Green Dragons

That something so massive as a dragon
might hide is a terror of its own, an
unmasking of the utter worthlessness of humanoid senses before the cruelty and cunning of ages. The creeping suspicion, however, that this malign intelligence might well have guided you to its forest of choked screams for reasons of its own, that any of your dearest allies might long ago have been planted in your life
to bring this fate upon you... this is another
kind of fear altogether, and one your
typical would-be dragonslayer is
altogether unprepared for.

Green Dragon Lore

Arcana DC 15: Green dragons,
though physically imposing in
their own right, tend not to rely as
heavily upon their breath weapon as most
other dragons in combat, perhaps due to the
wide array of defenses, both magical and
natural, against poison available to their enemies, or
perhaps out of reluctance to damage the forest homes
they spend centuries cultivating. Instead, greens rely
on stealth and subterfuge where possible,
using their innate magics to enhance their natural
camouflage and set toxins worming into the wounds of their enemies.
History DC 15: Green dragons often make their lairs near thin spots where the feywild draws near to the Prime Material, both for the variety of bizarre and hostile plants which can only be found in such places, and for the opportunity to torment any unwitting fey that stumble into their realm without bearing proper tribute.
Nature DC 10: When the anger of a green dragon is roused, they can breathe forth a terrible miasma that reacts with the water in skin, eyes, and lungs, transforming it to stinging acid. In addition to this noxious breath, however, a slower and more insidious poison leaches invisibly from their skin, and their fangs drip venom that can eat away at a creature's ability to resist such poisons.
Nature DC 20: The most intensely protective parents of any chromatic species, green dragons have even been known to sacrifice themselves to spare their offspring, and maintain cautiously friendly ties with their children for centuries after leaving the nest.

Green Dragon Hoards

Green dragons treat their entire hoard as a single unified art object, one in which the arrangement tells a vast story of the dragon's cunning, beauty, and might; landscape paintings showing the numinous brutality of unspoiled nature, bas reliefs ripped from unpeopled castles, and skins torn from defeated rivals serve as backdrops for the rare plant varietals, tended by the captive artists, artisans, and scholars that green dragons favor as servants.

Green Dragon Spellcasting

A green dragon spellcaster cumulatively gains access to the following innate spells as it ages, and can spend two of its legendary actions, if available, to cast one of them:

Age Spell Save DC Spells Known (At-Will) Spells Known (1/Day) Spells Known (Utility, 1/Day)
Young 13 Fog Cloud A InvisibilityA, Mirror ImageA Detect ThoughtsA, Speak With PlantsA
Rake 15
Adult 16 Grasping VineB SlowA, TreestrideA Animal MessengerA, Magic Mouth+
Venerable 18
Ancient 19 Taste the AirA Transport Via PlantsA, Tailored BaneA Commune With Nature+, NondetectionA
Wyrm 20
Great Wyrm 21 Modify MemoryA Blood to VitriolA, MisleadA Private Sanctum+, Programmed IllusionA

Green Dragon Lairs

Green dragons lair in densely forested areas, particularly those in temperate or tropical climates, and often near thin spots or passageways to the Feywild. Younger ones will often dig their burrows into the hollows of ancient trees or the earth beneath their roots, while the largest of green dragons will sculpt their lairs out of a dense, living matrix of trees, vines, and other foliage.

Green dragons inevitably take control, directly or indirectly, of any humanoid settlements near their lairs, and will often use their residents as envoys or agents to communicate with outsiders, waiting invisibly in the surrounding forest to take their measure before revealing themselves directly.

Design Note: Heroes' Feast. The spell Heroes' Feast warps every high level dragon encounter around itself, but this is especially true for green dragons, who have nearly their whole mechanical package negated by it.

Green dragons know this, however; they fully expect any intelligent creature that intends to kill them to come prepared with it, and have a healthy understanding of their own weaknesses in that respect. Play them as cagey and ruthless as you can manage in that situation, and have them flee the second the players gain the upper hand.

Green Dragon Tactics

In forests, green dragons use their Slithering Shadow, Forestborn, and Adapt Camouflage to keep hidden at a distance from their enemies, using their Silent Snatch to ambush those that come close, fighting for a turn or two, then using their Rampant Growth to cover their retreat as they move back into hiding. They continue this until reduced below half hit points (or a quarter hit points if fighting in their lair), then flee and hide, resting and returning to attack once more for as long as their enemies remain in their forest. If defending their young, however, green dragons invariably fight to the death.

