Table Of Contents
  • I. Introduction to Xesteria
    • (P1) Introduction
  • II. Kingdoms
    • (P2) Albion, Altamira
    • (P3) Baldrheim, Kaspia, Kurjaztar
    • (P4) Alexandria, Artalia, Jourdain
    • (P5) Lenadia, Nordland, Sagebard
    • (P6) Stromgarde, Avalon, Baranos, Merchant Isles
    • (P7) Muspelm, Nor'ethril, Privateer's Isle, The South Seas, Underdark, Winterstrand Isle
  • III. Planes of Existence
    • (P8) Abyss, Astral Plane, Baelor
    • (P9) Realms of the Gods, Ethereal Plane
    • (P10) The Elemental Planes
    • (P11) The Nine Hells, Xesteria
  • IV. Inhabitants of Xesteria
    • (P12) Races
    • (P13) Groups & Organizations
    • (P15) Historical Figures
  • V. Professions of Xesteria
    • (P16) Class Archetype List
    • (P17) Barbarian, Druid, Fighter
    • (P18) Paladin
    • (P19) Rogue, Sorcerer
  • VI. Pantheon of Xesteria
    • (P20) Aureon, Chemosh
    • (P21) Ehlonna, Paladine
    • (P22) Talos, Aseroth, Gruumsh, Lolth
    • (P23) Malar, Pelor, Ragarra, Yeenoghu
    • (P24) The Annual Calendar
  • VII. Appendix

    • (P25) Legendary Weapons
    • (P26) Homebrew Gear
    • (P27) Homebrew Spells
    • (P29) Games of Xesteria
    • (P30) Xesteria Timeline
    • (P31) Recent Events
    • (P32) Map of Xesteria



The world of Xesteria, also known as the Material Plane to those well versed in the existence of the various Planes of Existence, is the most habitable and prosperous of the plans.

Xesteria is home to many races who are native to the world. Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Goliaths, Halflings, Humans, Orcs, Tieflings and many other races can be found across the expansive world, scattered throughout the various kingdoms that make up most of the world's lands.

The realm of Xesteria has seen many horrific conflicts in its past. Entire civilizations wiped out by Demon Kings. Civil wars threatening to destroy kingdoms. Plagues eradicating vast kingdoms and driving notable races to the brink of extinction. Insane necromancers threatening to unleash undead plagues upon their kingdoms.

While Xesteria has had its fair share of tragedy, it is also a beacon of hope. Holidays that bring all races together in celebration. Religious bastions where all who enter are accepted and cared for. Freedom fighters who make a stand and fight against long standing evil traditions. Groups of heroes who band together to do battle against those who threaten the world.

For every act of villainy, there are two acts of kindness. For every life lost in battle, numerous more are healed and returned to their loving families. Xesteria is a place of faith, hope, and peace.

No matter what threatens the plane of Xesteria, it will prevail... for there are always heroes who seek to fight for the lives of all races, to defend their right to life and ensure that they live to see the next dawn.

Welcome to Xesteria.



The World of Xesteria

The Material Plane, known as the world of Xesteria, is the proud home of Dragonborn, Dwarves, Gnomes, Goliaths, Halflings, High Elves, Humans, Orcs, Tieflings, and innumerable species of lesser civilized humanoids.

The world is divided into two major land masses, the western continent of Zeltennia and the eastern continent of Kaspia. Several uninhabited territories exist, with chief examples being the large islands of Avalon and Muspelm.

For eons, the Material Plane has largely existed without any interference from the Elemental Planes or the Nine Hells, and is largely believed to be in a period of eternal peace.

Continent of Kaspia

Kaspia, the eastern continent, is the ancestral homeland of all major races in Xesteria. It is a land deeply rooted not only in tradition, but also hostility due to the inhabiting kingdoms being set in their ways through thousands of years of culture and tradition.


Ancestral Homeland of Humankind. Countless eons ago, it is said that the human race began in this kingdom before spreading to the western continent of Zeltennia and populating it.

Albion is a kingdom rooted in deep traditions and possesses a culture that is often looked down upon by the younger human kingdoms to the west due to Albion's reliance on slave trade in order to maintain its economy and way of life, as Albion was founded on the principal that not all humans are created equally and that lesser individuals must be put into slavery in order to protect them from the harms of the world while allowing them to utilize their skillsets in the most effective and efficient way possible. This in fact means that most slaves are simply put to work in the kingdom's various mines.

In modern times, Albion is relatively underpopulated and considered a weaker kingdom after an exodus of its populace headed west to Zeltennia long ago. For the most part, those who remained and were not enslaved were mostly military or nobility. As a result, Albion has a low percentage of commonfolk when compared to other kingdoms and many of its towns have been abandoned over the centuries. It is not uncommon to find a series of town ruins within Albion that can no longer be identified due to the names of many former towns simply being forgotten over time as they became historically irrelevant.

Few endorse the Albion slave trade except the kingdom of Kaspia, which plays a bigger part in the trade with every passing year.

The capital of Albion is Sardonis, a small city that rests near the outskirts of the Kaspian Desert. The Kingdom of Albion has always been ruled by the Albion family itself.


Homeland of the Elves. Thought to be the land once graced by Ehlonna herself due to the presence of gargantuan Sun Trees that litter the forests of Altamira, the High Elves work tirelessly to nurture and preserve the beauty of their homeland.

Altamira is heavily forested, with many of the woods being enchanted long ago through strong magic that prevents unwanted visitors from finding their way through the maze-like forests. Only those granted access by the High Elves themselves can pass through the forestsof Altamira without an escort.

The High Elves are a cultured race and are known to be the world's most beautiful and graceful. This is reflected in the career path most High Elves tend to follow, with many choosing to be clerics, diplomats, druids, rangers, sorcerers, and keepers of the Sun Trees themselves. It is said that Elven archers are the most proficient in the world, with many being sought after to serve as bodyguards and mercenaries. In addition, High Elves are also deeply connected to the magic of the world, even gaining enhanced magic abilities with in proximity to a Sun Tree and gaining access to magical capabilities that normally require specialized training.

Wood Elves also exist within Altamira, though in particularly low numbers in modern times due to mingling with the High Elves over a few thousand years. The few Wood Elves who remain are mostly Wood Elves in name alone, though a few pure Wood Elven villages remain in the depths of the Altamiran forests.

The capital of Altamira is the wooded city of Dro'lashar, which is nestled deep within the center of the kingdom itself.




Land of the Dwarven Folk. The largest kingdom of Xesteria, Baldrheim encompasses almost fifty percent of the continent of Kaspia. The geography of the kingdom is mostly comprised of lush fields, rolling moors, rocky crags, and colossal mountains.

Dwarves, the hardiest folk in all of Xesteria, toil away in their kingdom's vast mountains mining for various gems, metals, and minerals. The Baldrheim economy is considered the most stable in the world due to every kingdom's constant need for minerals that Baldrheim can produce in apparently unending quantities. The Great Baldr Mountains in the southeastern portion of the kingdom in particular is home to more precious metals than anywhere else in the world combined. As such, the Dwarven people have mining operations working tirelessly around the clock in the mountains.

Due to the sheer size of Baldrheim, towns are fairly spread apart. While this can be upsetting for many who travel on foot, Dwarves are moderately unbothered by the distance between settlements due to the fact that they have adapted themselves to be able to travel great distances in short amounts of time. While Humans gravitate towards horse for travel, Dwarves almost exclusively ride griffons. Many Dwarven towns in Baldrheim are equipped with griffon stables where the highly intelligent creatures can be rented for use. With griffons being highly intelligent, they easily find their way back home after use.

Baldrheim is also home to the giant griffon, a hearty beast that only the most patient of Dwarves can tame. Giant griffons can hold nearly ten individuals at once and are well suited for transporting several key individuals at once as a sort of airbourne ferry service.

In addition to Dwarves inhabiting Baldrheim, the kingdom also has a large population of Gnomes due to the small folk also being native the kingdom's lands. Unlike the stern Dwarves, Gnomes are traditionally a fun loving people and are largely responsible for Baldrheim's cultural attractions and entertainment - except for the brewing of alcohol, which is a strictly Dwawrven trade.

The capital of Baldrheim is Highperch, which rests in the kingdom's northern hills. It is also a popular tourist destination due to the supremely high griffon populationi n the area.


The Desert Kingdom. Nestled in the middle of the continent of Kaspia is the kingdom of Kaspia itself. For thousands of years, Kaspia was simply considered nothing other than a harsh and inhospitable land that separated Baldrheim from Albion and Kurjaztar. It was not until the Humans of Albion and the Dwarves of Baldrheim grew tired of losing caravans in the desert expanse and vowed to do something about it.

Establishing the Kingdom of Kaspia, the two races jointly populated the colossal desert with various towns and outposts to help adventurers and travelers find their way. Those who have chosen to call Kaspia their home are strong and hardy individuals, and are generally considered excellent mercenaries.

Today, Kaspia exists as a kingdom in its own right, complete with a powerbase in the capital of Evermoon. Unlike the weaker kingdom of Albion, Kaspia has a potent military that trains rigorously in the harsh dunes of the desert. As a result, Kaspian soldiers are highly resilient warriors with supreme survivor instincts and unmatched tracking abilities.

Kaspia also dabbles in the Albion slave trade. While they do not depend on it by any means, Kaspians do appreciate a good personal servant or whore. Slaves sent to Kaspia are generally considered to be moderately well looked after, but they are still classified as slaves and possess no rights.

While the law is strictly enforced in Kaspia's towns, the desert is a region of absolute lawlessness. Raiders and sand pirates dwell the dunes and dispatch travelers with the utmost level of cruelty and torture. When combined with the fact that the desrt is home to countless terrifying creatures, it makes the kingdom a frighteningly dangerous place for visiting foreigners.


The Fallen Kingdom. For generations, the great Dragonborn kingdom of Kurjaztar in Kaspia's southwestern jungles stood as the continent's hub of arts, culture, and military might.

For an untold number of years, the Dragonborn provided Kaspia with beautiful cities of ivory and silver that were basked in deep draconic history. Amphitheatre and temples dotted the kingdom and served as a method to enlighten the masses about not only Dragonborn history, but the history of all draconic races. In addition, a strong military presence occupied the kingdom as the Dragonborn, naturally built for combat, served as the peacekeepers of the continent of Kaspia.

The Dragonborn of Kurjaztar were also adept in the art of war for another reason. Nestled within the mountains of the kingdom existed the Orcs, scattered and existing as various bloodthirsty tribes seeking to conquer the kingdom of Kurjaztar. They very well came close long ago when the Orcish god Gruumsh waged war against the Dragonborn. When Gruumsh was sealed away, his tribes were driven into the mountains where they would remain. Gruumsh's essence was sealed away in the Draconic Orbs of Ancestry, which the Crown of Kurjaztar reached out to ancient group known as The Watchers to safeguard.

In the year of 273, a lone Dragonborn was rescued off the coast of Avalon. Talking nonsense, his Dwarven rescuers could only discern that he was the last surviving member of a research team. The Dragonborn was ill when found and, before even returning to Kurjaztar, he was exhibiting severely troubling symptoms. After being returned to his homeland, his mysterious condition proved to be highly contagious among all species of draconic descent and the entirety of the kingdom contracted whatever plagued the infected individual.

Within days, the entire kingdom of Kurjaztar had fallen with the mysterious condition taking the lives of every Dragonborn within the kingdom's borders. Now free for the taking, the Orcish tribes have begun descending from the mountains to investigate the fallen kingdom that is ripe for the taking.

The former capital of the Dragonborn people is Drakenhold, which rests near the Kaspian Desert's southwestern edge.



Continent of Zeltennia

The western continent of Zeltennia, originally home to Halflings before Humans arrived en masse from Kaspia thousands of years ago. Zeltennia's kingdoms developed in a way that is strikingly similar to how North America was populated by British explorers. Upon arriving long ago, the native Halflings were subjugated by the bigoted humans of Albion, but after hundreds of years of trying to better themselves and trying to make life better in Zeltennia than in Albion, the Humans of Zeltennia eventually became beacons of peace and tolerance. Humans make up over ninety percent of the kingdom's population with Halflings coming in a very distant second.


Kingdom of Riches. Though the kingdom of Albion is largely considered the most disgraceful, Alexandria is not far behind. A kingdom of pacifists, Alexandrians will not involve themselves in the affairs of others no matter what, and will only take action if conflict comes to their doorstep.

Though the kingdom chooses not to fight wars that it does not consider to be its own, Alexandria is quick to benefit economically from said conflicts. Due to the strategic location of Alexandria in Zeltennia's southeast, they are largely considered to be the portal to the east for Jourdain, Nordland, Sagebard, and Stromgarde. With the Merchant Isles right off of Alexandria's coast, dealings between the the surrounding kingdoms and the Merchant Isles themselves during times of war is a guarantee for Alexandria. As such, they stand to profit from war more than any other kingdom. This has caused the economy in Alexandria to soar, and for commonfolk to become nearly as prosperous as their noble counterparts. "Poverty" and "hamlet" are words that are unheard of in Alexandria, with even the poorest towns in the kingdom having enough wealth to rival the most prosperous towns of neihgboring kingdoms.

