

Bizuxxie typically emerge from their pupae 10 years after hatching, but most individuals start counting their age and that of other bizuxxie from this point. On average, bizuxxie live for 60 years.


Bizuxxie fall into habit easily, and often adopt the local outlook on good and evil. In Bizuxxie only communities, they typically remain neutral. Most bizuxxie lean lawful, but those that do not adopt lawful outlooks become very chaotic.

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.

Directional Sight

Bizuxxie eyes are made of many lenses, capable of seeing light most humanoids cannot sense. You have advantage on investigation checks made against illusions, and while in sunlight you always know which way is north.

Bumbling Flight

While you aren't wearing heavy armor, you have a 25 foot fly speed. However, your ability to fly is very weak, and you must land at the end of your turn or you fall to the ground.


The largest bizuxxie are slowed by their large wings when walking and sheer mass when flying, while smaller bizuxxie's smaller limbs lack the reach of other races. Your speed is 25 feet.

Vertical Lives

Bizuxxie can hold onto surfaces with each of their four arms, and most build homes vertically to keep out intruders. You have a climb speed of 20 feet.


You can speak, read, and write Common and Bizuxxie. Bizuxxie is characterized by harsh consonants divided mostly by guttural stops Even in other languages, bizuxxie often struggle with vowel sounds.

Wood Bizuxxie

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 1.


Among the largest of their race, wood bizuxxie are around 5 feet tall and their round bodies average around 150 pounds. Your size is medium.

Combat Training

You have proficiency with the javelin, longbow, shortsword, and trident.

Woodworker's Build

Wood bizuxxie's arms and jaws allow them to easily work with wood, and their innate knowledge using this translates to the equiptment of other races. You have proficiency with woodcarver's tools, and you do not require a set of woodcarver's tools to make checks or engage with materials if you are able to use your arms and jaws on the material.

Hive Bizuxxie

Ability Score Increase

Your Charisma score increases by 1.


Hive bizuxxie are around 3 feet tall and average around 45 pounds. Your size is small.

Urban Walk

Hive Bizuxxie live in confined tunnels buzzing with movement, often needing to squeeze through others to get to their goal. You have proficiency in acrobatics.


Hive bizuxxie's arms and jaws allow them to easily work with honey and other liquids, and their innate knowledge using this translates to the equipment of other races. You have proficiency with brewer's supplies, and you do not require a set of brewer's supplies to make checks or brew if you are able to use your arms and jaws on the material.

Digger Bizuxxie

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength score increases by 1.


Digger bizuxxie are around 3 anda half feet tall and thin for the race, averaging around 50 pounds. Your size is small.


You know the move earth cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Potter's Build

Digger bizuxxie's arms and jaws allow them to easily work with clay and glaze, and their innate knowledge using this translates to the equiptment of other races. You have proficiency with potter's tools, and you do not require a set of potter's tools to make checks or engage in pottery if you are able to use your arms and jaws on the material.