If their enemies attempt to track them, green dragons will set false trails to lure them into other hazards, traps, or otherwise weak tactical positions.

They typically use their breath weapon only when defending their lair, or when assaulting a settlement outside their home forest, positioning themselves to make use of their Vindictive Snap if any affected creatures seem to resist their breath's damage.

Green Dragon Wyrmling

Small dragon, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 45 (10d6 + 10)
  • Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft., swim 30 ft.

15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1)

  • Saving Throws DEX +3, CON +3, WIS +2, CHA +3
  • Skills Perception +4, Stealth +3
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 10 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14
  • Languages Draconic
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Forestborn. The dragon's movement is not impeded by natural or magical foliage, and while in a wooded area can attempt to Hide while only Lightly Obscured.

Slithering Shadow. The first time each turn that the dragon is missed with an attack, it can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.


Venomtongue Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing plus 3 (1d6) poison damage.

Lungripper Miasma Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales poisonous gas in a 15-foot cone.

Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take 21 (6d6) poison damage, or half as much on a success.

A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is Blinded and Choking until the end of the dragon's next turn.


Adapt Camouflage. When a creature more than 30 feet from the dragon hits it with a ranged attack, it can alter its patterning to match its surroundings.

Until it moves, the dragon becomes Invisible to creatures more than 30 feet away from it.

Vindictive Snap. When a creature affected by the green dragon's Lungripper Miasma Breath takes fewer than 11 damage from it, the dragon can move up to 30 feet toward the creature and make a Venomtongue Bite attack against it.

Green Dragon Social Encounters

  • An ancient and powerful green dragon is slowly dying of her wounds after defeating a famed dragonslayer, and six of her offspring have flown in from across the continent, each of them promising a king's ransom to any who can save her, and to poison the land and waters of the kingdom for a thousand generations if none step forward to do so. The knowledge of how she was wounded and how she might be saved, however, seems to have died with the slain dragonslayer, and thus far none have been successful.
  • A green dragon arrives at the celebration of a prince's birth and gifts the baby a circlet of incredible magical power, which seems now firmly affixed to his head and can't be removed by any ordinary means. The prince's adult siblings have all taken this as an implicit threat and have sequestered themselves, each fearing both what this might mean for them and how their siblings might attempt to use the event to their own advantage.
  • A team of dungeon-delvers have discovered an archaic text that purports to be a recipe for a Draught of Strength Eternal. Unfortunately, it requires the nectar of a plant which takes near a thousand years to mature, and which elven horticulturists assert hasn't been seen since the time of the Fourth Crown War, near twelve thousand years ago. A secretive clan of green dragon is said to have maintained a vast arboretum of such ancient plants since the Dawn Ages, though only those with truly exotic plants to trade in have ever managed to successfully contact them, and if any have seen their lair, none have spoken of it.

Green Dragon Whelp

Medium dragon, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
  • Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.

17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws DEX +4, CON +5, WIS +4, CHA +5
  • Skills Deception +5, Perception +7, Stealth +7
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 17
  • Languages Common, Draconic
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Forestborn. The dragon's movement is not impeded by natural or magical foliage, and while in a wooded area can attempt to Hide while only Lightly Obscured.

Slithering Shadow. The first time each turn that the dragon is missed with an attack, it can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.

Fuming Wounds. A creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the dragon takes 3 (1d6) poison damage if it has fewer than half its hit points.


Multiattack. The dragon makes two attacks, one of which can be with its Venomtongue Bite.

Venomtongue Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing plus 3 (1d6) poison damage.

If the target is resistant to poison damage, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or lose its resistance to poison damage for the next minute.

Hooked Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Instead of dealing damage, the dragon can grapple the target (escape DC 14).

Rampant Growth. The dragon calls a burst of barbed vines forth from the earth in a 10 foot radius centered on a point it can see within 60 feet, forcing each creature in the area to succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be restrained (escape DC 13).

Until the dragon uses this ability again, the area is difficult terrain, and a creature that moves into or within the area takes 4 (1d8) piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

Lungripper Miasma Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales a poisonous cloud in a 30-foot cone.

Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 24 (7d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a success.

A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is Blinded and Choking until the end of the dragon's next turn.


Adapt Camouflage. When a creature more than 30 feet from the dragon hits it with a ranged attack, it can alter its patterning to match its surroundings.