Due to the kingdom's wealth, Alexandrians value beauty over all else, and are highly materialistic and very vain. It is not uncommon to see even a common Alexandrian adorned in expensive jewelry and the finest silk on the market. Alexandrians are also very "showy" people, preferring to dress in bright blues, purples, oranges, and yellows.

The capital of Alexandria is the aptly named city of Alexandria itself. It is considered to be the wealthiest city in the world, where prices for even basic services are so out of touch with the rest of the world that visitors cannot afford to stay in the city for indeterminate lengths of time.


Ancestral Land of the Dragon. While dragons can be found across the globe, the kingdom of Artalia is ever proud of its self-proclaimed title of home of gold dragons. Artalia is the only land where one could successfully locate a gold dragon if they set out to do so. Because of this, gold dragons adorn Artalia's banners, flags, and tapestries. The gold dragon is, predictably, the official crest of the kingdom.

Artalia is considered to be the most balanced of the Human kingdoms. Militaristic while not warlike, and neither wealthy like Alexandria or impoverished as Albion. Artalia is generally considered to be the most attractive of the Human kingdoms to reside in since it does not have a negative stigma attached to it like is the case with Albion, Alexandria, and Stromgarde.

Artalians have one crucial flaw, and that is how they perceive themselves. Artalian nobles and soldiers largely consider Artalia and its people to be the "good guys" on the western continent of Zeltennia, resulting in the kingdom's people to have a slightly high opinion of themselves. As such, whenever there is a dispute between other kingdoms, Artalia is often attempting to get in the middle of it to act as a mediator or peacekeeper. While Artalia's intentions are undoubtedly good, many feel that the kingdom's inability to mind its own business can be irritating at times.

Due to the reputation the kingdom has for attempting to preserve the peace, The Watchers call the kingdom home with their headquarters being in Artalia City. The Defenders of the Dawn also once called Artalia their home before establishing their own fortress on Winterstrand Isle.

Despite the kingdom's apparent "good guy" attitude, there has been distrust and tension between Artalia and Stromgarde for centuries due to the latter's history of conquering other lands that it simply felt like taking. To this day, Artalia views Stromgarde as the "bully of Zeltennia" and keeps a watchful eye on their neighbor to the south.

The capital city of Artalia is, predictably, Artalia City. It is the northernmost capital city in the world.


The Glorious City State. Resting on the shore of a sandy island off of Stromgarde's southwestern shore is the Independent City State of Jourdain. This island city is highly cultured and takes great pride in the honed art of bardic performances, fighting tournaments, and theatre. Jourdain also produces some of Xesteria's most revered wines.

Immune to any attempt from Stromgarde to conquer it largely due to the fact that it exists on an offshore island, Jourdain has always enjoyed a good deal of privacy from the kingdoms of Zeltennia. Because of this, some organizations such as The Watchers were enticed to base themselves out of the city, finding that being free of the political drama of kingdoms to allow them more room to operate as they choose.

Jourdain, while small, is also known for producing exemplary fighters. It is often considered a sign of good luck to be fighting alongside one from Jourdain as, historically, many of the world's finest swordsmen came from the city.




The Annexed Kingdom. Lenadia was a nation that occupied the easternmost lands of present day Stromgarde. Elmshire, Hornmill, Lioncrest, and Pyrebrook once encompassed barriers of the kingdom.

In the year -550 BP, the ruler of Stromgarde, King Mordecai Blackmont, sought to seize Lenadia and forcefully incorporate it into Stromgarde and approached the Lenadian-aligned Morres family for assistance. The Morres family initially rejected the idea but, after King Mordecai offered to make them into one of Stromgarde's chief major noble houses, they conspired with the King to overthrow the ruling Barlow family. Opening the gates of Asgardia one night, the Morres family allowed the Stromgarde Military to sack the city and bring martial law to Lenadia almost immediately. Those who pledged allegiance to Stromgarde were given homes in Hornmill and Lioncrest and then, after the city was cleaned out, it was burned to the ground. Stromgarde's loyal Whitemane family was placed in charge of Lioncrest to oversee the stability of the region. The Barlow family was offered imprisonment or to willingly accept the title of minor noble house.

Most Lenadian noble families of note are no longer around except for the Barlows themselves and the Morres bloodline. The Barlows had been displaced and forced into obscurity for generations after Stromgarde took over Lenadia.

Despite the kigndom being a part of Stromgarde for generations, Lenadian pride still runs deep in the veins of those who call the region home with whispers that some even call for a newfound push for Lenadian independence.


Strength and Honour. Nestled between the three kingdoms of Alexandria, Artalia, and Stromgarde is the proud kingdom of Nordland. The kingdom is home to a sizeable number of above average sized humans due to breeding with giants over time. In addition to giving birth to large humans, this also caused the creation of the nomadic Goliath people. Due to the small kingdoms' wealth of forests and mountains, Nordish folk are well attuned to traversing difficult terrain, and are considered expert hunters.

Nordland itself is a small kingdom deeply rooted in traditions that encompass battle, courage, honour, loyalty, and valour. Nordish humans respect strength, but not when it is abused. They deeple believe that those gifted with natural strength should utilize it to protect their family, loved ones, and homeland. The Nordish humans reject the notion of fighting for a greater good, they merely believe that everyone should fight for what matters to them personally.

The people of Nordland also rival the Dwarves when it comes to the forging of world class armors and weapons. Nordish weaponry is considered world class, and is often preferred over Dwarven weapons in the Zeltennian kingdoms.

The kingdom of Nordland has a strategic location both from both economic and military standpoints due to being surrounded on three sides by the other Zeltennian kingdoms. Alexandria rests to the southeast, Artalia to the north, and Stromgarde to the southwest. Because of the closeness of the other kingdoms, Nordland has easy access to the entirety of Zeltennia.

Many sailing vessels passing through Zeltennia must pass by Nordland as well due to the Inner Zeltennian Sea running along the kingdom's north, west, and south borders. This makes Nordland an attractive stopping point for many merchant vessels inbound to the other kingdoms, and the Trade Union itself has long since exploited this by placing their Zeltennian headquarters in Dragonridge, which has helped to bolster the Nordish economy further.

The people of Nordland, being sturdier folk, enjoy life at sea and many make a living off of deep sea fishing. Other Nordish individuals who enjoy travel tend to spread outward across Zeltennia in search of mercenary work. It is often said that the most dependable mercenaries available are of Nordish descent.

The capital city of Nordland is Dragonstone, nestled deep within the forests and mountains ofthe kingdom.


The Unconquerable City. A city that rests on an island by itself, nestled between Stromgarde to the west and Alexandria to the east. Sagebard is a fully neutral city in between Alexandria and Stromgarde. It used to be a Lenadian town until Lenadia was taken over centuries ago. Stromgarde was unable to capture Sagebard due to it being off of the mainland and well fortified. After Asgardia, Sagebard was the second strongest Lenadian city in the kingdom.

Due to its location, the city's allegiance is sought after by Alexandria, Stromgarde, as well as Lenadian nationalists. The people of Sagebard dismiss the other kingdoms and their affairs to an even greater extent than Jourdain. Baron Rikar Valorian and Baroness Devonna Valkorian, the current rulers of Sagebard, believe that the city would crumble under the weight of the political drama caused by the other kingdoms and that their very culture would be at risk if they ever pledged allegiance to any one kingdom. The native people of Sagebard are generally a little more pale than those in the nearby regions of Alexandria and Stromgarde. In addition, they would typically be taller and more slender. Because of this, Sagebard warriors train almost exclusively with bows, polearms, and scimitars since these weapons. The city of Sagebard has one of the world's most lucrative gold mines, which makes it a valued trading partner of various kingdoms. The Trade Union of the Merchant Isles also has a secondary headquarters in this city due to the presence of the mine. It extends deep underground as a result of being in use for centuries, with there even being rumours of passages even extending into the Underdark itself.




The Might of Zeltennia. Encompassing over half of the total area of Zeltennia is the kingdom of Stromgarde. Bathed in a history of bloodshed, the vast kingdom of Stromgarde became what it is today through centuries of violent conquering of other kingdoms and lands with the most notable example being Lenadia.

The rest of the Zeltennian reluctantly bends to Stromgarde's wishes due to the kingdom's sheer size and might, but they hardly answer to Stromgarde. The other kingdoms on the continent, Artalia in particular, almost look upon Stromgarde with disgust at times due to the kingdom's history. Stromgarde has never been able to shed its image of being dangerous and warlike despite recent rulers of the Blackmont bloodline doing their best to promote a more serene image of the kingdom. When distrust and resentment of Stromgarde is brought up around its proud natives, they often take offense to it and often view it as a personal attack against them and their kingdom. Those of Lenadian heritage in particular are prone to voicing their feelings on this matter, which causes further frosty relations between them and the rest of Stromgarde.

For many centuries, Stromgarde has been ruled by the Blackmont family. Originally from Ebonrock, they are now primarily based out of the capital city of Westmarch. Within the capital, relations between Humans and Tieflings is stressed at best, which can be attributed to the ancient King Adelbert Morose prayed to the Demon Kings of the Nine Hells for power in an attempt to end the Stromgarde civil war of several hundred years past. Though they have spread outward throughout the world, Tieflings are a product of Westmarch itself and have always been discriminated against to some degree. While Tieflings can live normal lives elsewhere in the kingdom, those who choose to remain in Westmarch are relegated to the poverty-striken district of Cress outside of the city's main walls where they are forbidden entry to the city proper without escort.

Stromgarde's military, for many years, has been considered the strongest standing army in the world and has traditionally been led by the Morres family for hundreds of years. It is said that, in times of war, Stromgarde at its strongest would be capable of destroying Alexandria, Artalia, and Nordland combined.

Independent Territories


The Forbidden Isle. Resting off the southeast shore of the continent of Kaspia is the remote island of Avalon, which has been illegal to travel to under Dwarven law for generations due to the simple fact that nobody who has ever ventured to Avalon returned alive. The only exception to this in known history was when a lone sickly Dragonborn who returned home with a plague that wiped out the entire kingdom of Kurjaztar.

What exists on Avalon is largely unknown and it has never been properly settled. Attempts have been made to establish outposts on the island's shores, but the civilians who staff these outposts always vanish without a trace.

Venturing to the island of Avalon is considered such a taboo that, if one were to openly state their intention to visit the island, they would be forcefully detained and imprisoned for their own protection.

The island itself appears to be covered in thick jungles, with high mountains existing deep within the island. Traces of wildlife have been spotted by seafaring folk passing by the island, with the most notable inhabitants of the island being gargantuan creatures such as drakes and rocs.


The Untouchable City of Magic. Less of a city and more of a temple nestled high atop the Baran Mountains, Baranos is the international headquarters of the Arcanists' Guild, the location of the world's most expansive libraries detailing all known Xesteria's known history, and is also considered the most magical location in the world.

The temple of Baranos is protected by a magical barrier cast long ago that few can penetrate due to its origins being that of Old Magick, a form of forgotten magic that few (if any) even understand in this day and age. The only way to enter Baranos itself is via invitation from a member of the Arcanists' Guild within.

Baranos is such a reclusive and secretive plact that it is considered a very humbling honour of the highest degree even for kingdom royalty to be invited.

The population of Baranos is estimated to be no more than twenty, and it is said that the leaders of the Arcanists' Guild permit no more than three guests within the temple at any given time.

Due to what the facility represents, many aspiring magicians dream of one day gaining entry to Baranos and studying there. Few, if any, ever succeed in realizing this dream.

Merchant Isles

Land of Free Trade. Situated between the continents of Zeltennia in the west and Kaspia in the east are a series of islands that have long since been taken under the control of the International Trade Union, a federation of merchants who seek to regulate and streamline the economy to ensure accurate market prices and fair trade exists between the continents.

The islands are also conveniently placed alongside major trading routes, which prompted the Trade Union to populate the islands slightly with their own towns free from any kingdom's control. The towns of Castora, Merchant's Bay, and Moss Port are managed solely by the Trade Union and have unregulated prices separate from the global economy. There is also said to be a black market within the Merchant Isles, but those of lawful dispositions are unlikely to know of its presence.




The Uncharted North. To the north of Zeltennia is the arctic island of Muspelm. Long ago believed to be the home of the extinct Snow Elves, Muspelm's frigid expanse is dotted with ruins buried under ice and snow.

The island's climate itself is harsh and unforgiving, but so too is the local wildlife. Remorhaz attacks are commonplace for those who wander too far inland, and roving bands of surprisingly dangerous arctic merrows roam the coastlines.

In recent years, a push has been made to chart the frozen land of Muspelm, with the Haven Expedition venturing to the island and forming the coastal outposts of Gadrheim, Haven, and Winterport. Gadrheim rests along the northern coast and is managed by Dwarves, Haven exists on Muspelm's western island and is overseen by High Elves, and Winterport on the eastern coast is under Human control. The three races work together to explore and chart the island of Muspelm, hoping to one day discover more about the long extinct Snow Elves in the process.


City of the Dark Below. Deep in the Underdark exists the Drow Elf capital of Nor'ethril. After being banished from the surface long ago by the High Elves, the Drow Elven people established this subterranean metropolis as their new home.

The exact location of Nor'ethril is unknown to surface dwellers, but its existence has been verified in various tomes excavated from the Underdark and through the interrogation of captured Drow scouts.

