The World of Ygridall DM Version

Welcome to the world if Ygridall. This is a campaign setting for the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons.


This setting used is designed with the following assumptions in mind.

  • The gods are real and exert influence upon the world. However, unlike some campaigns, no
  • mortal has ever stood in the presence of one of the gods. Their locations and true motives are incomprehensible.
  • There is conflict between the rise of new gods and the worship of the current ones.
  • Most of the world is untamed. Small kingdoms and city states dot the landscape, but the vast majority of people have never been far from home.
  • The world is ancient. Many years ago a vast human empire spanned the continent but it was destroyed.


    A year in Ygridall is 360 days long and is divided into 12 months. Each 30 day month is divided into four weeks of seven days with two extra days (the 15th and 30th days) that are not part of a week.

    Days of the Week

  • Moonsday
  • Towerday
  • Wineday
  • Thunderday
  • Fireday
  • Swordsday
  • Sunsday


  • Winterwane
  • Rainmoot
  • Palesun
  • Highsun
  • Firemoot
  • Firewane
  • Lowsun
  • Redfall
  • Fellnight
  • Snowmoot
  • Frostmoot
  • Deepsnow

The 15th day of each month is known as Marketday and does not fall within any week. It is traditionally when a town's major market is held.

The 30th day of each month is know as Godsday and it considered a holy day for almost all pantheons.

Ygridall has 2 moons. The yellow moon, called Javan after the primordial mood goddess, takes 120 days to complete cycle. Each change of phase of this moon marks the beginning of a 1/2 month. The white moon, called Sinhylde after the old moon goddess, has a 72 day cycle. Both moons are full on only one night of the year; New year's eve, the 30th of Deepsnow. Both moons are new on only one night of the year; the 30th of Firewane.

Various festivals are celebrated when the moon's phases align or differ.

Important Days

  • 1st of Winterwane: New year's day
  • 18th of Winterwane: Spring Equinox; First day of spring
  • 18th of Highsun: Summer Solstice; First day of summer
  • 30th of Firewane: Darklamp festival
  • 18th of Lowsun: Fall Equinox; First day of fall
  • 18th of Snowmoot: Winter Solstice; First day of winter
  • 30th of Deepsnow: New Years Eve; Festival of lights


  • A.T.(Ante Tampas) 2,000 - The Imperium Empire settles from the western continent across the great sea
  • P.T.(Post Tampas) 1 - Emperor Celsus comes to power and moves the capitol to what is now the city of Lakeview
  • P.T. 16 - The Imperium Empire wages war against the "savages"(Dwarves, Elves, Dragonborn, etc..)
  • P.T. 25 - The Dwarven High Mage creates the Warforged to fight for the oppressed races
  • P.T. 29 - the Imperium Empire is driven back across the great sea
  • P.T. 37 - The oppressed races form the Coalition of Races to grant all races a voice in the form of the senate called the quartum with 25 members
  • P.T. 100 - The men from the north move in and settle among the other races. Due to population increase the quartum is now increased to 100 members, the Centrium
  • P.T. 1,000 - The steady decline of civilization along with attacks from the eastern men have caused the fall of the civilization
  • P.T. 1,013 - Alliance of all remaining clerics use divine power to create the Great divide; a vast range of mountains cutting off the eastern men from the world
  • P.T. 2,000 - Civilization starts to rise again on the continent. The city states Lakeview and Orrinshire are born from the ashes of the old civilization
  • P.T. 2,147 - Present day.

Map of the West Coast of The Eastern Continent

State of the World

The population is still very low but is growing steadily. New discoveries and progress are happening every day. The port city of Orrinshire even has opened up trade with the Western Continent. Villages surrounding the city states join them for protection from the wild that has taken up in the world. However many small tribes and villages dot the wild. A new middle class has started to appear - The Adventurer. Adventurers have started exploring the wild and finding riches and knowledge from the old world. while others have persue a nobler cause of retaking the world back from the darkness(but they still get rich in the process). Some adventurers have even tried to make it past the Great Divide, but none have yet to succeed.



