Observation Haki

Prerequisites: wisdom 13

Basic Observation Haki

Haki.(Bonus action) Observation last for 1 minute.Usage/up to wisdom mod per day

One day while exploring you open your eyes to the new world. When you take this feat you choose one effect, to gain the others you must take this feat again.

Passive: Advantage on all perception checks.

Visuals: When observation is active you gain truesight up to 15 feet all around you.

Alert: you can’t be surpised attacked.

Sniper King: you gain a +2 to hit on all ranged attacks.

Usage/up to wisdom mod per day

 Advanced Observation Haki

Prerequisite:Basic observation, Level 12, wisdom 15

This is the next step in your visual training.

When you take this feat you choose one effect, to gain the others you must take this feat again.

Upgraded Visuals : When observation is active you gain truesight up to 30 feet all around you.

Upgraded Sniper King : You gain a +4 to hit on all ranged attacks.

Upgraded Alert : You gain a + 3 to initiative and +1 AC.

Upgraded alert Variant :When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Upgraded Alert variant rule

When you pick the Upgraded alert feature you can instead pick the variant version