Nor'ethril is run by the Church of Lolth, which is headed by the Drow Queen. Worship of any god or goddess other than Lolth is strictly forbidden, though there have been some cases of leniency towards Drow Elves who follow Chemosh.

The city of Nor'ethril exists for one singular purpose - to strengthen the Drow race over centuries until they are strong enough to retake the land that they were banished from. The Drow Elven military is largely comprised of archers, blademasters, shadow priestesses while also including a surprising number of forces from other Underdark races. This being the result of the Drow Queen working to unite various Underdark races under the banner of Lolth, promising that the surface world will be theirs for the taking.

Privateer's Isle

Land of the Lawless. To the south of the kingdoms of Baldrheim and Kaspia is the Privateer's Isle, controlled entirely by a sect of pirates known as the Free Men. The island is considered completely lawless and is not policed by any kingdom. The pirate haven of Blacktooth Bay rests along the island's east coast and is commonly considered taboo to dock in unless absolutely necessary.

Though Privateer's Isle is run exclusively by pirates, there is still some semblance of order on the island as privateers who choose to visit the island, or even live on it, must adhere to a set of rules known as the Pirate's Code that is relatively unknown to anyone not versed in pirate etiquette.

Outsiders are typically disallowed entry into the island's port, with local pirates believing that any moral do-gooders who come to the island would likely just cause trouble for the local populace and disturb the establishment.

The South Seas

The Untamed Expanse. The expansive seas that make up much of Xesteria's southern pole. It is relatively devoid of land and only has two known settlements within the watery expanse, the Human town of Crescent Inlet to the south of Stromgarde and the Dwarven town of Frostfang Harbour far to the south of the Kaspia Desert. Passage to these settlements is difficult to come by, as many sailors resent the cold weather while simultaneously fear the prospect of running into the legendary entity known as Kraken that is rumoured to live within the expansive southern ocean surrounding the south pole.


The Underworld of Xesteria. The Underdark is the vast network of underground caverns and tunnels underneath the surface of Xesteria. It is home to a host of evil beings driven deep into the caverns by surface dwelling races or, in more ancient exaples, the gods themselves.

The Underdark is divided into several domains that are similar to continents of the world above. While it was possible to travel from one place to another within a domain, separate domains tend to have very few passages linking them.

The underground landscape of the Underdark varies from small subterranean fissures almost impossible for adventurers to crawl through, to wide expanses of deep water that hide coral caves, hollowed out sections of ice in which creatures live, and places where fungus, bones, or even pure force have formed caves.

This varied landscape is as dynamic as the surface of Xesteria. Some areas are always changing over time because of underground magma rivers or the emptying of underground lakes due to cracks in the rock formed by earthquakes. This means that maps of the Underdark are highly unreliable at best.

Notable locations in the Underdark include the Drow Empire of Nor'ethril, the sprawling illithid colony of Oryndoll, and the Duergar kingdom of Barakuir.

Winterstrand Isle

Bastion of the Dawn. Resting between Artalia and Muspelm is Winterstrand Isle, location of Winterstrand Castle and home of the Defenders of the Dawn. The esteemed organization chose the island as their base of operations to avoid unwanted attention (whether positive or negative) from the kingdoms, and to give them a viable location that would allow them to sail to Kaspia, Muspelm, or Zeltennia with little interruptions.

Winterstrand Port, a small village on the shore of the island, popped up when the Defenders of the Dawn moved to the island as a way to supply the heroes without the need to travel south. While Winterstrand Port is small, it has all of the basic amenities and also attracts tourists who wish to get a glimpse of the castle that the Defenders of the Dawn call home.



The Planes of Existence


The Abyss is a realm beyond the Nine Hells, where even the Demon Lords have no control. The Abyss is endless, with infinite layers to it. However, it is generally agreed upon that many of the outer layers are habitable and that the denizens present early on are mostly easily felled. There is only one town in the Abyss, which is located on the fifth layer of Abyss within Inner Acropolis and is simply known as Misery.

Layers of the Abyss

The first three layers of the Abyss are known as the Outer Acropolis, where minor fiends dwell and the geography resembles a darkened and diseased wasteland.

The following three layers, known as the Inner Acropolis, resembles the previous layers but exist under a permanent purple twilight.

Beyond that are the layers known as Abaddon, the Gray Waste, the Desolation, and the Endless Expanse. It is said that the Endless Expanse has no end and that it goes on forever. Though there are no records of adventurers venturing to the Endless Expanse, it is believed that getting lost for all eternity is a certainty to any who reach it.


Misery is the only population hub within Abyss, and it is located on the fifth layer of the Abyss in the Inner Acropolis. It is an incredibly lawless town where the laws of the Material Plane of Xesteria do not apply. Open murder and torture are both commonplace, with even the local populace of fiends living in constant fear that their lives may be taken at any moment. Some adventurers have been to Misery and describe it as the least desirable location they have ever been to and never wish to return.

Astral Plane

The Astral plane is described as an endless sea of blue and purple liquid mists that surrounds all the other planes, including the inner planes, and is said to house the realms of the gods themselves. The Astral Sea connects these planes and realms and at the center of the Astral Sea is Hestavar, also known as The Bright City. It is home to the god Pelor.

Hestavar, The Bright City

Nestled deep within the Astral Plane is Hestavar, the Bright City. Hestavar resembles a city constructed of pure gold and ivory, where unsavoury matter such as dirt and dust dematerialize immediately.

The city of Hestavar is floating in the endless Astral Sea, but projections of endless blue skies and calm oceans surround the city to give visitors a more pleasing sight. The actual city itself seems to stretch on for hundreds of miles, but travelers can often find what they are looking for within several minutes due to the magic nature of the city making them see what they are searching for.

It is said to be impossible to graph a map of Hestavar, as the very fabric of the city is always changing, shifting, and that attempting to view the city from above or memorize its landscape has resulted in some individuals going mad from temporary insanity.

Hestavar is ruled by the all powerful god known as Pelor, who is generally ignored by the races of the Material Plane of Xesteria. Pelor is an approachable god who does not shy away from those who seek an audience with him in Hestavar. It is rumured that Pelor and Ehlonna, when they were but demi-gods an endless time ago, were romantically involved.

Residents of Hestavar are varied, with a few mortals from the material realm residing in it permanently after finding their way to it.

The Astral Sea

The Astral Sea makes up an unknown percentage of the Astral Realm and is considered impossible to navigate for all except celestials and deities. It connects Abyss, Baelor, the Elemental Planes, the Nine Hells, Realms of the Gods and Xesteria to each other. it is believed that, if the endless Astral Sea ever disappeared, so too would the very fabric of reality as it is believed that the Astral Sea itself holds time and space together.


Long ago, a Material Plane known as Baelor existed that preceded Xesteria. It was like Xesteria in every regard, as the world of Xesteria was created in Baelor's image.

Baelor, eons ago, was a prosperous realm inhabited by races that have been forgotten to all but the gods themselves. It was not until the Demon King Bael was unleashed upon the former Material Plane that the aforementioned prosperity came to an end. Bael invaded Baelor, bringing with him an army of aberrations. Literal hordes of beholders laid waste to Baelor's kingdoms, and a sickly corruption soon spread throughout the realm. When the gods attempted to intervene, it was too late and Baelor had become a fallen realm. With the Material Plane being corrupted, the balance of the various planes began to go awry. It was then that Ehlonna, Paladine, and Pelor came together to forge Xesteria as the new Material Plane. To this day, Baelor exists as a landscape identical to Xesteria, only as a sickly black wasteland full of debris and ruins. It is populated by Bael and his legions of aberrations.



Realms of the Gods

The major and lesser gods worshipped on Xesteria all have their own realms that they call home. They are listed below, with the exception of Pelor, who resides in the previously mentioned Hestavar, the Bright City. Aseroth, Gruumsh, and Yeenoghu also originate from demonic realms, thus no realm is listed for them.


An dark and forboding forest that seems to stretch on forever, this is the home of Malar. Dangerous wild creatures prowl the woods, and the curse of lycanthropy runs rampant throughout the forested realm. It is said that it is impossible to visit Feirweld without either dying or contracting the curse of lycanthropy.


The realm of the god Paladine, or Bahamut as he is known to the Dragonborn. Ishtar is a realm of magnificent rock spires jutting out of a sea of mesmerizing clouds. It is said that gravity is so absent in this realm that one can almost fly by jumping. Luminescent halos line the skies and act as repellents against fiends. It is said that even the Demon Kings themselves are repelled by these halos.


A confusing realm where up is down, left is right, and logic is non-existent. Limbo is the realm of Lolth, which is reinforced by the always visible presence of spider creatures inhabiting the twisting, turning expanse of Limbo. The realm itself resembles an endless expanse of hallways and staircases twisted in all directions including sideways and upside down. It is said that any who ventures to Limbo either goes mad from the infuriating confusion it causes or dies from the hordes of spider creatures.


The land of dead, which is home to Chemosh, is basked in permanent moonlight and resembles a neverending abandoned city where a thick fog hangs in the air. Souls that have successfully moved on to the afterlife can be located here, as they are in a transitional state between life and death. Large gateways exist where souls pour in through upon death, and Chemosh's eerie wardens police what enters and leaves through these gateways.


The home of the goddess Ehlonna. Shangrila resembles an absolute paradise with vast meadows and prairies full of green grass and wildflowers. Gargantuan forests line these fields, shining rays of beautiful line penetrating the forest canopies and making them feel inviting and tranquil. High mountains exist beyond the mountains, where snow falls but visitors remain warm and cozy. The most curious aspect of Shangrila is that it is devoid of all sound, a trait mirrored by the mute goddess who inhabits it.


Endless jungles and rainforests make up the realm of Ragarra. Little is known about this realm for the simple reason that anyone who has ever ventured to it has either immediately been killed or driven out by the highly aggressive branches, roots, and vines that immediately attempt to put an end to any intrusions.


The realm of endless seas and islands of pure rock belongs to the god Talos. Many consider Vanaheim to be uninhabitable, but it remains a wonder to behold for any who are lucky enough to glimpse it. Everlasting thunderstorms roar across the infinitely stretching oceans of the realm. It is said that the waters of Vanaheim is where the legendary Kraken was created long ago before it used its wit to evade Talos' gaze and escape to Xesteria.


A curious realm not unlike the Material Plane which is home to the goddess Aureon. Where Xesteria's grass is green, Zion's is a soft white. The sky, instead of blue, alternates between a warm gold during the day and a soft pink at night. The realm is inhabited by countless celestial beings, all who follow the goddess Aureon herself. Zion is believed to be the source of all radiant energy across all planes of existence.

The Ethereal Plane

The Ethereal Plane is coexistent with the Material Plane and often other planes as well. The Material Plane itself is visible from the Ethereal Plane, but it appears muted and indistinct, its colors blurring into each other and its edges turning fuzzy.

While it is possible to see into the Material Plane from the Ethereal Plane, the Ethereal Plane is usually invisible to those on the Material Plane. Normally, creatures on the Ethereal Plane cannot attack creatures on the Material Plane, and vice versa. A traveler on the Ethereal Plane is invisible, incorporeal, and utterly silent to someone on the Material Plane.

The Ethereal Plane is mostly empty of structures and impediments. However, the plane has its own inhabitants. Some of these are other ethereal travelers, but the ghosts found here pose a particular peril to those who walk the fog.

Spells function normally on the Ethereal Plane, though they do not cross into the Material Plane.



The Elemental Planes

The four Elemental Planes are the planes of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. None of the opposing planes touch one another, as they cancel each other out violently. Each are accessible through magic gateways or the Astral Sea, and each plane is governed by an Elemental Lord.

Plane of Air

The Elemental Plane of Air is filled essentially completely with air, but had various impurities that tended to form pockets or bubbles in the otherwise pure atmosphere. Gaseous bubbles included clouds of every type, fog, steam, mist, smoke, poisonous clouds and acidic vapors; also the rare intrusion of elemental fire which is flame without fuel. Liquid impurities were usually water or water-based and tended to form floating spheres when not buffeted or frozen by the winds. Solid matter could be found here, from dust, ash, salt, or sand, to chunks of earth approaching the size of a large asteroid. The larger chunks were often brought into the plane by intelligent beings and were very likely to be inhabited or formerly inhabited. A traveler with a guide could approach the boundaries where the air thinned out until there was nothing. The Elemental Plane of Air is ruled by the Elemental Lord Mistral.

Plane of Fire

Unlike the other three elemental planes, the Plane of Fire has normal gravity and a landscape, although most of the ground is made primarily of loosely packed elemental fire and feels like walking in a swamp of hot coals. The rivers and oceans are made up of molten magma. Non-native flying creatures find the atmosphere thin and therefore do not have their usual speed or maneuverability. Visibility is hampered by the smoke coming off the flames engulfing, but not consuming, nearly every solid, liquid, or gas on the plane. What one can see is usually distorted by heat ripples.

Rains of hot ash move about like thunderstorms, threatening those on or near the ground with hot embers and blinding ash. Those in the air have to watch out for clouds of superheated steam blowing around and condensing scalding water on exposed surfaces.

