Realms of Revelar

A Player's Guide to the Countries, Cultures, Religions, Races, and Features unique to the Realms.

The Races of the Realms

While traveling across the lands and seas of Revelar you are bound to come across many different races and peoples. Each of the 6 major races live spread across the entire world and conform to no specific cultural practices. Each of the six races are unique in their own ways and have strengths and weaknesses that the others do not. Some owe their origins to different planes of existence and parallel worlds, others grew and evolved alongside eachother on the material plane of Revelar. All reside here now however, striving to carve out niches for themselves across cultures and countries that vary wildly even amongst those of the same race. Go now, discover who you are in Revelar, discover who you might be. This is a world in flux, a world of great adventure.


The diminutive Catfolk hail from a small River valley in Raiizyr, although they can be found in many nations in all kinds of climates. Catfolk have excellent balance and are naturally gifted climbers. In some parts of the world they have a reputation for thievery, but don’t let that fool you the true blooded Catfolk of Raiizyr are hardy warriors and loyal companions.


A stout folk that originates from the mesas of the Dhovrani Bluffs. The dwarves that live there today are renowned for their unique double toned singing and their prized horseflesh. The Bluff born dwarves are often skilled riders, and the unique black and white striped horses that they ride are well known for their speed and stamina. Like all races however, Dwarves can be found in many lands with many cultures. All that truly unites them is their knack for crafting and their eyes that glow with magical sight.


Cursed and exiled from the fairy realms for long forgotten sins, the Elves have made their homes all across Revelar. Their alien nature once made them misunderstood, but 30 generations of elves have passed since then and they have established themselves as true denizens of Revelar, and others simply accept them for what they are. Many Elves still live in the lands where their people first appeared after their exile, a small forested nation known as The Aguari Domain. The largest collection of elves outside of the Aguari Domain are the Eplisians, a subrace of elves that live within the Red desert and venerate the god Hep.


Little folk with large fennec fox-like ears, with a magical adaptation that causes them to grow fur when exposed to cold. Gnomes, much like elves, hail from the fairy realms but unlike elves they are here of their own volition. Nobody really knows why they came here, not even the Gnomes themselves remember, but they have been here even longer than the elves have and nobody really questions it anymore. Gnomes gave up their immortality to become true members of the Realms of Revelar and in doing so have been accepted by the world at large. Hailing mostly from Onor, a desert country in the midlands, they are capable of dealing with both extreme cold and heat with equal aptitude.


The most numerous race in Revelar, humans have sprung up anywhere that can be farmed, mined, studied, or survived. They are the most adaptable race, and perhaps because of their short lives they are often the most ambitious. Human empires have risen and fallen, great mages have changed the world, and foul tragedy has set them back numerous times, but humans have an insatiable desire to go on. According to Gnomish scholars, if anyone was to conquer the world, it’d be a human.


The Nomadic Orc tribes are often spoken about with fear and misunderstanding, because of this they often keep to themselves and their cultures are largely a mystery to outsiders. Despite this, many Orcs have found homes amongst the other races, and have even risen to create nations of their own. The High Queen of Galdur herself is an Orc, and her family line has been nobles of the country for almost a century. The fear of orcs mostly stems from their Musth cycle, a daily hormonal surge they stave off by chewing calmwood bark. However even while in Musth it is unlikely that an orc would actually harm anyone, they simply become very irritable and to some this is scary enough. That coupled with their renown as fierce warriors has given them a lackluster reputation that is undeserved.


Crossbreeds are a unique case in Revelar, in some countries they are seen as bad luck, in others they are almost considered normal, in still others they are seen as abominations that should be killed whenever possible. As such Crossbreeds often live lives questioning who and what they are, not truly a member of any race, they must discover what it means to be them in more ways than one. However a crossbreed that truly understands themselves is capable of doing great things, there is power in the mixing of blood and when that blood sings in harmony the gods listen.


Catfolk Traits

As a catfolk you gain the following traits.

Ability Score Increases. Your Dexterity and Charisma scores increase by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1. One ability score of your choice is decreased by 2, or two ability scores of your choice are decreased by 1.

Age. Catfolk often live to be well over 150 years old, but reach the end of their natural lifespan not long after and rarely live to be over 200 years old.

Alignment. Catfolk tend toward chaotic alignments, as they let impulse and fancy guide their decisions. They are rarely evil, with most of them driven by curiosity rather than greed or other dark impulses.

Size. Catfolk average about 3 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds. Your size is small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Darkvision. Due to your keen cat’s eyes you can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Nine Lives. You temporarily remember sporadic glimpses of the past, perhaps faded memories from ages ago or a previous life. When you make an ability check that uses a skill, you can roll a d6 and add the number rolled to the check. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Additionally you have advantage any time a death saving throw might result in your third failure. (This does not include a chance to roll a 1 on your second death save fail which would result in 2 automatic fails.)

Cat's Grace. When you fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll a d6 and add it to the result, potentially turning the failure into a success. Additionally, you can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Feline Agility. Your reflexes and agility allow you to move with a burst of speed. When you move on your tum in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the tum. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.

Kitty Claws. Because of your claws, you have a climbing speed of 25 feet. In addition, your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. Your claws count as finesse weapons.


Dwarven Traits

As a Dwarf you gain the following traits.

Ability Score Increases. Your Constitution and Wisdom scores increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1. One ability score of your choice is decreased by 2, or two ability scores of your choice are decreased by 1.

Age. Dwarves mature at the same rate as humans, but they're considered young until they reach the age of 50. On average, they live about 350 years.

Alignment. Most dwarves are lawful, believing firmly in the benefits of a well-ordered society.

Size. Dwarves usually stand anywhere between 4 and 5 feet tall with broad stocky builds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Greater Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Magical Sight. Dwarves have spent many years in close proximity to ancient sites of magical power, known as mana wells. Often treating them as places of religious significance. This close proximity has, over time, changed dwarves on a fundamental level making them more aware of magic around them. As an action you can focus your senses to detect traces of magic within 30 feet around you, allowing you to determine if any magical effect has been in the area in the past 24 hours. When you use this effect you can ignore any traces you know the source of such as a party member using a spell or magic item. If you maintain concentration on this effect, using your action to sustain it for 5 minutes you become aware of how long ago the effect took place, the school of magic utilized (if any), and become aware of any ongoing effects in the area such as the presence of a magic item or other continuous magical effect. Additionally, if someone within your range is capable of spellcasting you are able to ascertain that fact during the initial action, and after 5 minutes of observation in this manner you determine their maximum level spell slot available. After using your senses in this way, you must allow your eyes to rest for at least 10 minutes before you do so again.

Clan Protector. You have a number of Protection dice, which are d12s, equal to your proficiency bonus. When an Ally within 15 feet of you takes damage from a source you can see, you can use your reaction to attempt to reduce that damage. When you do this, expend any number of protection dice up to half your total amount, and move to a space wityhin 5 feet of the target you are protecting. Roll your protection dice and add your constitution modifier to the number rolled and reduce the incoming damage by that amount. You regain any expended uses of your protection dice when you finish a short or long rest.

Natural Talents. You gain one skill proficiency and one tool proficiency of your choice. When you make a check with the chosen skill and tool proficiency, roll a d4 and add the result to the total.

Dwarves, Continued

Jotun Ancestry. All Dwarves are descended from the Jotun who were left on Revelar all those millenia ago. Even to this day, the Dwarves are marked with pieces of that long forgotten heritage. When you select this race at character creation, choose one of the following traits based one what sort of Jotun blood flows most strongly through you.

  • Dho’vindii: When you hit a creature with an attack roll you may call upon the storm, causing that creature to take to make a strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + Proficiency + Con. On a failed save the creature become unable to fight against the winds you’ve whipped up around them. Until the end of their next turn their movement speed is halved. You can do this a number of times per day equal to your constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses on a long rest.
  • Freya: When you move you can call upon the will of the frost. When you move on your turn you can choose to increase your movement by an additional 10 feet, conjuring a path of ice before you, to slide across. The ice left behind you is rough terrain and lasts until the beginning of your next turn. Additionally when you move in this way you may move across the surface of water without making athletics checks to swim. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your constitution modifier, regaining all expended uses on a long rest.
  • Hepa: The earth is a part of you because of this it responds to you. As a bonus action on your turn, you can cause the earth to reshape itself with your touch. This effects an area of earth or stone of up to a 5 foot by 5 foot cube and allows you to shape it into cover, causing it to harden and become like a short wall for you to hide behind. This creates half cover. You may do this a number of times per day equal to your constitution modifier and you regain all expended uses on a short rest.
  • Solok: You may call upon the power of the sun. At your command, as an action, light springs from your skin causing you glow with bright light for 20 feet. This light breaks through magical darkness created by darkness spells or other sources of magical darkness. Additionally as a reaction to being targeted by an attack from a creature within 10 feet, you can pulse the light brightly causing them to make a constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + Proficiency + Con. On a failure they become blinded until the beginning of your next turn. You may use this reaction a number of times per day equal to your constitution modifier and regain all expended uses on a long rest.
    The Jotun
    Long ago Revelar was ruled by the Jotun, a race of giants from beyond the Mortal Plane. Though it is presumed there were many types, the most common on Revelar were the Dho'vindii, Hepa, Solok, & Freya Jotun. Depicted below from top left to bottom right in that order. Each of the races of the Jotun had magic granted to them by the gods that gave them commands over the elements. When the Solok betrayed the Sun god, all of them withered into Husks. Only the Hepa Jotun were spared this fate, though they too disappeared soon after.


