Jason Asano

Silver Rank - Essence User Dark, Blood, Sin, Doom


Race - Outworlder

Gender - Male

World - Earth (By Birth)

Pallimustus (By Choice)

Hair - Black

Eyes - Orange & Blue with Black Sclera

Build - Below average height, with a lean muscled Body

Notable Features - Large pointy chin minimized by a neatly trimmed beard


Large, from right hip across abdomen to the middle of the left side of his shoulder

Bisecting left eyebrow

On chin, cutting a line through beard

Large, at the base of throat

Various other small scars covering his body



Ken Asano (Father), Cheryl Asano (Mother)


Erika Asano (Sister), Kaito Asano (Brother - Deacesed)


Team Name - Team Biscuit


Humphrey Geller

Neil Davone

Sophie Wexler

Belinda Callahan

Clive Standish



Racial Abilities


  • Interpret Reality through a recognisalbe medium

  • You have access to a contacts list. You can form a party by sending invitations through the contacts list

  • Party members can access interface features so long as they remain in the party

  • Party members have access to Party Chat and Voice Chat. These functions have limited range

  • Quests from the [Quest System] can be shared with party members. Quest only remains availiable to party members while their in the party


  • Transfigured from [OutWorlder] ablility [Quest System].

  • Previos effect of racial ability [ Quest System] have been lost.

  • Ignore the enhanced resistences derived from rank Disperity. This only affects the enhanced resistence from being higher rank, not other surces of resistence.

  • Ignore the enhanced aura suppression and aura suppression resistance derived from rank disparity. This only affects the enhanced effects from being higher rank, not the inherently Superior strength of a higher rank auras.

  • Looting abilities used on higher-rank monsters defeated by you will have increased effect.




  • You have access to a dimensional storage space

  • You may call up a gate and physically enter your dimensional storage space. Only people you allow may enter;others can not forrcibly intrude.you may directly portal from within the storage space using the locatian of the gate gate as a starting point, even if the gate is obstructed or desroyed, preventing ordinary egress

  • You may summon Familiars within the storage space without the use of a ritual, altough any matirial requirements must still be consumed.

  • You may creat Spirit Domains that reflect your nature and power. The maximum total size of your Spirit Domains is a factor of your rank and soul strength. You may not convert existing Spirit Domains into your own.

  • You have established a permenent spirit Domain. The maximum total area your Spirit Domains cover is limited by your rank and soul strength. Current amountof maximum Spirit Domain established: 3266%. Increase your rank to increase maximum Spirit Domain size.

  • The Spirit Domain has a connected Astral Space. The Astral Space has the full effects of your Spirit Domain but does not count against the maximum size of you Domains. The [Arrival Pagoda] connectingto various locations in the Astral Space are now active. Any non-hostile may use the by default but you may induvidully grant or deny access or set alternate critiria for entry.

  • The magical density of you Spirit Domains and interconnected Astral spaceare artificily limited to Silver-Rank. This only affects monster manifestations as non-monster manifestations are not conected to magical rank.increase your Rank to increase the rank of monster manifestations in your Spirit Domains

  • Monster manifestations shall be shifted to outside of your Spirit Domain or into the wilderness area of the attached astral scape. Monsters that manifest i nto the wilderness areas of the attached astral space are not subject to the negative effects of the astral space.



  • Anyone or anything hostile to you, you domain, or any non-hostile within your domains will be immedietly aquire the [Blood from the Stone],[Mortality], and [Weakness of the Flesh] afflictions. They will also continually acumulate the [Sin] affliction, which they will clealry sense. Those that remain for extended periods of timewill periodically accumulate instances of the [Wages of sin] affliction. Any hostile actions against you, your domain, or anyone within your domain will immediately accumulate additinal instances of [Wages of sin]. All spirit domain effects ignore rank disparity and cannot be resisted or cleansed, but end immediately upon leaving the spirit domain

  • Anyone who dies from the effects of the spirit domain will be consumed by trancsendent damage. They will be looted and their possessions will be sent to the vault in the [Arrival Pagoda] of that domain space.

  • Hostility is determined by the true intent of those who enter your domain. Thier intent cannot be hidden by any means, including self-deception. Youmay indiviually deignate anyone within you spirit domainas hostile or non-hostile at anny time.

