attack Rolls whilst under the effects of a Shamanistic Trance. This additional damage can be Cold, Fire or Lightning, your choice.

Call The Spirits

At 14th level, your bond to the elements of the earth is unmatched.

When losing concentration on your Shamanistic Trance by failing a concentration check, you can perform one of the following effects:

  • All creatures you declare within 5ft of you must succeed on a Strength Saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be knocked back 5ft and pushed prone.
  • All Creatures you delcare within 5ft of you suffer Fire damage equal to their Constitution Modifier
  • All Creatures you declare within 5ft suffer Cold damage equal to their Strength Modifier
  • All Creatures you declare within 5ft of you suffer Lightning Damage equal to their Dexterity Modifier.


College of The Traveller

It is a common trait amongst bards to wander across the continents, but members of this college put this dedication to the test. The Traveller College denotes exploration and entertainment of all as their purpose, battling blistering winds and scorching deserts, climbing to the peaks of mountains or perhaps just enjoying a forest walk, the travelling bard can be found in all environments with a feather in their cap; prepared to lend a helping hand.

Bonus proficiencies

When you join this college at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the survival or nature skill, medium armour and 3 martial weapons of your choice. In addition, you can swap one of your cantrips for a different cantrip from a different class' spell list.

You can also benefit from the Fighting Techniques optional rule and choose one of the following three fighting styles:


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.-


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons

Explorers inspiration

Also at 3rd level, you learn to inspire others to overcome obstacles and terrain. When you use your Bardic Inspiration Feature, your target can choose to use their inspiration in these follwing ways as opposed to the usual effect.

  • Swiftness: You can expend the Bardic Inspiration to use the Dash or Disengage action as a Bonus Action.
  • Avoidance: When struck by an attack that required an attack roll, you can increase your armour class by the number rolled on your inspiration dice, possibly negating the attack. This lasts until the start of your next turn.

Upon reaching 10th level, these abilities upgrade:

  • Swiftness: You can also make one additional attack with a melee weapon, ranged weapon or cantrip this turn.
  • Avoidance: When an attack is negated, whilst benefiting from the Armour Class increase, you can move 5ft in any direction without provoking an attack of opportunity. This is a free reaction.

Honed By The World

Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Moreover, you can cast one of your cantrips in place of one of those attacks.

When you are targetted by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make a Charisma check. if your check is higher than the attack roll, the attack misses. This ability is usable a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Renowned Explorer

At 14th level, The "Find The Path", "Pass Without Trace", and "Teleportation Circle" spells are always prepared and do not count towards your prepared spells. You can cast each of them once per day without expending a spell slot.

Whilst a creature is in posession of one of your Bardic Inspiration die, they gain a +2 to all their attack rolls. This bonus is lost once the Bardic Inspiration is spent.

Blood Hunter

Order of Machina

The Order of Machina was founded by the Dragonborn Blood Hunters of Drogosh, at the end of the Uthylies God Wars. By utilising their brutal creations from their Eternal Dragon Wars, and the mechanical contraptions of Crystellia, these few were able to attribute their training to more modern methods of slaying. Since their founding, the Order of Machina has been tasked with defense against iron foes, as well as the felling of great creatures - mainly dragons - who pose too much of a challenge for soliders with a sword and shield. Elegent and explosive, these hunters are feared across the world.

Rite of Steel

When you join this order at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with firearms if you do not already have it. You also learn the Rite of Steel as part of your Crimson Rite feature. When you activiate the Rite of Steel, the extra damage dealt by your rite is Magikal Piercing damage. Additionally, while this rite is active on your firearm, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your attacks made with firearms deal an additional hemocraft die of damage to Dragons and all creatures that are a larger size than you .
  • You have resistance to non-Magikal Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning damage.

Destined Mark

Starting at 3rd level, you can select a hostile creature and condemn them to a swift end. For the next 30 seconds, your proficiency bonus is doubled for attack rolls made with firearms against the marked creature. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

Rip and Tear

Once you have reached 7th level, you gain proficiency with Blacksmithing Tools and can begin to attach blades to your firearms for deadly combos. Any blade attached to a firearm, that is under the effect of one of your rites, also gains the bonuses listed.

You no longer suffer a penalty from making attacks with Firearms in melee range. When you land an attack with your firearm, and there is a creature within 5ft of you, you can make a free attack with the blade attached to your gun (maximum 2 free attacks per turn).

Your blades deal Magikal Slashing damage equal to the roll of your hemocraft die.

Brand of the Blood-Soaked Marauder

Beginning at 11th level, your Brand of Castigation drives your thirst for victory on the battlefield. You now critically strike the target on a roll of 18 or higher, and when you do so, gain temporary hitpoints equal to double your Constitution modifier.

Blood Curse of Bullet Hell

At 15th level, you have become one with the bullets in your chamber. You gain the Blood Curse of Bullet Hell for your Blood Maledict Feature. This doesn't count against your number of blood curses known.

Blood Curse of Bullet hell

Prerequisite: 15th level, Order of Machina

As a bonus action on your turn, you cause a creature within melee range of you to become frightened of you until the end of its next turn; your next attack made with a firearm against them is made with advantage.

Amplify: You gain one additional attack against the target this turn, and all of your attack rolls with firearms and firearm blades made against the target this turn are made with advantage.

Enchanted Reload

At 18th level, you can harness your Magiks to create vicious rounds in the heat of battle.

When one of your Firearms runs out of ammo, instead of reloading you can use your reaction to roll a hemocraft die and take the damage rolled. When you do this, Magikal ammuntion is immediately loaded into your firearm.

These enchanted bullets deal additional Necrotic or Radiant damage (your choice) equal to your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (whichever you chose for your Hunter's Bane feature). The final enchanted bullet to be fired is an automatic critical if it hits.

You can use this ability once per short rest.


Summoner Domain

Rather unpossessed by the gods, clerics of this domain draw upon the creatures of the world for their divine power. these clerics seek to harness the same power as Myriad Knights, not for research, but to allow all creatures the right to fight for their world.

Summoner Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thorns
3rd Misty Step, Summon Beast
5th Summon Fey, Spirit Guardians
7th Find Greater Steed, Summon Elemental
9th Far Step, Summon Celestial

Bonus Proficiency

When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons.

Conjuration Specialist

Also starting at 1st level, your conjuration spells are enhanced. You gain advantage on concentration checks made to maintain conjuration spells and all damage they deal is increased by 2 + the spell's level.

Channel Divinity: Soul Crafter

Starting at 3rd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to call out to the gods of the wild, allowing a creature's soul to be sent to your aid.

As an action, you present your holy symbol, and a creature will burst forth from it. You can choose one Conjuration spell that you know that summons a creature and cast it instantly without using a spell slot. When summoned in this way, the creature gains additional damage on its attacks equal to your Wisdom modifier, its Armour Class increases by 2, and it gains temporary Hit Points equal to 1d8 + your Proficiency Bonus. This Increases to 2d8 at 7th level, and 3d8 at 13th level.

Soul Mender / Soul Flayer

at 6th level, when casting a healing spell, you can expend your hit dice to empower it. You can expend a number of hit dice up to your proficiency bonus at a time; when you do, roll each hit dice individually and add the total to your healing. When you heal a creature in this way, a blast radiates from them, dealing the total damage rolled by your hit dice to all creatures within 10ft as force damage.

You can use this ability as long as you have hit dice to spend.

Spirit Circle

At 8th level, you have gained the ability to produce a sanctuary by blessing the ground beneath you. Your holy symbol flares and a 30ft sphere originates from your location, lasting for 1 minute. Within the 30ft area, blue wisps roll in and the wind is harsh. All hostile creatures that enter the area must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be defeaned until they leave the circle.

Additionally, any creature you choose that ends their turn in the area takes damage as a wisp replicates a creature native to the area and attacks the target for 1D6 + your Wisdom Modifier in force damage. At 14th level, this increases to 2d6 + your Wisdom Modifier. You can use this ability once per long rest.

Vessel for Courage

At 17th level, you have become one with the spirits of the world and recognise their plight as your own.

As a bonus action, you can present your holy symbol and let out a battle shout. You summon to your side a deity of the animal world to guide your hand in combat. for the next minute, all creatures you attack have a -2 reduction to their Armour Class for the purpose of determining a hit. All damage you deal is increased by your constitution modifier. You also gain the extra attack feature for the duration of this ability.

The deity also expands your mind; you can concentrate on summoning two creatures during this time. You can command both separately for the price of commanding one.


Circle of The Crystals

ever since The Seamstress bound the four elemental crystals to Yh'lerios, they have been those who sought to break them and sieze their power. Amonsgt those who had an affinity for such natural magik, there were a few who rose to become stalwart protectors of these cosmic relics.

Tapping into these ancient powers proved to be no easy feat, but with trust and consideration these druids have fostered a blossming relationship with the denizens of these planes, putting to use their straghts to acts as conduits for their power.

Elemental Communion

When you enter into this circle at 2nd level, you gain the ability to connect with the Elemental Crystals. When you complete a long rest, you can select one of the crystals to draw power from until your next Long Rest. You can use your attuned ability an amount of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Short Rest. You are unable to use these abilities whilst wildshaped.

  • Fire Crystal: As a bonus action on your turn, you can command a small mote of fire to hover around an ally. They gain a +1 to their Strength Savings Throws whilst the mote is active. When a creature strikes them with an attack, the mote explodes, dealing fire damage equal to your Wisdom Modifier.
  • Air Crystal: As a bonus action on your turn, you can shroud an ally in veil of air. They gain a +1 to their Dexterity Savings Throws whilst the veil is active. The next time they suffer an opportunity attack, the attack roll is made with disadvanatge on this veil of ai is dispelled
  • Water Crystal: As a bonus action on your turn, you can cause restorative waters to echo from your hand. You can touch an ally and restore health equal to your 2 + your targets Constituion Modifier. The base healing of this ability increases by 2 for every two levels you have in this class.
  • Earth Crystal: As a bonus action, you can grant earthen armour to an ally. They gain a +1 to their Consitution Saving Throws whilst the earthern armour is active. The next time a creature attempts to knock your ally prone or grapple them, the enemy rolls their check with Disadvanatage.

Attuned Spirit

Also beginning at 2nd level, you learn the Crystal Spears cantrip. When you cast a spell that deals damage, you can change the damage type of the spell to match your attuned crystal. Fire deals Fire; Air deals Thunder; Water deals Cold; Earth deals Force.

Crystalline Grace

Starting at 6th level, you can now use your Elemental Communion feature whilst Wildshaping. Additionally, when you Wildshape, you can expend a charge of your Elemental Communion feature to instead turn into a Crystalline version of the creature. For the duration of the Wildshape, you gain an additional 10ft of movement speed and your armour class is increased by an amount equal to your Wisdom Modifier.

Calling of The Crystals

At 10th level, when you utilise your Attuned Spirit feature, resistances to the damage type of your spell is ignored and immunity is treated as resistance. Spells cast in this way have their Spell Save DC increased by 1.

Additionally, when you are in a Wildshape that is benefitting from Crystalline Grace and your are hit by an attack, you can command the loose pieces of crystal from your form to fly back at your enemy. They suffer 1d4+1 points of Piercing Damage for every 10 points of damage they deal to you.


At 14th level, you can directly tap into the natural connection of the crystals. As an action, you can change your attuned crystal to a different once offered by Elemental Communion. When you perform this feature, you can cast your Elemental Communion ability without expending a charge. You can not use this feature if you used it on your previous turn.

In addition, all +1 bonuses granted by your Elemental Communion abilities increases to +2.



Sometimes even the most unlikely of travellers can become the most renowned hero. Fighters of this archetype are simple folk with a fire in their heart, a will to defend what they believe in, and a destiny they know not yet possess.

Mana Bearer

At 3rd level, you have been gifted with the myth known as Mana.

Mana is not known to those who do not have it, and so all records of it exist are from those who have Mana themselves or by those the information has been passed down to. Mana can come from many places. It can be from a connection to the threads of fate, a deeper understanding of aether and the Magik it creates, or it can be the guidance from a god. Due to the mystical nature of Mana, it is best described as guidance and protection when you need it most.

Once you attain 3rd level, after your next long rest, you can prepare a number of spells from the Hero Fighter Spell List equal to half your Fighter Level (rounded up) + Your Proficiency Bonus. You can change your prepared spells after completing a long rest. your Spell Casting Ability for these spells is Charisma.

Upon completing a long rest, you awaken with 10 Mana.

You cast spells using mana points. The costs of spells, and at what level you can cast certain level spells, is detailed in the table below.

Mana Cost Table
Spell Level Mana Cost Fighter Level
1st 2 Mana 3rd
2nd 3 Mana 5th
3rd 4 Mana 9th
4th 5 Mana 13th
5th 6 Mana 17th

Honoured Heroes

Starting at 3rd level, you have begun to harness your Mana more effectively, allowing you to call upon past heroes for help. As a bonus action, you can expend 2 Mana points to roll on the Honoured Heroes Table.

Honoured Heroes Table
D4 Effect
1 The Power: The Reach of your weapon extends by 5ft and all of your weapon attacks crit on an 18 or higher. At 11th level, your attacks deal an additional dice of damage.
2 The Speaker: You let out a furious battle cry, gainting temporary hitpoints equal to your Fighter level. Your armour class increases by 1. Starting at 11th level, all allies within 10ft of you have their armour class increase by 1.
3 The Betrayer: You let your mana darken. Your weapon attacks deal additional necrotic damage equal to your Charisma Modififer; all necrotic damage you deal in this way treats immunity as resistance, whilst ignoring resistance. At 11th level, All hostile creatures within 10ft of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC, or become frightened of you until this effect ends.
4 The Explorer: Your mana becomes infused with the world's light. Your weapon attacks deal additional radiant damage equal to your Charisma Modififer; all radiant damage you deal in this way treats immunity as resistance, whilst ignoring resistance. At 11th level Your movement speed increases by 10ft and you ignore difficult terrain.

Each of these abilities lasts for 30 seconds


Also at 7th level, something within you stirs. A destiny waiting to be birthed forth. You can choose to gain expertise in one of these skills: Nature, Religion, Arcana, Survival. If you have proficiency with any of these skills, you may choose an additional proficiency in addition to the expertise.

Additionally, when travelling, any checks made to determine the correct path or direction are made with advantage and you can not be led astray by Magik.

Finally, when hit by an attack, you can expend one of your hit dice to reduce the damage you take by the number you roll; you can do this once per round as long as you have hit dice remaining.

Mana Regeneration

At 10th level, you now start with 15 Mana when finishing a long rest.

Once per day when you take a short rest, and have 0 Mana, you regain 10 mana points. Regardless, You can expend your hit dice to regain Mana instead of health. You regain 1 Mana per expended hit dice. In addition to this, you regain 1 Mana each time you succeed a saving throw in combat.

Mana Strikes

At 15th level, your mana flares bright in the throes of combat.

When you cast either Magik Weapon or Elemental Weapon, you only need to cast them at their lowest level to receive the full benefits of the spell (detailed in the At Higher Levels sections of the spell).

In addition, The spells both gain the following effect:

Magik Weapon: Regardless of if your weapon is already magikal, it still gains the benefits of this spell and you no longer require concentration to keep the spell active. In addition, all attacks made with a weapon affected by this spell echo with your mana. When you land a weapon attack, all creatures you declare within 10ft of your target suffer half of the damage you deal as force damage.

Elemental Weapon: Regardless of if your weapon is already magikal, it still gains the benefits of this spell and you no longer require concentration to keep the spell active. All attacks made with a weapon affected by this spell echo with your mana. When you land a weapon attack, all allies you declare within 10ft of your target regain health equal to the elemental damage you deal.

The Chosen One

Once you reach 18th level, your title as a hero is solidified.

Guided by your Mana, when you drop below 1/3 of your maximum hp, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution Score and expended mana is refilled to full. Any additional damage you take until the start of your next turn is halved. This ability can be used once per long rest.


Way of The Warrior

Bred within The White Fractal, the warrior monks of The Frostwardens form a formidable majority of their forces. Present and trained within both towns, as a sign of unity, these new monks fight with ferocity, as well as grace.

Enduring Strength

When you choose this monastic tradition at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with greatswords and they are counted as monk weapons, you can also wield them with one hand. Additionally, whilst wielding a greatsword and holding nothing in your free hand, you gain the following benefits:

  • Unarmored Defense: You may use Constitution instead of Dexterity when calculating your unarmoured defence feature.
  • Strength Alone: When you are fighting an enemy, and none of your allies within 15ft of your, you gain a +1 to AC to any attacks from that creature. Additionally, your attacks deal additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Your AC bonus increases by +1 whenver you gain a Bushido Art.

Bushido Arts

In addition to the features granted by your Ki feature, you gain access to Bushido Arts. These arts are sacred to the warrior monks of The White Fractal. All venturing monks are given scrolls, containing the ways in which these arts work, but are told to only open them when they are ready. Bushido Arts cost an action to execute, meaning you can not activate extra attack, on top of having a defined Ki point cost. You gain access to a Bushido art of your choice at level 3. You may unlock an additional Bushido Art at levels 6, 11 and 17.

  • Dragon's Bite: As an action, you can spend 2 Ki Points you leap into the air and perform a spin using the momentum of your blade. This attack has a range of 10ft, moving you forward 5ft during its execution. As you crash down, make an attack roll with your weapon with advantage. On a hit, the creature takes an additional 2d8 of force damage. At 12th level, this damage increases to 4d8 and the creatures speed is halved until the end of its next turn.
  • Northern Lights: As an action, you can spend 1 Ki Points and bring your weapon over your shoulder and hunker down to the floor. You gain an additional 10ft of movement. When you travel atleast 10ft, and hit with your next attack this turn, the creature suffers normal weapon damage and must make a Strength Saving Throw. On a fail they are knocked back a number of feet equal to the distance you travelled. At 12th level, Creatures knocked back in this manner suffer attacks of opportunity from nearby allies who wish to make one, but you can not. if the creature hits an object as a result of the knockback, they suffer 1d4 bludgeoning damage per 5ft thrown. This increases to 1d6 at 12th level, and 1d8 at 18th level.
  • Torn Asunder As an action, you can spend 2 Ki Points and tear away at an enemies soul. You positon your feat steady in the ground and close your eyes, sensing the targets Ki; at a precise moment, when most vulnerable, you strike. Make an attack with your weapon at advantage against the creature. On a hit, they take normal weapon damage and must make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, they are banished to the astral plane until the end of their next turn. Creatures affected by this art can not be affected in this way again until the next dawn. At 12th level, the creature also takes Radiant or Necrotic damage (your choice) equal to their constitution score.
  • Whirling Death As an action, you can spend 3 Ki Points, you begin to twirl your weapon in your hand and build momentum. At your momentums peak, you unleash a devastating whirl to nearby creatures. First, all creatures within 5ft must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, they all take damage from your normal weapon attack + your Wisdom modifier as force damage. On a success, they take half damage. Second, all creatures within 10ft automatically take force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier
  • Absolution Spending 2 Ki Points and your bonus action, you channel your adrenaline into healing energies. You expend 2 hit dice, healing for the value rolled + your Contitution Modifier.
  • Steel River As an action, you can spend 1 Ki Point and enter into a defensive stance. Your Armour Class increases by 2 until the end of your next turn. Any creature that lands an attack on your, suffers a strike from your weapon; this damage does not include any modifiers but does benefit from magikal effects.


Oath of Despair

Those who walk the path of Despair are those who need the most guidance in life. By like all energies of this world, despair can never truly leave us - for then where would we acquire our joy? Darkness always needs a home and it is these paladins who welcome it in willingly. Consumed in their own sorrow, they seek the despair of others across the land, shouldering their burdens as their own. To walk the path of despair, however, is to traverse the very darkness itself.

Tenets of Despair

These tenets often change according to the paladin and their personal goals; adhering to the virtues of taking on this oath. There are however a few key tenets that one must accept, to be able to use this oath to its fullest potential

  • Wither and Wilt. So that others need not.
  • Live for death. So that others need not.
  • Embrace darkness. So that others need not.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed below

Expanded Spell List
level Spell
3rd Armour of Agathys, Unseen Servant
5th Crown of Madness, Misty Step
9th Spirit Shroud, Summon Shadowspawn
13th Dimension Door, Shadow of Moil
17th Enervation, Scrying

Channel Divinity: Shadowform

Beginning at 3rd level, as a bonus action, you can use your channel divinity to call upon the darkness you harbour in your heart. You let it overwhelm you - granting it you following effects for 30 seconds.

  • Your melee weapon attacks deal an additional Necrotic damage equal to your Proficiency bonus.
  • Once per turn, as a bonus action, you can reduce your maximum hp an amount equal to your Charisma modifier and grant it as healing to an ally. Your maximum hitpoint total resets when you leave your Shadowform.
  • Once per turn, as a bonus action, you can gain temporary hitpoints equal to your Constituion modifier.

You can use your channel divinity once per short rest.

Aura of Burden

Beginning at 7th level, you gain resistance to necrotic damage. As a reaction on your turn, when a creature within 10ft of you takes damage from spell, you can choose to take all of the damage instead. When you do this, the damage type of the spell is converted to Necrotic damage. The range of this aura increases to 30ft at 18th level

Walk in Shadow

Starting at 15th level, you gain resistance to Necrotic damage and one of these additional damage types: Acid, Cold, Poison, Psychic. In addition, the duration of your Shadowform increases to 1 minute.

Once per short rest, as an action on your turn, you can disapear and reapear in a veil of shadow behind an enemy creature within 30ft of you. The creature and all other creatures within 10ft of it, must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC or be frightened of you. Regardless of the saving throw, each creature within range suffers damage (type based on the resistance you chose from this feature) equal to your Charisma modifier, and you gain the total as temporary hitpoints.

Witness Despair

At 20th level, you gain one extra use of your Channel Divinity per day. Once per turn, when you deal Necrotic damage to a creature, you can force it to make a Constituion Saving Throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, the creature is wrought in shadow leaving it paralyzed until the end of its next turn. All creatures within 10ft of the target take Necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier. If a creature who is paralyzed by you in this way dies, its body is consumed, granting the following benefits to all allies within 10ft of the creature until the end of their respective turns:

  • Resistance to all non-magikal damage
  • Advantage on saving throws against being Stunned, Paralyzed, and Frightened. Any creatures currently under these effects are cured of the conditions.
  • You gain a pool of hitpoints equal to the slain creatures Constituion score. You can divide this total freely amongst all allies within range as healing.


Shapeshifter Conclave

When you spend months in the wilds of Zand'raya, it is hard to not become a part of that world. Steeped in wonder and natural beauty, the forest is always looking for protectors; protectors they know they can trust... What better way to earn the favour of the woodlands than to become one with that realm?

Wild Side

Beginning at 3rd level, you have learned to harness the inherent wild aspects of the world and use them to your advantage. As a bonus action, you can choose to reduce your Intelligence score to 4 and take on a beast-like form, gaining the following effects:

  • Your movement speed increases by 15ft
  • You gain the ability to communicate with all beasts
  • You gain advantage on Strength saving throws
  • You can not cast spells
  • You are considered a beast and your size is considered large.
  • You gain access to the Maul and Charge abilities, found within the Beast of the Land stat block in the Primal Companion optional feature.
  • At 9th level, your Maul and Charge abilities now deal 2d8 and 2d6 damage. At 14th level, Maul and Charge abilities now deal 3d8 damage and 3d6 damage.
  • Beginning at 5th level, you gain the extra attack feature whilst in this form.

Despite your reduced intelligence score, you can still identify friend from foe. You can also still understand any languages you are proficient with but you may not speak. You may choose if your equipment falls to the ground or if it merely shimmers away when you transform.

A Wild Side transformation lasts for 1 minute and you can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.

The aesthetics of your Wild Side form are your own, speak to your DM about flavouring your Wild Side form

Natural Adaptation

At 7th level, you are beginning to learn new ways in which to harness your connection to the wild.

  • Whilst in your humanoid form, you may add your proficiency bonus to your passive Wisdom (perception) and perception checks when it relates to smell (If you are already proficient in Perception, you may count these particular checks as expertise).
  • Whilst in your Wild Side form, you can choose to reduce your Strength or Dexterity score by an amount equal to your Proficiency Bonus and add it to the other. Example: You use your Wild Side feature and reduce your Dexterity by 3. This amount is then added to your Strength.

In addition, you may now cast 1st level spells when within your Wild Side form.


Your deeds in the name of the wild have reached the ears of the woodland realms. At 11th level, they will heed your call.

  • Whilst in your humanoid form, you can spend 1 minute in meditation when surrounded by nature. On a successful Wisdom check, DC 14, an animal of the area will appear. You are able to communicate with this creature and ask it a question. Your question can be anything, but it is up to the DM as to what information the creature knows. The creature will always answer truthfully if it knows the answer.
  • During your Wild Side feature, you can use your bonus action to let out a spirit howl. When you do so, you are possessed by the soul of a long-dead, powerful woodland creature. You gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom score, and all damage caused by your attacks is increased by an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier. this effect lasts for the duration of your Wild Side transformation. You may use this effect once per long rest.

In addition, you may now cast 2nd level spells when within your Wild Side form

Protector Of The Grove

At 15th level, your connection to the wild is ultimate. The animals of this world bow their head as you pass, considering you to be a new, and great lord of the grove.

  • Whilst in your humanoid form, you can call upon the woodland realm for assistance in combat. You can expend a spell slot to summon a beast to your side. The CR of this creature is determined by the level of the spell slot you use. The creature remains under your command but acts separately on the initiative order. The beast will remain on the battlefield until it dies, at which point it shimmers away to a safe place, guided by the Wild Mother. You can only have one beast on the field at a time.
  • Whilst in your Wild Side form, you feel the power of the Wild Mother guiding you as your form is permanently upgraded.
    • Your Movement speed bonus increases to 30ft
    • Your extra attack feature grants you 1 additional attack as part of the attack action.
    • You may now cast spells up to 3rd level


The Gambler

All swindlers and smugglers love to have a story to tell, but letting yours slip would really lighten your pockets wouldn't it? That dice you found in your days of thieving and stealing has really come to benefit you in all walks of life, not just your wealth. It's saved you from death, hidden you from sight, and guided your blade... Perhaps it's time to see what this thing can really do.

Author Suggestion

It is recommended to have this subclass in mind at level 1 if you plan to play it. This allows the dice to flow better into your backstory, which is the intention of the subclass. For DM's, it is not recommended to allow players to use the optional Lucky feat when playing this subclass; the aim of this class is to create a more fun alternative to the feat.

Lucky Dice

When choosing this Roguish Archetype at level 3, choose one D6 dice that you own; this will become your lucky dice. You may not use your lucky dice for any roll other than those specifying the use of your lucky dice.

You can use your lucky dice in roleplay situations, such as gambling or other activities. It is up to the DM as to whether your lucky dice garners benefits in these situations and their effect.

You can roll your lucky dice a total number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per long rest (These charges do not get used if you roll your lucky dice in roleplay scenarios).

Luck of The Gambler

Also at level 3 When you perform any ability check or attack roll, that does not pass the DC or AC, you can choose to declare a gamble on the roll.

When you do so, roll your lucky dice and declare a number. If you declare the right number, you can roll your attack or ability check again and use the new value.

If you declare the right number and the number is a 1, you may roll the attack or ability check again with advantage.

If you declare the right number and the number is a 6, you may roll the attack or ability check again and if you pass the AC or DC of the roll, it is treated as a critical success.

If you do not declare the right number then fate is against you. The next attack made against you until the start of your next turn is made with advantage. If it is an ability check, it is treated as a critical failure.


At level 9, when an attack roll beats your Armour Class, you can declare a gamble and roll your lucky dice.

On a 5 or 6, you avoid the attack and can use your reaction to take an attack of opportunity.

On a 3 or 4, you take half damage from the attack

On a 1 or 2, the attack against you is treated as critical (If you drop to 0 hit-points due to the attack, you become unconscious but the Magik of your dice stabilizes you).

Aether Thief.

At 13th level, when you are hit by a spell that requires a Wisdom or Intelligence saving throw, you can declare a gamble and roll your lucky dice.

On a 5 or 6, you take no damage from the spell and the creature who cast it at you receives half the damage.

On a 3 or 4, you take half damage from the spell.

On a 1 or 2, the attack against you is treated as critical (If you drop to 0 hit-points due to the attack, you become unconscious but the Magik of your dice stabilizes you).

Cheat Death

At 17th level, you suppose you must have had some serious luck to get here, so let's up the stakes.

When you are killed, you can declare a gamble. Time stands still as both you are your killer's consciousness is transported into the dice.

The first person to make a correct judgement on the roll of your lucky dice, taking it in turns and starting with you, is spared; the soul of the other is taken by the dice. Creatures killed in this way are not resurrectable.


Ghosts of the Past

In the wake of the god wars, the spirits of thousands of sorcerers, wizards, and other practitioners of the arcane were lost. Whether it was the plan of The Raven Queen or not, these souls have kept themselves within the material plane, offering their lost powers to those that they choose

Echoes of the past

When choosing this origin at 1st level, you have been chosen by a spirit of the god wars. They have blessed you with your powers and may make simple requests to see the world in exchange.

The spirit inhabits your body but can roam freely within 30ft of you for up to 8 hours per day. During this time it is invisible and can move up to 30ft away from you. It can make Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks for you, using your bonuses.

If the spirit is exposed by a See Invisibility spell or similar, the spirit disappears and returns to your body. If used during combat, the spirit acts on your turn, using your own actions and bonus actions to perform tasks for you.

Call Thy Name

Upon reaching 6th level you and your accompanying spirit have formed a stronger bond. As an action, you can spend 2 sorcery points, you can summon an immobile spectral figure of your spirit within 30ft of you. The spirit of the past can mimic one of your cantrips as a bonus action for the next 30 seconds whilst you are within 60ft. Alternatively, you can use this bonus action to swap places with the spirit as long as you are within 30ft of it. Its Spell Attack Bonus and Spell Save DC are the same as your own and it casts the cantrips as if they were the same level as you. You may only have one spectral figure of your spirit at a time.

Become One

At 14th level, you have begun to understand the power that the spirit brought to you. You can spend 3 sorcery points to partially fuse your soul with the spirit of the past. You gain temporary hit points equal to your sorcerer level + your Charisma Modifier and your Spell Attack Bonuses and Spell Save DC increase by 2 for as long as the temporary hit points remain.

Once the temporary hitpoints have been used, the spirit exits your soul with a burst of power, causing damage equal to your sorcerer level to all creatures within 5ft of you as it flies towards the attack, dealing the same damage to them.

Exaltation of a Life Once Lived

Beginning at 18th level, you have aided the spirit, allowing it to experience a life that it thought was over for itself. It has blessed you with the same power that it once had.

  • Two Minds: Whilst you are concentrating on a spell, you may spend 5 sorcery points to cast an additional concentration spell and have your spirit concentrate on it for you. You make concentration checks separately but as normal for each spell.
  • Enhanced Soul When forced to make a Wisdom, Dexterity or Intelligence saving throw, you can spend 3 sorcery points to give yourself a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.


Pact of Transformation

When you select this pact at 3rd level, your patron bestows a gift upon your physical form.

One of your features is physically changed to match the aesthetic of your patron, such as growing taller or having your skin replaced with scales. This change can not be hidden.

In addition, you gain natural weapons. These natural weapons, aesthetically of your choosing, deal 1d8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. This damage is either Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning damage. For the purposes of Spellcasting and using features, your natural weapons count as melee weapons. Unlike your aesthetic transformation, you can choose whether to show or hide your natural weapons as a bonus action on your turn.

Eldritch Invocations

Savage Roar

Prerequisite: Pact of Transformation feature

When you land a critical strike, you and all allies within 15ft of you gain temporary hit points equal to your Warlock level.


Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of Transformation feature

Your natural weapons develop a thirst that must be satiated. You gain the extra attack feature and your attacks made with your natural weapons are considered Magikal damage.

Devoted Guardian

Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of Transformation feature

You can cast Guardian Of Nature at will, without expending a spell slot once per day. This spell is always prepared and can also be cast normally

Creature of the Elements

Prerequisite: 10th level, Pact of Transformation feature

When you choose this Invocation, choose one of the following damage types: Fire, Cold, Lightning. Your natural weapons deal an additional 1d6 of this damage type. When you level up, on your next long rest, you can choose to change the element.

Damage that occurs from this Invocation ignores resistance, and Immunity is treated as resistance.

The Beast

The creatures of this world should not be taken lightly. Amongst all the creatures of this realm, there is a lord to represent them. Ferocious beasts have transcended the normality of this world to become greater, empowered, and ever-living. These keepers of the forests seek their own allies within the realms of men and do so in the most unlikely ways.

Expanded Spell List

The Beast lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Beast Expanded Spell List
Spell Level Spells
1st Beast Bond, Earth Tremor
2nd Summon Beast, Healing Spirit
3rd Speak With Plants, Conjure Animals
4th Dominate Beast, Stoneskin
5th Wrath of Nature, Steel Wind Strike

Rush of The Wild

Starting at 1st level, your Patron has granted you the safety and swiftness of the forest. As a bonus action on your turn, you can increase your movement speed by 10ft. When you use this feature, move at least 10ft in a straight line, and make a melee attack at a creature, you can roll your attack with advantage.

If your attack hits a creature one size larger than you or smaller, they must succeed of a Strength saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be knocked prone.

You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per long rest.

At 9th level, if your attack as part of this feature hits, you may deal an additional 1d6 force damage. At 17th level, this damage bonus increases to 2d6. If you decide to take the Creature of the Elements Invocation, you can choose to assign the damage caused by this ability to your chosen damage type, as opposed to force damage.

Animalisitc Nature

At 6th level, the blessing of the wilderness begins to enhance your body.

When you drop to 1/3 of your total hp (rounded up), you can use your reaction to roll and expend a number of hit dice less than or equal to your Constitution modifier. The total valued rolled by all the dice is granted to you as temporary hit points.

Whilst you have the temporary hit points granted by this feature, you gain resistance to non-Magikal Piercing, Slashing, and Bludgeoning Damage

You can use this feature once per short rest.


Beginning at 10th level, you have developed the necessary sense to hunt and protect your allies.

Protector: When a creature within 10ft of you targets one of your allies for an attack, you may use your reaction to use one of your Rush of the Wild Charges. If you hit the target, and they are knocked prone as part of the attack, then the attack or spell is cancelled and any spell slots or abilities are considered used.

