The Ur Domain

Ur priests draw on divine power and the cleric tradition without any blessing from the gods. Most refute the gods in some way, or otherwise affront the gods by theft of their power. Many clerics of this kind wish to weaken the gods and their followers. Some believe that divine power should be unbound from divine worship. Others serve dead or powerless gods, drawing from divine power in hope of restoring them to ascendance. All these clerics draw the ire and wroth of pious clerics, who view an Ur priest as blasphemous and unholy.

Ur Domain Features
Cleric Level Features
1st Dissembling Erudition
2nd Channel Divinity: Unleash Divine Energy
6th Siphon Power
8th Potent Spellcasting
17th Transubstantiate Energies

Ur Domain Spells

An Ur priest appropriates freely from divine magics, granting them the liberty to choose their own path to power.

  • At 1st level, choose two 1st-level spells on the cleric spell list.

  • These spells become domain spells for you. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level, choose two additional spells on the cleric spell list at the spell level you gain access to. These spells become domain spells for you.

Dissembling Erudition

At 1st level, you have great understanding of both magic and divinity.

  • You become proficient in the Arcana and Religion skills. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of these skills.

  • In addition, you learn methods to invert celestial power. When you cast a spell that deals radiant or necrotic damage, you may change the damage type to be radiant or necrotic.

Channel Divinity: Unleash Divine Energy

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to unfetter raw divine energies governing life or death.

  • As an action, you present your holy symbol and release positive or negative energy (your choice), affecting creatures within 20 feet.

  • Positive energy heals living creatures and deals radiant damage to undead creatures equal to 1d10 + twice your cleric level.

  • Negative energy deals necrotic damage to living creatures and heals undead creatures equal to 1d10 + twice your cleric level.

  • Constructs are not healed or damaged by this energy. A creature that would be damaged by this ability makes a Constitution saving throw, taking half damage on a success.

Siphon Power

At 6th level, you can combine the powers you have taken from deities and use them to craft magic of your own design.

  • You can expend two cleric spell slots of the same level to cast a spell that you know using one slot higher than the slots expended.

  • For example, you may expend two 2nd-level spell slots to cast bestow curse as if you had expended a 3rd-level slot.

  • You cannot use this ability to cast a spell at 9th level or at a higher slot level than you have access to.

Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.

Transubstantiate Energies

At 17th level, you can convert the energies of hostile entities into a force all your own.

  • If you would become subject to magical damage, you may use your reaction to negate that damage.

  • After, make a Wisdom saving throw with a save DC equal to the DC or attack roll of the magical effect.

  • If you succeed, you redirect those energies to a creature or object of your choice within 60 feet. The target takes necrotic damage or gains health (your choice) equal to the damage of the magical effect.

  • You can use this feature once regain the ability to do so when you finish a Long Rest.