Until it moves, the dragon becomes Invisible to creatures more than 30 feet away from it.

Vindictive Snap. When a creature affected by the green dragon's Lungripper Miasma Breath takes fewer than 13 damage from it, the dragon can move up to 30 feet toward the creature and make a Venomtongue Bite attack against it.

Silent Snatch. When a creature the dragon is Hidden from enters its reach, the dragon can grapple the creature (escape DC 14) and force it to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw.

On a failure, the target is Stunned and Hidden from its allies until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, and the dragon remains Hidden from each other creature.

Young Green Dragon

Medium dragon, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60)
  • Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.

19 (+4) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)

  • Saving Throws DEX +4, CON +6, WIS +4, CHA +5
  • Skills Deception +5, Perception +7, Stealth +7
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 17
  • Languages Common, Draconic
  • Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Forestborn. The dragon's movement is not impeded by natural or magical foliage, and while in a wooded area can attempt to Hide while only Lightly Obscured.

Slithering Shadow. The first time each turn that the dragon is missed with an attack, it can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.

Fuming Wounds. A creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the dragon takes 3 (1d6) poison damage if it has fewer than half its hit points.


Multiattack. The dragon makes two attacks, one of which can be with its Venomtongue Bite.

Venomtongue Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

If the target is resistant to poison damage, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or lose its resistance to poison damage for the next minute.

Hooked Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Instead of dealing damage, the dragon can grapple the target (escape DC 15).

Lash Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage and the target is pushed up to 5 feet away.

Rampant Growth. The dragon calls a burst of barbed vines forth from the earth in a 10 foot radius centered on a point it can see within 30 feet, forcing each creature in the area to succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be restrained (escape DC 13).

Until the dragon uses this ability again, the area is difficult terrain, and a creature that moves into or within the area takes 9 (2d8) piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

Lungripper Miasma Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales a poisonous cloud in a 30-foot cone.

Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 31 (9d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a success.

A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is Blinded and Choking until the end of the dragon's next turn.


Adapt Camouflage. When a creature more than 30 feet from the dragon hits it with a ranged attack, it can alter its patterning to match its surroundings.

Until it moves, the dragon becomes Invisible to creatures more than 30 feet away from it.

Vindictive Snap. When a creature affected by the green dragon's Lungripper Miasma Breath takes fewer than 16 damage from it, the dragon can move up to 30 feet toward the creature and make a Venomtongue Bite attack against it.

Silent Snatch. When a creature the dragon is hidden from enters its reach, the dragon can grapple the creature (escape DC 15) and force it to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw.

On a failure, the target is Stunned and hidden from its allies until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, and the dragon remains hidden from each other creature.

Green Dragon Rake

Large dragon, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 218 (23d10 + 92)
  • Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.

21 (+5) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)

  • Saving Throws DEX +5, CON +8, WIS +6, CHA +7
  • Skills Deception +7, Perception +10, Stealth +9
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 20
  • Languages Common, Draconic
  • Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Forestborn. The dragon's movement is not impeded by natural or magical foliage, and while in a wooded area can attempt to Hide while only Lightly Obscured.

Slithering Shadow. The first time each turn that the dragon is missed with an attack, it can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.

Fuming Wounds. A creature that starts its turn within 15 feet of the dragon takes 3 (1d6) poison damage if it has fewer than half its hit points.

Greenleech Resistance (1/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. If it does, plants within 30 feet of it wither and shrivel away.


Multiattack. The dragon makes two attacks, one of which can be with its Venomtongue Bite.

Venomtongue Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

If the target is resistant to poison damage, it must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or lose its resistance to poison damage for the next minute.

Hooked Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.

Instead of dealing damage, the dragon can grapple the target (escape DC 17).

Lash Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage and the target is pushed up to 5 feet away.

Rampant Growth. The dragon calls a burst of barbed vines forth from the earth in a 15 foot radius centered on a point it can see within 60 feet, forcing each creature in the area to succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be restrained (escape DC 15).

Until the dragon uses this ability again, the area is difficult terrain, and a creature that moves into or within the area takes 9 (2d8) piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

Lungripper Miasma Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales a poisonous cloud in a 60-foot cone.

Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 38 (11d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a success.

A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is Blinded and Choking until the end of the dragon's next turn.


Adapt Camouflage. When a creature more than 30 feet from the dragon hits it with a ranged attack, it can alter its patterning to match its surroundings.