Elvish Traits

As an Elf you have the following traits.

Ability Score Increases. Your Intelligence and Dexterity scores increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1. One ability score of your choice is decreased by 2, or two ability scores of your choice are decreased by 1.

Age. Exiled from the fairy realms, elves are cursed with mortal lives to atone for their ancient sin. Fairies however have little understanding of how long most mortals live, so elves still can live to be around 1000 years old before they die.

Alignment. Elves love freedom, variety, and self-expression, so they lean strongly towards the gentler aspects of chaos. They value and protect others' freedom as well as their own, and are good more often than not.

Size. Elves tend to be over 6 feet tall, and usually have slender builds. Your Size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

Low-Light Vision. Accustomed to life in shadowy forests, you can see twice as far in dim light. You retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Fae Blood. Elves are descended from Fae creatures that were exiled from the fairy realms. However this link to the fairy realms is infused with their blood, and when this blood sings incredible things tend to to happen! Once per day, when you take damage you may expend your reaction to roll 1d10 causing one of the following effects corresponding to the number rolled.

  • 1-2: You glow with bright light in a 30-foot radius for the next minute. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of you is blinded until the end of its next turn.
  • 3-4: You regain 2d10 hit points and strangely colored polka dot mushrooms sprout from your wounds.
  • 5-6: You are transported to the Astral Plane until the beginning of your next turn, after which time you return to the space you previously occupied or the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
  • 7-8: Spectral Fairy wings sprout from your back for the next minute, granting you a +2 bonus to your AC and a flying speed of 20 ft.
  • 9-10: You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see.

What do your elf eyes see? You have proficiency in the Perception skill and advantage on sight based perception checks.

One with Nature. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. Additionally once per long rest you can attempt to communicate with a single plant. Granting a plant within 30 feet of you with limited sentience and animation, giving them the ability to communicate with you and follow your simple commands. You can question plants about events in the ability’s area within the past day, gaining information about creatures that have passed, weather, and other circumstances.

Bio-Luminescent. Elves have stripes running down their arms and legs, and these aren’t just for show. In the dark your stripes glow softly, providing dim light within ten feet while in complete darkness and turning dim light into bright light within the same distance. This is caused by a symbiotic relationship with a sub-dermal fungal system that runs throughout your body.


Gnomish Traits

As a Gnome you have the following traits.

Ability Score Increases. Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1. One ability score of your choice is decreased by 2, or two ability scores of your choice are decreased by 1.

Age. When the Gnomes left the fairy realm they left behind their immortality, instead adopting the mortal lives that others of their new home. Despite this Gnomes still have greatly extended lifespans when compared to other mortals, often living to be over 500 years old. The oldest Gnomes fade from their mortal coils when they reach the age of 777.

Alignment. Gnomes have a varied Nature, some give into their Fey urges and become chaotic pranksters and minstrels though just as many lean towards the Lawful pursuits of tinkering, engineering, and research.

Size. Gnomes are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh around 40 pounds. Your size is Small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Lesser Darkvision. Accustomed to life in underground hidey holes, you have great vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Ingenious Ingenuity. The Gnomish mind often works in ways that mystify others. As such when you roll for Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks you also roll 1d4 and add the result to the number rolled.

All the Easier to Hear you With. Gnomes have over-sized ears, an adaptation to help regulate their body temperature in their desert homelands. This is, of course, not their only use! Gnomes have proficiency in perception and gain advantage on all hearing based perception checks.

Adaptable Form. An Adaptation to the rapidly changing temperatures in the desert, Gnomes will rapidly grow a thick protective layer of fur when exposed to cold, giving them resistance to cold damage. This combined with their large ears allow them to regulate their body heat incredibly efficiently, so they treat extreme cold and heat as if they are one stage lower.

Faerie Footwork. Gnomes, much like Elves, are descended from Faeries and retain some latent fey powers. Once during each of your turns when you walk at least 5 feet, you can vanish with a puff of fairy dust, rolling a d12 (rounded up in 5 foot increments) and moving that many feet in a direction of your choice before reappearing. This extra distance doesn’t cost movement, but you can only use this if your speed isn’t 0 and you cannot move through solid objects thicker than 5 feet regardless of what you roll on the die.


Human Traits

As a human you have the following traits.

Ability Score Increases. Two ability scores of your choice increases by 2. One ability score of your choice is decreased by 2, or two ability scores of your choice are decreased by 1.

Age. Humans, much like their real life counterpart live the better part of 100 years.

Alignment. Humans do not trend towards any particular alignment.

Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from less than 4 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Human Versatility. You Gain Proficiency in one tool and one skill of your choice.

Specialists. Upon character creation you pick a class (this does not need to be your starting class) and you gain +1 Hit Point per level in this class and an added effect based on the class.

  • Artificer: +1 Additional Cantrip known and +1 additional use of Magical Tinkering.
  • Barbarian: +1 Rage damage.
  • Bard: +1 use of bardic inspiration.
  • Blood Hunter: +1 Blood curses known.
  • Cleric: +1 Channel divinity (after level 2).
  • Druid: +1 Cantrip known and +1 use of wildshape (after level 2).
  • Fighter: An Additional Fighting Style (cannot be one you already have)
  • Monk: Martial Arts Die increase by 1 step (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8 and so on) and +1 Ki point (after level 2).
  • Paladin. You may use you “Lay on Hands” feature as a bonus action instead of an action.
  • Ranger: +1 Favored Enemy or Favored Foe damage die increases by 1 step (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8 and so on).
  • Rogue: +1 to Stealth and Sleight of Hand checks.
  • Sorcerer: +1 Spells Known and +1 Sorcery Point (after level 2).
  • Warlock: +1 Spells and Cantrips Known.
  • Wizard: +1 Spell slots recovered with Arcane Recovery (This increases the max from 6 levels to 7).

When the Going gets Tough. Humans are often able to grit their teeth and push through difficult situations. Once per short rest, you may add 1d6 to the result of any failed skill check or saving throw, potentially turning this failure into a success.

Focused Study. You gain one feat of your choice.


Orcish Traits

As an orc you have the following traits.

Ability Score Increases. Your Strength and Constitution scores increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1. One ability score of your choice is decreased by 2, or two ability scores of your choice are decreased by 1.

Age. Orcs often live short brutal lives as hunters, despite this they are capable of living to be around 120 years old.

Alignment. Often living as nomads, feared and misunderstood, Orcs have a tendency towards Neutrality.

Size. Orcs are usually over 6 feet 4 inches tall, with broad shoulders and dense muscle. Your Size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Low-Light Vision. Adapted to hunting for long hours, often into twilight hours you can see twice as far in dim light. You retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Orcish Speech. Orcs can communicate over long distances using a sub-sonic rumble that can travel over the ground faster than sound through air. Other Orcs receive these messages through their feet and tusks.This allows Orcs to communicate silently up to a mile apart from one another. A non-orcish creature within 5 feet of an Orc communicating in this way would only perceive this as a dull rumble akin to a purr from a cat.

Tremor Sense. Due to the Orcs ability to sense sound through their feet, Orcs have adavantage on perception and survival checks to locate creatures and objects moving across the ground within 30 feet. In addition You are aware of the location of all creatures in contact with ground within 15 feet of you, this is information revealed to you automatically by the DM.

Ambush Hunter. You have proficiency in the Stealth and Survival skills, and in addition once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll.

Musth Cycle. Orcs have a fast hormonal cycle, and once a day for an hour they enter a state called Musth. While in Musth, an orc becomes irritable due to glands swelling in their temples causing headaches and experience a surge of adrenaline. Most Orcs chew a substance called calmwood, a type of dried treebark, that delays the effects of their Musth until they have time to rest so it does not interfere in their daily lives. An orc can once per day, voluntarily enter a state of Musth as a bonus action on their turn. While in Musth, an Orc immediately regains hit points equal to 1d12 plus their Constitution modifier, an additional 1d4 damage on all strength based melee attacks, and advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks. However while in Musth they take disadvantage on all saving throws against mind altering effects and all wisdom, intelligence, and charisma skill checks. Once an Orc enters Musth they must wait for it to end naturally over the course of an hour, chewing more calmwood will have no effect.


Crossbreed Traits

As a Crossbreed you have the following traits.

