cat warrior


PART 0 | cover




PART 0 | Table part 1

Table Of Contents




PART 0 | Table part 2



Part One: Phantom Blood

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Character Creation

This is the beginning and first step to creating a character with this system

Starting Stats

Starting stats are determined in a couple of ways. The first option you have is to choose the stat array of: 16, 16, 12, 12, 10, and 8. The second option is to have 12 in every stat. And if you want, you can even roll 4d6(reroll 1s).


Every character has a background. Each character must choose one background that defines their proficiencies and experiences, whether they are young adventurers or hardened vets.


You are a man(or woman) on a mission. Traveling far distances to complete your mission with nothing that can break your will.

Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics

Fate-driven warrior: +10 to movement speed(all types)

Duel Master

Your skills as a duelist are unmatched by even Kaiba himself. You have mastered the art of your card game(Whatever that may be) and have earned your title.

Skills: Performance, one gaming set

King of cards: you can use cards as a ranged improvised weapon that deals a d6+dex mod slashing damage.

Former Cop

You know your way around the law because you used to serve it. whether you’re retired or disgraced; you have gained experience from your service as an officer(or detective).

Skills: Insight, Persuasion

experienced with law: when rolling wisdom or intelligence in the context of crime you roll at advantage.

Former Villain

Your past actions can be seen as deplorable, monstrous even, but that’s no longer true. Now you work to redeem yourself and repair what might be unfixable.

Skills: Insight, Perception

Damned soul: you roll with advantage against intimidation and being frightened.


You are part of a crime family(Minor or Major: up to you) that acts as a twisted version of the law in the criminal underworld. Maybe you are directly related through mafia blood, or you’ve been brought into the Yakuza by an old friend, either way, you have a tight binding with your specified group.

Skills: Intimidation, Persuasion

Just a GoodFella: When persuading or intimidating someone with great knowledge of your background you roll with advantage.

Horseback Rider

Whether you ride with ghost riders in the sky or in the flight of the Valkyries, you know your way around horses. This allows you to travel with ease across the continent of the US of A while searching for Jesus’ left eye. Specific? Yes? Useful? Maybe? Straight? N O.

Skills: Animal Handling, Performance

Man on the Move: You always know which way is north and roll with advantage for finding animals in the wild.


As a JoJo you come from THE legendary bloodline of adventurers and that means that you could be anyone. Most importantly though, is the fact that with trustworthy allies you can do great things.

Skills: Any two

The Holy Bloodline: Once per day, you can choose to give yourself or an ally advantage on any one roll.


Maybe you’re a monster, maybe you’ve been framed, either way, you are a prisoner. Locked behind bars stuck in a depressing world that is now your only world. (you can be a prisoner background without being in prison)

Skills: Athletics, Survival

The Usual Suspects: while you have disadvantage on charisma skill checks against cops you know your way around the underworld meaning that if you spend 2 days in an area you can gain connections to the local criminals (counts as friendly) for assistance.


You’re the type of person that would possibly benefit from a royal or political leader dying. Maybe deep in your heart is a good person but it’s not present enough to affect your career.

Skills: Performance, Deception

Political Mastermind: You have the innate ability to bullshit information. When making up stories or covering your ass with any skill it’s at advantage






You ain’t no fortunate son(excuse the lazy joke). This means that you have a little experience with the ways of war. Your specific skills will depend on your job.

Skills: 2 from Athletics, Survival, Medicine, History/, Insight, Persuasion

For His neutral special: You have proficiency in one firearm

Street Fighter

You live by the saying “fuck around and find out” as you are well versed in the ways of back ally brawls. The ring and the octagon have too many rules for your liking. You prefer something a bit more “realistic” when it comes to your rules of man v man. That includes how you finish it.

Skills: Acrobatics, Intimidation

Cheap Shot: you can use your bonus(twice per day) to attempt a dirty trick to get a one-up on your opponent. This can be a nutshot, pocket sand, or fake out. Roll deception against their perception and if you succeed your next attack has advantage.


You’re simply not as knowledgeable as the other backgrounds would entail. You’re learning and that could be any field you want it to be in. One day you might even surpass the ones teaching you.

Skills: None

quick-witted: at the start of every session you choose one skill to be proficient in and another to be half proficient in.


A walking corpse is the only way to describe what you are, or more accurately what you’ve become. Now your only guiding force is fate’s hand to lead you to your final resting place.