Ambusher: You gain advantage on all stealth checks when sneaking up on creatures and you can take the Hide action as a bonus action.

Beast Lord

At 14th level, you are revered by the creatures represented by your patron.

As an action, you can invoke the power of your patron, temporarily shapeshifting into a form similar to them. For the next 30 seconds, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your size is considered large
  • Your movement speed increases by 10ft
  • You gain immunity to poison damage
  • You are immune to being frightened and prone
  • All melee attacks you make crit on an 18+
  • You gain temporary hit points equal to your Warlock level. Whilst you have the temporary hit points granted by this feature, you gain resistance to non-Magikal Piercing, Slashing, and Bludgeoning Damage

You can use this feature once per short rest.


School of The Dark

It has always been known that the abyss exists, likewise places of dampness and dark. Within the cracks of our world, following the god wars, it has been suspected that the abyss is closer than ever. Wizards of this school seek to harness that power, as a god of the age of wisdom once tried himself. Followers of old ways, or maybe even devious souls, could find great power within the dark.

Disciple of Darkness

At 2nd level, you have devoted your research to the inherent power and aether of the abyss. You learn the abyssal language and have advantage on all checks relating to information on aberrations and Demons. You also gain 60ft Darkvision; if you already have the Darkvision feature, then this increases to 120ft

Dark Visage

also at 2nd level, you can harness the abyss to strike fear into your foes.

When a creature comes within 10ft of you, you can use your reaction and force it to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, the creature perceives a shadowy visage of its deepest fear originating from you, causing psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency bonus and forcing it to use the rest of its movement to run as far from you as possible. If it has no movement speed remaining then it is considered incapacitated.

On a success, it is not forced to move, but it still takes half damage.

Abyssal Aura

At 6th level, you naturally radiate aspects of the abyss. Your skin turns paler, and wildlife within a 15ft area lightly withers in your presence.

As a bonus action, you can empower the aura. In the same radius, all hostile creatures suffer a -1 penalty to their saving throws, strength checks, and attacks made with strength.

Also, ff you do not already know the Darkness spell, you know it as part of this feature. In addition, the Darkness spell is always prepared and does not count towards your list of prepared spells. You are able to see clearly through any Darkness you create.

Harbinger of The Abyss

At 10th level, you can begin to inherit the teachings of a lost prophet of the abyss.

Your Abyssal Aura now causes creatures to suffer a -2 penalty to their saving throws, strength checks, and attacks made with strength.

Whenever you kill a creature, or if a creature has died within your Abyssal Aura within the last round of combat, you can use your bonus action on your turn to become a harbinger.

For the next 30 seconds, all cantrips you cast deal additional necrotic damage equal to your Spell Attack Bonus.

Necrotic Domain

At 14th level, you have learned to harness Magikal darkness to its full potential.

Your Abyssal Aura now causes creatures to suffer a -3 penalty to their saving throws, strength checks, and attacks made with strength.

In addition, all creatures that you declare that end their turn in the your Abyssal Aura take 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. This damage increases to 2d6 at 16th level and 3d6 at 18th level.

During your turn, while your Abyssal Aura empowered, you can use your bonus action to envelop the area in an abyssal poison. When you do this, all creatures you declare within the aura must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, they suffer necrotic damage equal to your 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier per creature hit by this feature. You Abyssal Aura is considered empowered at the effect.

Rule Sets & Encounters

New Ways To Play!

In this section of the guide, you'll find new rule sets that you can implement into your game. Some of these rules are inteded for high-fantasy campaigns, but they can be adjusted to suit your needs as you see fit. There is a mix of in and out of combat rules! All encounter tables are based on a party of 5

Optional Gameplay Rules (UA)

Spell Slinging

Players are able to cast two spells in one turn, provided that one is an action and the other is a bonus action. the second spell must be of 3rd level or lower.

Improved Holding

Players are now able to hold their bonus actions, as well as their actions. You can not hold an action and a bonus action simultaneously.


At 2nd level, Monks start with 4 Ki Points, gaining 1 additional Ki Point per level.

Eureka Moment

When solving a puzzle, solving through Role Play or figuring out a valuable piece of story-centric information, the solving players gains a point of inspiration.

Travelling Rules

This rule set is designed to make travelling a true part of the game, managing travel times and resources, whilst providing plenty of time for out of combat activities on the road.

Sections of the Day

Each day is split up into a Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. Individual checks are to be made for each section.

Random Encounters

There is a chance for a maximum of 3 encounters per day, one for each section of the day. Players travelling at a fast pace will encounter combat more regularly; travelling at a slow pace means that non-combat encounters are more regular.

Roll a D20 to see if the party have an encounter. on a 10 or lower, roll on an encounter table To determine which encounter table to use, Roll a D6.

  • Fast Pace: A 1 or 2 on the dice is a non-combat encounter. 3 through to 6 is a combat encounter.
  • Normal Pace: A 1, 2, or 3 on the dice is a non-combat encounter. 4 through to 6 is a combat encounter.
  • Slow Pace: 1 through to 4 is a non-combat encounter. 5 and 6 are combat encounters.

Travel Pacing & The Party Guide

If the party travels at a fast pace, for 2 days, they suffer a point of exhaustion. This point of exhaustion is either applied to the party, or to the mounts if they have them. Players travelling in a cart or wagon, apply the exhaustion to the beasts of burden. You suffer an additional exhaustion point for every day you do not travel slowly. Exhaustion gained in this way can only be removed by travelling at a "relaxed pace" (Slow or Normal pace, and not guiding the party). Mounts always allow for an additonal 5 miles of travel per day.

One player must guide the party each day. This player rolls ability checks relating to keeping the party on the right path and keeping watch on upcoming surroundings. A player can guide the party for 2 days, afterwhich, they gain a point of exhaustion. Exhaustion gained in this way is removed after 1 day of relaxed travel. Any players with points of exhaustion have them removed upon entering any settlement or designated rest stop.

Resting and Experience

Short rests follow the same rules.

Long Rests taken on the road only restore half health, only restore half of your hit dice, and do not reduce exhaustion. In addition, you may add any experience you have gained for the day to your total experience and gain any level-up bonuses. Spells cast during a long rest do not have their slots refunded at the end.

Haven Rests are Long Rests made within settlements or safe and comfortable areas. These provide the full effects of a rest. Level-up bonuses also apply. In some cases, spells can be cast on the road to grant these benefits, such as Leomunds Tiny Hut. In this case, spells cast during a haven rest do have their slots restored once the rest is complete.

Case-by-case Lethality Rules

When you are hidden and not in combat, you can declare your next attack roll to be lethal. The armour class of your target increases by an amount equal to their Perception bonus (minium 3). If you hit, the target must then make a death saving throw, gaining a bonus to the roll equal to their Constituion Modifier. If they fail, they are killed by your attack. If they succeed, they suffer your normal weapon damage + additional damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. The target of any lethality attack must be of a Challenge Rating equal to half your Character Level rounded down and be medium size or smaller.

Direct Attacks

A direct attack can be made with any Martial Melee or Ranged Weapon at no additional action cost. The creature may directly aim for a body part of their target; in this instance, the target's Armour Class is increased by an amount equal to their Dexterity or Constituion modifier (whichever is higher). On a success, and if the body part is vulnerable (determined by the DM; examples can be found within the Zand'rayan Bestiary), the creature suffers damage equal to its Challenge Rating as additional weapon damage (affected by resistance). Only one direct attack may be declared per turn.

In some cases, at the DMs discretion, more fatal effects may befall a creature who has been hit by a direct attack. Some examples of these can be found within the features of certain Zand'rayan Bestiary creatures.

Martial Techniques

All characters defined as "martial" or "half-caster", upon reaching 3rd level, can roll a D6 alongside their weapon attacks. On a 6, the strike gains the following effect, based on the weapon used. Weapons that would apply to multiple weapon types only apply one effect (your choice). You can only trigger one Martial Technique per turn.

Weapon Type Effects
Reach You can push or pull a creature of equal size or one larger to you 5ft.
Ranged The target is distracted, causing the next melee attack roll agaisnt them to gain a +1 to the roll
Heavy The creatures suffers additional 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage. for each size above Medium, this damage increases by 1d4
Thrown The target takes an additional point of damage for every 5ft the attack travelled
Finesse Perform an Acrobatics contest against your target. If you win the contest, you target is disarmed
Light If your target moves on its next turn, it suffers damage equal to the roll of one of your weapon's dice
Versatile Perform a stance shift, increasing your Armour Class by 1 until the start of your next turn

Bonus Action Improvement

At the end of the players turn, if they still have their bonus action available, may take one of the following small actions; you can perform any of these actions an amount of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Short Rest:

Minor Attunement: The next cantrip or 1st level spell you cast deals additional damage equal to your Spellcasting Ability Modifier.

Magikal Reach: The next cantrip or 1st level spell you cast, with a range of "touch", gains 10ft range. If unused, this bonus is lost at the end of your next turn.

Tactician: Grant yourself advantage on your next Athletics or Acrobatics check related to clearing an obstacle.

Greater Attunements

Higher level spells can benefit from a heightened form of Attunement. When casting a spell of 2nd level or higher, you can expend your bonus action to roll a d6. On a 6, damaging spells gain an additional effect based on their damage type

Greater Attunement Effects
Damage Type Attunement Effects
Acid The creature's Armour Class is reduced by 1 until the start of their next turn
Cold The creature has disadvantage on its next Dexterity Ability Check
Fire The creature has disadvanatge on its next Wisdom Ability Check
Force Medium creatures are pushed up to 10ft in a direction. Large creatures require a 3rd level or higher spell. Huge creatures require a 6th level or higher spell.
Lightning The creatures next melee attack roll is made with disadvanatage
Necrotic The creatures reduces all healing it receives this turn by 1/2
Poison The creature has disadvantage on its next Strength Ability Check
Psychic The creature has disadvantage on its next Intelligence Check
Radiant The creature has disadvantage on its next ranged or reach attack roll
Thunder Medium creatures are Knocked prone. Large creatures require a 3rd level or higher spell. Huge creatures require a 6th level or higher spell.

Non-Combat Tables

D6 Optional Weather Affects

Roll on this table to add affects to your day to day travel!

D6 Roll Weather Effect
1 1d4 Days Clear Skies
2 1d4 Days Rain/Snow. -5 miles traveled each day
3 1d4 Days Strong Winds. N/E/S/W +/- flight Speed
4 1 day Thunder & Lightning. Lightning Strikes in battle,
5 1d4 days Fog -5 perception checks
6 1 day The Cosmic Rift Shows Itself, Prayers are more likely to be answered

Non-Combat Encounters
D12 + 1d4 Roll Explorative/Point of Interest Encounter
2 A Small Shrine, Dedicated to a deity on the side of the road.
3 Abandoned Wagon, Possible Loot or Information!
4 A Travelling Merchant, DM's choice of merchant
5 A Band of Adventurers
6 Designated Rest stop, +5 Temporary Hitpoints
7 Manned Checkpoint, Toll to pass, guards will search the party
8 Campsite, with or without NPCs
9 Small village (Poorly Stocked) A rest stop with moderate supplies available.
10 Roadside Gamblers A chance for extra coin!
11 Dead Creature Effective plot hook for a random encounter
12 A Singing Bard, A source of information
13 A Gathering of Animals Natural happenings in the world
14 A Glade, Cave, or similar A place for adventure, shelter, or downtime
15 A Small Farmstead One Family or a community of farmers
16 Small village (Well Stocked) A valuable rest stop for supplies and rest

Combat Tables


Some creatures may have a collection of lessers creatures under it's control. These creatures can perform many of the same tasks that other creatures can, acting in groups (recommended 4 or more) or seperately at the end of a round. Minions are specifically designed to be killed in one attack or spell by mid-high level players, whilst presenting a more fair challenge to low-level players. Consult the below table to see the recommended difficulty ranges.

Level Range Minion Difficulty
1-5 Minions now add +1 to their attack and damage rolls and should have an Armour Class of 10. Their Maximum Hitpoints should not exceed 5.
6-10 Minions now add +2 to their attack and damage rolls. Their Armour Class should be 11 or 12 and their Maximum Hitpoints should not exceed 10
11-15 Minions now add +3 to their attack and damage rolls. Their Armour Class should be 13 or 14 and their Maximum Hitpoints should not exceed 15
16-20 Minions now add +4 to their attack and damage rolls. Their Armour Class should be 15 and their Maximum Hitpoints should not exceed 20

Minion Actions

  • Attack: Each minion in the group makes a D20 attack roll at their target. On a hit, they deal 1d4 of the appropriate damage type + their level range bonus.
  • Grapple: As 1 combined action, a group of 4 or more minions can attempt to grapple a target creature. They perform a standard contest against the creature, adding a +1 bonus to their roll for each minion in the group.
  • Hold The Line: As 1 combined action, a group melee of minions can bolster their defenses. The group is unable to move this turn but they can make 1 attack at any creature that comes within 5ft of them.
  • Volley: As 1 combined action, a group of ranged minions can litter the battlefield with arrows. Each creature in 20ft square must pass on a Dexterity Saving Throw (set by the DM) or suffer damage equal to their character level.

Creature Lethality

Roll on this table to increase encounter difficulty! Affects can be stacked through multiple rolls to further increase difficulty. Creatures possessing Lethality traits automatically gain an additional turn each round; this placement of their second turn is determined by a second initiative roll.

D6 Roll Lethality Affect
1 Frenzy: All hostile creatures gain an extra attack when they take the attack action
2 Blood Thirsty: Hostile creatures crit on a 19, and restore health equal to half the total damage.
3 Defender: Hostile creatures are defending something Important, and have a +1/+2/+3 bonus to their armour class
4 Vicious: Hostile creatures are on the hunt and have a +1/+2/+3 bonus to their attack rolls
5 Sturdy: Hostile creatures have a +2 bonus to their saving throws
6 Deadly: When a hostile creature knocks a player character unconcious, they immediately fail a death saving throw
D8 Introductory Table
D10 Roll Creature Encounter
1 1d4+1 Twig Blight, 1 Thorny
2 1d4+1 Wolves, 1 Dire Wolf
3 1d4+2 Vegepygmy, 1 Vegepygmy Chief
4 2 Ettercaps
5 1 Displacer Beast
6 1 Griffon, 2 Hippogriffs
7 1 Phase Spider, 2 Giant Spiders
8 1 Wood Woad, 1d4+1 Awakened Shrubs
D8 Groups & Wanderers
D10 Roll Creature Encounter
1 1d4+1 Scouts, 1 Berserker
2 1d4+1 Harpies
3 1d4+2 Centaurs
4 3 Giant Boars
5 1 Ogre Howdah, 4 Goblins
6 1 Gnoll Pack Lord, 2 Gnoll Hunter, 2d4 Gnolls
7 1 Barghest
8 1 Gorgon
D8 Oddities & Hunters
D10 Roll Creature Encounter
1 2 Banderhobbs, 1 Green hag
2 1 Werebear VS. 1 Weretiger
3 1 Water Elemental, 2 Wood Woad
4 1d4 Hill Giants at a campsite
5 1 Chimera
6 2 Stone Defenders
7 1 Bullete
8 1 Air Elemental Myrmidon Vs. 1 Earth Elemental Myrmidon

D8 Mystery & Darkness
D8 Roll Creature Encounter
1 1 Lamia
2 1 Shadow Demon, 1d4 Shadows
3 1 Night Hag, 1d4 Darklings
4 1 Vampire Spawn hunting a Unicorn
5 1 Draegloth
6 1 Lost Sorrowsworn
7 1 Oni
8 1 Flind, 3 Gnoll Flesh Gnawers
D8 Boss Table (Normal)
D8 Roll Creature Encounter
1 Party members are issued a challenge by a Champion
2 1 Lethal Manticore
3 1 Bone Devil
4 1 Lethal Young Dragon
5 1 Roc
6 1 Spirit Troll
7 2 Angered Eladrin
8 1 Adult Dragon
D8 Swamp Inhabitants
D8 Roll Creature Encounter
1 1d4 +1 Myconid Swarm
2 1d4 Vampiric Mist
3 2 Lethal Shamblings Mounds
4 1d6 + 2 Myconid Swam
5 1 Adult Oblex with 1d6 + 2 Giant Spiders
6 1D4 Swamp Trolls
7 2+ Catoblepas
8 1d8 + 2 Myconid Swam

Global Factions

The Remnants

A Collection of 16 individuals, orphans, rescued by the goddess Elsarios during the fall of Vinais. When Elsarios sensed the destruction about to take place, she took 16 children from the arms of willing parents, to raise and protect in the new world. These children were brought into Elsarios's plane of existence for some days before transporting them to the grove. These children grew up, protected by the light of the warriors grave, and Elsarios created a small village for their use nearby, so that they may live. But their life was no longer their own...

Elsarios had seen the horrors of war, and being the goddess of peace, she could no longer sit idly by and watch on as man-kind and their counterparts slaughtered each other. Elsarios infused each of these children with a portion of her own blood, gifting each with a skill in different combat styles. They would grow up training relentlessly - with a will to maintain peace - to intervene in any continental conflict that broke out within the new world.

Dubbed "The Remnants", these children of a broken world, would see that no more lives are burdened or destroyed by the effects of war... Peace would reign eternal.

The Remnant Isles

A continent lost, a land forgotten, The Remnant Isles are what remains of the continent of Vinais since its destruction during The God Wars. As explained within The Fall of Vinais, this continent was laid waste to by Cecil and The Netherborne upon calling down an idea known as the Eldritch Truth. A collection of nightmarish creatures born by Diadain, the goddess of divine light. During the final battle, whilst the continent was being swallowed by the sea and turned to black defiled ground, Didain put the nail in the coffin by empowering her nightmares to encapsulate what remained of the continent, whilst the 8 Defenders of The Realm weakened her powers to destroy the world.

Now The Remnant Isles serve as a reminder to the world and what can happen in times of great war. Ever since, despite the differences of factions across the world , there has been peace across the continents.

Although now dwindling in number due to the absence of their mother, the creatures of her nightmares still wander the isles, forever searching for prey and revenge. Pirates and travelers venturing across the The Silent Sea (The Main ocean surrounding The Remnant Isles) do not travel long within the depths close to the isles, believing the gods of the sea to still be overly active, constantly warring and looking for new watery soldiers. But this could not stop the hope of man.

On the center Island, to the north, a divine grove of ethereal trees sits. Created by the goddess Elsarios as her last possible physical act on the material plane. This place is where the 8 Prophets of Hope rest, in peace, protected. Although not remembered for their deeds by name, their legend has travelled forth across the world and all know of their combined existence. Just east of the glade where these legends lay, the village of The Remnants train relentlessly to protect the world.

The Pirates of Valenbeuge

Ah how it feels to feel the wind in your air and the spray of sea water across your cheeks! These pirates love the free life, at least since the new monarchy of Ythian took over under the guidance of Lyonis anyway. Once primarily situated within Grand Port Valenbeuge, off the coast of the Ythian mainland, where all pirates once made their home, The Pirates of Valenbeuge have ventured forth to new ventures across the world of Zand'raya, setting up new towns and ports all off the known continents.

Still abiding by their own rules at sea, they make exceptions on the different mainlands of the world where they have set up trade agreements with certain factions (Example: Whitecoast, a pirate port, set up for the purpose of trade with the Frostwardens of Hysillia). This has proved to be very profitable for the pirates, after all buried treasure is often finite, so a steady source of income and places to rest across the world has come in very handy.

The Pirates of Valenbeuge bear no ill will to any of the factions across the world... At least those that don't interfere with their trade agreements and way of life at sea... Which most don't care to do anyway. The Pirates maintain a very strict code of honour amongst thieves and if you cross one, you cross them all. All operating under the same banner, they maintain a very high level of communication across the many, many members. There are some that have strayed from the pack though... The Pirated of Valenbeuge have also maintained a strict agreement to not harm peaceful travelers, but some pirates think that's half the fun! These pirates are known as the betrayers; evil do-ers who do not respect the rule of the sea and in it more for the killing than the free life

Amongst themselves, The Pirates of Valenbeuge often speak in an altered version of thieves cant known as Prassen, which has been adapted into a fully fledged language taught only to those who are born into or learn the pirate trade and way of life.

Notable Locations

  • Grand Port Valenbegue: The large port off the coast of mainland Ythian, which was once home to all pirates. The pirates still gather here once every year for a celebration of their way of life... Bar brawls are frequent...
  • Whitecoast: A port town set up by The Pirates of Valenbeuge on the continent of Hysillia. they have struck trade agreements with The Frostwardens and bring them goods from around the globe.
  • Slyward Port: The most recent of ports to be established by the Pirates of Valenbague, but still well into its 14th year of operation. The primary focus on trade in Slywood are the minerals mined from the nearby mountains which are rich with gems.
  • Pearlmoor Port: The largest of the ports aside from Grand Port Valenbeugue, the pirates of Peerlmoor make their trade from fishing the large and exoctic beasts that stray close to the shores of the Ash'thanali desert.

Notable Characters

  • Grand Sailor Hythremar: The Pirate King, a male Triton who wished to show others what it means to live upon and appreciate the sea. He has flowing dark blue hair and adorns himself in gold buckled leathers. He is never far from his trusty trident and magnificent musket. His father Hythramere began the organisation and Hythremar, now 140 years old, carries on his legacy.
  • Harper, Sapphire of the sea: A female human pirate who struck the trade agreement with The Frostwardens and oversees the running of Whitecoast, after the sudden death of it's previous owner. It is believed the postition was passed to her due to Hythremar being her adoptive father. She is human, with hair dyed a deep ocean blue with crushed corals to match her enticing eyes. She is still young at the age of 24 but is well respected by the residents... probably because of her looks...
  • Woodrow One-eye: A young and ambitious wood-elf, who lost his eye in a game of Liars dice to Grand Sailor Hythremar. As a sign of respect, he was named the captain of port Slyward Port, and has overseen its operations since the port was established.
  • Salty Victor: Salty Victor is a well respected yet rather crazed man. Human, and well into his 90's - yet some how still in a very fighting fit state - this sailor is well accustomed to the ways of old. He has held the seat of captain of Perlmoor Port since its construction 62 years ago.

The Zand'rayan

The organisation known as The Zand'rayan - the writers of the very compendium you now read - were founded by the first to awaken after the sundering; 131 individuals to be precise, amongst the small thousands that remained after such a cataclysmic event. Their mission was simple, protect the knowledge of the new realm at all costs, even should this mean abandoning the rock they call home to demise.

Despite their cold view on the preservation of such things, they were granted the honour of renaming the world. Under this Magikal vow, they are bound by duty to do all in their power to save Zand'raya from another Sundering, before being able to begin their evacuation.

The Zand'rayan Round Table

Beyond the reaches of the clouds lies the floating collasal fortress of Lycidia, since the dawn of the new age it has forever crossed the sun and star lit skies of the world. Created by the original 131, through the use of 1 remaining ancient scroll, the fortress was constructed upon the lands of The Collective; this made Lycidia and the land that it sat upon the only Magikal entity in the world until the beginning of the Ethereal Years (247ps). At the time, the crater which was created when the earth was taken from the ground, was used by the remaining dwarves to contruct the first of their new strongholds.

Regardless, those 131 went off in their own world, in search of the remainin survivors of the realm. Over time, they collected much of the information regarding the world and its geography. Of course, immortatility is not assured; a system was created to ensure the direct lineage was continued within the Zand'raya. This had to be done so the the vow that bound them to their duty could be upheld. Members of the Zand'raya created the first teleportation circles for use of reconnecting with the lands below, and as such they began to bring in lovers, and companions, so that their great work could continue. The first born child, male, female or otherwise, is always selected as the heir to the seat of the directly descended parent's round table position.

Within the halls of The Convocation, the round table of 131 lead their research projects, and deliberate the history, present, and future of the world, with little to no care for political implications. They exist not for invovlement, nor to judge, they exist simply to preserve the life of this star.

The Finer Details

There is only one subsection within the Zand'raya and that is made up by the partner's of the 131 round table members. Once again, male, female, or otherwise, these people train in various different combat capabilities and perform organised - and secret - missions across the globe via their vast network of secluded teleportation circles. This is the commitment faced by anyone wedding into the world of The Zand'raya.

Despite their higher invovlement in the world, they mean to be no more than researchers. Much like the 131, these same numbered troop's goals also do not align with politics, but they may be invovled in the saving of lives from time to time - should they happen to be in the area.

Some common combat styles employed by "The Finer Details" stem from a long line of descended training methods. Whilst it is not uncommon for them to adopt new styles, many of their members are: Bladesinger Wizards, Way of Mercy Monks, Storm Socerers, and Samurai Fighters. More recently, the Zand'raya have come to adopt the styles of Arcane Defender Artificers, Summoner Domain Clerics, and Bards from the College of The Traveller.

The Chronicle

Amongst the vast libraries that sit within the cobalt stone walls of Lycidia, is one room home to a single scroll. Each day, 1 of the 131 is selected to participate in a 24hr watch of the scroll: The Chronicle. Via the use of the communication Magikks in the room, it is their duty to listen intently for any major events for the time period, noting them down in as much detail as possible.

The aim of the chronicle is very simple: to ensure that the story of the world is not lost, and can be read for generations to come. Since the founding of the calendar - the day the chronicle began, and the day that the order was created - not a single day or event has gone unrecorded at the time of this compendium's writing. However, it comes to sad news to some, that only the descneded 131 may ever glance upon the record...

The God Wars

During the God Wars, the Zand'rayan were often attacked, and only retaliated as and when needed. They called their forces from the ground and allowed for the events to play out as they would... After all, it was a matter of politics.

The Nightmare Diadem

No one truly knows where The Nightmare Diadem came from, only that whispers of their existence began to sprout when the god wars first began. Remours began to spread of a twisted kind of people, those who would take no part in the wars for their patron, but just for the unholy sanctity of violence in their insanity.

Stories have been told of cold nights and dim fire, where children have been shadowed away into the night, never to be seen again. But The Nightmare Diadem have no care for their prey, really; they only wish to inflict suffering, bringing others into their own deluded world.

Trawling across the continents, huddled in their tents, caravans, and carts, the souls of these shade-touched travelers are forever seeking new thrills with which to feed their sick addictions. Now, they have become a real cause for concern; all across Zand'Raya these jesters of the night offer a new-found reality of despair.

Members of The Nightmare Diadem

Only one confirmed member of The Nightmare Diadem has ever been caught. Adorned in dark purple silks, his black and peeling skin was thankfully covered by a finely detailed ivory mask. He babbled insane ramblings at the guards of the Dartheryn Dungeons for days and no information could be gathered.

Each day, the prisoner was fed a rationed amount of fresh blood, as this seemed to satiate an addition that the mind could not fight against. Too long without blood, and the poor creature began to wither; his bones would crack and dislocate, he would relentless throw his head into the walls, calling out to "The Mother Of The Twisted Trees"... And thus a new deity entered into the realms of Zand'Raya. This need was likened to that of a vampire, but it was noted by The Talekeepers that the blood was often spat back out again, bereft of its red colour.

The Talekeepers were tasked with discovering the whereabouts of this new goddess, but once it was found that she was a part of The Shadow-fel, the research was abandoned for fear of awakening evils that should never be disturbed.

The Shadow-fel

When the god wars began, and the rift between the planes was shattered, it was not just the material plane that suffered a heavy war. The Shadow-fel was always such a cold and desolate place until their invasion of The Fey Wild - creating the need for The Fey-Kin.

The invasion began slow at first, with the inherent fel-darkness creeping across the lustrous fields of The Fey-Wild, before finally reaching into the heart of her Queen Tilli'vanya's daughter, stealing her away in the bleakness of the sister realm.

Corrupted, it is believed that the daughter stole an enchanted seed from her mothers garden, transporting it to The Shadow-fel and planting it there. instantly, the place came alive with a vivid darkness; Vibrant leaves and trees took on a sinister voice as they drove the winds to howl through the new labyrithine jungles of The Shadow-fel.

When The Goddess of Divine Light perished at the end of The God Wars, the war between The Shadow-fel and The Fey-Wild was halted; but Tilli'vanya has never forgotten about her lost daughter.

The Aetherian Inquisitors

The Aetherian Inquisitors, established by Mariana Glenthrail - who was a rather vicious bounty hunter at the time - during the Ethereal Years of Zand'raya. At the time, due to the abundance of Magik around, she saw fit to incorporate all manner of Sages, Magi, and arcane tricksters into a team; naturally, they dubbed themselves "The Aetherian Inquisitors".

She and her merry band of politically driven money hoarders ventured deep into the mountains surrounding what are now known as the Arcane Fields, where the Cosmic Elves have settled. Within, they found a ruin from the now named "Age of Wisdom".

Over time, that party became renowed for their battlefield capabilities, but they also put an end to many wars upon the known continents of the world. This solidified the organisation's name and, through time, they have come to develop a sense of order among their ranks.

Continent Divisions

Each continent is assigned its own division of 25 members of The Aetherian Inqusitors. Amongst them is often one leader, to guide them, though in some cases, the 24 can handle most missions just fine. In any case, these 100 members form not just the military strength of The Aetherian Inqusitors, but all manner of field investigations. The Collective and the continent of Vinais, were considered to be independant, and undeserving of the Inqusitors attention.

Each division, therfore, is assigned with keeping up to date with its politics, its criminal groups, and potential threats related to warfare between factions. As per these rules, they were key participants in the God Wars in the continents in which they operated.

Several hundered more can be found pouring over maps and other political details within the grand underground fortress of Kal'Dalar. From their own research, the mountain-dug ruins were likely used for the purposes of warfare it the lead up to The Sundering. With slight modification, this proved to be more than suitable to house thir equipment and members.

Stone Faced Enforcers

Almost all of the factions, kingdoms, and groups that exist within Zand'raya, have an ill-favoured opinion of The Aetherian Inqusitors. They are often quoted as uncaring individuals, with their focus, of course, being directed towards the political problems at hand rather than the feelings of those they address.

Their attire is often dark leathers, shunning the use of metals, as they can deal with aggressors much easier... They will never start a fight, but they are more than bale t put a swift end to anything with a smart mouth.

Just because they are handy with large weapons and brutish techniques, however, does not mean that they lack any intellect. Their track record for detection, investigation, and problem solving is impeccable. Sadly, they are not for hire anymore, putting an end to the debate that they once stood only for gold and nothing more.



The Continent Of Hysillia

Conquered by The Seamstress, Hysillia has entered into a new age of mysticism. Magik has begun to blossom across Hysillia, with most of the populace being comprised of Magi and people who use Magik in a general sense. Although some time has now passed since The God Wars, and the continent is in a relative state of peace. There are still factions with their own needs and wants; The lands are divided as a result.

The worship of other gods on Hysillia

When The Seamstress joined The God Wars, she did not seek to gain recognition or more followers; she joined the war to ensure that another Sundering did not occur. Her siblings Brennah and Ze'lenia had ceased to see reason and resulted to war. The Laden Lord did his best to protect his followers against their bouts but he ultimately suffered many losses. Because of this, before departing back to sit within her celestial realm, The Seamstress made the decree upon her victory that the followers of Brennah and Ze'lenia are held to peace under pain of her wrath.

Hysillia before and after The God Wars

The inhabitants of Fentulias isle, a landmass on the western edge, despise the traditions kept but the residents of the White Fractal, finding them barbaric in their ways. The Yu'rahdians, once the proud people of a great jungle, have had their land devoured of its natural essence during the war... It now exists as a vast desert on a mountainous island. The Yu'rahdians harbour great hatred against the followers of Ze'lenia; it was the goddess who rid them of their home as her last act of violence on the people.

"The Mystral Plane" was once a grand plain filled with nomads, spanning all the way across to the end of the now "Scarred lands". Villages were present but rare, and only one city existed, now built up and called Mystrallia. During the war, Ze'lenia often influenced the landscape to create new, more useful battlegrounds for her dextrous kin. This resulted in a far more nurturing landscape that - after the war - many Magi returned to the Nomad style of livin before founding a home within "The Arcane Greenwood".

The "Scarred lands", as they are now known, was once a lush forest at the end of the plain, populated with a vast amount of waterfalls and sacred mountains... This changed during The God Wars when The Hope-Cleave, am evil deity of Ythian, attempted to extend his influence to Hysillia. The Laden Lord laid waste to the aggressors; his despair and rage serving to corrupt the ground as he spilled the blood of the enemies followers. The Laden Lord has never forgiven himself for this act, vowing to Self-flagellation until the end of his godhood.

Factions of Hysillia

The Mystral Queendom

The Mystral Queendom is the most prominent faction on the continent of Hysillia. Its people have existed and watched over the lands of Hysillia for several hundred years; Now, many of them are followers of The Seamstress, having helped the goddess claim peaceful victory during The God Wars. They are a proud people but do not hold their deeds over the heads of otherse; they maintain a deep understanding of the loss that everyone endured during this time.

In honour of their deity, they claimed the western section of the once Nomadic Plane and dubbed it "The Mystral Plane" as well as renaming the mountains which sat behind their newly constructed city of "Mystrallia", now known as "The Mystral Peaks"

The Mystral Queendom is home to the new order of Myriad Knights, a new class blessed by The Seamstress herself, capable of developing deep Magikal bonds with creatures through the use of their own life essence, dubbed the soul.

The Mystral Queendom is the only faction on Hysillia progressing with Technology. By mining enchanted stone in The Mystral Peaks, they have developed facilities to turn these stones into fine dust and, when cool enough, it begins to radiate a thick smoke that can power their machinery and clock-work weapons.

The Queendom claim no enemies on this continent, and only wish to follow the will of The Seamstress: Keeping peace on the continent of Hysillia. Seeing themselves as guardians of this peace, the goddess Elsarios is seen as a close friend to The Queendom. They have set up embassies on Fentualias Isle, within the White Fractal, and in the capital city of Yu'rahdia known as Dar'Nesh. Whilst they do not claim the Far'quine as an enemy, that will not hide their disgust of their beliefs.

Notable Characters

  • Queen Garnet Yuria: The Yuria's Elven Line have watched over The Mystral Plane and the continent of Hysillia since the founding of the kindom in 107ps. Garnet, continuing in her lineage of duty, was a commander during The God Wars and is well practiced in the art and Martial Magiks; she succeeded her father after his fall at The Scarred Lands. Currently at the age of 376, she has many years of her life left which she is happy to forfeit for the good of her people. Falling into her duties, her diplomatic skills have grown. She diligently watches over her subjects, making constant round trips for visits to her people, and ensures good relations with all on Hysillia.

