The Laguz

A reclusive race that isolates themselves from the outside world. While laguz see themselves as a single collective race, the amount of varients among the subraces makes them appear like completely different species when next to eachother. Laguz are capable of transforming into large bestial forms ranging from medium to large in size. When transformed they retain their full cognitive function and the ability to speak.

Laguz when transformed retain unique markings and patterns in their fur, feathers and scales. This makes them distinct, and while adventurers from far off continents may not know the name, they would be able to tell at a glance that the creature they encountered wasn't a regular beast.

Bestial Appearance

Laguz come in 3 main classifications. Beast Tribe laguz are mamalian, with the subspecies being cats, tigers, lions and wolves. Rabbit and fox based laguz have been recorded in myth. Bird Tribe laguz are very avian, with delicate bones, and wings in both human and bestial forms. They come in primarily Raven, Hawk, and Heron Varients. Finally are the dragon laguz. Bipedal even when transformed, their main varients are red dragons, white dragons, and Black dragon laguz as the rarest but most powerful forms.

All laguz retain animalistic features such as wings or animalistic ears while in their human forms. In addition to this, they also retain markings on their face or torso depending on the subrace.

Long Lived and Few in Number

Laguz can live anywhere from 80 to hundreds and even thousands of years natrally depending on the kind. This can change the perspective of a laguz immensly between young and old. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, laguz populations are realatively low. It is almost impossible for a laguz to pass their tranforming abilities on to an offspring who does not have two laguz parents. Children of laguz and another humanoid species (almost always a human) are called branded and in place of the regular laguz markings have a single distinct "brand-like" marking somewhere on their bodies, hence the name. While no branded have been recorded being able to transform, many have speculated that with help, they would be able to take on the forms of their ancestry.

Adventurers, Slaves, Spies

Not many Laguz choose to leave their homes the Eihwaz Peninsula. Because of this, Laguz who do leave often choose to hide their lineage. The reason or cause of the start of a laguz's journey will likely vary greatly between individuals. Some are taken forcefully from their homes a curiousities or slaves, others are caught while adventuring. Laguz may pirate their coasts, act as spies or mercenaries, or may even just travel simply to learn about the outside world. Whatever the reason, laguz are hard to miss when you do encounter them if you know what to look for.

Society and Kingdoms

The various tribes and kingdoms of laguz have a strong alliance with eachother and and come to an agreement concerning the land they have claimed.

Most of the laguz tribes have arranged themselves in a species-based heirarchy with the "most powerful" at the top. Hawk and Wolf laguz have a power based line of succession where the strongest and most leaderl-like is chosen as opposed to a specific subrace or lineage. These "Royal" Laguz boast greater control over their lineage's powers and are some of the strongest of their species.

Lion Laguz are the royal laguz of the feline Laguz, although not all lions are royal. Black dragons are the most powerful and longest lived of the dragon species. White herons are those who contain the most potent galdr or song magic. Raven Laguz seem to split themselves into ravens and crows, with raven used as a title to denote the ruler/ royal laguz, aswell as the stronger members of the tribe.

People from other continents may dismiss laguz as fiction rather than fact, thanks to their rarirty.

Laguz Names

Names vary from tribe to tribe. Similar to humans, laguz young are given names at birth, though they may choose to change them once in adult hood.

Authors Note: Here's the best breakdown for names I can figure out.

Cat- Short, Greek or norweigian in origin. Examples: Lyre, Lethe, Ranulf.

Tiger- Names seem to be hebrew/ drawn from hebrew. Example: Mordecai, Muaram, Kyza.

Lions: I'm not really sure. Posibly a similar origin as tigers. Examples: Caineghis, Skrimir.

Wolves- This one is hard to say, but I'd say an arabic name. Examples: Nailah, Volug.

Hawks- Another I can't figure out. Possibly stick to two syllable names. Examples: Tibarn, Ulki, Janaff.

Ravens- English names or english origin/root names. Examples: Naesala, Vika, Nealuchi.

Herons: I think again possibly english, but also Angelic names, or something that provokes an Angelic feeling. Examples: Reyson, Rafiel, Lehran, Leanne, Lillia.

Red Dragons- English/Aurthorian names. Example: Ena, Gareth.