  • Those who truly venerate youwhile within your spirit domain will have instances of curse, poison,disaese, holy, and unholy afllictions converted to instances of [Integraty]

  • You can sense the loication and aura of anyone within your spirit domains at any time, over any distance. there are no means to avoid this effect, regardless of rank or nature of the ability. At your rank,this effect can cross the localized dimensinal boundry of an astral space, but not between universes. Increase you rank to sense your spirit domain in alternet realities.


  • Language Adaptation

  • Essence, awakening stone, and skill-book absorbtian

  • Immunity to identifacation effects

  • Shadow-based familiars may adopt the form of a mount appropriate to the enviernment




  • Your body will be combined into a gestult entity both physical and spiritual in nature. This state will grant inherent resistence to effects that utilize that body-soul disconnect.

  • The nature of your new body will render you immune to resurrection effects, includding those of high-rank healing magic. I your bady is discorperated, your soul will return to a prly spiritual stae, unable to reihabit a physical form or re-enter phyical reality. this prevents the natural formation of an outworlder body on enrting a phisical reality. These restrictions will changeupon reaching Diamond-Rank

  • When suffering lethal damage, instead of dying, your body will undergo a nirvanic rebirth, returning to a state of full integrity. This effect cannot be triggerd again until your increase in rank from the last time it was used. This ability will change upon reaching Diamond-rank.

  • The strength of your aura wiil significantly increase

  • Your resistence to hostile dimension effects and dissruptive-force damage will be increased. This is an enhancement of the Astral Affinity ability

  • Physical reality around you will more stable. You will be able to sense nearby atral space appatures and proto-astral space nearby

  • You will be able to traverse astral space appatures remotly, even those that have been sealed.

  • You will be able to directly enter Proto-Astral spaces

  • While within the astral, you will be able to create and mantian a small zone of physical reality. This does the ability to enter or travrse the astral




Dark, Blood, Sin, Doom


Midnight Eyes - Special Ability (Perception)

Base Cost - None

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron: See though darkness

Effect - Bronze: Sense magic

Effect - Silver: Ehanced aura senses

Effect - Gold: ???

Effect - Diamond: ???

Cloak of Night - Conjuration (Darkness, Light, Dimension)

Base Cost - Moderate Mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Conjures a magical cloak that can alter the wearer. Offers limited physical protection. Can generate light, or blend into shadows. Cloak can reduce the weight of the wearerfor a low mana-per-secondallowing reduced falling speed and water-walking. Cannot be given or taken away, although the effects can be extended to those in very close proximity

Effect - Bronze:

Cloak rexelively intercepts in coming projectiles. Highly effective against rapid, weaker attacks, but less effective against powerful, singular attacks.Cloak allows gliding for low mana-per-second. Weight reduction no longer costs mana unless affecting additional people.

Effect - Silver:

Cloak passively manipulates physical space, slightly shifting the trajetory of incoming attacks. Manipulation can be activly managed fro more directed effect or to allow passsage through spaces normaly to small to physicly traverse. Cloak allows flight for low ongoing mana cost, increasing to moderate onging mana cost when in direct sunlight.

Fffect - Gold: ???

Effect - Diamond: ???



Path of Shadows - Special Ability / Conjuration (Dimension, Teleport, Darkness)

Base Cost - Varies

Cooldown - Varies

Effect - Iron:

Teleport using showdows as a portal. You must be able to see the destination shadow. This effect is a special ability with a low mana cost with no cooldown

Effect - Bronze:

You can sense nearby shadows and teleport to them without requiring a line of sight. BY increasing the cost to moderate, small shadows can be enlarged to be used as viable portal destinations at both the ingress and egress points. Alternatevly, conjure a shadow gatebetween two locations on a regional scale. The distant gate must appear in a location you have viseted before. This effect is a conjuration with a veryhigh mana costand a 10-minute cooldown. The Iron-rank effect while this ability is on cooldown

Effect - Silver:

You can now conjure a long-range shadow gate with double the range of the Bronze-rank gate. This ability has a one-hour cooldown and also incurs the cooldown of the Bronze-rank Shadow Gate ability.

Effect - Gold: ???

Effect - Diamond: ???

