Sacred Oath - Deneith Warden

House Deneith holds tight to its position as near-universal enforcer of the laws of Khorvaire, and among Deneith exist the Sentinel Marshals, a yet-further respected group of law-keepers. A group of dragonmarked inside the Sentinel Marshals hone their dedication to a singular edge, swearing an oath to it in both body and mind. These are the Wardens, the most devoted members of Deneith.

Wardens are generally wandering lawkeepers, seeking out criminals big and small in every corner of Khorvaire, which makes them ideal members for adventuring parties. Respected, even if not liked, by the general populace, their presence will generally send criminals running, even if the criminal in question is not the Warden's target.

In order to take this subclass, you must be a human with a Mark of the Sentinel.

Oath Spells

You gain Oath Spells at the Paladin levels listed. In addition to always having these spells prepared, you may cast each of them once per long rest without expending a spell slot once you have reached the appropriate level.

Level Spells
3rd Compelled Duel, Shield of Faith
5th Warding Bond, Zone of Truth
9th Counterspell, Protection From Energy
13th Death Ward, Guardian of Faith
17th Bigby's Hand

Subduing Smite

Wardens are expected to bring in their quarry alive if possible. When you take this oath at 3rd level your Divine Smite and Smite Spells that deal damage to a creature also provoke a Constitution saving throw on the target creature. If they fail, their movement speeds are reduced to 0 until the end of their next turn. If they succeed, their speeds are only halved instead.

Warden's Authority

The weight of House Deneith follows you. You gain proficiency in Persuasion and Intimidation skills from 3rd level. You also have Advantage on any ability checks related to tracking criminal activity (typically, but not always, Survival).

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd Level, you gain the following Channel Divinity options:

Uncanny Dodge: As a reaction when an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your Channel Divinity to halve the attack's damage against you.

Lie Detector: As an action you can enhance your analysis skills to a razor point. For ten minutes after invoking this you treat any Insight roll of 14 or lower as a 15 instead.

Aura of Mettle

At 7th level you learn to project an aura that reflects your singlemindedness. Creatures within the 10ft aura that succeed on an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw against a spell or magical effect that has a partial or reduced effect on a successful save instead suffer no effect at all.

At 18th level the aura's range increases to 30'.

Improved Subduing Smite

From 15th level your subduing smite improves. Now instead of having their speed set to 0 on a failed save, they are Stunned until the end of their next turn, and their speeds are set to 0 on a successful save.

Greater Subduing Smite

At 20th level, you now apply your (Improved) Subduing Smite effects to your Improved Divine Smite attacks, in addition to your Divine Smite and Smite spells.

Greater Aura of Mettle

From 20th level, your Aura of Mettle now also applies to Constitution saving throws from spells, in addition to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.