  • King Zemnus Yuria: Elven Commander of the Mystral Bastion following the coronation of his wife, Garnet. A stoic individual with a keen eye for tactics. Despite his title of King, the Queendom has always been just this; a King is only the ruler if no queen sits within the royal line.

  • Chancellor Horacio de la Ulias: Right-hand man to Queen Garnet who acts as her main advisor. He manages the treasury as well as having this duty, and works with a team of lords and ladies to ensure the smooth running of The Queendom. He is well-loved by the people and known to be a generous, caring individual. Horacio is an ageing golden scaled Dragonborn, coming to the end of his lifetime, who requires a stick to walk due to his age and an injury sustained during the war.

  • Lady Kynra Evanesco Leader of The Order of Myriad Knights. She maintains the menagerie and keeps the order to a very high standard. She spends most of her time in the Mystrallia archives, researching the ancient texts that archaeologists have found relating to the Myriad Knights of old. Kynra is a half-elven female, in the midpoint of her life span. As a Myriad Knight, she is defined by her
    Mask of the Fey, with a keen interest in
    celestial beings due to The God Wars.

Mystral Queendom Cities and Towns


The capital city of the Mystral Queendom. Dark paved paths with colourful slate roofs line the city; from forges, Magik shops, and other places of work, a thick blue mist arises from pipes that travel up the sides of the buildings. It leaves a slight chill on the air, but one that is never unwelcome; a gentle breeze so soft as to feel like a greeting from The Seamstress herself.

Several large towers sit in the corners and centre of the city, acting as the docks for the large airships that travel the skies of Hysillia on behalf of The Queendom. Two large military bastions can be found in the east and west of the city. One is "The Mystral Bastion" home to the guards of The Queendom by the same name. The other is "The Menagerie", a grand court with a towering cathedral in the centre, home to The New Order of Myriad Knights.

The streets are always filled, and there is no shortage of shops, taverns, inns and interesting characters, all are welcome within The Queendom, but to cross them is to dice with raw Magik itself.

Notable Destinations

  • The Menagerie: Section of Mystrallia dedicated for use by The Order of Myriad Knights. A Large rectangular building with a garden in the centre is found within as the mainstay. All many plants populate this garden, flowers, trees and ivy creeping up the marble pillars that hold the hanging wall. Within the walls are rooms for sleeping and eating and additional places of study. Eastern side of the city
  • The Bastion: Barracks that house The Mystral Bastion army and guards within Mystrallia. A 3 Tiered barracks with weapons rooms, meeting rooms and sleeping quarters for guards on duty. an additional 2 armouries are attached to either side of the bastion. South Western side of the city
  • The Grand Archive: The largest library on the continent. Books regarding the magikal lineage of the continent can be found here, along with the opportunity for spellbooks that can be hired and copied from. Many Magi spend hours a day here practicing their crafts in study rooms across the building.


A small town in the centre of the Mystral Queendom. Often a town filled with travellers from various other locations across The Queendom, Cythia is known to be home to some of the most unique markets within The Queendom, as merchants pawn off their wares from across the continent before making their way to Mystrallia, or returning to the ports for more goods.

Cythia is home to a large collection of tradesmen also, who prefer the quiet life away from the hustle and bustle of the city. They get their materials from traders and merchants that come through, whilst making use of the rich forest and caves that the town is located near.


A sparse town, just to the west of Mystrallia. This town is home to many farmers and people of the land, whilst also manning a small port a couple of days ride from the town, that accepts travellers from Fentulias isle who do not come bearing goods.

The people of Sethien also make regular trips into the western edges of The Mystral Peaks, to acquire minerals and Mist that is transported to Mystrallia. Having two separate mining operations (one here and one in the city of Mystrallia) allows the Mystral Queendom to harness more products with much higher efficiency.

Notable Destinations

  • Trusty Treasures: Adventuring shop ran by Kirgal Vev, an elderly male human, long past his glory days. Despite residing in a very quiet village within the continent, he hopes to help all those who wish to follow in his faded footsteps
  • Taverns: The Foamy Rat & The Farmers Toil offer no share of interesting characters. The proprietors of these places are run by the townsfolk in turns. All profits and the overseeing of pub affairs are seen to by Hornes Gestanza, the mayor; and a lord on the council of the queen

Port Lore

One of the main trading posts of the Mystral Queendom alongside its sister port, Port Tore. Its purpose now has become to transports supplies to Redwater and ship Mist to Kolvar for their robotic creations. This town is also home to an airship tower.

before its current purpose, Port Lore was quite the thriving destination. Since the profitable trade happening within Tore - and many a tourists fancy to go there - many of the workers in Lore resorted to lives of crime. People are hustled for protection, with taxes chagred on goods; seemingly by anyone with enough muscle to force their will upon others. Its a brutal lifestyle, and one that many people fight hard to escape.

Port Tore

One of the main trading posts of the Mystral Queendom. Transports good to Val'enar on Fentulias Isle and to an outpost on the coast near Sethien, where the goods are then transported to Val'enere. This Town is also home to an airship tower. Most travel around the ports occurs via canals, allowing people to travel between the different sections of the town. The only reason they can maintain this level of structure is due to The Queendom's improving relations with The Viridescent Keepers. Their appetite for trade has increased, and as such the coin purses of those in Tore grow ever fatter.

Notable Destinations

  • Madame Cadden's Delight: Tavern ran by Madame Cadden (first name unknown). A sultry red tiefling with a posh accent. She adorns herself in partially see-through robes... for reasons.
  • Pinkerton's Death Prevention Emporium: Adventuring shop run by a doddering old human man. Long silky white hair, cracked glasses, blue starry robes... you get the idea, he's crazy.
  • Assorted Battery: Forge ran by a tough female human, Farrah Akuvi. She seeks to gain her elderly father's approval by becoming a renowned smith. Shoulder length hair often in a bun with soot across her face. Classic blacksmiths attire. Her father is Redrem Akuvi.

The Restless Edge

No one is really quite sure when The Restless Edge came into existance. One day, houses just began to appear in the southern forest of The Arcane Greenwood. Many assumed it to be more members of the Far'quine, until it was observed that they had no desire for these people to be setting up new homes within the lands.

It was odd. They never meant any harm; indeed these were native Hysillians who had simply... relocated. Soon, more people joined them, and this seperate community - away from all others - began to rise.

They are left to their own devices for the most part by all accept the Far'quine, who hold a deep mistrust of them. People are often recommended to avoid the The Edge - only because their motives are so unclear.

The Far'Quine

Further up The Mystral Plane, we see a secluded faction of Hysillia, located to the eastern edge of the once nomadic plain, now dubbed "The Arcane Greenwood". Here, Magik in all forms is practised. Ruled by a council of 8 Magi, each one is specifically attuned to a specific school of Magik. They worship no god and see The Seamstress as a thief of Magikal essence; a strong belief held by The Far'Quine is that Magik is natural within mortals, and if The Seamstress had not "intervened" in the creation of the world, she would not have been necessary.

Nevertheless, they practice Magik freely and with no boundaries, abiding by no central government. They actively keep out all those of other factions, and it is notoriously hard to gain entrance to the towns that dot the forest. However, any and all are welcome to join The Far'Quine, after initiation into the order through a series of prowess proving tasks and vowing to uphold the proud nature of Magik.

The Far'Quine reject all advancements in technology made by The Mystral Queendom, seeing it as a twisted form of a gift that they are wasting on frivolous things. In addition to this, they make an effort to avoid any and all political involvement, sticking solely to their community within The Arcane Greenwood and this is respected by the other people of Hysillia, not wishing to anger the powerful Magi that live there in fear of war.

Aside from these beliefs, The Far'Quine do not actively seek war with another faction, but it is noted that they hold little respect for the people who call The Restless Edge home.

A Large tower sits at the centre of The Arcane Greenwood, where all 8 of the arch-mystics reside. Here, meetings are held between the ages, and audiences are granted to Magi in the settlements requesting aid or funding for research in particular topics. This is also a place regarded as sacred for The Far'Quine, placing more faith into the Arcane Pinnacle, than to any known gods of the universe. Although worship of the Arcane Pinnacle is not demanded or expected, many adapt this into their daily life as a show of respect for their way of life.

The main language spoken by The Far'Quine is Far'Queslian, their own language created recently (the last 13 years), to keep their secrets secured, but as with most of the continent, they all are native Hysillian (Common) speakers.

Notable Characters

The 8 Arch-Mystics: 8 powerful Magi, one for each school of Magik, that reside within "The Arcane Pinnacle". Their true names are kept secret from everyone, except themselves. To other folks, they always go by their titles:

  • Cuivë: An Elven female witch with long black hair, white at the tips. Her eyes are pale, showing no pupils. Her title is Far'Queslian for "awakening" and her school of Magik is Necromancy.
  • Nancar A male Tiefling with dark red skin and abnormally longhorns that travel down the back of his head past his shoulders. his eyes shift between colours representing different elements. His title is Far'Queslian for "destroy" and his school of Magik is Evocation.

  • Onta A male Gnome, young still in his years but an absolute prodigy. despite his young age, he has already begun to go bald... unfortunate... still, his ocean blue eyes are quite nice. His title is Far'Queslian for "create" and his school of Magik is Conjuration.

  • Sandastan: A female Aasimar. She has revoked her celestial guide, becoming fallen, and shuns her lineage in pursuit of Magik. She has striking long blonde hair and completely black eyes. Her title is Far'Queslian for "shield" and her school of Magik is Abjuration.

  • Ahya: A female Fey-Kin. This young mystic exudes an aura of constant change, as she is want to change her appearance on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. Her title is Far'Queslian for "change" and her school of Magik is Transmutation.

  • Síra-uva: A female human, originally from the continent of Dartheryn. Feeling confined within the order of The Talekeepers, she left to join The Far'Quine, who she had heard about through hearsay. Dirty blonde hair flows in the wind, across her shoulders and over her pale skin. Her title is Far'Queslian for "today's future" and her school of Magik is Divination.

  • Úvëa: A male Kenku with thick raven-like feathers. Outside of Far'Queslian, he can only speak in the traditional mimicry abilities of Kenku; His vast understanding of Magik and language is what has allowed this... he can often be found completing several tasks at once. His title is Far'Queslian for "abundant" and his school of Magik is Illusion

  • Luhta A male Halfling, coming to the end of his days. A fierce force during The God Wars. He fought for no god and kept himself hidden away with an array of enchanted weapons. His title is Far'Queslian for "enchant" and his school of Magik is (obviously) Enchantment.

The Watchers

A dedicated group of valiant warriors and Magi who guard the wall at "The Scarred Lands". These fierce guardians take no stance in political situations and once joining the order, revoke all ties to the rest of the world... The Watchers are their new family; They live and die together. As a symbol of this, many revoke their surnames.

three times per year, Watchers are granted leave from the Watchers Respite for 48 hours which they can spend however they wish. This could be visiting old friends and family, or personal time. This time can be extended by request, but it is rare this is granted, the scourge waits for no one after all.

The Watchers harbour no ill will to any other faction and welcome anyone capable into their ranks. Often, criminals are sent to the wall for reform. If they choose to further their life or crime or cause trouble, they are simply thrown into the Scarred Lands to fend for themselves... no one returns.

The Watchers have been a Faction since the end of the Hysillian God Wars when the Scarred Lands began to show signs of spread. People from all over Hysillia banded together to construct the wall, but only 50 stayed behind to start this new order. It was not until the tensions began to rise between The Viridescent Keepers and The Frostwardens that they began to abstain from politics.

Some have taken to studying exotic languages in their free time, namely: Deep Speech, Undercommon, and Infernal. Others spend their time researching the undead and fiends.

Notable Characters

  • Commander Ahriamas: Commander of The Watchers. He was appointed leader by the other original 49 who stayed behind to form The Watchers. He is well respected and a feared warrior, known to have been a force
    to be reckoned with in the armies of The Laden Lord during The God Wars.
  • Forge-Master Denwar: Human male, 40 years of age. He was an apprentice of the previous forge-master (Jarek) and was appointed upon his passing. He also oversees the enchanting work by the Magi.
  • Gahpath Seprem: An elderly mage, grey in all aspects. He is often found within his study smoking a strong pipe whilst conducting his research. He is the Magikks master of the watchers and takes a keen interest in any arcane means relating to stopping the spread of The Scarred lands.

The Viridescent Keepers

The Viridescent Keepers are a relatively new presence within the world of Zand'raya, which was founded upon the completion of the Hysillian God Wars. Many of the members of the keepers fought under The Great Panther, pledging themselves to become bloodthursty and ravenous warriors - The Red Dawn as they were known. But, when this need for bloodshed left them, all that was left was the contiual sense to guard nature; the final gift she would bestow upon her followers.

Since then, many Firbolgs and Kenku have joined the ranks of The Viridescent Keepers, and other Fey Creatures have also put aside their hatred for Ze'lenia to help these now druidic people in their mission.

Regular trips are made through the "Radiant Forest" towards the divine grove, where nature blossoms and thrives providing life across the isle. The Divine Grove itself is watched over by 3 High-Druids, that live there, tending the grove to the now tamed will of Zehelehnia.

The two towns claimed by the keepers both act as ports on Fentulias Isle; This creates enough space for the members of The Keepers to live whilst living plenty of room for nature to thrive and grow in the center of the isle.

When travellers come to Fentualias Isle, a member of the Wild Guard (the armed forces of the Viridescent Keepers) accompanies them if they wish to travel the isle, to ensure that no foul play is conducted to disrupt the careful balance of the island.

When it comes to technology, it is resented; The keepers stick to strict traditional methods.

Notable Characters

  • Charin Zen: A male Firbolg, with long auburn hair and light blue skin. He is the appointed leader of Val'ener
  • Eva Cristin: A female Forest Elf with long blonde hair and fair skin. She paints her body blue with various symbols and depictions of Ze'lenia in her rest.
  • The High-Druids An'Kai (Half-Elf, female, Dark hair with tanned skin), Alas'Haz (Eladrin, male, autumn form, booming orange hair but with strangely white skin), Liber (Kenku, male, can only speak Sylvan and uses mimicry for other languages, feathers of an eagle with an extended ivory beak). Each of these druids is appointed via demonstration of ability and faith. Each is granted the right to taste fruit from the tree of the divine grove, granting them long life and naturalistic knowledge.

Viridescent Keepers Towns


Val'enere is the northern port town of Fentulias Isle, run by Charin Zen. Much less active than its sister town Val'enar, but still taking in a fair amount of trade and visitors, Val'enere is a town that practices solitude. There are often meditation sessions held where people give thanks to the nature around them and appreciate the soft winds that blow through the verdant trees. The visitors to Val'enere are much more varied than that of its sister town, being much more of a tourist destination than the Val'enar. Because of this, many new followers have joined the ranks of the keepers and made their home there, allowing for an increase in the quality of the goods they can offer to the town.


Val'enar is the southern port town of Fentulias Isle, run by Eva Cristin. Compared to Val'enere, this port town is both hustling and bustling! people of all merchant and trade varieties visit this port to sell their wares on but don't often stick around. Val'enar is a town that practices togetherness, learning to appreciate the many people and items brought into this world by the gift of Ze'lenia. Much like their sister town, this town also leads many mediation sessions, but these are often restricted to The Ze'lenian Grove, where actual residents can gain the peace and quiet they need before returning to their work on the extremely busy ports. Val'enar is most notably traded with by The Mystral Queendom due to their resident Blacksmith...

Other Locations

The Divine Grove

The great tree and home of Ze'lenia, The Untamed. It is from here that she offers guidance to the high-druids, and keeps and watchful eye over her kin and followers. The bark from the great tree has the power to create living beings, and so many wooden constructs wander the grove as assistants.

The Radiant Woodland

A great forest on the western side of Fentualias Isle. This is the home of the Spirit Walker Druids, where they train amonsgt the primal creatures that test them at the behest of their goddess. To those unacquainted with the ways of the wilds, this is certainly not the best place to learn...

The Golden Sun

Living within the gleaming desert of Yu'Rahdia, The Golden Sun stands to watch over their land. Before The God Wars, the people of Yu'rahdia lived in lush jungle and also worshipped the goddess Ze'lenia. However, the essence of Yu'rahdia was absorbed by the goddess overtime without their permission. Their anger began to build and build, before they refused her banner and took up arms under the guidance of her brother...

This is when The Golden Sun was formed. No longer would the Yu'Rahdian people worship a deity who could not show them the same kindness, and they converted to worshipping Brennah. Since the end of the war, They continue to not trade with The Viridescent keepers. Fey creatures and followers of Ze'lenia are no longer welcome and they were purged from the land if they refused to renounce Ze'lenia; Those who did not flee were slain by the new army of The Golden Sun dubbed The Gladiators... A tentative peace has been made with The Mystral Queendom, which is why an embassy now exists in Dar'Nesh, however, the queen herself is not allowed to visit the land, and neither are any fey descended creatures of The Queendom. Despite these values, The Golden Sun does not actively seek war, but they enforce these values heavily on any who visit.

The Golden Sun follows a much more traditional method of technology. Their ships are known to be the fastest in the world and are the oinly ones capable of challenging the sailors within the Pirates of Valenbeuge. They can make journeys in almost half the time as ships from the Mystral Queendom and The Viridescent Keepers.

Notable Characters

  • Emperor Vikas Sirasikar I: The 3rd ruler of Yu'Rahdia under The Golden Sun. A Human in his early 50's with dark skin and hair tied in a long flowing ponytail that trails out the back of his golden crown down to his lower back. A skilled warrior who was previously a Gladiator. Emperor Sirasikar is also the commander of The Gladiators and has vowed to follow them into battle on the front lines if the need arises. He claims no partner and has borne no children, wishing the title of emperor to fall to the one who is worthy of it.
  • Amara & Ashia Chetti: Twin Tieflings, both with purple skin and longhorns adorned in precious gems and jewels. The twins are the two appointed advisers of Emperor Sirasikar. Amara focuses on trade and Ashia focuses on diplomacy. They also head the council, a collection of 13 other individuals who come together with the Emperor to discuss important matters.

  • Odd Hide: A jaguar skinned Tabaxi that organises the fights within the theatre of blood... He also takes bets on the side and has wares if you have coin.

Golden Sun Towns and Cities


The capital city of Yu'rahdia. A sparkling city of gold and marble pillars. Market stalls and exotic goods are found here. Many of the goods found are brought over from their Kin in Lephya on the continent of Ythian. This is often acquired via airship travel rather than by boat, due to the increased speeds and the demands of the Yu'Rahdian people. unlike the city of Mystrallia, Dar'Nesh has built its airship docks along the side of the mountain that sits behind them, allowing for more space within the city. The pathways angles around the mountain through to a small Airship tower for arrivals Large parades are often held through the streets, celebrating achievements throughout the month, acting as praise to their god, Brennah. These parades often last the full afternoon, leading to a grand feast in the evening where the streets and bars are packed to the brim. Despite one of the desert camps being used to home criminals, some are allowed to operate in the city. Although crime can be to the detriment of a city, the emperor sees it as his own personal law enforcement. If the gangs and criminals kill and swindle each other, there is no need to expend his gladiators on such matters, allowing them to continue entertaining in The Theatre of Blood...

Notable Destinations

  • The Theatre of Blood:A Coliseum built within the city of Dar'Nesh where gladiators fight in competitions known as Crimson Rites. The Theatre is the main source of provided entertainment in the city, holding regular bouts and tournaments available for betting and gambling. People of all ages come to witness their favourite fighters final moments or increased rank.
  • The Ruby, The Emerald, The Amethyst: Three competing taverns ran by very distinct individuals. Xarmeros (A black Tiefling with short white hair) owns The Amethyst, Orthyn (Large Leonin, an obnoxious mane with bright golden fur) owns The Emerald, Brokjoomol (An elderly Loxodon with dull but long tusks) runs The Ruby. Each of these people is always trying to make new and improved unique spirits to outdo the other, but they all recognise their healthy competition.

Terren'lita Port

the only true entrance to Yu'Rahdia and the biggest port of Hysillia, Terren'Lita was established early on in the founding of The Golden Sun to show the world they need not the blessing of Ze'lenia to thrive in this world. True to the values of The Golden Sun, regular checks are made on all goods and people to ensure no fey items are brought into the great desert. They also make a point of keeping pirates out, unless they bring valuable items for trade or come with a specific written form, allowing their entry as granted by the port master Trecketh Dawnwave, a human with long black hair and harsh tanned skin from many days in the Yu'Rahdian sun. Although the port has a few designated stores for food, smithing, potions and the like, the bulk of trades comes from travellers who set up tents in the designated market zone of the port. here they can trade freely, selling whatever they wish under the constant inspection of guards to avoid unwanted crime. Those who break these rules are hauled off to Dar'Nesh, as fodder for the arena

Notable Destinations

  • The House of Awakening: Known for its rampant underground drug trade, The House of Awakening also acts as the main tavern of the port, bringing in much business from regular sailors looking to try the exquisite desert spirits.

The Desert Camps

There are 3 sets of desert camps within Yu'Rahdia, with each one having a different reason and purpose. The first camp to the northeast was set up by the emperor himself. Gladiators of The Golden Sun army take it in turns to live at the camp for 1 month at a time. Here, they survey the mountains that separate the desert from the ocean and keep the threat of Lizardfolk at bay. The second camp, due south of the first, is set up by merchants and travellers exiled from Dar'Nesh. Despite the emperor knowing of its existence, and a small wish to eradicate it, it brings in much business to Dar'Nesh from travellers needing rest from the travel. It also allows him to spot unwanted criminals who venture out to buy the goods. The third camp is held by a small ground of Brennah priests, who offer solace for travellers who visit the oasis.

The Frostwardens

Bold, courageous, vicious... These are just some of the words used to describe the warriors of The Frostwardens. Based within the "The White Fractal", The Frostwardens are a people with emphasis on worth through strength; even their Magi train in the art of axe and shield. Acclimatized to the cold temperatures, these people rarely travel far from their homeland, and often only do so to trade with The Mystral Queendom.

The Frostwardens are stalwart in their virtues and are firm believers in The Laden Lord, the god of courage and self-sacrifice. During The God Wars, The Seamstress offered The Laden Lord a chance to make peace and avoid further bloodshed. The Laden Lord accepted, giving Hysillia to the Followers of The Seamstress, and allowing his followers to keep land and live with The White Fractal. Now, they hold true to their faith and have made fast friends with The Mystral Queendom.

Much like the Keepers, The Frostwardens do not progress in the world of technology, believing in traditional methods of travel. Many complete their ventures across the fractal on foot, believing it to pay homage and thanks to The Laden Lord's sacrifice.

Mostly composed of Dwarves, Goliaths, and Humans, The Frostwardens welcome all races to join them, whatever their background, as long as they are willing to uphold the traditions of their people. This does not mean they are without their enemies, however, for they have earned the disdain of the Viridescent Keepers, believing the Frostwardens to be a vile people due to their traditions. One such tradition is the coming of age hunt for children. At the age of 10, children are sent from their homes to the Fal'Neer Barracks, where they train until the age of 16. Once reaching this age, they are reunited with their parents and the family make a trip via ship to "The Silver Isles" to hunt a mark.

Another tradition is the healthy competition between the towns of Zarith and Zanith. 5 of the strongest warriors from each town, male or female, compete in a 5 vs 5 fight, to display the abilities of the towns. This is not a fight to the death, for as much as they are vicious, they are not barbaric. Following this, a feast is held in the name of The Laden Lord.

The Frostwardens do not have a central army, instead, all are trained in the ways of combat, this has led to the creation of the warrior monks who wield great power in new techniques. In addition to this, they also do not have a hierarchy, appointing one sole leader for each town to lead votes and make decisions. They also do not hold their own language and stick to traditional Hysillian (common) or their respective racial languages.

Notable Characters

  • Svala Mundihr: Appointed leader of Zanith. A striking female Goliath and medium length brown hair. She runs the town along with her wife Freygerd. Both are revered warriors of the Frostwardens.
  • Hreitharr Solvisson: Appointed leader of Zarith. A tough Dwarven male who runs to the town with his wife Hallberta. Hallberta, although trained, focuses more on trade with Whitecoast, but Hreitharr was the previous commander of the Followers of The Laden Lord during The God Wars and survived through the entire war.
  • Ormhild Svafar: Current battle mistress of the Fal'Neer Barracks. She is stoic, but strong and commanding when she needs to be. She has served 15 years as a battle mistress by the year 950ps and is currently 39. Out of the 6 battle masters before her, she was the youngest to take up the position after slaying an adult blue dragon with her father during her hunt.
  • Harper, Sapphire of the sea: A female human pirate who struck the trade agreement with The Frostwardens and oversees the running of White Coast. She is human, with hair dyed a deep ocean blue with crushed corals to match her enticing eyes. She is still young at the age of 24 but is well respected by the residents... probably because of her looks...

Frostwarden Towns


A port town set up by pirates from Ythian. they have struck trade agreements with The Frostwardens and brought them goods from around the globe in exchange for well-crafted equipment and gold. This port is ran by Haper, sapphire of the sea. Whitecoast has gathered quite the reputation since its founding shortly after the Hysillian God Wars. It is known to be home to several criminals, turning their hands to work at the port, others wishing to join the pirate way of life. A small portion of Whitecoast are good folk, staying out of trouble, or travellers wishing to travel to Ythian. Given its wild array of comers and go-ers, Whitecoast has many experienced tradesmen, but the owners and names of these shops are constantly changing, as people move on to brighter horizons.

Notable Destinations

  • The Corsairs Galleon: A Large ruined Galleon that has taken permanent anchor within Whitecoast. The port master appointed by Harper, Hueden, a blue Dragonborn, commissioned a new jetty to be built and turned it into a VIP tavern, looked after by himself. To gain entry as a patron, would-be members must defeat the reigning champion at a game of Liar's Dice.

Fal'Neer Barracks

A village was built to house all the children going through their coming of age training. Grown Frostwardens take it in turns to live at the barracks and oversee the training. One is appointed as the leader and serves for 20 years before passing the mantle of Battle Master. Although open to visitors looking to wait out a storm or seek shelter, it does not offer much in the way of facilities. The children are in charge of everything as part of their training: The smithing, the food, the remedies. None of these is for sale either, unless visitors are in dire need of aid.


The northeastern town of Zanith is the sister town of Zarith. Their fighting style, although still in line with Frostwolf traditions, is much more strategic and knowledge-based. the residents of Zarith are known for their this strategic fortitude across the world and emissaries from other continents often visit them to train under their warriors. The style of smithing present within Zanith is "Rune Carving", aligning to their strategic style of combat. These warriors carve runes into their weapons and armour, to give them bonuses against their foe.

Notable Destinations

  • The Rune Forge: The Rune Forge - Headed by Thavagal, A Frost Giant from the Silver Isles, he is the one who brought the ancient technique of Rune Carving to the Zanith people at the end of The God Wars. He instructs all those who wish to learn Rune Carving and has become a proud member of Frostwarden society. Magik energy is poured into the flame and a chisel is sparked, allowing runes to be imbued into the items.


The south-western town of Zarith is the sister town of Zanith. Their fighting style is vicious and barbaric, valuing the root of true strength over all else. They have a strong belief that anything that Magik can accomplish in terms of combat, can be accomplished just as easily with rigorous training and fortitude... And the right weapon. The Zarith style of smithing is "Brutus". Weapons are honed over days and large curves and spikes are added and reinforced, harnessing a specialized flame that has burned within a cave since the founding of the town. Watchers of the flame are appointed to ensure its safekeeping and the Zarith residents consider it a gift from their god The Laden Lord. These people rarely utilise potions are remedies when ill or injured... Mainly because it doesn't happen very often. Medics are on standby with splints and bandages, however.

Notable Destinations

  • The Champions Cave: This is the cave that inhabits the flame of The Laden Lord used within the Brutus smithing style. The flame is currently overseen by Nurasstelin, A female dwarf coming to the end of her days, and preparing to select the next watcher.

The Continent Of Dartheryn

The Continent Of Uthylies

The Continent Of Ythian

Ythian was always a continent of stalwart values. A grand place of lush forests basked in the gleaming sun. The desert dunes to the west are highly regarded as one of the wonders of the Zand'rayan world. Hieronous, this continents victor - and king - saw to it that all of this ideals and beauties would be upheld; though the tainted swamplands of the east have now given this land a firm place of fear.

The Worship of Other Gods on Ythian

Lyonis works closely with Kai'Melorn and Kaleidos, whom he fought with in The God Wars to rid the land of The Hope-Cleaver. It is a rare sight to see other gods outside of these three worshipped on Ythian; not because they are banned, but because they have repuatiations beyond measure.

The people of Ythian are united under one, strong banner, that represents them all. Lovers of a free, pure, beautiful land, where all can muster the courage to defend their homeland as one.

Elsarios does have a strong presence on Ythian, in a worshipped sense. Whilst her miracles are no longer seen by the wider world since the god wars, All Ythinians take pride in the peace they have worked for, and only wish for the Green Goddess to brighten their futures.

Ilmater, God of Endurance, is another one who's name is often preached. Most fighters in the arena and valiant shifters, often offer thanks to Ilmater for blessing them with vigour, and the means to defend their home through stamina and determination.

Of course, there are always those who would stir the pot. Although The Hope-Cleaver's influence over this world has been taken from him in his death, the swamplands are a constant reminder of the death he could bring. There are some who would seek this power for themselves, or even work to ressurect this vile creature.

Ythian Before and after The God Wars

The old values of Ythinians are largely the same as they are in the present day, with the slight change of being under one banner.

Before Heiroenous, 3 factions constaly fought over the lands of the continent: The Pirates of Valenbague, The Lephanytes, and The House of Stone. Each stubborn in their own ways, and each wanting the same thing; just unwilling to co-operate. Many kings, queens, and leaders, fell before uprisings, wars, and assassinations. When The God Wars came, the people knew that co-operation against The Hope-Cleaver ensured their survivial; their would be no war left to rage if they did not act.

United under the banners of Kaleidos and Kai'Melorn, the people of Ythian rose up against The Hope-Cleaver, but it wasn't enough. Lyonis, he was the one who led the armies in the times of need. A god who would forsake his life for the values of this land that was not even his. This was a king that everyone could follow.

The King's Cross

A Promise of Unity

Once The God Wars had ended, and Lyonis had been crowned the king of a new monarchy, certain adjustments needed to be made. He was not a god fond of divided lands; he sought to unify the continent of Ythian as one, presenting themselves as a paradise that could not be harmed. He wished to pave the way for Ythian to take Vinais' place as the leading example of prospering in this new era of peace.

Of course, for this to became a reality, the aforementioned adjustments were debated long and hard. There were many cries for individuality amongst the lands, but Lyonis was relentless; he could not rest well until he saw the fair and just treatment of all. This was when The King's Cross was initially brought to the table. A monarchy - not founded upon bloodline - founded upon fairness.

The Oakland Duchy in the northland forests, The Lephyan Duality, The Kingdom of Balthier, and the survivors of the Eastland Ports, each voted on representatives to sit upon a council. Each would have the bests interests of their own people in mind, but under a single name, the council was required to operate within the means of all; at all times.

Finally, in the year 834ps - after 6 long years of debate and turmoil - the elections were taking place. As is the nature of life, successors have had to step in, but The King Cross still remains a tightly bonded unit.

The Valiancey

The Valiancey, first founded in 829ps and headed by Sir Varon, was the first sign of unity to come from Lyonis. Once The Hope-Cleaver had been defeated, he used this as a chance to reach out to the people of Ythian, asking them to join him in protecting and rebuilding a new home.

These new knights became a fearsome and yet graceful force to be reckoned with. Able to stand against any and all threats that could threaten their hope of a new paradise, free from horrors of the evil gods that lurk in the cosmos.

The Valiancey now spreads across the whole continent of Ythian. Each town is appointed its own Valiancey Division, made up of trained knights who are local to the area, able to trasport to any other location for assistance at any time with the help of teleportation circles; specially designed and curated by Arcanist Verion and his legion of sorcerers.

The banner of The Valiancey inspires hope in the hearts of the crestfallen, pride in those who defend their country, and fear for anyone who would threaten life.

A Fair Life, For All

Of course, when building a utopia, the poorest always want reform; Lyonis, much unlike his predecessors, was more than happy to oblige this change.

The education in Ythian is purely combat and creative centric in the formative years (different for each race), whilst teaching basic life skills throughout. No education can be bought, for it is all the same. Houses for families are prepped and given where required. Some work the land, while others defend it. Some sell their creations, while others find joy in aiding in politics and arcana.

This methodology, introduced by The Kings Cross in 903ps, shook the foundations of the continent to its core. It took some time for people to adjust to a new way of life; one that offered a fair economy for all. Those who owned land before the reforms, were granted special contracts, allowing them to create rentable farmable land or build marketable structures such as inns, shops, and small sections of markets.

The Leaders of The King's Cross

Amongst the round table of Castle Balthier - in addition to that of Lyonis, The Ythinian Avenger, The Great Liberator - are these people sat for the betterment of the world; each one tasked with representing the people of their own defined regions.

Queen Lilvari Hallowsong, The Blessed

The Eladrin mother of Varon & Verion. her husband, the human Gilliad, died suddenly in the year 104ps to a disease. Rather than give birth to her children alone in the material plane, she returned to the fey wild where she began raising her sons.

When news came of The God Wars from the planes, Lilvari felt compelled to fight in honour of her husband. With no one to take care of her children, she approached Lyonis at a camp - unknowing of his status - to seek assistance for her boys. Their life has been intwined in love ever since.

She now sits as a mediating hand on The King's Cross council, allying the continent of Ythian and The Fey-Wild directly. She tasks herself with running the education system of Ythian, forever seeing the once young and gliterring eyes of her own children, in all others.

Commander Varon, Head of The Valiancey, The Chosen Blade

When Sir Varon - Lyonis' most trusted knight - came to lead The Valiancey, he gripped the hearts of the public. At the time, a half-eladrin male, so talented with a sword to become the god of courage's right hand man; his path was radiant indeed. To this day, he unfalteringly leads the valiant shifters; older now he may be, but he has yet to lose in any tournament.

Upon the founding of the King's Cross, Lyonis desired for Varon to sit beside him once more. Initially, Varon declined, no wanting political duties to get in the way of protecting the homeland. This was when it was agreed for The Valiancey to become the national defense.

