The Story so Far…..


Fimbulvetr has just ended, Odin has called up some random people from different race (you, the players) to help him prevent Ragnarök, the world ending apocalypse. You well be sent to do tasks for Odin. Information about Odin will slowly be revealed to you, information about him that he doesn’t want you to know about. At Ragnarök, you will be given the choice to either help Odin, or go against him. What will you choose….

Go out there and explore!!!

The False Prophesy

Odin, after the death of his son, Balder the God of Beauty, went to Gora, a Frost Giant seer, for information about his own death. Gora gave Odin Odinson, the All-Father, exactly what he wanted, information. He is told of his death, eaten alive by Fenrir, one of the bastred sons of Loki. Thor falls to Jörmungandr, the other bastred son of Loki. Eight of the Nine Realms would be destroyed. In Asgard the Dwarves would fight back, destroying the Bifröst Bridge, allowing the Frost and Fire Giants to invade Asgard, soon followed by the Dwarves, the Light and Dark Elves, the Vanir, then the Amry of the Damned Souls of the Dead led by Hel, the bastred daughter of Loki. The humans would be saved from the chaotic, world ending destruction of Ragnarök. Surtr would make his way to Asgard, destroying all the other Realms, beside Midgard. Sinking his firey sword into the heart of Asgard, destroying it with everyone in it. Odin, furious with this information, slayed Gora in cold blood. Afterwhich, Odin travels to the Well of Mímir to ask for more information. Mímir tells Odin to sacrifce the blood and flesh of a god to get the answers he is seeking for. Odin sacrifices his left eye to see the true prophesy for himself….

The True Prophesy

Odin forsaw his death by Fenrir again, but Thor dies before Ragnarök, by a One-Eyed God. The same One-Eyed-God with change the events of Ragnarök, Odin still dies in the end, but only Asgard is destroyed. The Bifröst Bridge is still destroyed, the Frost and Fire Giants, the dwarves, the Light and Dark Elves, the Vanir, and the Damned Souls of the Dead, still led by Hel, still invade Asgard, but most are saved from Ragnarök when Surtr arrives and destroys Asgard. The reamining Eight of Nine Realms are saved. This One-Eyed God will lead the opposing side during Ragnarök, the side against Odin. After that it becomes unclear to Odin what happens after Ragnarök. Odin now searches for this One-Eyed God, hoping to kill him, thinking that his death could result in the prevention of Ragnarök, and the death of himself.


| The Story so Far…..1



Who made these weapons?

The beings that made most, if not all, of the legendary weapons that the Gods wield such as Thor, Loki, Freyr, and more, are the well known Huldra Brothers! But they are weapons that only the Gods can wield….. right?

The Huldra Brothers

The famous, or infamous depending on who you are, are responsible for most of the godly weapons that have spilled blood, innocent and evil, even started and ended wars. They are well known as, “The Most Talented Dwarves to ever Exist”, being able to make the god-like weapons like Mjölnir, Thor’s mighty hammer. Loki’s ever changing weapon, never the same thing for too long. Freyr’s deadly sword. And more, but most importantly, the Bifröst Bridge. Huldra Brothers

↟ Huldra Brothers ↟

Huldra Brother Brand

↟ Huldra Brother Brand ↟

2 |The Huldra Brothers `



The Godly Weapons

What is this?

This is where you will find all of the godly weapons that some of the gods currently use, used, or will use.


Weapon, Legendary (requires attunement: Thor’s Gauntlet’s, Thor’s Belt)

Created by the Huldra Brothers, Mjölnir can be thrown and has unlimited reach. Any targets hit by Mjölnir must make a Dexterity save throw with a DC of 17. If they succeed, nothing happens and Mjölnir returns to the owner. If the fail, the target takes 2d8+10 Electric damage, lasts for 3 rounds. Mjölnir will always return to its owner.

In Hand - 2d8 Bludging (+5 if target is electrified)
Thrown - Target must make a Dexterity save throw with a DC of 17. 2d8 +10 (+5 if target is electrified)
Lighting Bolts - 10ft. by 10ft. area, can only summon up to 3 Lighting Bolts per day. Dexterity save throw with a DC of 20. 2d4 Electric damage.




