Creature Name

THIS IS WHERE YOU BEGIN WITH A QUOTE IN CAPS that you then continue but italicised after line one. This formating persists until you reach the end of the block quote. The length of the quote is up to you as it is sometimes from a fictional source (and therefore a fictional author) At such a point as that you then end the text and make a new line that says.

--Author Name, The Text Being Quoted

After the textual reference you need to insert a convincing setting-specific vignette that inspires a reader to continue to read the setting junk.

Physical Description

This is where you share a bit of information on the physical characteristics of the playable character race.

Intrinsic Drive

For some reason DnD likes it when races have an implicit drive towards non-biologically determined activities. Maybe this race excels at making metal dragonchess pieces? idk. Think of it as a cultural stereotype section. Gnomes like to tinker, Dragonborns would die for their clans. Players will ignore this section pretty much entirely.

Living Conditions

Describe the area that this character is used to inhabiting and offer some ideas on why they may leave their homeland.

[RACE] Names

This is where you lay out the naming conventions for the race. Sometimes names are gendered, othertimes they are based off another races naming conventions. It is possible that some races do not have naming conventions. Typically after this vignette you get more specific when possible by offering suggestions.

Birth Names: TK, TK, TK, etc.

Nicknames: See above

Clan Names:

Male Names:

Female Names:

Nonbinary Names:

Family Names:

Special Notes

This is a place for you to put in special considerations that players may want to make when selecting this race. It could be variant rules, role playing advice, or deeper cultural contexts to consider while playing as a member of this race. It can go anywhere in the section

[RACE] Traits

This is where you begin to place traits information. Begin this section with some variation of:

Your TK [RACE] character has these traits because of reasons.

Ability Score Increase. Your ability tktktk

Age. Notes on when race matures and at what rate it develops.

Alignment. The alignment that they tend towards. Is this mechanic a form of subtle racism or an easter egg to past celebrations of explicit racism? Why not both! /sob

Size. What size is average. What actual mechanical size are they. Tiny is 2' or less | Small is 2' - 4' | Medium is 4' - 8' | Large is 8' - 16' | Huge is 16ft - 32 ft | Gargantuan is 32' or greater

Special Trait 1. Details of race-specific trait.

Special Trait 2. Details of race-specific trait.

Special Trait 3. Details of race-specific trait.

Special Trait 4. Details of race-specific trait.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write tk. Explain how the language sounds to non-speakers. Be a phantasy phonotician!

Subrace. This is an optional element that you may introduce to grant players additional choices regarding their character's racial composition - and the traits to reflect it.



Subrace option 1

This is where you put a few (2-4) sentences of flavour text about this subrace option. Try to hint at the traits below and contextualise them in a setting.

Subrace trait 1. Details of subrace-specific trait.

Subrace trait 2. Details of subrace-specific trait.

Subrace option 2

This is where you put a few (2-4) sentences of flavour text about this subrace option. Try to hint at the traits below and contextualise them in a setting.

Subrace trait 1. Details of subrace-specific trait.

Subrace trait 2. Details of subrace-specific trait.

Subrace option 3

This is where you put a few (2-4) sentences of flavour text about this subrace option. Try to hint at the traits below and contextualise them in a setting.

Subrace trait 1. Details of subrace-specific trait.

Subrace trait 2. Details of subrace-specific trait.



Styg Shieldmaiden. Drawing by ThirteenthAutumn. Available on DeviantArt. Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Original accessed from

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