The dangers of the plane cannot be overstated, but those who survived the trip see wonders and beauty at nearly every turn. Flame colors span the rainbow, from the vermilion of a forge hearth to the yellow-white of heated iron, from the blues and greens of alchemical reactions to the familiar candle-flame yellows and oranges. The conflagration forms fountains, jets, sheets, rivers, waves, walls, rains, cascades, clouds, swirls, and pits of brilliant incandescence on a scale found nowhere else

The legendary City of Brass exists in the Plane of Fire and is where the plane's ruler, the Elemental Lord Sargonnas, resides.

Plane of Earth

The Elemental Plane of Earth is an infinite expanse of solid stone pockmarked by bubbles of other elements and riddled with fissures and tunnels created by burrowing creatures or the occasional small mining operation. Ensconced in a few of these pockets are trading outposts and the rare hidden wizard fortress. Solid does not imply stationary: the substances of this plane are constantly moving in a slow, grinding motion punctuated by earthquakes from small tremors to massively violent upheavals. Open spaces were gradually filled by the relentless shifting unless action was taken to prevent it. No light exists in the Plane of Earth except for rare luminous gems buried in the crushing darkness. Travelers able to pass through stone are effectively blind unless they use magic such to create a light source or until their ocular organs reached an open space where darkvision could operate or a source of light could be produced. Hearing was actually enhanced while encased in earth, to the point where travelers could detect any movement through the rock within a certain radius of their position. This plane is ruled by the Elemental Lord Quara.

Plane of Water

A realm of endless oceans. There is no deep or shallow, no dark depths nor wavy surface, just an infinite ocean that makes one feel as if they were submerged several feet in any body of water on the Prime Material Plane. There is no sun, yet the water itself seems to glow dimly with a bluish green luminescence. Volumes of water at any temperature and salinity can be found if you know where to look or have a guide. Water is known to become cold and form icebergs as one reaches the furthest reaches of the plane before they eventually find an endless sea of ice.

Impurities such as bubbles of air, chunks of earth, and even short-lived balls of fire can be found floating about due to elemental vortices or the workings of powerful beings. The rare habitats and settlements of the plane are typically found near sources of food and shelter, or near portals and vortices to facilitate trade.

Supporting the teeming life of this plane are the corals of unknown origin. Huge drifting three-dimensional reefs and loose spheres of freshwater grasses, kelp, and seaweed are home to myriad species and are fertile fishing spots. Travelers have to keep in mind that large predators know of these fishing grounds also, or else they might discover just how bite-sized they actually are. The Elemental Plane of Water seemed to have no limit on how large some creatures can be as giant squid, aboleth, and deep spawn are known to prowl the plane. Small creatures can be deadly too, with poisonous spines or barbed tails.

The Elemental Plane of Water is ruled by the Elemental Lord Poseidus.



The Nine Hells

The Nine Hells, sometimes Hell or Hells, also known as Baator in Infernal, are the native homes of many demons and devils. They are nine realms where there exists sinister evil and institutional cruelty organized in a strict caste system with a very rigid chain of command. Each of the \nnine Hells have its own physical laws or properties of matter, but all are inhospitable or deadly to outsiders.


The endless expanse ruled by the Demon King Azazel and his Daederim generals. It is considered one of the most dangerous of the Nine Hells. The gnoll god Yeenoghu originated from this realm.


An expanse of endless infernos and suffering, it is home of the balrogs. Avernus is lorded over by the Demon King Gargoth.


A realm of frigid frosts that guarantee almost instantaneous death to those who are unprepared for the unfathomable cold. Erebus is the domain of the Demon Kong Aseroth, the deity who eradicated the entirety of the Snow Elf species.


A plane of endless toxic waters that are sickly green. The smell of the water can induce severe vomiting while touching the water can result in instantaneous acid damage. Lemuria is ruled by the Demon Kong Lilith.


A cavernous lanscape full of choking, poisonous mists. The Nether is engulfed in darkness so profound that even darkvision cannot penetrate its blackness. This realm is ruled by the Demon King Bael, works to merge the realm with Baelor to create his own plane separate from the Nine Hells.


The traditional definition of Hell. Dark, hellish caves full of everburning fires and rivers of flame. Oblivion is ruled by the Demon King Azmodeus, who was instrumental in the creation of Tieflings long ago, and they were created partially in his image.


An endless series of halls resembling that of a dark and sinister library or monastery. Undead creatures litter the realm and are constantly being replenished by the ruler of the realm, the Demon King Dagon.


A world of magma, with only small floating islands of brimstone giving visitors and escape from certain death. The sky itself resembles magma as well, giving those within a feeling of intense claustrophobia. This realm is ruled by the Demon King Moloch.


A charred wasteland dotted with obsidian fortresses populated by evil demons. Xanadu is considered the military stronghold of the Nine Hells and is governed by the Demon King Pandora.


Xesteria is the current Material Plane, created in the image of former plane of Baelor that fell to demonic corruption. It is also the prime setting of the campaign and is the tie that binds the realms together. Whenever the Material Plane's stability is at risk, so too are the astral connections that link all other realms.

Xesteria, being the current Material Plane, is the most populated realm as well as the most habitable.



Inhabitants of Xesteria

Major Races

Drow Elf

Driven into the Underdark centuries ago by their High Elven brethren after their addiction to dark magic became too dangerous to allow the continuation of, the Drow Elves have resented their surface dwelling cousins ever since. They have become the defacto rulers of the Underdark behind their charming ruler, Drow Queen Tylandra Zaurahel.


Natives of the expansive kingdom of Baldrheim. They make a good hammer, brew a fine mead, and make great guides. Though stern and usually lacking the friendliness of other races, Dwarves are supremely honest. It is said that, if you have a friend who is a Dwarf, you can trust them not only with secrets, but your life as well.


Living alongside the Dwarves of Baldrheim, the small Gnomes balance out the grumpiness of the Dwarves with their cheerful and exuberant demeanours. Gnomes are always high on life and love to have fun. While they may not always make the best soldiers or warriors, they can always be trusted to make friends smile even in the darkest of times.


The small humanlike natives of Zeltennia. Originally enslaved by the settlers from across the sea, Halflings are the closest ally to the Humans who now share their land with them. Halflings are jovial beings, and are always looking to make other sfeel comfortable. You can always trust a Halfling to give you a hearty meal and a warm bed when in need.

High Elf

Masters of arcane magic practice, they are also unmatched when it comes to marksmanship. High Elves are generally considered to produce the best archers, lancers, and sorcerers. High Elves are also hauntingly beautiful and graceful. They value scholary studies more than most races as well, as it is not uncommon to find a High Elf with their face in a book.


The major race with the shortest life span, they counter this by seeking to accomplish an extraordinary amount in their short lives. Humans strive for personal betterment and making the world a better place, and they often try to rush things at a pace that makes other races uncomfortable. Still, their enthusiasm and zeal are often admired by the other races.

Minor Races


Once a priminent major race of Xesteria before a plague decimated their kingdom of Kurjaztar. Now a scattered people, Dragonborn are regarded as both knowledgeable scholars and fearsome warriors. Those who escaped the plague that decimated their home now reside mostly in Zeltennia to the west where they generally occupy fairly prestigious positions.


Often bloodthirsty and savage, Gnolls like to terrorize and kill for fun more than any other race. Due to their origins being of demonic descent, Gnolls have an unending desire to commit acts of savagery against all other races simply for pleasure. Still, there are some Gnoll tribes in the world that shun the old ways, instead opting to commit violence only for the sake of hunting or in self defense, the tribes wishing only to be left alone in peace.


Goblinoids include the likes of bugbears, hobgoblins, goblins, and more. While particularly crafty and cunning, goblinoids often lack the resources to do anything meaningful in the world. Without having a homeland to call their own, goblinoids typically harass other races with violence in an attempt to take from them, but they are more often than not dealt with in a swift manner.


The result of breeding between Giants and Humans, Goliaths are hulking humanoids that, on average, measure between seven and eight feet in height. Due to their Giant heritage, they often come across as being less intelligent than Humans and weaker than Giants, which caused them to be partially shunned by both. As a result, Goliath tribes often wander forests and mountains.


Purveyors of death and suffering, Orcs hail from the mountains of Kurjaztar. IF left unchecked, many believe that their savage nature could bring destruction to large chunks of an entire kingdom before being stopped. With Kurjaztar now devoid of Dragonborn life, the Orcs have been handed their own kingdom on a silver platter.


The result of humans wishing for power from the Demon Kings, Tieflings fought for years to gain acceptance due to their quasi-demonic features. Because they are so heavily discriminated against, Tieflings have an unfortunate tendency to gravitate towards evil alignments simply because the world around them forces them to do so in order to survive.



Groups & Organizations

Albion Slave Trade

An organization based primarily out of Albion, but has ties to the kingdom of Kaspia, that manages the continental slave trade. Based out of Sardonis, it is headed by slave trade director Brutus Blackfoot.

Arcanists' Guild

A conclave of highly skilled magicians who work to further the study of magic in the world in an effort to bridge the gap between magical and physical. They are based out of Baranos and have guild branches all over the world.

Children of the Plague

A mysterious organization that preaches the death of all life. A supposed cult believed to be tied to necromancers. There are no known representatives of the group with only mere whispers being spread of their existence.

Chromatic Order

A group of magicians who seek to ascend to godhood by draining chromatic dragons of their power and imbuing themselves with it. They are a known organization, but work in supreme secrecy. They are the natural enemy to metallic dragon aligned group known as The Watchers.

Church of Aureon

The international religion devoted to worshipping Aureon and spreading her word. The Church's Kaspian branch is run by Falandriel Ghostwhisper in Moonfall, Altamira and the Zeltennian branch is run by Syledriel Lunacrest in Westmarch, Stromgarde.

Church of Chemosh

The international religion devoted to worshipping Chemosh and spreading his word. The Church's Kaspian branch is run by Horus Shamon in Evermoon, Kaspia and the Zeltennian branch is run by Kara Hisdani in Valla, Nordland.

Church of Ehlonna

The international religion devoted to worshipping Ehlonna and spreading her word. The Church's Kaspian branch is run by Seras Lightseeker in Dro'lashar, Altamira and the Zeltennian branch is run by Astrid Sommerfal in Artalia City, Artalia.

Church of Paladine

The international religion devoted to worshipping Paladine and spreading his word. The Church's Kaspian branch is run by Zargon Ragnaroth in Highperch, Baldrheim and the Zeltennian branch is run by Jory Wyrmsbane in Alexandria City, Alexandria.

Church of Talos

The international religion devoted to worshipping Talos and spreading his word. The Church's Kaspian branch is run by ZOlga Stormhammer in Anvil, Baldrheim and the Zeltennian branch is run by Cathryn Allerian in Meksicburg, Stromgarde.

College of Bardic Arts

An organization that oversees the various bardic colleges that are primarily based out of Jourdain and Alexandria.

Covenant of Ishtar

A collective of hermits and monks who reside in various towns across the world. They preach peace and tolerance to outsiders. Those who wish to learn the Covenant's method of self defense study under their senior monks.

Cult of Charon

A group devoted to preserving the legacy of Stromgarde's ancient Charon family based out of Whitecrest hundreds of years ago. The Charon family was driven out after committing many vile acts that included necromancy and defiling the dead. It is unknown if the Charon family still exists in any capacity.

Cult of Malar

Worshippers of the lesser god known as Malar. The are chaotic evil anarchists who primarily seek to spread the curse of lycanthrope to as many regions as possible. They believe that lycanthrope is true power and seek to bring the gift to all people of Xesteria.

Cult of Necromancy

An underground organization of necromancers who communicate over magic networks and share their knowledge with each other. While renegade necromancers are common, encountering one of the Cult of Necromancy is considered a rare event due to their highly private nature.

Defenders of the Dawn

A group of the world's elite champions who have come together to battle against threats believed to be capable of tearing Xesteria asunder. They are based out of Castle Winterstrand south of Muspelm.

Free Men

Pirates inhabiting the South Kaspian Sea. They are based out of their pirate city of Blacktooth Bay south the Kaspian Desert.



Grimfang Orcish Clan

The Orcish clan led by Tarok Grimfang, rumoured warlord and general of the Kurjaztar Orc tribes. In recent years, they have succeeded where other Orcish tribes have failed by successfully defeating Dragonborn military squadrons and temporarily occupying their towns. They are considered the most dangerous of the Orcish clans.

Haven Expedition

A collection of explorers from Altamira, Artalia, and Nordland who seek to chart the northern territory of Muspelm and uncover the secrets of its snow covered ruins. They are based out of the town of Haven, a settlement that is jointly managed by High Elves and Humans.

Heralds of Lolth

The reinvigorated legions of Drow Elves under the command of Drow Queen Tylandra Zaurahel. Their singular goal is simple - to eradicate all Elven life from the surface as an act of revenge for the Drow Elves being banished to the Underdark many years ago.

Iron Company

An international organization that takes mercenary contracts from clients for a moderate price and then in turn offering these contracts to mercenaries looking for work. The Iron Company doles out less money to the mercenaries completing the contracts than how much they acquired the contracts for, guaranteeing that the Iron Company always makes a profit.