↟ Mjölnir ↟

Art By: JoshMcKehey




Weapon, shortsword, Legendary (requires no attunement)

The legendary sword of Danish “King” Hrólf Krakih, crafted by Hrólf Krakih himself using the Skofnung Stone and the souls of his twelve berserker followers to instill it with magic it possess now. With Skofnung, you can summon up to twelve bodyguards every 3 days, you can summon however many you want. Any wound made by Skofnung becomes impossible to heal, unless the wound is healed using Heilunarsteinn (Stone of Healing).


In Hand - 2d6 Piercing
Bodyguards - 2d8 Necrotic Damage (DC of 10) /Life Drain (+4 damage)
Rolling for Bodyguards - Roll a d12 to determine how many bodyguards you can summon.
Extra information about the bodyguards

Your bodygaurds can be summoned at any distance.


↟ Skofnung ↟




Sword of Freyr

↡ Sword of Freyr ↡

Sword of Freyr | THE GODLY WEAPONS


Sword of Freyr

Weapon, longsword, Legendary (requires no attunement)

The origins of Freyr’s sword still remains a mystery to most execpt for Freyr, he is the only one who knows of its creation. Those who have seen the Sword of Freyr have described it as, “…having a mind of its own, he [Freyr] just let go of it, and it just shot towards me.”

Command the Sword with your Will!

If you obtain Freyr’s Sword, you can command the sword to do just about anything for you. Also, once obtained, the sword will change its name to what ever you chose. The sword will listen to you, and only you until you either give it up, die, or gets destroyed.


In Hand - 2d8 Piercing/Slashing Damage
Commanded - 1d6 Piercing/Slashing Damage
Command Distance

The Sword of Freyr can only travel from 5ft. to 125ft. (1-25 squares)



The Fullkomið Spear

Weapon, spear, Legendary (requires no attunement)

The Fullkomið Spear, which literally means, ‘The Perfect Spear’. A ring that can transform into a double-sided spear and can transform back into the ring to conceal it, crafted by the legendary Huldra Brothers, to help counteract Gungnir (Odin’s Spear). Made using Asgardian Steel, and a part of Jörmungandr’s Tooth filled with Eitr, the only thing capable of harming and killing Thor, the God of Lighting and Thunder.

In Hand - 1d12 Piercing/Slashing Damage (Target must make a Medicine check with a DC of 18, if they fail they take 1d12 Poision Damage)
Thrown - Target must make a Dexterity save throw with a DC of 16. If they fail they take 1d6 Pirecing Damage (Target must make a Medicine check with a DC of 18, if they fail they take 1d6 Poision Damage)


If you do throw The Fullkomið Spear

If you throw The Fullkomið Spear, it will always return to you no matter what. If any creature trys to catch the spear in mid-air it must make a Strength save throw with a DC of 17, if they fail it depends on how bad they roll to see what happens, it could be from they simply don’t grab it to their arm gets taken off.

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↟ The Fullkomið Spear ↟

The Fullkomið Spear | THE GODLY WEAPONS 6





Gungnir (Odin’s Spear)

Weapon, spear, Legendary (requires no attunement)

Ah yes, the imfamous Gungnir, Odin’s Trusty Spear. Gungnir never misses, it always strikes true, when it misses it is on purpose. Created by the Sons of Ivaldi at Odins request, during the Æsir-Vanir War to turn the tides of battle. The process of the spears making is not known about, since it was impossible to see because the spear is just that powerful and godly. Ever since then, if you ever saw Gungnir, it likely meant you were going to die which now gave the weapon even more grace and power.