Ability Score Increases. You increase 2 of your ability scores by 2, choosing one bonus from each of your parent races. One ability score of your choice is decreased by 2, or two ability scores of your choice are decreased by 1.

Age. As a Crossbreed your maximum age is determined by adding the maximum age of your parent races together and then dividing it in half

Alignment. As a Crossbreed you have no specific alignment tendencies, however you might adopt the tendencies of one or both of your parental races when choosing your alignment.

Size. Your Size is determined based on your parent races. If both of your parent races have the same size then you share that size, if one is medium and the other is small then you may choose between them.

Speed. Your speed is determined by adding the speed of your parent races together and then dividing it in half rounded up.

Vision. Your vision is determined by your parent races. If one of your parent races has better vision than the other by one step you take the vision of that race. For example: Human + Elf would give you Low-Light Vision. If your parent races are two or more steps apart on the vision progression then you are granted vision 1 step lower than the greatest of your parent’s vision attributes. For example Human + Dwarf would give you regular Darkvision of 60 ft, but Human + Gnome would give you Low-Light vision.

Blood of the Mother. You may select one racial feature of your mother race

Blood of the Father. You may select one racial feature of your father race

Blood Harmony. Your dual nature often affects your lifes in strange ways, ill luck, inner turmoil, or a feeling of not quite belonging. However, every once in awhile your twin blood sings in harmony and manifests hidden potential! You gain a number of Harmony dice, which are d6, equal to your proficiency bonus that can be spent on the appropriate abilities based on your parentage. You regain all expended Harmony dice whenever you complete a long rest.

  • Cat's Landing (Catfolk): As a reaction while falling you may expend a harmony die to take half damage from the fall and avoid falling prone. Roll the harmony die and move up to a number of feet equal to 5 times the number rolled after landing (provided you are still conscious).
  • Stout Heart (Dwarf): As a reaction when you take damage you may expend a harmony die and reduce that damage by twice the number rolled.
  • Nature's Call (Elf): As a Bonus Action you can expend a Harmony die to recover Hit Points based on the number rolled and cause a plant to sprout next to an enemy within 30 feet of you which attacks them. The attack is a spell attack roll based on your wisdom modifier and if it hits deals damage equal to the amount rolled on the Harmony die + your wisdom modifier (Minimum 1 damage)
  • Faerie Trick (Gnome): As a reaction to an attack being declared against you you may expend a harmony die to teleport in a puff of smoke up to 10 feet, adding half the number rolled (minimum 1) to your AC against that attack.
  • True Grit (Human): As a bonus action on your turn you can expend one harmony die, taking damage based on 5 x the number rolled to gain an extra action on your turn.
  • Shake the Earth (Orc): As a bonus action on your turn you can expend a harmony die to stomp on the ground, causing all creatures within 10 feet of you make a dexterity saving throw (DC= 8+proficiency bonus + str) falling prone on a failure and taking damage equal to the number rolled on the expended die or half as much on a success.
  • True Harmony (Crossbreed): As an Action on your turn you can expend any number of Harmony dice to recover a number of Hit Points equal to the number rolled + Constitution Modifier x the number of dice expended.

The Countries and Cultures of Oscillar

The World Map of Revelar

Much of the World remains unexplored wilderness to the peoples of Oscillar.

The Auguari Domain

The Auguari Domain is the first home to the elves after their banishment from the fae realms. Stepping free from their immortal lives, the elves were reborn in this realm and forever changed by their bonds to the woods of the Auguari Domain.

The Landscape

The Auguari Domain is heavily forrested in most regions, with their most densely populated city actually being built amongst trees that are hundreds of feet tall. Known as Star Sequoia, they have dark reddish wood with starpointed needle clusters instead of flatleaves. The southern portion of the Domain is covered in swampland, and the elves there have adapted very differently than the rest of the domain. Due to the river that runs through their country and the abundance of good timber, logging is their main export outside of well crafted weapons and armor. The Northern region is protected by the Echo Mountain range, north of which lies the Red Desert.

Crime and Punishment

To be an elf is to be a punished. Punished for a sin long forgotten, and exiled from your life amongst the immortal fey. Still, you live longer than the other races, long enough to taste the eons they are denied. It is this long and yet terribly short existence that the elves of the Auguari domain devote themselves to. To some this devotion is ponderance of the elvish sin, to others this manifests as revelry and corousing, to some this is a championship of life and a vow to protect it, for others this is a sonorous thing lamenting the tragedy of the inevitable end. Due to this chaotic response, the country itself has a very odd sense of law and order. The laws themselves are very important, even if at times they may seem nonsensical to outsiders. The Elves of the Auguari Domain would assure you that all of the laws make the utmost sense.

Queen of Elves

The Queen of Elves is a traditionally hereditary monarch, that extends from the original Queen of the Eladrin. The first of whom was Queen Anwaryll O’dyiira Lan, who ruled from YoE 0 to YoE 892 when she abdicated the throne in favor of her daughter. The line remained unbroken for 17 thousand years and ended with Queen Cherwyna Alrizachaa in 17858. Her rule cam to an abrupt end after her mind was rent by forces seeking to destroy the city, which manipulated her into starting the Shadowplague. During the process of her being subdued by the current queen of Elves, Kelerin Strongbow, the tendrils manipulating her were severed and her mind was left blank in the process. Though the former queen still lives, she has been in a vegetative state for over four years. In that time Queen Kelerin has dutifully lead the country, attempting to rebuild the shaken trust in the crown and make right the many wrongs the former queen had created. Despite his best efforts there have been detractors from his claim to the throne, most notably from those related to the former royal family. Though the law is clear that although blood relations are the traditional inheritors, the crown will only accept the true Queen of Elves as dictated by Anwyrll herself whose spirit remains attached to the crown.


The Council of elders, a group of 17 elves each within 1 year of death who are assembled as Advisors to the Queen of Elves. Each month on the 15th at midnight they hold council in the Hall of Law and Chaos. During this meeting only the 17 are present as they discuss matters of Advisement for the queen. One of the I’tham is with the queen at all times except during their monthly moot.


The capital of the Auguari domain and home to the largest stadium and event center in the whole of Oscillar. Ira’den’mylachaad is a vast bohemian city, rich with artistic traditions and a thriving musical scene rivaled only by that of Melodia. Most recently the sounds of horns has become increasingly popular behind the musical genius of Ver'saer'imor Arasah'nwyn Tlin'ael E Naan, and his new genre he has dubbed “Jazz”. Beyond this, the city is well known for its marble statues which line the Walk of Heroes, down the main road in the Dawngate district of the inner city. Most notable of these statues is that of Ander Bryce, the hero who died saving the city in 17858 from the Shadowplague alongside the Arrogant Fools, a band of adventurers from across the continent. The most notable member, being that of Kelerin Strongbow the current Queen of Elves.


The Largest city in the Auguari Domain, Al’riizi’irya is built high in the treetops of the massive Star Sequoia forests in the central portion of the Auguari Jungles. The entire city is navigated using a series of rope bridges and elevator systems controlled by pulleys. Al’riizi’irya is home to not one but four of the finest restaurants in all the country, each of whom compete for the yearly honor of catering the visit from the Queen while they winter in the Star palace. The palace itself is the crown jewel of the treetop city, jutting out high above the 500 foot tall trees. It is a palace made entirely from live treewood, coaxed into shape with magic using the trees it sits upon not only for materials but support. It is shaped like a massive spiral, and at the apex is a singular room, which has the clearest view of the famed Echo Mountains in the distant north.

City Elf, Country Elf

In the Auguari Domain, there are elves who live in clean population centers, drinking wines, selling wares, and enjoying the arts as fashions come and pass. Then there are the elves who do the work, those who fell the trees for lumber, harvest the berries for wine, and raise the Chaer Toads for eating. These two groups, though much alike in appearance and accent, live very different lives. Often, due to the lifespan of an elf, one will be one and then the other at different times in their life. Little distinction in class is made between the sort of work you do and the sort of person you are, which leads to an odd dichotomy between country and city elves. In a way these jobs which other cultures might consider labor, are often seen as their own form of artistry amongst those of the Domain.

Elves of the Southern Swamps

The Mohisian Elves, or Swamp elves, are a sub culture of elves from the southern portion of the Auguari Domain. Often seen as savages, the Mohisian elves are not typically accepting of outsiders in their swamps and have actively been fighting against the rule of the Elven Queen for the last four thousand years. Throughout that time period there have been occasional lapses into peace when the reigning queen decides to leave them alone for a time. Due to this division, Mohisian elves are not much like the rest of the country Culturally, having little interest in their heritage as fae denizens. Currently little is known to outsiders about their specific cultural and religious practices, though it is theorized that they worship the mad god Theth.