Skills: History, Insight

No rest for the wicked: whenever you are on two failed death saves your next one is at advantage(once per day)

Vampire Hunter

Vampire Hunters like you are well known for their skills in taking down threats to humanity. This fact means that you ironically know more about the things you are killing than the things you are protecting.

Skills: Religion, Survival

Light in the dark: over a long rest you can bless one weapon with an extra d6 radiant damage against undead.


Zeppelis is known for 3 things: their experience in crime, their strong bloodline, and dying. That’s really all you need to know.

Skills: History, Insight

The Orginal JoBro: While you roll at disadvantage on your first death save you make up for that by always rolling with advantage on team attacks with JoJo’s.

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Legendary Backgrounds

These are the backgrounds that cost points due to some extra abilities. Think hard before picking these.

German Science/Cybrorg

There ain’t no science like Nazi science. you are at the peak of tech at the time giving you some neat benefits.

Cost: 4 points

Skills: Tech(Arcana) and 1 other skill

More Machine than man: You are infused and are proficient with one weapon of your choice. You can scan the area and gain advantage on perception. You are now a walking magnet and are vulnerable to lightning damage.





Legendary JOJO

Amongst the already legendary Joestar Bloodline, you are considered God-like. This is reflected in the fact that your abilities help you win life.

Cost: 12 points

Skills: any 4 skills

Overdrive: Twice per day you can auto succeed an attack or skill check(both charges can be spent at once to auto succeed an ora rush). Ora rushes for you cost half.

Pillar Man

You are an ancient being born to a race of godlike beings. Your one weakness? The fucking sun.

Cost: 10 points

Skills: one of each skill type

Night Gods: Choose one damage type - you now get a generic melee and ranged attack that scales with your stand-level damage. you can use stamina to regen a 1:3 ratio(max 16 hp per fight). Sun=Death.


A stalker in the night, bloodsucker, Soulless, and surprisingly sexy, all terms that describe you, a vampire, perfectly.

Cost: 6

Skills: 1 int skill and 1 cha skill

Abandoned Humanity: You can shoot laser beams for 6 stamina that do 4d3+dex mod. use stamina to regen health with a 1:2 ratio(max 12 hp per fight). You also can add ice to normal and stand attacks for 4 stamina giving it a +3 to damage. Sun=Death

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Characterizations are used as not only a guideline for what character archetype you are going for but also as benefits to play into that same archetype.


The Comedian is well known for making jokes, cheering spirits, and being a general dumbass. They accel at comedy….that’s it.

Bonus: +2 Cha.

Laughing Stock: Not only can you eat a comedic amount of food you also have a knack for finding yourself in a good position. Once per battle, if you fail a dodge attempt you can succeed at the cost of 1 hp as some wacky event moves you out of the way.


Cowards are pretty bad as teammates but hey not everyone’s perfect. But just to be safe don’t count on them to have your back.

Bonus: +2 Cha

Tactical Retreat: when fleeing their movement speed is doubled.


Daredevils are the Cowards’ exact opposite. They willingly throw themselves headfirst into the fray or do some risky ass shit just for the sake of it.

Bonus: +2 Dex

Adrenaline Junkie: during combos, if you do a stunt requiring a str or dex skill check then you roll at advantage.


Heroes are pretty simple and have a heart of gold. They do what they do because it’s what’s right not what’s easy. The cool and sexy(edgie) anti-hero is super different. They do good things but with angst.

Bonus: +2 Str

Unshakable Resolve: You have advantage against being controlled mentally.


The ways these fellows differ from Heroes are that they focus on inspiring and commanding others to follow them. Tactical and understanding is what define these characters.

Bonus: +2 Int

Brain Blast: Ask Supreme Jesus for a hint once per session.




A follower willing to sway without issue COULD be seen as a bad thing but they prefer to call it flexible.

Bonus: +2 Wis

A Question of Loyalty: Enemies will not attack you until you show opposition to them.


Some Historians choose to call this “Gabe”…enough said.

Bonus: +2 Con

Sadistic Bloodlust: Once per battle, after getting hit with a non-ora rush/ult attack you can save the damage you took and add it to your next hit.

Reformed Villain

Just like the background, this character is focused on redemption. The real question is whether or not they can be trusted.

Bonus?: -2 Cha

Brutal soul: +2 Character Creation Points. You cannot be snuck up on…E V E R.


