Arcane Tradition:


Witnessing the death and birth of gods has led many Wizards to the conclusion that the divine is not as incomprehensible as it was assumed. Many scholars of Isteras have now taken up the task of understanding the divine on a level never before seen and apply it. Gone are the days where only those of intense faith or the naturally gifted can use the powers of the gods, the wizards of the Theurgy tradition have devoted themselves to mastering what was once unreachable to them.

Divine Theory

When you chose this Arcane Tradition in 2nd level, you devote yourself to the Divine magic that is usually only granted to the devout of a faith.

When gaining a level, instead of choosing two new spells from the wizard spell list to learn, you may choose two spells from the cleric spell list instead. Cleric spells you learn in this way are wizard spells for you. This feature does not allow you to copy Cleric spells from spellscrolls, though you may copy them from another theurgy wizard's spellbook. Spells added in this way are considered Wizard spells when you cast them.

Theurgy Savant

Starting at 6th level, you have grasped the art of replicating divine spells and miracles through your arcane study.

When you reach 6th level, you can transcribe and learn spells from the cleric spell list as if they were wizard spells.

Unravel Divinity

At 10th level, your study of the divine magic has given you the ability cancel out the divine magic others use.

When targeted by a spell that is on the cleric spell list, you can use your reaction to be cancel out the spell as per the Counterspell spell cast at a level equal to your proficency bonus. You can use this feature three times until you finish a long rest or use your arcane recovery feature.

Arcane Ascension

At 14th level, you have learned to apply the your insights into the inner workings of divinity and the magic that stems from it to ascend to new heights as a caster.

When casting a wizard spell, you can attempt to empower it, increasing the level it is cast at by one whilst expending the same spellslot. When you do so, roll a D20, if the result rolled is higher than the spell level + 10, the spell is upcast one level, wven when cast this way spells cannot exceed 9th level.

You can use this feature an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier until you finish a long rest or use your arcane recovery feature.