Sir Varon is a confident and brooding individual. Whilst agressive and graceful on the battlefield, he is insightful, inqusitive, and deliberate in conversation. He minces no words when it comes to defending Ythian from any force.

He works closely with his brother, Arcanist Verion, as the two of them oversee the operations of The Shade Legion - a group of goblins who perform roguish tasks for the crown - as well as managing the logistics of the military.

Arcanist Verion, Elder-Blood

The younger brother of Varon, Verion has always been a wide eyed and fantasical dreamer. At the age of 8, the elder blood that flowed through his veins amplified his affinity for Magik, awakening the sunken spirit of his unborn twin, who now goes by the name Vyxen.

Lyonis watched Verion grow up on the sidelines, he could see the shadow of doubt creeping over him as Varon was showered in glory day after day; rather than shy away, the king also took Verion under his wing, giving him access to the achives of Balthier Castle. he studied day and night, to become the Arcanist of The Kings Cross.

He works closely with his brother, Sir Varon, as the two of them oversee the operations of The Shade Legion - a group of goblins who perform roguish tasks for the crown - as well as managing the logistics of the military.

Ehlonyn, Child of The Forest

Ehlonyn, son of Kai'Melorn, ha succeeded his mother on the council on The King's Cross. Whilst her heart lies with the people of Ythian, she could not rightfully ignore her duties as a goddess to focus on one continent like Lyonis and Kaleidos. Whilst she is still considered a prime deity, and is known to wander the Edaremyth, is is now the time of the child to guide this rebirthing world

Following the careful guidance of his month, the young demi-god - who has only recently reached adulthood at 18 - tries his best to hear the plights of the people around him. He is ever-watching for ways to keep the Edaremyth safe and propsering, not just for the safety of the people now under his charge, but to elleviate the pressures of his birth-mother.

He works under the careful guidance of The King, who relishes the opportunity to influence such a unique individual, in the hopes that the gods of tomorrow can be better

Yanpeiros, Voice of The Fey-Kin

Once the faithful animal servant of Queen Lilvari, who fled with her to the Fey-Wild upon her husbands death, Yanpeiros fought valiantly in The God Wars protecting the plane that he called now called home; undergoing the process of becoming one of the Fey-Kin, he soon built up a reputation for himself.

When he had learned of his mistresses new life on the material plane, he sought to bring home the creatures of Ythian who were now Fey-Kin, breathing life into a new home. Most of those who followed Yanpeiros were the most valiant of fighters to have been in the Fey Legion. The ideals of Lyonis resonated with Yanpeiros, leading him to join The King's Cross and establishing a welcoming society for Fey-Kin veterans.

in the northern reachers of the Edaremyth, once known as The Oakland Duchy, he has integrated the Fey-Kin into Avignan as well as the city of Balthier, where they have become treasured citizens.

Zolvezah Spiritfall, The Divine Pair, Light Blessed

One of the halves of The Divine Pair, Zolvezah and her husband Hyvrin are chosen by Kaleidos. In the unity of The King's Cross, and due to the brotherly bond he has with Lyonis, Kaleidos became the patron god of Lephya. When the couple were elected by the people of The Lephyan Duality, Kaleidos blessed their blood line to turn them and any future children into warriors that Ythian would be proud of. They are bound as one through this process as well. They have telepathy at any range and they can swap minds for a short time.

Before her empowerment, Zolvezah was the daughter of a wealthy crime-lord; often pre-occupying himself with his gambling dens in Western Lephya, Zolvezah was forced by her father to live in East Lephya - alone - to oversee other parts of the business. From the age of 16, when this began, her life was torment. Hyvrin, a local soldier of Lephya, defied his given orders by killing 2 corrupt guard who were harrasing Zolvezah. They fled together into the sewers, where trhe mounted a resistance against her father and struck his business down, killing him in the process.

As well as being on The Kings Cross, Zolvezah oversees the trade of the continent (exclusing Port Calonne).

Hyvrin Spiritfall, The Divine Pair, Light Blessed

The other half of The Divine Pair, Hyvrin sits beside his wife Zolvezah on The Kings Cross.

Since the day he rescued Zolvezah he has been her sole protector, and he remains as such. He often aids Sir Varon and Arcanist Verion on military and covert operations, leading his own branch of Lephyan warriors. These warriors are trained in the traditional sword of Lephya, the knowledge of which was bestowed to Hyvrin by Kaleidos.

For reasons of fairness, The Lephyan Division of The Valiancey have their own tournaments that are seperate from the shifters; the rewards, however, are just as equal. It is tradition for Lyonis to attend the tournaments held in West Lephya, just as it is for Hyvrin to attend the ones outside Balthier.

Lady Anida Calonne, The Inheritor

A young girl of 15, Lady Anida Calonne inherited the deed of Port Calonne when her grandmother passed away in 949ps. Her mother had passed 3 years prior from a blood-sickness that infected many of the people of Port Calonne, when a parasite snuck onto a trade ship.

The Calonne family has been matriarchal since anyone can remember, and when the social restructuring of the continent happened, it guaranteed a position on the council for the ruling family member. Despite her age, she was appointed no advisors and her succession was not in question. She has a gifted mind that has surpassed all expectations.

Within her first yeah as acting leader of the family, she increased all trading profits with other continents by 10%, whilst reducing costs by 6%. An avid number cruncher, Lady callone is in charge of the treasury, managing the budgets across the kingdom; her brother Heron, 25, takes care of the easy ones at home.

Duke Atrion Odaire, Voice of The Plagued Ports

Atrion Odaire has a reputation of for his firm but fair personality and strong drive for justice. A renowned warrior in his own right, Atrion's main role comes in relation to the eastern lands. His ancestral family lands by Port Sarroux fell long ago to The Hope-Cleaver's forces and while the dark god is gone, the eastern lands remain a mark on his conscience.

Atrion has sat upon the King's Cross for 40 years since the passing of his father and has consistently argued for more focus on the reclamation and restoration of the Plagued Ports. Now approaching his 70s, Atrion remains in fine health with his elven blood keeping him sharp and resolute. He regularly partakes in the tournaments of Balthier and shares a long running competition with Commander Varon, though he is yet to win a match between the two of them.

His family now watches over a small collection of farmland and houses, built and granted to the people of Port Sarroux who lost there homes. Those in Levaville and Port Orteux, still live in and defend the towns.

The Grand Sailor Hythremar

The triton pirate king, lord of Grand Port Valenbeuge. Whilst the pirate king often tends to his own affairs - as well as working closely with Anida on global trade - this was too good of an opportunity to pass up for him.

His contribution to The Kings Cross is little, and he rarely attends all meetings held, but he is often called in to advise on global political matters, sometime also being pulled in to assist with the transportation of Shade Legion members.

Ythian's Towns and Cities

The Edaremyth

The Edaremyth is the combined name for the stretch of greenland in the middle of Ythian. In the past, it was consisted of The Oakland Duchy to the north and the Kingdom of Balthier which include the independantly run Port Calonne. Three leading towns populate this stretch of perpetual spring paradise.


The sprawling city of Balthier is a sight to behold for any newcomer. For those who live there, flying banners and silver-lined marble roads are the norm. At each turn, the sturdy architecture of Balthier inspires protection and hope for all. The small estates surrounding Balthier are all different inns and houses for farmers. In the cities, spawling market streets like The Golden Road of Tomorrow offer the finest of craftmans a place to display their skills and make a good living. Once a year, on the 25th of Myth, thousands pour into the city to stay and watch The Battle of Light; a week-long tournament that marks a new champion of Balthier.

Notable Destinations

  • The Tournament Grounds: The Balthier Stadium where all tournments - including the Battle of Light - are held. Complex machinery, imported from Mystrallia on Hysillia, allows the grounds to shift and change to create new and exciting areas; all of this can be designed on the fly using a mist-powered control panel.
  • Surounding Destinations: The areas surropunding Balthier not only includes farmers homes and a fine selection of inns, but also new businesses being established from people born outside of the continent in a hopes of attaining a citizenship.
  • The Alabaster Shield: A large section of reinforced white-steel wall, with a protrusion that creates a large steel shield in the northern section of the main city. It serves reminds the people that The King's Cross, who hold their meetings there, live to protect the people of Ythian. Towards of the top of the structure, the throne room can be found, positioned so that Lyonis may watch over his people through a ruby-glass mirror.
  • The Golden Road of Hope: The market road that hosts the best creators Ythian has to offer, offering all sorts of goods and services.


Once the headquaters of The Oakland Duchy before The King's Cross was founded, Avignan has been a peaceful town always caring for the natural world around them. Whilst druids often travel there due to the good relations that Avignan keeps, most of its inhabitants are rangers and fighters that live a simple cruelty-free life as much as possible. it is also the patron-town of Kai'Melorn, and when she is not required elsewhere in the worlds, she can often be found entertaining the inhabitants in her human form.

The people of Avignan treat meat as a delicacy in all forms, only ever eating from animals who have died naturally; the presence of Magik allows for them to purify any and all meat to their desire.

It has a simple architecture, with all homes being built in oak; each family personalises and carves the inside of their homes into beautiful designs; shops do this too. Cobbled streets, covered in verdant material, allow the people to ake their way past all manner of bushes and foliage that populates the free space..

Notable Destinations

  • The Fey-Kin Embassy: Yanpeiros, a resident of Avignan and one of the members of The King's Cross, heads the embassy for his kind in Avignan. All manner of Fey-kin have moved into Avignan, allowing the town to expand into a myriad of different life; this has only enhanced their natural nature.
  • The Oakland Mansion: Once the home of The Oakland Family - all of which gave their lives defending the continent in The God Wars - this divine mansion has been turned into a church and memorial site. When notable members of the Valiancey die, they are buried within the deep crypts that have been dug beneath, alongside the Valiant Shifters who gave their lives during The God Wars. The main house above serves to worship all 3 prime deities of Ythian, with a memorial statue to the Oakland family stood in the courtyard outside.

Port Calonne

Still keeping its independance, Port Calonne is the most successful port in the world of Zand'Raya outside of The Pirates of Valenbeuges organisation. The Calonne family have owned and run the town for over 400 years, defending it to the losses of many good men and family members during The God Wars. Analytical and Methodical, yet aknowledging and empathetic, the paradise that the Calonne family had established in Port Calonne was the basis for the new social system of Ythain.

Those who wish to studied econimic professions are entered into the schools here, where the best and brightest are developed to lead the future of Ythian in all global and trade endeavors.

Studious as they may be, Port Calonne has a flourishing night-life industry, holding regular events for all manner of people to attend. Each one is often funded by the family, with them taking 50% of all profits for business, 25% of profits for education, and a further 25% is added to the treasury of The King's Cross for additional spending.

Notable Destinations

  • The Shaded Walk: When the sun sets in Port Calonne, The Shaded Walk is open for business. Bars, brothels, and all manner of events can be found here.
  • The Aquan Divide The Long stretched port that sits across the coast of of Ythian. The only ports to rival it are those found at Grand Port Valenbeugue, but even those do not match the quality of Calonne design.

The Talon Dunes


Split into East & West Lephya, these desert towns present a full spread of cultures from across the world. The exotic markets set-up by foreign merchants in the west focus more on goods and exotic items as opposed to quality craftsmanship; Most Lephyan life takes place here. In the east, where mostly soliders and their families keep too, life is somewhat quieter, but not free from the rigourous patrols to catch smugglers.

Despite the governance of Zolvezah and Hyvrin Spiritfall, the dynamic culture of Lephya has left it open to some criminal influence. People who hoard wealth from other continents often come here to run lucrative business that often defy the rules of The King's Cross. The specialist division of soliders that are present within Lephya try to deal with this themselves, but often call in support from The Aetherian Inquisitors to remove the ones with the strongest roots.

Some buildings within Lephya are still crafted from a classic and worn sandstone, but in most cases the buildings have differed greatly. With the implementation of the King's Cross, residents of Avignan have worked with Lephyans to produce significant changes to their lifestyles.

Notable Destinations

  • The Western Lephyan Bazaar: Located in the center of the town, the bazaar features foreign merchants from across Zand'raya.
  • Gambling Dens: Located in and around the bazaar in the west are several gambling dens, each ran by different "entrepreneurs".
  • The Eastern Tournament Grounds: Located a days travel north of East Lephya lies the Lephyan Colliseum, also know as The Golden Lotus. Main events & Lephyan specific tournaments are conducted here

Camp Ralsa

Owned and operated by Rumtak, a fat and greedy goblin, Camp Ralso is Zand'raya's most visited tourist spot and holiday destination. Protected by the mountains, and situated directly next to the ocean, many rich and wealthy people arrive from across the world to experience the bliss this money-driven business offers.

The reason Rumtak is not ousted for his disobediance for the rules is due to his unwillingly made contributions to the treasury. He could set-up shop elsewhere, but no location quites rivals that of Camp Ralsa's current home.

To drive profits - in addition to a luxury experience - Rumtak facilitates the movement of information... He has built quite the reputation for himself, earning him the nickname "The Dominoe"

The Swamplands

Before the disgusting swamlands existed, the lands to the east were much like the Edaremyth; full of life and vigour. Now, the people of Levaville and orteux hang on by a thread as they receive aid in fending off the rotting and fungal creatures of Port Sarroux.

Levaville & Orteaux

Before The God Wars, both of these towns were well noted for their scholarly techniques. The idea for The King's Cross education systems was party put in place due to the destruction of the facilities - and the loss of many Magi & teachers - that once existed in the towns.

Levaville was rownowed for it's craftmans and merchants. Those who aren't dead are either still living in the town helping to rebuild and defend it, or earning good coin in The Golden Road of Hope, Balthier.

Orteaux contained the best that arcane learning had to offer. The only two locations known to outperform the humble sages of Orteaux were The Myriad Knights in Hysillia and The Talekeepers Guild of Dartheryn. Now, many of the libraries and resources have been lost. Those who do not stay to defend and rebuild, teach in the Magikal halls of Balthier.

Port Sarroux

Lost when The Hope-Cleaver invaded the continent of Ythian, Port Sarroux has seen no improvement; it has only continued to rot and decay from his lingering essence. Ozzing black and red fungi sprout from the dark, damp, moss-covered shacks. The wind blows a constant mist over the land. No party of guards or adventueres have ventured to the center of the forsaken town and come out alive.

Those who once lived in Port Sarroux are split across the continent. Some reside with Duke Atrion Odaire on his land, but others have found purposing helping their brothers and sisters defend the other stricken towns.

Much to the dissapointment of the Odaire family, many of those who lost evertything in Port Sarroux turned to lives of crime.

Grand Port Valenbeuge

Grand port Valenbeuge is unrivalved in port design. The reputation of its pirates has only increased since their founding; this granted them special priviledges despite the creation of The King's Cross.

Operating of it's own volition, Valenbeuge has it's own economy, rules, and systems in place to manage their life. These ideals are what allowed them operate independatly as part of the agreements made during the election periods.

Split into two major parts, Grand Port Valenbeugue is a true jewel.

The Spires

The Spires of Grand Port Valenbeuge are often visible from the walls of Balthier on a clear summers day. Connected to the ports via a series of bridges - with each one leading to a different section.

The tallest point of the spires is where Hythremar spends most of his time. The Pinacle of the mountains has been crafted in a platue that houses many revelry inducing locations

in the center section, Valenbeuge sees it's own trade conducted, whilst the lowest level houses all those who call valenbeugue home. The lower spans down along the side of the mountains, giving access to the natural beach that provides the base for these towering pillars.

The Ports

Unlike most ports, Valenbeuge's main attraction sits itself directly in the ocean. The vast docks operate in a full circle as the many store houses populate the center and keep the port towering higher and higher.

The Zand'rayan


Abyssal Creatures

Dark Succubus

Medium Fiend, Any evil

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 60~
  • Speed 30ft, Fly 60ft.

10 (+0) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)

  • Skills Insight +6, Persuasion +8, Perception +5, Stealth +7,
  • Saving Throws Constituion +5, Wisdom +4
  • Resistances Magikal Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning; Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned, Frightened
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Telepathy 300ft
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 Exp)

Telepathic Bond. The fiend ignores the range restriction on its telepathy when communicating with a creature it has charmed. The two don't even need to be on the same plane of existence.

Shapechanger. The fiend can use its bonus action to polymorph into a Small or Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. Without wings, the fiend loses its flying speed. Other than its size and speed, its statistics are the same

Abyss Walker. The footsteps of the Succubus produce no sound, and they gain advantage on all stealth checks. Once per short rest, The Succubus can cast the Misty Step spell.


Multiattack. The Succubus can make 2 attacks with its Black Claw

Black Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 2d4 + 4 Piercing Damage + 1d4 Poison Damage.

Corrupted Charm (recharge 4/5/6) One humanoid the fiend can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed for 1 day. The charmed target obeys the fiend's verbal or telepathic commands. If the target suffers any harm or receives a suicidal command, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Creatures charmed by this fiend are also considered poisoned.

Bonus Actions

Writhing Poison The fiend curses the poison writhing in the veins of a creature it has charmed. The target must succeed on a DC15 Constituion Saving Throw or suffer 3d8 + 5 Poison Damage

Black Hound

Medium Fiend, Any evil

  • Armor Class 14 (natural Armour)
  • Hit Points 50~
  • Speed 40ft Hover

17 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)

  • Saving Throws Constituion +5, Wisdom +6
  • Resistances Poison, Necrotic
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages Abyssal
  • Challenge 3 (700 Exp)

Tainted Blood. Creatures how attack the Block Hound within melee range suffer 1d4 + 2 Poison Damage.

Dark Aura Creatures who start their turn within 15ft of a Black Hound must succeed on a DC14 Wisdom Saving Throw or be frightened of the creature until the start of their next turn.


Multiattack. The Hound can make 3 attacks with its Gnaw

Gnaw Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d8 + 3 Piercingg Damage Damage + 2 Necrotic Damage.

Dark Breath (recharge 5/6) Creatures in 30ft cone in front of the Blakc Hound it must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 6d8 Necrotic Damage, suffering half as much on a success

Black Queen

Medium Fiend, Any evil

  • Armor Class 19
  • Hit Points 250~
  • Speed 40ft, Fly 80ft.

14 (+2) 22 (+6) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)

  • Skills Insight +7, Persuasion +9, Perception +6, Stealth +10,
  • Saving Throws Dexterity +10, Constituion +7, Wisdom +6
  • Resistances Magikal Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning; Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned, Frightened, Restrained
  • Vulnerabilities Wings, Torso
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Telepathy 600ft
  • Challenge 9 (5,000 Exp)

Attacked Directly If struck by a direct attack on its wings, The Black Queen must succeed on a DC14 Strength Saving Throw or be unable to fly on its next turn. If struck on its Torso, The Black Queen has disadvantage on any Recharge rolls on its next turn.

Telepathic Bond. The fiend ignores the range restriction on its telepathy when communicating with a creature it has affected with one of its charms. The two don't even need to be on the same plane of existence.

Life Eater. Death Savings Throws made within 30ft of the Queen are made at Diasdavantage. Creatures that fail a Death Saving Throw within this radius restore 1D20 Hitpoints to the Queen.

Legendary Resistance (1/day). When failing a saving throw, the fiend can chooseto succeed. it regains the use of this ability upon the dawn of the next day.


Multiattack. The Succubus can make 2 attacks with its Black Blade and then uses one of its available charms

Black Blade Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit 2d10 + 6 Slashing Damage Damage + 1d8 Necrotic Damage.

Black Charm (recharge 4/5/6) One humanoid the fiend can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become stunned for 1 day. The creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn. This charm can only be active on one creature at a time

Festering Charm (recharge 4/5/6) One humanoid the fiend can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or become Poisoned for 1 day. The creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn. Whilst poisoned, the creature suffers 2d8 Poison Damage at the start of its turn. This charm can only be active on one creature at a time

Ravenous Charm (recharge 4/5/6) One humanoid the fiend can see within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or become Charmed for 1 day. The creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of its turn. Whilst charmed in this way, the creature will spend its turn attacking creatures that are hostile to the Black Queen

Bonus Actions

Crippling Poison The fiend curses a target it has stricken with its Black Blade this turn. The creature must succeed on a DC17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Creatures that are affected by one of the Black Queen's charms has disadvantage on this saving throw and is also restrained on a fail.

Lair Actions

Black Queens often make their lairs within abyssal pocket dimensions, where they conduct work in the stead of the trickster god. They have a keen love for traps and undead creatures, using them to guard its walls. the Black Queen can take one Lair actions on Initiative count 20 each round. A black Queen in a Lair is considered CR11 (7,200)

  • The Black Queen taps into the necrotic energies of its home plane. All creatures within the lair must succeed on a DC17 Constituion Saving Throw or be overcome by a black fog. All creature who fail make their next attack roll or saving throw at disadvantage.
  • The Black Queen casts one of the following spells, requiring no material components: Mind Spike (2nd level), Hypnotic Pattern (C, 3rd level), Hex (C, 1st Level).

Forbidden Behir

Huge Fiend/Beast, Chaotic evil

  • Armor Class 18
  • Hit Points 240~
  • Speed 60ft, Climb 60ft.

24 (+7) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 4 (-3) 16 (+3) 10 (0)

  • Skills Athletics +11, Insight +7, Stealth +7,
  • Saving Throws Strength +11, Constituion +9, Wisdom +7
  • Resistances Magikal Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning; Cold, Lightning, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Incapacitated
  • Vulnerabilities Head, Tail
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Abyssal
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 Exp)

Attacked Directly. When struck by a direct attack on one of its vulnerable body parts, the Behir must make a Constituion Saving throw (DC20); The Behir is Blinded until the end of its next turn, and has disadvantage on any Recharge rolls on its next turn; if struck on its tail, it can not use its Tail Swipe for 2 turns.

Dark Tendrils. The Behir starts combat with 4 Dark Tendrils that writhe out from its scales. When struck with a critical hit, the behir loses one Tendril. All creatures within a 15ft radius of the Behir when it loses a Tendril suffer 2d12 Necrotic Damage. The Behir regrows a Tendril if it scores a critical hit on any creature.

Legendary Resistance (1/day). When failing a saving throw, the behir can choose to succeed. it regains the use of this ability upon the dawn of the next day.


Multiattack. The Behir can make attacks with as many tendrils as it has available, and then take one additional attack.

Dark Tendril Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 20ft., one target. Hit 1d12 + 7 Bluedgeoning Damage. Creatures must then succeed in an Acrobatics or Athletics contest against the Behir's Athletics or be grappled. Until the creature is freed, the Behir consideres this Tendril unusable.

Black Pulse All creatures grappled by a Tendril are forced to make a DC17 Constituion Saving Throw. They suffer 1d12 + 5 Necrotic Damage on a failure, suffering half as much on a success.

Corrupted Lightning (recharge 5/6) The Behir twists its head to the side and exhales a line of lightning that is 20 feet long and 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5D10 lightning damage and 5D10 Necrotic Damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Swallow/Spit The behir makes one bite attack against a Medium or smaller target (+11 to hit, 2d10+7 Piercing Damage). If the attack hits, the target is also swallowed. While swallowed, the target is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the Behir, and it takes 3d6 Acid Damage and 3d6 Necrotic Damage at the start of each of the Behir's turns. A Behir can have only one creature swallowed at a time.

If the Behir takes 30 or more damage in a single turn from the swallowed creature, or is hit by a critical hit from outside from outside its stomach, the Behir regurgitates and spits the swallowed creature in a ball of acid in a 20ft line ahead of it. Creatures that collide with the acid suffer 2d10 Bludgeoning Damage and 2d10 Acid Damage.

Bonus Actions

Tail Swipe The Behir makes a tail attack at a creature within 10ft of it (+11 to hit, 1d12+7 Bluedgeoning Damage). Creatures hit by the attack must succeed on a DC17 Strength Saving Throw or be knocked prone.


Bounty Hunter

Medium Humanoid, Any Allignment

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 75~
  • Speed 30ft.

17 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1)

  • Skills Athletics +5, Acrobatics +4, Nature +2, Perception +4, Stealth +4. Survival +4
  • Saving Throws Strength +5, Dexterity +3
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages Common & one other language
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 Exp)

Hunter's Spirit. When struck by a critical hit, the Bounty Hunter can expend a hit dice (7d8) and treat the attack as if it were not a critical hit.

Hunter's Ferocity. The Bounty Hunter scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or higher. When landing a critical hit, the Bounty Hunter can expend a hit dice (7d8) and roll it. They restore hit points equal to the number rolled.


Multiattack. The Succubus can make 2 attacks with its Bladed Weapon

Bladed Weapon Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d10 + 3 Slashing Damage.

Cleave Each creature 5ft in front of the Bounty Hunter must succeed on a DC15 Dexterity Saving Throw or suffer 3d6 slashing damage; half on a success.

Bonus Actions

Dash This creature can take the Dash action as a Bonus Action

Disengage This creature can take the Disengage action as a Bonus Action

Discerning Eye The Bounty Hunter forces a Survival Contest against another creature it can see. On a success, the Bounty Hunter gains a +2 to attack and damage rolls against the creature for 1 minute. The bounty hunter can only have this effect active on one creature at a time.

Minions of Death

The Rotting Lord

This disgusting [creature] has taken up residence in the swamplands, more specifically the cursed Port Sarroux. It is from within its great mold-ridden walls that it plots its undead forces across the sunken lands, feasting upon the flesh of the noble militia, and all those who would also make the mistake of entering into these lost Ythinian lands. Through the recounts of valorus members of The Kings Cross, we have come to to posesses information regarding this tyrant's forces.

Malignant Myconids

These creatures comprise the bulk of The Rotting Lords forces; they have become a well-learned threat within the swamplands, especially when their master is able to direct them to his will at all times.

Myconid Footling

Small Plant, Any evil

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 40~
  • Speed 25ft.

14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

  • Skills Perception +4
  • saving throws Constituion +5, Wisdom +4
  • Resistances Magikal Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning; Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned, Frightened
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages Unknown
  • Challenge 3 (700 Exp)

Mycellium Fodder. This creature is connected to the Mycellium Network and will obey all orders that come from others within the network. When another Myconid, other than a footling, is within 60ft of the footling, it gains a +2 to all ability checks and attack rolls.

Necrotic Spores. The spores within this creatures mushroom cap are potent. When struck by a melee attack, this creature realses necrotic spores from the cap. The attack must succeed on a DC12 Constituion Saving Throw, or become Poisoned for 1 minute.


Multiattack. *The Myconid can make 2 attacks with its Rotted Spear

Rotted Spear Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d8 + 2 Piercing Damage + 1d6 Poison Damage.

Myconid Sporetender

Small Plant, Any evil

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 40~
  • Speed 25ft.

9 (-1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Perception +5
  • saving throws Constituion +5, Wisdom +5
  • Resistances Magikal Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning; Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned, Frightened
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Unknown
  • Challenge 3 (700 Exp)

Mycellium Fodder. This creature is connected to the Mycellium Network and will obey all orders that come from others within the network. When another Myconid, other than a footling, is within 60ft of the footling, it gains a +2 to all ability checks and attack rolls.

Rotting Sprouts This Myconid is able to command the swamplands within a 10ft radius of itself. Creatures that enter within its range must succeed on a DC14 Dexterity Check. On a fail, the creature becomes grappled. The grapple ends if the Myconid moves too far away.


Multiattack. The Myconid can attack twice with its Mycellium Whip

Spore Burst All creatures within 10ft of the Myconid must succeed on a DC14 Constitution Saving Throw. They suffer 1d12 Poison Damage on a fail and half as much on a success. Allies within range are healed for the same amount.

Mycellium Whip. Ranged Weapon Attack, +5 to hit. Range 20ft. One target., Hit (1d6 + 3) Magikal Slashing damage + 1d4 Poison damage

Myconid Magi

Medium Plant, Any evil

  • Armor Class 16 (Barkskin)
  • Hit Points 70~
  • Speed 25ft.

9 (-1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 19 (+4) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Perception +8
  • saving throws Constituion +7, Wisdom +8
  • Resistances Magikal Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning; Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned, Frightened
  • Senses passive Perception 18
  • Languages Unknown
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 Exp)

Mycellium Lietenant. This creature is connected to the Mycellium Network and can command all creatures with the Mycellium Fodder feature. This creature takes command from those who have the Mycellium Captain feature.

Swamland Magician. This Myconid is always under the effects of the Barkskin spell; it does not require concentration. It also carries 2 Potions of Poison on it person; creating more through alchemy.

Spellcasting. The Myconid Magi is a 9th level spell caster. Its spell casting ability is Wisdom (Spell Save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks.) The Myconid Magi has the following Warlock spell prepared:

Cantrips (at will): Infestation, Poison Spray, Thorn Whip

1st level (4 slots): Absorb Elements, Charm Person, Entangle

2nd level (3 slots): Spike Growth, Wither and Bloom

3rd level (3 slots): Call Lightning, Dispel Magic

4th level (2 slots): Blight, Giant Insect


Spore Burst All creatures within 10ft of the Myconid must succeed on a DC14 Constitution Saving Throw. They suffer 1d12 Poison Damage on a fail and half as much on a success. Allies within range are healed for the same amount

Mycellium Staff. Melee Weapon Attack, +6 to hit. Reach. One target., Hit (1d6 + 3) Magikal Bludgeoning damage + 2d8 Poison damage. Target must then succeed on a DC14 Constituion Saving Throw or become Paralyzed until struck. The creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.

Myconid Grappler

Medium Plant, Any evil

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 90~
  • Speed 25ft.

18 (+4) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Perception +5, Athletics +8
  • saving throws Constituion +7, Wisdom +8
  • Resistances Magikal Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning; Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned, Frightened
  • Senses passive Perception 15
  • Languages Unknown
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 Exp)

Mycellium Lietenant. This creature is connected to the Mycellium Network and can command all creatures with the Mycellium Fodder feature. This creature takes command from those who have the Mycellium Captain feature.

Grappler. The Myconid has advantage on attack rolls against a creature it is grappling. It can use its action to try to pin a creature grappled by it. To do so, make another grapple check. If it succeeds, the creature is then restrained but the Myconid is not. it can continue to make attacks at advantage.


Multiattack. The Myconid Grappler can make take 3 actions in any order, but it may only use its Cap Charge and Double Kick actions once per turn each.

Cap Charge The Myconid runs at least 10ft in a straight line towards a creature, lowering its head. The target must succeed on a contested Athletic Check or be knocked back 5ft or prone. if the Myconid runs at least 20ft towards a target, it perform the contest with advantage.

Toxic Palm. Unnarmed Strike, +8 to hit. One target., Hit (1D12 + 4) Magikal Bludgeoning Damage + 2d8 Poison damage.. If the target of this attack is grappled or restrained, they suffer an additional 1D12 Magikal Bludgeoning Damage.

Double Kick. Unnarmed Strike, +8 to hit. One target., Hit (2d10 + 4) Magikal Bludgeoning damage. If this attack is successful, the Myconid can choose a point within 15ft and leap to that location. The target is knocked prone and is unable to make an Opportunity Attack against the Myconid.

Corrupted Creatures

Many beasts that once inhabited the great forests of the east now stand undead and corrupted. Even now, the ranks of the myriad creatures under the control of The Rotting Lord continue to grow, as more and more cross the threshhold each year. The longer they wallow in the swamps, the more feral they become.

Swamp Troll

Large Humanoid, Any evil

  • Armor Class 15 (natural armour)
  • Hit Points 130~
  • Speed 30ft.

22 (+6) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 9 (-1)

  • Skills Athletics +9, Nature +5, Survival +5
  • saving throws Strength +9, Constituion +7
  • Resistances Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned, Frightened
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 7 (2,900 Exp)

Putrid Aura. Creatures that end their turn within 5ft of the Swamp Troll take 1d4 + 4 Poison Damage.

Rage when the Swamp Troll drops below 1/2 health, it enters into a rage. It gains resistance to melee damage, as well as making one additional attack per turn


Multiattack. *The Swamp Troll makes 2 attacks with its Troll Smash and uses its Stink Breath if available

Troll Smash Melee Weapon Attack, +9 to hit. One target., Hit (1d10 + 6) Bludgeoning Damage. The target must then succeed on a DC15 Strength Saving Throw or be knocked prone. Creature who are already knocked prone suffer an additional 6 points of damage when struck with this attack.

Stink Breath. (recharge 4/5/6) The swamp Troll Belches, letting out a horendous stench within a 15ft cone infront of it. Creature caught within it must make a DC15 Constitution Saving Throw or be knocked unconcious until the end of their next turn.

Toxic Render

Large Monstrosity, Any evil

  • Armor Class 20
  • Hit Points 200~
  • Speed 30ft.

20 (+5) 13 (+1) 24 (+7) 10 (0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0)

  • Skills Athletics +9, Nature +2
  • saving throws Strength +9, Constituion +11
  • Resistances Magikal Piercing & Slashing, Poison, Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Frightened, Poisoned, Prone (Excluding direct attacks)
  • Vulnerabilities Spores, Legs
  • Senses passive Perception 8
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 14 (11,500 Exp)

Attacked Directly. When struck by a direct attack on its legs that the Render does not have resistance or immunity to, it falls prone until the end of its next turn. If the spores on it's body are struck with fire damage, whilst not under the effects of the Absorb Elements spell, the Render is unable to use or recharge its Writhing Earth attack on its next turn.

Mycellium Captain. This creature is connected to the Mycellium Network and can command all creatures with the Mycellium Fodder or Mycellium Lietenant feature. This creature takes direct command from The Rotting Lord.

Living Hide. When struck with Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder or Force Damage, The Toxic Render automatically gains the effects of the Absorb Elements spell. This is usable once per round as a free reaction.


Multiattack. The Toxic Render makes 4 attacks: One bite, 2 claws, and one Writing Earth if available

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack, +9 to hit. Reach. One target., Hit (2d12 + 5) Piercing Damage + 1d12 Necrotic damage. Target must then succeed on a DC17 Constituion Saving Throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. Creatures may repeat their Saving Throw at the end of each turn.

Claw Melee Weapon Attack, +9 to hit. Reach. One target., Hit (3d8 + 5) Slashing Damage + 3d4 Poison damage.*

Writhing Earth. (recharge 5/6) The Toxic Render takes command of its surrounding area, causing a paralytic mist to overcome the area. All creatures within 15ft of the Toxic Render must succeed on a DC17 Constituion Saving Throw or suffer 2d10 Necrotic Damage, 2D10 Poison Damage, and become Paralyzed until the end of their next turn.