Shadow of The Reaper - Familiar (Ritual)

Cost - Extreme Mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Summon a [Shadow of the Reaper] to serve as a Familiar

Effect - Bronze:

Summoned familiar has Bronze-Rank vessals with additional abilities

Effect - Silver:

Summoned familiar has Silver-Rank vessals with additional abilities

Effect - Gold:

Summoned familiar has gold-Rank vessals with additional abilities

Effect - Diamond:

Summoned familiar has Diamond-Rank vessals with additional abilities

I call to the realm beyond cold and darkness, where Death has no meaning for life has no place. Let mne be the dark beyond Darkness, falling on the final road to the end of all things. Let mine be the Shadow of Death

Incantation to the Shadow of the Reaper ablility



Hand of the Reaper - Conjuration (Disease, Magic, Unholy)

Cost - Low Mana-per-second

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Conjure a highly flexible, semi-substantial shadow-arm that can extend or shrink. Conjured items can be conjured into the shadow hand. Can be used to make Special Attacks. Special Attacks made use the arm inflicts [Creeping Death] in addition to other effects.

Effects - Bronze:

You can conjure a second arm. Special Attacks made with the arm inflict [Rigor Mortis] in addition to other effects.

Effects - Silver:

Special Attacks made using the arms inflict [Weakness of the Flesh] in addition to other effects. Numerous additinal arms can be conjured from nearby shadows but only arms connected to the conjurer can be used to betow afflictions and make mellee special attacks.The rank of the conjured arms not connected to the conjurer are one rank below that of the conjurer.

Effect - Gold: ???

Effect - Diamond: ???


Blood Harvest - Spell ( Drain, Boon)

Base Cost - Low mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Draijn the remnent lift force from a recently deceased body, replenishing Health, stamina and mana. Only affects targets with blood

Effect - Bronze:

Affects any number of bodies in an area in a wide area.

Effect - Silver:

Gain an instance of [Blood Frenzy] for each corpse drained, up to a threshold determinind by your current rank. After reaching the threshold, gain instances of [Blood of the imortal] instead.

Effect - Gold: ???

Effect - Diamond: ???

As your lives were mine to reap, so your deaths are mine to harvest.

Blood Harvest Incantation



Leach Bite - Speacial Attack (Melee, Drain, Wounding, Blood)

Base Cose - Low Stamina

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Inflicts or refreshes the [Bleeding] condition. Drains a small amount of health and stamina when refreshing the [Bleeding] condition

Effect - Bronze:

Inflicts an instance of [Leech Toxin]

Effect - Silver:

Inflicts or refreshes [Tainted Meridians]

Effect - Gold: ???

Effect - Diamond: ???

Feast of Blood - Spell (Drain, Blood)

Base Cose - Moderate mana

Cooldown - 30 seconds

Effect - Iron:

Drain health and stamina. Only affects targets with bleeding wounds or who are suffering from the [Bleeding] affliction.

Effect - Bronze:

Drains additional health and stamina for each instance of poison on the target

Effect - Silver:

Increasing the mana cost to very high and the Cooldown to 2 minutes allows the spell to target all viable targets in a wide area.

Effect - Gold: ???

Effect - Diamond: ???

Your blood is not yours to keep, but mine on which to feast

Feast of Blood Incantation

Haemorrhage - Spell (Wounding, Unholy, Blood)

Base Cose - Moderate mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Inflicts the [Bleeding] and [Sacrificial Victim] afflictions.

Effect - Bronze:

Inflicts the [Necrotoxin] affliction.

Effect - Silver:

inflicts the [Blood from the Stone] affliction.

Effect - Gold: ???

Effect - Diamond: ???



Sanguine Horror - Familiar ( Ritual, Summon)

Base Cose -

Cooldown -

Effect - Iron:

Summon a [Sanguin Horror] to sreve as a Familiar

Effect - Bronze:

Summon a Bronze-rank vessel for your familiar with enhanced abilities

Effect - Silver:

Summon a Silver-rank vessel for your familiar with enhanced abilities

Effect - Gold: ???

Effect - Diamond: ???

Let this mortal blood beckon the all-devouring power of the final threshold. Answer the call and claim the offering. Heed my command and bring forth the avatar of life’s annihilation

The Incantation for the Sanguine Horror Ability


Punish - Special attack (Melee, Curse)

Base Cost - Low mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Inflicts necrotic damage and the [Sin] affliction

Effect - Bronze:

Inflicts or refreshes the [Price of Absolution] affliction

Effect - Silver:

If the target has any instances of [Sin], they suffer from an instance of [Wages of Sin] affliction. If the ememy struck has no instances of [Sin], but does have instances of [penance], they do not suffer [Sin] or [Wages of Sin]. They instead suffer transcendent damage from this ability in place of necrotic damage and suffer an additinal instacnce of [Penance], which don’t drop off for a short period.

