Soulforged Collection

-Artificer: UberTool Specialization

-Barbarian: Path of the Boundless Fury

-Bard: College of Legend

-Druid: Circle of Bloom

-Paladin: Oath of the Bulwark

-Rogue: Long-Haul

Artificer: UberTool

UberTool Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Alchemist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Spell Level Spell
3rd Magnify Gravity, Remote Access
5th Borrowed Knowledge, Knock
9th Aura of Vitality,Haywire
13th Compulsion, Locate Creature
17th Awaken, Commune with City

One With the Machine

At 3rd level, the vast intellect that you once wielded has transformed you into a tool of limitless magical abilities. Literally. Your soul has been melded into a tool of your choosing. You retain any bonuses or features of your race, and are still considered to be of that race and type. You gain immunity to poison and disease, you do not require food, air, or water, and you no longer age. You have the same AC as your wielder, and you can use the higher of your Dexterity modifiers to calculate their AC. Whenever your wielder takes damage but you do not, both you and your wielder take half the amount of damage instead. You can regain hit points as though you were a living creature. Your walking movement speed is 0, and can’t be increased.

Additionally, your spells’ somatic components are replaced with “visual” components, where you visibly flare with magical power. You count as an arcane focus. You can communicate telepathically with your bearer, and with any creature that speaks a language within 60 feet of you. This telepathy is two-way, but otherwise you cannot speak.

Your bearer must have one hand touching you to enable you to cast a spell with a range other than “Self” or “Touch”. The exceptions to this rule are mage hand and lightning lure, which you learn when you choose this Subclass if you did not know them already.

Whenever your bearer makes a skill or ability check, you can choose to make the check in their stead using your statistics. If your bearer attempts to utilize you for a tool check utilizing your form of tool, they may do so with advantage.

Whenever you leave this form via spells or features like Wild Shape or polymorph, you no longer gain these benefits or penalties.

Tuning Fork

Also at 3rd level, your unique form brings you closer to the machines that you once worked with, allowing you to resonate with their frequencies in a similar manner to a tuning fork. While you are within melee range of a hostile creature, you may make a special attack, utilizing your tool modifiers for your current form to calculate your to hit modifiers. Upon a success, you immediately learn the current number of Hit Points and Armor Class of the target creature.

You may utilize this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, recharging upon your next long rest.


At 5th level, you have become a much more versatile tool, changing your physical form to allow your wielder to complete a myriad of tasks. Once per long rest, you may change forms to another type of tool. Bonuses to this tool are independent of your original form. Once you have changed forms, you remain in your new configuration until you next choose to alter yourself during a long rest.


At 9th level, the spark of magic within you reaches out to touch the inner workings of possible constructs. Upon coming into contact with a construct that has died within the last 10 minutes, you may expend one hit dice to re-imbue the construct with life. The Construct regains the number of hit points you have rolled, and for the next 24 hours it regards you as a close friend and Mentor, reacting as such in conversation, and doing everything it can to protect both you and your wielder.

After the 24 hour period has concluded, if the construct has not completed a long rest, you must expend another hit dice to maintain its life force, or it will become inert and immediately fail all 3 of its death saving throws. If the construct has completed a long rest within this time frame, it is no longer at risk of death, and after the 24 hours have concluded, it will return to viewing you as would be appropriate before the use of this feature.

You may utilize this feature once, recharging upon your next long rest.


At 15th level, your form is able to overpower any situation, altering its form of output to ensure success. Once per long rest, when rolling a tool check involving your current physical form, you may choose for the result to be a 20, independent of any modifiers.

Barbarian: Path of the Boundless Fury

Beyond Physical Restriction

At 3rd level, the undying rage that possessed your spirit has caused you to lose touch with your physical form, unshackling you from its restrictions and allowing you to impose your spirit upon an object. You take the form of a spoil of war, be that a skull, limb, necklace of teeth, pelt of an animal, or similar object. You retain any bonuses or features of your race, and are still considered to be of that race and type. You gain immunity to poison and disease, you do not require food, air, or water, and you no longer age. You have the same AC as your wielder, and you can use the higher of your Dexterity modifiers to calculate their AC. Whenever your wielder takes damage but you do not, both you and your wielder take half the amount of damage instead. You can regain hit points as though you were a living creature. Your walking movement speed is 0, and can’t be increased.