Until it moves, the dragon becomes Invisible to creatures more than 30 feet away from it.

Vindictive Snap. When a creature affected by the green dragon's Lungripper Miasma Breath takes fewer than 16 damage from it, the dragon can move up to 30 feet toward the creature and make a Venomtongue Bite attack against it.

Legendary Actions

The dragon can take 1 legendary action, choosing from the options below.

Spit Venom. The dragon spits a gob of concentrated venom at a creature it can see within 30 feet, forcing it to succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) Poison damage and be Blinded until it clears its eyes as a Bonus Action.

Silent Snatch. The dragon moves up to 30 feet, then can grapple one creature (escape DC 17) it is Hidden from and force it to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw.

On a failure, the target is Stunned and hidden from its allies until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, and the dragon remains hidden from each other creature.

Adult Green Dragon

Huge dragon, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 19 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 264 (23d12 + 115)
  • Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.

23 (+6) 12 (+1) 21 (+5) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 17 (+3)

  • Saving Throws DEX +6, CON +10, WIS +7, CHA +8
  • Skills Deception +8, Insight +7, Perception +12, Persuasion +8, Stealth +11
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 60 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 22
  • Languages Common, Draconic
  • Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)

Forestborn. The dragon's movement is not impeded by natural or magical foliage, and while in a wooded area can attempt to Hide while only Lightly Obscured.

Slithering Shadow. The first time each turn that the dragon is missed with an attack, it can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.

Fuming Wounds. A creature that starts its turn within 15 feet of the dragon takes 3 (1d6) poison damage, or 7 (2d6) if it has fewer than half its hit points.

Greenleech Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. If it does, plants within 30 feet of it wither and shrivel away.


Multiattack. The dragon makes two attacks, one of which can be with its Venomtongue Bite, and uses its Frightful Presence.

Venomtongue Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

If the target is resistant or immune to poison damage, it must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or lose its resistance or immunity to poison damage for the next minute.

Hooked Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.

Instead of dealing damage, the dragon may grapple the target (escape DC 19).

Lash Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage and the target is pushed up to 10 feet away.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's choice within 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, becoming immune to this effect for the next 24 hours on a success.

Rampant Growth. The dragon calls a burst of barbed vines forth from the earth in a 20 foot radius centered on a point it can see within 60 feet, forcing each creature in the area to succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be restrained (escape DC 16).

Until the dragon uses this ability again, the area is difficult terrain, and a creature that moves into or within the area takes 9 (2d8) piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

Lungripper Miasma Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales a poisonous cloud in a 60-foot cone.

Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 42 (12d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a success.

A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is Blinded and Choking until the end of the dragon's next turn.


Adapt Camouflage. When a creature more than 30 feet from the dragon hits it with a ranged attack, it can alter its patterning to match its surroundings.

Until it moves, the dragon becomes Invisible to creatures more than 30 feet away from it.

Vindictive Snap. When a creature affected by the green dragon's Lungripper Miasma Breath takes fewer than 22 damage from it, the dragon can move up to 30 feet toward the creature and make a Venomtongue Bite attack against it.

Bloodied Breath (1/Day.) When the dragon is reduced below 133 hit points, it can roll to recharge its Lungripper Miasma Breath, then immediately use it, if available.

Legendary Actions

The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.

Spit Venom. The dragon spits a gob of concentrated venom at a creature it can see within 30 feet, forcing it to succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) Poison damage and be Blinded until it clears its eyes as a Bonus Action.

Silent Snatch. The dragon moves up to 30 feet, then can grapple one creature (escape DC 19) it is hidden from and force it to make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw.

On a failure, the target is Stunned and hidden from its allies until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, and the dragon remains hidden from each other creature.

Slink Away (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon moves up to 30 feet. If it ends this movement at least 30 feet from any hostile creature, it may immediately attempt to Hide.

Venerable Green Dragon

Huge dragon, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 325 (26d12 + 156)
  • Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.

25 (+7) 12 (+1) 23 (+6) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws DEX +7, CON +12, WIS +9, CHA +10
  • Skills Deception +10, Insight +9, Perception +15, Persuasion +10, Stealth +13
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 60 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 25
  • Languages Common, Draconic
  • Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)

Forestborn. The dragon's movement is not impeded by natural or magical foliage, and while in a wooded area can attempt to Hide while only Lightly Obscured.