Mythical Creatures

Creatures of Life

Men'Thalia Rutarion, The Great Stag

The Steed of the Goddess of Divine Light awakened alongside the Celestial Goddess, Disdain. This faithful beast served as the Goddess' only advisor, aid, and mount, for the duration of her prominent godhood during the Age of Wisdom. Upon the coming of The Descendance, Men'Thalia was cursed to undeath following the severing of her bond with her master. This curse extends to her lifeforce, and she spends her eternity wandering the world of Zand'raya. Sweet release may only come from those she deems worthy to end her master’s pain.

Where her wanders take her is the true question. Her form, corrupted as it is, has led to the creature's intense amnesia. It almost seems to wander in two forms; her true location being in the centre between them.

To the few that have captured glimpses of this creature, they have described both a monstrous and divine presence. Only those with vast wisdom could even comprehend the absurdity of it all - alas, even to our knowledge, no scholars with this mind even exist.

In the form that has stricken fear - and madness - into those who have angered the creature, will now often be found within the dark recesses of the world; bereft of a need for light nor happiness.

Instead, to worthy passerby - it would seem, on most accounts - that she is benevolent in all aspects. Tales of fruits growing from her tree-like horns were common amongst beggars on the wild roads. Truly, she is the full weight of the forest; in equal balance its own spectrum of light and dark.

Men'Thalia Rutarion

Huge beast, Lawful Good

  • Armor Class 24
  • Hit Points 300-500
  • Speed 90ft Hover.

24 (+7) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 30 (+10) 10 (0)

  • Skills Insight + 16, Perception + 16, History + 11, Athletics + 13
  • Saving Throws Strength + 13, Constitution +10, Wisdom + 16
  • Resistances Fire, Cold, Lightning, Bludgeoning, Force, Non-Magikal Piercing and Slashing, Poison
  • Condition Immunities Prone, Frightened, Charmed, Poisoned, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Grappled, Restrained
  • Senses passive Perception 26
  • Languages Common, Celestial, Abyssal, Beast-Speech
  • Challenge 20 (25000 XP)

Divine Presence. Any creature that starts their turn within 15ft of Men'Thalia Rutarion must succeed on a DC22 Wisdom saving throw. On a fail, their turn immediately ends, and they are chamred by Men'thalia Retuarion for the duration of their next turn

One with Primal Life. Men'thalia Rutarion can innately cast revivify - as a bonus action on her turn - on any dead Plant or Celestial creature within range. They are instead brough back to life with half of their health.

Ancient Calling. At initiative count 25, on the first round of combat only, Men'Thalia Rutarion summons a Chimera to her side. It rolls it's own initiative and joins combat in the first round. She can offer it, and all other creatures under her control, intructions as a bonus action on her turn.

Otherworldly Charge. When Men'thalia Rutarion moves atleast 20ft in a straight line, she can immediately gather her momentum into a teleport, appearing in front of a target 30ft front of her, and perform a Horns attack; this deals an addition 3D10 Radiant damage.


Necrotic/Radiant Shift As a Bonus Action on her turn, Men'thalia Rutarion can dispell her Radiant illusion - revealing her undead form - or vice versa. In Necrotic Form, all of her Radiant damage is converted into Necrotic. The inverse occurs in Radiant form. Her current form also grants her immunity to the inverse. Divine Presence also shifts to becoming frightened, instead of charmed.

Horns. Melee Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:(3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage. The target must succeed on a DC: 22 Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone and blinded. This saving throw can be repeated at the end of each of the target's turns.

Knowledge Thought Lost (Rechargs 4/5/6) Ranged Spell Attack: +13 to hit, reach 90 ft., two targets target. Hit:(4d6 + 10) Radiant damage. The targets must succeed on a DC: 22 Wisdom saving throw or become Stunned until the end of their next turn.

Legendary Actions (3)

Horns Men'Thalia Rutarion moves up to 20ft and performs a Horns attack. Costs 1 Action

Guiding Bolt Men'Thalia Rutarion casts Guiding Bolt at 7th level. Costs 1 Action

Divine Inspiration Men'thalia Rutarion Summons 2 creatures from the following choices: Wood Woad, Couatl, Winter Wolf. These new allies move directly after her on the round they are summoned, and roll their own initiative for the following round. All allied creatures within 60ft also gain a 1d8 Inspiration dice. Costs 3 Actions.

The Nightmare Diadem

Mortals within The Diadem

These twisted few who are corrupted by the ways of The Mother of Twisted Trees, make up the bulk of their forces. Each of their fighting styles may appear base on a glance, but rest assured that they have been led down much darker paths.

Each of them are bound to weapons, seperting them into different divisions; each more capable of cutting down would-be foes that stand in the way of the Diadem.

Diadem Devout

Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 35 - 55
  • Speed 30ft.

9 (-1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 17 (+3)

  • saving throws Dex +6, Con +5, Cha +6
  • Condition Immunities Charmed
  • Senses Passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common, Sylvan
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Shadow-fel Enchantment. All weapon attacks made by the Diadem Devout deal an additional 2d4 Necrotic damage.

Spellcasting. The Diadem Devout is a 7th level spell caster. Its spell casting ability is Charisma (Spell Save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks. The Diadem Devout has the following Warlock spell prepared:

Cantrips (at will): Chill Touch, Eldritch Blast, Mind Sliver 4th level (2 slots): Charm Person, Counter Spell, Dimension Door, Shadow of Moil.


Spinning Scythe. Ranged weapon attack, +6 to hit. Range 15ft. One target., Hit (1d12 + 3) Magikal Slashing damage + (2d4) Necrotic damage

Bursting Shadow. Ranged spell attack. +6 to hit. Two targets., Hit (2d8 + 3) Necrotic damage.

Diadem Fel-Warrior

Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 45-65
  • Speed 35ft.

16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 15 (+2)

  • saving throws Str +7, Con +6, Cha +5
  • Condition Immunities Charmed
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common, Sylvan
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Shadow-fel Enchantment. All weapon attacks made by the Diadem Fel-Warrior deal an additional 2d4 Necrotic damage.


Multiattack. The Diadem Fel-Warrior can make 2 attacks with its Double-Bladed Claymore

Double-Bladed Claymore. *Melee weapon attack, +6 to hit. One target., Hit (2d6 + 4) Slashing damage + (2d4) Necrotic damage

Bonus Actions

Nightmarish Strike. The Diadem Fell_Warrior empowers their next weapon strike. The next creature hit by their Double-Bladed Claymore must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom Save or be frightened of the Fell-Warrior until the end of their next turn.

Second Wind As a Bonus Action, the Diadem Fell-Warrior can restore (1d10 + 3) hitpoints

Diadem Corroder

Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 35-55
  • Speed 40ft.

9 (-1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)

  • saving throws Dex +6, Wis +5, Cha +4
  • Skills Perception +5
  • Condition Immunities Charmed
  • Senses Passive Perception 15
  • Languages Common, Sylvan
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Poison Specialist Creatures hit by the diseased dagger have disadvantage on their poisoned save. On a critical with the Longbow, the target it automatically poisoned until the end of their next turn.

Innate Spellcasting The Corroder's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13). The Diadem Corroder can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: Hunter's Mark

1/day each: Summon Beast, Conjure Barrage.


Multiattack. The Diadem Corroder can make 2 attacks with either its Longbow or its Diseased Dagger.

Longbow. Ranged weapon attack. +6 to hit. Two targets., Hit (1d8) Piercing damage and (1d6) Poison damage.

Diseased Dagger. Melee weapon attack. +6 to hit. One target., Hit (1d4 + 4) Piercing damage. The target must then succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for one minute. They can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of their turns.

Creatures of Servitude

When the shadowfell was bestowed the gift of Tilli'vanya's growth, many fey-wild creatures caught themselves wandering betwixt the realms unknowingly.

These beings have been trained to serve the purpose of The Diadem, aiding their Magi in summoning more Shadow-fel companions.

Some of them - who are more intertwined with the different forces that join the fey and shadow together - are gifted with a bewildering curse that they inflict on foes in combat.

Aside from the creatures detailed here, The Nightmare Diadem also have other creatures under their employ: Darklings, Displacer Beasts, Green Hags, Pixies, Redcaps, Shades, Sprites, Quicklings, Wraiths, and Yeth Hounds. it is rumoured that The Mother of Twisted Trees rides upon the back of a Shadow Dragon, empowered with the forces of the fey.

Fey Curse Table
D6 Roll Effect on Target
1 The target is charmed by the attacker until the end of its next turn.
2 The target is blinded until the end of its next turn
3 The target is frightened of the attacker until the end of its next turn
4 The target is Poisoned for 3 turns. This effect does not stack.
5 The target is stunned until the end of its next turn
6 The target gains 1 point of exhaustion

Diadem Bone-Thief

Small Fey, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 40-70
  • Speed 40ft.

9 (-1) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 10 (0) 16 (+3)

  • saving throws Dex +7, Cha +6
  • Skills Acrobatics +7, Stealth + 7
  • Damage Immunities Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from NonMagikal Attacks that aren't Silvered
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned.
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Fey Poison. When a creature is hit by the Tail Dagger attack of the Diadem Bone Thief. they must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or roll on the Fey Curse table.

Two-Weapon Fighting. When the Bone-Thief engages in two-weapon fighting, they can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack (Bone Daggers)


Multiattack. The Diadem Bone Thief can make 3 attacks; 2 with its Bone Daggers and 1 with its Tail Dagger.

Bone Daggers. Melee weapon attack, +7 to hit. One target., Hit (1d6 + 4) Piercing damage + (1d4) Necrotic damage

Tail Dagger. Melee weapon attack, +7 to hit. One target., Hit (1d10 + 4) Slashing damage + (1d6) Necrotic damage

Diadem Leaper

Medium Fey, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 75-95
  • Speed 50ft

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 11 (0) 7 (-2)

  • Saving Throws Strength +5, Dexterity +7
  • Skills Acrobatics + 10
  • Damage Immunities Thunder, Lightning
  • Condition Immunities Prone
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Leaper. The Diadem Leaper is permanently under the effects of the Jump Spell.

Soul of the Dragoon. If the Leaper attacks from above a target, it gains an additional +3 to hit and deals an additional dice of weapon damage.


Multiattack. The Diadem Leaper can make 2 attacks with its spiral spear, or cast Thunder Step.

Spiral Spear. Melee weapon attack, +7 to hit. Reach 10ft, One target., Hit (1d10 + 4) Piercing Damage + (1d6) Lightning Damage

Thunder Step. The Diadem leaper can innately cast Thunder Step three times per long rest. We it scores a critical hit, one of these charges are refreshed. The Leapers Spell Save DC for this spell is 15. If a creature fails its saving throw, the leaper may target them as a bonus action and make a spiral spear attack - benefiting from their soul of the dragoon feature.

Diadem Shadow-Bard

Medium Fey, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 70-80
  • Speed 30ft.

8 (-1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Wisdom +6, Charisma +6
  • Skills Intimidation +6, Insight +6
  • Damage Immunities Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Silenced, Blinded
  • Senses Blindsight 30ft
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 6 (2,300)

Rotting Crescendo. The Shadow Bard is always playing a subtle tune of discord during battle. Its song can only be interuppted by a critical hit; the bard must then use an action to restart the song. Whilst active, any creature that starts their turn within 20ft of the bard must roll a DC 14 Constitution Saving Throw or reduce their max hitpoints by 1d4. Hitpoints reset with a short rest or a lesser restoration.


Empower Crescendo. The Shadow Bard sends shade-like tentacles from its violin string. Ranged Spell Attack, 60ft , +6 to hit, 2 targets., (2d6 + 3) Necrotic Damage. Each target must then make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, or have their Max HP reduced by 1d6.


Defensive Crescendo. When hit by an attack, the Shadow Bard can use its reaction to miss a note and instead release the energy in their instrument. This causes the attack to miss the bard and the creature must make a DC 16 Wisdom Saving Throw. On a fail, they suffer half the damage from their attack as Psychic damage and - if in melee range - are knocked back 15ft from the bard

Diadem Ursine Naturalist

Large Fey, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 15 (Natural Armour)
  • Hit Points 70-90
  • Speed 30ft.

16 (+3) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 11 (0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)

  • saving throws Str +6, Wis +7
  • Skills Athletics +6, Perception +7
  • Damage Immunities Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from NonMagikal Attacks that aren't Silvered
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Grappled, Restrained.
  • Senses Passive Perception 17
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Halo of Spores. The Diadem Ursine Naturalist is surrounded by invisible, necrotic spores that are harmless until they unleash them on a creature nearby. When a creature they can see moves into a space within 10 feet of them or starts its turn there, they can use their reaction to deal 2d6 necrotic damage to that creature unless it succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against their spell save DC.

Innate Spellcasting. The Naturalist's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15). The Naturalist can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: Healing Word (1st level)

1/day each: Thunder Wave (2nd level), Cure Wounds (2nd level), Dispel Magik (3rd level), Summon Fey (3rd level), Polymorph (4th level)


Multiattack. The Naturalist can make 1 attack with its Bite, and 1 additonal attack with its Ironwood Staff or Fel-wild Vines.

Ironwood Staff. Melee weapon attack, +6 to hit. Reach 10ft, One target., Hit (2d10 + 3) Bludgeoning damage + (1d12) Force damage

Fel-Wild Vines. Ranged spell attack, +7 to hit. Ranged 60ft, three targets., Hit (2d4 + 4) Necrotic Damage

Bite. Melee attack, +6 to hit. One target., Hit (2d10 + 3) Piercing damage. The target must then succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or roll of the Fey Curse table

Diadem Vulpes Knight

Medium Fey, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 60-80
  • Speed 35ft.

19 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0)

  • saving throws Str +7, Con +6
  • Skills Athletics +7, Perception +4
  • Damage Immunities Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from NonMagikal Attacks that aren't Silvered
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Prone.
  • Senses Passive Perception 14
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Two-Weapon Fighting. When the Vuples Knight engages in two-weapon fighting, they can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack (Moonsteel Claw).

Primal Runecarvings. the Vulpes Knight has access to the following two runes

Fire Rune. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can invoke the rune to summon fiery shackles: the target takes an extra 2d6 fire damage, and it must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 15) or be restrained for 1 minute. While restrained by the shackles, the target takes 2d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, banishing the shackles on a success. Once you invoke this rune, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Frost Rune. You can invoke the rune as a bonus action to increase your sturdiness. For 10 minutes, you gain a +2 bonus to all ability checks and saving throws that use Strength or Constitution. Once you invoke this rune, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


Multiattack. The Vulpes Knight makes three attack, one with each of its actions.

Rune Sword. Melee weapon attack, +7 to hit. One target., Hit (1d8 + 4) Slashing damage + 3 Fire Damage

Moonsteel Claw. Melee weapon attack, +7 to hit. One target., Hit (1d6 + 4) Slashing damage + 3 Cold damage

Bite. Melee attack, +7 to hit. One target., Hit (2d10 + 3) Piercing damage. The target must then succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or roll of the Fey Curse table.

Fel-touched Dryad

Medium Fey, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 35-50
  • Speed 30ft.

9 (-1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2)

  • Skills Perception +7, Stealth +5
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed
  • Senses Passive Perception 17
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Magik Resistance The dryad has advantage on saving throws against spells and other Magikal effects.

Tree Stride. Once on her turn, the dryad can use 10 feet of her movement to step Magikally into one living or dead tree within her reach and emerge from a second living or dead tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree.


Eldritch Blast Ranged spell attack, +7 to hit. Range 120ft, Two targets., Hit (1d10 + 4) Force damage

Nightmare Staff Melee spell attack, +7 to hit. One target., Hit (1d8 + 4) Magikal Bluedgeoning damage + (2d6) Necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or become incapacitated until the end of their next turn.

Fel-touched Satyr

Medium Fey, Chaotic Evil

  • Armor Class 14 (natural armour)
  • Hit Points 15-25
  • Speed 40ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 16 (=3)

  • Skills
  • Damage Immunities
  • Condition Immunities
  • Senses
  • Languages
  • Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Magik Resistance. The satyr has advantage on saving throws against spells and other Magikal effects.

Crazed. When struck by a melee weapon attack that would kill the satyr, it instead becomes undead and gains 20 hitpoints. It will relentlessly pursue its killer until death.


Twisted Sword. Melee weapon attack, +5 to hit. One target., Hit (1d6 + 2) slashing damage. The target must then succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or suffer an additional (2d6 Poison damage)*


Shadowed Leap. When a creature comes within 5ft of the satyr, the satyr can use its reaction to make a melee attack against the creature as its leaps backwards (provoking no opportunity attacks). This attack has a +5 to hit and deals 1d8 + 2 Necrotic damage.

Creatures of Power

Corrupted Eladrin

Medium Fey, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 19 (natural armour)
  • Hit Points 115-135
  • Speed 50ft (hover).

20 (+5) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 15 (+2) 19 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Str +10, Con +8, Cha +9
  • Skills Athletics +10, Deception +10, Persuasion +9,
  • Damage Immunities Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Incapacitated
  • Senses passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
  • Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Fearsome Presence. Any non-eladrin creature that starts its turn within 60 feet of the eladrin must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to any eladrin’s Fearsome Presence for the next 24 hours.

Fey Step (Recharge 4-6). As a bonus action, the eladrin can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.

Magik Resistance. The eladrin has advantage on saving throws against spells and other Magikal effects.


Multiattack The eladrin makes two attacks with its glaive

Glaive Melee weapon attack, +10 to hit. One target., Hit (2d10 + 5) Slashing damage + 4 Necrotic damage.

Bonus Actions

Rotting Touch The eldaring touches one creature within melee range. This creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw (DC 16). On a fail, the target loses hitpoints equal to its Constitution modifier. It's hitpoint maximum is reduced by this amount until they take a long rest.


Parry The eladrin adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the eladrin must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Shadow Slash The eladrin has 5 charges of shadow slash. When the Eladrin scores a critical hit, or it makes an opportunity attack that hits, it can expend a charge. This causes the attack to deal an additional (2d10) Psychic damage. If this is part of an opportunity attack, the creatures speed is reduced to 0

Nightmare Hag

Large Fey, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 18
  • Hit Points 85-100
  • Speed 40ft (Fly).

10 (0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Dex +8, Cha +8
  • Skills Arcana +5, Perception +5
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic, Psychic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Prone, Restrained
  • Senses Passive Perception 15
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Blessings of The Fel. The Nightmare Hag begins her first turn in combat casting Shadow Blade, at 4th level, as a free action. She does not need to maintain concentration on this spell and it lasts until dismissed.

Alluring Aura. Any creature that starts their turn within 15ft of the Nightmare Hag must make a DC17 Wisdom saving throw. On a fail, they are charmed by the Nightmare Hag for 1 minute. if they succeed, they are immune to the hag's aura for 1 minute.


Multiattack. The Nightmare Hag can make two attacks with its shadowblade or perform one Heavenly Fall.

Shadow Blade. Melee spell attack, +8 to hit. One target., Hit (3d8 + 4) Psychic Damage.

Heavenly Fall. If the Nightmare Hag is atleast 10ft in the air, she can point her shadowblade to the ground and perform this action. All creatures within 15ft of her landing point must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, they suffer 2d12 + 4 Radiant damage. They are also knocked prone, and blinded until the end of their next turn.

Bonus Actions

Blade Charge. The Nightmare Hag rushes up to 30ft towards a target and makes an attack with her Shadow Blade. This does not count towards her movement for the turn. She does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Legendary Actions (3)

Blade Flourish. The Nightmare Hag performs a Blade Charge and makes her attack against a target creature with advantage. This attack deals an additional 2d6 Radiant damage

Shadow Missiles. The Nightmare Hag sends out 3 shadow missles at up to 3 different targets. Each missle is a ranged spell attack with a +8 to hit, and deals (1d6 + 4) Necrotic damage.

Chimera Knight

Large Monstrosity, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 20 (Plate Armour, Shield)
  • Hit Points 120-150
  • Speed 30ft, 60ft Fly.

20 (+5) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Str +9, Con +8, Cha +8
  • Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +8
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Prone, Restrained
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 10 (5900 XP)

Chimera's Rage When below 70 hitpoints, as a bonus action of the Chimera Knight's turn, they can enter a fiery rage. This rage lasts for as long as the Chimera Knight has taken damage before its next turn. During their fiery rage, all fire damage dealt by the chimera is increased by 1D12 and all melee attack attack rolls they make gain an additional +2 to hit. All damage dealt to the Chimera Knight is also halved

Ferocious Aura Allies within 15ft of the Chimera Knight have a +1 bonus to their attack and damage rolls, and also gain a +4 bonus to their saving throws.

Fire Absorption The Chimera Knight is healed by Fire Damage.


Multiattack. The Chimera Knight can make a total of 3 attacks in any order or it can use its fire breath.

Knight's Longsword. Melee weapon attack, +9 to hit. One target., Hit (2d8 + 4) Slashing Damage + 4 Fire Damage.

Horns Melee weapon attack, +9 to hit. One target., Hit (2d6 + 4) Piercing Damage. Creatures hit by this attack are knocked prone or pushed back 5ft.

Fire Breath (Recharge 5/6) The Chimera Knight exhales fire in a 30ft cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking (10d8) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Bonus Actions

Charge. The Chimera Knight makes himself immune to difficult terrain until the end of his turn.

Shield Bash Melee weapon attack, +9 to hit. One target., Hit (2d4 + 4) Bludgeoning Damage + 4 Fire Damage.

Legendary Actions (1)

Knight's Charge The Chimera Knight moves up to 10ft and makes an attack with their Knight's Longsword

Diadem Matriarch

Large Fey, Lawful Evil

  • Armor Class 19 (Half Plate Armour, Shield)
  • Hit Points 120-150
  • Speed 60ft

19 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +7
  • Skills Athletics +8, Perception +7
  • Damage Resistances Necrotic
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Prone, Restrained
  • Senses Passive Perception 17
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 9 (5000 XP)

Call of The Matriarch Any ally that starts their turn within 15ft of the Diadem Matriarch gains an additional 15ft of movement speed for their turn.

Commander Diadem Matriarchs lead the forces of the Diadem with strength and courage. they can issue orders to allies as a free action on their turns. Diadem forces will always obey a Matriarch over all other soliders.

Cycle of Rebirth When a Matriarch is slain, their body begins to decompose immediately. A 30ft area around the corpse of the Matriarch turns to difficult terrain. All of her allies within 60ft, gain 2d8 temporary hitpoints.


Multiattack. The matriach makes 2 attacks with its spear and users her Nature's Call action if it is available.

Verdant Spear Melee weapon attack, +8 to hit. One target., Hit (2d10 + 4) Piercing Damage + 1d12 Necrotic Damage.

Nature's Call (Recharge 5/6) The Diadem matriach Summons a Centaur. Its act directly after the Matriarch

Bonus Actions

Dash. The Diadem Matriach takes the dash action and adds her Strength modifier to the damage of her next attack.

Horn Toss. The Diadem Matriarch throws one creature implaed on her horns up to 15ft in any direction. They take 1d6 Bludgoening damage for every 5ft they are throw. If they collide with a wall, they suffer an additional 1d12 Bluedgeoning damage.

Legendary Actions (1)

Rush of The Matriarch. The Matriarch lowers her horns and moves up to 15ft towards a target. The target must then make a strength saving throw. On a fail, they suffer 2D12 Piecing Damage and they are grappled and retrained by the Matriarch as they are implaed on her horns. Creature have disadvantage on checks to break free. The Matriarch can only have one creature impaled on her horns at a time. This does not provke Opportunity attacks

The Zand'rayan


New Magikal Items

The Magikal items detailed within this paragraph are those which have been identified by our sub-division, The Finer Details. The wonderous bunch keep a catalogue of most Magikal items in our world where possible; though, these ones have piqued our interest for publication the most. Many other items have already been written about by other Magi and orders, be we are not ones for stealing. Thus, we commit the following library of items for the research purposes of all other Magi upon Zand'raya.

Rarity Item Name Attune Cursed
Common Adventurer's Enchantment No No
Common Combatant's Enchantment No No
Common Instrument of Discord No No
Common Mercenary's Spellblade Yes No
Common Potion of Calming No No
Common Researcher's Enchantment No No
Uncommon Alchemist's Bandolier No No
Uncommon Arcane Bark Armour No No
Uncommon Black Longblade No No
Uncommon Brawler's Handwraps No No
Uncommon Commander's Sash No No
Uncommon Crown of Possibility Yes No
Uncommon Enchanted Harmonica No No
Uncommon Familliar's Soulstone Yes No
Uncommon Forest-Dweller's Armament No No
Uncommon Potion of Restoration No No
Uncommon Questing Journal Yes No
Uncommon Shield of The Elementalist Yes No
Uncommon Traveller's Jacket of Warding No No
Rare Compendium of The Dark Yes No
Rare Dragon Tooth Weaponry Yes No
Rare Elementalist's Headdress No No
Rare Pauldrons of The Limitless Yes No
Rare Potion of the Magi No No
Rare Shadow Walker No No
Rare The Rotted Scepter Yes Yes
Very Rare Braid of Telepathy Yes Yes
Very Rare Blade of Astal'doh Yes No
Very Rare Mark of The Hero Yes No
Very Rare Fangs of The Cursed Wolf Yes No
Very Rare The Ferryman Yes Yes
Very Rare Verion's Sphere of Restoration No No
Legendary Dreamer's Canvas Yes No
Legendary Transitory Blade Yes No

Adventurer's Enchantment

Wondrous Enchantment, Common

This enchantment can be placed upon an armour or weapon, to aid the user in desired tasks. It takes 10 minutes to apply. This enchantment can be placed on armour and weapons that are already considered Magikal. You can only have one Zand'rayan "Enchantment" active at any time.

  • Weapon Enchantment: Once per short rest, you can take the Disengage action as a free action when you land an attack roll.
  • Armour Enchantment: Once per short rest, grant yourself 10ft of additional movement speed and ignore all difficult terrain.

Alchemist's Bandolier

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This leather bandolier is capable of holding 3 Potions. Once per short rest, as a bonus action, the magik of the belt can be called upon, mimicing the effects of one of the stored potions. After using this effect, roll a D20. On a 9 or below, the potion bottle that was called upon shatters.

Arcane Bark Armour

Armour (No proficiency), uncommon

This armour is created by enchanting bark from a Treant and crafting it into armour. You can also embed dragon scales into the armour during creation, granting you resistance to damage based on the type of dragon. Whilst wearing this armour, you are constantly under the effect of the Magi Armour Spell.

  • You gain a +2 to concentration checks.
  • You have advantage on saves that knock you prone

Blade of Astal'doh

Weapon (Longsword), Very Rare, Requires Attunement

Astal'doh was a valiant warrior, whose legend has been passed down through the continent of Zand'raya. Many blades are forged in his honour, but it is said that in rare cases he blesses these blades himself.

Whilst wielding a Blade of Astal'doh, you gain a +2 to all attack and damage rolls made with the Magikal weapon. As a Bonus Action on your turn, you can call upon the ferocity of Astal'doh, empowering the blade with his blessing.

You gain 1 additional attack as part of the attack action and your attacks made with this weapon deal additional Radiant damage equal to your Strength modifier. You retaliate against any creature that targets you with a melee attack, causing them to suffer Slashing damage equal to your Constitution modifier. This blessing last for as long as you maintain concentration.

Once empowered, the blessing can not be re-awoken until you complete a long rest.

Braid of Telepathy

Wondrous Item, Very Rare, Requires Attunement

This fake braid was created from the hair of a unicorn and seems to be enchanted with strong telepathic magik.

Thiscan be placed on to2p of a person's head, and when attuned to, it matches the user's hair colour to create a ponytail. When worn and attuned to, you are able to cast the detect thoughts spell at will, even on targets that are immune to the effect. The creature has disadvantage when saving against the effects of the detect thoughts spell.

Once per long rest, you can cast the Telepathy spell.

Black Longblade

Weapon, Uncommon

This ancient bladed weapon appears to be crumbling, but some dark force prevents it from rotting away. Creatures hit with this blade must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw against the wielders Spell Save DC (8 + Proficiency Bonus + Intelligence if none) or suffer an additional 1d10 Necrotic Damage.

Brawler's Handwraps

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

These cloth handwraps are infused with the Magikal aspects of unnarmed combat. While these ar wrapped around your hands, you gain a +1 to all attacks and damage rolls made with your unnarmed strikes. Additional, you are proficient with unnarmed strikes.

Your hands feel no pain when striking any surface.

Commander's Sash

Wondrous Item, Uncommon, Requires use by a fighter

When expending a superiority die, you gain a bonus to your attack roll equal to your Proficiency Bonus.

In addition, you can use your bonus action and add your Charisma Modifier to your next attack roll. You can use this effect a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier per Short Rest.

Combatant's Enchantment

Wondrous Enchantments, Common

This enchantment can be placed upon an armour or weapon, to aid the user in desired tasks. It takes 10 minutes to apply. This enchantment can be placed on armour and weapons that are already considered Magikal. You can only have one Zand'rayan "Enchantment" active at any time.

  • Weapon Enchantment: Once per short rest, you can give yourself advntage on one attack roll.
  • Armour Enchantment: Once per short rest, you can impose Disadvantage on a creature's attack roll when you are the target of a melee weapon attack.

Compendium of The Dark

Spellbook, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Talekeeper or Wizard)

This thick book is bound in a cover of stone, a dark fog rising from its pages when opened. A strong iron chain binds the book when closed. When found, the book contains the following spells, which are wizard spells for you while you are attuned to the book: Armour of Agathys, Darkness, Mind Spike, Cloud of Daggers, Summon Shadowspawn. It functions as a spellbook for you, allowing you to prepare the spells within each day (counted towards your usual number of spells)

The Compendium of The Dark hold 3 charges. and regains 1d4-1 charges at dusk.

You can expend 1 charge to cast the Eldritch Blast Cantrip (2 Beams) You can expend 1 charge to give yourself advantage on your next intimidation or deception check.

Crown of Possibility

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)

This silver head piece shines with the promise of possibility.

You naturally gain a +1 to all skills with which you are not proficient.

Once per Long Rest, when you roll below a 10 on the dice for an ability check, you can treat the roll as a 10 instead.

Dragon Tooth Weaponry

Shortsword & Dagger Pair Weapons, Rare (Requires Attunement)

You gain a +1 to all attack and damage rolls made with these Magikal weapons

These ancient weapons are carved from the teeth of an ancient dragon. Whilst its enchantment has waned over time, it is still an effective and potent armament. The shortsword and dagger can be attuned to as if they were one item - any attuned creature can grant themselves the Two-Weapon Fighting style, or have this become their fighting style in place of their current one. The swapping of fighting styles in this way, or back to your original, can only be done when attuning and unattuning to the weapons.

when striking a creature with either of these weapons, the target takes an additional 1d6 Cold Damage. The damage type of these weapons can be changed by crushing a dragon scale over them and performing an hour-long ritual (Which is learned as part of the attunement). The Shortsword and Dagger can be given different damage types.

For 1000gp worth of gem dust (matching the damage type of the weapons. If the weapons are different damage types, the gem dust value is split between the two necessary gems). and an Adult Dragon tooth of any kind, you can increase the damage bonus of this weapon to +2. Their elemental damage also increases to 1D8 For Triple the value of gem dust, and an Ancient Dragon Tooth, you can upgrade these weapons to +3, their elemental damage increases to 1D10, and you gain one additional attack as part of your attack action.

Dreamer's Canvas

Wondrous Item, Legendary

Crafted by the finest Magi and artists across the many planes of our world, The Dreamer's Canvas is currently unknown is its whereabouts. Its enchant posses the power to create life itself.

This large canvas can be painted upon and empowered with the use of spells over a course of time. Once the paintaing has been completed and enchanted with 50 Spell Levels worth of Magik, the painting begins to set for a further 7 days.

Once the enchantment has completed, a world in the vision of the painter is created. The size of this world is determined by the creator. The only way in and out is through the canvas, of which a Magikal version appears on the other side - acting as a portal.

The canvas is immune to the effects of time, and can not be harmed by any means short of a legendary weapon or 9th level spell. If the canvas on the material plane is destroyed, all begins within it cease to exist. Any creature not native to the painted world must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom Saving Throw, or be consumed as well.

Elementalist's Headdress

Wondrous Item, Rare

This Magikal headdress is imbued with the protection and fury of the natural world.

Whenever you complete a long rest, you can select one of the folowing damage types and gain resistance to it until your next long rest: Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder.

All damage you cause with your selected resistance deals additional adamage equal to your spellcasting modifier.

Enchanted Harmonica

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This dusty old harmonica has a real spring to its tune.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can play a note on the harmonica. Thin flames produce from the back and wreath around your weapon, adding 1d4 fire damage to your next melee weapon attack. You can stack this up to a maximum of 3d4.

Familliar's Soulstone

Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement).

This magical ruby is enchanted with a comforting energy. While attuned to it, the user may cast the FInd Familliar spell without the need for material components.

Whilst attuned, the user may choose to cast Find Familliar on the gem. For the next hour, the attuned creature is able to make use of the following statistics of the chosen famillar, instead of summoning it: Movement, Passive Perception, Perception, and Stealth.

Fangs of The Cursed Wolf

Fangs of The Rotted Wolf (Fist Weapons, Martial Weapon), Very Rare (Requires Attunement).

Two pristine Ivory Fist Weapons. There is a handle in the middle to act as a grip with two long wolf-tooth-like blades on either side of the grip. You gain a +1 bonus to attacks and damage rolls made with these weapons. The damage of these fist weapons is 1d8+Strength Piercing Damage. While wielding both blades and being attuned to them, you gain the following bonuses and effects:

  • Your strength score becomes 19 and can not be reduced below 19
  • The weapons are considered light and you can use your bonus action to make an offhand strike with the other claw.
  • When you run at least 10ft forward into a straight line, you can use your bonus action to leap up to the rest of your movement towards a hostile creature, ignoring difficult terrain, and striking at them with rotting energy, dealing 2d8 Necrotic Damage. You can use this ability once per short rest.
  • As an action, once per long rest, you can wild shape into a Rotting Wolf (Dire Wolf Stat Block) and gain access to the Multi-attack feature. You retain your INT, WIS and CHA scores during this shift. This transformation lasts for 1 Minute. At the end of a minute, roll a Wisdom Saving throw DC10. On a fail, you are unable to transform back into your original form. This is only removable via the use of a remove curse spell and the claws become unusable for 24 hours.