Additionally, when raging, your form glows with bloody fury, producing a visual effect appropriate to your form. If you are a pelt, fur and/or feathers could shed from you as though blown by a strong wind. If you are a skull, black smoke or blood may pour from its eye sockets. You can communicate telepathically with your bearer, and with any creature that speaks a language within 60 feet of you. This telepathy is two-way, but otherwise you cannot speak.

While you are raging, your wielder benefits from the sheer aura of your fury. They gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning damage, piercing, and slashing damage, as well as gaining advantage on Strength Saving Throws. Your wielder is still able to cast spells while gaining these benefits.

Whenever your bearer makes a skill or ability check, you can choose to make the check in their stead using your statistics. If your bearer attempts a skill check with a skill that utilizes the Strength modifier, they may use your Strength modifier instead.

Whenever you leave this form via spells or features like Wild Shape or polymorph, you no longer gain these benefits or penalties.

Wage War

Also at 3rd level, the imposing nature of your spirit can, at times, overpower your weilder. Despite not being a weapon, you are able to make attacks with weaponry that your wielder is currently holding on your turn, including weaponry that would require a special proficiency, even if you are not proficient in said weapon. When utilizing this weapon, you may choose to either use your wielder's or your own Strength and/or Dexterity modifiers.

Ferocious Wail

At 6th level, you are able to channel all of your fury outwards at once, dominating your enemies. A harsh, furious noise blasts outward from you, affecting all hostile creatures within a 20-foot radius of yourself. Affected creatures must make a Wisdom Saving Throw with a DC equal to 13 + your Strength modifier. Upon a failure, the target becomes frightened of both you and your wielder, and their speed becomes 0 until the beginning of your next turn as they cower in fear.

You may utilize this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, recharging upon your next long rest.

Bloody Aura

At 10th level, the deep well of rage within you reaches outwards in a physical aura. While raging, an aura of bloody energy encapsulates you, spreading outwards to a radius of 10-feet centered on yourself. This radius moves with you, and creatures of your choice who begin their turn within this radius have disadvantage on attacks against creatures other than you or your wielder until leaving the affected radius.

Additionally, the affected radius is considered difficult terrain for creatures of your choice.


At 14th level, you can no longer be contained by any form, let alone a physical one. As a Bonus Action, you may transform, appearing as your original, fully humanoid form, though bloody red and transluscent in appearance. For the next minute, you may move, articulate, and perform actions as though you were humanoid. During this duration, your Armor Class is 20, and you manifest a spectral melee weapon of your choice which deals 1d12 + STR modifier damage.

After the minute is up, you immediately return to your object-bound form, teleporting back to your wielder. You may utilize this ability once, recharging upon your next long rest.

Bard: College of Legend

The music of the universe, which you once so expertly weaved to dazzle and entertain, has transformed your very being, transmuting you into a mystical instrument all your own. Once the wielder, now the weapon. Each string plucked, each note played, brings power to your very being, and whatever wielder of your mystic awesomeness you come across will surely transcend Legend itself.

College of Legend Expanded Spell List

Spell Level Spell
3rd Aura of Vitality, Beacon of Hope
5th Circle of Power, Dawn
7th Conjure Celestial, Divine Word
9th Mass Heal

Moving Music

At 3rd level, the music that you once wielded has transformed you into an instrument of limitless magical abilities. Literally. Your soul has been melded into an instrumental shape of your choosing. You retain any bonuses or features of your race, and are still considered to be of that race and type. You gain immunity to poison and disease, you do not require food, air, or water, and you no longer age. You have the same AC as your wielder, and you can use the higher of your Dexterity modifiers to calculate their AC. Whenever your wielder takes damage but you do not, both you and your wielder take half the amount of damage instead. You can regain hit points as though you were a living creature. Your walking movement speed is 0, and can’t be increased.

Additionally, your spells’ somatic components are replaced with “visual” components, where you visibly flare with magical power. You count as an arcane focus. You can communicate telepathically with your bearer, and with any creature that speaks a language within 60 feet of you. This telepathy is two-way, but otherwise you cannot speak.

Your bearer must have one hand touching you to enable you to cast a spell with a range other than “Self” or “Touch”. The exceptions to this rule are mage hand and vicious mockery, which you learn when you choose this College if you did not know them already.

Whenever your bearer makes a skill or ability check, you can choose to make the check in their stead using your statistics. If your bearer attempts to utilize you for a performance check, they may do so with advantage.