White Dragons- possibly arabic names again. Example: Nasir

Black Dragons- Hard to place. Names give an regal feeling. Some of them hold conotations of regality. Possibly specifically 3 syllables (depends on how Dheginsea is pronounced.) Example: Dheginsea, Rajaion, Almedha, Kurthnaga.


Laguz Page 1| Basics

Laguz Traits

Few traits are universal to all Laguz.

  • Alignment- Laguz can be any alignment, but generally concentrated around lawful or chaotic.
  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed- Your base walking speed is 30 ft.
  • Dark Vision- Thanks to your laguz blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. This is true unless otherwise specified by your subrace traits.
  • Natural Armor- Laguz cannot learn Armor or shield proficiencies unless they are choosing a non laguz class. Unless otherwise stated by a laguz class, Their natural AC is equal to 13+ dex (max 2)
  • Natural Weapons- Laguz are proficient in unarmed strikes. In addition to this, Laguz can gain proficiency in simple melee weaons. However, simple ranged or martial weapon proficiencies cannot be learned unless a Laguz is choosing a non-Laguz Class. Many Laguz have an innate Laguz based magic that makes them incompatible with outside magics. Some of them are Ravens, Wolves, or Dragons. Most Laguz are incapable of learning any human or outside magic that isn't tied to their laguz heritage. The exceptions are Herons, White, and Black dragons. This will require years of study and practice for them to achieve even a basic proficiency in.
  • Languages- You might be able to speak, read, or write common, depending if you've been taught. You also know the Laguz Language.
  • Human Form- Most of the time, laguz remain in a humanoid form that looks very human, hence the name. When in human form, your Strength and Dexterity are decreased by 5 each from your basic roll to determine the stat. When transformed, they are increased by 5.
  • Beast Shift- Laguz can transform for a duration of minutes equal to their constitution modifier during combat. Outside of combat their transformation lasts that that many hours instead of minutes. They may transform their constitution modifier+ 2 times, after which they must take a short or long rest in order to transform again. In addition to this, When shifted, Laguz gain + 1 to their natural AC. When transformed, clothing and other equipment is melded into the new form and is unusable, the effects of magical items are nullified unless they remain unchanged. If you would like, you may chose to leave some clothing, equipment, or jewelery unchanged, provided it will fit over your new form. Their shifted form changes depending on which subrace it is transforming. Certain abilities, traits, features, or feats may describe the effects of beast shift as "shifted", "shifted form" and or "Transformed". They all mean the same thing.
  • Subrace- Laguz are divided into about 3 tribes based on their morphology when transformed. The Beast Tribes are comprised of Cats, Tigers, Lions, and Wolves. The Bird Tribes are comprised of Hawks, Ravens, and Herons. The Dragon Tribes are Red, White and Black.

Royal Laguz

In addition to other subraces, There is a Royal Laguz varient that can be applied some to Lions, Wolves, Hawks, Herons, Ravens, and all Black Dragons. Royal Laguz gain additional abilities that regular Laguz do not have. In Laguz Classes, certain featsures/ class skills might have a Royal Laguz varient.

  • Formshift- During Combat, Royal Laguz may remain in their shifted forms indefinately. This may be learned at Lvl 14.
Player Restrictions

Royal Laguz and Black dragons are incredibly powerful, to the point that they make less than ideal player characters.

Talk to the DM if you want to be either of them. Remember, it's up to the DM's discretion as to whether or not they want to allow them to be playable.


Laguz Page 2 | Traits

Beast Tribe Traits

The laguz that take the form of Cats, Tigers, Lions, and wolves are classified as beast tribe Laguz. They tend to be on the chaotic side of life.

  • Age- Beast Laguz may live up to about 120 years old, and age at about the same rate as humans, though it slows as they get older, and they remain in their prime for longer.
  • Alignment- Beast laguz are often good or neutral, and lean towards being chaotic. They can be playful or serious, and many enjoy company. Some may enjoy combat during training, or the thrill of the hunt, while others seek to find liberation in a cause they would risk their life for.
  • Keen Smell- You have advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on smell.
  • Beast Tribe Weakness- All members of the Beast tribe are vulnerable to fire damage. In Addition, any weapons, features,effects, or damages that would deal bonus damage to beast type creatures would also deal the same ammount to Beast tribe laguz.

