Artificer Specialist


An artificer who specializes as an Electrician learn to generate and manipulate electricity. The artificer is often one of the first people on their world to discover and apply ideas around electricity. Far from being an academic, Electricians channel their knowledge into practical devices, weapons and gadgets.

Tool Proficiency

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with tinker’s tools and electrician’s tools, a new type of tool used for creating electrical circuits and contraptions.

Electrician’s tools may be created by anyone skilled in their use for 10GP worth of materials using a forge and tinker’s or smith’s tools. Electrician’s tools consist of a pair of pliers, a screwdriver, a pair of pliers, a pair of wire cutters, a wrench, and several hand-made gadgets for inducing and measuring electrical charges.

If you already have either of these proficiencies, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

Electrician Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Electrician Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Artificer Level Spell
3rd tenser’s floating disk, witch bolt
5th locate object, hold person
9th counterspell, lightning bolt
13th dimension door, storm sphere
17th wall of force, synaptic static

A human male Electrician Artificer brandishing his gauntlet, electricity flying around him.

watercolor stain 1

watercolor stain 2

Ral, Izzet Viceroy

Daniel Ljunggren

Electrified Gauntlet

Beginning at 3rd level, your electrical and metallurgical research have led to you making a gauntlet which can house your experimental technologies. The gauntlet possesses the following features:

  • After a long rest, you can repair or replace your Electrified Gauntlet, provided you have electrician’s tools. Upon creating a new Electrified Gauntlet, any previous models cease to function.
  • You can use your gauntlet as a spellcasting focus.
  • The gauntlet is strapped onto your arm, meaning it cannot be targetted by the “Disarm” action.

Charge Points

Embedded within this gauntlet is a small crystal, which acts both as a battery and as a converter between your magic and the strange new invention of electricity.

At 3rd level, you gain an amount of Charge Points equal to half your Artificer level (rounded down) plus your intelligence modifier. You can never have more charge points than this number. You regain all spent charge points when you finish a long rest.

Technological Arsenal

At 3rd level, the electrified gauntlet counts as a simple melee weapon while you aren’t holding anything in it, and it deals 1d8 lightning damage on a hit. As a bonus action, you may expend one charge point and transform the gauntlet. Treat the gauntlet like one of the following weapons until the start of your next turn.

Arc Thrower. Your gauntlet becomes a simple ranged weapon, with a normal range of 30 feet, and it deals 3d6 lightning damage on a hit.

Railgun. Your gauntlet becomes a simple ranged weapon, with a normal range of 180 feet and a long range of 300 feet, and it deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit. A creature hit with this attack must make a strength saving throw. On a fail, that creature is pushed back by 10 feet.

Integrated Defibrillator. Your gauntlet ceases to be a weapon. You gain advantage on the next Wisdom (Medicine) check made to stabilize a dying companion.

Calculated Attack

Starting at 3rd level, whenever you make an attack with the electrified gauntlet, you may add your intelligence modifier to attack and damage rolls instead of your dexterity or strength modifier. Saving throws for effects created by the weapon use your Artificer spell save DC.



Improved Gauntlet

At 5th level, you add a new weapon to your Technological Arsenal feature. These weapons only last for one round, regardless of Artificer level. By expending 2 charge points, you can transform the gauntlet into the following weapons:

Laser Cannon. Your gauntlet ceases to be considered a weapon. As an action, you cause a series of mirrors and lenses to focus an arcane light source into a deadly beam. Each creature in a 15ft cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d12 radiant damage, or half as much on a successful save. Alternatively, you can focus the laser on an object of huge size or smaller, igniting it if flammable.

Magnet Pulse. Your gauntlet becomes a simple ranged weapon, with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet, and it deals 2d8 force damage on a hit. Attacks made against creatures wearing metal armor or mostly composed of metal are made at advantage and deal an additional 4d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit as the metal warps from the magnetic force.

In addition, the following changes occur to your existing attacks:

  • The standard damage die of your gauntlet becomes 2d8.
  • If you hit a creature with the arc thrower feature, as a bonus action you can cause the electricity to further arc. All creatures within 5ft of the initial target must make a constitution saving throw. Creatures that fail the save take 2d6 lightning damage.
  • On a failed save, a creature hit with the railgun feature is knocked prone.
  • All gauntlet transformations last until the end of your next round instead of the start of your next round.

Integrated Tools

At 9th level, you have refined your gauntlet to the point that integrated tools allow greater dexterity than your fingers for most activities. After a long rest, you can integrate artisan’s tools or thieves’ tools into your gauntlet. The tools cannot be removed, except for after a long rest. The armor can have any amount of tools integrated at a time. The wearer can add its Intelligence modifier to any ability checks it makes with the integrated tool instead of whatever modifier they would otherwise use. The wearer must not be holding anything in their gauntlet to use the tool.

A complex electrical diagram.

Electronic Organ Circuit


Reciprocal Charge

At 9th level, when you expend a spell slot to cast an Artificer spell of second level or higher, you regain one charge point.

Electrical Mastery

By 15th level, you have been exposed to electricity so often, it poses little risk to you. Additionally, you become more adept at using excess arcane energy to generate electricity:

You gain resistance to lightning damage and you are now immune to the stunned condition.

When you expend a spell slot to cast an Artificer spell of first level or higher, you regain charge points equal to the level of the spell. This replaces the Reciprocal Charge feature.

New Infusions

Goggles of Seeing

Prerequisite: 6th-level Artificer

Item: a pair of goggles or similar eyewear

This specially designed eyepiece aids in the creation of a number of magical optical effects. Over the course of one minute, you may cast any one of the spells detect magic, darkvision and see invisibility without expending a spell slot or having to maintain concentration. Spells cast this way last for 1 minute, unless you expend a first level spell slot, which increases the duration to 1 hour and removes the need to concentrate on the cast spell. Once you cast a spell with this feature, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest.

Your Arcane Crystal

All Electricians have at least one arcane crystal, whether it is found or made. Anybody in possession of one of these crystals and Electrician’s Tools has the ability to discharge a controlled amount of electricity.

Small Device Activation. As an action, you can apply a small amount of current to a circuit - enough to light any bulb, run a motor capable of lifting 20KG or activate a heating element enough to warm a room or cook a meal.

Electrolysis. Using two carbon rods made from at least 1SP of materials, you can cause certain materials to separate, gathering around the carbon rods. An Electrician can process around 1KG of materials this way over the course of an hour by expending a charge point.

Arc Melting You can heat up to one cubic foot of metal until it is warm to the touch over the course of a minute. An Electrician may spend one charge point to continue heating the metal, until after ten minutes it entirely melts.