Star Explorer

For some, exploring is a hobby - something they do in their free time, in between jobs, or get dragged into by their friends. For others, it is work - they are paid to excavate ruins, retrieve lost artifacts, or clear out squatters.

There is a third category, however. For these brave (or foolhardy) souls, exploring is a way of life - a passion, a burning desire inside themselves to be outdoors or underground, to overturn new stones, to climb to unexplored heights.

These explorers, star explorers, are so called because they have reached the pinnacle of their profession. With nothing more than their trusty tool belts and their years of experience, they trek the jungles, ruins, and islands of the world, looking for ever more exciting and dangerous places to sharpen their craft.

It is no surprise that star explorers often find themselves in less-than-desirable situations, and most of the hardship suffered during any particular journey will often come down to having to extricate themselves from whatever mess they have managed to land in.

Utility Belt

Starting at 3rd level, you are never without your trusty tool belt. In it are several useful items that you can use to reach - or escape - dangerous and exciting places. As long as you have access to your utility belt, you can use a bonus action to produce one of the following effects. Only one effect can be active at any given time. Producing a new effect while another effect is still active ends the old effect.

Grappling hook. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

Rebreather. You can hold your breath for up to an hour before needing to take a breath.

Jump boots. Your jump distance is tripled.

Snow shoes. You can ignore the effects of non-magical difficult terrain.

Lucky Escape

Also at 3rd level, you can use the bonus action granted to you by your Cunning Action feature to attempt to escape from a grapple.

Extendable Blade

Beginning at 9th level, you have expanded your collection of tools outside your belt and now carry them everywhere - including your hands. As a bonus action, you can trigger the mechanism that keeps a long knife hidden along your forearms.

You can use the blade as a weapon. You are considered proficient in its use, and the blade deals 1d6 piercing damage and has the reach and finesse properties.

In addition, while the blade is extended, you have advantage on all checks made to escape grapples, and any Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb difficult surfaces or maintain your grip on a sheer surface like a cliff or a wall.

Anti-Gravity Belt

At 13th level, you have upgraded your utility belt with arcane magic or sophisticated technology that defies the laws of physics. You can cast levitate on yourself at will.

Star Power

Beginning at 17th level, your exploits in the field of exploring have become legendary. You have a knack for turning up in just the right place at just the right time to save the day.

When you roll initiative, you can choose to treat the die roll as a 20. On your first turn, you can use a bonus action to teleport to a point you can see within 60 feet. The first attack roll you make on your first turn is made with advantage.

Image Source

Boba Fett by DanLuVisi

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