Cat Laguz-

Around the size of a panther when shifted. When in human from, they are average size, but retain animalistic ears and tails. they have markings on their faces and body, usually stripes or other cat like markings. Their fur can be a variety of colors, from red to blue to brown, but are generally tanish orange. Cat laguz tend to have slim builds in their human forms, and their hair color matches the primary color of their fur.

  • Ability Score Increase- Your Dexterity is increased by 3
  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed, your size is about the same as a panther, and you are a medium beast.

  • Speed- Your base walking speed is 35 ft. When you transform, your walking speed is 60 ft. You also have climb speed of 40ft.
  • Superior Dark Vision- Thanks to your laguz blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Nible Feet- You have advantage against being knocked prone from attacks or when falling heights of less than 15 ft.
  • Stealthy- You have proficiency with stealth.
  • Claws- When you are not transformed you have small claws. Your unarmed strike deals 1d4 +2 slash. When transformed you may use your claws as a melee attack. They have a finesse property
  • Claw. Melee weapon Attack:, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Tiger Laguz-

Slightly larger than regular tiger when transformed, tiger laguz sport fur that is in the Dark greys, blues, or browns. Like Cat laguz, they retain ears and tails, and body markings when in human form. Tiger laguz have medium or larger builds when in human form, but may also be slim. Their hair color is the same as the primary color of their fur.

  • Ability Score Increase- Your strength is increased by 2 and your dexterity is increased by 1.
  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed, your size is about the same as a Saber-toothed tiger, and you are a large beast.
  • Speed- Your base walking speed is 30 ft. When you transform, your walking speed is 50 ft.
  • Superior Dark Vision- Thanks to your laguz blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 90 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Thick Fur- Your natrual AC is increased by 1 when transformed. Aditionally, you gain an extra 1 HP at the first level.
  • Tiger Claws- When you are not transformed you have medium claws. Your unarmed strike deals 1d4 +3 slash. When transformed you may use your claws as a melee attack. They have a finesse property
  • Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Lion Laguz-

Slightly larger than regular lion when transformed, Lion laguz sport fur that is in the reds, golds, oranges, and also black, as well as pale yellow. Like Cat laguz, they retain ears and tails, and body markings when in human form. Lion laguz have medium or larger builds when in human form. Their hair color is the same as the primary color of their fur.


Laguz Page 3 | Beast Tribe subrace

  • Ability Score Increase- Your strength is increased by 3
  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed, your size is slightly larger than a regular a Lion, and you are a large beast.
  • Speed- Your base walking speed is 30 ft. When you transform, your walking speed is 40ft.
  • Superior Dark Vision- Thanks to your laguz blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 90 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Regal Mane- Your natrual AC is increased by and aditional 1 when you transform. Aditionally, you gain an extra 2 HP at the first level.
  • Lion Claws- When you are not transformed you have medium to large claws. Your unarmed strike deals 1d6 +2 slash. When transformed you may use your claws as a melee attack.
  • Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Wolf Laguz-

Around the size of a dire wolf transformed, wolf laguz sport fur that is in the ranges from browns to greys as well as whites and blacks, basically any color a regular wolf. Like other beast laguz, they retain ears and tails, and body markings when in human form. wolf laguz have medium or more slim builds when in human form. Their hair color is the same as the primary color of their fur.

  • Ability Score Increase- Your strength is increased by 1 and your dexterity by 2
  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed, your size is about the same as a dire wolf, and you are a large beast.
  • Speed- Your base walking speed is 30 ft. When you transform, your walking speed is 60ft.
  • Dark Vision- Thanks to your laguz blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Keen Hearing and Smell- you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
  • Wolf fangs- When you are not transformed you have medium claws an unarmed strike deals 1d4+2 slashing damage. When transformed you may use your fangs as a melee attack. They have a finesse property.
  • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.


Laguz Page 4 | Beast Tribe Con.

Bird Tribe Traits

Bird tribe laguz are masters of the sky, whether they are pirates, protectors, or angelic beings on the wing. They are composed of the Hawk Laguz, Raven Laguz and Heron Laguz. Bird tribe laguz do not have markings like Dragon tribe or Beast tribe laguz, and they retain their wings in both forms.