Kurjaztar Research Expedition

A joint effort by the Zeltennian kingdoms as well as the High Elves of Altamira and Dwarves of Baldrheim that is based out of Kurjaztar and works tirelessly to investigate the plague that decimated the kingdom in the recent past.

Lenadian Loyalists

Inhabitants of Eastern Stromgarde of Lenadian descent who seek to restore their kingdom and separate it from Stromgarde, citing that their way of life has been damaged almost permanently under Stromgarde rule and that disease and poverty are widespread. They desire to stand on their own rather than depend on an apparent uncaring queen.

Sentinels of Pelor

Pelor's loyal worshippers and fighters who protect Hestavar, the Bright City from all harm. Pelor's will is their command.

Stromgarde Military

The world's strongest standing army, based out of the Human kingdom of Stromgarde. For the last several hundred years, it has historically been overseen by the Morres family. Estevan Morres currently holds the title of Highlord of the Stromgarde Military.

The Circle of Druids

A collective of druids based out of the forests of Altamira who come together in an effort to preserve nature. Though not connected to any religous organization, the Circle of Druids swears allegiance to the goddess Ehlonna.

The Sea Watch

A regiment of the Baldrheim Military that is stationed in the town of the same name. The Sea Watch's sworn duty is to monitor Avalon for outbound threats and to warn seabound travelers to avoid the island.

The Watchers

An ancient organization devoted to working alongside metallic dragons to rid the world of evil threats. The Watchers is only accepting of those with draconic ancestry. They directly oppose the Chromatic Order despite not knowing where their rival organization is based out of.

Thieves' Guild

An organization based throughout Zeltennia's underbelly that specializes in doing good through acts of thievery. They primarily retrieve stolen goods. In extreme cases, they may deal with assassination contracts if they believe it to be for the greater good. Agents of the Thieves' Guild are highly trained in misdirection, stealth, and the art of disguise.

Trade Union

A collective of the world's most shrewd businessmen and merchants who work to manage the global economy and to guarantee fair and steady trade between the continents of Kaspia and Zeltennia. Many of their stewards are stationed in towns across the continents to offer financial assistance and real estate services.

Umbral Covenant

A secret society devoted to overthrowing the world's rulers and bestowing anarchistic, feudal rule on all kingdoms. Few know of the Umbral Covenant and even fewer ever meet an agent of the Covenant in the flesh. They have infiltrated all walks of life and are believed to have operatives working as high as within the royal courts and as low as working as grave diggers, innkeepers, and janitors.

Warrior's League

An international association devoted entirely to pitting combatants against each other in colosseums and having the masses bet on the victor. The Warrior's League operates out of all capital cities and regularly organizes cross-kingdom fighting tournaments.



Notable Historical Figures

The following are figures from throughout Xesterai's storied history who have had stories written about them, statues created in their honour, and places named after them. Most of these names are considered common knowledge to those living in the kingdoms that the figures themselves originated in.

Reginald Albion II

Duke of Albion who established the Albion Slave Trade in the year -3385 BP.

Harland Barlow

The leader of Lenadia during the year-550 BP when Stromgarde invaded the kingdom and sacked Asgardia.

Taz Billingston

A famous Halfling who perfected the bardic arts of poetry and song in -290 BP. He went on to establish the Bardic Colleges.

Mordecai Blackmont

The King of Stromgarde from -576 BP to -539 BP who orchestrated the invasion of Lenadia.

Tyrstan Charon

Head of the Charon family of northwestern Stromgarde in -75 BP. He nearly unleashed a plague that would have turned the entirety of northwestern Stromgarde's population into mindless ghouls and zombies. His family was consequently banished after his plans were foiled.

Endar Darlethian

A mage from Albion who lived from -760 BP to -689 BP. He is believed to be the strongest magician to ever grace Xesteria. His staff remains intact to this day, closely guarded in Baranos.

Drakaan Earthsunder

A famed Nordish hero who lived from -804 BP to -739 BP who single handedly defeated numerous chromatic dragons in his prime. He wielded a sword that would later go on to be known as the Sword of Drakaan that is still intact to this day.

Rasche Emberfal

Famed and beloved Dragonborn ruler of Kurjaztar prior to the plague that eradicated the kingdom. His body was never recovered by search parties.

Llewyn Lethloran

Founder of Artalia in -1113 BP.

Thorindar Farwalker

A Dwarven blacksmith who lived from -392 BP to -155 BP. He is regarded as the finest blacksmith to ever live and forged the holy hammer Valborg.

Adelbert Morose

The King of Stromgarde from -890 BP to -862 BP when he made a deal with the Demon Kings of the Nine Hells, corrupting him and his people and giving birth to the Tiefling race.

Wynnar Morose

Founder of Stromgarde in -1092 BP.

Tyrdormu Ordaxian

Legendary Dragonborn fighter. He was instrumental in the fight against Gruumsh that resulted in the Orc God's sealing in -760 BP. Wielded the great axe Drakenwald.

Raymar Porthos

Founder of the International Trade Union in -887 BP.

Augustus Pridewind

Former heir to the Artalian throne, loved by all. Believed to be the strongest swordsman alive. Disappeared in -395 BP.

Ashton Renegal

Head of the Church of Paladine who established the Pantheon of Xesteria and restructuring the annual calendar around the pantheon in 0 AP.

Daraxos Revus

Ancient Dragonborn who summoned the world's elite magicians and metallic dragons alike in -1297 BP to form The Watchers.

Barthol Rush

Founder of Nordland in -118 BP.

Varrick Rush

Prince of Nordland who established the Defenders of the Dawn in 124 AP.

Koleth Ulyrian

Founder of Alexandria in -1139 BP.

Tylandra Zaurahel

Ancient Drow Elf who has lived for centuries, returning her youthful body through dark magic. Over the last several hundred years, she has led many failed assaults against the surface world as a general of Drow Elven forces. There has been no sighting of her in over 100 years.



Professions of Xesteria

This section details subclasses available to PCs and NPCs that are considered part of the world of Xesteria. These are not new classes, but merely different options a character can take when picking their class path.

Class Archetypes
Class Archetype Description
Barbarian Path of the Vanguard The barbarian sacrifices damage for ultimate survivability.
Druid Circle of the Dying The druid focuses their powers around the natural death of life.
Fighter Nightblade The fighter becomes a slayer of all things that go bump in the night.
Paladin Oath of Anarchy The paladin stands solely for the people and shuns authority.
Rogue Deceiver The rogue becomes a master of deceit and disguise.
Sorcerer Undeath Symbiosis The sorcerer specializes in manipulating the dead.




Path of the Vanguard

The Path of the Vanguard's purpose is to allow a barbarian to push their rage into a new direction. Instead of using their fury to unleash more damage, they become bastions of ultimate defense for both themselves and allies alike.

Inner Strength

Starting when you pick this path at the 3rd level, your bonus damage when raging instead becomes bonus AC.

Vigilant Rage

Beginning at 6th level, you gain a further +2 AC versus projectiles being fired at you. In addition, as a reaction while in a resilient rage, you can use a reaction to swipe at incoming projectiles at allies within 10 feet of you. This imposes disadvantage on the attacker.

Motivating Presence

Beginning at 10th level, your vigilant rage also grants bonus AC to allies within 15 feet of you. The barbarian and their allies also have advantage on all melee attacks until the vigilant rage ends.

Monstrous Stamina

Starting at the 14th level, you have 3 points of monstrous stamina per long rest. Whenever a successful attack is made against your character, you may expend 1 point to reduce the damage by half. If an ally is within 5 feet of your character, you may also expend 1 point to automatically deflect an oncoming attack against them onto yourself at half damage.


Circle of the Dying

The Circle of the Dying is a shunned upon druidic circle that specializes in exploiting the death of life and nature and using it to sap the life of enemies. Practitioners of this druid circle are looked down upon in the same manner as necromancers.

Minion of Undeath

When you pick this circle at the 2nd level, you gain the ability to raise the corpse of a fallen animal to fight alongside you for 1d4 minutes. Success is guaranteed as long as the minion's challenge rating is equal to or lower than your level. Can only have one undead animal minion at a time.

Circle Forms

The rites of your circle grant you the ability to transform into undead animal forms. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into an undead beast with a challenge rating as high as 1 (you ignore the Max. CR column of the Beast Shapes table, but must abide by the other limitations there). Starting at 6th level, you can transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as your druid level divided by 3, rounded down.

Necrotic Touch

Starting at the 6th level, your attacks deal an additional 1d4 necrotic damage. If you are in the form of an undead creature, you will instead deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage. If necrotic damage reduces a target's hit points to zero, their corpse is compelled for assist you for one full round of combat.

Aura of Decay

Starting at the 10th level, all attacks you and your allies do permanently reduce a target's hit point maximum by 1.

Leeching Rot

At the 14th level, your attacks in the form of undead beasts inflict an additional 2d12 necrotic damage. Half of this damage is returned to you as healing.



Devoted to seeking out and destroying evil entities in the night such as fiends and undead using methods that surpass those of even the holiest of champions. Through careful practice and study, a nightblade can become almost impervious to harm when facing off against their chosen foes.

Fiend Breaker

Starting at the 3rd level, rolling a 1 on any attack against a fiend or undead can automatically be rolled again. If the new roll is a natural 20, the fiend will take the impact of two critical strikes. Multiply your damage roll by 4.

Hunter in the Night

Starting at the 7th level, you acquire darkvision of 100 feet. If you already have darkvision through a racial trait, extend it by 100. In addition, and only at night, you gain +1 to saving throws as well as +5 to investigation, nature, and survival checks.

Additional Fighting Style

At 10th level, you can choose a second option from the Fighting Style class feature.

Twilight Champion

Beginning at the 15th level, you always attack at advantage against fiends and undead. In addition, all attack rolls against fiends and undead receive +10 to hit. Successfully striking an undead or fiend imposes disadvantage on them when attacking you on their next turn.

Slayer's Resistance

At the 20th level, you have immunity against all non-magical damage inflicted by fiends and undead, and resistance to all magical damage inflicted by them. In addition, you gain resistance to necrotic damage against all foes.




Oath of Anarchy

When a paladin takes on the Oath of Anarchy, the abandon any notion that authority must be adhered to, and they shun the idea that the law must be followed. They carry out the wishes of the people, regardless of whether or not it is ultimately right or wrong. A paladin that follows this oath believes that those in positions of authority have no more power over them than a mere commoner.

Tenents of Anarchy

The tenets of the Oath of Anarchy vary by paladin, but all the tenets revolve around sidestepping authority by any means necessary if it means the paladin is doing what they feel needs to be done. Paladins who uphold these tenets are willing to sacrifice the lives of others, especially nobility, if it means they accomplish their goals. Because of this, the paladins who take on this oath are often neutral evil or chaotic evil in alignment. The core principles of the tenets are brutally simple.

Reject Authority. You know that authority, in and of itself, is inherently wrong by design. Ignore those who seek to command you or exert control over you.

Fight for the Commonfolk. The commonfolk are in dire need of assistance. In all situations, you must side with them and assist them in realizing their goals no matter the cost.

Execution is a Viability. If an authority figure such as a guard, noble, or lord inflicts bodily harm on one who they have authority over, they have forfeited their right to decide their fate. You are free to end their life.

Free Will is Vital. Those who wish to enslave others, or enact forms of mind control, are considered violators of free will itself and must be put down. Their existence is considered a sin of the highest magnitude.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of Vengeance Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Inflict Wounds, False Life
5th Counterspell, Dispel Magic
9th Blight, Freedom of Movement
13th Geas, Mislead
17th Contagion, Dispel Evil and Good

Channel Divinity

When you take this oath at the 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.

Resist Order. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer of denunciation, using your Channel Divinity. Choose one creature within 60 feet of you that you can see. Intimidation checks against the target are at disadvantage and they are magically compelled to see flaw in law and order for 1 hour.

Vow of Anarchy. As a bonus action, you can utter a vow of anarchy against a creature you can see within 10 feet of you, using your Channel Divinity. You gain advantage on attack rolls against the creature for 1 minute or until it drops to 0 hit points or falls unconscious. If the creature is of a lawful alignment, your rolls to hit are now a critical if they are 19 or higher.

Will of the Anarchist

Starting at the 7th level, targets of a lawful alignment have disadvantage when attacking against you. In addition, your intimidation checks receive +5 against targets of a lawful alignment.

Freedom's Wrath

Starting at 15th level, the conviction with which you speak your Vow of Anarchy gives you greater power over your foe. When a creature under the effect of your Vow of Anarchy makes an attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature if it is within range.

Form of Unending Strength

Starting at the 20th level, you develop the power to willingly transform into any fiend with a challenge rating of 15 or below. While in the form of the fiend, you have access to their ability scores, attacks, and resistances. Your hit points becomes 1/2 of your maximum hit points. plus 1/2 of the fiend's maximum hit points. If your hit points are reduced to 0, you revert to your true form at maximum hit points and cannot assume the form of a fiend again until after a short or long rest.





The deceiver is a master of disguise, manipulation, and misdirection. They can be anyone they want, make you think anything they want, and just generally get away with their heart's content. They are the ultimate scoundrel.

Read the Situation

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain advantage on all deception, sleight of hand, and stealth rolls.

Freedom of Appearance

Starting at the 3rd level, you can cast Alter Self at will and at no expense. While assuming another form, insight rolls against you are at disadvantage.