Population 500,000. Races are all present but the race of human has a majority of 75%. This is the wealthiest and largest of the two states. Lakeview is a monarchy whose king is Lord Arethen. Arethen is well loved by commoners because of his just laws and taxes. However the rich are taxed more heavily which has caused tensions between him and his nobles. The social structure is rigid with no upward mobility. There is also a strong Military Tradition; men aged 17 join the military for 5 years regardless of class and wealth.


Population 10,000 and counting. In Orrinshire there is a much greater diversity of races, social and economic classes, and backgrounds. The state is ruled by a group of the wealthiest landowners. Orrinshire is prefered to both the rich and poor because of the relaxed economic and social laws, which provide upward mobility. While the laws of Lakeview are just, they are more restricting than that of Orrinshire. most of the habitants live in large buildings that house up to 30 families

The Town of Sheffield

Sheffield is a small town situated in a loop of the eastern river. It consists of a small keep with a wooden palisade on the south side of the river. The town’s principal industry is lumber, drawn from the forest north of the river. The local lord keeps a small experienced army to defend the town from incursions of humanoids.

Notable People and Places


Lakeview palace

Lakeview palace is the center of the city in government and military.

Lord Arethen

Lord Arethen is the crown king of Lakeview, as well as its commander in chief of her army. Arethen has fair complexion and hair, with sharp features. This suggests elvish ancestry but he is most definitely human. Arethen is an experienced paladin as well as ruler. He is both well learned and persuasive; he is well loved as well. Lord Arethen will judge you fairly and treat you accordingly.

Dm Info

Ideals: community and fairness. Bonds: Protective of his city state and her subjects. Secret Flaw: He has a severe alcohol problem and is prone to rage when drunk.

Mage Tower

An old 4 story mage tower with a telescope on the roof resides in Lakeview. There lives a wizened old mage who is known to be the ultimate expert in the fields of archana and history. Both wizards and bards come to see his grand library. The wizard who lives in the tower will never tell you his name for fear that his enemies will over hear him and use it in a black ritual. He has a grey beard and dresses like the wizards in story books. The wizard will sometimes take on apprentices and is known to help out fellow spellcasters.

DM Info

Stats: level 17, School of Divination

Guild Hall

This is a place where people can exchange currency, deposit funds, and trade goods. This hall is a branch of the one in Orrinshire so the accounts are connected

DM Info

The most prized possession of the hall is a magic tome which is linked to the one in Orrinshire.*


The Keep

The keep sits on a rise overlooking the harbor and is surrounded by Orrinshire. The keep is the home base of the Order of the Adventurer, as well as the home of the guild hall.

The Guild Hall

The guildhall is a fortified stone building in the keep. It is a place of commerce where many goods and services can be attained. There is a posting board here that commonly announces when groups are travelling so that they can hire guards and attract like minded travellers. The head of the guildhall is a Dwarf named Mordur Copperbelt. He is known for being able to procure needed items of uncommon rarity, for a fee of course. The guildhall is also the headquarters for The Mailed Hounds, a mercenary company that hires itself out to anyone who needs soldiers or guards. They are known for competence and loyalty as well as cruelty and suspiciousness.

The Scarlet Lion Inn

The Scarlet Lion is an inn and tavern in Orrinshire that mostly caters to locals. Its proximity to the keep makes it a favorite spot for faction members and guild hall workers. The owner is a congenial man named Otis who runs the place with his wife, Meredith, and daughter, Giselle. The inn’s signature drink is a strong dark barley beer. A recipe that Otis claims his family got from a Dwarven prince hundreds of years ago. He calls it Iron Stout.

The Temple

Spread throughout Orrinshire are shrines to most of the old gods. The main temple, devoted to Camara, Eytharis, and Raion, is located within the walls of the keep. A large priest named Father Humber runs the temple. There are two other acolytes; Brother Favoril, a half-elf priest of Raion, and Sister Eliza, a follower of Camara.