In Hand - 1d12 +5 Piercing Damage (If you are using any magic, the target now takes the correct amount of damge equal to the element)
Thrown - If the target is less than 25ft. away [5 squares] the target takes 2d12 +10 Piercing Damage. If the target is more than 25ft. away [5 squares] the target takes 1d12 +5 Piercing Damage


↟ Gungnir ↟





Forseti's Axe

↡ Forseti’s Axe ↡

9Forseti’s Axe | THE GODLY WEAPONS

Forseti’s Axe of Absolute Justice

Weapon, greataxe, Legendary (requires no attunement)

Not much is known about Forseti, the God of Justice and Reconciliation, being born shortly before his father’s death, Forsti is the son of Baldur, the God of Beauty. And nothing is known about his axe either, we don’t know if it was made by the Sons of Ivaldi, the Huldra Brothers, or by anybody else. It just appered by his side one day, and he neved talked about. Also, he was never seen using it, only for self-defence, and even then he never spilt any blood as it would go against everything he knew and stood for. One day, he shunk the axe into the ground of modren day Norway, creating a spring and walked off into the horizon never to be seen again. Many have tried to remove it and all have failed…. until now.

You can make a Spring out of thin air!

You can summon a spring out of thin air, if there are no water sources near by, by sinking it into the ground. Could be a useful thing to know, in case if you’re surrounded by enemies.

The Power…. of JUSTICE!!!

With the power of Justice and Reconciliation in the axe you wield now, any person or creature with an averge of Intelligence or higher becomes hostile, if they see the axe they must make a Wisdom save throw with a DC of 18. If they fail, they become peaceful again and will not attack, however, if they succeed, they stay hostile and a fight breaks out.

In Hand - 1d12 + Strength Bonus, Slashing (Add 2 to all attack bonus and damage rolls)
Withering Strike - Everytime you hit a creature, add 1d10 of Necrotic Damage.



Surtalogi (Surtr’s Sword of Infinite Flame)

Weapon, greatsword, Legendary (requires attunement - MUST BE A FIRE GIANT)

Surtr’s Sword of Infinite Fire and Flame, or known as Surtalogi. The sword that will set Asgard ablaze, burning everything in its path. It is a greatsword with a handle of marble, and a blade of damascus steel. Forged in the depths and heart of Múspell, where the first Fire Giant was created, only being engulfed in flames that is harmless to its wielder in combat or during Ragnarök. It is said that whoever wields Surtalogi will bring the end of Asgard and help to start Ragnarök.

In Hand - 2d6 + Strength Bonus, Slashing
Flmae Imbued Strike - Everytime you hit a creature, add 1d6 of Fire Damage. The creature is now on fire.
Harmless Fire

When in combat, or during Ragnarök, Surtalogi is engulfed in flames that is harmless to its wielder. Whatever creature tries to take it from the wielder, is immediately engulfed in flames as well and will become on fire and will take 2d8 Fire Damage.


↟ Surtalogi ↟







All of the Nordic Gods

Who ARE the Main Gods of Norse Myth?

Here is where you will find all of the main Norse Myth Gods such as Odin, the All-Father, Thor Odinson, the God of Lighting and Thunder, Loki Laufeyson, the Trickster God of Mischief, and more!!!

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↟ Thor Odinson ↟

(God of Lighting and Thunder)

Thor Odinson (God of Lighting and Thunder)

Born after one of Odin’s affair with Jörd, a Frost Giant, Thor Odinson was born. Thor was born a half-Giant and half-Æsir. He was quickly raised to be the strongest god to ever live, but was never able to surpass Odin, his own father. It was prophecied that Thor was to die during Ragnarök to Jörmungandr, but was revealed that he truely dies before Ragnarök and dies at the hands to a One-Eyed-God. Thor, like many of the Gods, can be injured but can only be killed by user Eitr, the poision that only Jörmungandr can produce. Thor is married to Sif and is the father of Thrudr, his daughter, and his sons Modi and Magni.