Slithering Shadow. The first time each turn that the dragon is missed with an attack, it can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. f

Fuming Wounds. A creature that starts its turn within 15 feet of the dragon takes 3 (1d6) poison damage, or 7 (2d6) if it has fewer than half its hit points.

Greenleech Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. If it does, plants within 30 feet of it wither and shrivel away.


Multiattack. The dragon makes two attacks, one of which can be with its Venomtongue Bite, and uses its Frightful Presence.

Venomtongue Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

If the target is resistant or immune to poison damage, it must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or lose its resistance or immunity to poison damage for the next minute.

Hooked Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage.

Instead of dealing damage, the dragon may grapple the target (escape DC 21).

Lash Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage and the target is pushed up to 10 feet away.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's choice within 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, becoming immune to this effect for the next 24 hours on a success.

Rampant Growth. The dragon calls a burst of barbed vines forth from the earth in a 20 foot radius centered on a point it can see within 60 feet, forcing each creature in the area to succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be restrained (escape DC 18).

Until the dragon uses this ability again, the area is difficult terrain, and a creature that moves into or within the area takes 9 (2d8) piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

Lungripper Miasma Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales a poisonous cloud in a 60-foot cone.

Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take 52 (15d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a success.

A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is Blinded and Choking until the end of the dragon's next turn.


Adapt Camouflage. When a creature more than 30 feet from the dragon hits it with a ranged attack, it can alter its patterning to match its surroundings.

Until it moves, the dragon becomes Invisible to creatures more than 30 feet away from it.

Vindictive Snap. When a creature affected by the green dragon's Lungripper Miasma Breath takes fewer than 27 damage from it, the dragon can move up to 30 feet toward the creature and make a Venomtongue Bite attack against it.

Bloodied Breath (1/Day.) When the dragon is reduced below 163 hit points, it can roll to recharge its Lungripper Miasma Breath, then immediately use it, if available.

Legendary Actions

The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.

Spit Venom. The dragon spits a gob of concentrated venom at a creature it can see within 30 feet, forcing it to succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (2d6) Poison damage and be Blinded until it clears its eyes as a Bonus Action.

Silent Snatch. The dragon moves up to 30 feet, then can grapple one creature (escape DC 19) it is hidden from and force it to make a DC 21 Constitution saving throw.

On a failure, the target is Stunned and hidden from its allies until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, and the dragon remains hidden from each other creature.

Slink Away (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon moves up to 30 feet. If it ends this movement at least 30 feet from any hostile creature, it may immediately attempt to Hide.

Ancient Green Dragon

Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 21 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 455 (26d20 + 182)
  • Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.

27 (+8) 12 (+1) 25 (+7) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 19 (+4)

  • Saving Throws DEX +8, CON +14, WIS +10, CHA +11
  • Skills Deception +11, Insight +10, Perception +17, Persuasion +11, Stealth +15
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 60 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 27
  • Languages Common, Draconic
  • Challenge 22 (41,000 XP)

Forestborn. The dragon's movement is not impeded by natural or magical foliage, and while in a wooded area can attempt to Hide while only Lightly Obscured.

Slithering Shadow. The first time each turn that the dragon is missed with an attack, it can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.

Poison Wounds. A creature that starts its turn within 15 feet of the dragon takes 7 (2d6) poison damage, or 14 (4d6) if the creature has fewer than half its hit points.

Greenleech Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. If it does, plants within 30 feet of it wither and shrivel away.


Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks, one of which can be with its Venomtongue Bite, and uses its Frightful Presence.

Venomtongue Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing plus 10 (3d6) poison damage.

If the target is resistant or immune to poison damage, it must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or lose its resistance or immunity to poison damage for the next minute.

Hooked Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 23).

Lash Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage and the target is pushed up to 15 feet away.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's choice within 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, becoming immune to this effect for the next 24 hours on a success.

Rampant Growth. The dragon calls a burst of barbed vines forth from the earth in a 20 foot radius centered on a point it can see within 90 feet, forcing each creature in the area to succeed on a DC 19 Strength saving throw or be restrained (escape DC 19).

Until the dragon uses this ability again, the area is difficult terrain, and a creature that moves into or within the area takes 18 (4d8) piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

Lungripper Miasma Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales a poisonous cloud in a 90-foot cone.

Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or take 77 (22d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a success.

A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is Blinded and Choking until the end of the dragon's next turn.


Adapt Camouflage. When a creature more than 30 feet from the dragon hits it with a ranged attack, it can alter its patterning to match its surroundings.