The Human Folk of the Domain

Very few humans live in the Domain, however those that do are often either crossbreeds or are related to crossbreeds. Within the Domain Crossbreeds of elves and humans are relatively common. Amongst the more dour elves the crossbreeds are considered lucky, since they have shorter lifespans than elves do. Amongst the more rowdy elves the crossbreeds are considered a sign of good omen, as they mean acceptance to this new world, new roots placed more firmly than even the elves themselves.

Byrjani, The Arcane Throne

Nestled in a valley in the far north,Byrjani is a rather small nation that had managed to maintain it's sovreign borders for the last 500 years, before recently being conquored and absorbed by the rise of Imperial Raiizyr. Due to the Rune Mines in the mountains of Byrjani it has long been saught after as a resource to more powerful nations, and Raiizyr having exclusive control over it has given them considerable advantage.

The White Owl Vizier

The historical rulers of Byrjani are the Rol'Nra an ancient union between the Rollir Clan of Dwarves and the Vanra Noble family of the Byrjani Gnomes. This Union calls for the ruler of the country to be a Crossbreed with ancestry from both sides of that union. This ruler is known as the White Owl Vizier, and sits upone a throne made primarily of carved rune-stone. It glows when a Dwarf-Gnome crossbreed sits in it, and stories tell of it flying through the air to battle the armies and champions of foreign nations. Now much of that sort of talk has died down. The people and their ruler are still proud, but they have been humbled.

The Rune Mines

The Mysterious Rune Mines are nestled in Byrjani. An oddity long speculated after is how exactly they are able to export so much rune stone without deposits of the curious ore being found elsewhere on the continent. Because of the unique resorce sought after by spellcasters the world over, Byrjani became a prime target to the budding empire that cropped up right next to it. The Vizier, seeing war in their future instead agreed to join their new empire willingly, and ever since the empire has flourished.

Byrjani Gnomes & Rollir Dwarves

Byrjani as a nation was formed about 6 thousand years ago when the Gnomish Lord Talinicc Vanra upon making first contact with the Rollir Clan. The bond started off amazingly when Talinicc saved the life of Clan Chief Oljak Rollir while out on a hunting expidition. Soon after the two agreed to have their children married when they were of age and to officially unite their peoples against the world. The Rollir shared the knowledge of the Rune stone in the mountains and the Byrjani Gnomes provided the lost knowledge of the Rollir god. Knowledge of Ceret, the once worshipped god of Craftsfolk had for some reason been lost to time for the isolated Rollir Clan. Ever since those days the two ethnic groups have been inseperable within the borders of Byrjani.

The Ve'zh Nomads

The nomadic orcs in Byrjani lands widely rever Vez'yt and live their lives as dictated by mana flows. They revere what they call Essence Stone and have mastered purifying it, allowing it to be siphoned for greater magical power. The essence stone is of course the same as rune stone, they are simply more adept at working with it. It is said that Vez'yt bled into the valleys of Hep's Breasts creating the essence stone. According to their legends Byrjani is nestled in that very bosom.

The Dhovrani Bluffs

Constantly Bombarded with unpredictable storms, the Dovrani Bluffs are tested by their namesake daily. A hardy people ride the surfaces of the bluffs, but the wise ones sleep below. A saying well known to the dwarven clans of the Bluffs. Due to the frequency of what are called High Storms, the Dhovrani prize horses that are very swift and even have their own unique breed of black and white striped horses. The regional lords of th Dhovrani are called the horselords and there are seven of them. Each of them is horselord to their own clan . The horselords are considered second only to the queen of the bluffs. The Varrest Clan has been the ruling clan for ten generations, and the Chione family has been the heads of the clan for twice that time. Daffany Chione-Varrest currently wears the White Snow Crown.

The Craftsman of Legend

The Dhovrani craftsman are well noted for their skill as well as their unique materials they work with. Trees adapted to the blasted lands developed tough yet flexible bark that can seemingly repel lightning as well as it repells blades. The material is noteably volitile and hard to work with, with few outside of the Bluffs havig the knowhow to work with it. Because of this "Bluff Leather" is exported all ovr the continent and is considered some of the best armor avilable to elite soldiers.


Born in the fires of war, Galdur is a young and strong nation full of fierce patriots. Galdur as a country rose from horrific attrocities commited by Kiir Anaan during the second Tyronic war. In those days the lands where Galdur currently is were Orcish slave camps. Several horrific magical experiments were performed on those captured, and the scars of their enslavement are born to thise day. Several generations of orcs in Galdur have noted strange birth defects and as a whole are taller and have smaller tusks than other orcs.


The Capital of Galdur is known as Highfall, an awe inspiring city built into the side of a massive cliff face and bisected by a massive carving of the Saint Ella Rosecradle, the only daughter of Galdur Rosecradle and the true founder of Galdur itself. The carving is 6,000 feet tall, and intricately detailed, with a vessel that is shaped in such a way that the statue appears to be pouring the waterfall that is the city's namesake.

High Queen Aures Nyemi

Currently the most powerful Orcish woman in the entire world, Queen Nyemi is also one of the youngest rulers in general, at a mere 17 years old. As such she has been dealing with almost constant critism of her policies and decision making ever since she asscended to the throne after her father suddenly passed away two years ago. Many in the country believe that her uncle, Lord General Dheron Nyemi, who is currently in charge of military command in the country shoul take over command of the government as well until Queen Aures is older.

Kiir Anaan

The Kingdom once ruled by the Wizard king Laethin Tyron. Magic is outlawed here and the country still feels great shame for having created the monstrous king they once had. Due to a bloody recent past. Kiirans are often regarded with caution in some parts of the world, for fear that any Kiiran traveler is possibly a mage in hiding and Kiiran mages are perhaps the most demonized in the world, due to the wicked magical atrocities the country commited during the Tyronic wars.

The Tyronic Wars

230 years ago, after years of arcane research King Laethin Tyron mounts a spell throne and challenges the Goddess Eviit to a dual of magics and slew her. He used her life Essence siphoned from the corpse of the deity of rebirth to make monstrous abominations of magic, and drank her blood to glimpse the realms of gods.

During the first Tyronic war, Kiir Anaan claimed nearly the entire eastern coastline. Uniting disparate peoples under one crown and spreading the knowledge of the Arcane at a rapid pace. Much of what would become Maiy'n and Galdur was occupied by King Tyron and The Kiiran armies.

Only the dragon priests of Storvalda were capable of fending off the "Uniting" process. Eventually the Hilizians inspired by the brave Storvaldans came to their aid, pledging their armies and by extention their Ally Onor's to join with the Storvaldans and they began to beat them back. Treaties were quickly drafted and signed much to the disdain of the Storvaldans who had taken the most losses fighting off the Invaders.

In the intervening 30 years the Kiiran mages began Project Butterfly. Performing horrific test experiments on the humans and the Orcs in their lands. The Orcs in particular were subjected to breeding experiments, in attempts to "civilize" people viewed as savage as well as experimenting with crossbreeds. Even humans in what would come to be called Galdur were treated horrifically by the Kiiran government. Essentially 2nd class citizens if that, as they worked laboriously in mines for precious gemstones and other resources for magic. They grew crops that were used as spell components rather than food in some places and when Kiir Anaan started to fall into a small depression the gold stopped flowing to these places that relied on cash crops causing mass starvations.

Meanwhile in the south, in what would become Maiy'n a small reformist sect of the nobility met with a religious leader amongst the elves and orcs within their borders to officially declare their independence. For 20 years prior the first Amyr, D'yaelin Ellysh funded her own state sponsored school of magecraft and silently funded her own comprehensive scholors program as well. Slowly but surely she turned the young mages against the Kiiran imperialism. With a small force of powerful and loyal mages, Maiy'n managed to force out the local grip of the Kiir Anaan.

The riots in Galdur exploded at the same time that the Reformists managed to pull away from the Loyalists in Maiy'n. War hero and honorary first king of Galdur, Galdur Rosecradle instigated the rebellions when he, a mere 15 year old boy at the time, managed to harness his latent sorcerous abilities and free his people. He unfortunately died in the interveneing TEN YEARS that the second Tyronic war waged for.

Some historians debate whether or not King Tyron actually died during the second Tyronic War. Some stories seem to imply Galdur himself slew Laethin Tyron, others imply he was merely mortally wounded and managed to flee before he could be officially counted dead. Whereas Galdur was indeed dead, his body turned to ash.

The third and final Tyronic war was very different from the first two. In fact many do not consider it a "war" at all. 86 years ago a small group of wizards who had escaped the "Reparation Guard" and formed up the black coated Tyronic Cult. The Tyronic cultists managed to track down the last of the essence of Eviit to resurect Laethin Tyron as a Lich. Whether or not he was dead before this is unknown. As a Lich he managed to raise a powerful army of eldritch abominations, undead, and formerly enslaved spellcasters. All told the war lasted 3 months, during which time the now legendary Heroes Adrealen Nightshade, Anunaak Kawa, Arawiin Boldstrike, and Dalani Eversent managed to finally destroy Tyron once qnd for all qnd freeing the essence of Eviit back into the last pool of Vez’yt's blood.

