Circle of the Thorned Grove

Space reserved, flavor text will be expanded once the mechanics are hammered out.

The Circle of the Thorned Grove consists of those who seek to keep intruders away from the hidden copses of sacred forests. They influence the flora around them to aid in combating those who may seek to do harm to the woodlands and its inhabitants. While most who follow this Circle claim a particular grove as their homelands to guard, some take to the path to ensure the sanctity of plantlife the world over.

Circle of the Grove
Level Features
2nd Verdant Scourge, Spells of the Grove
6th Thorned Grapnel, Florid Speech
10th Mystic Flora
14th Sanguine Grove

Verdant Scourge

When you select this Circle at 2nd level, you learn the cantrip thorn whip. If you already know it, you instead learn another Druid cantrip of your choice. When you cast thorn whip you gain these following benefits:

  • You add your Wisdom modifier to the spell's damage.
  • You can move the target in a direction of your choice instead of merely pulling them. While the target can be slid off of a surface, a creature cannot be moved upward off a surface unless they are already flying.
  • You can choose to target an object in range instead of a creature. Doing so is similar to attacking a creature in that damage is dealt as normal and an object that is Large or smaller can be moved.
  • When successfully hitting a target that is Huge or larger, you can pull yourself towards the target an amount equal to the forced movement associated with the spell. This movement does provoke opportunity attacks.

Spells of the Grove

Your mystical connection to plantlife infuses you with the ability to cast certain spells. You gain access to additional spells at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level. Once you gain access to a spell of the grove, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.

Spells of the Grove
Druid Level Spells
2nd entangle, ensnaring strike
3rd barkskin, spike growth
5th conjure animals ※※, plant growth
7th evard's black tentacles ※※※, grasping vine
9th commune with nature, tree stride

※ This ability can be triggered by hitting a creature with thorn strike in addition to a weapon attack.

※※ The creatures you summon take on the appearance of animated plants and are considered as plant instead of fey.

※※※ This spell summons lashing vines instead of tentacles.

Thorned Grapnel

By the 6th level, your mastery over thorn whip has grown to more thoroughly grip targets. When you cast thorn whip, you gain these following benefits:

  • The forced movement associated with the spell is now 15 feet instead of 10.
  • You can choose to target a point on a fixed surface in range instead of a creature or an object. When doing so, you can choose to pull yourself towards the point a number of feet equal to twice the forced movement of the spell. This movement does provoke opportunity attacks.
  • After the spell's effects are finished, you can choose to leave behind a strong rope-like vine that extends up to 30 feet and stretches between you and the target. If you targeted a surface, it latches to the surface end and may serve as a climbing rope.

Florid Speech

Once you reach the 6th level, your connection with nature has allowed you to communicate with the plantlife around you. Plants within 30 feet of you gain the ability to communicate simple concepts with you and understand your speech. You can question plants about events that have occurred nearby within the past day, gaining information about creatures that have passed, weather, and other circumstances. Only creatures with this feature can hear the plants.

Additionally, you can expend a use of Wild Shape in order to cast speak with plants.

Mystic Flora

Once you have reached the 10th level, you have reached an understanding how to truly weave intertwine your magic and your thorns.

Thorn whip can now be cast without any components. Additionally, it can be cast while you are using your Wild Shape feature.

You learn how to exhaust magical energy to further empower your spell. When you successfully hit with thorn whip, you can expend a spell slot and select one of the effects below. In addition to the effect, the damage of the spell becomes the damage type listed in the effect name and deals an additional 2d6 damage per spell level expended.

Envenomed Spines: Poison. The target must also make a Constitution saving throw. The save DC is equal to your spellcasting DC. On a failure, the target becomes poisoned until the end of your next turn.

Thirsting Thorns: Necrotic. You regain hit points equal to half the amount of additional damage dealt.

Caustic Sap: Acid. Any damage dice rolled as part of this attack are treated as a 4 if the result was a 1, 2, or 3.

Sanguine Grove

Upon reaching the 14th level, your control over your vines has grown truly terrifying.

The forced movement associated with thorn whip increases to 20 feet.

You have also learned to channel great amounts of primal energy to convert your surroundings into a verdant nightmare. As an action, you cast thorn whip targeting as many creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you. If you use your Mystic Flora feature in conjunction with this, you expend just one spell slot but enhance all castings of thorn whip associated with this feature. Surfaces within 30 feet of you become overgrown and are difficult terrain for creatures hostile to you. This overgrowth remains until cleared away.

Once you have used this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Art Credit: Edli Akolli, Freddy Lopez