Until it moves, the dragon becomes Invisible to creatures more than 30 feet away from it.

Vindictive Snap. When a creature affected by the green dragon's Lungripper Miasma Breath takes fewer than 39 damage from it, the dragon can move up to 30 feet toward the creature and make a Venomtongue Bite attack against it.

Bloodied Breath (1/Day.) When the dragon is reduced below 228 hit points, it can roll to recharge its Lungripper Miasma Breath, then immediately use it, if available.

Legendary Actions

The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.

Spit Venom. The dragon spits a gob of concentrated venom at a creature it can see within 30 feet, forcing it to succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) Poison damage and be Blinded until it clears its eyes as a Bonus Action.

Silent Snatch. The dragon moves up to 30 feet, then can grapple one creature (escape DC 22) it is hidden from and force it to make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw.

On a failure, the target is Stunned and hidden from its allies until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, and the dragon remains hidden from each other creature.

Slink Away (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon moves up to 30 feet. If it ends this movement at least 30 feet from any hostile creature, it may immediately attempt to Hide.

Wyrm Green Dragon

Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 21 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 529 (34d20 + 272)
  • Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.

28 (+9) 13 (+1) 26 (+8) 21 (+5) 18 (+4) 20 (+5)

  • Saving Throws DEX +8, CON +15, WIS +11, CHA +12
  • Skills Deception +12, Insight +11, Perception +18, Persuasion +12, Stealth +15
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 60 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 28
  • Languages Common, Draconic
  • Challenge 24 (62,000 XP)

Forestborn. The dragon's movement is not impeded by natural or magical foliage, and while in a wooded area can attempt to Hide while only Lightly Obscured.

Slithering Shadow. The first time each turn that the dragon is missed with an attack, it can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.

Poison Wounds. A creature that starts its turn within 15 feet of the dragon takes 7 (2d6) poison damage, or 14 (4d6) if the creature has fewer than half its hit points.

Greenleech Resistance (4/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. If it does, plants within 30 feet of it wither and shrivel away.


Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks, one of which can be with its Venomtongue Bite, and uses its Frightful Presence.

Venomtongue Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (2d10 + 9) piercing plus 10 (3d6) poison damage.

If the target is resistant or immune to poison damage, it must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or lose its resistance or immunity to poison damage for the next minute.

Hooked Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 24).

Lash Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage and the target is pushed up to 15 feet away.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's choice within 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, becoming immune to this effect for the next 24 hours on a success.

Rampant Growth. The dragon calls a burst of barbed vines forth from the earth in a 20 foot radius centered on a point it can see within 120 feet, forcing each creature in the area to succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be restrained (escape DC 20).

Until the dragon uses this ability again, the area is difficult terrain, and a creature that moves into or within the area takes 18 (4d8) piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

Lungripper Miasma Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales a poisonous cloud in a 120-foot cone.

Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or take 84 (24d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a success.

A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is Blinded and Choking until the end of the dragon's next turn.


Adapt Camouflage. When a creature more than 30 feet from the dragon hits it with a ranged attack, it can alter its patterning to match its surroundings.

Until it moves, the dragon becomes Invisible to creatures more than 30 feet away from it.

Vindictive Snap. When a creature affected by the green dragon's Lungripper Miasma Breath takes fewer than 43 damage from it, the dragon can move up to 30 feet toward the creature and make a Venomtongue Bite attack against it.

Bloodied Breath (1/Day.) When the dragon is reduced below 265 hit points, it can roll to recharge its Lungripper Miasma Breath, then immediately use it, if available.

Legendary Actions

The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.

Spit Venom. The dragon spits a gob of concentrated venom at a creature it can see within 30 feet, forcing it to succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) Poison damage and be Blinded until it clears its eyes as a Bonus Action.

Silent Snatch. The dragon moves up to 30 feet, then can grapple one creature (escape DC 24) it is hidden from and force it to make a DC 24 Constitution saving throw.

On a failure, the target is Stunned and hidden from its allies until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, and the dragon remains hidden from each other creature.

Slink Away (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon moves up to 30 feet. If it ends this movement at least 30 feet from any hostile creature, it may immediately attempt to Hide.

Great Wyrm Green Dragon

Gargantuan dragon, lawful evil

  • Armor Class 22 (Natural Armor)
  • Hit Points 666 (36d20 + 288)
  • Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft., swim 60 ft.