Doing this merged their essence and rebonded their marriage to one another. This effectively rejuvenated the two gods to the point where they should have returned to full strength. However something went wrong. Shortly after the restoration the goddess Eviit went missing, her prayers were still answered but beyond this her presence has felt weak ever since, and the god of magic once more lays slain.

The Council of Ethics

The Ruling body of Modern Kiir Anaan that replaced the post of King after the second Tyronic war. The Councilers are elected officials representing the portion of Kiir Anaan from which they Hail. Those five officials decide on the laws and pronounce judgement and perform all of the duties that a king would. They hold essentially absolute power in the country.

King Laethin Tyron



Formed by a reformest group of nobles from Kiir Anaan alongside religious and cultural leaders from amongst the oppressed Elvish and Orcish peoples, the Maiy'ners officially succeeded from Kiir Anaan 200 years ago. This act in part started the second Tyronic War and lead to the downfall of magecraft in eastern Reverlar for the better part of 100 years. However in the last 80 years Maiy'n has taken leaps to reinvigorate it's once dominant magical studies. For a nation as small as Maiy'n you need every advantage you can get.

The Amyrr & the Black Iron Council

In Maiy'ner politics the majority of the power is held by the Monarch, known as the Amyrr. The current Amyrr, Ayaliin Shaw, is the first ruler of Maiy'n to ascend to the position since the last Amyrr D'yaelin Ellysh had helped found the country. D'yaelin is not related to Ayaliin, instead she was appointed to her position by the Black Iron council. A group of publicly elected officials who act as judges for court hearings. This encompasses everything from local disputes to national concerns. Amongst the Council are the Speakers, they hold the power in national court and the 20 speakers decide who the next Amyrr will be and when they stand in agreeance they hold nearly equal to the power of the Amyrr herself.


Oft called the heart of the Bard or the Poet’s soul Melodia is a beautiful country with a rich cultural history. Despite the fact that most Melodians are human, very few of them look all that much alike as much of the population of Melodia are former refugees and peace seekers. Before 30 years ago Melodia had not been to war or fended off an act of aggression in almost 300 years, a verifiably impressive feat for a country made up almost entirely of humans. Despite losing an important piece of their land in a blitz war with Raiizyr, Melodia is still a major cultural powerhouse and contains two of the most well renowned Bard Colleges on the continent.

The Devil went down to Rhythmia

The Ruler of Melodia is known as the High Virtuoso, and is often the person considered to be the greatest musician in the land. This is because, once every four years a devil rises in the center of Rhythmia, the capital city of Melodia and challenges the ruler of the nation to a contest of musicianship as per their contract. If they can best the devil, he will protect their country and help them to prosper, if they cannot best him he will destory the country and remake it in his image. High Virtuoso Niccollo Paganni, first Maestro of the Council of Bards, Sounder of the Chord, Soul of the Realm is perhaps the greatest musician and by extension bard who has ever lived. The Human-Elf crossbreed has been the High Virtuoso for the last 65 years, and is still only in his early middle age.

Culture Capital of Oscillar

Titans of fashion, Poets, Songwrites, , and artists with a trained eye. In other countries these would be few and far between, but in Melodia you are more likely to find a famous playwright walking the streets than a textile merchant. That isn't to say they are short on those either, but in Melodia the art comes first. This is in part a religious practice venerating their patron deity Vytilla, but also it is partially due to the harmonic ressonance emenating from deep within their mountains. It is that very harmonic sound that makes Melodian grapes so sought after for wines, song-grapes make a wine that hums when poured and sings when swirled in the cup.


A desert country to the north east of the Red Desert, ruled by Gnomes. From their love to the sport of Gnome Ball to their reverence of the Mothershroom, thge country of Onor is often considered to be strange. Despite this, any traveler would be remiss to fail to visit Maeshura, the capital of Onor.

Eldagilly Sporesouled's Law

14,264 years before the start of this campaign (they kept count) Eldagilly the greatest Gnomish Sorcerer of all time, locked a powerful evil away beneath the capital city of what was then called Irylltha. Eldagilly used her power to siphon energy away from this evil creature, eventually causing a massive sporebloom that restored the true magics to the realm. After this the Mothershroom has layed dormant, waiting for the day when the Sporesouled walks the realm once again. All Gnomes who who live in Onor that are descended from the sorcerer are considered Honored ones. The law states that Honored Ones will watch for the next Sporesouled, the one who will bring Onor prosperity with their rule. The Honorary title for the rulers of Onor are Watchers of the Spores.

Maeshura, The Gem of Hollow Hill

Centered around a strange crystalline structure, the capital city Maeshura is a sight to behold. Starting with the Gem itself, a massive structure made of some sort of solid gemstone that sparkle like diamonds shaped like archways pointed in each of the cardinal directions. People often report strange sightings during the various eclipses and solstices but nobody is really sure why it is there. The structure was there even before the Gones settled Onor after arriving from the fae realm. The rest of the city is built around the main hill that the crystal structure sits atop. Part of the reason Maeshura is considered the most beautiful city in the worl is that at sunrise, sunset, and noon the sun seems to hit the structure in such a way that it showers the entire city in rainbows. The Gnomes of Onor then took it upon themselves to create a type of lining for their rooves that both protected them from sandblasting but also reflected the scattered light as patterns int he sky. So when the sun hits the city it shines bright like diamonds in the sky. However only government officials, religious leaders, and the afluently wealthy ever really leave the true city, hidden away beneath the hills of the sparkling city at the surface.

Gnome Ball!

Played on a large rectangular field of grass, divided in half with large circular hoops at either end marked with arcane sigils. Each side of the field has 3 obsticle walls, and each team has 4 players. The PLayer's goal are to take their ball and score it in the enemy hoop without the person in possesion of the ball being tagged by the players on the opposing team. When the ball handler is tagged they are instantly transported along with their ball back to the starting point where the balls start at the begining of the game. Each team is given 3 balls at the start of the match and whichever team manages to get all 3 of their balls through the enemy hoops wins. The catch is, whenever you score the ball you take away a point from the enemy team. In other words, matches always end 3-0. Gnome ball is played all accross Onor and is even popular in the Raiizyr Empire.

A Song of Blood and Stone

The Songbloods are a mysterious insular and unique cultural group made up of primarily Crossbreeds, with the few members with full blooded ancestries being flukes. Every member of their ethnic group are a crossbreed or descended from a crossbreed of humans and elves. Interestingly, studies have shown that the songbloods predate the arrival of elves on the Material Plane. They live within the mountains that line the border of Onor and the rest of the Red desert proper. It is said that they speak of the rhythm of life, and their spiritual leaders are masterful healers and diviners. THe Songbloods rarely speak with outsiders, and have only been studied very very limitedly.

Raiizyr, Seat of the Hawkwing Empire

Empress Elaina Hawkwing is the greatest military mind of the last 3,000 years. Of this, everyone agrees. Even the Khans of the Red Desert are said to respect her prowess on the other end of a battlefield as well as in Khan-Lao. Khan-Lao is a sport played with ants in order to simulate battle. No outsider has ever bested a Khan in Khan-Lao before the famous 2nd defeat of Areeta the Khan of Xi. Part of the reason for the rapid expansion is the inclusive nature of the empire as a whole. Put simply they don't care who you are, they want to conquor you for the challenge. It is notable however that their apparent warmongering has cooled off in the last 30 years, ever since Empress Hawkwing married Truthsayer Ghen Ro, former consort to the throne, and destined uniter of his peoples.

The Sky is the Limit?

Perhaps not. Because of their union with Byrjani, and the cultural resources of the empire, Raiizyr has taken leaps and bounds technologically over the last 6 years. Most recently the innovation of balloon flight was discovered in a southern city near the border of the Red Desert, known as Birkdale. Although the technology is still in its infancy, the potential of Raiizyr to finally match or even exceed the Syran air force is too great a prospect for the empire to give up.


In the empire, rarely you will meet a Catfolk who has seemingly been shaved of all the hair on their bodies. However, this is not the case. Instead this is the result of a mutation by Catfolk who lived in an Isolated Monastery since long before the days of a united Raiizyr.

The K'lyliin Librarians

The Library of the forgotten prophet, K'lyliin whose very name was only recently recovered from within, is explored and maintained by an order once only known as the Libraians. The Library itself is an extradimensional rift in space time, and contains all the knowledge in the universe. However as you might have guessed, tracking down this information is not as straightforward as simply finding a book. As such the library is sealed away from the public and librarians are rarely seen. Occaisionally however they will venture out, though commoners can only speculate as to what their goals are. Very rarely, a librarian might leave and be dispatched at the orders of the Empress. However this is incredibly rare.

War & Peace

Despite their rapid expansionism, you might be surprised to learn that the Raiizyri primarily regard Anri the goddess of Peace as their patron deity. Part of this rational is rather simple. What better way to grow your family than to take them under your wing? Is this not what the mother goddess would want? What's more, with the recent technological advancement in Raiizyr they see themselves as the mothers of science and revolution. In their eyes war and expansion are justified to bring their great wealth and prosperity to the savages who would not otherwise have or want it.