Forest-Dweller's Armament

Weapon (Any Martial), Uncommon

You gain a +1 to all attack and damage rolls made with this Magikal weapon. This bonus increases to +2 against beasts and plants. In addition, once per short rest, you can use your bonus action to call upon the natural energies of the weapon, gaining 1d8 Temporary Hitpoints

Instrument of Discord

Weapon (Bladed string instrument), Common

This particular style of guitar is often hailed as one created by the Nine Hells, but its sounds are just... different.

Most instruments of Discord are fitted with blade, allowing them to be used as weapons in the wider world. Attacks made with this Magikal weapon deal 1d8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifer as Slashing damage.

The six metallic strings of this heavy and dark instrument are empowered with Thaumaturgy, allowing their discrodant sounds to travel further and more effectively. You gain a +2 to all performance checks when performing heavy music.

Mark of The Hero

Wondrous Enchantment, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

The Mark of The Hero is an enchantment designed by the court Magi of Oxstall, Dartheryn.

Any creature enchanted with The Mark of The Hero can attune and unattune to it at will, but will only gain the benefits of the mark whils attuned.

Once per Long Rest, if you fall unconcious as a result of having 0 hitpoints, you immediately regain conciousness with 1/3 of your maximum hp. You are able to detect the presence of creature within an evil alignment within 30ft of you and you are unaffected by Magikal darkness. Finally, you gain resistance to both Necrotic and Poison damage.

Mercenary's Spellblade

Weapon (Any Bladed Weapon), Common (Requires Attunement)

Whilst attuned, you are proficient with this Magikal weapon.

this blade posseses the light property and you may use your Spell Casting Ability modifier in place of Strength of Dexterity for attack and damage rolls.

Pauldrons of The Limitless

Wondrous Item (Shaoulder Armour), Rare

The Large Metal Pauldron weighs heavy upon its wearer.

When suceeding on an saving throw from a spell that does damage, you gain temporary hitpoint equal to the difference between your roll and the DC.

Potion of Calming

Wonderous Item (Potion), Common

Any creature that drinks this potion falls under the effects of the "Calm Emotions" spell for 1d4 hours.

Potion of The Magi

Wonderous Item (Potion), Rare

Any creature that drinks this potion gains a +2 bonus to their Spell Attack Bonus and Spell Save DC for 1 Hour.

All Intelligence checks are made with advantage for the duration.

Potion of Restoration

Wonderous Item (Potion), Uncommon

When you drink this potion, you recover an amount of hitpoints equal to the roll of a hit dice + 4 at the start of your turn, for the next 3 turns.

Questing Journal

Wondrous Enchantments, Common

A Magikally enhanced jounal, capable of enhancing any journey.

At the end of each day, when taking a long rest, you can commit to writing within your Questing Journal. The words you write can never fade through time and the book is always in a pristine condition.

When you're at your wits end, you can consult your questing journal and ask for its Magikal guidance. Any subsequent checks made are done so with advantage. This ability recharges at the end of a long rest.

Researcher's Enchantment

Wondrous Enchantments, Common

This enchantment can be placed upon an armour or weapon, to aid the user in desired tasks. It takes 10 minutes to apply. This enchantment can be placed on armour and weapons that are already considered Magikal. You can only have one Zand'rayan "Enchantment" active at any time.

  • Weapon Enchantment: Once per short rest, when you hit a creature with a melee or ranged spell attack, you can learn one of the creature's resistances.
  • Armour Enchantment: Once per short rest, give yourself resistance to the damage of one attack.

Shadow Walker

Shadow Walker (Ranged Martial Weapon), Rare

This well-crafted armament offers resillience in the heat of battle, allowing its wielder to stick to the shadows. The grim purple cloth that wraps around the dark-wood handle emits a rising shadow when grasped.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon you also gain a +1 bonus to AC

When you are struck by a melee weapon attack, use your reaction to turn invisible for 3 rounds or until you make an attack. This ability recharges on a short rest.

Shield of The Elementalist

Wondorus Item (Shield), Rare

This platinum shield shines bright, with 3 Key gemstones embedded into its center.

When completing a long rest choose one of the following damage types to ain resistance to: Cold, Fire or Lightning.

The Ferryman

The Ferryman (Bladed Weapon), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

The blade of this weapon can never be dulled & any blood that touches it is absorbed by it, leaving no trace. This dagger also acts as a spellcasting focus for necromancy spells. You may add a +2 bonus to any spell attack rolls and the damage of necromancy spells when using this dagger.

You also gain a +2 to all attack and damage roll made using this weapon for melee attack. All creature hit by this weapon suffer additional Necrotic damage equal to their Constitution modifier.

Cursed: When you pick up this weapon, you are forced to attune to it and must choose an item to unattune from if you are already at the maximum. When killing any creature with this weapon, it's soul is ferried to The Collective and bound to Kelemvor, God of the Dead, for eternity. Creatures killed in this way can not be revived by any means short of a Wish spell. The wielder of this dagger, upon death, has their soul ferried to the Collective, and are given a rank based on the number of souls ferried. Additionally, the wielder can not be revived upon death by any means short of a wish spell.

The Rotted Scepter

Weapon (staff), Rare (Requires attunement by a Sorcerer, Wizard or Warlock)

A staff built to harness the innate necromantic energy from within a rotting core affixed to the top. Upon the creation of this weapon, the wooden sceptre has blackened and distorted into a crooked shape. When using this staff as a melee weapon, it deals 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier as Necrotic damage. Additionally, any Necromancy spells cast with this staff as its focus deal additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier as necrotic damage.

Cursed Item: You are unable to unattune from this item once attuned, becoming bound to the energy of the staff. When a creature suffers Necrotic damage as part of a melee attack from this staff, you are healed for the same amount as part of their life force is granted to you. Additionally, when casting a Necromancy spell that requires a saving throw, you may take 1d6 of damage per level of the spell and impose disadvantage on all creatures. This ability can be used once per short rest.

Transitory Blade

Weapon (Any Martial Bladed Weapon), Legendary, Requires Attunement

A Transitory Blade is a weapon capable of granting its wielder temporary access to the Transitory Planes.

You gain a +3 to all attack and damage rolls made with this amgical weapon.

As a Bonus Action on your turn, you can invoke the volatile nature of the blade and teleport up to 15ft. Your next attack roll against a creature has advantage and deals an additional 3d6 Psychic Damage.

Once per day, you can tear open a temporary rift that allows transport to one of the following planes: The Astral Sea, The Ethereal Plane or The Realm of Dreams. Once within one of these Planes, you can only tear a rift open back The Material Plane. The portal closes once you have passed through it.

Traveller's Jacket of Warding

Wondrous Enchantments, Uncommon

This dashing coat is a favoured Magikal item for those at The College of The Traveller, and for all those who call the road home.

You gain a +1 to your armour class when wearing this Magikal coat. Once per day, this Jacket will allow you to cast the "Shield" spell without expending a spell slot.

You and any creature you are travelling with can cover an additional 5 miles per day. You gain a bonus to insight checks euqal to your proficiency bonus when conversing with strangers on the road.

Verion's Sphere of Restoration

Wondrous Enchantments, Very Rare

This brass contraption is held together with varying sizes of arcane wire as many strangely shaped cogs move inside. As on action, a button can be held down atop the sphere, causing the magik from within the echo out. All creatures within a 30ft radius of the sphere are cured of disease and are immune to it for the next minute; they may also roll an amount of hit dice equal to their Constitution modifier and regain the hitpoints as normal.

Once the Sphere has been used, it will take time for the magikal energy to recuperate. Once every 24 hours, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, the Sphere's energy is restored. After 96 hours have passed, the Sphere becomes reuasable without the need for a d6 roll.



New Spells

The Following spells have been approved for publication by Maester Glen'Faenir, Magiks Master and holder of the 24th seat of The Zand'rayan. These records also include the relevant information neccessary to casting these new Magiks; this includes their arcane phrases, hand or arcane focus motions, and - if required - thee small amount of required material should the need arise. The Zand'rayan do not condone the use of these spells for malicious purposes (defined by the relevant courts of law upon the surface)...

Level Spell School Conc. Ritual Class
0 Crystal Spears Evocation No No Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard, Talekeeper
0 Rip Evocation No No Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Talekeeper, Wizard
0 Glimpse Divination Yes No Sorcerer, Talekeeper, Wizard
1 Necrotic Regeneration Necromancy No No Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
1 Curse of Rot Enchantment No Yes Druid, Warlock, Wizard
1 Siphon Abjuration Yes No Cleric, Warlock
1 Songs of Battle Enchantment Yes No Bard, Ranger
2 Blessing of Arcana Enchantment No Yes Artificer, Talekeeper, Wizard
2 Blessing of Nature Enchantment No Yes Druid, Ranger
2 Blessing of Radiance Enchantment No Yes Cleric, Paladin
2 Assimilate Knowledge Divination No Yes Talekeeper, Wizard
2 Arcane Weapon Conjuration No No Artificer, Sorcerer, Talekeeper, Wizard
3 Curse of Confusion Enchantment No Yes Druid, Warlock, Wizard
3 Magikal Strings Enchantment No Yes Bard, Ranger
3 Penance Enchantment Yes No Cleric, Paladin
3 Subjugation Enchantment Yes No Cleric, Paladin
4 Rythmic Rhymes Enchantment Yes No Bard, Ranger
4 Arcane Deflection Abjuration Yes No Artificer, Bard, Talekeeper, Wizard
4 Melody of Gaia Abjuration Yes No Druid, Ranger
4 Arsenal of The Magi Abjuration No Yes Sorcerer, Wizard
5 Curse of Claiming Enchantment No Yes Druid, Warlock, Wizard
5 Fateful Crescendo Evocation No No Bard, Ranger
5 Summon Patron Evocation No No Warlock
6 Aetherial Restoration Enchantment No No Talekeeper, Wizard
6 Scripture of Doom Divination No Yes Talekeeper, Warlock, Wizard
7 Tools of The Prophet Divination No Yes Druid, Talekeeper
7 Mystic's Armament Conjuration No Yes Druid, Sorcerer, Talekeeper, Wizard
8 The Grand Library Divination No Yes Talekeeper, Wizard

Zand'rayan Spell Lists (Next Campaigns)

These optional spell lists can be used in place of the standard 5th Edition rule set. These are designed to make spell lists feel more unique. Where listed as proficienct, these classes have their Spell Lists replaced with the revised versions; Bards select their base spell list at level 1. Proficiency Subclasses gain access to both their base and subclass listed Spell Lists. Spell Lists, other than Arcanum, can be gained as additional proficiencies; this is only possible for Spell Lists where requisites are noted. Characters may choose an additional Spell List Proficiency instead of receiving an Ability Score Improvement or Feat. For classes that function off of spells known only, they may unlearn a number of spells equal to their Spell Casting Modifier and choose spells from their new list; this is only doable upon acquring the spell list. When multiclassing, you gain access to any new spell lists as part of the level up.


Proficient Classes

Wizard, Talekeeper


  • Blade Ward
  • Booming Blade
  • Dancing Lights
  • Encode Thoughts
  • Fire Bolt
  • Frost Bite
  • Glimpse
  • Green-Flame Blade
  • Mage Hand
  • Mending
  • Message
  • Minor Illusion
  • Prestidigitation
  • Ray of Frost
  • Sapping Sting
  • Sword Burst
  • Thaumaturgy
  • Thunderclap
  • Vicious Mockery

1st level

  • Alarm
  • Catapult
  • Chaos Bolt
  • Charm Person
  • Chromatic Orb
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Detect Magik
  • Feather Fall
  • Gift of Alacrity
  • Grease
  • Identify
  • Illusiory Script
  • Mage Armour
  • Magic Missile
  • Magnify Gravity
  • Shield
  • Silent Image
  • Silvery Barbs
  • Snare
  • Tenser's Floating Disk

2nd level

  • Aganazzar's Scorcher
  • Arcane Lock
  • Blessing of Arcana
  • Blur
  • Detect Thoughts
  • Enhance Ability
  • Enlarge/Reduce
  • Find Traps
  • Heat Metal
  • Hold Person
  • Immovable Object
  • Kinetic Jaunt
  • Knock
  • Locate Object
  • Magik Mouth
  • Magik Weapon
  • Mirror Image
  • Nystul's magic Aura
  • Rope Trick
  • See Invisibility
  • Shatter
  • Wrist Pocket

3rd level

  • Blink
  • Counterspell
  • Dispel Magic
  • Fast Friends
  • Fly
  • Galder's Tower
  • Glyph of Warding
  • Intellect Fortress
  • Tiny Hut
  • Magic Circle
  • Major image
  • Minute Meteors
  • Nondetection
  • Sending
  • Tongues

4th level

  • Arcane Deflection
  • Arcane Eye
  • Arsenal of The Magi
  • Dimension Door
  • Fabricate
  • Greater Invisibility
  • Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
  • Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
  • Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
  • Polymorph
  • Summon Construct

5th level

  • Animate Objects
  • Bigby's Hand
  • Circle of Power
  • Creation
  • Destructive Wave
  • Modify Memory
  • Passwall
  • Rary's Telepathic Bond
  • Seeming
  • Skill Empowerment
  • Synaptic Static
  • Teleportation Cirlce
  • Temporal Shunt
  • Wall of Force

6th level

  • Aetherial Restoration
  • Arcane Gate
  • Blade Barrier
  • Contingency
  • Create Homunculus
  • Instant Summons
  • Globe of Invulnerability
  • Guards and Wards
  • Magic Jar
  • Programmed illusion
  • Scatter
  • Tenser's Transformation

7th level

  • Create Magen
  • Force Cage
  • Mirage Arcane
  • Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion
  • Modenkainen's Sword
  • Mystic's Armament
  • Project Image
  • Reverse Gravity
  • Sequester
  • Teleport
  • Antimagic Field

8th level

  • Clone
  • Feeblemind
  • Maze
  • Mighty Fortress
  • Mind Blank
  • Telepathy
  • The Grand Library

9th level

  • Foresight
  • Invulnerability
  • Mass Polymorph
  • Time Stop
  • True Polymorph


Proficient Classes


Proficiency Prerequisites

Requires Spellcasting & Proficiency in the Arcana Skil


  • Blade Ward
  • Booming Blade
  • Chill Touch
  • Crystal Spears
  • Fire Bolt
  • Green-Flame Blade
  • Lightning Lure
  • Mage Hand
  • Mending
  • Message
  • Mold Earth
  • Ray of Frost
  • Shape Water
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Thunderclap

1st level

  • Burning Hands
  • Colour Spray
  • Earth Tremor
  • Frost Fingers
  • Ice Knife
  • Thunderwave

2nd level

  • Dragon's Breath
  • Flame Blade
  • Earthen Grasp
  • Binding Ice
  • Scorching Ray
  • Snowball Storm

3rd level

  • Elemental Weapon
  • Erupting Earth
  • Fireball
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Sleet Storm
  • Thunder Step

4th level

  • Arsenal of The Magi
  • Conjure Minor Elementals
  • Elemental Bane
  • Fire Shield
  • Ice Storm
  • Summon Elemental
  • Wall of Fire

5th level

  • Cone of Cold
  • Conjure Elemental
  • Flame Strike
  • Immolation

6th level

  • Aetherial Restoration
  • Investiture of Flame
  • Investiture of Ice
  • Investiture of Earth
  • Investiture of Wind
  • Primordial Ward
  • Wall of Ice

7th level

  • Delayed Blast Fireball
  • Fire Storm
  • Mystic's Armament
  • Prismatic Spray

8th level

  • Incendiary Cloud
  • Illusiory Dragon

9th level

  • Gate
  • Meteor Swarm
  • Prismatic Wall


Proficient Classes

Druid, Ranger

Proficiency Prerequisites

Requires Spellcasting & Proficiency in the Nature Skill


  • Chill Touch
  • Control Flames
  • Create Bonfire
  • Dancing Lights
  • Druid Craft
  • Fire Bolt
  • Guidance
  • Infestation
  • Light
  • Message
  • Mold Earth
  • Poison Spray
  • Primal Savagery
  • Produce Flame
  • Resistance
  • Rip
  • Shape Water
  • Shillelagh
  • Thorn Whip

1st level

  • Absorb Elements
  • Animal Friendship
  • Beast Bond
  • Create or Destroy Water
  • Entangle
  • Expeditious Retreat
  • Faerie Fire

  • Fog Cloud
  • Goodberry
  • Hail of Thorns
  • Hunter's Mark
  • Jump
  • Longstrider
  • Speak with Animals
  • Zephyr Strike

2nd level

  • Air Bubble
  • Alter Self
  • Animal Messenger
  • Barkskin
  • Beast Sense
  • Blessing of Nature
  • Continual Flame
  • Cordon of Arrows
  • Dust Devil
  • Earthbind
  • Find Steed
  • Flaming Sphere
  • Gust of Wind
  • Healing Spirit
  • Locate Animals or Plants
  • Moonbeam
  • Pass Without Trace
  • Skywrite
  • Spike Growth
  • Summon Beast
  • Warding Wind
  • Web
  • Wither & Bloom

3rd level

  • Ashardalon's Stride
  • Call Lightning
  • Catnap
  • Conjure Animals
  • Conjure Barrage
  • Create Food & Water
  • Flame Arrows
  • Haste
  • Lightning Arrow
  • Magikal Strings
  • Meld Into Stone
  • Plant Growth
  • Protection From Energy
  • Speak With Plants
  • Summon Fey
  • Wall of Water
  • Water Breathing
  • Water Walk
  • Wind Wall

4th level

  • Conjure Woodland Beings
  • Conrol Water
  • Dominate Beast
  • Find Greater Steed
  • Freedom of movement
  • Giant Insect
  • Grasping Vine
  • Guardian of Nature
  • Locate Creature
  • Melody of Gaia
  • Rhythmic Rhymes
  • Stone Shape
  • Stone Skin
  • Storm Sphere
  • Watery Sphere

5th level

  • Awaken
  • Commune with Nature
  • Conjure Volley
  • Dream
  • Far Step
  • Geas
  • Insect Plague
  • Legend Lore
  • Maelstrom
  • Reincarnate
  • Steel Wind Strike
  • Summon Draconic Spirit
  • Swift Quiver
  • Transmute Rock
  • Tree Stride
  • Wall of Stone
  • Wrath of Nature

6th level

  • Bones of the Earth
  • Chain Lightning
  • Conjure Fey
  • Druid Grove
  • Find the Path
  • Flesh to Stone
  • Move Earth
  • Freezing Sphere
  • Irresitible Dance
  • Sunbeam
  • Transport via Plants
  • Wall of Thorns
  • Wind Walk

7th level

  • Draconic Transofmration
  • Dream of the Blue Veil
  • Mystic's Armament
  • Plane Shift
  • Regenerate
  • Tools of The Prophet
  • Whirlwind

8th level

  • Animal Shapes
  • Control Weather
  • Earthquake
  • Sunburst
  • Tsunami

9th level

  • Shapechange
  • Storm of Vengeance
  • Time Ravage


Proficient Classes

Cleric, Paladin

Proficiency Prerequisites

Requires Spellcasting & An Oath (Paladin Not Required)


  • Booming Blade
  • Dancing Lights
  • Green-Flame Blade
  • Guidance
  • Light
  • Mending
  • Resistance
  • Sacred Flame
  • Spare The Dying
  • True Strike

1st level

  • Bless
  • Ceremony
  • Command
  • Compelled Duel
  • Cure Wounds
  • Detect Evil and Good
  • Detect Poison and Disease
  • Divine Favour
  • Ensnaring Strike
  • Guiding Bolt
  • Healing Word
  • Heroism
  • Protection from Evil and Good
  • Purify Food and Drink
  • Sanctuary
  • Searing Smite
  • Shield of Faith
  • Thunderous Smite
  • Wrathful Smite

2nd level

  • Aid
  • Augury
  • Blessing of Radiance
  • Branding Smite
  • Calm Emotions
  • Dark Vision
  • Gentle Repose
  • Lesser Restoration
  • Levitate
  • Prayer of Healing
  • Protection from Poison
  • Spiritual Weapon
  • Warding Bond
  • Zone of Truth

3rd level

  • Aura of Vitality
  • Beacon of Hope
  • Blinding Smite
  • Clairvoyance
  • Crusader's Mantle
  • Daylight
  • Mass Healing Word
  • Penance
  • Remove Curse
  • Revivify
  • Spirit Guardians
  • Subjugation
  • Summon Fey
  • Tidal Wave

4th level

  • Aura of Life
  • Aura of Purity
  • Death Ward
  • Divination
  • Guardian of Faith
  • Staggering Smite

5th level

  • Banishing Smite
  • Commune
  • Contact Other Plane
  • Control Winds
  • Dawn
  • Dispel Evil and Good
  • Fateful Crescendo
  • Greater Restoration
  • Hallow
  • Hold Monster
  • Holy Weapon
  • Mass Cure Wounds
  • Summon Celestial
  • Wall of Light

6th level

  • Platinum Shield
  • Heal
  • Planar Ally
  • True Seeing
  • Word of Recall

7th level

  • Conjure Celestial
  • Crown of Stars
  • Divine Word
  • Resurrection
  • Temple of The Gods
  • Tools of The Prophet

8th level

  • Antipathy/Sympathy
  • Holy Aura
  • Power Word: Stun

9th level

  • Astral Projection
  • Mass Heal
  • Power Word: Heal
  • Wish


Proficient Classes


Proficiency Prerequisites

Requires Spellcasting & a Pact (Warlock Not Required)


  • Booming Blade
  • Chill Touch
  • Eldritch Blast
  • Frost Bite
  • Green-Flame Blade
  • Infestation
  • Mind Sliver
  • Poison Spray
  • Ray of Frost
  • Toll The Dead

1st level

  • Armour of Agathys
  • Arms of Hadar
  • Bane
  • Cause Fear
  • Dissonant Whispers
  • Distort Value
  • False Life
  • Hellish Rebuke
  • Hex
  • Inflict Wounds
  • Necrotic Regeneration
  • Curse of Rot
  • Siphon
  • Ray of Sickness
  • Sleep
  • Caustic brew
  • Hideous laughter
  • Unseen Servant
  • Witch Bolt

2nd level

  • Blindness/Deafness
  • Borrowed Knowledge
  • Cloud of Daggers
  • Crown of Madness
  • Darkness
  • Enthrall
  • Invisibility
  • Melf's Acid Arrow
  • Mind Spike
  • Misty Step
  • Phantasmal Force
  • Ray of Enfeeblement
  • Shadow Blade
  • Silence
  • Spider Climb
  • Suggestion
  • Mind Whip

3rd level

  • Animate Dead
  • Bestow Curse
  • Curse of Confusion
  • Enemies Abound
  • Fear
  • Feign Death
  • Gaseous Form
  • Hunger of hadar
  • Hypnotic Pattern
  • Incite Greed
  • Life Transferance
  • Phantom Steed
  • Slow
  • Speak With Dead
  • Spirit Shroud
  • Stinking Cloud
  • Summon Lesser Demon
  • Summon Shadowspawn
  • Summon Undead
  • Tiny Servant
  • Vampiric Touch

4th level

  • Banishment
  • Blight
  • Charm Monster
  • Compulsion
  • Confusion
  • Evard's Black Tentacles
  • Hallucinatory Terrain
  • Phantasmal Killer
  • Raulothim's Psychic Lance
  • Shadow of Moil
  • Sickening Radiance
  • Summon Aberration
  • Summon Greater Demon
  • Vitriolic Sphere

5th level

  • Antilife Shell
  • Cloud Kill
  • Contagion
  • Curse of Claiming
  • Danse Macabre
  • Dominate Person
  • Enervation
  • Infernal Calling
  • Mislead
  • Negative Energy Flood
  • Planar Binding
  • Raise Dead
  • Scrying
  • Summon Patron
  • Telekenisis

6th level

  • Circle of Death
  • Create Undead
  • Disintegrate
  • Eye Bite
  • Forbiddance
  • Harm
  • Mass Suggestions
  • Mental Prison
  • Scripture of Doom
  • Soul Cage
  • Summon Fiend
  • Otherworldly Guise

7th level

  • Etherealness
  • Finger of Death
  • Powerword: Pain
  • Simulacrum
  • Symbol
  • Tether Essence

8th level

  • Horrid Wilting
  • Dark Star
  • Demi Plane
  • Dominate Monster
  • Glibness
  • Maddnening Darkness
  • Reality Break

9th level

  • Blade of Disaster
  • Imprisonment
  • Power Word: Kill
  • Psychic Scream
  • Ravenous Void
  • Weird

Hero Fighter Spells

1st Level

  • Bless
  • Command
  • Compelled Duel
  • Charm Person
  • Detect Magik
  • Earth Tremor
  • Heroism
  • Jump
  • Longstrider
  • Searing Smite
  • Thunderous Smite

2nd level

  • Animal Messenger
  • Earthbind
  • Enhance Ability
  • Flame Blade
  • Find Steed
  • Hold Person
  • Locate Object
  • Magik Weapon
  • Pass Without Trace
  • Zone of Truth

3rd level

  • Aura of Vitality
  • Call Lighting
  • Daylight
  • Dispel Magik
  • Elemental Weapon
  • Erupting Earth
  • Revivify
  • Wind Wall

4th level

  • Aura of Life
  • Find Greater Steed
  • Fire Shield
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Grasping Vine
  • Locate Creature
  • Staggering Smite

5th level

  • Awaken
  • Banishing Smite
  • Circle of Power
  • Dispel Evil and Good
  • Geas
  • Wall of Stone

Path of The Mechanus Spells

1st Level

  • Bless
  • Ceremony
  • Command
  • Detect Magik
  • Detect Poison and Disease
  • Divine Favour
  • Heroism
  • Protection from Evil and Good
  • Purify Food and Drink
  • Shield of Faith

2nd Level

  • Aid
  • Find Steed
  • Lesser Restoration
  • Locate Object
  • Magik Weapon
  • Protection from Poison
  • Zone of Truth

3rd Level

  • Create Food and Water
  • Dispel Magik
  • Elemental Weapon
  • Magik Circle
  • Remove Curse

4th Level

  • Banishment
  • Death Ward
  • Find Greater Steed
  • Locate Creature

  • Irresistible Dance
  • Magik Jar
  • Mass Suggestion
  • Move Earth
  • Programmed Illusion
  • Scripture of Doom
  • Sunbeam
  • True Seeing
  • Wall of Ice

7th level

  • Arcane Sword
  • Etherealness
  • Finger of Death
  • Forcecage
  • Magnificent Mansion
  • Mirage Arcane
  • Mystic's Armament
  • Plane Shift
  • Prismatic Spray
  • Project Image
  • Reverse Gravity
  • Sequester
  • Simulacrum
  • Symbol
  • Teleport
  • Tools of The Prophet

8th level

  • AntiMagik Field
  • Antipathy/Sympathy
  • Clone
  • Control Weather
  • Demiplane
  • Dominate Monster
  • Feeblemind
  • Incendiary Cloud
  • Maze
  • Mind Blank
  • Power Word Stun
  • Sunburst
  • The Grand Library

9th level

  • Astral Projection
  • Foresight
  • Gate
  • Imprisonment
  • Power Word Kill
  • Prismatic Wall
  • Shapechange
  • Time Stop
  • True Polymorph
  • Weird
  • Wish

New Spells

Aetherial Restoration

6th-level Enchantment

Usable by Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: 5ft
  • Components: V, S, M (A Healers Kit, and Magikal materials worth 500gp which are consumed in the process)
  • Duration: 3 Days

You choose one unconcious creature with 0 hitpoints or one creature that has died within the last 24 hours and immediately stablize them with Arcane Energy. If the spell's casting is interuppted, the stablisation ends.

As part of the spell's casting, you Magikally bind the creature's wounds with enchanted bandages, and place them into an arcane slumber for 3 days. Over the course of this time, they must remain undisturbed. At the end of the spell's durations, the target awakens and takes the effects of a long rest.

This spell is capable of repairing missing limbs, and even re-attaching severed heads.

Arcane Deflection

4th-level Abjuration

Usable by Artificer, Sorcerer, Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 15ft Sphere
  • Components: V, S, M (A single amethyst worth 100gp, re-usable)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You choose an empty space within 5ft of you and plant youir amethyst into the floor. An arcane sphere instantly appears in a 15ft sphere cetered around the amethyst.

All creatures within the sphere cannot be harmed by non-Magikal attacks that originate from outside of the sphere.

The sphere has an amount of hitpoints equal to 15 x the level of spell of the spell slot used to cast this spell. The arcane sphere suffers damage from all Magikal attacks originating from outside of it. Whilst the sphere has hitpoints, all creatures within the sphere are protected from all Magikal attacks that originate from outside of the sphere.

As a reaction, when any projectile hits the shield, you can use your reaction to fire the projectile back at the attacker. They suffer the damage the shield would have suffered, and it deals an additional 3D8 Force damage.

Arcane Weapon

2nd-level Conjuration

Usable by Artificer, Sorcerer, Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

You create a floating, elemental weapon within range that lasts for the duration or until you cast this spell again. The weapon can deal either fire or cold damage, which you must choose when conjuring the weapon.

When you cast the spell, you can make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of the weapon. On a hit, the target takes your selected type damage equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the weapon up to 20 feet and repeat the attack against a creature within 5 feet of it.

The weapon can take whatever form you choose.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for every two slot levels above the 2nd.

Arsenal of the Magi

4th-level Conjuration

Usable by Sorcerer, Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A Steel Talisman)
  • Duration: 1 minute

When you cast this spell, the items you are holding disappear into a pocket dimension. You are immediately equipped with a Longsword and shield (which provides a +2 bonus to your armour class) made of a shining Magikal energy, with which you are proficient with for the duration of the spell. You also gain access to the Extra Attack feature if you do not already possess it.

The Longsword has reach and it deals 1d8 + Your Intelligence modifier as force damage. You use your Spell Attack Bonus when calculating a hit.

On your turn - as a bonus action, for the duration of the spell - you can cause the Longsword and Shield to transform into a Magikal Bow. This bows attack rolls are made using your Spell Attack Bonus and its Magikal arrows ignore cover. it deals 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier as force damage on a hit. You can use your bonus action again, in the same way, to change back to your Longsword and Shield.

At Higher Levels. When cast at 6th level, the damage of your Longsword and Bow increase by 1d8. At 8th level, you gain one additional attack as part of the Extra Attack feature.

Assimilate Knowledge

2nd-level Divination

Usable by Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Minute (ritual)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You place your hand on a book or some other collection of written text for 1 minute. During this time, you Magikally draw the essence of the text and copy it into your mind. Once the spell is complete, the book is unchanged but you mentally retain a visually identical copy of the iMagi and text contained within the book, of up to 500 pages.

Any text written in a language you know becomes immediately familiar to you as if you had read each page recently, but not thoroughly.

Regardless of the language, you also understand which important topics are covered in the text as well as the names of important characters and locations. In addition, you understand the basic structure of the book, as if you had read a table of contents and index in a language you know.

Any time after assimilating a text, you can identically write out the entire book or specific pages as they appeared in the original, even if it was written in a language you do not know. Doing so requires proper inks and parchment, as well as approximately 10 minutes per page and between 2 and 8 hours per image. Any Magikal properties of the original text cannot be replicated, such as text from a wizard's spellbook, a spell scroll, or a Magikal tome.

Blessing of Arcana

2nd-level Enchantment

Usable by Artificer, Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes (Ritual)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (The Holy Symbol of a Magik God. 150gp worth of Magikal materials which are consumed in the casting of the spell)
  • Duration: 8 Hours

Over the course of this spell's casting time, you imbue a chosen creature (who must be present for the casting; can be yourself) with an arcane blessing.

For the duration of the blessing, the creature gains a +2 bonus to all Intelligence saving throws. In addition, when they cast an Evocation spell, they may expend a hit dice (maximum 1 per turn), and add the number rolled to the damage.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can fire a single Magik missle (1d4) at any target within 20ft of the imbued creature.

When the imbued creature is struck by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to take damage equal to your spell casting modifier.

At Higher Levels. For every 2 slots above 2nd level; the amount of expendable hit dice per turn increases by 1 and the amount of Magik missles you can fire as a bonus action increases by 1. This also costs an additional 100gp worth of materials.

Blessing of Nature

2nd-level Enchantment

Usable by Druid, Ranger

  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes (Ritual)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (The Holy Symbol of a Nature God. 150gp worth of Magikal materials which are consumed in the casting of the spell)
  • Duration: 8 Hours

Over the course of this spell's casting time, you imbue a chosen creature (who must be present for the casting; can be yourself) with a Natural blessing.

For the duration of the blessing, the creature gains a +2 bonus to all Wisdom saving throws. In addition, when they land a melee or ranged weapon attack, they may expend a hit dice (maximum 1 per turn), and add the number rolled to the damage.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can cause a vine to lash out at a creature within 10ft of the imbued creature. The creature suffers 1d4 Magikal Bludgeoning damage and must succeed on a Strength saving throw equal to your Spell Save DC or be knocked back, or pulled forward, 10ft.

When the imbued creature is struck by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to take damage equal to your spell casting modifier.

At Higher Levels. For every 2 slots above 2nd level; the amount of expendable hit dice per turn increases by 1 and the amount of damage your bonus action deals increases by 1d4. This also costs an additional 100gp worth of materials.

Blessing of Radiance

2nd-level Enchantment

Usable by Cleric, Paladin

  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes (Ritual)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (The Holy Symbol of a Radiant God. 150gp worth of Magikal materials which are consumed in the casting of the spell)
  • Duration: 8 Hours

Over the course of this spell's casting time, you imbue a chosen creature (who must be present for the casting; can be yourself) with a Radiant blessing.

For the duration of the blessing, the creature gains a +2 bonus to all Charisma saving throws. In addition, when they receive healing, they may expend a hit dice (maximum 1 per turn), and add the number rolled to the healing.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can send a bolt of light towards a creature within 20ft of the imbued creature. The creature suffers 1d4 Radiant Damage and the next attack aimed at the creature has a +2 bonus to the roll.

When the imbued creature is struck by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to cause the creature to take damage equal to your spell casting modifier.

At Higher Levels. For every 2 slots above 2nd level; the amount of expendable hit dice per turn increases by 1 and the amount of damage your bonus action deals increases by 1d4. This also costs an additional 100gp worth of materials.

Crystal Spears

Evocation Cantrip

Usable by Artificer, Sorcerer, Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A small crystal which is not consumed)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You conjure a set of 3 crystal spears, each 2ft in length, that hover above your head for the duration of the spell. As part of casting this spell, you can choose to loose one of the spears. On each subsequent turn, you can use your bonus action to fire one crystal spear until you have no spears left or until the spell ends.