29 (+9) 14 (+2) 27 (+8) 22 (+6) 19 (+4) 21 (+5)

  • Saving Throws DEX +10, CON +16, WIS +12, CHA +13
  • Skills Deception +13, Insight +12, Perception +19, Persuasion +13, Stealth +18
  • Damage Resistances Attacks made without advantage
  • Damage Immunities Poison
  • Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned
  • Senses Blindsight 60 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 29
  • Languages Common, Draconic
  • Challenge 27 (105,000 XP)

Forestborn. The dragon's movement is not impeded by natural or magical foliage, and while in a wooded area can attempt to Hide while only Lightly Obscured.

Slithering Shadow. The first time each turn that the dragon is missed with an attack, it can move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.

Poison Wounds. A creature that starts its turn within 15 feet of the dragon takes 10 (3d6) poison damage, or 21 (6d6) poison damage if the creature has fewer than half its hit points.

Greenleech Resistance (5/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. If it does, plants within 30 feet of it wither and shrivel away.


Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks, one of which can be with its Venomtongue Bite, and uses its Frightful Presence.

Venomtongue Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (2d10 + 9) piercing plus 17 (5d6) poison damage.

If the target is resistant or immune to poison damage, it must succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or lose its resistance or immunity to poison damage for the next minute.

Hooked Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) slashing damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 25).

Each other creature within 10 feet of the target must succeed on a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take half the attack's damage.

Lash Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d8 + 9) bludgeoning damage and the target is pushed up to 15 feet away.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's choice within 300 feet of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, becoming immune to this effect for the next 24 hours on a success.

Rampant Growth. The dragon calls a burst of barbed vines forth from the earth in a 30 foot radius centered on a point it can see within 60 feet, forcing each creature in the area to succeed on a DC 21 Strength saving throw or be restrained (escape DC 21).

Until the dragon uses this ability again, the area is difficult terrain, and a creature that moves into or within the area takes 18 (4d8) piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels.

Lungripper Miasma Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon exhales a poisonous cloud in a 300-foot cone.

Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or take 98 (28d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a success.

A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is Blinded and Choking until the end of the dragon's next turn.


Vindictive Snap. When a creature affected by the green dragon's Lungripper Miasma Breath takes fewer than 50 damage from it, the dragon can move up to 30 feet toward the creature and make a Venomtongue Bite attack against it.

Bloodied Breath (1/Day.) When the dragon is reduced below 277 hit points, it can roll to recharge its Lungripper Miasma Breath, then immediately use it, if available.

Legendary Actions

The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.

Spit Venom. The dragon spits a gob of concentrated venom at a creature it can see within 30 feet, forcing it to succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or take 14 (4d6) Poison damage and be Blinded until it clears its eyes as a Bonus Action.

Silent Snatch. The dragon moves up to 30 feet, then can grapple one creature (escape DC 25) it is hidden from and force it to make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw.

On a failure, the target is Stunned and hidden from its allies until the beginning of the dragon's next turn, and the dragon remains hidden from each other creature.

Slink Away (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon moves up to 30 feet. If it ends this movement at least 30 feet from any hostile creature, it may immediately attempt to Hide.

Green Dragon Spells

Blood to Vitriol

6th-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (flesh scarred by acid)
  • Duration: 1 minute, concentration

You attempt to turn a creature's blood to acid. One creature you can see within 60 ft. must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be Stunned for 1 minute. A Stunned creature repeats this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, taking 22 (5d8) acid damage on a failure, or ending the effect on a success.

Tailored Bane

3rd-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 10 minutes

You weave a magical snare, sculpted to disrupt a specific spell. Choose a spell in secret. When a creature within 60 feet of you casts that spell, you can reveal your choice to end this spell and to gain control of the triggering spell, selecting new targets for it.

Taste The Air

3rd-level divination

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self (60 ft. radius)
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 round

Your tongue slithers out to taste the air. Make a Wisdom (Perception) check with advantage. You learn the creature type and exact location of each creature within 60 feet of you whose challenge rating (or level, if it doesn't have a challenge rating) is less than or equal to your result.

Until the end of your next turn, each affected creature cannot be Hidden from you, and you ignore the effects of Invisibility on that creature.

Art Credits

  • Green Dragon by Campbell White
  • Green Dragon Chuth by Guido Kuip
  • Green Dragon by Ilse Gort
  • Ambitious Dragonborn by Gaboleps
  • Bisk, Goblin King by Rae Elderidge

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