Whenever you leave this form via spells or features like Wild Shape or polymorph, you no longer gain these benefits or penalties.


Also at 3rd level, you are fine-tuned in with the music of the universe, hearing the very background noise that frames your adventures. You gain proficiency in Perception checks, and have an innate sense of time and what direction you are facing at all times. If you already had proficiency in Perception, you may instead double your proficiency bonus when utilizing this skill.

Fine Tuning

At 6th level, you are able to utilize your bardic inspiration to bolster your own spells. As an action, you may consume one of your uses of bardic inspiration, and as part of that same action, you may upcast one of the spells you currently know by one level. This upcasting does not apply to cantrips. This still consumes the spell slot that would normally be consumed when casting a spell at its standard level.

Summoned Ensemble

At 14th Level, the strength of your music flows outward, manifesting as physical embodiments of your sound. As an action, you may consume a number of bardic inspiration of your choice, with the following results: with each bardic inspiration consumed, a spectral image of a faceless back-up player appears at a location of your choosing within a 15-foot radius. Each spectral player summoned in this way shares your initiative count, and follows your mental commands without the requirements of an action. Each specter is able to be moved up to 10 feet per turn, and may perform either the Vicious Mockery cantrip as if they were level one against a target, or the Thunderwave spell a single time after its summoning. Each specter has an AC of 10, 15 HP, and shares your spellcasting ability modifier and modifiers for saving throws. The summoned specters last for one minute, or until destroyed.

Druid: Circle of Bloom

Object of Rejuvination

At 2nd level, your innate tether to the natural world has caused your form to twist and contort. You take on the shape of a pot or jar, filled with dirt. You retain any bonuses or features of your race, and are still considered to be of that race and type. You gain immunity to poison and disease, you do not require food, air, or water, and you no longer age. You have the same AC as your wielder, and you can use the higher of your Dexterity modifiers to calculate their AC. Whenever your wielder takes damage but you do not, both you and your wielder take half the amount of damage instead. You can regain hit points as though you were a living creature. Your walking movement speed is 0, and can’t be increased.

Additionally, your spells’ somatic components are replaced with “visual” components, where you visibly flare with magical power. You count as an arcane focus. You can communicate telepathically with your bearer, and with any creature that speaks a language within 60 feet of you. This telepathy is two-way, but otherwise you cannot speak.

Your bearer must have one hand touching you to enable you to cast a spell with a range other than “Self” or “Touch”. The exceptions to this rule are mage hand and druidcraft, which you learn when you choose this Subclass if you did not know them already.

Whenever your bearer makes a skill or ability check, you can choose to make the check in their stead using your statistics.

Whenever you leave this form via spells or features like Wild Shape or polymorph, you no longer gain these benefits or penalties.

Circle Spells

Your innate tether to the growth of new plant life and the ancient energies sheltered within gives you access to certain spells. At 2nd level, you learn the Spare the Dying cantrip.

At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Circle of Bloom Spells table. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.

Spell Level Spell
2nd Spare the Dying
3rd Aid, Locate Animal or Plants
5th Aura of Vitality, Speak with Plants
7th Conjure Woodland Beings, Grasping Vine
9th Hallow, Dawn

New Growth

At 6th level, you have mastered a new technique when utilizing your Wild Shape. You may expend one use of your Wild Shape in order to roll on the tables below. You will roll 3d4 dice, with each result corresponding with a specific category. Once all rolls have been made, a small flower, described in the table, will bloom within your vessel, and the effects described will begin. The initial result refers to the creatures that will be affected, the second result refers to the type of buff given, and the final result refers to the duration the buff is present. The same effects do not stack, but different effects from this same ability can be active on the same creature at the same time.

Result Season Effect
1 Spring All creatures of your choice within a 15-foot radius.
2 Summer All creatures of your choice within a 20-foot cone.
3 Fall Two creatures of your choice within a 25-foot radius. You may not pick the same creature more than once, and you are considered a selectable creature.
4 Winter One creature of your choice within 30 feet of yourself.
Result Flower Effect
1 Chamellia The affected creature's speed is increased by 10.
2 Orchid The affected creature's maximum and current Hit Points are increased by 10. These points or depleted first when damaged.
3 Poppy The affected creature's Armor Class is increased by 2.
4 Daffodil The affected creature benefits from a +5 increase to their passive perception.
Result Vigor Effect
1 Seed The effect lasts for one hour.
2 Sprout The effect lasts for 30 minutes.
3 Adult The effect lasts for 1 minute.
4 Withered The effect lasts for the next 5 rounds.


