
The Lotoran of The Ever Haven are victims of unfortunate, but not historically unaccurate stereotyping. Small, and historically uncombative, this species of raccoon-folk are said to be expert pickpockets and thieves due to their soft paws and agile bodies. However, while vilified for their traits as nuisances, these people are also admired for their more ingenous traits. The Lotoran are naturally clever, explorative, and take part in the arts with surprising alacrity. Additionally, the Lotoran have thrived during this period of mass industrialism in The Ever Haven, not just surviving the Iron War, but thriving.

Trash “Bandits”

Lotoran are small mammalian creatures, and while each of their four limbs are mechanically identical, they walk upright like any humanoid, and have fully articulated paws that act very much like hands, though with shorter, stubbier fingers and short claws that are used almost like nails. While they walk upright like any humanoid, it is shown that they sometimes run in a way that is quadrepedal. A Lotoran’s paws are especially important, as it houses the most nerves compared to any other part of their body. Approximately three-quarters of their sensory brain is dedicated to the sensation of touch, and because of this, Lotoran are known to love touching things.

Lotoran have bushy fur covering almost their entire body that can come in a small variety of colors, usually grey, brown, or in some cases a stark white. Some parts of their bodies do appear black, but those blacks are not naturally occurring. Lotoran are often known to use black dyes as a way of decorating their fur. Most decorations vary by region and culture, but certain patterns unite all Lotoran.

For example, a Lotoran’s thick, bushy tail is often decorated with a number of black rings. Children typically have zero rings, while adults have rings as little as 1 and as many as 6. What the rings signify varies as well by region and culture. In some cultures, a Lotoran gains rings with age, for some it represents the importance of one’s accomplishments, and for some it represents their station in society. A Lotoran’s rings and their “mask” are the two dyed decorations that unite the Lotoran people.

Lotoran Society

Lotoran typically adapt to any societal environment, but are known to congregate in close-knit communities of their friends and families, often all living in the same domicile. They live a very ecclectic way of life, taking the best qualities of many regions into their living space. Many constructed Lotoran spaces include tunnels that easily connect every room in the space. Everyone in a Lotoran household works to contribute to the group, having diverse skill sets among them to help bring utility to any situation.

The precipice of designation in Lotoran society is the “Shadepatch Ink.” This aforementioned thick, black ink is what is used to mark the Lotoran’s fur, making individual designs, or unified designs like the tail rings or the mask. The making of the Ink can vary by culture and by region, but primary ingredients can range from blackberries, to squid ink, and even shop oil.

A distinct marking on the Lotoran is their “mask,” which they design once they become old enought to contribute to their household. The “mask” is meant to reflect the Lotoran’s occupation, but not to have that meaning to be immediately recognizable. Many career thieves have a mask that is meant to reflect a bandit mask, but it shouldn’t be immediately known to everyone that the Lotoran is a bandit. Because of this, a Lotoran’s mask carries special meaning only to that Lotoran and to their companions, inspired by their great feats and skills. Many Lotoran resort to stable trades of artisanship, or reveling in mechanical prowess and tinkering, a growing economical focus in The Ever Haven. Their masks also reflect these trades and skills.

The Treasures of the World

Curious by nature, Lotoran are likely to adventure when there is the promise of treasure or unique artifacts that might attract their fancy. An even more characteristic reason a Lotoran might adventure is for the well-being of a loved one. Lotoran form powerful familial and platonic bonds with those in their community, and some would go to the ends of the earth to accomplish a goal that would contribute to a loved one’s safety or happiness. Regardless of why they adventure, Lotoran will adapt to any environment just fine, but may struggle not hoarding everything they find.



Stealing Hearts

Lotoran tend to be quite friendly towards strangers, some out of genuine kindness, but most in hopes of gaining something from the interaction. Many will testify that these small creatures are not above using their adorable exterior to their advantage. Lotoran do indeed have an innate fascination with objects, and many will take objects that aren’t being watched without a seconds thought. It’s because of this that Lotoran tend to be hoarders and many will steal trash in hopes of creating something worthwhile from the rubble. If they aren’t taking things from shops and merchants, they are known to haggle. Lotoran typically use strangers to their advantage, but are fierce and loyal friends to those who they consider close.

Lotoran Traits

Your Lotoran character shares the following traits with all other Lotoran.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Creature Type. You are a humanoid.

Age. Lotoran reach maturity slightly quicker than humans, usually around ages 12-15. They age slightly faster as well, as it is very rare to see a Lotoran live past their 60s.

Alignment. Due to their mischevious nature, most Lotoran lean towards chaos, or, at least, away from lawfulness. Lotoran do not have a particular affinity to good or evil, they can be either, or neutral.