  • Age- Hawk and Raven laguz can live to be about 120-150 years old. Heron Laguz can live around 200-300 years old, but White Herons can reach 500 years of age. Bird laguz mature at a slower rate than humans, most reaching full maturity at about 30.
  • Alignment- Hawks and Herons tend to be good or neutral, while Ravens are almost always neutral. Hawks and Ravens tend to be chaotic while Herons are generally lawful. Hawk Laguz are very honerable.
  • Wings- When not transformed, Bird Laguz have a base flying speed of 30ft in addition to their base walking speed of 30 ft.
  • Bird Tribe weaknesses- All members of the Bird tribe are weak to piercing damage from ranged weapons and force damage. In Addition, any weapons, features,effects, or damages that would deal bonus damage to beast type creatures would also deal the same ammount to Bird tribe laguz.

Hawk Laguz-

Appearing as large, well, hawks when transformed, they tend to have tawny feathers. Their feathers can be brown, gold, tan, white, and may be patterned after various birds of prey. In their human forms, hawk hair is the same color as their feather's primary color. Hawk Laguz build in human form is medium to large.

  • Ability Score Increase- Your Strength is increased by 2 and your dexterity by 1.
  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed your wingspan is about the size of a Griffon's and you are a large beast.
  • Speed- When you transform, You have a flying speed of 50 ft, and a walking speed of 20 ft.
  • Hawk Sight/Ears- You may choose Keen Sight or Keen Hearing. You gain advantage on wisdom (perception) checks relying on the chosen sense.
  • Hawk Feathers- Your AC is increased by an aditional 1 when transformed.
  • Hawk Beak- When you are not transformed you have talon-like nails and uour unarmed strike deals 1d4 +2 slashing damage. When transformed you may use your Beak as a melee attack,
  • Beak. Melee Weapon Attack:, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) pierce damage.

Raven Laguz

Soaring on dark wings to the raid, Ravens take the form of large ravens when they transform. While they are smaller than Hawks, they are faster and just as formidible. Raven's sport dark colord feathers, blacks and greys with tints of color in them. In their human forms, hawk hair is the same color as their feather's primary color. Raven laguz have a medium to slimmer build in human form.

  • Ability Score Increase- Your Dexterity is increased by 2 and your strength by 1.
  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed your wingspan is a little larger than a Peryton's and you are a medium beast.
  • Speed- When you transform, You have a flying speed of 60 ft, and a walking speed of 20 ft.
  • Keen Sight- You have proficiency in Wisdom (perception) checks made with sight.
  • Raven talents- you are proficient in sleight of hand.
  • Raven Beak- When you are not transformed you have talon-like nails and uour unarmed strike deals 1d4 +2 slashing damage. When transformed you may use your Beak as a melee attack, it has a finesse property
  • Beak. Melee Weapon Attack:, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3) pierce damage.


Laguz Page 5 | Bird Tribe

Heron Laguz-

When herons transform, they take on the form of graceful herons. They can be greys, blues, soft tans and whites. Royal herons have wings of white and hair like gold. Heron Laguz in a human form will have their hair match the secondary coloring of their feathers. They will almost always have a slender or slight build.

  • Ability Score Increase- Your Charisma is increased by 2 and your dexterity by 1.
  • Size- Your size is about same as humans, 4. 10- 5.10 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed your wingspan is a little larger than a Coatl's and you are a medium beast.
  • Speed- When you transform, You have a flying speed of 50 ft, and a walking speed of 20 ft.
  • Pasifism- You cannot deal lethal damage, and you cannot make attack actions.
  • Galdrar- You have an innate gift for a magic based on song. During your turn, you may use your action to give another friendly creature within 5 ft of you another turn, which includes a movement action, attack action, bonus action, and any other action they would be able to take during their turn. This additional turn is taken directly after yours.
  • Grace- When you are in combat, allied or friendly creatures regain HP = to your cha mod+ proficiency bonus if they start their turn within 5ft of you.


Laguz Page 6 | Bird Tribe Con.