At 10th level, you are able to absorb sunlight to enrich your soil. As a bonus action, you may regain a number of hit points equal to 1d10 + your Druid level. You may utilize this ability twice, recharging upon your next long rest.

Grassroots Avatar

At 14th level, your communion with the natural world has transformed you into a true avatar of nature. You are constantly able to speak with plants as though through the Speak with Plants spell, and you are able to cast spells as though you are within the space of any plant larger than a flower that you can see within 30 feet of yourself.

Paladin: Oath of the Bulwark

Tenets of the Bulwark

The Tenets of the Oath of the Bulwark are passed down, from Paladin to wielder and on to the next Paladin. This Oath emphasizes the unyielding devotion that a Paladin of this Oath feels towards its wielder.

Devotion. Your Wielder is both your greatest ally and your greatest treasure. Their word is law.

Interposition. Your strength is all that can defend your Wielder. If your wielder is in danger, you must prevent this, even at risk of your own life.

Insurmountable. There is no danger in this life or the next that you cannot circumvent. All trials in life are only a chance to prove yourself.

Oath Spells

You gain Oath spells at the Paladin levels listed.

Paladin Level Spells
3rd Armor of Agathys, Guiding Bolt
5th Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit
9th Beacon of Hope, Haste
13th Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement
17th Dawn, Greater Restoration

Bound Protector

At 3rd level, your sworn Oath to protect the wellbeing of your wielder has caused you to transform into a holy shield. You retain any bonuses or features of your race, and are still considered to be of that race and type. You gain immunity to poison and disease, you do not require food, air, or water, and you no longer age. Whenever your wielder takes damage but you do not, both you and your wielder take half the amount of damage instead. You can regain hit points as though you were a living creature. Your walking movement speed is 0, and can’t be increased.

Additionally, your spells’ somatic components are replaced with “visual” components, where you visibly flare with magical power. You count as a holy symbol. You can communicate telepathically with your bearer, and with any creature that speaks a language within 60 feet of you. This telepathy is two-way, but otherwise you cannot speak.

Your bearer must have one hand touching you to enable you to cast a spell with a range other than “Self” or “Touch”. The exceptions to this rule are Sacred Flame and Guidance, which you learn when you choose this Subclass if you did not know them already.

Whenever your bearer makes a skill or ability check, you can choose to make the check in their stead using your statistics.

Whenever you leave this form via spells or features like Wild Shape or polymorph, you no longer gain these benefits or penalties.

Defensive Measures

Also at 3rd level, your Oath allows you to manipulate your wielder's body, and provide them with protection. As a reaction to your wielder being attacked, you may interpose yourself between your wielder and their attacker, taking all damage dealt by the attacking creature and leaving your wielder unscathed.

Additionally, your altered form is made specifically for the deflection of attacks. Your Armor Class is equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier, and your wielder may choose to utilize your Armor Class instead of its own while wielding you.

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Rebound. As a reaction to a weapon attack or damage-dealing spell targetting you or your wielder, before damage is rolled, you may activate this Channel Divinity option. The provoking creature must then make a Dexterity saving throw. Upon a success, the creature is not affected. Upon a failure, damage dealt to either yourself or your wielder is also dealt to the provoking creature. If both you and your wielder are damaged with the same attack, only a single instance of the damage is reflected back upon the attacking creature.

Bulwark. You may utilize your Channel Divinity as a bonus action to completely shield your wielder from harm. For the next minute, both you and your wielder are treated as being behind 1/2 cover.

Aura of the Stalwart

At 7th level, you emanate an aura that bolsters the protection your allies benefit from in combat. Your Armor Class increases by 2. In addition, if you aren't incapacitated, the Armor Class of any ally who starts their turn within 5 feet of you increases by 2 until the end of that turn.

When you reach 18th level in this class, the range of the aura increases to 10 feet.

Roaring Phalanx

Starting at 15th level, the sound of the clash of your metal emboldens your allies in battle. Each time you utilize your reaction to take a hit for your wielder (through your Defensive Measures feature), all allies of your choice within a 20-foot radius gain a bonus to-hit equal to your Charisma modifier on their next attack.

