Shields Expanded

Do you find the one and only option for shields in Dungeons and Dragons boring and lacking? Wanna spice up martial characters and expand their utilization in combat? Say no more! Look no further than Shields Expanded!

This 5e homebrew adds a variety of shield options that is easy to implement into vanilla 5e and is mechanically similar to how 5e handles armor already, while also adding an interesting flavor to choosing shields, including gaining access to Maneuvers, being able to attack with your shield, or deploy it as cover.

The table below shows the new shield options. They’re divided into light, medium, and heavy shields just like armor, with each weight class granting a +1, +2, or +3 bonus to the wearer’s armor class (AC). Some shields also call for an Ability Prerequisite of the wearer: Strength for heavier shields or Dexterity for lighter shields. If the wearer’s ability score is below the prerequisite, they don’t get access to whatever is listed in the Properties column.

New Shields
Shield Cost AC Bonus Ability Prereq. Speed Penalty Weight Properties
Light Shields
  Targe 8 gp +1 5 lbs.
  Heater 15 gp +1 5 lbs. Disarming Attack Maneuver access.
  Throwing 20 gp +1 Dex 12 2 lbs. Simple melee weapon (light, reach): 1d6 bludgeoning.
  Buckler 50 gp +1 Dex 14 3 lbs. A light weapon can also be held in the same hand.
  Parma 80 gp +1 Dex 16 3 lbs. Parry Maneuver access.
Medium Shields
  Standard 10 gp +2 6 lbs.
  Kite 30 gp +2 12 lbs. Lunging Attack Maneuver access.
  Aspis 60 gp +2 Str 10 15 lbs. Pushing Attack Maneuver access.
  Hoplon 80 gp +2 Str 12 18 lbs. Commanding Presence Maneuver access.
  Spiked 120 gp +2 Str 12 22 lbs. Simple melee weapon: 1d6 piercing.
Heavy Shields
  Trojan 40 gp +3 18 lbs.
  Pavise 100 gp +3 Str 12 -5 feet 20 lbs. You and allies within 5’ have a +2 to ranged attacks.
  Tower 200 gp +3 Str 14 -10 feet 30 lbs. Action to deploy as a Medium wall of half-cover.
  Bulwark 300 gp +3 Str 14 -15 feet 35 lbs. Simple melee weapon: 1d8 bludgeoning.
  Mantlet 600 gp +3 Str 16 -15 feet 75 lbs. Action to deploy as a Medium wall of ¾-cover.

Proficiencies Addendum

Proficiency in the associated weight class of armor grants proficiency in that weight class of shields.

For example, a player character who is proficient in light armor – by virtue of being a bard – means they also have proficiency in light shields.

Meanwhile, proficiency in a shield now means that player character is proficient in only Medium Shields, unless of course that character has armor proficiencies that expand their shield options.

If a shield’s properties specify that it can be used as a weapon, only add your proficiency bonus to an attack roll made with it if you have proficiency in the shield’s weight class or in simple melee weapons.

Battle Maneuvers

Some shields grant the user Maneuvers. These are typically only available to Fighters who have chosen the Battle Master archetype.

If a Maneuver is used as part of using a shield, the superiority die is only a d4, unlike the d8 that Battle Masters are granted. Also, any saving throw DCs are calculated like the Battle Master’s Maneuver save DC.

On the flip side, Maneuvers performed with shields do not have a limit on the amount of times they can be used between rests.

Having access to Maneuvers through being a Battle Master Fighter does not affect Maneuvers performed with shields. The mechanics are treated as separate.



Light Shields

Targe. Targes are small, versatile round shields that are made of iron or iron-reinforced wood.

Heater. The heater is the standard upside-down triangle shield, usually made of wood. It’s shape allows for easy use while both riding a mount and on foot.

Throwing. Throwing shields are affixed with a rope sling or a similar mechanism in the buckle to allow unclasping it at an enemy.

Buckler. Designed for hand-to-hand combat, the buckler is a tiny, rounded metal shield.

Parma. Similar in design to the buckler, the parma’s rounded central point allowed for easy parrying against martial combatants.

Medium Shields

Standard. The classic 5e shield found in the Armor and Shields section of the Player’s Handbook (pg 144).

Kite. The kite holds a similar shape as the heater shield that’s elongated out further to grant more protection to the legs.

Aspis. The aspis is a large, wood and bronze made bowl shield commonly found among legions of soldiers.

Hoplon. Like the aspis, this large metal shield easily protects against incoming arrows and blades. They’re commonly addorned with symbols or coats of arms.

Spiked. Some warriors equip their shields with spiked elements that allow them to impale their opponents to horrific effect.

Heavy Shields

Trojan. Trojan shields bear a resemblance to the aspis, but is thicker and has half-moons cut out on the sides, allowing the wielder to stick their weapons through.

Pavise. Pavise shields are fancied by heavy crossbowmen and other marksmen for their barricade-like cover.

Tower. A self-explanatory name, the tower can stand on its own as a hefty piece of blockade for you or allies.

Bulwark. Bulwarks are massive hunks of iron steel used to pummel and crush the wielder’s enemies.

Mantlet. Standing even taller and wider than the tower shield is the mantlet, a mobile blockade wall of steel that can stand as its own piece of defense.

Homebrew by

Brooke Sulecki (oopsie_brooke)