
The Wakyambi are inquisitive, tailed humanoids. Though they appear native to this planet, Wakyambi actually hail from the Spirit World. Wakyambi still have a strong connection to the plane their ancestors came from, and to nature itself.

People of the Heavens

The Wakyambi appear superficially similar to humans, with the most noticeable distinction being their tails. They have longer heads as well, having large, but thin noses and ears. Wakyambi stand slightly taller than humans on average, and are more slender. Wakyambi generally have skin tones in some shade of brown, but the Visitors come in all human shades as well as green, purple, and orange.

Ancient Exodus

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, when travel between the spirit and mundane worlds was easy and common, many Wakyambi moved to Eya, and several chose to stay. As the worlds drifted apart, the Wakyambi were separated, and they adapted to the Material Plane. There are still Wakyambi on the Spirit World, however, and their magical abilities are more potent than that of the Eyan wakyambi, whose power has diminished over time.

Clever and Tranquil

The Wakyambi have varying cultures depending on their subrace and environment, but overall, they tend to be curious, yet calm, often showing little reaction to events that would shock members of most other races. This is not to say that they are lacking in emotion, however--quite the opposite, in fact.

Wakyambi value the natural world and prefer to stay in harmony with it, but are not uncomfortable in urban environments. Their spiritual origin makes them well-suited to becoming marabouts or rangers, and many Wakyambi with a desire to explore take up adventuring.

Wakyambi Names

Wakyambi sometimes adopt names from the humans they coexist with, but they often have unique ones. Native Wakyambi names tend to be multisyllabic, usually with several vowels. Wakyambi usually have one name, with no surname, though sometimes a Wakyambi might adopt a nickname to differentiate from others with the same common name.

Wakyambi Names: Aliadar, Binguni, Bire, Desowan, Leisora, Mebati,, Onuyu, Saliu, Tafara, Weilada, Ziamun

Wakyambi Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2. Age. Wakyambi usually live for 95 to 160 years. They reach maturity at the age of 30.

Size and Speed. Your size is Medium, and you have a base walking speed of 30 feet.

Mystical. You have advantage on all Wisdom saving throws against magic. You know the animal friendship spell and can use it once every long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.

Creatures from Beyond. You have advantage on any Intelligence (Arcana) check to recall information about other worlds and planes, and their inhabitants, especially the Spirit World.

Languages. You speak Trade Speech, and either Wakyambi or Tabolkan.

Subrace. Wakyambi are divided into subraces based on their environment.

Tree Wakyambi

The most common type, Tree Wakyambi are often found in the mighty Tolko Rainforest, or in the nearby nation of Tabolko.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Speak with Small Beasts. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts.

Environmental Expertise. You have advantage on Survival checks in Forest environments.

Fleet of Foot. Your walking speed increases to 35 feet.

Mountain Wakyambi

Mountain Wakyambi inhabit the tall peaks of many parts of Sah. They tend to settle in larger communities than their forest cousins, and it was the mountain Wakyambi who founded the nation of Winga.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Tough. You gain an extra hit point at every level.

Visitor Wakyambi

The rarest of the three are the so-called visitor Wakyambi, who call the Spirit World home but have chosen to travel to Eya.

Languages. You speak Trade Speech and Celestial. Otherworldly. As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Spirit Power. You know a 1st-level cleric, druid, or ranger spell, which you can cast every long rest.