11Thor Odinson, God of Lighting and Thunder | THE NORDIC GODS




Odin Odinson (The All-Father) | THE NORDIC GODS

Odin Odinson (The All-Father)

The strongest God of them all, Odin Odinson, or better known as “The All-Father”, seeing as he created all of humanity. Son of Bor, who is the son of Ymir which makes Odin the grandson to the first being in existence, a Frost Giant. Odin is half-Giant and half-God. Odin alongside with his two brothers, Vili and Vé, commited the first genocide. Killing Ymir, which resulted in killing other being not God or Giant. After which they made the first realm, Asgard and called themselves the Æsir. Odin then made Midgard by using the remnants of Ymir, the oceans out of his blood, his skull into the sky, his brains as the clouds, his teeth as rocks, his bones became the mountains, his hair became the forests, his flesh being used as the land human use now, and finally his eyelashes became the wall that separated all Nine Realms from Jötunheim. From there he made the human race and became, “The All-Father”. After that he led the army in the Æsir-Vanir War, to which he led the Æsir to victory. He banished the Vanir from ever entering Asgard again, he banished the remaining Vanir to a remote island just off of Midgard, they then called it Vanaheimr. Odin is married to Freyja, the Vanir Goddess of Fertility, and the Valkyrie Queen. Odin is the father of Thor, Baldr, Víðarr, Hermóðr, Höðr, Heimdall, Váli, Týr, and finally Sigi. He later made a deal with Loki, where Loki became his “blood” brother.

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↟ Odin Odinson ↟

(The All-Father)



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↟ Loki Laufeyson ↟

(The Trickster God of Mischief)

Loki Laufeyson

Loki Laufeyson is the off-spring of Fárbauti and Laufey a pair of Frost Giants. Loki, of course, is a Frost Giant but is the best at shapeshifting there as ever been. Loki is married to Sigyn but has had many affairs with Angrboða, with whom they made Hel, the godess of death and leader of Helheim who has half of her body full of beauty while the other half is dead and filled with death and rotten flesh, Fenrir the giant wolf that can not die and is told to kill Odin Odinson at Ragnarök, Jörmungandr the World Serpent that was told to kill Thor Odinson at Ragnarök as well, and finally Sleipnir the eight legged horse Odin rides now, when Loki was impregnated by Svaðilfari. Loki, on a regular basis, would mess with the Æsir Gods with all their tricks. So, Odin being the smart god he is, called upon Loki and made a blood oath with them, which also meant that they would need to stop messing with the Æsir Gods but they would be welcomed into Asgard with open arms. The deal was that Loki’s blood would not be spilt if Loki would not spill Æsir blood. This deal however was broken when Loki killed Baldur, and now Loki will soon face trial where they will see their judgment. Loki and Heimdall are to kill each other during Ragnarök. The only of the Laufeyson lineage to survive Ragnarök is their daughter, Hel.


Loki Laufeyson | THE NORDIC GODS



Heimdall Odinson (The God who Sees and Hears all)

Heimdall Odinson, the son of Odin and Gjolp, Greip, Eistla, Eyrgjafa, Ulfrun, Angeyja, Imth, Atla, and Jarnsaxa. Heimdall, was gifted as being Asgard’s Faithful Watcher, his gift was to hear and see everything that goes on in the Nine Realm. Odin himself gave Heimdall, Gjallarhorn, the Horn of Ragnarök. He also has the ability to foresee the future in an instant, and because of this he has never been hit before. It is also said that he can shift through realms, or in other words, he can slow down time and teleport. Not much is known about Heimall because all he does is stay cooped up in Valhalla, the Hall of the Slain, awaiting for any signs of Ragnarök. It is told that he and Loki are to kill each other…. but Heimdall sees otherwise.

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↡ Heimdall Odinson ↡

(The God who Sees and Hears all)


Heimdall Odinson | THE NORDIC GODS



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↟ Freyr ↟

(God of Peace, Fertility, Rain, and Sunshine)


Freyr (God of Peace, Fertility, Rain, and Sunshine)

Freyr, the Vanir God of Peace, Fertility, Rain, and Sunshine, twin brother to Freyja, Odin’s wife. Married to Gerd and had a son, Fjölnir, with her. He had one of his servents, Skírnir, Byggvir and Beyla, go to a weaponsmith to make him his sword, the Sword of Freyr. But one day, he gave his sword for his wife, swearing that he will never use it again, in return for her hand in marriage, and from there on out, Freyr was never able to pick-up his sword again. Freyr never does anything special, except for messing around with the Æsir Gods, and would be burned alive and permanently kicked out of and banned from ever visiting Asgard. He now spends all his time protecting Vanaheimr, and perparing for Ragnarök. When Ragnarök comes, and the Bifröst Bridge falls, Freyr and his army will swarm Asgard. It was told that Freyr would use his sword at Ragnarök, but now he can’t…. someone else will have to use his sword.