About one day's walk north-northwest of Orrinshire is a cluster of small hamlets collectively know as Strongmill. Central to the cluster on the Hobart river is a fortified stone mill built during the reign of Avaland. This building is a safe haven for all of the residents as well as a place for travellers to rest. There is a very old and somewhat addled man called Father Ferryman that lives in the Western Hamlet. Father Ferryman can be a good source of historical information about the region, although many of his stories are apocryphal.

The Hamlet of Elderge

One days ride west of Strongmill is the hamlet of Elderge; named for the once great manor that now stands in ruins a short ways away. The small village consists of mostly human farmers. The only public building in a fortified longhouse that used to be the barracks of the lord's guards. Now it is used as a gathering place and a chance for shelter in the case of danger. Elderge is overseen by an alderman named Joseph.

Other Places

The Plateau

The plateau is a large relatively flat area near the edge of the eastern continent.To the north west is the dwarven kingdom of Ironholt whose gates have been long closed. The eastern border of the plateau is a great escarpment; a cliff nearly eight hundred feet high known as the Steilhang. Since the fall of civilization, the plateau has become a dangerous place overrun with orcs, goblins, giants, and other villains. There is very little people here.


There are two major rivers in the world. The northern one which comes and goes from the Lapis Lake is called the Loire river. The southern one comes from the Iorn Mountians is called the Iorn River for that reason.

The Wizard Tower

A massive Tower surrounded by fog so dense you cannot see more than 10 feet in front of you, the tower has a circumfrence of more than 1 mile. Inscribed on the doorway reads in Imperium: Those who have the ring of love may come and go freely, those who do not will suffer forever The tower is said to have been created by the Imperium High mage in the golden age of the empire. Roomers say that the wizard was a secret practioner of the dark arts.


This is the banshee of elven mistress of the High Mage. She was abused, and finally murdered by him. The rage she felt in the last moments of her life left her imprint in the village where her people once lived, located in the black forest.

Skelington the Skeleton Merchant

this skeleton is the merchant who's main clientelle is dungeon crawlling adventures, he has an army of skeleton rats who steal goods for his store.

DM Info

The skeleton is actually a group of skeletons controlled by the same being. I don't know what it is yet though

DM Info

The Steward of The Imperium Empire still exists, ploting to resurrect the Empire. The line of stewards made a deal with a demon lord to gain control of Empire's Fallen Solders as zombies, skelletons, and other undead. Along with being able to control goblinoids. The Steward also has a ritual using Blood Magic to sap others life force and consume it to remain young until he can pass the title to his son.


The Ragnvald Gate

This immense set of stone doors are each one hundred feet tall, thirty feet wide and set into the side of a mountain. They are flanked by hundred and fifty foot tall statues of dwarven warriors with their axes at the ready. Over the doors is the symbol of the great dwarven kingdom of Ironholt, an anvil split by lightning. The gate has been closed for over eight hundred years. All of the dwarves in the area can trace their lineage back to the ones stranded when the gate was closed.

Other towns and Places

Port of the Loire river. This port reguarly ships goods between Orrinshire and Lakeview. there is no town nearby and the workers sleep at the port.

Farms. Most of the farms are located along the rivers and lake. They have small villages with no more than 50 people. They are sperated by distances of 30 miles or more

The East. Most People have never heard of the eastern kingdom and others who have think it is just a legend. little is known other than a few old maps and books. The language of the east is lost to time.a few accounts say that the men of the east are home to powerful wizards who enchant staves of wood and metal to spew fire and metal from their ends.

DM Note

The Eastern Kindom is home of planes that have little in the ways of fertility except for the city state that is the capitol to the kingdom. Most easterners are herders or other nomads. The kingdom is advanced to the steam age and uses magic with machines to make awesome steampunk inventions. they also have mastered gunpowder, however use only muskets with no cannons. the muskets are only slightly more powerful than heavy crossbows so armour is still worn by the worriors. The Easterners worship the primordial gods. Only few Easterners use Common; it is seen as a court language, or a scholarly one. Many manuscrips are written in common so the westerners can read it, but it is written in a very old style. to read it one must make a DC 15 Int check(history) to read it.