Dragon Tribe Traits

Dragon Laguz are arguably the most powerful, but fewest in number of the Laguz tribes. Red and Black dragons both deal more physical damage, and White dragons are capable of dealing magical, spell-like damage. Dragon laguz tend to be very intelligent and enjoy strategy games. They look the most human and retain little to no indication of them being a laguz, save for facial and body markings they retain in both forms. In their human form, Dragon laguz body sizes vary almost as much as humans do.

  • Age- Dragon laguz are easily the longest lived. Red dragons live about 1,000-1,500 yrs. White Dragons live about 2,000 yrs old. And Black Dragons live up to 3,000 yrs old.
  • Alignment- Dragon Laguz are almost always Lawful creatures, but when transformed can fall into terrible rages. Because of this, they tend to avoid going directly into combat.
  • Draconic Rage- During combat that lasts more than 10 Rounds, you must roll a wisdom saving throw of a DC 15 when transformed. If You fail, you go into a draconic rage you start destroying everything around you, allies and allied structures included. This lasts until you transform back into a human form 1d8+2 minutes later. Once on each of your turns after you start raging you may attempt to reroll your save with disadvantage. If you succeed, you imediately return to your human form and cannot transform again until you have taken a long rest.
  • Dragon Tribe Weaknesses- Dragon tribe members are vulnerable to thunder and lightning damage. In Addition, any weapons, features,effects, or damages that would deal bonus damage to draconic creatures would also deal the same ammount to Dragon tribe laguz. Finally, you are always classified as a draconic creature, even when transformed.
  • Breath Weapon- When transformed, you can use your action to exhale destructive energy. It deals damage in a 5' by 30' line (Dex save) When you use your breath weapon, all creatures in the area must make a saving throw, the type of which is determined by your ancestry. The DC of this saving throw is 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. After using your breath weapon, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest. Damage is Fire for a Red dragon, cold for a white dragon and Radiant damage for a Black dragon's attack.

Red Dragon

Red Dragons have redish scales and hair, with tan underbellies. Other colors may inlcude pink, more orangish, or a deeper maroon red as opposed to a simple ruby red coloring.

  • Ability Score Increase- Your strength is increased by 2 and your Constitution is increased by 1.
  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed, you are about 9-12 ft tall, and your size is a large draconic creature.
  • Speed- Your base walking speed is 30 ft. When you transform, your walking speed is 40ft, You have a flying speed of 50ft.
  • Red Scales- You may gain resistance to one of your choice out of non-magical piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning.
  • Dragon Claws- Dragon laguz lack claw-like nails in human form. When transformed you may use your claws as a melee attack.
  • Dragon Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.

White Dragon

White Dragon scales are white or another very pale color. They may have patterns of different colors but the primary color is white. White dragon hair while in human form is a pale color similar in hue to their scales. White dragons tend to have a more slender build.

  • Ability Score Increase- Your Wisdom is increased by 2 and your Constitution is increased by 1.


Laguz Page 7 | Dragon Tribe

  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed, you are 8-11 ft tall, and your size is a large draconic creature.
  • Speed- Your base walking speed is 30 ft. When you transform, your walking speed is 40 ft, You have a flying speed of 50ft.
  • White Scales- You gain advantage with wisom saving throws made against spells.
  • Dragon Claws- Dragon laguz lack claw-like nails in human form. When transformed you may use your claws as a melee attack.
  • Dragon Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

    Black Dragon

Black Dragon scales are primarily black or another similarly dark color. Their wings and fins may sport brighter coloring. They retain dark hair, in human form and distinct red facial and body markings.

  • Ability Score Increase- Your Constitution is increased by 2 and your Intelligence and Wisdom is increased by 1.
  • Size- Your size is the same as humans, 5-6 ft tall. Your size is Medium. When transformed, you are about 10-15 ft tall and your size ranges from large to huge draconic creature.
  • Speed- Your base walking speed is 30 ft. When you transform, your walking speed is 30 ft, You have a flying speed of 60 ft.
  • Black Scales- Your hit point maximum is increased by 2 at the first level and continues to be increased by 1 every level after that.
  • Dragon Claws- Dragon laguz lack claw-like nails in human form. When transformed you may use your claws as a melee attack.
  • Dragon Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (2d4 + 2) slashing damage.


Laguz Page 8 | Dragon Tribe Con.