Tralora university

student and faculty

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Dearest Student,

Tralora University is a unique institution of higher learning that has been the home of magical knowledge for centuries. The university is situated in towers that float high above the bustling city of Tralora, a breathtaking sight to behold. Its dedication to education is unparalleled, and its faculty is made up of the most esteemed scholars and practitioners of magic in the land.

At Tralora University, students are immersed
in a rigorous academic environment that challenges them to develop their magical abilities and hone
their skills. The university offers courses in all schools of magic, including evocation, divination, enchantment, abjuration, transmutation, and necromancy. In addition, students have access to a vast library of ancient tomes, grimoires, and other arcane texts that have been collected over the years.

But Tralora University is not just a place of learning. It is also the home of the Arcane Congress, a
powerful organization of wizards and sorcerers
who oversee the use of magic throughout the
land. The university’s close ties with the Arcane Congress mean that its students are exposed to the latest developments in magical research and technology, and they are given opportunities to participate in cutting-edge research projects.

Under the administration of Archmage Darrius Lowe, Tralora University has continued to thrive and expand its reach. Lowe is a visionary leader who has overseen the construction of new towers and the recruitment of additional faculty members to meet the growing demand for magical education. He is deeply committed to the university’s mission of providing students
with the tools they need to become successful practitioners of magic and to contribute to the greater good of society.

In short, Tralora University is a place of wonder and discovery, a place where the brightest and most talented students from all over the land come to study and learn. Its dedication to education and research is unparalleled, and its impact on the world of magic cannot be overstated.

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Student Life

As one of the most prestigious magical institutions in the land, Tralora University prides itself on providing a comprehensive and challenging curriculum to its students. Life at Tralora University is an immersive experience, with the towers that make up the university floating above the city of Tralora. This unique location offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes and allows for the students to study in a serene and peaceful environment, free from the distractions of the bustling city below.

Students at Tralora University can expect to engage in a wide variety of academic pursuits, including courses in the various schools of magic, alchemy, history, and more. The faculty is comprised of accomplished and respected scholars who are dedicated to fostering the intellectual growth and curiosity of their students. Many of the professors are also active members of the Arcane Congress, ensuring that students receive firsthand knowledge of the latest magical research and discoveries.

Outside of academics, students at Tralora University have ample opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities. The university boasts a number of student clubs and organizations, including the Mage’s Guild, the Alchemy Club, and the Adventurer’s League. These groups offer students a chance to connect with others who share their interests, as well as opportunities to apply their skills and knowledge in real-world settings.

Despite the rigorous coursework, student life at Tralora University is not all work and no play. The university hosts regular social events and celebrations, including the annual Mage’s Ball, a magical festival where students and faculty alike can let their hair down and enjoy the company of their peers.

Overall, life at Tralora University is a challenging, yet rewarding experience that prepares students for a life of magical scholarship and exploration. The dedication of the faculty and the resources available to students ensure that those who attend Tralora University receive a world-class education and a foundation for success in any magical pursuit they may choose.

Courses That Fit Your Needs

Tralora University offers a wide range of classes to its students, covering all eight schools of magic and a variety of specializations within each. Here are just a few examples of classes offered at Tralora University:

  1. Elemental Mastery: This course, taught by Professor Magnus Firestorm, focuses on the manipulation of the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) through the use of spells and incantations. Students will learn to control the elements with precision and power, culminating in the creation of their own custom spells.
  2. Divination Techniques: Taught by Professor Eilistraee Nightshade, this class delves into the art of divination, teaching students to use a variety of tools and techniques to scry into the past, present, and future. Students will learn to interpret signs and symbols, and to hone their intuition and clairvoyance.
  3. Artifice and Enchantment: This course, taught by Professor Millicent Blackwood, combines the practical skills of crafting magical items with the art of enchantment. Students will learn to imbue their creations with magical properties, using a variety of runes, sigils, and incantations.
  4. Necromancy and Ethics: This controversial course is taught by Professor & Member of the Arcane Congress, Darian Darkwood, who seeks to dispel the myths surrounding their chosen school of magic. Students will learn the fundamentals of necromancy, including the reanimation of the dead, but will also grapple with the ethical considerations surrounding this practice.
  5. Time Magic: Taught by Professor Felix Goldstein, this class delves into the manipulation of time itself. Students will learn to slow or speed up time, to see glimpses of the future, and even to travel through time. However, the dangers of messing with the fabric of reality are emphasized, and students are warned not to use their newfound powers recklessly.

These classes are just a sampling of the many courses available at Tralora University. With a faculty of renowned wizards and sorcerers, students can rest assured that they are receiving a top-tier magical education.

Meet The Students

At Tralora University, students from all over Votara come to study magic and the arcane arts. In this section of our brochure, we invite you to meet some of our extraordinary students, each with their own unique talents, backgrounds, and aspirations. From the ambitious young wizard seeking to hone their craft to the intrepid artificer eager to explore the wonders of the world, Tralora University is home to a diverse array of students who are united in their passion for magic and their desire to make a difference in the world. We hope that their stories will inspire you and give you a glimpse of what life is like as a student at our prestigious institution. So come along and meet the students of Tralora University - the future leaders and innovators of the magical world.



