
Dreams cannot be drawn by only your star;

An unseen wind carries them on their way.

If you get the feeling you can fly high and far,

Never let go of this hand holding you today.

-Excerpt from a Runarian lullaby.

Unclear Origins

A runar's appearance is similar to that of humans, such that they can easily pass for one with minimal disguise application. This similarity in appearance, along with no one quite knowing where they come from, has lead to a great deal of speculation as to where they came from. Some say they're a blessing - or a curse - from a god or a mad mage. Some say they're a mutation, an offshoot of humanity. Some call them wild magic accidents. Since their numbers are so small however they're little more than a fascination to the wider world, and runarian scholars who would look into it usually don't live long enough to make any great strides in their research.

Runars usually form small communes among human cities or villages and try to keep to their own as much as possible. If a town solely populated by them exists, it's kept well hidden. Should a runar successfully mate with another race, the child will always inherit the mother's race.

Lives Cut Short

Runar rarely live past the age of 30. Some believe this part of their curse, or an offshoot of their runes, but whatever the cause their life is barely a third that of the humans who they so resemble. Instead of gaining wrinkles, greying hair or weakened bodies with age, instead their skin slowly turns clear pure white. Small agespots usually begin appear by the age of 20, which grow across their body as they continue to age. Some runar try to use makeup or other concealing techniques to hide their age spots, but inevitably they can't cover them all. Once the agespots grow to a runar's rune, they pass away.

It's this shortened lifespan which drives many to accomplish as much as possible during their lifetimes. They are driven - far more so than even humans - to succeed, throwing themselves wholeheartedly, sometimes recklessly, into whatever they do. Those runar who become famous for their deeds usually compress what would take other races decades into a scant few years.


Aside from agespots the other physical difference between runar and normal humans is the runes that appear on their body. Their placement, shape and colour can differ between individuals but most commonly appear on the centre of the forehad. The rune connects directly to the mind and soul, attuning to the world around them. Runes often react strongly to a runar's emotions, glowing or shifting of their own accord when they're particularly happy or angry.

Given the direct connection to their soul, touching a runar's rune is usually seen as a very intimate thing to be allowed to do, reserved only for the closest friends or romantic partners. Two runars who touch their runes together can communicate telepathically in a way that allows perfect transferrance of information without misconception, allowing them to reach understandings far faster and more directly than other species. There are some runars that believe if all creatures had their runes, then there would be no more conflict or war, however this is usually viewed as somewhat naive, even among other rune-havers.

Removing a runar's rune has been known to cause immediate death from shock, but those few who survived the experience have related it in terms of being blinded and deafened, as if their connection to the world has been totally dulled.

Divine Wind

The prevailing religious belief among Runar society is in that of a 'divine wind', though this is more akin to the flow of energy than a literal physical wind. Their runes allow them to sense the energy flow around them which can manifest in differerent ways. For some, this allows them to attune better to those around them making them expert diplomats, while others can use it to predict future events.

Some scholars believe that the wind they speak of is actually the Weave, and that their runes grant greater insight into the magical nature of reality, though most Runar would contest this, believing that the energy of the Wind is divine. The most prominent aspect of belief in the divine wind is that of the Wind Singer, a prophesised individual who will lead Runar to prominence and glory, perhaps even freeing them from the shackles of their shortened lifespan. Though some have claimed the titles in ages past, none have lived up to the legend. Nevertheless belief persists, and many hold out hope that the Wind Singer will one day appear. It's this belief that lends a strong musical culture among Windermerean with almost all of them having experience with singing or musical instruments.

Racial Features

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age. Runar mature slightly faster than humans, growing to full grown adults around the age of 14 to 15. They usually pass away from old age by 30, though in some rare cases they can live to the venerable age of 35.

Alignment. Runar cover a wide spectrum of alignments. Many are somewhat fickle, drawn to flights of fancy by whatever grabs their attention owing to their short lifespan, but others prefer rigid structure to give meaning to their lives. They don't tend in any one direction.

Size. Runar range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Youthful Expertise. Runar, being a naturally shortlived race, throw all of themselves into their life with youthful exuberance. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice. After you reach 11th level, you apply your proficiency bonus twice for any ability checks that use this skill.

Rune of the Wind. The rune on your head is attuned to those around you, allowing you to sense danger before it occurs and keenly observe others. You can apply your Charisma modifier to any initiative and insight checks. Unfortunately its appearance makes it difficult to hide your emotions, other creatures advantage on Insight checks against you, and you have disadvantage on any deception checks you make.

In addition, if two Runar touch their runes together they can communicate telepathically, exchanging information freely and with perfect understanding.

Wind Sense. Sometimes you can sense a change in the wind before it occurs. As a reaction to making a dexterity saving throw you can choose to add your Charisma modifier to the roll, potentially turning a failed save into a success. You can choose to use this after seeing the result of the roll, but before the DM announces if it's a success or a fail. You must complete a short or long rest before being able to use this feature again.

Runesong. You gain access to two songs - Song of War and Song of Peace. These songs can be sung a combined number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, refreshing on a long rest. Your songs cannot be sung in an area of Silence or other sound-dampening environments.

  • Song of War: As a bonus action you link the thoughts and minds of your allies with a song of war. Any creatures other than yourself you choose who can hear you add your charisma bonus to their weapon attack rolls, and any ability checks, until the start of your next turn.
  • Song of Peace: As an action you seek to bring an end to the conflict with a song of peace. Creatures you choose who can hear you must succeed on a wisdom saving throw (DC8+your proficiency bonus+your charisma modifier). On a failed save, the creature becomes charmed for the duration, seeing visions of wide open space and floating peacefully.

While charmed by this feature, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of 0. Song of Peace ends for an affected creature if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to shake the creature out of its stupor. The effect lasts until the end of your next turn.

Musical Heart. You have advantage on saving throws against any sound or song based effects that affect the mind. This includes spells such as Suggestion, and monster features such as a Harpy's Luring Song or a Banshee's Wail.

Languages. You know Common and one other language of your choice.