The Sasuke to your Naruto, the Vegeta to your Goku, or even the Chucky Cheese to your Ricky Rat. Every Hero has the possibility of getting itself a rival and sometimes that rival just might be an ally.

Bonus: +2 Dex

Outshine The Sun: If you roll lower Initiative than the Hero or JoJo then you go right before them instead.

White Knight

Self-righteous to a fault, the conviction of a paladin, and of course the secret ingredient: a fucking narc.

Bonus: +2 Con

Human Sheild: You can use your reaction to redirect an attack towards you.

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Part Two: Battle Tendency

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Stand User Levels

Stand User
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Extra Damage Dies
1st +2 Basic stand -
2nd +2 Dev. Potential: A -
3rd +2 - - - d6
4th +2 Dev. Potential: B d6
5th +3 Stand Stat d6
6th +3 Dev. Potential: C 2d6
7th +3 - - - 2d6
8th +3 Stand Stat/ Dev. Potential: D 2d6
9th +4 - - - 3d6
10th +4 Stand Stat/ Dev. Potential: E 4d6

Class Features

As a Stand User, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Points at 1st Level:
30(can vary) + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
10 + your Constitution modifier per haberdasher level after 1st


starting Stamina: 15

Stamina at Higher Levels: +5 per every level after 1st

Stand Damage Die

At first level, When you Hit with your stand it deals damage equal to d6(damage type varies) + destructive power mod.

Then starting at 3rd level, you get to add extra damage(Extra damage column) to an attack once per turn. This can be done after you see the result of the roll. this increases to 2d6 at 6th, 3d6 at 9th, and 4d6 at 10th.

Developmental potential

At 2nd level, as explained in Part 3, as you level up the scope of your stand power increases. This is less of you randomly gaining new powers and more accurately discovering abilities that were potentially always possible.

Stand Stat increases

Starting at 5 level, as you battle the power of your stand grows slightly and so its limits can be broken. You can choose to increase Destructive Power, Speed, Range, Durability, or Precision by 1 Rank.

You get this again at 8th, and 10th level

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Hamon User


Hamon User
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Hamon Techniques
1st +2 Hamon d4 2
2nd +2 Martial Arts d4 2
3rd +2 Unarmored defense d4 3
4th +2 Exchange Blows d6 3
5th +3 - - - d6 4
6th +3 Constant Hamon d6 4
7th +3 Imbued Body d6 5
8th +3 - - - d8 5
9th +4 Radiant Combatant d8 5
10th +4 Perfect Master d8 6

Class Features

As a Hamon User, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d10 per fletcher level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d10 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per fletcher level after 1st


At 1st level, you learn a form of breathing that maximizes the oxygenation and flow of blood. You have a number of Hamon points equal to the amount listed in the Hamon column of the Hamon Warrior table. All Hamon points are regained at the end of a long rest. You may spend an action to focus your breathing, regaining 1 Hamon point. You must be able to breathe to do so. If your type is Undead, you take a radiant damage equal to twice as many Hamon points as you have at the beginning of each of your turns. You also know a number of Techniques, all found at the end of this class, as listed in the Techniques column. You may change one Technique you know at the end of a long rest.

  • Your Technique save DC = 8 + your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency bonus
  • Your Technique spell attack bonus = your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency bonus

Martial arts

At 2nd level, your training has gone beyond teaching Hamon, bolstering your physical strength as well. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage, and you may use Dexterity instead of Strength on attack and damage rolls.

Unarmored defense

At 3rd level, your body has been greatly strengthened. If you block or dodge you can instead use an optional unarmored AC equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Proficiency bonus.

Exchange Blows

at 4th level, when you make an unarmed strike you can make an additional amount of attacks equal to your proficiency bonus.

Constant Hamon

At 6th level, you are constantly engaged in Hamon breathing. You regain 1 Hamon point at the end of each of your turns while you have at least 1 Hamon point.

Imbued Body

At 7th level, you have mastered the art of breathing evenly no matter the situation, increasing the amount of life force within you, effectively slowing down your aging. Your maximum age is doubled, you cannot become exhausted from using a dash or from environmental hazards, and you can dash or disengage as a bonus action

Radiant Combatant

At 9th level, harnessing Hamon is as simple as breathing. Using techniques counts as an attack for the sake of Exchange Blows and any other similar features you may have, such as Flurry of Blows or Extra Attack.