When you launch a crystal spear, make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the spear deals 1d6 piercing damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 5th level, each spears damage is increased to 2d6. At 11th level, you gain 1 additional spear when you cast this spell. at 17th level, the damage of each spear increases to 3d6.

Curse of Claiming

5th-level Enchantment

Usable by Druid, Warlock, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Hour (Ritual)
  • Range: 5 Miles
  • Components: V, S, M (An object once beloging to your target)
  • Duration: 8 Hours

You select a target creature within range and attempt to bestow a Curse of Confusion upon them. You must pass a DC 15 history check to be able to accurately recall the physical details of your target; on a fail, you do not expend a spell slot, but you are unable to re-attempt the spell until you finish a long rest.

If you pass the History check, the target creature must then make a Charisma saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, they fall unconcious (no damage) for the full casting time of the spell. When they awaken, they are charmed by you for the duration of the spell.

At will, you can perform a 1 minute ritual, allowing you to see through the cursed creatures eyes and telepathically communicate with them. Ending this ritual costs an action. During any telepathic communication, the cursed target gains a bonus to their Persuasion checks equal to your Spell Casting Ability Modifier.

When the spell ends, the target knows it has been charmed, but not by who.

You can only have one Curse of Claiming active at a time.

Curse of Confusion

3rd-level Enchantment

Usable by Druid, Warlock, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes (Ritual)
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A bundle of enchanted string worth 50gp, consumed in the process)
  • Duration: 4 Hours

You select a target creature within range and attempt to bestow a Curse of Confusion upon them. The creature must succeed on an intelligence saving throw equal to your Spell Save DC. On a fail, their Intelligence Score is reduced to 7, they lose all sense of direction, and they are unable to recall the last hour of events. On a success, the target is immune to this curse for 8 hours.

All Insight checks against the creature have advantage, and the creature has disadvantage on all History checks

When the spell ends, the target can recall their movements over the duration of the spell, but they cannot recall names or the topics of any conversations.

You can only have one Curse of Confusion active at a time.

Curse of Rot

1st-level Enchantment

Usable by Druid, Warlock, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Action (Ritual)
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (A petrified rose)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You attempt to curse a creature within range with an affliction that eats away at its natural lifeforce. They must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC; other, They have a penalty on their athletics and acrobatics checks equal to your Proficiency Bonus. For the duration of the spell, whilst you are within 30ft of the cursed creature, you can use your Bonus Action to briefly amplify the curse: the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC or suffer 2d6 Necrotic Damage, taking half on a success.

You can only have one Curse of Rot active at a time.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 2d6 for every 2 slots above 1st.

Fateful Crescendo

5th-level Evocation

Usable by Bard, Ranger

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: S, M (A musical intrument with which you are proficient)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When you cast this spell, you immedaitely gain 3 charges of "Crescendo". As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend a charge of Crescendo to target one creature. This creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw equal to your Spell Save DC. If they fail, they suffer 2d12 Psychic damage (half on a success) and they glow with a bright light. All attack made against that creature until the end of its next turn are made with advantage.

Once you have expended all 3 charged, you can use your 4th bonus action to cast Fateful Crescendo. All enemy creatures within 30ft of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC or become stunned until the end of their next turn.


Divination Cantrip

Usable by Sorcerer, Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 minute

When you cast this spell, your sight becomes briefly heightened to the fine details of the envrionment around you. You must remain seated for the duration of the spell; if you stand, the spell ends. You gain a bonus to your perception checks equal to your Spell Casting Ability Modifier.

Magikal Strings

3rd-level Enchantment

Usable by Bard, Ranger

  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes (Ritual)
  • Range: self
  • Components: V, S, M (A musical intrument with which you are proficient. 200gp worth of Magikal materials, consumed in the process)
  • Duration: 8 Hours

You spend time pouring your Magikal capabilities into your chosen intrument, empowering it for use on the battle field.

As an action on your turn, you can strum the strings of your enchanted instrument and utilise the Magik to make 2 ranged spell attacks against a creature(s) with 60 feet of you. These bolts deal 2d6 of either Fire or Lightning damage (your choice).

As a bonus action on your turn, you can choose one ally and grant them 2d6 temporary hitpoints.

As a reaction on your turn, you can grant an ally an additional 1d4 bonus to their armour class until the start of their next turn, when they are hit be a weapon or spell attack..

At Higher Levels: For every 2 slots above 3rd level, the amount of dice used for your damage and temporary hitpoints increases by 1d6. This also requires and additional 200gp worth of Magikal materials.

Melody of Gaia

4th-level Abjuration

Usable by Druid, Ranger

  • Casting Time: 10 Minutes (Ritual)
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A druidic focus worth 500gp, re-usable. One emerald worth 100gp, consumed in the process)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 8 Hours

You must be outside to cast this spell. When you complete the casting time, you and up to 4 other creatures are considered friends to the spirits of the world. You gain advantage on all survival, atheltics, and acrobatics checks.

You can cover an additional 10 miles per day, and you suffer no penalties to your stealth regardless of your pace.

If you are in combat, and you are outside, you can use your bonus action to target one creature within 5ft of an ally, manifesting a spirit of nature to attack them. This is a melee spell attack that deals 2D12 + your Spell Casting Ability Modifier as Radiant damage.

Mystic's Armament

7th-level Conjuration

Usable by Druid, Sorcerer, Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action (Ritual)
  • Range: self
  • Components: V, S, M (An arcane focus worth atleast 500gp)
  • Duration: 1 Minute

As you cast this spell, your arcane focus hovers into the air and transforms into a large two-handed staff with which you are now proficient. It lowers itself perfectly into your hands.

Whilst holding this staff, for the duration of the spell, your Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Bonuses increase by 2. All of your spells and cantrips deal additional damage equal to your Spell Casting Ability Modifier.

In addition, when you cast a spell of 1st level or higher as an action, you can immediately cast a cantrip after the spell completes as a bonus action on your turn.

Necrotic Regeneration

1st-level Necromancy

Usable by Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Reaction
  • Range: self
  • Components: V, S, M (A small bone)
  • Duration: 1 Round

You call upon latent necrotic energies to protect you in combat for a short time. When you are struck with a melee-based attack, you can use your reaction to transfer all damage you take into temporary hit points, suffering no damage from the attack. At the beginning of your next turn, you lose all remaining temporary hitpoints gained from this spell.


2nd-level Enchantment

Usable by Cleric, Paladin

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 15 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You attempt to force a creature to pay for its sins. The target makes a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, the target is forced prone to one knee for the duration of the spell. At the start of each of its turns, the creature takes 2d6 + their Constitution Modifier as psychic damage. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot above 2nd.


Evocation Cantrip

Usable by Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: Melee
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

When you land a melee attack roll and deal damage to a creature, you can use your reaction to follow up with a small burst of Magikal energy to rip at the target's flesh. The target must make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell Save DC or suffer an additional 1d6 + your Spell Casting Ability as force damage

For Druids, this cantrip is usable within Wild Shape.

At Higher Levels. This spells dice damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Rythmic Rhymes

4th-level Enchantment

Usable by Bard, Ranger

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You empower your vocal cords in the midst of battle in hopes of turning the tides of war. For the duration of the spell, all allies within 30ft of you gain advantage on their first attack roll on each of their turns.

Also, as a bonus action on your turn, you can target one hostile creature with 30ft of you and force them to make a Charisma saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, they are charmed by you until the end of their next turn. You can command them - even to attack their allies - as a free action at the start of the charmed creature's turn.

Scripture of Doom

6th-level Divination

Usable by Talekeeper, Warlock, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 3 Days (Ritual)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (A piece of Magikal parchment and a spell casting focus worth 1000gp)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Over the course of this spell's casting, you must remain alone and within one room. You attempt to commune with the fates and glimpse into the misfortunes of the future.

Once the spell is complete, tour Dungeon Master must provide you with three tragic scenarios whcih could occur within the next 90 days - all of which must have the real possibility of occuring. These predictions are noted upon your Magikal parchment which is bound to your person for 90 days.

If any of these events occur whilst the scripture is with you, you and up to 7 additional creatures all gain advantage on death savings throws for the next 7 days. In additional, you automatically get up on a 18+ and you restore 30 hitpoints as opposed to 1. If anyone under this effect dies, their soul is transported into the Magikal parchment and kept safe. Only a True Ressurection spell can bring them back.

You should consult your Dungeon Master before casting this spell to discuss its relevance and implications on the story.


1st-level Abjuration

Usable by Cleric, Warlock

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You create a bond between you and one other allied creature. As a bonus action on either one of the your turns, the acting creature can use there bonus action to perform one of the following effects.

Draw: The other bound creature takes 1d6 necrotic damage and you restore 1d6 hit points.

Bestow: You take 1d6 radiant damage and the other bound creature restores 1d6 hitpoints.

At Higher Levels. For every slots above 1st level, the damage and healing of this spell increase by 1d6.

Songs of Battle

1st-level Enchantment

Usable by Bard, Ranger

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 30ft
  • Components: V, S, M (A musical instrument with which you are proficient)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 3 minutes

You call upon the deeds of heroes and folk legend to Magikally bless your allies. You can not take the attack action whilst concentrating on this spell, but you may still cast cantrips and spells. You can not change which song you are playing during the spell. . You may select one of the following effects from the list below

Songs of War: All allies within 30ft of you gain an additional +1 to all ability checks, Strength saving throws, and Constitution saving throws.. As a bonus action on your turn you can amplify the song, granting one ally an additional +2 to hit on their next melee weapon attack.

Songs of Magik: All allies within 30ft of you gain an additional +1 to all ability checks, Wisdom saving throws, and Intelligence saving throws. As a bonus action on your turn you can amplify the song, granting one ally an additional +2 to their Spell Save DC on the next relevant spell cast

Songs of Adventure: All allies within 30ft of you gain an additional +1 to all ability checks, Dexterity saving throws, and Charisma saving throws. As a bonus action on your turn you can amplify the song, granting one ally and additional +2 to their next ranged weapon attack or spell attack.

At Higher Levels. For every 2 slots above 1st level, the bonuses granted by your song increase by 1.


2nd-level Enchantment

Usable by Paladin, Warlock

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You attempt to force a creature under your iron will. The target makes a Strength saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, the target becomes restrained until the start of its next turn. When the paralysis ends, you can choose to keep concentration on this spell, forcing the target to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC every time it tries to attack you. On a fail, the attack is wasted out of fear. The victim can repeat the Strength saving throw at the end of each turn to end the effect early.

Summon Patron

5th-level Evocation

Usable by Warlock

  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 Minute

An image of your patron looms over your shoulders. At creature that tries to make a melee attack against you must succeed of a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC. On a fail, they are frightened of you until the end of their turn.

As a bonus actions on your turn, you can cause your patron to attack a target within 10ft of you. All their attacks are spell attacks with a bonus to hit equal to your Spell Attack Bonus. Each strike from your patron deals 3d8 Radiant or Necrotic damage, your choice.

The Grand Library

8th-level Divination

Usable by Talekeeper, Wizard

  • Casting Time: 1 Day (Ritual)
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (An Arcane Focus worth 1000gp. Enchanted Chalk and a flat surface of Brick, Clay, Wood or Stone)
  • Duration: 7 Days

At the beginning of this spells casting, you must have drawn a door on one of the defined surfaces using your Enchanted Chalk. You may then begin the spell.

Once the spell's casting is complete, a Magikal door appears on the flat surface which you can walk through. the door locks automatically behind you, and only opens to those who know the passphrase (set by you when the spell is cast).

Inside, you find a sprawling library created in your image. Once per day, you can think of a subject you wish to research; the library will Magikally replicate as non-Magikal research material as possible. If you wish to replicate a Magikal text, you must succeed on an Arcana Check, the DC of which is set by your Dungeon Master. On a success, the Magikal text is replicated in your hands.

You may only remove one text from the library per day. Once removed, the book becomes a copy of the real world original, at the time of the books removal.

Tools of The Prophet

7th-level Divination

Usable by Druid, Talekeeper

  • Casting Time: 1 Day (Ritual)
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (An Arcane Focus worth 1000gp. 1000gp worth of additional Magikal materials consumed in the process)
  • Duration: 7 Days

You spend the casting time of this spell opening your body to the intricacies of the weave, bracing yourself for oncoming hardship.

Once cast, for the duraction of the spell, you have advantage on all checks made to lead armies or crowds of any size. In addition, your Intelligence Score increases by 5 (Maximum 25) and you have advantage on all checks made to assess to movements on enemies on the battlefield.

You also automatically succeed on all Arcana Checks.

In combat, when an ally within 30ft of you is targetted for an attack, you can use your reaction to deflect the attack with an arcane shield. The attacker suffers damage equal to the damage they would have dealt + your Spell Attack bonus as either Fire, Lightning or Cold damage, your choice.

The Complete Zand'rayan Pantheon

The Story of Creation

# The Legend of Zand'raya's creation

Once the sundering had passed, and nought was left but the embers of a decimated hope, it was the gods who first shone the way to a new dawn. The first of us recount the tales of 7 deities; all of whom are born from the essence of Diadain, naming them each siblings to one another.

The first of them was Gal'Galad, The New World. Known as First-born - for that is what he was - he held a vast amount of the powers expended by the old god from which he was birthed. He travelled the forsaken lands, laying claim to his new canvas, creating the new world in which his adopted children, the survivors, could rebuild.

As he strode across the ocean, land, and sky, his works of art gave birth to his brothers and sisters.

First of his siblings and to this day his treasured ally, was The Arcane Seamstress. Latent energies poured out from the great chasms as Gal'galad closed them shut. it floated like a myriad of souls towards The Cosmos, where the wisps found purchase amongst the stars. The first of the constellations, The Great Weave, entered the skies as this new home of magik, and the seamstress became its sole protector.

As The Great Smith continued his work, sprouting trees and forests, it gave rise to the first beasts and hunters of the realm - namely, these included the deities Ze'lenia and Kai'Melorn. Their bitter rivalry caused many skirmishes between people and beasts, and many creatures of the world learned to defend themselves in this. Not wanting to stifle his creations, Gal'galad pressed on, allowing his siblings to settle their own disputes.

As the mountain-maker passed over the oceans once more, he saw their tides ravenous and hungry. Indeed, he had birthed new life within these great waters, but could not understand these creatures as he did those of the land and sky. For this, he birthed his first Brother: Cecil, Tide-Keeper. In exchange for his own kingdom within the sea, Cecil was tasked with only two things: to ensure the denizens of his realm were content, and to stretch out his hands with which to form rivers and lakes to keep the land alive. Cecil accepted with glee and keeps our waters balanced to this day.

Now that the lands had been shaped, Gal'galad was once more able to turn his attention to his children. In their midst, there was one by the name of Brennah. This was a good man and one that the Great Crafter knew well. He dedicated his time to others, always toiling for a better tomorrow. By the end of Brennah's life, he had served Gal'galad many times - even assisting in putting to rest the bloody wars between Zehlenia and Kai'Melorn by drafting The Gaia Mendata. This text forbids the sisters and their kin from causing unrest within the lands of the other... At times, this treaty has been broken, but fortunately, Brennah's accession at the hands of Gal'galad leaves him capable of settling further disputes.

Soon, however, the worlds of men began to fight causes that were strange to Gal'galad and his siblings. None of them could understand the vigour and rage with which some of their children spoke against one another. Their voices gave birth to another: Lyonisius, The Champion. he taught the people valour and courage, but to also steady their hands in the name of bloodshed. He brought peace to the many tribes, though, there were still some that dared disturb the calm nights. For that, they were met with eternity's end.

Now seven, these founding deities of Zand'raya watched over our descendants. Guiding their steps and lighting the way toward the future that we wished to share. They watched as new gods rose and fell at the hands of their own followers. Some were fortunate enough to ascend and join the ranks of our pantheon - hitherto advising the seven on the affairs of our world. Through time, the omniscient gods began to unknowling manifest their own desires, giving rise to The Thousand Eye Oracle. For a time, they helped the seven in their duties, before departing to find their own way amongst the fate-telling stars.

Today, the tale is retold with sorrow. How can it not when The God Wars still weigh heavy on our faiths? Only time will tell if the gods can reclaim the trust of mortals once again.

Elder Gods

During the Age of Wisdom, it is believed that these two deities - known to us as Elder Gods - were the only beings with the power of creation and destruction at their side. Until both of their ascensions to the realms outside of Yh'lerios, the lands were very much at the whim of ancient elementals and the bountiful energies they brought with them. when both of these beings ascended, our research suggests that this sparked great wars between the new followers of divinity and the ancient elemental lords. These wars are believed to have concluded in the Age of Wisdom Year 3829. Following this period, much of the legends regarding the primal elements fades, and the years in journals are replaced with seperate affixes: Of Light (OL) for followers of Diadain and Of Darkness (OD)for followers of Lucifial. It is not accurately known when the wars between Diadain and Lucifial truly began, only that their alliance following the elemental war was short lived.

Diadain, Goddess of Divine Light & The Celestial Bodies, The Eldritch Truth

The Cosmos has always been the home of Diadain, even since her ascension. It is from here that she aimed to lead her followers to an Age Amongst The Stars where they could bask in the light of Yh'lerios.

she had full command over both the Sun and Moon of our realm, creating them when the Elemental Lords of Fire and Ice were slain by her and Lucifial. she maintained their cycle for a time, before infusing a part of her essence into the creations, allowing them to flow naturally forever more.

From on high, Diadain developed a keen love for animals and all living beings. She began to incorporate their will into her own divinity, and focused much of her intent in not just pleasing her many followers of light, but ensuring existence and connection between all living creatures. This could be seen as the true roots of Lycanthropy, explaining Ze'lenia's affinity for dishing out such vile curses.

All accounts show Diadain as a being of precise virtues, always walking the line of what is good and is right. She is, however, since the acceptance of bestial energy into her form, held tight within the grip of rage. Betrayal is now a sting she has felt many times and her vengenance can often be swift. It is this rash nature which is believed to have caused both The Sundering and The Descendance.

In the present day, the force and will of Diadain still exists around the presence of Yh'lerios. The power which she wielded during her time of true-godhood was enough to grant her true immortality - the ability to live through the rebirthing of her own essence...

her return can never be heralded, for we can not know if we will enter into prosperity or depair; I fear that much may even be out of her own control.

Lucifial, The Dark Child, Elder of The Abyss

Before his banishment to the cosmos at the hands of his ancient minions, The Abyss was the home and birthplace of this deity. A child of darkness was born to a lowly family, and he would go on to reap great sorrow across the lands. There is no research to tell us the true nature of his ascension but one thing: his age inexplicably altered to his will. His title we found curious at first, but his creation of The Abyss seemed to upon his 15th year, yet with his emergeance he was described as ancient. Lucifial claimed the Abyss as the start of a new dusk for all the lands of Yh'lerios and there were many that would heed his prophesised call.

His followers do not denote this as an evil endeavour, indeed they saw the dark much as Diadain and her followers saw the light. By embracing it, they would have a chance to expand their knwoledge beyond the realms of of the Crystal and bring about a new age in which Wisdom would rule surpreme.

Lucifials interests relied on many more rituals and prophecies than those of Diadain. Mass excavations were lead into the deep earthern realms of the lands, where his followers severed the Elemental lords from the Ancient Leylines, claiming power beyond their comprehension for themselves. A many great fortress can still be found underground, should wandering feet be able to shatter the shackles of the gods. Of course, many lives were lost in the pursuit of such astronomical power, yet each of them believed their cause mighty and their purpose to be in service to an ever-expanding greatness.

Following his fall during the descendance, we are glad to have seen his less-powerful essence shattered and broken, but his whispers can still be heard echoing outside the walls of the great crystal...

There is only one valiant soul within our midst that returned to The Cosmos for further excavation. In the year 931ps, a member of the Finer Details recounted to us the violent end to their comrade at the hands of the eldritch beings, and something else also passed their lips... Two greats eyes, so dim and fading, yet content and ever-watching.

Dartherynian Deities

The Everhearth

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

The Shrouded Maiden

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

The Thousand Eye Oracle

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

The Umbral Throne

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

Hysillian Deities

Brennah, The Empty Hourglass

Legend The Gaia Mendata is not the only notable deed done by the great Brennah, for in his god-hood he is just as selfless as he was when mortal. He put an end to many disputes & wars - prior to The God Wars - and was always hailed as a being who could be consulted for sage advice. Yet, it is sometimes this love for the individual, and that desire to see one do as one wants, that has resulted in bitter betrayal against this divinity.

During The Ethereal Years, there existed a lowly magi. Always huddled within the caves and dark places of the world, she would practice her feeble attempts at accessing the weave, only to see the arcane fizzle before her eyes. Brennah took pity on this woman, for he could see that she was destined for much more than this; resting within that ambling heart was a true desire for better.

Brennah tutored the Magi, using the knowledge he had gained from his sister, The Seamstress. For many days and weeks, the Magi and Brennah would practice their arcane skills whilst listening to the war raging on outside. Over time, this led to love, and the two would become inseparable.

One day, the Magi asked Brennah to visit his home upon Elysium. She wished to gaze upon the golden fields and learn of the celestial ways. Brennah could see that her request came from another place, and not a wish to simply visit his family. Dissuaded by himself, he disagreed and returned to Elysium alone.

The Magi, in this case, produced her own destiny; taking advantage of Brennah's dulled senses to her arcane traces. She stole away within his celestial cloak and arrived upon the steps of Elysium. Once there, she hid and snuck her way to the great halls beneath the seat of the world maker, where he imprisons his most vile adversaries.

Lost within the great prisons, the Magi went mad, for she could no longer see the good in this world. Brennah tried to save her in his desperation - the blame he would place solely upon himself. As the Magi faded to shadow, only a darkened husk was left behind... The Long Road.

Now, these divinities work in silent tandem, never gazing upon each other's faces since the event. Brennah teaches us purpose and The Long Road reminds us of the end.

Religion The Religion of Brennah is well hailed across the continents, given his kinship with the first deities, but there are none that revere him like those of Yu'rahdia.

In the time before his mental corruption, this divinity taught us to be wise and kind to all those whose paths we cross, for we can not know the struggle of the individual. It was up to each of us to ensure that the hourglass of life would empty for all so that full lives could be experienced, no matter the hardship.

Now, the priests do not welcome strangers so readily. The trials inflicted upon Brennah during the God Wars have left him a former shadow of himself, constantly blurring the lines between what is real and a lie.

The God Wars Brennah was the first divinity to enter into direct and bloody combats with Ze'lenia. The threat to The Gaia Mendata was enough of a cause for him to join the battles swiftly, but this of course made him a prime target. The Great Panther would send another of her cubs, Cerceri, The Shadow, to assault the god within the realms of Elysium.

Caught off guard, the attack was a success, and the cub buried its way deep into the mind of Brennah as it tore at the celestial flesh that covered his skull. Here, The Shadow grew and grew, twisting Brennah's perceptions and causing him to become wary and distrustful of all but those who swore such loyalty to him.

If it were not for the interference of The Seamstress, any sense of Brennah's self would surely have been lost.

The Present Day Now, Brennah rarely visits the Material Plane; often it is only when he is summoned by the Emperor of his children - the ones who trust can not be untrue - that he even dares to show his shrivelled and cowering form. Paranoia runs rampant within the mind of this divinity, its roots so deep that the hope of light is far from his sight.

The Arcane Seamstress

Legend There are many stories and legends that have come to be told about the great Arcane Seamstress; a beacon of light and hope for so many within our many realms. A favourite, of course, told by those who work under such power, is the founding of the Myriad Knights. The tale of the great crystals also sticks within the minds of all those who practice access to the weave through Magik.

But nay, the true legend of The Seamstress, from what we have learned and observed, is the day she found the will to keep herself going. Livings one's life in constant service would be thought to instil great purpose within individuals. Yet, for The Magik Mother, it was not the case.

In her formative years as an arcane goddess, nestled between the comforts of her Elemental Crystals, she would often find her eyes closed and mind adrift in the most fantastical of worlds. She longed greatly for exploration but knew that her duty bound her. This dream of a dream could be seen for years, even in the times of creation when she would look down with glee as Gal'Galad crafted such wonderous environments.

For these wants and needs, the goddess struck up a close bond with her sister Kai'melorn, despite their moral differences. Many times does this huntress visit the crystals - walking along the thin paths of the weave threads, detailing her many explorative adventures to The Seamstress. In this way, The Seamstress has also become the patron saint for longing and adventure, always keeping her eye on those who would explore and save the world in her stead.

To this day, she keeps her true name shrouded from the ears of mortals, claiming that her name can be heard in the hearts of those who search long enough for it; for it is them.

Religion In her temples there is profound and detailed imagery of the weave and its many magikal capabilities. Magi who abide by the rules set out by The Seamstress know not to test the power of the weave; for it is the responsibility of all those who utilise the arcane to watch over its power - listening to its steady breath as they expel its energies. Magik in this way is treated as a transaction, and in return, Magi must be willing to provide for the weave if they should ever be called upon to do so.

But with this great power, comes the need for exploration; how can one claim to know the many magiks of this world, and their intricate workings, if they do seek it within the expansive realms of Yh'lerios? This is the mindset most heavily taken by those of the Myriad Knight order, living their lives in search of that same wonderment that possesses the mind of the goddess.

The God Wars Perhaps it was the natural affinity Hysillians had for accessing the weave that caused The Seamstress to aid her followers... Or perhaps it was her kinship with Kai'melorn and her adventurous spirit that resulted in such aggression against Ze'lenia, who made her way to the continent first.

Her actions, in part, would suggest both; for she had no quarrels with The Laden Lord once she had quelled his fears, and her brother Brennah - with time - came to his senses from his terrible affliction. For this, her purge was wrought upon the great panther and less so her followers. This distinction in action is what has led to the possibility of restoring continental peace, save for Brennah's inability to free his people from old and destructive ways.

The Present Day Leaving her followers to rule The Queendom which she helped create, The Seamstress returned to her duties of maintaining the weave; which required many repairs following the heavy toll exacted by The God Wars. There are still strings that remain frayed and require her attention but her ears are always listening out for the next great tale of adventure from the Material Plane.

The Laden Lord

Legend: The Laden Lord's tales is the story of the first mortal ascension to god-hood; since then he has become a renowed member of the Pantheon. Kyros Ilthraine was a humbled human traveller, who lived within the snowy wastes of The White Fractal (as it is now known since his renaming of the lands). Burdened by the death of his wife and the abduction of his child, he left his settlement in search of purpose under the guidance of Lyonisius, only to watch it burn at the hands of ravenous creatures from atop a great hill.

In his sorrow, Kyros found himself unable to bring himself further on his journey, the joy from his heart withered away and left blackened blood to course through his veins. For many years, the grief-stricken man wasted away upon the hillside, by The Champion did not give up on this mortal. On the last moon of each week, The Champion would find an excuse to leave the halls of Elysium and care for him.

At the end of the 12th year, Kyros mustered the will to speak 2 words: "why me". The Champion pondered upon the hill for a whole week beside Kyros; not once breaking eye contact with the dishevelled creature. For all his knowledge and power, Lyonisius could not produce a true answer, no more than this: "I cannot claim what draws me to you, my dear friend, but I can say that throughout a mortal's life, there are only two ways to get through the trial: Kindness & Determination.

Kyros sighed, his sorrowful face making no movements away from his usual expression. He shrugged the snow from his shoulders and reached down once more for his bulky bearskin cloak. he beseeched the god for basic clothes, nothing so much as to protect him from the elements, and against his better judgement The Champion agreed. Onward he watched as the shivering Kyros ventured forth back into the wastes, now with only two things in his heart: Kindness & Determination.

Religion: Fondly worshipped by the inhabitants of his homeland in the fractal and keenly kept by the Hobgoblins, Kyros, The Laden Lord teaches all of his children to follow in the essence of courage and combat, derived from his kinship with Lyonisius. Great arenas (commonly of Hysillian descent only) also display his symbols upon their doors but this is instead to encourage sportsmanship and acceptance of defeat. At times, the brother-like deities will convene in Elysium and call forth their most worthy champions in a dazzling and friendly contest. All followers of the Laden Lord would consider this a great privilege and some devote their lives hoping to answer his call.

Despite these spectacles, many of the teachings of Kyros are embodied in the street and by their fellow man. Even those steadfast soldiers of The Frostwardens have a kind heart but do not taunt them too much with it. The Laden Lord teaches all of his people to be accepting of others' burdens and to be understanding of what led them down the roads they have travelled. No one is unredeemable without the right aid, save those that would seek to benefit at the cost of others.

The God Wars: When The Laden Lord witnessed the carnage beginning to unfold from Zehelehnia and her kin, he could not stand idly by and watch his lands turn red. Each day, he would patrol the border of the fractal, in nothing except his cloak and threads, all to root out those who would seek to tarnish his homeland once more with the stain of wanton violence.

Of course, those of The Watchers know the Laden Lord very well, for it was he who has committed them to solitude. When his blackened tears glanced at the carnage and death dealt to his loyal followers, his grief was all too much. This was too much for the already fragile Kyros, resulting in his powers seeping into and corrupting the lands below. Since this day and the start of his imposed flagellation, The Laden Lord has not shown his face upon mortal soil since.

The Present Day: Even with the absence of their lord walking their earth, the followers of The Laden Lord are still steadfast in their virtues. They knew that if grief were to even strike them one-thousand-fold that he would be the first to reach out his hand.

Indeed, it is this continued and lasting knowledge that makes The Laden Lord such a respected being, despite his mistakes.

Ze'lenia, The Untamed.

Legend To delve into the many legends of Ze'lenia is to stare straight into the heart of a bloodthirsty world. Despite her inherent abilities for both natural magiks, and magiks of the fey - which she stole upon the creation of her pridelands - her ever-hungering heart is always beating.

One of her famed legends is the creation of one of her most brutal practices in the old religion, though it was not so long since it was last employed.

The Great Panther is responsible in full for the lycanthropy that plagues are continents, and she is also the source of their creation in the Fey Wild; creatures which she enslaved and turned into rampaging beasts, capable of bestowing their curses onto the frightened inhabitants of the plane.

Throughout these wars, came The Dawn: a ritual which would lead to the deaths of thousands. For months, her Lycanthropic minions would capture and torture their prizes - the innocents - ignoring their hunger to near starvation. When the goddess' stomach would rumble, and her heart pace, the hunt would begin. In their droves, the innocent would flee into the neverending forests that she now lauded control over, hunting each of them down unto oblivion.

One of Ze'lenia's now perished cubs, Erazius, The Stalker, beset himself upon the lands of Vinais during the wars, employing his mother's old tactics. The goddess herself, however, has not practised such rites since before the creation of her pridelands; only so that her Sister Kai'melorn would stay out of her way. To look upon her face, to her, is a fate worse than that raging and persistent hunger.


Religion In the old religion, as is evident from her legends and expansive past, The Wood Elves of Ze'lena were her sole worshippers before the creation of The Beastlands, dedicating their many hours to living with the many great beasts of the realm. They shunned all civilisation and its "pointless virtues". There were those, however, that would sway away from their mothers despicable influence. Even then, feral as they were born to be, this would drive many to a life of outcast and insanity. Ze'lenia, unlike the other elven mothers, was not so keen as to allow them free will.

Now, after the conclusion of The God Wars - with the goddess resting in her ethereal slumber - the elves are far freer to roam as they please. And in this case, these people were seen at once for their true nature; the nature that sleeps within the raging beast...

A love of the earth, water, and sky is now far more present in their eyes. A will to see the hopes and dreams of all living things prosper across the multiverse; without a need for the destruction of their fellows that follow different paths to life. And, through this, others have come to worship the slumbering Ze'lenia. All of them pray that the fruits of their labour will calm the goddess upon her awakening.

The God Wars The crusades led by Ze'lenia across the continent of Hysillia were as bloody as those she led across the Fey Wild - only this time we could see her rage for ourselves. Often, she would descend into the great plains of the mainland - after claiming the western isle - and lead her wood-elven soldiers into violent hunts; their prayers would not be limited to a need for food, however.

Nay, soldiers of all the other deities fell beneath her great claws, and it seemed that there would be no end to the bloodshed. It was not until the founding of the Myriad Knights, and the indomitability of the soul came into question, that The Seamstress came up with a plan to save the realms from wanton slaughter. Utilising her bond to the Elemental Crystals, The Seamstress assaulted Ze'lenia while the mortal forces died below, shattering the soul of Ze'lenia and binding its sections within the different crystals.

Now, without a soul to provide her purpose, the great panther slumbers eternally. She waits patiently for her soul to be returned to her, the rumble of her heart still shaking the boundaries of The Beastlands.

The Present Day The slumber of Ze'lenia continues, and so too do the toils of her children. Many of them have taken to lives of great adventure within the material plane and beyond. Now, where they roam, there will be no trail of blood but a trail of life.

Uthillian Deities

Solsticia, The Lady of Seasons

Legend Solsticia is the one and only daughter of The World Maker, Gal-Galad, born fully formed upon the 40th spring of the new world. She emerged from a great tree, the tallest within a sacred glade of Kai'Melorn; dressed in a flowing white gown of purest silk, she appeared translucent for most of her formative years, often flittering between the many planes at different times of the year. Her disappearances and subsequent new natural appearances gave rise to the knowledge that she possessed control over the seasons of the world. Yet, it seemed that this power does extend to each and every plane of our multiverse within Yh'Lerios.

Solsticia found that her powers become much more controllable within the realm of dreams, where Xi'Thael resided over the sleeping world of mortals. The two formed a quick bond when she arrived on their plane, and Gal-Galad gave his blessing for the two to command over the plane as a pair - a symbol of affection for the rest of the world to gaze upon.

Soon, The Eladrin would be born from this connection, and they grew to be mighty warriors for their Mother and Father. In many instances, they kept the peace within the sleeping world, slaying rogue nightmares that threatened the sanctity of their father's duty, all the while maintaining a close bond with Kai'Melorn in times of natural strife.

Sometime after the forming of the Gaia Mendata, Solsticia saw that Brennah's work could be put to much more effective use than ending the bickering of two druidic sisters. She amassed an army of chosen Eladrin Children to act as guardians across the planes; peacekeepers that would rise in the event that gods overstepped their boundaries with one another and initiated war. As part of this pact, their are now also many Eladrin that reside within the Fey-Wild; this natural plane has blessed the children of Solsticia as a mark of friendship, granting them abilities that they would not otherwise possess. On many occasions, our lady of Seasons will meet with the Fey Duchess known as Faerelia, A Captain of the Fey-Court Army who granted the gift so many moons ago.