Týr Odinson (God of War)

Týr Odinson is the God of War, son to Odin and Hymir, a Wolf Giant. He was born without the strength of Thor, but was gifted the near the same level of wisdom and intelligence as his father, Odin. Týr, tries to be like his father in anyway possible, except for one, his knowledge. Týr knows of the shortcuts to power, knowledge, fame etc. He knows of these shortcuts and he knows the prices of these shortcuts, because he has seen them. In recent events, Týr has helped Odin with something, stopping Odin’s death but with a cost, Týr’s hand. Odin is willing to throw his children out to the wolves (no pun intended) for the search of endless knowledge, magic, power, and wisdom. Týr, now seeing this, does not trust his father anymore and will stop at nothing to bring him down. It is told that Týr, at Ragnarök, will fall to Garmr, the hound of Hel…. but will it stay true? In the mean time, he focuses on helping Odin’s hired party with their tasks and will reveal information about the Nine Reams and secrets that they might not have known.

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↟ Týr Odinson ↟

(God of War)

16 Týr Odinson | THE NORDIC GODS



17 Hel Laufeyson | THE NORDIC GODS

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↟ Hel Laufeyson ↟

(The Goddess of Death and Ruler of Hel)

Hel Laufeyson (Goddess of Death of Ruler of Hel)

Hel is the bastard daughter of Loki, she rules and lives in the Realm Hel and is the Goddess of Death. She was born with half of her body full of beauty and the other side full of death, and rotting flesh and mostly an exposed skeleton. The day that she was born, she was casted into Niflheimr by Odin to avoid Ragnarök, “If you did not die bravely in battle, you come here to Hel, once here you will be judged by me. Depending on how, when, and where you died you will either be punished or you shall rest in peace.” Those were the first words spoken in Hel, by Hel.





The Nine Realms

Just what ARE the Nine Realms?

Here, we will discuss what all the Nine Realms are. Starting with the first two Realms that came into existence, Múspell the Realm of internal Fire and Heat where the true Fire Giant Surtr lives. Then we will move onto the other Realms, and Niflheimr the Realm of internal Ice and Coldness where Hel lives.

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↡ Surtr ↡

(The First Fire Giant, Leader of the Fire Giant Army)

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↟ Ginnungagap ↟

(The Void)

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↡ Múspell ↡

(Realm of Fire, Heat, Surtr, and the Fire Giants)

Múspell (Realm of Fire, Heat, Surtr, and the Fire Giants)

In the endlesses of Ginnungagap, came the First Spark. The First Spark created Múspell (or Múspellsheimr), the Realm of Fire, Heat, Surtr, and the Fire Giants. But there would be no life until the First Being was born. After they were born, then came Surtr, the First Fire Giant and the one to make the Fire Giant Army. Not much goes on in Múspell, things have certainly calmed down since the First Spark. Surtr now guards the entrance to Múspell, but when needed, he goes elsewhere. But only under important circumstances, such as which one of Odin’s Ravens comes to talk to one of Surtr’s soldiers. Other beings of life and magic can step foot in this Realm. But those who do, be careful, for you can’t possibly know the consequences if you step in the wrong spot….. you could fall into Ginnungagap, lost forever, falling into eternity until your death. Or you can caught on fire, or fall into lava….. you never know, traveler…..