Perfect Master

At 10th level, your Hamon can not be stopped. You are immune to being blinded, stunned, or poisoned. You no longer take extra damage from critical hits and hostile creatures cannot gain advantage on you if you are restrained. When you use your action to regain Hamon points, you instead regain 1d4 points.

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Part Three: Stardust Crusaders

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Stand Creation

At this point, you start working on what you want your stand to be and so this chapter is solely dedicated to stand creation.

Starting points

Stand points are what you use to not only upgrade stat ranks but also to pay for your stands ability. The way that you determine the amount is by how you get your stand or at the dm’s discretion.

Disc User

Disc users gained their stands from Pucci’s magical Florida man bag. While he tries to match Stands with the users’ personalities, it’s not 100% and it results in a weakened stand.

Stand points: 16

Weak User

While normally, natural-born stand users are considered stronger than most, there exist some users who can’t handle their stand’s power. Weak stand users simply don’t have the strength to tap into their power.

Stand points: 20

Arrow User

The stand arrow has the power to unlock ones innate stand potential that would have gone unnoticed if not done. While maybe not as good as Natural Born the Arrow Users were still tested and chosen to wield their stands.

Stand points: 26

Natural Born

Natural Born stand users are a different level of stand user. They have such a connection with their stand that with enough training they can reach the peak of what it means to be a stand user.

Stand points: 36

Pro User

Through trial and tribulation these stand users, no matter their origin, have reached the pinnacle of Stand power.

Stand points: 46

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Ability types

The ability type is the way that your stand’s ability manifests and interacts with its form. The following is a list of ability types to choose from.

Short Range

Short-range stands are known for the close quarter’s powerful strikes. Most of these stands have the downside of being outranged by opponents but they can make up for this with their stand’s abilities.

  • Range cannot go past C
  • Basic attacks provide 2 Momentum

Bonuses:+5 Destructive power, -5 Range

Long Range

These are the exact opposites of Short-range stands as they focus on distant effects with high destructive power being rare. Stands of this nature can be used to keep combat away from the user.

  • Destructive Power cannot go past C
  • When Stand Sight you have a 50 ft. sphere of blindsight around you

Bonuses:+5 Range, -5 Destructive power


Stands of this variety have abilities that are out of their user’s hands. This can sometimes leave the user vulnerable but it allows for synchronized battle.

  • Synchronized stands have their own turns and act on their own
  • Their health is equal to half their user’s

Bonuses:+5 Durability, -5 Precision


Bound stands are (Usually) connected to an objective(size may vary). This means that they work as more of a tool than a regular stand for their user.

  • Cannot act on their own
  • Attacks directed at bound stands are insta reflected

Bonuses:+5 Precision, -5 durability


Unlike their cousin type bound stands, suit stands are more focused on paring the user and stands strengths together to benefit the whole.

  • Can choose to use either the user or stands stats for any roll.
  • You cannot get knocked out of it by stunned condition.

Bonuses:+5 Durability, -5 Speed


Acts are known for their change as a user develops as a person. They have a variety of abilities usually connected through a single defining meaning.

  • At levels 4,6, and 8 you can choose to get a new ability instead of ranking up your old one. At level 10 all of your current abilities rank up 1.
  • Each new ability isn’t paid for and is instead one type higher than the prior one.

Bonuses: Act 1: +3 in one stat, Act 2: +2 in two different stand stats, Act 3: +1 in every stat, Act 4: +2 in every stat.

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Form types

Form type is the appearance and style of the stand. This is unaffected by stand abilities and vice versa.

Natural Humanoid

  • Can be plants, people, or any natural occurring thing in the shape of a humanoid
  • Stand skin translates identical damage(from enemy stand) scars to the user, plants ignited can cause severe burns due to fire spread, etc…
  • Bonus: +3 to Destructive Power

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Artificial Humanoid

  • Can be robots, machinery, or generally metallic creatures
  • Can be magnetized by stand powers or shocked easily
  • Bonus:+3 Speed

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Natural Non-Humanoid

  • Can be plants, bugs, animals, or materials
  • Damage done to them is more general
  • Bonus:+3 Durability

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Artificial Non-Humanoid

  • Can be objects, tools, or weapons
  • Damage done to them is more general
  • Bonus:+Range

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  • Formless or giving supernatural abilities

  • Bonus:+1 to all stats homebrew mug

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Hybrid stands

These are a specific list of stand types that are both Ability and Form types.