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Eryndor Moonbright

Hometown: Jirrough, Masania
Area of Study: Transmutation
Class: Wizard
Grade: Year Three
Extra Curriculars: Fencing Club
Fun Fact: Father, Sylendror, was a member
of the Arcane Congress.

"I never imagined a place like Tralora
University existed, where magic is not just
a tool but a way of life. I am honored to be
a part of such a diverse and talented
community, constantly pushing the
boundaries of what we know and exploring
the limitless potential of the arcane."

Gromli Ironfist

Home town: Solar Valley, Mog Farum
Area of Study: Abjuration
Class: Sorcerer
Grade: Year Four
Extra Curriculars: Adventurer’s Guild
Fun Fact: Gromli gets his powers from some connection to a Draconic Bloodline

“Tralora University has taught me not only the ways of magic, but also the importance of camaraderie and teamwork. I have been able to forge bonds with fellow students that will last a lifetime, and I am honored to be a part of such a prestigious institution that values not only academic excellence, but also the growth and development of its students as individuals.”



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Riva Stormborn

Hometown: Vley, Parute
Area of Study: Conjuration
Class: Sorcerer
Grade: Year Three
Extra Curriculars: Arcane Debate Society
Fun Fact: Riva is the youngest student to
to win an award for debate.

“Tralora University is not just a place of
learning, it’s a place of discovery. It’s where
I found my true self, my powers, and my purpose.
The faculty and students are like family,
supporting and challenging each other to be
the best we can be. It’s not just about studying
the arcane arts, it’s about exploring who we are
and how we can use our gifts to make a
difference in the world.”

Zara Skyweaver

Hometown: Brightnest, Membabmo Jungle
Area of Study: Divination
Class: Rogue
Grade: Year Four
Extra Curricular: Divination Study Group
Fun Fact: Zara is the first Aarakocra student to attend Tralora University.

“Tralora University is so much more than it seems; it is a place to unlock the secrets of the universe. As an aarakocra, I have always had a deep fascination with the stars and the future they hold. Tralora has given me the tools to look beyond the present and chart a course to a better tomorrow. I am proud to be a student here, and I know that the knowledge and skills I have gained will serve me well in whatever path I choose to take.”



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Kethril Darkleaf

Hometown: Entopolis, Dornea
Area of Study: Necromancy
Class: Cleric
Grade: Year Four
Extra Curriculars: Arcane Debate Club
Fun Fact: Kehtril has made the Archmage’s
List for every year he has been a student.

"Casting off the shackles of my past
and embracing the knowledge and power
that Tralora University offers has been
nothing short of transformative. The
opportunity to learn from the greatest minds
in magic, to hone my craft, and to explore
the mysteries of the universe has been an
unparalleled privilege. I am honored to be
a student at this prestigious institution and
grateful for all the doors it has opened for me."

Sylphie Sunwhisper

Home town: Vley, Parute
Area of Study: Enchanment
Class: Bard
Grade: Year Three
Extra Curriculars: Bardic Society
Fun Fact: Sylphie is the president of the Bardic Society and helped usher in an annual talent show for the students of Tralora University.

“Cultivating one’s talents and harnessing one’s passions is the ultimate pursuit of any true artist, and Tralora University is the perfect stage upon which to do so. The wealth of knowledge and expertise here is unparalleled, and the opportunities to explore new creative horizons are endless. I am grateful for the chance to learn from such a diverse and talented community of artists, and I know that Tralora will help me take my art to the next level.”



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Kaelen Fireheart

Hometown: Alovale, Nandonia
Area of Study: Evocation
Class: Sorcerer
Grade: Year Five
Extra Curriculars: None
Fun Fact: Kaelen was able to single handedly
defeat a demon summoned by accident
during a conjuration class.

“Tralora University has been an incredible
experience for me. It has not only provided
me with a solid foundation in magical
theory and practice but has also allowed me
to explore my true potential as an evocation
sorcerer. The faculty and staff are knowledgeable
and supportive, and the extracurricular
activities have allowed me to broaden my
horizons and connect with fellow students
who share my passion for magic. I am grateful
for the opportunities Tralora has given me,
and I look forward to continuing my studies here.”

Lirien Twinklefingers

Hometown: Zlailrith, The Gatten Isles
Area of Study: Illusion
Class: Wizard
Grade: Year Four
Extra Curricular: Theater Club
Fun Fact: Lirien put on very successful play remembering the events of the Five Year War.

“Tralora University has not only helped me hone my craft as an illusionist but has also provided me with opportunities to perform and entertain audiences. The professors are knowledgeable and supportive, and the curriculum is rigorous but rewarding. I’m grateful for the education and experiences I’ve had here, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me and my fellow students.”