Map Of Orrinshire

Map Of Lakeview



The race of Dragonborn was created by the Mother of Dragons with the goal of expanding her glory and subjugating the other races. At the beginning, the Dragonborn were a strong and unified race. Their small empire quickly expanded, conquering much the eastern continent. Eventually they came into conflict with the human empire of Imperium. All that remains of the empire are ancient ruins and catacombs. There is no Dragonborn state or country. Most live in small groups near human or Dwarven settlements. There are several groups that travel around, selling their services as mercenaries.


The Dragonborn have but one deity, The Mother of Dragons who only patrons the Dragonborn. Her clerics may use any divine domain


For the most part, the dwarves were unaffected by the fall of civilization. In the wake of the destruction there arose a leader who was able to unite the majority of the dwarven kingdoms under one banner. The new dwarven hegemony attempted to bring peace and order to the shattered continent and met with some success. For 500 years much of the area prospered before the old dwarven kingdoms suddenly sealed their borders, abandoning dwarves and non-dwarves alike. A few of the kingdoms disappeared, their halls now empty or overrun with monsters. After a few hundred years, some of the kingdoms reopened their mountain homes, but never spoke of what happened. There are still kingdoms that have their gates sealed to this day, isolating themselves from the outside world. Most of the dwarf kingdoms are in the mountians west of the Great Plateau but some kingdom have been made in the Great Devide


The Dwarves do not worship a set of deities. Instead they have developed a complex system of ancestor worship where the spirits of dwarves that have passed are beseeched to act as agents of the living. Dwarven priests can take any domain.

Factions of the Dwarves

The Stoneshield Brotherhood

The stoneshield brotherhood is an organization of dwarven Paladins and Bards devoted to the preservation of Dwarf culture. They consider themselves the first line of defense against the enemies of the Dwarves. Since the closing of the Ragnvald Gate access to this brotherhood’s main hall has been lost. Nothing but a few small chapter houses remained hidden and scattered over the land. Over time, the last remaining members of the Stoneshields died, leaving few who have even heard of it.


Elves are capricious in nature. They have existed for thousands of years, but never managed to form a large civilization. Many elves leave their home in order to discover the world; returning later to pursue some other interest. many even settle with other races.

The most common type of elf encountered by Humans is a High Elf. Those from the area of the plateau area are principally from the Kingdom of Thalanil, but others from far away lands are not unheard of. The elves of Thalanil are excellent practitioners of arcane magic and their society produces powerful mages.

Less common than High Elves are Wood Elves. These elves live together in small tribes deep within foreboding forests. Most Wood Elves do not like other races and rarely venture forth from their homes. They are fiercely territorial and consider any uninvited creatures encroaching into their domain as invaders that must be dealt with. All of the wood elves from the Plateau area are native to the Black Forest. Wood elves make excellent Druids.

Pantheon of Elves

All elves revere the same pantheon of deities. While they acknowledge the existence and divinity of their gods, Wood Elves clerics are rare. Their society tends more towards druidism. Moreover, High Elves tend to have Druids and Clerics in equal number.

Amaranthae, Lady of Light

  • Light
  • Life

Belstram, Lady of the Forest

  • Nature
  • Tempest

Elbereth, Lord of Magic

  • Knowledge
  • Light

Lashrael, the Deceiver

  • Trickery

Malgreth, the Destroyer

  • Death
  • War

Rothomir, the Protector

  • War
  • Tempest


Little is known about the origins of the Gnomes. Small gnome villages sprinkle the land.


Half-Elves are uncommon in the area. In some areas, like Orrinshire and Lakeview, there is little prejudice against them. However, in some of the outlying towns and villages they will be looked upon with suspicion.


Halflings are a common site in most of the world. They rarely settle in one place for long, preferring to travel between locations in groups or clans. They are excellent craftsmen in softer materials such as wood, leather, and cloth. Halfling clans that travel the rivers and lakes are excellent fishermen. Many halflings are excellent brewers as well; Halfling brewed stouts are considered some of the finest in the world.