Colony Stand

Bonuses:+5 Range, +3 Durability, -3 Destructive Power, -2 Speed

  • Size of the colony stand depending on points put in





  • Damage taken is divided by the colony size

Incorporated Stands

Bonuses: +3 Speed, +3 Durability, +2 Precision, -5 range

  • Your stand is permanently fused with your being and not activated like Phenomena stands are

Sentient Stand

Bonuses:+2 Precision, +2 Speed, +2 Durability, +2 Destructive power, +2 Percision, -5 Range

  • These stands have the intelligence of a human or higher.
  • Act as a Half Supreme Jesus with knowledge limited to what play knows(consciously and subconsciously)

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Stats and Ability

This section details the most important part for stands and what you will be using most of your Stand Points on.

The Stand Stats

The 6 Stand Stats are the 6 main aspects of your Stand given a rank for how well it does in that category.

Stat Upgrades

To increase your stats you must put a certain amount of Stand Points into each specific stat. Below is a table showing the amount needed to reach that amount and REMEMBER: Your stand Ability and Form provided you with bonuses and deductions so adjust for that amount.

Rank Amount Needed
E 0
D 2
C 4
B 6
A 8

Destructive Power

Destructive power is your stand’s innate physical strength and how much damage they can do in and out of combat.

  • Used out of combat for feats of strength
  • Determines Your damage mod when you hit
Destructive Power Ranks
Rank Modifier
E -6
D 0
C +3
B +5
A +8

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This shows a Stands movement and general reaction time. The fastest stands can move faster than light.

  • Speed Determines how far your stand can move(on its own) in a turn
  • Speed is used to dodge attacks directed towards you
  • Determine the amount of attacks you have
  • Feats of agility out of combat
Speed Ranks
Rank Movement Dodge Attack
E 0ft -2 0
D 5ft 0 1
C 15ft +2 2
B 30ft +5 3
A 50ft +8 4

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This is the stands physical and ability range but that can vary depending on the situation

  • This shows the distance your stand and its ability can be away from you(does not apply to Time/Space Abilities. only limited by ability scope)
  • You can increase a specific abilities range when creating it by paying 1.25(rounding down) the norm for such ability + the difference in rank for your new range
Range Ranks
Rank Modifier
E 1ft
D 5ft
C 30ft
B 60ft
A City

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Durability is how tought a stand is. It is mainly a defensive skill and varies heavily in use.

  • Main use is to block incoming attacks
  • Has a list of extra of effects that can be thrown out per Battle
Durability Ranks
Rank Block Abilities
E +-2 none
D +0 requires main A to Disadvantage on block
C +2 1 Disadvantage on block
B +5 1 auto block +above
A +8 2 combo breaks+above

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This shows the accuracy of a stand and its ability.

  • An attacks modifier is determined by this
  • can be used out of combat for percise tasks
Percision Ranks
Rank Modifier
E -2
D 0
C 2
B 5
A 8
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Developmental Potenital

This is the most uniqe of all the stand stats as it denotes how far you have progressed with your stand. As you learn how to use your stand it goes down as there is less to learn.

  • Each rank change will provide an ability rank up
  • cannot put any points into this

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A stand’s ability is important to its identity and is relevant in and out of combat.

Ability Types and their Costs

The amount of Stand Points you pay for an ability is based on what type of ability is which can be categorized into a couple pools.

Character Advancement
Name Cost
Weapon 5
Elemental 5
Other 10
Create, Control, Change Life 15
Time/Space 20


Weapons are very simple ability wise. They usually give you an increase in your basic attacks range and damage. Type of weapon should match stands style.

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Stands with elemental abilities can usually produce and control a specific element. This can be used in a wide variety of waves limited only by the imagination.

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Literally anything that doesn’t fit the others


Life abilities can be considered abilities that can have a massive affect on life either through creation, controlling, or changing it. Life abilities are typically very strong which is reflected in their cost

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Time/Space abilities are the strongest category of stand and are unaffected by certain rules. These types of stands usually have premade ranks that make the stand’s already godlike ability more potent.

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Ora Rushes

Rapid Fire attacks

You release a blinding flurry of punches and/or kicks in rapid succession to beat your enemy into submission.


The damage for this ability is based on your Destructive Power and Speed

The Damage table
Speed Damage Part1 DP Damage Part2
E none E none
D 3 D d8
C 4 C d8+4
B 6 B d10+4
A 8 A d10+6

After the hit, you can give the enemy one effect until the start of your next turn(You pay for one at the start of the campaign)

0-Prone(they can stand on their turn)


10-Custom(something to do with your ability or you personally)


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Decisive Blow

One shot. One kill. That’s all there is.