The Empire Personified

Empress Elaina Hawkwing, Lord Captain Commander of the Brass Legions, and Consort to the Prophet Messiah Ghen Ro is the most powerful woman on the vast continent of Oscillar. Perhaps Revelar in its entirety knows no more powerful mortal. Born 82 years ago and now in the prime of her life, Empress Elaina has been critisized by other Raiizyri High lords for slowing down after her marriage. Many whispers are starting to circulate that maybe a woman isn't fit to lead the Empire going forwards. Despite this, the average citizen of the empire doesn't have much to complain about as far as where their ruler is concerned. The Empire has low banditry rates, trade is strong, and in the last 20 years crops have been overwhelmingly favorable. Amongst Orcs especially the Empire is considered a safe haven against prejudice unlike any other except maybe Galdur. The empress herself accredits these changes to her husbands influence, a fact that greatly annoys some of the other high lords.

The Red Desert

A Massive swathe of desert heated by the fire sand deposits that stream in from beneath the earth. There are three major rivers that pass through , the Liza, the Qont, and the Helona. The land alternates between sand dunes and the spearhead mountain regions. The Helona is the largest and oldest river in the region and over the years has created a massive canyon that scars the center of the desert. Speckled throughout the arid landscape are small Oases that spring up from ground water in the cool pockets of eath without fire sand.


The Hilizians are the humans who call the red desert home. World renowned fighters, tacticians, and soldiers the Hilizian battle prowess is second to none. Amongst the Hilizians women are considered the dominant gender. To be feminine is to live the Kha'do a strict code typified by 7 core values.

  • Rectitude: Morally correct behavior and thinking.
  • Courage: Strength in the Face of Fear.
  • Benevolence: Be kind, especially towards men, children, and others who cannot defend themselves.
  • Respect: Give way to those who exemplify Kha'do.
  • Honesty: Tell no lies to another woman of Hiliz.
  • Honor: Adhere always to Kha'do and ensure others do as well.
  • Loyalty: Follow always your Khan so long as she follows Kha'do. Listen always to your master as long as she speaks to Kha'do. Bare always your soul so long as you feel Kha'do.

Men on the other hand follow closely to the teachings of Lao and Xian, the first son and daughter of Hiliz. The twins teach of 3 primary virtues for men to follow as well as their 4 pillars of Morality. The three virtues:

  • Humanity: Goodness is to be put before all except the Khan.
  • Filial Piety: The home, your foremothers, and your wife are more important than even your flesh.
  • Performance: This encompasses all social ettiquette. Submission to the wife, not speaking out of turn, eating after the rest of the family, and ensuring a clean home.

The 4 pillars of Morality:

  • Love and kindness to all. This means to stive for harmony with your fellow Hilizians.
  • Seek joy in the accomplishments of both oneself and others.
  • Compassion, a hope that all will come to suffer less.
  • Let gain and loss be greated as equals and both be seen as blessings.

The Hilizians as a whole are ruled by 8 Khans, each considered equal to the others. Disputes amongst the Khans are settled by blades or ants if no verbal or written agreement can be made.


The Eplisians or Eplo Sylvans as they are sometimes called are a cultural group of nomadic elves that live within the red desert. All Eplisians revere Hep and live their lives in such a way as to embody that reverence. Those are:

  • Be Considerate of Hep and dispose of waste un ways that would not dishonor them. Waste only that which has no use.
  • Be careful with fire so as to not give away the tribe. Use fire-sand pits for cooking and warmth, true fire is only used as a last resort.
  • Be kind to Hep and those who reflect their Grace. Be wary of those who would spit upon Hep's gift of earth,
  • Respct those who have wisdom in years and knowledge of the arcane for they are prophets from which Hep acts.

The Eplisians are split into six visually, linguistically, and in some minor ways culturally distinct tribes. Each tribe is lead by their own tribal elder, who often acts as both their spiritual leader and a sort of ruler.

  • Nasoma Tribe: The Largest clan of Eplisians, the Nasoma are tall, dark of eye, and in often in possesion of a keen wit.
  • Atharte Tribe: The Second largest of the living tribes, the Atharte Eplisians are unique for their ritualized burn scars. They numb the are of skin using an extract from local cacti, and then carefully pour fire-sand in intricate patterns in the nummbed area. They leave the sand there until there are incurable burns. THen the person is magically healed and left with their scars. The Atharte elves also have vibrant orange irises.
  • Woana Tribe: The second smallest living tribe the Woana tribe are charictarized by startling green eyes with no pupils. Woana never cut their hair and will braid it in intricate patterns as it grows.
  • Vulpi Tribe: The Vulpi are one of the lost tribes, they were once characterized by their bright red eyes and their intricate ear tattoos. In modern days there are still a few mingling with the other tribes but not enough to restart their now extinct tribe.
  • Ractus Tribe: The second of the Dead tribes, the Yellow eyes Ractus were hunted to extiction by the Hilizians after Grand Sorcerer Leirus began to fight back against the Hilizians who fear magic.
  • Ulema Tribe: The smallest of the still living tribes the Ulema have beautiful blue eyes and are often much shorter than other Eplisians.
Magic in the Red Desert

The Hilizians detest magic, and will only allow spellcasters within the red desert provisionally. They need a written permit issued by one of the Khans in order to practice magic within the desert, and they are NEVER allowed to cast spells within any settlements. Because the Eplisians revere spellcasters they are hunted by the Hilizians.


The Mountain Queendom of Syr, known throughout the land for their Sotrm Maidens. The Maidens are an elite force of soldiers who ride Wolfbats (Aeykir). They are all small of stature and light. The most elite are trained in spellcasting and can throw lightning and fire making them one of the most formidable special forces groups in all the realms.

Of High Mountains & Low Seas

  • The Ish'syran: Mostly human though a small number are dwarves and Human-Dwarf crossbreeds aren't super uncommon amongst them but are rarer than amongst the Ahk’Syran. The Ish'syran or "Sea Folk" as people in Syr would call them are descended from humans who used to live exclusively out at sea.

  • The Ahk'syran Humans and Dwarves make up the Ahk'Syran, Human-Dwarf Crossbreeds are fairly common amongst them. The Ask'syran or "Mountain Folk" as most Syrans would call them are mostly descended from those who have called the mountains of Syr their home for centuries.

Deference to the Seawinds.

This is facilitated mostly by “Listeners of the Seawinds” a religious title given to those born during furious gales. Because of the spiritual nature of the Seawinds during these storms, most infants die if they are born during the furious gales. It is said the presence of a god is too much for their tiny souls. Those who survive are named Listeners. A Listener is comparable to a priest, and when they are offered up for religious training they become “Speakers of the Gales”.

Notable Cities

  • Imiliisna: The capital city of Syr, often called the Iron Peak. The city straddles the valley between two mountain peaks. The peak to the north of the city has been flattened and turned into a major airfield with the Storm Maiden barracks jutting off the cliff to the east, west and north for Aeykir. The southern Peak has been similarly flattened and transformed into the Palace of the Queen of Syr. The city itself is an impressive display of city planning and engenuity.
  • Recher Isla: A larger city situated on an artificial floating island. The original purpose of the island project was to create a facility far enough from the mountains to allow for magical research. After a successful few years of research and an expansion to the island, a naval Base was constructed on the island. This caused an influx of sailors, shipbuilders, soldiers and their families. This is followed by a massive boom in population and it is now the second largest city in the country.

Lost Storvalda

The brave young nation of Storvalda was lost during the Tyronic wars, having been too close to borders of the Mad King's would be empire. The first true home to the orcs in 10,000 years was razed to thr ground with fire, lightning, and hordes of wicked creatures like the Realms had never seen. Before it fell Storvalda was considered a culture capital, with a unique brand of archetecture and design. When Storvalda fell, very few people survived the Manaplagues.

The Dragon & The Chronicler

The Dragon cults of Storvalda are a unique quirk of their culture often misunderstood by outsiders. The Dragon Cult did not worship dragons themselves, but instead they had prophecies of a dragon, THE DRAGON, a powerful almost messianic dragon born in the flesh of a mortal. The Chronicler was a person who is gifted the memories of the last chronicler and all the lives they held. Apparently the last Chronicler, a human woman, was able to remember things even Elvish records only hinted at. It is said that when the Dragon is born and the Chronicler whispers the secret the last call of the V'en will sound signaling the end of days.

The Kings and the Manaplague

Long ago, before the lands of Sotrvalda were ravaged by the manaplague induced by King Laethin Tyron, they were ruled by the Nine Kings. Each of the kings of Storvalda ruled their own city states and were oathsworn to protect one another no matter their own personal feuds. The cold lands of Storvalda gave way to strong tradition and even stronger people, whose oaths were as strong as steel.