Way with Words

At 9th level, you have 5 points of seduction per long rest. Use these points with intimidation and persuasion rolls. If you roll under a 10, you can expend 1 point of seduction to automatically make it a 20. If you roll over 10, you can expend 1 point of seduction to automatically add +10 to your roll.

Identity Thief

At 13th level, you gain the ability to unerringly mimic all aspects of another individual's personality. You must spend at least three hours studying these three components of the person’s behavior, listening to speech, examining handwriting, and observing mannerisms. If used in conjuction with Alter Self, you are able to pass flawlessly as anyone else. If an individual unfamiliar with the one you are posing as tries to discern your true identity, they automatically fail all rolls. All insight and investigation rolls made against you by an individual who knows the person you are posing as are at disadvantage.

Agreeable Persona

Starting at 17th level, whenever you are interacting with someone who is close to the person you disguise as, they are compelled to listen to you and are charmed for 1 hour upon speaking with you. Even if you drop your form or are exposed, they will still be convinced that you are their acquaintance and take your side no matter what while the charm is active. This can only occur once every 24 hours.


Undeath Symbiosis

Your innate magic comes from the essence of undeath that permeates Xesteria. However you developed this link, necromatic magic churns within you, yearning for any outlet. You are also compelled to seek out the Cult of Necromancy.

Necrotic Outlet

Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, you may choose to convert the damage of any spell you are casting into necrotic damage. If it already inflicts necrotic damage, it receives a bonus 1d4 necrotic damage per ever 5 sorcerer levels.

Undead Guardian

Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, you may choose to have one undead ally with a challenge rating of 2 or below. If your undead guardian is killed in combat, you may raise it again. Casting time to raise your fallen guardian is 10 minutes. When you and your undead guardian are within 10 feet of each other, you each receive an additional +2 AC and inflict an additional 1d6 + X necrotic damage where X is equal to your sorcerer level.

Sway Undead

Starting at 6th level, you may attempt to bring any undead entity under your control By rolling a persuasion check. It must contest your persuasion check with a wisdom saving roll. If it fails, it is swayed to your side until it is destroyed. This effect only allows you to sway up to 1 undead creature at a time. Undead creature's challenge rating cannot exceed half of your sorcerer level.

Devour Life Force

At 14th level, you may touch any dead organism to fully drain it of any remaining life force or spirit. This heals you for Xd12, where X is equal to the creature's challenge rating, and permanently prevents the creature from resurrecting.

Death's Release

Starting at 18th level, you can compel the skelton of any living entity to want to join you. By pointing your finger at a creature, you can attempt to persuade the skeleton to burst out of the body and accompany you. In order to do so, you must make a persuasion check that exceeds the target's current hit points. If you succeed, the skeleton is released and the target dies instantaneously.



The Pantheon of Xesteria

In Xesteria, the principal gods of worship are Aureon, Chemosh, Ehlonna, Paladine, and Talos. Their worship is widespread throughout the world, and is unrestricted by kingdom or race. The principal gods have their own churches, widespread religions, devoted to each of them. Many towns have cathedrals built in favour of the region's chosen deity.

Other gods see some worship, but on a smaller scale. These are known as the lesser gods. This name can be misinterpretted, as the lesser gods are not any less potent in strength than the principal gods, only their worship is less widespread and thus considered lesser.

The Principal Gods

Worshipped across the world of Xesteria, these gods are followed by the masses in all major kingdoms. Their reach is vast, and the leaders of the respective Churches being among the world's most influential figures.


The Goddess of Fate, Justice, and Order. Aureon's avatar is often depicted as a female holy archangel with a shrouded face and a large tome containing the destiny and fate of all beings. Aureon does not enforce what is good or bad, but simply what is right and wrong. Because of this, those who fight in Aureon's name (often paladins) can come across as brash and zealous when championing their god's cause simply because the outcome they believe to be just and correct may not always seem so to others.

Aureon deals in absolutes, meaning something either is or it is not. This gives her followers a unique perspective on life, and the Material Plane itself, as all things either fall under right or wrong in the eyes of Aureon and her Church.

Champions of Aureon are rewarded by their goddess for swift action and doing what they believe to be true. Careful deliberation is often seem as a weakness, as having to overthink to reach a conclusion is seen as a weakness by Aureon. She believes that your heart should tell you what is correct without requiring even so much as a second thought.

Aureon and Chemosh are often in direct opposition to one another, as Aureon'st ake on resurrection dictates that, if one who has been slain was a true champion of justice, they may be returned from the dead in order to further carry out Aureon's will. Though she is also the goddess of fate, this extends predominantly to those who follow her codes of justice and order. Those who are unlawful and sinful are exempt from her belief that resurrection is allowable and, if an evil or unlawful individual is killed, their death is declared fate due to it restoring a sense of justice and order to the realm.

Following Aureon requires absolute adherence to a rigid code of beliefs that may require the follower to make sacrifices. It is said, however, that successfully following Aureon can bring the follower closer to their goddess and bestow blessings more often than any other god would dare consider. Many find reaching out to and speaking with Aureon to be easier than with other gods. Lawful paladins are Aureon's preferred servants, and it is said that they are able to commune with her at will if they have been deemed one of her champions.


The God of Death and Winter. Depicted a faceless, malnourished man with several arms and is shrouded in darkness. Often misunderstood by those outside of his faith due to the Church of Chemosh's more dark and drab outwardly appearance compared to other the other Churchs, Chemosh and his supporters do not revel in necromancy or undeath, or is Chemosh an "evil god" as the uneducated may believe. Chemosh polices the line between life and death, and it is his duty to ensure that those who pass away who do not avert the natural order of things by cheating death using unnatural means. Immortality through dark magic, necromancy, and resurrections driven solely by selfishness are seen as perversions. Those who defy death in such a manner as viewed as heretics who must be dealt with.

Chemosh's followers are in direct opposition to necromancers and fiends alike, perhaps to a greater extent than the followers of any other god, as necromancers and fiends are both subject to defiling the natural cycle of death. Necromancers, fiends and undead alike are all often hunted and destroyed by Chemosh's champions. Those who protect the natural cycle of life are justly rewarded by Chemosh for their good deeds.

One of the most abused practices that Chemosh frowns upon is resurrection. While the god deems it acceptable in rare instances for true heroes to be returned to life immediately after death if destiny commands it, widespread abuse of resurrections does not sit well with Chemosh or his Church. Only a small minority of resurrections are cast for the intended reasons, and a great deal are done so out of pure selfishness. Resurrections that involve the deceased being brought back just because their family or friends don't want to lose them is considered selfish and immoral, and that it is in direct conflict with the natural cycle of life and death. When it is one's time to die, their spirit is expected to cross over uninterrupted. When the followers of Aureon, Ehlonna, or Paladine selfishly abuse the ability to resurrect, it not only disturbs the Church of Chemosh, but it interferes with Chemosh's very duties as the Patron of Death who guides spirits to the beyond.

The longest season of the year, the Season of Chemosh, is named after this god and is the coldest calendar season. It was named after Chemosh due to his affiliation with death and finality.




The Goddess of Life, Love, and Nature. Most commonly followed by the High Elves of Altamira, Ehlonna represents all that is truly good in the world. Her light in intended to shine hope and kindness on all, and it is the belief of her followers that even the most despicable and vile individuals are capable of profound good. She is also considered to be one with the world and the goddess who nurtures all life on the Material Plane of existence. The deep faith in Ehlonna exhibited by the High Elves is demonstrated by their worship of Sun Trees, colossal trees in the deep forests of Altamira that ascend higher than all other trees in the world and are deeply magical in nature. Long ago, the High Elves located all of these Sun Trees and constructed their towns and cities to encompass them.

Ehlonna's doctine dictates that their is good in everyone, that mercy is always favourable over justice, and that peace and prosperity must be practiced by all by exhibiting love and kindess to all that you meet - including your mortal enemies. Some clerics and paladins of non-Elven descent choose to follow Ehlonna due to the fact that she stands for the greater good and is considered the most transparent of all gods in that it is unmistakable that she is on the side of good and that the actions of the goddess literally cannot be construed as bad, evil, or unjust. This can cause some conflict for clerics and paladins since they do not follow her her for her rigid "there is good in everyone" mantra which can, coincidentally, be in direct opposition to the duties of these holy warriors due to Ehlonna's will dictating a strong disapproval towards any form of conflict or violence. Because of this, and even though they are typically kind souls, holy fighters who champion Ehlonna's causes are often viewed as misguided by champions of other gods (namely Aureon and Paladine).

Ehlonna's supporters typical struggle with acceptance more those than any other god due to the almost naive nature of many of her supporters in their belief that Ehlonna wishes for them to always believe that all beings have profound good in them, that violence must never be resorted to unless there is absolutely no other solution, and that love and kindness will always triumph. The Church of Aureon in particular, also noted for being followers of a "good" goddess, are often at odds with Ehlonna's champions due to their more reserved nature and unwillingness to take physical action when the situation demands it. Still, Ehlonna's supporters remain steadfast that their goddess represents absolute peace and purity, and that enacting her will is the key to worldwide prosperity and tranquility. While others take the Church of Ehlonna less seriously than the other four, Ehlonna's supporters take the negative views of others and wear it as armor, which only strengthens their resolve and belief in their goddess.

Ehlonna is said to be the most difficult of the gods to commune with. Many clerics cite being unable to reach her at all during the worst of times, and speaking at her without receiving a response at the best of times. Ehlonna is largely considered to be a mute goddess living in a domain without sound, and she instead opts to let her body and facial expressions do her talking.


The God of Balance and Spirit. Paladine, also known as Bahamut to the Dragonborn and some circles of Dwarven society, is said to be a dragon of unfathomable size that ascended to godhood eons ago. Paladine's doctrine is simple, and it merely dictates that there must always be balance. Where there is good, there must be evil. Where there is life, there must be death. Where there is order, there must be chaos. According to Paladine's will, one force cannot exist without its opposite and a balance must be maintained lest the various planes of existence be thrown into permanent disarray. The champions of Paladine fight to enforce this balance in the name of good while acknowledging that the scope of Paladine's very mantra exceeds a level of thought that their minds can even comprehend.

While the strength of most gods rely on how widely they are followed and worshipped, Paladine is exempt from this as his worshippers balance out his non-believers. While other gods do gain their power through worship, Paladine strictly garners it through the balance of the planes itself.

Entities that seek wanton chaos and destruction are deemed enemies of Paladine, and the great dragon's followers will ruthlessly hunt down any who seeks to commit genocide. On the flipside, individuals who seek to destroy all evil from existence are also dealt with since they too are viewed as interfering with the natural balance of all realities.

Because of his staunch stance on demanding balance be maintained, Paladine's crusaders are often the first to rise up against evil in the Material Plane. Great demons, tyrannical kings, and undead armies are frequently assaulted with the divine wrath of Paladine's clerics and paladins. Individuals who also follow Paladine but do not associate themselves with his Church are also strongly compelled to fight to maintain balance as well, with many of his non-divine followers being law officials, elderly sages, and ruling lords and ladies.

Followers of Paladine are largely alienated from the other Churchs. Aureon's need to dole out justice, Ehlonna's unwavering positivity, and the war-like tendencies of Talos all contradict what Paladine seeks to accomplish. Only Chemosh and his followers do little to interfere with Paladine's code. As well, even though three of the major gods interfere with Paladine's mission to maintain balance, Paladine himself respects the gods and believes that the conflicting beliefs of the other gods ultimately work in favour of balance even if it does not seem to be immediately so.




The God of Storms and War. Commonly believed to be a hulking Storm Giant that ascended to godhood ages ago, Talos not only controls the elements and the weather of the Material Plane, but he is the patron saint of combat and war. This does not mean that he openly endorses warfare between kingdoms, but rather that he supports gladiatorial sports and battle.

Talos is worshipped heavily in Baldrheim by the Dwarves, but his reach is less evident everywhere else in the Material Plane. Outside of the Warrior's League arranging their colosseum battles in the name of Talos, worship of him is almost exclusive to Dwarves due to his ideals resonating with their culture so strongly. With Dwarves adoring arranged combat, smithing, and hardy weather; it was only natural that their kind would gravitate towards Talos over all other gods.

As the patron saint of the elements, it is up to Talos to ensure that seafaring individuals who follow him are given clear paths when venturing through snowy lands or sailing the seas. It is not unheard of for blizzards and severe windstorms to disappear upon request of those who pledge their lives to Talos. Cases of storms even working with Talos' followers to overcome adversity have been documented, such as lightning storms and powerful waves fighting back gargantuan sea creatures attacking ships belonging to Talos' followers.

It is said that Talos greatly enjoys subjects who demonstrate ferocity and a passion for combat, but only when it is done so appropriately. Strong warriors who overcome other challengers in sport are loved by Talos while those who carry out reckless violence are not and are, in fact, likely to attract the god's wraith in the form of lightning, tornadoes, and tidal waves. It is said that those who seek to cause bloodshed and destruction for the sake of it are deemed enemies of Talos, even if they were once his champions, and the god will chase them to the edges of reality in an attempt to take their life. Talos likes battle and combat, but only when it is done so honourably and for the right reasons (fighting for sport, sparring, defending your kingdom in wars, and so forth).