The damage for this ability is based on your Destructive Power and Speed

The Damage table
Speed Damage Part1 Precision Damage Part2
E none E none
D 3d6 D +6
C 3d8 C +8
B 3d10 B +10
A 3d12 A +12

After the hit, you can give the enemy one effect until the start of your next turn(You pay for one at the start of the campaign)

0-Exhaustion 1


10-Custom(something to do with your ability or you personally)


Brutal Shred

An overwhelming strength fueled by rage to tear into enemies.


The damage for this ability is based on your Destructive Power and Speed

The Damage table
DP Damage Part1 Durability Damage Part2
E none E none
D 4d6 D +4
C 4d8 C +6
B 4d10 B +8
A 4d12 A +10

After the hit you can give the enemy one effect until the start of your next turn(You pay for one at the start of the campaign)


5-Exhaustion 2

10-Custom(something to do with your ability or you personally)


The Human Will

Whether through the machinery they make like guns or through the heart that beats in their chest a human has its own way to gain the upper hand (They have access to all of these but can only do one, once a day)

Bullet barrage: 3 attacks of a firearm at once

Death choke: Go for a grapple at advantage Every turn the enemy is in this grapple they take a d6+(amount of rounds in grapple)

Overdrive: Go for an attack and on hit do ((strength mod x dex mod) + Con mod) damage and give the enemy 3 levels of exhaustion until the start of your next turn





Stand Cries

Stand Cries are an ability possessed by all stand users. It is the representation of their fighting style. there are 3 different categories of stand Cries. You choose 1 stand cry(NOT one category) when you make your character.


These users show their power before a punch is even thrown

First Step

Someone focused on rushing past all other enemies and allies to get the first strike on whoever they wanted.

  • during the first round, you cannot be opportunity attacked
  • also during the first round, you have an advantage against anyone you go before


The first goal of these people is to learn something about their enemies.

  • on your first turn, roll a d6 for every enemy to learn one of their stats
  • In the first round only, you can use your reaction to attack anyone within 30ft of you

Menacing Aura

Their presence on the field makes enemies rethink the fight before it starts.

  • choose one enemy and have them roll against being frightened for 2 rounds (DC12+cha mod)
  • for the first 2 rounds, you can use your reaction to try and make an enemy backup 10ft. Same DC save


During a battle, these users show their strength at its highest.


A look that sends shivers down the enemy’s spine as Bloodlust runs high.

  • after 3 rounds have passed, you can perform one extra attack for 2 round
  • In that same rounds, you move an extra 10ft

The Opening

Waiting for a mess-up is when these users take their shot.

  • after 3 rounds, you gain an advantage when attacking someone who was just attacked for 2 rounds
  • during these rounds, you can reroll a 1 on your damage die once per round

Stand Proud

These absolute madmen challenge all enemies by striking a pose.

  • 2 rounds into a battle, have enemies make a Wisdom save(DC12+cha mod), if failed they can only attack you for 2 rounds
  • you can choose 1 round to have a +2 block bonus

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Even when out of energy and half-dead they will give it one more go to show their resolve

Last Laugh

Making the enemy question how much damage they’ve taken and messing with their head is what these users specialize in.

  • when below 25% hp and stamina you can reroll any roll twice.
  • have an advantage on deception checks

Adrenaline burst

They refuse to give in and instead rage against the dying light.

  • when you hit zero hp for the 1st time you go back to 1
  • for 3 rounds, you have an advantage on your first attacks and then you fall unconscious




Final Strike

One strike to end the whole fight is all that’s needed-even if it costs everything.

  • when below 30% health, you can throw one massive punch with +3 to attack rolls and an extra d6+5 to damage before falling unconscious(not stabilized)

Legendary Stand Cries

Similar to backgrounds, there exists a diffrent level of Stand cry with stronger benefits at the cost of Stand Points.

Dark Determination, Cost:5

That look in Their eyes says it all, the will to go one step further, the will to kill.

  • You can spend 2 stamina to instantly go first during combat even after rolling

  • when you KILL an enemy you regain 10 stamina instantly

  • once per fight you can add 3 damage to your next attack

Fates Red Line, Cost: 8

Whether it be luck or fate they can feel it guiding them towards victory.