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???



Feast of Absolution - Spell (Recovery, Cleanse, Holy)

Base Cost - Low Mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Cleanse all curses, diseases, poisons and unholy afflictions from a single target. Additionally, cleanse all holy afflictions if the target is an ally. Recover stamina and mana for each affliction cleansed. This ability circumvents all effect that prevent cleansing. This ability cannot be used on self.

Effect - Bronze:

Ememy suffer an instance each of [Penace] and [Legacy of Sin] for each condition cleansed from them.

Effect - Silver:

Increase the cost to moderate to affect all afflicted enemies in a wide area.

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???

Sin Eater - Special Ability (Recovery, Holy)

Base Cost - None

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Increased resistence to afflictions. Gain an instance of [Resistant] each time you resist or cleanse an affliction using essence ability

Effect - Bronze:

Gain an instance of [Integrity] each time you resist or cleanse an affliction using essence abilities.

Effect - Silver:

Healt, Mana, and Stamina gained through your essence abilities of the drain and recovery type can exceed the normal maximum. Exsess Health, Stamina, and Mana deplete over time until the noraml maximum is reached.

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???

Casitgate - Spell (Curse, Holy, Tracking)

Base Cost - Moderate Mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Burns a painful brand into the target, inflicting slight transcendent damage and the [Sin] and [Mark of Sin] afflictions. The brand connot be healed so long as the target retains any instances of [Sin].

Effect - Bronze:

Effect - Silver:

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???



Hegomony - aura (Holy, Unholy)

Base Cost - None

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Allies within the aura have increased resistance to afflictions, While ememies within the aura have their resistance to afflitcions reduced. Ememy Resistances are futher reduced for each instance of [Sin] they are suffering from.

Effect - Bronze:

Inflicts an instance of [Sin] on enemies that make physica or magical attacks agianst you or your allies whithin the aura. Insenses appied in this way cannot be resisted.

Effect - Silver:

Aura can extend over a larger area before strength becomes comprimised. Transcendent damage dealt by ememies within the aura is downgraded to either disruptive-force or resinating -force depending on the source.

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???


Inexorable Doom - Spell (Curse)

Base Cost - Moderate Mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Periodically applies an additional instance of each stacking curse, disease, poison, or unholy afflictions the target is suffering from. This is a curse effect. This effect cannot be claeansed while any curse, posion, disease, or unholy afflictions are in effect.

Effect - Bronze:

Inflicts or refrshes the [Inascapeable] affliction.

Effect - Silver:

Inflicts an instance of [Persacution].

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???

Your fate is to Suffer

Incantation for Inexorable Doom



Punition - Spell

Base Cost - Varies

Cooldown - Varies

Effect - Iron:

Inficts necrotic damage for each curse, disease, poison, and unholy affliction the target is suffering from.

Effect - Bronze:

Inflicts or refreshes the duration of [Penitence]

Effect - Silver:

Damage per afflictions can be increased be increasing the mana cost to high, very high, and extreme.the reduces the cooldown to 20-seconds, 10-seconds, or none. Consecutive, extreme-cost incantations have a truncated incantation.

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???

Suffer the cost of your transgressions. Suffer

Incantations for Punition

Blade of Doom - Conjuration (Unholy)

Base Cost - Moderate Mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Conjures [Ruin, the Blade of Tribulation]. Attacks made with Ruin will inflict an instnce of [Vulnerable] and refresh any wounding effects on the target. Wounding effects refreshed by Ruin require more healing than normal to negate. Ruin is an unholy object.

Effect - Bronze:

Ruin inflicts one instance each of [Ruination of the Blood], [Ruination of the Flesh], and [Ruination of the Spirit].

Effect - Silver:

Blade gains a second form: [Penitent, The Blade of Sacrifice]. Attacks made with Penitent will inflict an instance of [Price in Blood] and refresh any wounding effects on the target. Wounding effects refreshed by Penitent require more healing than normal to negate. Penitent is a holy objest

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???



Verdict - Spell (Execute)

Base Cost - Moderate Mana

Cooldown - 30 Seconds

Effect - Iron:

Deals a small amount of transcendent damage. As an exexute effect, damage scales with the targets level of injury.

Effect - Bronze:

Base damage is increased for each instance of [Penance] on the target.