It was said that each of the Nine was handed down a blade from father to son, mother to daughter, king to heir. Each generation of the Kings held one of the nine blades forged from the nine fundamental magical energies manipulated by mages across the world. Each blade was given its own name, and was even said to have their own will and personality which guided the kings as they ruled their nation in concert.

That was until one of the kings, fueled by his cowardice fled the realm, taking with him the Oracle Blade and offering it up to the Mad King. With the blade in hand, the Mad King laid claim to a ninth of Sotrvald. He used this power to unlock the secrets of the manaforges which are said to have created the nine blades. Once he had secured the secrets of the manaforge he used it to create his spellthrone and ascend to virtual godhood. His first act as a god was to unleash the manaplague upon the Storvaldans, causing each of the citizens to manifest powerful sorcerous abilities causing massive wild magic surges and eventually driving them all mad or scouring them away under the weight of their newfound magical power.

It is said that each of the King Blades were lost or stolen soon after, as the kings themselves fell to the manaplague. Now, nearly 200 years after they went missing the blades are scattered across Revelar, each of them remembering what they are meant to be, and hoping for someone worthy to restore them to their true glory and perhaps to unlock the secrets of the manaforges once more and restore Storvalda to its lost glory.

The Triyawiirs

a group of nomadic clergy that worship Triya the goddess of trade.Known often as Land Sailors, they are the considered the best (and most fair) traders in all the land. Merchants who regularly do business with Triyawiirs are often considered more trustworthy and typically do better business than others. The Triyawiir people are often called upon by nations to be a neutral party in important trade deals, as well as to test the coincs in such exchanges as they are said to have the most accurate scales in the world.

Land Sailors

The Triyawiirs are a nomdic group and as such they travel constantly, living in their wagons and spending each day in new places with new people. Their wagons are massive boatlike structures with 6 large rubber coated wheels each with their own metal spring suspension system. The Land Ships are partially pulled by Wiir Ox, a breed they have perfected as muscular docile work animals, and partially drivel by the sails they have installed. During days of good wind they like to give the Oxen a break and harness the wind to help them move the land Ships.

The Trade Tongue

Originally proposed and constructed by the Twin Prophets Gro and Fit, the orginal trade tongue was a simple system of fake words centered around bartering. By the time the Prophets passed from the mortal plane, it had evolved into much much more. Now there are 3 versions of the trade tongue Western Trade, Eastern Trade, and Lord's Tongue. Any of the three may be used to communicate with the others but there are differences. The languages are maintained and documented by the Triyawiirs, but they have caught on to the point that most travelers know at least one trade language and often traders will speak at least East and West.

The Seekers

Called the "Gamblers" by laymen they are a loose organization of people who seek the Deck of Many Things and it's counterpart the Deck of Illusions. Some seek for fortune and glory, others seeks to keep it from those who would use it. Still others hear prophecies and seek the deck that heralds the last Lords of Chaos. Most seekers are friendly folk looking for a game of dice, a round of cards, or any other game of chance they can find.

Players of "The Game"

Almost all seekers are players of "The Game", people who believe in an ancient game played by the gods for the souls of mortals. The legends say that the game is open to any who have pulled from either a deck of many things or a deck of Illusions. Either the Deck of Illusions or the Deck of Many things is rendered inert unless you have at least 10 cards. So many seekers wander than land hunting for cards for their decks, hoping to pull a card that will change their life and maybe even win "the game" and gain the souls of all the mortals in the world.

Languages of the Realms

There are a total of 16 languages in Revelar that are well documented enough to be listed here. Of those 17, 3 are artificial languages created and subtley maintained by the Triyawiir peoples. The other 14 are all spoken to varying degrees within their countries of origin or amongst those countries that broke off from one another too shortly ago to develop their own tongue again. Because of the sheer volume of languages it is impossible for you to have learned them all right off the bat. As such your character knows a number of languages equal to 1 plus their Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1). It is reccomended to pick a Trade Tongue as one of your languages.

Languages in Revelar
Language Who Uses It?
Raiizyri (Western) Trade Tongue Spoken to some degree or another by most people in Western Revelar
Kiiran (Eastern) Trade Tongue Spoken to some degree or another by most people in Eastern Revelar
Triywiir (Civil) Trade Tongue Spoken by Nobles, Diplomats, and the Triyawiir People.
Hilizian Spoken by the humans of the Red Desert
Epsylvys The Language of the Eplisians in the Red Desert
Kiiran (True) Spoken in Kiir Anaan, Galdur, and Maiy'n
Raiizyri (True) Spoken in the Raiizyr Empire
Byllir Spoken in Byrjani
Ezra Xhili (Spore Tongue) Spoken by the Onorens
Card'yyta Spoken by the Songblood peoples in Onor.
Iyllsam'yl Spoken in the Auguari Domain
Lyrica Spoken in Melodia
Ahk'sha Spoken by Ahk'Syrans
Ish'hki Spoken by the Ish'Syrans
Jhee'Syr The Syran "family" tongue, used to communicate between Ish and Ahk syrans.
Shoh-Vran Spoken in the Dohvrani Bluffs
Storvaldan Spoken by those who once lived in Storvalda.
Draconic Spoken by Dragons and used in many spellbooks
Infernal Spoken by Demons and Devils, many a warlock and Wizard also use this language in incantations
Sylvan Spoken by the Fey of the Feywilds
Disylvan Spoken by those who once lived in the feywilds but were exiled, without losing their immortality
Enochian Spoken by angels and the gods, many clerical orders teach this language

The Gods of Revelar

Deific Alighnment Chart
Tastiness Cookie Type
Lawful Good Kohva, Anri
Neutral Good Aeyin, Yanna, Vytilla
Chaotic Good Katari
Lawful Neutral Hiliz, Triya,
Neutral Theth, Hep, Ceret, Vez'yt, Eviit
Chaotic Neutral Dho'vran
Lawful Evil Frezir
Neutral Evil Kohva
Chaotic Evil Vaknir, Qonta
*Kohva's Dual Nature

The Deity Kohva is listed here twice, this is due to his dual nature in mythology. In the ancient days before the sun grew cold, in the time of great magics, Kohva was revered across the land. Then due to a great betrayal he turned his back on the world, and the sun dimmed.

Aeyin the Wolf Mother

Neutral Good

  • Parents: Kohva, She was hatched from a kidney stone he passed in the woods and was raised by wolves.
  • Spouse: Kyne and Ghlan, Minor Star Spirits
  • Children: Aeyik and Vyn, the Twin Moons
  • Godly Domains: Lycanthropy, Wolves, The twin moons (Aeyik and Vyn), Healing, Herbs, Menstrual cycles, Moon phases, Femininity, Dreams
  • Cleric Domains: Dream, Life & Twilight

Goddess of the Moons, Menstruation, Femininity, Healing, and Lycanthropy. A Goddess nearly as old as her father, Aeyin is often worshipped by those who seek to be healers or those with Lycanthropy, she is also said to be heavily favored by women who seek to not bear children.


Lawful Good

  • Parent: Vez'yt
  • Spouse: Dho'vran
  • Children: Triya & Vytilla
  • Godly Domains: Fair Weather, Family, Motherhood, Peace, Calm, Politics
  • Cleric Domains: Order, Peace, Life, and Solidarity

The goddess of compassion and Familial bonds. She is related closely to running a family, and leading the Family. She is also known as the only being that can keep her husband in check for any length of time. She is also heavily associated with politics and the intricacies of relationships on a governmental level. It is believed that since countries are like extended family from a Deific point of view that she sees herself as an authority there too.

Ceret, The Iron Mind


  • Parents: Unknown
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: All constructs are his children.
  • Godly Domains: Invention, Crafting, Inspiration, Constructs, Thought
  • Cleric Domains: Forge & Knowledge

The Iron God of Craftsmen often worshipped and praised by Gnomish tinkerers, Elven glassblowers, and Dwarven Smiths. He is said to have a body made of pure metal and grants his followers with unmatched inspiration. It is said that the first constructs were not crafted but birthed from his skull as a baby and carried him to drink of the Ichor of a fallen god, ascending him to join their pantheon.


The God of the land, earth, stone, and the red sands. The conjoined twin gods of Helo and Epla. The brother and Sister gods, known as the twin lovers, gave birth to the material plane and in doing so joined themselves into one being known as Hep. Hep is often depicted as an Elven man with a large penis and large breasts out of which flow great rivers (the breasts and the Penis). Their eyes are said to be twin pits of burning coals, their skin alternates banding of red sandstone, lighter limestone, and dark Basalt.

Hep’s Followers are often secluded and druidic in nature, often showing reverence for the twin god’s union by performing sexual rituals deep inside caves or while buried in the sand. These rituals are only performed amongst those who have been fully indoctrinated into their religion. Essentially only High Level Druids devoted to Hep would perform such rituals.