  • you can reroll 4 rolls during a day

  • you have 1 fate coin per session allowing you to change the world around you in one way or another

Grim Knowledge, Cost: 6 points

When the time comes they know what must be done and are willing to see it through.

  • you can give allies 2 temp hp for every stamina you spend on abilities(max 10 per fight)

  • If you drop to 0 or below hp you have the option to give up the last of your energy and give them to an ally. One teammate within 10 ft. gains a permanent buff to sta and hp equal to a quarter your max. After this, you will be put into a death state. If somehow revived you will be extremely crippled.

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Part Four: Diamond Is Unbreakable




How to Play

This section will be teaching you the aspects of the system and how to actually play it.

Human Rules

Human and stand interactions are an intergral part of Jojo’s.

Armor options

If available humans have acess to to armor that acts as an optional armor class that they can declare before being attacked instead of rolling.

Energy Burst

To prevent stunlock for players and enemies alike, a system has been added to give humans the chance to break out of a Stands untouchable grip. If a person has been grappled by any stand(non-ability grapple) for 2 rounds at the start of their turn, the person can release a burst of fighting energy to break out. This costs either 5 Stamina or 10 HP to use.

Lingering Injuries

If you have taken 40 or more damage in a round or 20 or more damage if you have been crit in that round, then roll for a lingering injury.

Short and long Rests

Short rests can be 1–4 hours long and allow you to heal 10 hp and 5 stamina per hour. You can do light activites while resting.

Long rests take 8 hours and require you to be asleep for 6 of these hours.

Downtime Options

Whether this entales setting up camp in the dessert sands or heading over to johnny’s place after school: Downtime is Downtime.

Weapon Training

During a short rest, you can train with a weapon that you have that you are not already proficient with. After doing this 5 times you will become proficient with the weapon.

Freidnly Spar

During a short rest, instead of resting and regaining hp you can spend the time battling it out with an ally. You and a willing ally will play out a battle and fight until one player reaches 1 hp or lower. After the battle you will return to the same hp and stamina as you had before the fight but the winner will gain 1 inspiration(does not stack).

Stand Rules

Stand Sight

Stand users have the ability to close their eyes in concentration and transfer their senses into their stand. When this is active you can see, hear, and speak(you can always do this btw) through your stand. Your human body remains stationary and you become deafened and blinded(Long range exlcuded). If your human body is hit you are knocked out of the Stand Sight and your senses return.

WARNING: if your stand is too far you will not be able to call it back automatically(expanded on it combat rules).

incorporeal form

Stands can Freely pass through solid objects while grabbing a different object with ease. While they can’t do anything complicated without extreme precision(Diver Down exception) they generally have no issues walking straight through walls.

Stand Stun

The stunned condition is the only condition that prevents your stand from being out. If a user gets crit hit twice in a row or gets double crit on an attack (nat 20 for an enemy, nat 1 for a user) then they will be stunned for a round.





Combat rules

This is the outline for how combat will work when a fight breaks out.

Taking Actions

On your turn, you can take a couple types of actions. Each of these have diffrent things that you are allowed to do in them.

Main Action
  • Attack with weapon
  • Attack with stand (your extra attacks can be spread out throug the turn)
  • Attempt a grapple(using your stand is just like attacking)
  • Dash, Disengage, or Dodge
  • Ready Action
Bonus Action
  • Summon/Call back stand
  • Using Item
  • Opportunity Attack
  • Drop Item
Non Action
  • Respond to attacks with counter, dodge, or block
  • Speak

Everyone has a base movement of 30ft unless said otherwise.

Stand Placement

  • A stand can be on the same square as its user but not on the same square as someone else

  • Stands can pass through squares with humans but not other stands(unless other stand is physical)

  • Stands also have disadvantage on ranged attacks if another stand is within 5 ft. of them

Distance from user

If a stand is more than 10ft away from its user than it cannot defend its user from attacks.


In Jojo’s combat speed is not a set pace at any given moment. One fight can be a slow crawl towards an enemy miles away, and another can be a fast-paced close-quarters punch to match. While we already have out-of-combat stuff for the former Combos are here to simulate that smooth moment shown in some fights.

The Basics

To start let’s explain How and when you can use combos. Combos can only be started if you(or your stand) are within 5 ft. of an enemy and you also need at least 5 Momentum(explained later). To start a combo first you list up to 5 actions in total that you would like to do in this combo, for example: “1. I use a star finger to sweep one of his legs bringing him down to one knee, 2. As he falls down I will uppercut him to make his head face upward, 3. I do a jumping-forward flip with start platinum to be right above him, 4. I stop time, 5. I destroy his face with an ora rush.