The Lesser Gods

While their influence is far less widespread, these gods still see worship among various groups and races. The Lesser Gods include Aseroth, Gruumsh, Lolth, Malar, Pelor, Ragarra, and Yeenoghu.


Original God of Death and Winter A more sinister counterpart to Chemosh, who fights to prevent the perversion of death. Aseroth represented the manipulation and violation of death itself, making him a favoured figure of worship to necromancers and other nefarious individuals.

Aseroth once walked the Material Plane of Xesteria long ago in the frozen north, and he was primarily worshipped by the now extinct Snow Elves of Muspelm as the patron saint who would protect them from the extreme conditions of the north.

Eventually, Aseroth grew tired of being worshipped by the Snow Elves and found their petty wishes for agreeable weather to be infuriating. This caused him to unleash a cataclysmic blizzard that engulfed the entirety of Muspelm, bringing death to most Snow Elves as he sought to destroy them. However, both Aseroth and the Snow Elves disappeared from Muspelm.

It is unknown what Aseroth's ultimate fate was. His absence allowed Chemosh to replace him as the fairer Patron of Death and Winter.


God of the Orcish Clans. Worship of Gruumsh is limited to the Orcs of Kurjaztar.

Gruumsh is depicted as a hulking humanoid standing nearly twenty feet in height, sometimes cycloptic. When Gruumsh used to walk the Material Plane of Xesteria over one thousand years ago, it is said that his own might was immeasurable on its own, but his very presence empowered the Orcs with inhuman strength. The Orcs viewed Gruumsh as their Patron Saint of War and, when he used to walk the world, his presence would inspire the Orcs to wage war against those who they shared their lands with - who just happened to be the Dragonborn.

When Gruumsh and the Orcs looked set to destroy the very kingdom of Kurjaztar during a war between the Dragonborn and the Orcs, the Orcish god was defeated and sealed away. This act caused the Orcs to lose much of their strength and were successfully driven back into the mountains of Kurjaztar where they exist today.

Gruumsh's essence is sealed away within the five Draconic Orbs of Ancestry. To many in modern times, the purpose of the orbs are not known and they are simply believed to be national treasures of the Dragonborn people. In reality, they hold the essence of the apparently unkillable Gruumsh. Should the orbs ever come together, Gruumsh could be released back int othe world.


The Demon Queen of Spiders. Lolth is the chief deity among the Drow Elves of the Underdark. She drove the drow into heavy infighting under the pretense of culling the weak, while her real goals were to hold absolute control over the dark elves, prevent the rise of alternative faiths or ideas, and avoid complacency (even though she found amusement in the strife that plagued her followers' communities). However, in the long run her influence proved to be an obstacle to the growth and success of the drow, preventing them from unifying against common enemies or for a common cause.

Lolth’s clerics are almost exclusively female (although there have been a few males). They represent the rulers of most Lolthite communities, and strictly follow the Spider Queen's will, forcing the Drow Elves into extreme subservience to their deity, and into the constant state of conflict that dominate their lives. Each priestess strives for the favor of the Spider Queen and is ready to do anything in order to gain status in her goddess' eyes. Their vestments are normally adorned with spider motifs. Lolth's rituals required them to wear darker clothes or no clothing at all. Her clergy sacrifice the living and treasure for her glory.




The Beastlord and God of the Hunt. Malar is the lesser deity of the hunt, evil lycanthropes, bestial savagery and bloodlust. His dogma concerns savage hunts, the spreading of the curse of lycanthropy, and general contempt for civilization.

Malarites believed that it was an honor to Malar to make one's killing bloody and long. His followers sometimes formed in bands, called "Hunts". While forbidden to slay the young or the pregnant, Hunts typically followed his dogma and evoked wanton slaughter in Malar's name. Malarites were generally frowned upon by civilization, as they tended to wreak havoc in their wake.

The High Hunt ritual was a vicious hunt in which a captured humanoid was released, and for the next day and night attempted to escape the prowling worshipers of the Beastlord. If they managed to survive, they won their freedom as well as, perhaps, other things.

The Night of the Hunt holiday made Malar's worship more tolerable in certain areas. During the harsh winters in the northern parts of Artalia, followers chose a village in the wilderness, providing food for the people, with one or two Malarites pledging themselves to keeping the village fed through the snows.


God of Light, Strength, and Healing. He is known as the Shining One, and the Sun Father. He is known as the creator of much that is good. His holy symbol is a face in a sun.

Pelorians believe that the life-giving sun is the best cure for all of Oerth's ills. Justice and freedom are brought about through charity, modesty, and perseverance. Pelor's priests teach that the truly strong don't need to prove their power. Pelorians strive to perform so many good acts that evil has no room in which to exist, though they will fight if necessary. Pelor strength is a spiritual strength, opposed to physical strength like Kord. His strength is the power of will and hope, the need to face evil in the face of insurmountable odds. Pelor is wrathful against the forces of evil, corruption, and darkness, and is especially opposed to the undead. However, Pelor urges his followers to remember that excessive attention to things of evil can blind one to the truly important things: compassion and goodness.

Pelor, despite his power and what he represents, is not a popular deity on the Material Plane of Xesteria due to his mantra overlapping with those of Ehlonna and Paladine. He is particularly revered in Hestavar, a magical city that exists in an alternate plane and is largely considered inaccessible to most mortals.

In addition to being worshipped in Hestavar, Pelor himself also inhabits the city and serves as its benevolent and eternal guardian. It is rumured that Pelor and Ehlonna, when they were but demi-gods an endless time ago, were romantically involved. Ehlonna still visits Pelor on rare occasions, which is one of the only instances of when Pelor cannot be approached or met with.

The laws of Hestavar are upheld by Aasimar guardians known as the "Sentinels of Pelor". Though all heavily armed and deemed virtually unkillable by mortals, the Sentinels of Pelor do not use physical force unless absolutely necessary, as it is Pelor's wish that violence should only serve as an absolute last resort within Hestavar.


Goddess of the Jungle and Wilderness. Ragarra represents the jungle and its violent nature. She desires to destroy any civilization that wanted to tame the wilderness around it and is therefore considered a savage goddess, i.e., a deity opposed to the culture of enlightenment of the civilized kingdoms.

Ragarra's symbols includes a cyclone, a green three-fingered claw and a baby crocodile biting its own tail. She is usually depicted as a sickly looking green Elven woman and, to a lesser extent, a crocodile-headed female with the wings of a bat. Her mate was Shajar, a forgotten lesser god in charge of protecting the deserts of Kaspia.

Her cult was driven underground long ago because of its anarchical nature, with worship today mostly continuing among the more nomadic humanoid races such as Bugbears, Bullywugs, Goblins, Kobolds, and limited Gnoll tribes.


Demon Prince of Savagery. The patron of all savage Gnolls who resembles a Gnoll in many regards, though larger and more demonic in build. Once residing in the Abyss as a Daederim (ruler of a region in the Abyss), Yeenoghu had a continuous feud with fellow Daedrim Noxuul, and both demons pulled no punches when dealing with one another. The fight lasted so long that neither demon lord could remember what originally started the battle, but through manipulation of the other Daederim, Noxuul was able to convince them that Yeenoghu started it and was banished.



The Annual Calendar

The calendar of Xesteria is divided up into five seasons that are named after the major gods of worship in the Material Plane. Below are the five seasons, their Earthly equivalents, and the number of days per season.

Seasons & Length
Season Type of Season Duration Calendar Days
Season of Chemosh Winter 87 Days Days 1 - 87
Season of Paladine Spring 51 Days Days 88 - 138
Season of Ehlonna Summer (Mild) 39 Days Days 139 - 177
Season of Aureon Summer (Hot) 73 Days Days 178 - 250
Season of Talos Autumn 48 Days Days 251 - 298

Annual Holidays

Day of the Dawn

Chemosh 1: A day in which the inhabitants of the world celebrate the new year. It is also customary to give a gift to the person who changed your life the most, or meant the most to you, in the past year.

Midwinter Feast Day

Chemosh 41: A day that dates back hundreds of years to celebrate the generosity and hardiness of the prime races during their more primitive years that helped them survive the long winters.

Heritage Day

Paladine 22: A day in which everyone to remember where they came from and pay respect to their families, relatives, and homelands.

Life Day

Ehlonna 25: A day in which the rebirth of life after the winter is celebrated. Blessings from Ehlonna and glorious feasts are commonplace on this day.

Day of the Sun

Aureon 16: A day where the full arrival of summer is celebrated. Festivities often include several games that encourage people to get outside and enjoy the sun.

Night of the Hunt

Aureon 32: A holiday that occurs at night in which everyone takes part in a grand hunt in all major settlements. Those who return with the most impressive game are deemed champions of the hunt and pampered until dawn..

Harvest Day

Aureon 70: A day in which the people of the world pay their thanks to those who toil in the fields and gather food. Massive food festivals are held worldwide and, for one day, class divide does not exist as nobles and peasants eat side by side.

Day of the Dead

Talos 1: A day in which citizens honour their fallen friends and warriors. Prayers and visiting resting places of the fallen are commonplace on this day, and it is considered respectful to leave tokens of remembrance even tho those you do not know so that their memory may live on.

Sailor's Day

Talos 15: A day to commemorate the achievements of sailors past who helped to colonize the world and shape the kingdoms into what they are today.

Annual Days of Worship

Holidays relating to both major and lesser gods occur on set days each year. It is encouraged that all who follow a god pray to them on their day. It is worth noting that public worship of some of the lesser gods (ie. Aseroth, Gruumsh) may result in extremely negative attention.

God Day of Worship
Aseroth Season of Aureon 59
Aureon Season of Aureon 35
Chemosh Season of Chemosh 40
Ehlonna Season of Ehlonna 20
Gruumsh Season of Talos 33
Lolth Season of Chemosh 14
Malar Season of Talos 18
Paladine Season of Ehlonna 15
Pelor Season of Ehlonna 22
Ragarra Season of Paladine 9
Talos Season of Talos 30
Yeenoghu Season of Chemosh 65



Legendary Artifacts of Xesteria

Xesteria is home to countless artifacts that are unique and one of a kind. They may be a simple pair of shoes, or they may be a dragon shattering greatsword. Their locations are often unknown, but knowledge of their existence is not



A holy mace belonging to the Church of Paladine. It is currently wielded by Zargon Ragnaroth.


Once lost ancient blade of legends that appears to be glowing a dim fiery red at all times. Currently in the position of King Balder Pridewind of Artalia.


A mighty blade passed down through the Stromgarde Military for generations. It has found its way into the hands of Stromgarde's Grand Naval Admiral Arno Wolfson.

Endar's Staff

A staff that once belonged to Endar, the most powerful magician to ever live. It is said to be sealed away in a private vault in Baranos.


A famous longsword made of supremely high quality metals. It is wielded by Imperius Decima.


A great axe once wielded by Dragonborn heroes. It is presumed to be lost somewhere in Kurjaztar.

Dyrnwyn the Godbreaker

A mighty blade that is rumoured to be powerful enough to slay a god, though no actual accounts exist of it doing so. Dyrnwyn is currently in the possession of Estevan Morres.


A long lost Alexandrian blade with magically homing properties. It has not been seen for nearly two hundred years.


A blade that is rumoured to have once been wielded by Aureon herself. This legendary sword is carried by Cassandra Whitemane, a member of the Defenders of the Dawn.


A mythical longbow created from wood harvested from a splintered Sun Tree. It is traditionally wielded by Altamira's Ranger General. It is considered a great offense for anyone else to hold the bow.


A fabled holy spear that was rumoured to have dealt a critical blow to the Demon King Aseroth thousands of years ago.

Shadowgast the Render

An ancient blade of the Blackmont family that continues to reside in Ebonrock to this day under careful guard.

Sword of Drakaan

A blade once wielded by an ancient Nordish hero named Drakaan. The sword was thought to have been lost until it was rediscovered by Jupiter Rush.

Rising Tide

A powerful staff inherited by powerful Dragonborn sorcerers. It is currently wielded by Rasgan Kloldrekaar, a member of the Defenders of the Dawn.

Sword of Riven

A blade once wielded by a forgotten hero of Stromgarde. It is currently in the possession of Captain Robin Gilcrest of the Stromgarde Military, gifted to her by Queen Isildra Blackmont for her outstanding service to the Crown.


The blade that is said to bring prosperity to the Kaspian Desert. It is wielded by Anya Nazir.


A mythical rod capable of mending severe wounds and blinding fiends with light. It is currently wielded by Verise Alogreth, a member of the Defenders of the Dawn.


The ancestral rapier of the Morres family. It is said to be able to take one's vision away temporarily. It is carried by Ivy Morres.


A holy hammer once forged by Thorindar Farwalker, the most legendary Dwarven blacksmith to ever live.