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↡ Niflheimr ↡

(Realm of Internal Ice, Coldness, and Hel)

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↡ Ymir ↡

(First Frost Jötnar)

It would be very, very, VERY hard to find any shelter here in this realm. The Souls of the Damned that have escaped Hel roam freely in Niflheimr, so do the restless Undead, and be wary for if you see one there surly must be more. Also a word of advice, be careful where you step…. you could fall into Ginnungagap, lost forever, falling into eternity until your death. Or you can encounter a posse of Undead, even though they are easy to kill, they could very easily and quickly overpower your party….. you never know, traveler. 19 Niflheimr | THE NINE REALMS

Niflheimr (Realm of Internal Ice, Coldness, and Hel)

After the creation of Múspell, then came Niflheimr. The Realm of Internal Ice, Coldness, and where Hel resides, and the Realm of the Damned Soulds. From the creation of Niflheimr, the heat from Múspell melted the core of Niflheimr, and from the melted Ice came Ymir, the first ever living being in all of existence. From there, Auðumbla came into the frame, nobody still knows where she came from but that doesn’t matter. Auðumbla nurtured Ymir, where Ymir made the first ever race of beings, Frost Jötnar (Giants). From there the first “Gods” were born and killed Ymir. From there the blood feud between the Jötnar and the Æsir was forever carved into the bones of Ymir. The Realm Hel also resides in Niflheimr, they are two Realms in one, one resting just on top on the other. But would not be made and crafted into the realm of Hel until its ruler, Hel, was born.



Asgard (Realm of the Æsir Gods)

The first realm to be made by living hands, and the third in existence, was Asgard. Built by the Æsir gods, to escape the Frost Jötnar and for Odin Odinson to finally become the All-Father. Within Asgard is Valhalla, a sub-realm made by Odin once again, but for those who died bravely in battle, they would be picked up by the Valkyries and flown to Valhalla, Paradise for Vikings. Asgard is littered with tons and tons of gold, every building is made out of gold. Here is were most of the main Nordic Figures live such as Odin, Thor, Týr, Heimdall, Freyja and more! A very large handfull of humans came here to Asgard after the Great Flood, seeking shelter. Now it is just used as the home of the Æsir.

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↟ Asgard ↟

(Realm of the Æsir Gods)





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↟ Midgard ↟

(Realm of the Humans



Midgard (Realm of the Humans)

Once Odin made Asgard, he wanted to make his own race, in his own image but with no God-Like powers so they couldn’t overthrow him or the Æsir, and so that they worshiped him and Æsir. So he made Askr and Embla, the first humans and their race. And from there they got busy, making the entirety of the Human Race, Odin then became the ‘All-Father’, seeing as he made all of mankind.



Vanaheimr (Realm of The Vanir)

After the Æsir-Vanir War, the Æsir banished the Vanir from Asgard and ever interacting with the humans. Freyja, the daughter of Njörðr, the God of the Sea, Seafaring, Wind, Fishing, Wealth, and Crop Fertility. She [Freyja] was forced to marry Odin as a peace offering, a plan devised by Mímir, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom and Smartest Man Alive. He was beheaded during the Æsir-Vanir War and was resurrected by Odin to keep his knowledge and wisdom. After the Vanir’s banishment from Asgard, the Vanir found their own realm and called it, ‘Vanaheimr’.

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↟ Vanaheimr ↟

(Realm of The Vanir)

22 Vanaheimr | THE NINE REALMS



23 Helheimr | THE NINE REALMS cat warrior

↟ Helheimr ↟

(Realm of the Damned Souls)

Helheimr (Realm of the Damned Souls)

When Niflheimr was made, there was Hel or Helheimr. The Realm of the Damned Souls. Here souls of the “damned” go, or otherwise those who do not die bravely in battle and did not live a good life. Deaths such as old age, sickness, getting murdered (of course not in battle), accident, etc. But you also come here if you did not led or lived a good live, such as being a theif, a murderer (for no reason), being a tyrant, worshipping false gods or not worshipping any gods, committing suicide, etc. Here, Hel was thrown into the coldest, darkest depths of Niflheimr. She quickly rose to become the ruler of the Realm, Helheimr, defeating dead, damned souls left and right, gaining the respect of the dead and becoming the ruler of the dead souls. This is also where the Army of the Damned resides, the same one Hel and Loki will command at Ragnarök.



24 Álfheimr | THE NINE REALMS cat warrior

↟ Álfheimr ↟

Kyoung Hwan Kim

Álfheimr (Realm of the Light Elves)