With this system, you can do cinematic actions that utilize your stand powers. Each action in the combo will benefit you even in minor ways like tripping them up gives you an advantage for later in the steps. The risks of this are that each individual action is its own roll of the dice, you are limited by your speed stat for how many direct attacks you can do in a row for the combo, and every success in a combo makes the difficulty and punishment more intense. (also this wastes your turn but that’s a given)

Combo Phases

As stated above each step in the combo increases its difficulty and below is a chart listing the increase. Also listed below is how many direct attacks (damaging in nature) you can do in a row for a combo.

Phase Chart
Phase Roll debuff Punishment
1 none -7 Momentum
2 -1 -3 momentum, 1.5 damage from counter
3 -2 -1 momentum, 1 level of exhaustion(removed after a fight, stacks)
4 -3 Blinded for 1 round, half movement
5 -5 Stunned for round, ends at the end of their next turn
Attacks allowed in a Row
Speed Attacks
E 0
D 1
C 2
B 3
A 4





Momentum is representing the flow of battle picking up and slowing down. In this system not only is it required for combos but also for Ultimates(Later). To build and lose momentum there are a couple of ways listed below.

Character Advancement
Actions Momentum Change
Basic Attack +1
Crit on Basic attack +2
Hit on ora rush +4
Finish Combo +5
Win Rush Battle +8
Crit Ora Rush +10
Hit by Basic Attack Crit -2
Hit by ora rush -4
Hit by full combo -5
Lose Rush battle -6
Hit by Crit rush -8
Misc. combo failures Listed above

Ultimate Attacks

In the heat of Battle when your momentum reaches its peak you can go all with one massive move. Choose one Ultimate(NOT catagory) when you make your character.

Offensive Ultimates

These ultimates focus on keeping pressure on your enemy with a massivly powerful move.


Damage: 10d4

Momentum: 25

Special effect: Can be activated from up to 40 ft. away from the target without any downside. Can all be rolled as one attack or any amount(example: 5d4, 5d4/ 2d4, d4, d4, 6d4). Can throw out stand ability halfway through as part of it

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Damage: 6d6

Momentum: 15

Special effect: Done at 10 ft. away. After the hit, you will activate an effect and cause a debuff for the next 3 rounds. For those three rounds, the enemy takes d8+4 damage and cannot move, summon, or activate their stand.

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Defensive Ultimates

These Ultimates are more defensive in nature as they require you to be attacked for their activation.

Bait & Punish

Damage: 8d4+Speed stat

Momentum: 20

Special effect: Acts as a Dodge with advantage. After the successful dodge, you can either activate your stand ability or a condition applied to the enemy(case by case).


Damage: 9d8 +20

Momentum: 30

Special effect: Acts as a Block with Advantage. After the hit, you can either hold them in the grapple or body slam them for %25 of the damage originally done by the initial attack.



Part Five: Golden Wind

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Extra Rules

This part details some extra not super important things.


Below are the stats for weapons that are not already listed in dnd. (stands can use them but obviously don’t get prof. bonus or damage bonus)

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
  handgun, revolver $300 d6 Piercing 1 lb. Loading, 3 shots
  Shotgun(20 ft. or closer) $600 4d6 Piercing 5 lb. loading, 1 shot
  Shotgun(21 ft or more) $600 d6 Piercing loading, 1 shot
  Assault Rifle $1000 2d8 Piercing 7 lb. loading, 2 shots

Order of activation in combat

I’ll take a second to clarify what you can do during an attack and WHEN you can do more importantly. The way they are listed is that something that can be done in that phase of the attack will be listed there BUT if it has a * next to it then it can be done at any point before that phase as well. this is for stand stuff not much else.

Before Attack

  • Declare attack(duh)

  • Opponent declares response

  • Opponent declares block disadvantage

After Attack Roll

  • Declare Extra Stand damage *

Before Damage roll

  • Declare auto block *
  • Jojo auto suceed *

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Combo Breakers

Combo Breakers stand out as a high durability tool that essentially lets them break out of a combo at any point in it. These are per battle abilities so you must be careful with your uses but its still worth noting how powerful they are as an ability.

Vehicle Combat we are just using this. kinda.



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To Be Continued

In part 7