Religion Solsticia welcomes many followers from across the world, but the most dedicated dwell within the walls of Crystellia or within the ranks of The Luminos Lancers. Each of her followers knows that each season must be treated with respect; care and nurture are paramount to her primary tenents.

Many farmers and land workers are the most dutiful in their offerings to The Lady of Seasons, often sending their prayers through dreams to The Dragon Lord so that he may deliver their message. All the effects of weather can be attributed to Solsticia, and so each of them carries many different meanings within working communities.

The God Wars when Solsticia began The Luminos Lancers, it allowed her Eladrin Children to once more fulfill their pledge across the planes. Many of them are scattered across the realm, serving many different masters in their quest for global peace. Now, Eladrin can be a rare sight within the mortal planes, but they are indeed and valued companion within any party worth their salt.

The Present Day When she is not tending to active communes with her followers in her holy city, Solsticia can often be found nurturing the gardens within The Realm of Dreams; these evergrowing plants are believed to be calming for the goddess, allowing her to focus and channel her naturally chaotic power

Xi'Thael, The Dragon Lord

Legend The Waking Dream, as he was commonly known at the time of his realm's creation, very quickly became friends with all of mankind. Manifesting within the minds of all mortals in our world, The Realm of Dreams was born with this great creature as its master.

Despite his appearance - modelled from the first dreams of bold adventurers laying waste to the greatest of civilisation's warriors - the Dragon Lord is not so much kin with the dragons themselves. His manifestation within the sleeping worlds has led him to a deep hatred of dragonkind, save for the Noble Dragonborn.

Nay, there is no lineage there either, but rather a friendship that has been born through blood and tears. The Dragon Lord saw the plight of the Dragonborn and took pity upon them. He pledged the servants of his lover's army, The Mighty Eladrin of Solsticia, and flew into battle to break the chains from their tyrannical overlords.

Among the Draconic races, there were of course those who were not possessive of ill-intent. For that, they were spared the wrath of the Dragonborn's new master.

Religion There are many who pay respect for the duty that Xi'Thael keeps; sages and shamans often proffer many coins from remedies that allow the passage of offerings through the realms. Indeed, nightmares may befall those who The Dragon Lord perceives as truly evil, signalling that his wrath has come upon them.

The true worshippers, however, are the mighty Dragonborn. In allegiance with those who would call themselves Warriors of Solsticia and the Luminos Lancers within the Walls of Crytellia, The Dragonborn still commit much time to their hunting of great drakes, often venturing out to sea upon great ships equipped with the finest and most brutal armaments. This, in their own way, is their tribute to The Dragon Lord; hunting their old masters as they scatter across the hidden islands across the great blue oceans.

The God Wars Xi'Thael and Solsticia amassed their forces in tandem upon the continent of Uthylies, when they witnessed The Scorned Widow writing and chittering from within her ancient tunnels. The founding of the Luminos Lancers was paramount to the success of the battles these two lovers waged across the continent, enabling man and Dragonborn to fight together and as one. Many strong bonds between the Humans & Elves of Crystellia and the Dragonborn of Dro'gosh were made throughout the years.

The Present Day Xi'thael is often absent from the continent, off in search of the evil dragons that plague the oceanic islands. Sometimes, when the wind adjusts his course, he will often make his presence known through the manner that best suits him; a wishful dream of great adventure and triumph. He bides his times for a moment of Weakness, when the black Dragons of Dark-End let down their guard.

Fel'Sith, The Scorned Widow

Legend When Fel'Sith burrowed into the earth on the continent of Uthylies, first giving rise to the Dark Elves, she laid many great tunnels within her pursuit of the Abyss.

Many of the shadowy creatures that walk across our continent have also risen from these tunnels. Inside them, great bursts of magikal energy from her body have been left behind, allowing for dangerous travel to different networks that she has dug beneath the earth.

Some of these allow for the creatures within these tunnels to make their way towards other continents purely through chance, giving them the opportunity to wreak havoc wherever they so choose.

The Scorned Widow sees no need for management of these creatures, for she herself has fallen into chaos since her dealings with her old Mistress, The Seamstress.

Over time, some of these dark creatures developed sentience and a will that possessed them like no other force. Bearing no love for their mother that abandoned them, they constructed the great city of Dark End above the entry to the great tunnels. now, they guard it with defence, protecting their dark kin as they venture out in search of terror and violence.

They conducted many raids into the desert, as well as having formed an alliance with gruesome black dragons- some of whom have witnessed great defeat at the hands of Xi'Thael, their mortal enemy.

Religion It is often difficult to find those who consider themselves worshippers of Fel'Sith; some would say that it is closer to infection than a religion.

Most cases of insanity are attributed to being curses from The Scorned Widow; those with a nature that leaves the mind scrambled and an unquenchable thirst for the unknown.

For those who manage to peer into the mind of this despicable creature and have their minds intact, often find themselves being great seekers of knowledge - both light and dark - so long as it suits the needs of themselves and their dark dealings.

The God Wars When Fel'Sith saw the chaos erupting across the other continents, she decided to take that which she had abandoned before. With her natural connection to these creatures, she controlled the forces she had once left behind, using them to claim the lives of many and incite a great deal of chaos across the world. She also battled fiercely against Cecil. The Tide Keeper, by digging great tunnels beneath his oceans and causing much disruption for his underwater kin.

The Present Day To this day, many sailors still refuse to sail around the black mountains that surround the land of the city of Dark-End. Many of her schemes lay undiscovered, we are sure, but her lust for chaos is something that could never be quenched.

Her servitude to the lords of The Abyss and the realms they torment will tell what destruction she has yet to bring upon our lands.

Pradash, The Radiant Ember

Legend Pradash Samarion was a famous inventor, in fact, he was the first of mortal kind to infuse the mechanical with the magikal. After creating the art of Artificery during the time before the bloody Orcish Wars, there were many gods that sought his council on many different agendas.

His input was valued across the council of Elysium and, on many occasions, he was called by the gods themselves to assist with certain tasks. he pledged a life of service to the gods willingly; so much so that when he departed the mortal realm, Gal-Galad pulled his burning soul from the lifestream and granted him a rite of ascension.

There exist not many tales about Pradash himself, yet his influences can be seen across the spectrum of the pantheon; many ideas that had been laid before the god's feet would have met vastly different outcomes if it were not for his mindful ponderings and expert opinions on worldly artefacts.

Religion Always a curious one, Pradash is the true embodiment of the pursuit of skill and knowledge. Whilst those who would seek dark secrets often turn to Fel'Sith, Pradash encourages a drive to use knowledge and expertise towards the better of the world, as well as one's self.

The radiant Ember that he embodies is representative of the hopes of desires of all of his followers, with which he promises to warm their hearts and nurture them toward their destination; so long as they are prepared to match the work of the god himself.

The God Wars The mages of The Ascendant tower, often well-practised in the art of Fire Magiks for protection, had been stern worshippers of Pradash for a great time. God claimed this as a safe haven for his followers upon his ascendance, transforming this old home of his into a great university and temple for learning and progression in all aspects.

When this peaceful study was threatened, Pradash blessed the lands surrounding his temple with a portion of his blazing soul. A great ring of fire burned for days as the war between The Lovers & Fel'Sith ranged on. But, as the sands turned red around them, the studious mages remained oblivious and free within their flaming bastion.

Pradash has never forgiven many of the gods for the decisions they made across The God Wars. His silence does not often bring good tidings.

The Present Day Often found pondering within his mortal form atop the Ascendant tower, Pradash is arguably one of the most involved gods within the Material Plane. He spends his days bestowing great questions and insight upon his students, granting the knowledge the other gods have wasted to his mortal kin instead.

Whilst the wall of flame rests for now, there is no real telling when Pradash will feel compelled to bring them to fire once more.

Ythinian Deities

Kai'Melorn, The Verdant Queen

Legend Ever since her birth, the bitter rivalry against her sister Ze'lenia has raged on; even with the Gaia Mendata the two have always found cause to enter into the affairs of other. Despite it all, The Wandering Huntress has stayed strong and persistant in her duties.

Always watching over the many nestled glades of our worlds great forests, she flits from branch to branch in her lasting grace, caring for and nurturing the wilds. Though for her, hunting is not sport like it is for The Great Panther; needs for survival must take place, and for this she represents all that is good and proper within the balance of the worlds natural energies.

One such tale, that encapsulates the beauty of her tenets, is the comingof her second offspring - The Satyr. Born of her connection to The Fey Courts, after receiving a knight hood from Queen Tilli'vanya, the satyr entered into the material plane some 70~ years since the time of creation.

They became stalwart protectors of the forest, mainly against such forces as those presented by The Corrupted Dead, as well as beings that did not belong within the balance of the forest. Over time, these noble creatures yearned to return to their true home, but the goddess forbade them. She saw their work as a great boon and loved them more than life itself - just as she does with her High Elven first borns.

As the years continued to pass, well into the 2nd century, the goddess watched as their natural magiks faded. No longer could they sustain themselves without the essence of their father-realm. Withering away, they pressed on, never wanting to fail The Verdant Queen. It was not until the untimely death of the first elder Satyr, that Kai'Melorn wept rivers of tears.

She bid her children to their second home, where they now prosper, often returning when they here the plight of their mother.

Religion Kai'melorn teachers her followers to always preserve the natural balance wthin the world. Whether this be in her great forests which she faithfully watches, or into the great beyond where her eye may not reach. A keen love for Yh'lerios in all its many shatterings can be felt within each of the tenets.

Her temples and shrines, often kept secret and hidden within the glades which she holds dear, work themselves naturally into their surroundings. The rituals that take place seek to grant new life where it has been lost, taking care to nurture the magiks which are used to grant such vibrant effects.

The God Wars The God Wars was a time of great saddness and loss for Kai'Melorn. The forests to the east of Ythian were always her favourite, despite the rising of many Ports and Settlements. The Hope Cleaver dahed these dreams of life swiftly when he corrupted the lands with his unnatural abilities, sparking the fury of The Verdant Queen.

Many Eldarin and Satyr were felled beneath his great axe; but great songs have risen in their wake. Indeed, you can often find no companion more devout and stalwart than a child of Kai'Melorn.

These events weigh heavy on the mind of the goddess; no creature has been struck by her celestial arrows since.

The Present Day In her solitude, Kai'melorn does indeed still tend to her duties, though she keeps herself much more hidden from the view of mortal eyes. Often, she can be found taking on myriad visages, disguising herself as she walks betwixt her many woodlands.

She watches on with pride as her true son, Ehlonyn, grows to become a god she is proud to call kin. The has certainly shone much brighter upon he captiol of Balthier since his coming.

Kaleidos, The Guiding Spark

Legend At the time of creation, Gal'galad loved to summon meteor showers and comets to dazzle the survivors in the coming of a new year. Enchanted by his magik, they were fly across the skies, creating access to many of the planes of existence we can explore today.

None such event, however, matched the majesty of the twinkling of the stars in the cosmic sky; especially when they began to grow minds of their own. Showers and meteors began to come and go as they please and even on cue for the timing of certain events.

This caused Gal'galad to venture deep into the cosmos, exploring the many stars which had once gazed upon during his birth. Neslted within the warmth of the farthest and brightest star, was the baby he was searching for. The worldmaker claimed the children, bringing him to the halls of Elysium.

Which each day that passed, Gal'galad found himself less interested in the mysteries of this child, and far more intrgued at the type of divinity they were gorwing to be. At such young ages he had offered great wisdom to some of the most stricken angels. His voice seemed to carry such light whenever he spoke; since that day his name was Kaleidos, The Guiding Spark. Son of Gal'Galad, Successor to the realms of Yh'lerios.

Religion Ever since his annoiting to the pantheon, Kaleidos has always offered himself into the hearts of mortals. His is the true embodiment of want & needs against duty & protection. With him, he carries great scales upon his back, using them to weigh the depth of each decision he is presented with. Yet, priests should never expect a simple answer from The Ever Thougtful. He seeks only to guide, and not to decide.

Across the many realms Kaleidos is often beseeched for his wisdom, with those who hold him dear asking for advice in their most difficult of times.

Within these tenets, Kaleidos has also become the chief advisor to The Angels of Justice, following the death of their great master. Law is therefore strongly kept within his halls,

The God Wars When Kaleidos saw the fury of Kai'Melorn, his attention was diverted to that of the Lephyan people. Left to their own bitter demise, The Hope Cleaver sent waves of his barbrous hordes to attack the great desert cities.

Yet, against all odds, their demise was never accepted. The weight of godly laws sit deep within Kaleidos, yet he could not sit idly by and watch a noble people give all they had for such little reward. Contesting these thoughts led him to toss aside his scales, and grasped the hammer of his father to descend himself into the wars.

The Present Day Kaleidos has since readorned his scales, vowing himself to a life of pacifism in the face of wisdom. He still, however, watches keenly over the Lephyans of Ythian, who is has come to call children of his own.

He does not let his love affect his duty, however, still answering he call to all those in strife across the continent. Being the son of The Worldmaker carries a weight that could crush of all others, but as Kaleidos spreads his reach across the other continents, he does so with pride.

Lyonisius, The Champion

Legend: To delve into the most well-known legend of The Champion is to commit your reasearch to a terrible event: the firt time the words of war were uttered upon our sundered continent. In the story of creation, it is directly referenced as also being his birth. In the years between 22 - 35ps, the lands in which we watched over were plauged by many tribal conflicts; situations in which people could not agree the best course of action. After weeks of discussion and reason, the first assassins were sent in search of their political prey.

Through the bloodshed that soon followed, the many cries and battle-chants of the fallen gave rise to this great being. He laid waste to the aggressors of both sides, carving a ravine in the land with his mighty greatsword, to seperate the warmongers. This did not come without further loss of life. There were those who sought to bring down Lyonisius but he found their virtues and reasons unworthy; he purged them from the land and made his watchful eye known.

Ultimately, it was the unwavering blade of The Champion that put an end to further bloodshed; none would dare to cross this mighty creation unless their goals were of pure heart and reason. Today, this tales stands to teach us to fight for what we believe in but be weary of the burden with which it can bring.

Religion: For a great number of years, during the rise of the far and wide Orcish Kingdoms, The Champion became a decisive ruler over many laws; for many, he is a watcher of justice, prayed too alongside The Angels. Through these conflicts which plagued the land, Lyonisius grew much as a deity, witnessing even more of the unique reasons which mortals fight for. This is fo course now embodied in his own Kingdom upon Ythian.

Followers of The Champion, whilst also being strict law-abiders, practice a great art of steadfast confidence; a belief in that with the opening of their eyes each day that they will see a prosperous dawn.

In his honour, across the continents, you will often see his sybol attributed to great arenas and even underground fighting rings, to show that the contest intends to follow strict honour and virtue in the fights course.

The God Wars: The God Wars, despite it sadness, was also a time of great need and victory for Lyonisius. before his descent and known presence upon the continent of Ythian, it his said that he wandered the other war-stricken continents in a golden-hewn cloak, bestowing aid and courage on to those who cried out in grief. For this, shrines to him can commonly be found on the road beside the travlling and druidic gods.

His victory, of course, is well documented and known world-wide. A valiant rallying of a most war-torn people all falling at the hands of The Hope Cleaver- The Champion's most ancient rival from the times of the tribal wars.

The Present Day Today, The Mighty Champuon watches faithfully over The Continent of Uthylies, all from atop his great bastion within the capitol of Balthier. Each of the other Ythinian deities have sworn allegiance to Lyonisius and The King's Cross; not as servants, but as equals. This sentiment is also very much embodied across the lands, even while his courageous people fight against the Swampland creatures and prepare for war with The Nightmare Diadem.

The Hope Cleaver

Legend Created by the survivors who lived in the time of creation, The Hope Cleaver was the first truly evil entity to enter into the realms of Zan'draya. When The Champion was still in the throes of dealing with valiant and (believed by those who were fighting) purposeful conflict, there were of course those who sought to see the bloodshed continue.

In time, their cries for bloodshed were answered in the form of this deity - its only true nature being that of a will to dominate all life, seeing it crushed and blodied beneath his horrific steel footfalls.

Throughout his years across the realms of Yh'lerios, The Hope Cleaver has taken part in almost every war that we have come to learn of, even those that span into the outer crystals of our great mother. One such conflict was born for his hatred of Gal'galad. The Hope Cleaver was deluded and blind, for he saw much of himself within The Worldmaker. He desired the unfaltering followers that he had ammased, not understanding that it was his rage and anger that kept him shut out from the minds of mortals.

In the height of his power, during the might wars of the Orcish Kingdoms, that The Hope Cleaver rallied forces of tainted Orcs to come to his aid and siege Elysium. No gods would come to the aid of such a foolish endeavour, and so The Hope Cleaver was swiftly defeated by his betters.

It was for him that the expansive prisons beneath The Seat of The Worldmaker were built; yet, he has not had the pleasure of greeting the divine cells. His dissapearance is still twisted in myth and mystery - for no true recounts of his exact whereabouts could be felt for years, until the creation of his domain: Pandaemonium.

Religion Those who choose to follow this dispicable god commit themselves to the path of the tyrant. All those who work with purpose against the great overlord, who would usher his follows into a prosperous rule under his Kingdom, should be dealt with most swiftly.

To see people walking free is a sickening sight to these individuals, all of whom work in service to bringing about the violent schemes of their god.

Strict tenets are kept within his temples, each of which give rise to many unsightly and blood-based rituals, used to empower The Hope Cleaver upon his throne, Each kill dedicated to his name, brings his terrible reign closer to reality.

The God Wars Descending upon the continent of Ythian was not the only goal of this vile creature. Of course, this was to settle the age old disputes he had with the great Lyonisius. He knew of his enemy's preferance for the land, and stopeped at nothing upon his endless assaults at Kai'Melorn and Kaleidos.

This, however, was als a time of great change for The Hope Cleaver. Aside from hsi barbarous tendencies, he has developed skills that can bring about plagues and great disease; in some cases transforming his form entirely to enact his will in secret. The Tyrant has grown more confident in his abilities of late, even despite his apparent loss upon the continent. There is no telling what secret allies lurk within his midst.

The Present Day Following the god wars, The Hope Cleaver keeps his whereabouts in a constant mystery. To gaze upon his chaotic throne is not a fate so easily pursued, and so our knowledge of his schemes remain a dark mystery for now.

Secondary Deities

Cecil, Tide-Keeper

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

Elsarios, The Blessed Tear

Legend Elsarios is considered to be the younger sister of Cecil, The Tidekeeper, due to her birth occuring from the same spring as his but a short time after his powers had reached their peak.

It was not long until the goddess found ample kin amongst the realms of man, and for many years of her lifer she would be involved in all diplomatic aspects of war between the mortal races.

Her title, more commonly stated than her name in most circles, was bestowed to her by her now fallen lover. Ithilliad, The Storm Lord, was always close with Elsarios, and the two of them would spend countless sun-cycles blessing the lands with their bountiful powers.

Religion The tenants of Elsarios carry over into many different realms of expression; at the forefront of each of them, however, is the longing for peace across all nations. Her smile can be felt upon a songs touch of the ear, or her warm embrace when surrounded by friends at a loud tavern table.

Much of the time that the goddess spends upon the mortal realms is within The Remnant Isles, watching over her lost and formadiable children, but this does not mean that her followers would all be so secluded. It is common to see paladins and cleric of Elsarios taking valiant stands against thier foes, using their combative skills to honour their goddess instead of shame her. The emblem of Elsarios can be found, and is worshipped, in most temples that call this deity friend or comrade.

The God Wars Elsarios maintained much distance during The God Wars, sticking to her tenants of trust and devotion throughout the bloody conflict; yet, despite her hate for the events that her follow deity was wreaking upon the lands, she saw fit to take hold of lands upon Vinais. If it were not for her aid to many of those who sought peace, offering them refuge and escape to other continents, the losses of the great war would be far worse indeed.

Ithilliad, The Storm Lord, was the patron of one of The Betrayers that brought about the descendance; a member of an ancient line of adventurers blessed with his power to bring about great balance and change within the world. Alas, when he saw the misuse of his gift in the hands of the abyssal elder god, he could not maintain his tumultuous range. The god was slain by those he had helped. In his last moments, he sent his power up toward the stars for Elsarios to reclaim, allowing her to inherit the ancient line of power; those known as Tythos. It is unknown if any survivors of this lineage still exist, but Elsarios now possess the power to reawaken it at will, should the need arise.

The Present Day Today, the goddess is seen in material form sparcely; maintaining her duties upon The Remnant Isles, but her devoted priests and followers would never turn their back on such a giving being no matter how far she may be from them.

Far'aran, The Gilded Palm

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

Gal'Galad, The New World

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

Mithrillian, The Bulwark

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

The Angels of Justice

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

The Corrupted Dead

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

The Long Road

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

The Infected Heart

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

The Netherborne

  • Legend

  • Religion

  • The God Wars

  • The Present Day

The Planes of Existence

It is believed that many planes have risen and fallen in the time of this universe, but now - harboured within the grand, spindled crystal Yh'Lerios that carries us through the cosmos - these we know to be the realms of our world. Nothing is known about how the great crystal came into existence. Our research and direct account from Gal'galad state it as a being of untold emotion and divinity, rivalling his lordships own. Our only true known is this beings production of "Aetherial Energy"; a kind of magikal force that seems to bind our realms together. It is still unknown to us mortals if this being contains sentience or some other personable force. Regardless, it is a ship that bears us safe passage, and for that we must surely be greatful.

Below you will read about our research in the many crystals that inhabit the spaces inside Yh'lerios - or are bound to it by other means - which we have named "Planes of Existence", to help members of our order (and therefore you, our reader) garner insight into these strange places.

Planes of Light

The Seat of The World Maker

The Seat of The World Maker is a much smaller plane than the others that exist within Yh'Lerios; indeed crafted as a place for our lord Gal'Galad to oversee his works of creation. Despite his brotherhood and kinship with the rest of the divinity, this is very much the throne of the gods. It is also here that he maintains guardianship over the elemental crystals; allowing his sister, The Seamstress, to focus her efforts and maintaining the weaves delicate balance.

The Seat of The World Maker can only be accessed via the Realm of Elysium. It is believed that mortals who traverse to this realm that wish to speak his lordship, must first pass that tests of the Caelus Lionah Fere'senna - loosely translated in common tongue to the The Divine-Mirror Tunnels. The Zand'raya have no recounts to recall descriptions of the trials from, but it is believed from research conducted by The Finer Details that the mirror tunnels are capable of diversifying their aetherial energy to perform specialised reactions.

The Elemental Crystals

It is believed that when the material plane suffered The Sundering that many sections of the crystal Yh'lerios were broken off and scattered. It was The Seamstress, when she was spinning the great weave with which to grant natural arcana to the world, that she spied the Elemental Crystals adrift in the cosmos.

She sensed the hearts of the creatures that lived within and struck bargains with their leaders. She wove them into her weave, giving them shelter and homestead, whilst they granted their elemental energies to the material plane. Thus, in addition to the force and restorative magiks granted by the weave, the magiks of water, fire, air, and earth were also now one with ourselves.

The Seamstress takes up permanent residece amongst the Elemental Crystals, dancing across the weave to make merryment with all of her wayward children.


Elysium is the birthplace of Radiant Magik and has existed since a time before our pantheon. When Gal'galad first awoke, it was here that he had to make his first home. Divine records tell of lush green fields with an adbundance of flora and fauna. Much of this Gal'galad and his siblings have kept the same; The unkempt keeps and ruins left over from gods past were easy to rebuild into wonders of his own desire.

Each of the Gods tied to the Light of Yh'lerios make their residence here: Brennah, Cecil, Kaleidos, Lyonisius, Mithrillian, Pradash, The Laden Lord, and The Thousand Eye Oracle. They act in council to keep the balance of the material plane and ensure the fixture of their keen eyes of the realms outside of their control.

Amonsgt the great Planar warriors that defend Elysium, a race of blessed-chosen known as the Aasimarr train reletlessly under the watch of their masters. many of them descend to our world in humanoid appearance whenever dire needs call for thier aid.

Planes of Darkness

The Dying Expanse

Ruled by The Corrupted Dead (primary) and The Infected Heart (Secondary). The home to all souls who have passed on from all the planes of existence - accessed only by the great winding rivers. each soul is judged by The Netherborne, who is bound to provide them an afterlife befitting on them, not his own desires. The Home of acid, Poison, and Necrotic magiks

The Dying Expanse, along with the Abyss, also seems to pre-date The Sundering. A place of many seasons and landscapes, all mazed together to create the winding wilds of the afterlife on Yh'lerios. The Corrupted Dead is charged with the sanctity of all the dead souls, tailoring their souls purpose in his realm to best suit their spent time. Their task was made easier by the mistake of Fel'sith, and so they allow the widow free passage betwixt his realm and the others as a show of gratitude, despite her consistent venomous behaviour towards them and all others.

It is also here, in this infinite eternity, that some lost souls may find themsleves upon the gates of The Nine Hells or even staring down into the Abyss itself...

The Nine Hells

Home to the demon lords, who make constant war upon The Dying Expanse - attempting to reap the souls of the damned to empower their own machinations. Accesed only through the flaming pinnacle, within The Dying Expanse.

The Nine Hells were formed by the demon lords who took refuge in a piece of Yh'lerios which had been shattered by their former master. With haste, the plunged into The Dying Expanse to create The Flaming Pinnacle. Accessed only by crossing the Forged Fields can you come to the bending bridges that distort the reality of this place - granting a way to climb down the great hell fortress. Within, lies the planar gate to their home world - a placed born of their innate fire robbed from the elemental crystal.

The Corrupted Dead has since caught on to their schemes; many champions - whose souls remain pure - valiantly fight against the raging demon hordes in the name of their undead master.

As the name suggests, the Nine Hells consists of nine distict layers, each one ruled over by their own lords. Given the nature of their contracts and ever-changing ideals led by the unruly violence which breeds new leaders, it is almost impossible for The Finer Details to keep track of their contests and motives.

The Abyss

Endless chasms from which no light can escape or penetrate. The only being to have stared into the abyss and surived in Lucifial. The most wicked of souls, whomst no divine bearing can bear to witness, are thrown within this infite prison of dark for all eternity. The Netherborne calls this place its home, tending to all the creatures of the dark that spew from its endless mouth.

Underneath Underbark Keep, within a once gleaming forest of The Dying Expnase claimed by The Scorned Widow, one can find the great tunnel that she dug to the Abyss. Three distict eyes may often stare back at any fool who would peer over its edge. One red and beady, within many others of its kind nestled within inumerable pupils; another, dark and mystierous with shadowed orbs swiling within its center; and the last the most terrifying of the them all - looming and wreathed in a great purple flame, a single gleaming-gold light in the middle.

Through the analysis of the minds taken from brave, yet fallen, The Finer Details soldiers we have been able to decipher to names beholden to these creatures. Fel'Sith, The Netherborne, and an avatar of Lucifial left behind after his banishment at the hands of the Hobgoblins.

Since this discovery, we have made no further dives into the Abyss, for fear of the loss of more of our order. The nightmares that await within are too great for any mortal to bear witness too. Only the favour of the pantheon themselves could hope to bless a mortal with strength enough to withstand its wickedness.

The Transitory Realms

The Realm of Dreams

Much like The Great Rivers to The Dying Expanse, The Realm of Dreams exists as the gateway to Elysium. Watched over the The Star-cross overs Xi'Thael and Solticia, it is here that they maintain the space in which mortal minds retreat to in times of rest. Their exists a race of all of its own within the Realm of Dreams, known to us as Kalashtar in the common tongue; though, we do not know much of their nature and capabilities, save that they serve the divinity of this realm faithfully.

In the time since these bound divinities have ruled this Plane, other gods have sought to take up residence here. Far'Aran, The Gilded Palm, finds ample worship from his followers within the realm, utilising it to enact god fortune through the aetherial pathways. The Angels of Justice, the remnant aides of the once lord of justice Ty'athon, have also made their home here since his death. Here, they are able to observe our whims and whishes in greater detail, granting them greater insight into minds.

The Great Rivers

This plane of existence was created by Fel'sith, not long after the creation of the weave. After she betrayed The Seamstress, and was cursed to never weave her webs again, she bit the right hand of the goddess, stealing her two center fingers. The great arachnid attached these to her blackened body as extra limbs and with there power grew monstrous fangs. She buried deep into The Ethereal Plane in her rage and as the winding tunnels were dug the aetherial energy of the plane flowed great rivers into the space.

Now, the souls of the dead would have free passage to The Dying Expanse, but this kindness only empowered her anger. She dug further into the depths of the crystal, and consumed in the darkness bound herself to a new master - The Netherborne.

The Fey Wild

The great wilds ran by the fey denizens of Yh'Lerios have forever been a sight to behold. Lands that change at the behest of whimsy and desire; great pillars of civilisation dot the the evergreen, ever-expanding, landscape - but from a distance each looks to have been a mountain sprung naturally from the lush earth itself. Grand tress help to shelter the roaming and nomadic creatures that exist across vastness, their roots serving to enhance the natural magiks an energies of our material plane. It is not known for how long this great space has existed, nor its counter part the Shadow-fel, but its clear that both maintain an important balance for our shared home.

There are several gods known to exist within the fey-wild: Lord Enevenary, Captain of The Fey-Kin and Keeper of Time; Queen Tilli'vanya, Ruler of The Evergreen Expanse; Fin'afin, Son of Solsticia and Lord of The Eladrin; Hy'Thaelia, The Nomad Chieftess; and Hy'ralios, The Whimsy King.

Our godess, Kai'melorn, struck an unrivaled relationship with Queen Tilli-vanya after the loss of her daughter during the god wars. Since then, the goddess and even her kin (in some cases) have taken up residence in the Fey Wild, allowing its natural energies to become one with them. This has even furthered the bonds between this realm and ours and, in addition to the fey-kin, fey-creatures can be a common sight in the woodlands of the material plane.

The Great Beastlands

Ze'lenia ventures to the Fey Wild long before her sister but, Unlike Kai'melorn, The Great Beast Ze'lenia and her feral kin found themselves most unwelcome in the Fey-Wild. It is believed that her presence greatly angered Hy'Thaelia, The Nomad Queen, and many battles were fought between the Kin of Ze'lenia and the Satyrs, Centuars, and Lycans that worshipped their chosen ruler.

After the devouring of many creatures, Ze'lenia grew in strength enough to charge to the borders of the Fey Wild, shattering Yh'Lerios and creating a new crystalm tethered to the grand crystal by an aetherial stream. It was here that she poured her gathered energies into this fresh space - a land where no brick can be built and all the creatures born within the realms of the crystal may seek everlasting refuge within her pridelands. In these great plains, a new divine race was born: the Leonin. Fearsome lion creatures, never wavering when it comes top laying down their life in service to their queen.

The Shadow-Fel

Existing as a pure parallel realm to the Fey Wild, The Shadow-fel seemed only to preserve the balance of darkened chaos within the grand crystal. Before the god wars, the sister realms waged many wars, but it always seemed that this was the will of Yh'lerios.

In our time in the Shadow-fel, we witnessed only vast wastes and a lack of joy - not a darkness that invades ones heart, but instead a force that serves to remind that was cannot have joy without despair. To this end, a goddess known as The Long Road watches over the place; sprinkling sorrow into the hearts that reside on the material plane, deep from within her her home of Demi'hel keep. It was she who ruled this space but, after the coming of another, it seems she has reliquished some control...

It was not until the corruption of Tilli'vanyas daughter that this wasteland realm began to shift and change, for better or worse. Now, the plane is forever shrouded amongst the still growing jungles that covet the space. it is very much unknown what effects this has caused upon the aetherial energies of the plane itself and how these will effect the balance of the crystal.


When the Hope-Cleaver, brother of Lyonisius, witnessed the creation of the Beastlands whilst wandering the Astral Sea, he was stricken with the possibilities he could wrought. He descended into the Shadow-Fel - where he knew none of the dvinity would look for him - and began to construct a great gateway. For years he slaved in silece and stealth, with only the sound of his great axe carving the mountains around him to accompany his thoughts.

Finally, he completed his gateway. He beseeched his followers of the material plane to pray for the life of a son - a new ruler which could be born and lead them to a world in their vision. There wish coming true, the aetherial natures of Yh'Lerios unavble to resist the calls of its charge, answered them.

When the Hope-Cleavers son was born unto the material plane, he swiftly stole him away and sacrificed him into the energies of the gate. The great crystal cried out in pain at the act, once again shattering and creating the realm of Pandemonium; her cries to be heard upon the winds of this blac-desert landscape for all eternity.

Within this darkened crystal, The Hope-Cleaver bore new servants unto his ranks: the Minotaur. Vicious creatures, created with the idea of the Fey-Kin in mind, hell-bent on ravaging the lands their master sets them too.

The Spaces Between

The Ethereal Plane

The Ethereal Plane is the space in which the Transitory Realms exist. Through our research, we have deciphered that the Ethereal Plane acts as the soul of Yh'Lerios - the realm in which which is given the properity it needs to grow and thrive. At its edges, The Astral Sea can be accessed.

Walking within the Ethereal Plane is a fine experience - with crystal walkways forming at the feat of those who make way inside. May you ever be guided within the essence of Yh'lerios

The Astral Sea

The Astral Sea houses all of the stars that we can see across our night sky - each one serving to form a grander design and remind us of times long past. The space acts as the body of Yh'lerios, the essence in which its holds itself together and maintains is crystiline form amonsgt the cosmos.

With the Ethereal Plane is relatively tame, the Astral Sea is home to much larger creatures; ones that feed upon the aetherial energy of the crystal's body. Those who step foot within the ground-less sea should surely take caution during their stay.

The Cosmos

This ever-encompassing space acts as the home to Yh'lerios itself. Only one being, the Elder-God Diadain, is known to occupy the plane - and research shows that it has been this way for all eternity. She harbours herself with the Mother Moon - the great celestial body which birthed all the many moons that scatter the other realms in a time before the sundering, where her great discordance betwixt the energies of darkness and light is forever waging war upon itself.

The only member of The Finer Details to have entered into the Cosmos and return has refused to make their additions to the compendium and has since resigned from the order. Their location to this day is unknown. He left us with only a warning to not try again: "Amongst the starlit eternity, the eternal dichotemy is always in play; beware the dark laughter".