Halfling communities are often good sources of information about the goings on in other towns and cities


Half-orcs are looked upon with pity (at best) or scorn. In some of the bigger towns, there business is accommodated, however, in many places they are shunned and unwanted.

Half-orcs tend to gather into small communities on the very edges of civilization or in the dankest slums of the large cities.


The Primordial Gods

The Primordial Gods have been worshiped by men since the dawn age, but few still do. Clerics of the primordials do not revere one over any other. They are worshipped as a pantheon. These clerics may have any divine domain except knowledge

  • Zuphlas - Earth Goddess
  • Cael - Sky God
  • Laila - Ocean Goddess
  • Sorath - Sun God
  • Javan - Moon Goddess
  • Phanuel - Death Goddess

    The Old Gods

    The Old Gods came to be worshipped by the Imperium. No one knows how it started or how it was accepted so rapidly. They are still the predominant religion in much of the world. Priests of the Old Gods choose a patron from which to draw their divine inspiration, however, the existence of all the gods is acknowledged and prayers are offered to all for their grace.

Abbadon, Lord of Tyranny and Domination

  • Knowledge
  • Trickery

Camara, God of Life and Hearth

  • Life

The Dusk Queen, The Goddess of Death and Fate

  • Knowledge
  • Death

Eytharis, God of Civilization

  • War
  • Light

Kyfesis, God of War and Strife

  • War
  • Death

Malak, God of the Underdark, The King that Crawls

  • Trickery
  • War

Melendise, Goddess of the Wilderness and the Sea

  • Nature
  • Tempest

Neprena, Goddess of Luck and Change

  • Trickery

Ohm, God of Knowledge and Prophecy

  • Knowledge

Raion, The Sun God and Keeper of Time

  • Light

Roland, The Storm Lord and God of Battle

  • War
  • Tempest

Sinhylde, Goddess of the Moon and Trickery

  • Light
  • Trickery

Thestroteus, The Chained God, Elder Elemental Eye

  • Death
  • War

Vhothun, God of Secrets and Undeath

  • Death
  • Knowledge

Zozirk, God of Darkness, Poison, and Assassins

  • Trickery

The New Gods

No one knows the origin of the new gods. The first recorded worship of them was as a cult from some city far to the north. Prophets of the new gods began travelling to other areas, especially those that are downtrodden and poor, to convert others to the 'One True Religion'. While most of the missionaries are benign, some few have taken a more militaristic approach.

There does not seem to be any central authority within the faith. Each flock attempts to interpret the teachings of the gods in their own way. This has led to clashes over ideology among followers. The one thing that all of the faithful agree on is that the teachings are incomplete and that they do not cover all aspects of life.

The new gods do not have names. They are known only by their titles.

  • Lord of Blades

  • Lord of Whispers

  • Lady of Scales

  • Lady of Strife

Cleric of the New Gods do not revere any single one of them. They grant their divine power as a whole. Available Divine domains are...

  • Knowledge
  • Trickery
  • War


In the previous age, the High Dwarf Mage created a servitor race, The Warforged. After the fall of the Civilization most of the warforged were either destroyed or deactivated. Rarely an intact Warforged body is discovered in some long forgotten location.

If you play a Warforged your character was somehow reactivated recently. Although they are constructs, they have much in common with living creatures, including emotions and social bonds, and perhaps even souls.


Having been created by dwarves, warforged that do practice religion tend to worship the dwarf that made them, the old High Mage. Warforged clerics may revere any of the domains.



A warforged has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 1.

Size. Warforged are generally broader and heavier than humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Composite Plating. Your construction incorporates wood and metal, granting you a +1 bonus to Armor

Class. Living Construct. Even though you were constructed, you are a living creature. You are immune to disease. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice (most likely Imperium or Dwarvish).


many of the factions that existed in the world are all but dead, with very few followers with the exception of the Order of the Adventurer

Order of the Adventurer

The Order of the Adventurer is a faction dedicated to helping the adventurer. The order will help new adventurers learn basic skills,find parties, and give aid when needed. The faction is supported by more experienced members. The philosophy is that the debt for the help given when you start is repaid by teaching, donating, and promoting the faction to the next generation of adventurers later on.