Cultures that claim to revere Hep are often Nomadic and unwilling to settle down for very long. The Holy land of the Eplisians (people who revere Hep) is the Red desert, a place they share rather unwillingly with the Hilizians who often make a sport of hunting them.


  • Parents: N/A A union of Helo and Epla
  • Spouse: N/A
  • Children: The Material Plane
  • Godly Domains: Earth, Stone, Volcanoes, Fertile land, Love, and Life
  • Cleric Domains: Life & Nature

Dho'vran, The Boistrous Gale

Chaotic Neutral

  • Parents: Vez'yt
  • Spouse: Anri
  • Children: Triya, Vytilla, and Frezir
  • Godly Domains: Practical Jokes, Jeering and Jesting, Storms, The winds, Alcohol, Parties, The Cold, Cruelty, The Waves
  • Cleric Domains: Tempest & Trickery

God of Storms, Ice, Winds, Waves, Clouds, Laughter, Cruelty, Alcohol, and Parties. Well known as a cruel and punishing God Dho’vran is both feared and revered by many. His great power makes him one of the few gods that is worshipped frequently in almost all lands, though most especially by those in the far north and those who fare the high seas.

Eviit, The Wanderer in Twilight


  • Parents: N/A
  • Spouse: Vez'yt
  • Children: Yanna & Vaknir
  • Godly Domains: Rebirth, Death, Life, Tales, Twilight, & Travel
  • Cleric Domains: Life, Grave, & Twilight.

The Lost goddess of rebirth, Eviit the wanderer was once the most well renowned goddess in the realms. Known in all the lands as the spinner of tales, responsible for spinning old lives old stories into new ones, testing the worth of souls who needed another go at the world.


Lawful Evil

  • Parents: Dho'vran & Kohva
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: The Demigod V'en Nona Wyzck
  • Godly Domains: Conquest, Blizzards, Frost, Pain, Death, & Wrath
  • Cleric Domains: Tempest, War, & Death

When Kohva turned his back on the world, he left the world to freeze and from that ice came Frezir. Frezir is the amalgamation of Kohva's betrayal and hatred for mortals combined witht the wicked ice storms Dho'vran had assaulted Revelar with in the god kings absense. Frezir threatened to destroy the entire world before Katari, her sister, convinced Kohva to take his pity. When Kohva split into two Frezir found herself bound to the Winter side of Kohva and her powers waned as summer once more took ahold of the land.


Lawful Neutral

  • Parents: Vez'yt
  • Spouse: Kohva
  • Children: Many great Demigod heroes of legend (around 38)
  • Godly Domains: Warfare, Strategy, Strength, Endurance, Ants, Vitality, Planning

  • Cleric Domains: Order, War, Strength, & Knowledge

Goddess of Strength, Strategy, Warfare, and Ants. Often regarded as a powerful goddess, the Hilizian religion is often practiced by warriors, generals, and tacticians. The official religion is mainly practiced in the Red Desert, and her temples are easily recognizable with large statues of Antpeople with Spears and armor.

Kohva, The Dual Crown

The Lord of Sunlight, Father of Giants, Master of Dragons. He was once heralded as the King of Gods, and a champion of all things good. However at the treacherous death of his son, he turned his back on the world and gave over to oblivion. It is said he cursed the world to die in frost without his warmth or care to save them. For months he watched the world freeze, he turned his back as people cried out their voices lost in sudden blizzards. It was in those days when the world would nearly freeze that Katari spoke to her father, turning his golden gaze upon the world and finally making him see what it was that he was doing. It was then that he split, of two minds at war cannot be at peace. Kohva split into the planes of summer and winter as he struggled eternally with himself

Neutral Evil & Lawful Good

  • Parents: Vez'yt
  • Spouse: Hiliz
  • Children: Katari, Aeyin, & Frezir
  • Godly Domains: The Sun, Dragons, Giants, Light, Law, Honor, Duty, Damnation, Summer, & Winter
  • Cleric Domains: Ambition, Zeal, Light, Tempest, Order, & War


Chaotic Good

  • Parents: Kohva
  • Spouse: None.
  • Children: None.
  • Godly Domains: Glades, Forest Clearings, The Constellation “The Fox’s Dance”, Flowers, Foxes, & fairy circles.

  • Cleric Domains: Trickery, Nature,

The Goddess of Glades, Flowers, Meadows, and Foxes. A shy young goddess, Katari spends much of her time within the glades for which she is the patron deity. She is often associated with her father but her mother, or if she even has one, is unknown. She is also often associated with fairies, and many common folk think Katari steals children and leaves foxes in human skin behind to fool them. Those so-called foxes are said to be marked from birth.


Chaotic Evil

  • Parents:
  • Spouse:
  • Children:
  • Godly Domains: Avarice, Power, Deception, and Mistrust.
  • Cleric Domains: Ambition, Trickery, & Knowledge.

    The Tiny god of deception and mistrust thrives on manipulation. Followers of Qonta often masquerade as followers of his sister Anri, and position themselves adjacent to the seats of true power. Pulling strings and manipulating situations to better suit their own greed without too much of the spotlight. Qonta is often depicted as a blood sucking creature like a vampire but hideous with vibrant red eyes and twisted features.



  • Parents: ???
  • Spouse: ???
  • Children: ???
  • Godly Domains: Madness, Sanity, Past, Present, Now, Always, & Never
  • Cleric Domains: Mind, Order, Trickery, Death, & Life

A strange deity rarely written about. Few know anything about him despite his shrines being found all across the continent. His places of worship are often hidden away and those that were not are long destroyed by those who feared the seemingly mad ravings of his prophets. Thethian Prophets have consistently and repeatedly announced the coming of V'en who will shape the very fabrics of reality with their voices. Many see the Thethians as mad, Thethians see everyone else as blind and deaf.


Lawful Neutral

  • Parents:
  • Spouse:
  • Children:
  • Godly Domains: Labor, Wealth, Trade, Language, Travel, and Mathematics
  • Cleric Domains: Knowledge & Order

The Goddess of Trade and Travel grows in influence with every exchange of coin, every word spoken in the trade language, and every ale shared amongst foreigners. Triya sees a world where everyone does what they were bron to do and prophit off of the results. Triya believes in a world where money empowers people to see the world and exchange culture. Triya believes in trade, and the Triyawiirs (her followers) are the billows that enable her winds of trade.

The V'en Zhurat

an elvish monastic messianic figure. It is said that the V'en Zhurat grew so still of body mind and soul that they glimpsed the true nature of reality itself. Due to their place within a remote monastic order much of their life is unknown, even their true name is potentially unknown to us as V'en Zhurat is actually a Sylvan expression meaning something mortals would only understand as an "epiphany". There is a rumor also that the V'en Zhurat is yet to be born, and the Monks of Zhurat are simply waiting for whoever in the future could touch the universe in such a way as to prophesize its own birth.


  • Godly Domains: V'en
  • Cleric Domains: Peace & Mind


Lawful Evil

  • Parents: Eviit & Vez'yt
  • Spouse: None.
  • Children: None.
  • Godly Domains: Magical Mystery, Temptation, Undeath, fear, & Egotism
  • Cleric Domains: Ambition, Arcana, Blood, and Death

The god of foul magics and Undeath. Yanna’s Brother, the dead god. He exists locked in the underworld guarded by Yanna and her angels ever since his defeat at her hand in the days before legend. His patron animal is the Bluffstorm Vulture and his followers often include vampires, Necromancers, and death cultists. Where Yanna represents the natural end that death brings, Vaknir represents a foul inversion of this nature.



  • Parents: N/A
  • Spouse: Eviit
  • Children: Existence
  • Godly Domains: Magic, Dreams, Reality, Knowledge, & Questions
  • Cleric Domains: Arcana & Knowledge,

The God of Magic. All mana flows from his split veins in the ether beyond reach. From his ichor the first gods were made. This god basically created everything. Whether intentionally or unintentionally it is unknown. He rarely meddles in the affairs of mortals or even other deific entities.


Neutral Good

  • Parents: Anri & Dho'vran
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Godly Domains: Aesthetics, Art, Beauty, Color, and The Night Sky
  • Cleric Domains: Beauty

The god of Aesthetics. He embodies the idea of things that are pleasing to the eye, and is said to be the painter of the night sky. He is depicted as a handsome man wielding a paintbrush of the stars.




Neutral Good

  • Parents: Vez'yt
  • Spouse: none
  • Children: The Devil Yaren (The Feathered One)
  • Godly Domains: Death, Battlefields, Graves, Grief, Depression, Pity, Loneliness, Inspiration/Muse, Ravens, Silver, & Mystery
  • Cleric Domains: Grave & Knowledge

The Raven goddess of cemeteries, battlefields, grief, pity, inspiration, and (sorta obviously) Ravens. Not much is known about this goddess outside of the Circle of Ravens, she is heavily associated with the Hero Dalani and the Raven Blade.

A Typical Depiction of a Circle of Ravens Cleric.