Effect - Silver:

Inflicts or refrshes [Sanction] on the target

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???

Mine is the Judgement, and the judgement is death

Incantation for Verdict

Avatar of Doom - Familiar (Ritual)

Base Cost - Extreme Mana

Cooldown - None

Effect - Iron:

Summon an [Avatar of Doom] to serve as a familiar.

Effect - Bronze:

Summon a Bronze-rank vessel for your familiar with enhanced abilities

Effect - Silver:

Summon a Silver-rank vessel for your familiar with enhanced abilities

Gold: ???

Diamond: ???

When worlds end, you are the arbiter. When Gods fall, you are the instrument. Herald of annihilation, come fourth and be my Harbinger. I have Doom to bring.

The Incantation for the Avatar of Doom Ability






Sanguine Horror


  • Bites from the leech swarm inflict [Bleeding], [Leech Toxin] and [Necrotoxin]

  • Leech attacks drain health and stamina, allowing the rapid replacmentof detroyed biomass

  • While subsumed within the summoner, the summuner has accelerated healing and stamina recovery. Healing and recovery rate is determined by the amount of biamass within the summoner and increases with the summoner’s level of injury.


  • Ranged entangling attacks can be made using cloth strips. Grips inflict minimal constrction damage nut periodically inflict [Leech Toxin] and [Necro toxin] if an open wound is grabbed or the target is suffering from the [Bleeding] condition.


  • To Be Added

Voice of the Will

As a [Voice of the Will], the summoned vessel of [Colin] has been modified. The vessel can adanve in rank without needing to be resummoned. The cost to summon a new vessel is significantly increased.

The vessel of your [Voice of the Will] now possesses Four distinct forms: The Swarm, The Worm That Walks, Apocolypse Beast, and Voice of the Will.





Increased biomass capacity and hive mind cohesion range

Absorb life force to temporarily increase maximnm biomass. Biomass must be consumed, discarded, or stored within a certain a period or be lost


The Worm That Walks

Use rags to encapsulate worms an entangle foes.


Apocolypse Beast

The [Apocolypse Beast] form has a large biomass with enhanced physical strngth.

When the [Apocolypse Beast] form feeds on enemies, powers belonging to them are randomly sealed and become availible to [Colin]. Weaker abilities are absorbed at first with additional and more powerful abilities absorbed with extended feeding. Using the abilities restores their use to the ememy they were stolen from, with any cooldowns for those abilities triggered.

The [Acopolypse Beast] form is srtenuous. Feeding in life force nor consuming biomass is required to maintain it or ot will break down into a swarm state.


Voice of the Will

As a vessel for your soul, the Voice of the Will form has enhanced intellect compared to other forms. In this form,[Colin] loses the majority of hid own abilities but can fully utilise the majority of yours. Abilities realated to your nature as a nascent astral hegemon cannot be replicated. Essence abilities of the Familiar, perception, and aura types are not replicated but are replaced with other abilities.

In this form,[Colin] may exert influence over messengers you have branded using your authority

Number of Branded Messengers: 0




Shadow of the Reaper



  • Can occupy up to 3 shadow bodies

  • Can blend into shadow. Highly visibke in well-lit areas, and magical light is highly detirious.

  • Shadow bodies can hide in the shadows of other people. When there is not at least one shadow body attached to the summoner the summoner has no shadow.

  • Can drain mana by touch. Drained mana can by passed on to anyone with a body in their shadow.

  • Summoner can teleport between bodies.

  • While at least one shadow body is hidden within the summoner’s shadow, the summoner can see and hear through the other shadow bodies.


  • Can occupy up to 7 shadow bodies

  • Shadow bodies are able to act as a medium for any of the summoner non-combat abilities

  • Shadow bodies hidden in the summoner’s shadow can contain traces of the summoner’s presence


  • Can occupy up to 31 shadow bodies




Avatar of Doom

To be addded





  • Dread Salvation

  • Night Fang

  • Trap Weaver Battle Robe

  • Throwing Darts


  • Dread Salvation

  • Dark Hydra Robe

  • Flail of the Hydra

  • Throwing Darts


  • Hegemon’s Will

  • Thorwing Darts


  • Sanguine Raiment

  • Ruin, The BLade Of Tribulation

  • Penance, The Blade Of Sacrifice

  • Hegemon’s Will

  • Cloud Flask

  • Amulet Of The Dark Guardian