Eternal Shield

At 20th level, you are able to take on the full aspect of the ultimate shield. As a bonus action, you gain the following effects for 1 minute:

  • Your wielder becomes cloaked in a metaphysical barrier, laying directly on their skin. Nothing—not physical objects, energy, or other spell effects—can pass through the barrier, in or out, though your wielder may breathe through the barrier. Spells that target a point within range may also not originate from within the barrier. The barrier is immune to all damage, and your wielder can’t be damaged by attacks or effects originating from outside the barrier, nor can your wielder damage anything outside it.
  • Attacks originating from hostile creatures of your choice within a 30-foot radius are made at disadvantage.
  • You gain 20 temporary hit points at the beginning of each round of combat.

This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or die. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Rogue: Long-Haul

Spirit of a Thief

At 3rd level, your lust for tricks and thievery has caused you to undergo a miraculous transformation, transforming you into a peculiar creation: a grappling hook. You retain any bonuses or features of your race, and are still considered to be of that race and type. You gain immunity to poison and disease, you do not require food, air, or water, and you no longer age. You have the same AC as your wielder, and you can use the higher of your Dexterity modifiers to calculate their AC. Whenever your wielder takes damage but you do not, both you and your wielder take half the amount of damage instead. You can regain hit points as though you were a living creature. Your walking movement speed is 0, and can’t be increased.

Additionally, you can communicate telepathically with your bearer, and with any creature that speaks a language within 60 feet of you. This telepathy is two-way, but otherwise you cannot speak.

If you are able to cast spells, your bearer must have one hand touching you to enable you to cast a spell with a range other than “Self” or “Touch”.

Whenever your bearer makes a skill or ability check, you can choose to make the check in their stead using your statistics. If your bearer attempts to utilize you for a sleight of hand check, they may do so up to a range of 20 feet.

Whenever you leave this form via spells or features like Wild Shape or polymorph, you no longer gain these benefits or penalties.

Grapple Hook Master

At 3rd level, your innate litheness and versatility begins to translate well into combat. You count as a martial melee weapon with a range of 15 feet, and deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit. You utilize dexterity when determining your to-hit modifiers, and are considered a finesse weapon. Your wielder is also innately proficient in your use.

Additionally, you are able to perform a unique attack against your foes. Upon a successful hit against a target, you may choose to forego dealing damage to attempt to disarm your enemy. Roll a contested sleight of hand check against the creature. Upon a success, you may select one item the creature is holding, and force them to drop it. Upon a failure, the creature is not affected.

You may utilize this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier, recharging upon your next long rest.

Grabby McStealy

At 9th level, your unique physiology allows your wielder a new method of traversal. As a bonus action, your wielder may immediately move to any point within a 30-foot sphere of themself, including vertically, so long as the space is within this sphere. If to a vertical or upside-down surface, your wielder simply hangs from the point, only requiring one hand to maintain presence in the location. If removing both hands from you, your wielder will immediately begin falling. Your wielder may also detach you from your connection point as a free action, allowing you both to begin falling.

Additionally, your clawed apparatus provides opportunities. First, you are able to make grapple checks against creatures up to 15-feet away from yourself, utilizing your dexterity modifier instead of strength when calculating grapple rolls if you so choose. Secondly, your wielder may utilize your sneak attack bonus against a creature if they have advantage on the attack roll immediately after moving with your unique movement option, or when dropping onto a creature from a location they are hanging from using you.


At 13th level, the cord encompassing your body has extended, allowing you a greater range of versatility. The follow effects occur:

  • Your wielder may make sleight of hand checks out to a range of 30 feet.
  • Your melee weapon range is now 20 feet.
  • Your wielder is now able to use your unique traversal method out to a range of 45 feet.
  • You may make grapple checks against creatures up to 25 feet away.

Soul Snare

At 17th level, you are able to rapidly lash out, ensnaring your foes and rendering them helpless. As an action, you may lash out in a 30-foot cone. All hostile creatures up to one size larger than your wielder caught in this cone must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Dexterity modifier. Upon a failure, they become restrained as you quickly wrap around them, remaining ensnared for the next minute. The affected creature may repeat its saving throw at the beginning of each of its turn, and upon a success is freed.

Upon a successful saving throw, a creature is not affected. While a creature is restrained by you in this manner, you may not make attacks or utilize any of your other abilities through this Subclass, nor may your wielder utilize you in such a manner. You may utilize this ability twice, recharging upon your next long rest.