Size. Lotoran range from 2 and a half to 3 and a half feet tall. They usually weigh somewhere between 30 and 60 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25ft, and you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.

Scampering Retreat. When a creature you can see comes within 5ft of you, you may use a reaction to call on your primal survival instincts and scamper away. You may use this reaction to move up to your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks. You cannot use this reaction if you are prone or if your movement speed is 0, and the direction of your movement must be away from the provoking creature.

You may use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, with all uses replenishing upon finishing a long rest.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Subraces. While not differing in physiology, Lotoran do have some varying differences in behavioral traits that have been deemed notable. You may choose from either the Softpaw or the Craftpaw Lotoran.

Softpaw Lotoran

Softpaw Lotoran tend to adhere to the “touching things” stereotype that Lotoran often tend to attract. Not only do they love to gain new things to touch, but they also are very protective of things that they already have. It’s not uncommon that Softpaw Lotoran will be walking down the street holding something that they didn’t have one minute ago. The leading philosophy is that no one seems to miss it.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Adept Interfacing. You gain proficiency in the Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) skill. If you make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, you may use this feature to gain advantage on the roll. Once you have used this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Hoarder’s Paranoia. You are always on watch for someone who may take your things. When you make an initiative check, you may roll 1d4 and add the result as a bonus to the check.

Craftpaw Lotoran

Craftpaw Lotoran are also hoarders, but they tend to focus strongly on the potential of the trickets they collect. They are revered for their ingeneousness, as they love to take what others may consider trash to be parts in a valuable trinket. People who take the Lotoran out of context in these efforts may deem them critters playing in trash, but the Craftpaw Lotoran know better.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Always Looking. You gain proficiency in the Intelligence (Investigation) skill.

Dumpster Dive. You are adept at turning trash into treasure. Spending 10 minutes uninterrupted, you can roll on the dumpster dive table as you gather up trash and scrap to create an item. Each item should be detailed in the D&D 5th edition basic rules or player’s handbook. If that item is not used by the beginning of your next long rest, it falls apart and becomes irrepairable. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Dumpster Dive Table
Number rolled on a d8 Item Constructed
1 Alchemist’s Fire
2 Ball Bearings (bag of 1,000)
3 Bomb
4 Caltrops (bag of 20)
5 Grappling Hook
6 Grenade, Smoke
7 Healer’s Kit
8 Hunting Trap



Racial Feats:

Feats exclusive to the Lotoran people are included below in alphabetical order.

Creative Tinkerer

Prerequisite: Lotoran (Craftpaw)

Your ability to assemble treasure from trash has ascended to an even higher level, as you have learned to become adept at building machines that shock and awe those around you.

  • You become proficient in tinkers’ tools. If you are already proficient in tinkers’ tools, you become proficient in another set of artisan’s tools of your choice.
  • You learn two artificer infusions of your choice available to the artificer class. You must be able to meet the prerequisites for the infusions that you learn, and you can only have one of these two known infusions active at a time. These infusions abide by the same rules detailed in the infusing an item section of the artificer class description. If you learn the replicate magic item infusion from the artificer class using this feat, this feat treats you as a 2nd-level artificer unless you have artificer levels that exceed 2 and meet the required prerequisite.

Lifelong Friend

Prerequisite: Lotoran

Lotoran tend not to be trusting of others, but to those they trust and love, they are the fiercest and most loyal companions. Most Lotoran form a tight net of their loved ones, providing safety and security for each of them. You gain the following traits.

  • You learn the guidance cantrip. For you, this cantrip has a range of 60 feet when you cast it. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.
  • When you use a reaction for your scampering retreat ability, you can choose a number of allies equal to your proficiency bonus minus 1 to also take that same reaction.

The Art of the Heist

Prerequisite: Lotoran (Softpaw)

For many lower-class Lotoran in the more metropolitan areas of The Ever Haven, conforming to the stereotype of Lotoran thievery in order to make ends meet is a harsh reality to face. However, in order to protect and provide for those they care about, Lotoran often embrace and even enjoy the lifestyle of the career criminal. Certain Lotoran employ special skills of the trade and even magic to turn burglary into borderline artistry.

  • You gain proficiency in thieves’ tools and one skill of your choice. If you already had proficiency in thieves’ tools, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with thieves’ tools.
  • You learn the pass without trace spell and one 1st-level spell of your choice. The 1st-level spell must be from the divination or transmutation school of magic. You can cast each of these spells without expending a spell slot. Once you cast either of these spells in this way, you can’t cast that spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. The spells’ spellcasting ability is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (you choose when you take this feat).




  • Created by Ricky_K16
  • Art credit to Pen and Potion Publishing and Eric Ruskoski
  • Created for The Ever Haven campaign setting