Your party is a newly formed one by the Order. You will have your current background but also the background of faction agent. this is also the story of how your party formed. Consider this for your backstory.

DM Note - The Order

The order is a shadowy organisation who influenses the world in the background. They have spies and assasins everywhere

Game Variants and House Rules


Ability Scores

Use the default array;

15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8



Dark Elves (Drow) are not available. Drow are all villains


Variant Human Traits (PHB pg. 31) are available.

Damage and Healing

Dropping to 0 HP Whenever a character drops to 0 HP they gained a level of exhaustion. This exhaustion can be removed through normal means.


Wizard Spells Leomand’s Tiny Hut: This spell cannot be cast as a ritual


Multiclassing for characters is allowed on a case-by case basis only.


Oath of the Ancestors

Tenants of the Ancestors

The tenants of the Oath of the Ancestors were originally laid down by the Dwarves, but other cultures have adapted the methods. Sometimes called defenders, or sentinels, or Stoneshields, dwarves who take this oath strive to protect the members of their culture as well as reclaim sacred ancestral sites.

Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.

Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.

Knowledge. Preserve the stories, songs, and traditions of your culture. Do not allow the sacred sites of your forbears to fall into disrepair or neglect.

Vigilance. Be eternally watchful against the foes of your people. Suffer not your ancestral enemies.

Oath Spells

You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.

Oath of Ancestors Spells
Paladin Level Spells
3rd alarm, shield of faith
5th spiritual weapon, magic weapon
9th crusader's mantle, protection from energy
13th stoneskin, guardian of faith
17th legend lore, wall of stone

Channel Divinity

Elemental Weapon. As an action, you can imbue one melee weapon that you are holding with elemental energy, using your Channel Divinity. Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. For 1 minute, hits with this weapon do the selected kind of elemental damage plus additional elemental damage equal to your Charisma modifier (with a minimum bonus of +1). The weapon also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. If the weapon is not already magical, it becomes magical for the duration. You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. If you are no longer holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.

Abjure the Ancient Enemies. You can use your Channel Divinity to utter ancient words that are painful for elementals and fiends to hear. As an action, you present your holy symbol, and each elemental or fiend within 30 feet of you that can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.

A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet o f you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

Unyielding Sentinel

Beginning at 7th level, you gain the following benefits. When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature’s speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. Creatures within 5 feet of you provoke opportunity attacks from you even if they take the Disengage action before leaving your reach.

When a creature within 5 feet of you makes an attack against a target other than you (and that target doesn’t have this ability or the Sentinel feat), you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.

Undying Sentinel

Starting at 15th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points and are not killed outright, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. Additionally, you suffer none of the drawbacks of old age, and you can’t be aged magically.

Living Ancestor

At 20th level, as an action, you can summon a legion of spirits of your ancestors to surround you and do battle for 1 minute. For the duration you are considered to be standing in every spot within 15' of you with regards to your weapon, spell, and opportunity attacks. Therefore, if an enemy moves while within 15' of you it will provoke an opportunity attack. Additionally, you make make your melee attacks against anyone within 15' plus your reach of your current position. Any creature making a ranged attack while within 15' of you suffers disadvantage. Any friend within 15' can take advantage of options gained by being near you. Additionally, you have a number of reactions equal to your Charisma modifier. Any reactions over and above your normal amount can only be used for opportunity attacks or to trigger your Unyielding Sentinel class feature. You can only use one reaction per turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


The Ranger Revised from Unearthed Arcana is available in lieu of the PHB ranger if desired.


The Wild Magic sorcerous origin is not available. Frankly, this is too much work for the Dungeon Master.


Death Curse

When you die, you can summon your last energy into a final spell of destruction - cast the spell POWER WORD KILL. This is effective at any level. You must have died without going unconsious. This means that you must be reduced to negative half your hit points in one blow