Meet The Staff

Tralora University is known throughout the realm for its exceptional faculty members, who are renowned for their knowledge, skill, and dedication to teaching the next generation of magic-users. These teachers come from a diverse array of backgrounds and bring with them a wide range of skills, experience, and perspectives. Their collective expertise in the various schools of magic, combined with their passion for teaching and mentoring, makes them some of the most sought-after educators in the land.

The faculty of Tralora University is made up of accomplished wizards, sorcerers, clerics, and other magic-users who have dedicated their lives to the study and practice of the arcane arts. They have studied and mastered a wide range of magical disciplines, from the basics of divination and transmutation to the more specialized fields of necromancy, enchantment, and illusion. Many of these teachers have even developed their own unique approaches to magic, blending different schools and techniques to create new spells and abilities.

Despite their different areas of expertise, the faculty members of Tralora University share a common goal: to help their students develop their magical abilities and reach their full potential. They believe that anyone can learn magic, regardless of their background or innate talents, and they work tirelessly to create an environment that fosters learning, experimentation, and growth.

One of the hallmarks of the faculty at Tralora University is their emphasis on the various schools of magic. Each teacher specializes in one or more of these schools and is an expert in the spells, abilities, and theories associated with them. This allows students to explore the different areas of magic in-depth and develop a deep understanding of how they work and how they can be applied in different situations.

Some of the faculty members at Tralora University are experts in the school of evocation, which focuses on the manipulation of energy and the use of spells that cause damage or destruction. These teachers are skilled at crafting spells that can devastate enemies or create powerful protective barriers, and they often encourage their students to embrace their destructive tendencies and learn how to harness them in a controlled and focused way.

Others specialize in the school of illusion, which focuses on the creation of images, sounds, and other sensory experiences that can deceive, mislead, or distract opponents. These teachers are masters of deception and trickery, and they often encourage their students to experiment with the boundaries of what is real and what is illusory.

Still, others are experts in the school of necromancy, which focuses on the manipulation of life and death. These teachers are often misunderstood or even feared by outsiders, but they are passionate about their work and believe that the ability to control life and death is one of the most powerful and important aspects of magic.

Regardless of their areas of expertise, all of the faculty members at Tralora University are committed to teaching and mentoring their students. They take pride in watching their pupils grow and develop, and they work tirelessly to create a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages experimentation, collaboration, and creativity.

In addition to their teaching duties, many of the faculty members at Tralora University are also involved in research and development projects. They are constantly exploring new areas of magic, developing new spells and techniques, and testing their theories in the field. This research not only helps to advance the field of magic but also provides students with unique opportunities to participate in cutting-edge research projects and gain valuable hands-on experience.

Perhaps most importantly, the faculty members at Tralora University are passionate about their work and believe deeply in the transformative power of magic. They are not simply teachers or mentors; they are role models, guides, and inspiration to their students, and they are committed to helping them become the best magic-users they can be.

In conclusion, the faculty of Tralora University is a diverse and talented group

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Alastair Mirkwood

Hometown: Egarel
Education Priority: Abjuration
Class: Wizard
Years at Tralora 25
Courses: Arcane Theory and Practices,
Advanced Abjuration, Planar Studies

“Casting magic is not just a skill, it’s an art.
Tralora University recognizes this and provides
a nurturing environment where students can
explore the depths of their potential and
hone their skills. As a faculty member, I am
proud to be a part of an institution that
values not only knowledge but also creativity
and imagination. Tralora is more than just
a place to learn magic; it’s a community that
encourages its members to push the
boundaries of what is possible and to
embrace their own unique talents and abilities.”

Elvira Moonshadow

Home town: Bridgewater, Masania
Education Priority: Nature
Class: Druid
Years at Tralora: 12
Courses: Magical Creatures 101, Advanced Magical Creatures, and Beast Taming.

“Tralora University is a place where students can truly explore their potential and discover their place in the magical world. It’s not just a place to learn spells and incantations, but also to develop a deep understanding and appreciation of the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it. As a professor of Magical Beasts, I have the pleasure of guiding my students in this journey of discovery and helping them unlock the secrets of the wondrous creatures that share our world.”



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Millicent Blackwood

Hometown: Alovale, Nandonia
Area of Study: Enchantment
Class: Bard
Years at Tralora: 35
Courses: Introduction to Enchantment, Advanced Enchantment, and “Enchantment for Practical Applications.

“Casting enchantments is like painting with
magic, and Tralora University provides the
perfect canvas to explore the endless
possibilities of this art. Here, we encourage
our students to unleash their creativity and
embrace their inner power to shape reality
itself. It’s a thrilling journey that will
transform you in ways you never imagined.
Come and join us, and let’s paint the world with
our magic!”

Felix Goldstein

Hometown: Tralora, Casis
Area of Study: Artificer
Class: Bard
Years at Tralora: 15
Courses: Introduction to Alchemy, Artificery 101, Machines & Magic 101

“Casting spells and building magical devices is a unique and challenging art form that requires creativity, ingenuity, and technical skill. At Tralora University, we cultivate the brightest minds in the realm and empower them to push the boundaries of magical innovation. It is an honor to teach here and to inspire the next generation of artificers and wizards to reach their full potential.”