The Lycanthropes

A piercing howl in an otherwise silent night. A pair of glowing eyes in a dark alley. A full moon, hung low in the sky. All of these experiences send shivers down peoples' spines, and all for the same reason: lycanthropes! While lycans can and do cause chaos and carnage, that alone is not why this race is held in such fear, perhaps more frightening than death, the lycanthropes have the ability to spread there curse, turning others into the same monsters they temselves are!


Lycanthropes have a wide range of features, some are clearly lycanthropes, even when viewed at a glance, while others look nearly identical to some other race, lycanthropes that were once human, particularly ones that have only become lycanthropes recently, usually look like they did before they were cursed, though the appearance is where the similarities end. Conversely, natural born lycanthropes usually look like a mixture between a beast and a man and nothing like any other race.


While lycanthropes are stigmatized by other races, they actually prefer to keep to themselves, lycanthropes live in packs and preserving the pack is what is most imporatnt to them. As long as others don't pose a threat to the pack, the lycanthropes will usually leave others well enough alone.

Sub races


Ability Score Increase

Your strength score increases by 1

Beastly Transformation

As an action you may transform into your werewolf form, if your werewolf nature was hidden before, it becomes obvious now. You gain resistance to non-silvered weapons. You may now use your bite attack.

You can use your action to return to your normal form


Ability Score Increase

Your dexterity score increases by 1

Beastly Transformation

As an action you may transform into your wererat form, if your werewolf nature was hidden before, it becomes obvious now. You gain resistance to non-silvered weapons. You may now use your bite attack.

You can use your action to return to your normal form

Lycanthrope Traits

Ability Score Increase

Your constitution score increases by 2


Lycanthropes mature quickly, in a pack, a lycanthrope is recognized as an adult when he/she turns 12. They live slightly shorter than humans, usually dieing before they turn 80.


Lycanthropes are usually devoted toward their pack, causing them to be lawful, they may be good, neutral, or evil, but they will almost always have the same alignment as the rest of their pack. Of course, outcast Lycanthropes can be any alignment.


Lycanthropes vary wildly in size, for as short as 4 feet, to as tall as 7. Your size is medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Keen Smell

You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell

Cursed Bite

When you are in your beastly transformation, you can use the attack action on your turn to attempt to bite a target, if you're able to make multiple attacks with the attack action, this attack replaces one of them. Treat this action as a magical melee weapon attack with finesse that deals piercing damage. The damage die is a d4. If the target is hit with this bite it must make a constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + Prof. + Con) or become poisoned until its next short rest. If the target is humanoid, it begins to suffer the curse of lycanthropy.

In Addition, you are immune to any other lycanthrope curses.