The Xesterian Armory: Homebrew Gear

Homebrew Shields
Shield Size AC Damage Reduction Bonus Requirement
Leather Shield S 1 0 N/A N/A
Wrist Shield S 1 0 Wrist Attach 10 DEX
Small Shield S 1 -1 N/A N/A
Kite Shield S 1 -2 N/A N/A
Parma Shield M 2 0 N/A N/A
Heater Shield M 2 1 N/A 10 STR
Elven Shield M 1 1 Wrist Attach 10 DEX
Gothic Shield L 2 -2 N/A 15 STR
Tower Shield L 3 -1 N/A 16 STR
Barrier Shield XL 1 -5 N/A 20 STR
Shield of Aureon M 1 -1 Psychic Resist Aureon's Blessing
Shield of Chemosh M 1 -1 Necrotic Resist Chemosh's Blessing
Shield of Ehlonna M 1 -1 Radiant Resist Ehlonna's Blessing
Shield of Paladine M 1 -1 Force Resist Paladine's Blessing
Shield of Pelor M 1 -1 Fire Resist Pelor's Blessing
Shield of Talos M 1 -1 Lightning Resist Talos' Blessing
Homebrew Weapons
Weapon Type Damage Weight Properties
Battlestaff Simple 1d8 bludgeoning 4 lb. Versatile
Broadsword Martial 2d4 piercing 3 lb. Finesse, Light
Cutlass Martial 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, Light
Dwarven Axe Martial 3d6 slashing 8 lb. Heavy
Dwarven Hammer Martial 1d10 bludgeoning 8 lb. Heavy, Versatile
Elven Longbow Martial Ranged 1d12 piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (180/620), Light, Two-Handed
Jourdain Sword Martial 2d8 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, Light
Longaxe Martial 1d10 slashing 4 lb. Reach, Two-Handed
Machete Simple 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60)
Metal Knuckle Simple 1d4 bludgeoning 1 lb. Finesse, Light
Nordish Axe Martial 3d4 slashing 3 lb. Light
Nordish Flail Martial 4d4 bludgeoning 4 lb. N/A
Sai Simple 1d6 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, Light, Thrown (40/80)
Scythe Martial 2d8 slashing 3 lb. Reach, Two-Handed
Spiked Knuckle Simple 1d6 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, Light
Spiked Warhammer Martial 1d10 piercing 4 lb. Versatile



The Xesterian Library: Homebrew Spells

Bigby's Avatar

9th Level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

Summon a giant spectral avatar of Bigby. The avatar is an object that has AC 20 and hit points equal to your hit point maximum multipled by two. If it drops to 0 hit points, the spell ends. It has a strength of 26 (+8) and a dexterity of 10 (+0). The avatar of Bigby can multi-attack twice per turn using the same attacks as Bigby's Hand.

Exchange Life Force

3rd Level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

Switch your current/maximum hit points, armor class, and ability score modifiers with one willing target within 60 feet. Cannot be applied to a target unwilling to accept the transfer unless they are considered an unintelligent lifeform. This effect will last up to one minute.

Expeditious Retreat

4th Level Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 10 minutes

Greatly enhances your ability to read movements and respond to attacks. As long as this spell is active, any failed melee attacks against you allows you to immediately counter with a +5 to hit with advantage even if you have performed a counter attack through other means. Do not add proficiency bonus or ability modifiers when rolling to hit or inflict damage.

Lich Figure

8th Level Necromancy

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 5 minutes

Take on the form of a lich. Retain your own hit points, but gain access to all ability scores, resistances, and spells of a lich. If your hit points reach 0 when in this form, you shift back to your own form and fall unconscious.

Lightning Tiger

5th Level Conjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 hour

Summons a spectral tiger made of lightning within 20 feet of you. This tiger possesses stats identical to a regular tiger, but deals an additional 2d8 lightning damage when striking enemies. You may telepathically control this tiger as an extension of your own being. It takes its turn immediately before or after your own.


7th Level Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 hour

Target must either be willing or fail a wisdom saving throw versus caster's spell DC in order to be affected by spell. Upon placing spell on a target, the caster can perform basic control of them (uttering simple words, movign one limb, etc.) every several seconds. The target is aware that they are being controlled in some manner and otherwise retain control of their body except when part of them is being manipulated via the spell.

Personifying Aura

Enchantment Cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 20 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

Upon use, target doubles their charisma modifier on the next roll that requires charisma. The effect then dissipates. If another effect is placed over this aura while it is active, the effects of the aura dissipate.

Reverse Identities

5th Level enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 hour

Target you can see within 30 feet must make a wisdom saving throw against your spell DC. Upon failing, your bodies are switched for 1 hour or until you will the spell to end. On a pass, the target is immune to this spell for 24 hours. Targets willing to be affected by this spell do not have to make a saving throw.



Ring of Elemental Explosion

3rd Level Evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Choose a type of damage from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, or thunder. Generate an exploding circular ring around yourself that extends outward 20 feet in all directions. All targets within range must make a dexterity saving throw. On fail, they take 4d12 damage of your desired element. On pass, they take half damage.

Stability Aura

Enchantment Cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 20 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

Upon use, target doubles their wisdom modifier on the next roll that requires wisdom. The effect then dissipates. If another effect is placed over this aura while it is active, the effects of the aura dissipate.

Strange Adventure

5th Level Enchantment

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

You attempt to alter another creature’s memories. One creature that you can see must make a wisdom saving throw. If you are fighting the creature, it has advantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes charmed by you and is oblivious to their surroundings. for a full minute. During this time, their memory of the last day is rewritten to be a strange adventure that is likely to sound completely unbelievable and ridiculous to anyone who hears it. The person swears on their life that the memory they have of their adventure is completely true to such an extent that they may become greatly frustrated if nobody believes them and pick a fight with anyone who does not believe them.

Swiftness Aura

Enchantment Cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 20 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

Upon use, target doubles their dexterity modifier on the next roll that requires dexterity. The effect then dissipates. If another effect is placed over this aura while it is active, the effects of the aura dissipate.

Tenacious Aura

Enchantment Cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 20 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

Upon use, target doubles their strength modifier on the next roll that requires strength. The effect then dissipates. If another effect is placed over this aura while it is active, the effects of the aura dissipate.

Umbral Lance

Enchantment Cantrip

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 20 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

Make a ranged spell attack against a creature. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 necrotic damage and must make a constitution saving throw versus your spell DC or be blinded for 1 minute.

Zephyrean Step

2nd Level Abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1d6 turns

Roll 1d6. Your dexterity modifier is temporarily increased by the number rolled. Each turn, this effect diminishes by 1 point of dexterity until you return to your original modifier.



Games of Xesteria


A strategic card game devised by the High Elves of Altamira. It involves players setting down cards with numbers on four sides that range from 1 to 9, with 1 being the weakest and 9 being the strongest. If one player's card has higher numbers than the card it is facing, they gain control of the card. Each player begins a game with six cards in their hand, and the game is played on a 3x3 grid that the players must form naturally through play. Some like to bet on the outcome of games while, in some regions, the stakes are higher as the reward for winning is switching one card with the other player. Additional cards can be obtained by obtained by purchasing paper packages sealed with magic. The parchment imbues the card as the seal is broken, which then sets the monster name and numbers present on the card.

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A dice game invented by the Dwarves of Baldrheim. Each player has three twenty sided dice. They each roll dice at the same time. The object is to roll the three dice and get as close to forty as possible. The player who is closest wins. They do not have to roll all three dice and can stop after rolling one or two provided they feel safe with their current number. If a player rolls two of the same number, their total immediately counts as forty and the other player can then, at best, draw the game by managing to get forty as well. If both players stop on the same total, the winner is whichever player rolled fewer dice. If they have the same total and rolled the same number of dice, it is considered a draw.

Warrior's League

The Warrior's League, based out of many capital cities, allows spectators to bet on the outcome of the matches. In most instances, these matches mostly attract commoners looking to make a few quick gold. These matches are rarely enjoyed by nobility except in rare circumstances.



Xesteria Timeline (-7100 BP - 269 AP)

Year Notable Events
-7100 Aseroth eradicates all known Snow Elf life on Muspelm. Several Snow Elves survive and seal him away in an underground temple.
-5000 The kingdom of Altamira is founded.
-4400 The kingdom of Baldrheim is founded.
-3500 The kingdom of Albion is founded.
-3500 The kingdom of Kurjaztar is founded.
-2500 The Orcs of Avalon attempt to summon their god, Dagon, into the Material Plane. The ritual goes awry and Dagon only half exists in Xesteria. His fractured essence spreads death and disease across the island.
-1950 The kingdom of Kaspia is founded.
-1157 Settlers from Albion discover Zeltennia and begin to colonize it.
-1148 The kingdom of Nordland is founded.
-1139 The kingdom of Alexandria is founded.
-1113 The kingdom of Artalia is founded.
-1100 The kingdom of Lenadia is founded.
-1092 The kingdom of Stromgarde is founded.
-905 The Merchant Isles are established.
-887 The International Trade Union is formed to govern the economy between Kaspia and Zeltennia. Headquarters are constructed in the Merchant Isles.
-860 A bloody civil war erupted in Stromgarde between Ebonrock in the north and Westmarch in the south.
-862 King Adelbert Morose prays to the Demon Kings of the Nine Hells to make southern Stromgarde powerful enough to crush their enemies during the civil war. They are then afflicted with the curse of demon blood, becoming Tieflings.
-863 The Tieflings of Stromgarde relent control of the kingdom after Artalia threatens to get involved in the war. Control of Stromgarde goes to the Blackmont family from Ebonrock.
-760 Dragonborn forces wage war against the Gruumsh and his Orcish tribes, defeating Gruumsh and sealing him away.
-550 Lenadia falls to Stromgarde after the Lenadian-aligned Morres family assisted Stromgarde in gaining entry to and sacking the Lenadian capital of Asgardia.
-551 The former lands belonging to Lenadia are officially brought into Stromgarde's control by King Mordecai Blackmont.
-395 Augustus Pridewind. heir to the throne of Artalia, disappears without a trace.
0 The Pantheon of Xesteria was established, with the Churches of Xesteria changing the calendar to revolve around seasons named after the Gods of the Pantheon.
36 The community of Cress was constructed in Westmarch to house the Tiefling population and keep them apart from the Human populace after countless riots had erupted between the two.
124 Varrick Rush, Prince of Nordland, establishes the Defenders of the Dawn to fight for peace throughout Xesteria.
258 The at-the-time teenaged Isildra Blackmont is kidnapped, raped, and tortured by Tiefling fugitives, and King Robert Blackmont is assassinated by a Tiefling assassin. Distrust between Westmarch and Cress reaches an all time high and support from Westmarch for the Tiefling community is completely cut off.
259 Isildra Blackmont becomes Queen of Stromgarde. She names Percival Tremayne as her royal advisor and appoints Estevan Morres as Highlord of the Stromgarde military. With both men being fierce denouncers of Tieflings, Cress continues its downward spiral.
268 The Drow Queen known as Tylandra Zaurahel began assembling an army and bringing death and destruction to all who refused to swear allegiance.



Recent Events of Xesteria (270 - 274 AP)

Year Season Day Notable Events
270 Chemosh 9 Atticus Daranouve of the Defenders of the Dawn passes away from old age. Cassandra Whitemane and Jupiter Rush each named as his possible successor.
270 Chemosh 17 Cassandra Whitemane becomes a member of the Defenders of the Dawn.
270 Aureon 36 Magicians and researchers of the Haven Expedition detect Old Magick deep underneath Muspelm. A source is unable to be identified or located.
271 Ehlonna 2 The young Luthor Belgrave inherits the throne of Alexandria, becoming King Luthor Belgrave of Alexandria. He marries Margaret Trask, thus making her Queen Margaret Belgrave.
271 Talos 11 Syledriel Lunacrest becomes Keeper of the Zeltennian Church of Aureon.
272 Paladine 38 Garam Giantsbane of the Defenders of the Dawn passes away from old age. Imperius Decima, Etain Kraigbreaker, Vanessa Penstone, and Zargon Ragnaroth each named as his possible successor.
272 Paladine 50 Etain Kraigbreaker becomes a member of the Defenders of the Dawn.
273 Ehlonna 23 The kingdom of Kurjaztar is deciminated by an unknown plague contracted by a Dragonborn returning from the forbidden island of Avalon.
273 Aureon 8 Kurjaztar is quarantined. Travel to the kingdom by Dragonborn individuals is forbidden.
273 Aureon 69 Queen Isildra Blackmont commissions the construction of Masondale with a required completion date of one year.
273 Talos 44 Aysha Morose, the elected Minister of Cress, is kidnapped and sold into slavery by Chancellor Percival Tremayne.
274 Chemosh 7 The Orc tribes of Kurjaztar claimed the kingdom for themselves, with news of this spreading slowly across the world.
274 Paladine 19 Drow Elven forces began to assault outposts in Altamira, prompting a quiet war between the Drow Elves of the Underdark and the High Elves of the surface. Altamira kept news of this war from leaving its borders.
274 Ehlonna 28 Lord Rowan Barlow and Ethan Hale of Hornmill attempt a forceful separation of Lenadia from Stromgarde. Rowan Barlow is assassinated in his home.
274 Ehlonna 34 An attempt is made on Queen Isildra Blackmont's life with the Umbral Covenant believed to be respnsible for the attempted assassination.
274 Aureon 12 Freedom fighters Aysha Morose and Jaffer Ignair assassinate Duke Fargo Albion VII and vow to transform Albion into a kingdom of peace where anyone can reside without fear of being discriminated against or oppressed.
274 Aureon 13 The Albion Slave Trade falls.